



现代大学英语中级写作课程教案第一章:课程概述1.1 课程目标本课程旨在提高学生的英语写作能力,使之能够熟练运用英语进行表达和交流。


1.2 课程内容本课程将涵盖英语文章的各类体裁,包括叙述文、说明文、议论文等。


1.3 课程安排本课程共计30课时,每课时45分钟。


第二章:英语文章结构2.1 导言部分讲解导言部分的写作技巧,包括如何吸引读者的注意力,如何清晰地提出文章的主题等。

2.2 主体部分讲解主体部分的写作技巧,包括如何组织论点,如何使用恰当的例证和支持等。

2.3 结尾部分讲解结尾部分的写作技巧,包括如何总结文章的主要观点,如何给出结论等。

第三章:写作策略与技巧3.1 写作策略3.2 语言表达技巧讲解如何使用恰当的词汇和句式,如何进行句子的连接和过渡等。

3.3 修辞手法讲解如何使用修辞手法,如比喻、拟人、对比等,以增强文章的表现力。

第四章:同伴评审与自我修正4.1 同伴评审讲解如何进行同伴评审,包括如何给出建设性的反馈,如何从同伴的作文中学习等。

4.2 自我修正讲解如何进行自我修正,包括如何识别和改正自己的写作错误,如何提高自己的写作能力等。

第五章:写作实践与案例分析5.1 写作实践布置写作任务,让学生进行实际的写作练习,培养他们的写作能力。

5.2 案例分析选取优秀的作文案例进行分析,让学生了解优秀的写作特点,从而提高自己的写作水平。

第六章:叙述文写作6.1 叙述文特点讲解叙述文的基本特点,包括时间顺序、人物、情节等。

6.2 叙述文写作技巧讲解如何构建吸引人的叙述文,包括如何创造生动的人物形象,如何设置紧张的情节等。

6.3 案例分析与写作实践分析优秀叙述文案例,学习其写作技巧。



教学目标:1. 培养学生英语写作的基本技能,提高写作水平。

2. 帮助学生掌握英语写作的基本结构和常用表达方式。

3. 培养学生的逻辑思维和语言表达能力。

教学重点:1. 英语写作的基本结构和常用表达方式。

2. 英语写作的修辞手法和句子结构。

3. 英语写作的审题和构思。

教学难点:1. 英语写作的审题和构思。

2. 英语写作的修辞手法和句子结构。

教学准备:1. 教学课件。

2. 教材。

3. 写作练习材料。

教学过程:一、导入1. 通过提问或讨论,让学生了解英语写作的重要性。

2. 介绍英语写作的基本结构和常用表达方式。

二、讲解1. 讲解英语写作的基本结构,包括引言、正文和结尾。

2. 讲解英语写作的常用表达方式,如:并列句、复合句、倒装句等。

3. 讲解英语写作的修辞手法,如:比喻、拟人、夸张等。

4. 讲解英语写作的句子结构,如:简单句、并列句、复合句等。

三、练习1. 让学生根据教材内容,完成一篇英语短文。

2. 引导学生运用所学知识和技巧,提高写作水平。

四、点评1. 对学生的写作进行点评,指出优点和不足。

2. 针对学生的不足,提出改进建议。

五、总结1. 总结本节课的重点内容,让学生回顾所学知识。

2. 强调英语写作的重要性,鼓励学生多加练习。


在教学过程中,要注意以下几点:1. 注重学生的个体差异,因材施教。

2. 鼓励学生多加练习,提高写作能力。

3. 注重培养学生的逻辑思维和语言表达能力。

4. 及时反馈,帮助学生改进不足。

课后作业:1. 完成教材中的写作练习。

2. 针对课后作业,进行反思和总结。



中级英语写作2课程教学大纲课程英文名称:Intermediate English Writing (2)课程编号:0400522 学分:2 学时:32一、课程教学对象本课程教学对象为英语专业(商务英语、翻译方向和师范类)本科二年级第二学期的学生。






三、对先修知识的要求本课程的先修课程为《 中级英语写作-1》, 综合英语1-3》、 泛读1-3》,学生掌握基本语法知识和约4000个左右最常见的词汇,具有初步的书面表达能力。

四、课程的主要内容、基本要求和学时分配建议(总学时数: 32 )五、建议使用教材及参考书建议使用教材:丁往道,2006,英语写作基础教程《(第二版)[M]. 北京:高等教育出版社。

参考书目:[1] 吕熙,2004,实用英语修辞[M]。


[2] 张玉娟、陈春田,2006,新世纪实用英语写作[M]。


[3] 谭外元,2004,英文写作新编[M]。


[4] 许健健,2006,《大学英语短文写作200篇》。


[5] 张世耘,2005,英语交际实用写作[M]。


[6] 邹申,2005,写作教程《(第二册)[M]。





课程目标:1. 提高学生的英语写作能力,使其能够独立完成各类英语写作任务。

2. 培养学生的逻辑思维和批判性思维能力,提高写作的条理性和连贯性。

3. 增强学生的词汇和语法知识,丰富写作内容。

4. 培养学生的英语写作兴趣,激发其学习热情。

课程内容:一、课程导入1. 回顾上节课所学内容,检查学生对英语写作基本知识的掌握情况。

2. 引导学生思考英语写作的重要性,激发学习兴趣。

二、课堂讲解1. 介绍英语写作的基本要素:引言、正文、结论。

2. 讲解各类英语写作体裁:议论文、说明文、记叙文、应用文等。

3. 分析各类写作体裁的写作技巧和注意事项。

4. 介绍常用的写作方法和技巧,如:主题句、支持句、过渡句等。

三、课堂练习1. 学生根据所学知识,独立完成一篇英语写作练习。

2. 教师对学生的写作进行点评,指出优点和不足。

3. 学生互相批改作文,学习借鉴他人的写作优点。

四、课堂讨论1. 学生分组讨论英语写作中常见的问题和解决方法。

2. 各组代表分享讨论成果,全班共同学习。

五、课后作业1. 学生根据课堂所学,完成一篇英语写作作业。

2. 作业要求:字数不少于300字,体裁自选。

教学步骤:1. 导入新课,回顾上节课所学内容。

2. 课堂讲解,介绍英语写作的基本要素和各类写作体裁。

3. 课堂练习,让学生独立完成写作练习。

4. 课堂讨论,引导学生分享讨论成果。

5. 布置课后作业,巩固所学知识。

教学评价:1. 课堂表现:观察学生在课堂上的参与程度,评价其学习态度。

2. 写作作业:检查学生的写作水平,评价其写作能力。

3. 课堂讨论:评估学生在讨论中的表现,评价其思维能力和表达能力。

教学资源:1. 教材:选用适合大学生英语写作的教材。

2. 网络资源:利用网络平台,查找相关写作技巧和范文。

3. 写作练习册:为学生提供丰富的写作练习素材。

教学时间:1. 课堂讲解:40分钟2. 课堂练习:20分钟3. 课堂讨论:10分钟4. 课后作业:课后完成教学注意事项:1. 注重学生的个体差异,因材施教。



课程名称:大学英语写作授课对象:大学英语一年级学生授课时间:2课时教学目标:1. 使学生掌握英语写作的基本技巧和结构。

2. 培养学生的英语写作兴趣,提高写作能力。

3. 帮助学生了解英语国家文化,拓宽视野。

教学重点:1. 英语写作的基本技巧和结构。

2. 常见英语写作类型的写作方法。

教学难点:1. 如何运用恰当的词汇和句型。

2. 如何合理安排文章结构,使文章条理清晰。

教学内容:一、课堂导入1. 通过提问的方式,引导学生回顾已学过的英语写作知识。

2. 播放一段英语国家文化视频,激发学生的兴趣。

二、英语写作技巧讲解1. 写作前的准备:确定主题、收集素材、列出提纲。

2. 词汇和句型的运用:恰当的词汇、多样的句式、正确的语法。

3. 文章结构:引言、正文、结论。

三、写作实践1. 分组讨论:每组选取一个话题,共同讨论写作提纲。

2. 指导学生进行写作练习,强调写作技巧的运用。

四、课堂小结1. 回顾本节课所学内容,强调写作技巧的重要性。

2. 鼓励学生在课后多加练习,提高写作水平。

教学步骤:第一课时:1. 课堂导入(10分钟)- 提问:同学们,你们在英语写作中遇到过哪些困难?- 播放英语国家文化视频,激发兴趣。

2. 英语写作技巧讲解(20分钟)- 写作前的准备:确定主题、收集素材、列出提纲。

- 词汇和句型的运用:恰当的词汇、多样的句式、正确的语法。

- 文章结构:引言、正文、结论。

3. 写作实践(20分钟)- 分组讨论:每组选取一个话题,共同讨论写作提纲。

- 指导学生进行写作练习,强调写作技巧的运用。

第二课时:1. 课堂小结(10分钟)- 回顾本节课所学内容,强调写作技巧的重要性。

- 鼓励学生在课后多加练习,提高写作水平。

2. 学生展示(20分钟)- 学生自愿展示自己的写作成果,其他同学给予评价和反馈。

- 教师针对学生的写作成果进行点评和指导。

3. 课后作业布置(10分钟)- 学生根据本节课所学内容,完成一篇英语作文。



Authenticity: The method emphasizes the importance of writing authentic texts that are relevant to learners' interests and experiences. It encourages learners to connect their personal experiences and knowledge to the content they are writing about.
Students who are intermediate English language learners and want to improve their writing ability in English.
Students who need to write in English for academic or professional purposes.
Enhance students' language comprehension
By analyzing and writing about different topics, students will improve their understanding of English grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure.
Focus on Practicality
Ensure that the course content is practical and useful for learners in their daily lives or for future academic or career pursuits.



《现代大学英语中级写作》,徐克容,外语教学与研究出版社英语写作中级(上)课程教案I 授课题目:Unit One We Learn As We Grow一、教学目的、要求:(一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of exemplication:→ Definition→ Kinds of examples→ Sources of examples2、To learn to outline expositive essays知识点:→ The definition and introduction of exposition and essay.→Exposition is explanatory writing. It’s purpose is to explain or clarify a point.→ An essay is a related group of paragraphs written for some purpose(二)熟悉:→ Practice the basics of exemplification→ Practice outlining知识点:→Patterns of exposition, the choice of examples, the choice of appropriate examples, the organization of an exemplification essay:→Types of essays, basic structures of an expositive essay, elements of the expositive essay→ Types of outline, rules concerning outline(三)了解:→Patterns of exposition, types of essays, types of outlineprocess analysis, cause-effect analysis, Comparison and contrast, classification,definition and analogy,narrative essays, descriptive essays, expositive essaysand argumentative essays二、教学重点及难点:重点:Exemplification,types of outline;难点:Sentence outline and topic outline三、课时安排:共4课时四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解五、教学基本内容第一課Exemplification第一課Elements of the Essay: Outlining六、参考书目:《英语写作手册》,《美国大学英语写作》七、作业和思考题:第一次:Read on the subject and write an example paper of 200-250 words on the given topic. 第二次:Read on the subject and write an essay of 200-250 words on the given topic, using eithera single extended example or two or three short ones to develop your thesis statement. 第三次:Ask students to practice outlining八、课后小结:Emphasis on the writing procedure→Prewriting-choosing a topic and exploring ideas→Drafting: getting your ideas on paper→Revising: strengthening your essay→Editing and proofreading: eliminating technical errorsII授课题目:Unit Two I Made It一、教学目的、要求:(一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of process analysis→ Definition→ Uses→ Types→ Methods2、To learn to write thesis statement知识点:→ The definiton and introduction of process analysis→ The function of process analysis→ The differences between thesis statement vs. topic sentence(二)熟悉:→ The areas the process analysis is usually used.知识点: → Functions of process analysis:giving instructions, giving information and giving the history→Major types of process analysis: directive analysis, informative process analysis→Writing an effective thesis statement(三)了解:The basics of process writing and thesis statement二、教学重点及难点:重点:Organization of a process paper, practice of effective thesis statement;难点:Guidelines on process analysis, writing effective thesis ststement三、课时安排:共4课时四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解五、教学基本内容第二課Process Analysis第二課Elements of the essay: The Thesis Statement六、参考书目:《英语写作手册》,《美国大学英语写作》七、作业和思考题:第一次:Read on the subject and write an informative process paper describing how you succeeded in doing something第二次:Read on the subject and write a directive process paper telling first-year students how to adjust to life at college.第三次:Ask students to practise writing the thesis statement八、课后小结:Emphasis on the writing procedure→ Prewriting-chossing a topic and exploring ideas→Drafting:getting your ideas on paper→Revising: strengthening your essay→Editing and proofreading: eliminating technical errors授课题目:Unit Three College Is Not a Paradise一、教学目的、要求:(一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of Cause-Effect analysis→ Definition→ Uses→ Patterns2、To learn to write an introduction to expositive essays→ What to include in the introduction→ How to write effective introduction知识点:→ The definiton and introduction of cause-effect analysis→ The function of cause-effect analysis→ The writing of effective introduction(二)熟悉:→ The functions and areas the cause-effect analysis is usually used.知识点: → Functions of cause-effect analysis: explaining why certain things happen, analyzing what will happen as a result→Major types of cause-effect analysis: focusing on cause and focusing on effects,→How to start and write effective introduction(三)了解:the basics of cause-effect analysis and writing effective introduction二、教学重点及难点:重点:How to focus on cause or effects, How to start and write effective introduction;难点:How to focus on cause or effects, How to start and write effective introduction三、课时安排:共4课时四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解五、教学基本内容第三課Cause-Effect Analysis第三課Parts of the essay: The Introduction六、参考书目:《英语写作手册》,《美国大学英语写作》七、作业和思考题:第一次:Read on the subject and write an essay on any of the given topics analyzing cause.第二次:Read on the subject and write, from your own experience, an essay analyzing the effects of anthing taught in class.第三次:Ask students to practise writing the introduction八、课后小结:Emphasis on the writing procedure→ Prewriting- chossing a topic and exploring ideas→Drafting: getting your ideas on paper→Revising: strengthening your essay→Editing and proofreading: eliminating technical errors授课题目:Four What Makes the Differences一、教学目的、要求:(一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of Comparison and Contrast→ Definition→ Uses→ Patterns→ Methods2、To learn to develop the body of expositive essays→ What its structure looks like?→ What it includes知识点:→ The definiton and introduction of Comparison and Contrast→ The function of cause-effect analysis→ The writing of effective introduction(二)熟悉:→ The functions and areas the comparison/contrast is usually used., the general structure of the body of an essay知识点: →Functions of comparison/contrast: clarifying something unknown, bringing one or both of the subject into sharper shape→Three patterns of comparison/contrast: subject by subject, point by point, mixed sequence→Familiarity of the general structure of the body of an essay(三)了解:The basics of Comparison and Contrast and the general structure of the body of an essay二、教学重点及难点:重点:Three patterns of comparison/contrast: subject by subject, point by point, mixed sequence General structure of the body: Beginning, Body and End难点:How to organize a comparison/contrast essay, How to develop body paragraphs三、课时安排:共4课时四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解五、教学基本内容第四課Comparison/Contrast第四課Parts of the essay: The Body六、参考书目:《英语写作手册》,《美国大学英语写作》七、作业和思考题:第一次:Read on the subject and write a subject-by-subject essay of comparison/contraston any of the given topics第二次:Read on the subject and write a point -by-point essay of comparison/contraston any of the given topics第三次:Ask students to practise writing the body of the essay八、课后小结:Emphasis on the writing procedure→ Prewriting-chossing a topic and exploring ideas→Drafting:getting your ideas on paper→Revising: strengthening your essay→Editing and proofreading: eliminating technical errors授课题目:Unit Five It Takes All Sorts to Make a World一、教学目的、要求:(一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of Classification→ Definition→ Uses→ Methods2、To learn to write the conclusion of expositive essays→ What is classification?→ What is classification used for?知识点:→ The definiton and introduction of classification→ The function of classification→ The writing of effective classification(二)熟悉:→ The functions and areas the classification is usually used., the conclusion of expositive essays知识点: → Functions of classification:To organize and perceive the world around usTo present a mass of material by means of some orderly systemTo deal with complex or abstract topics by breaking a broad subject into smaller,neatly sorted categories.→The general pattern of classification→sentence patterns in classification→Familiarity of the the conclusion of expositive essays(三)了解:The functions and areas the classification is usually used., the conclusion of expositive essays二、教学重点及难点:重点:some sentence patterns in classificationthe conclusion of expositive essays难点:Parts of the conclusion: a summary of the main points, or restatements of your thesis in different work.三、课时安排:共4课时四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解五、教学基本内容第五課classification第五課Parts of the essay: The conclusion六、参考书目:《英语写作手册》,《美国大学英语写作》七、作业和思考题:第一次:Read on the subject and write a classification essay on any of the given topics第二次:Write an essay of 200-250 words on any of the given topics.第三次:Ask students to practise writing the conclusion of the essay八、课后小结:Emphasis on the writing procedure→ Prewriting-chossing a topic and exploring ideas→Drafting:getting your ideas on paper→Revising: strengthening your essay→Editing and proofreading: eliminating technical errors授课题目:Unit Six What Does It Mean一、教学目的、要求:(一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of Definition→ Definition→ Types→ Methods of Organization2、To learn to write the title of expositive essays→ What is definiton→ Types of definition知识点:→ The Standard /Formal Definition→ The Connotative/Personal Definition→ The Extended Definition(二)熟悉:→ The functions and areas the definition is usually used., the title of expositive essays知识点: →Functions and patterns of definition:→ The Standard /Formal Definition is used to explain a term or concept your audience or reader may not know or understand,→The Connotative/Personal Definition is used to explain any word or concept that doesn’t have the same meaning for everyone.→The Extended Definition is used to explore a topic by examining its various meanings and implications.(三)了解:How to write an extended definitionHow to organize an extended essay二、教学重点及难点:重点:Functions and patterns of definitionHow to write an extended definitionHow to write the title of an expositive essay难点:How to organize an extended essayHow to write the title of an expositive essay三、课时安排:共4课时四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解五、教学基本内容第六課definition第六課Parts of the essay: The Title六、参考书目:《英语写作手册》,《美国大学英语写作》七、作业和思考题:第一次:Read on the subject and write a definition essay on any of the given topics 第二次:Write an essay of 200-250 words on any of the given topics.第三次:Ask students to practise writing the title of the essay八、课后小结:Emphasis on the writing procedure→ Prewriting- choosing a topic and exploring ideas→Drafting: getting your ideas on paper→Revising: strengthening your essay→Editing and proofreading: eliminating technical errorsUnit Six Task One DefinitionI What is definition?In talking with other people, we sometimes offer informal definitions to explain just what we mean by a particular term. That is, to avoid confusion or misunderstanding, we have to define aword, term, or concept which is unfamiliar to most readers or open to various interpretations.Suppose, for example, we say to a friend:”Forrest is really an inconsiderate person.”We might then explain what we mean by “ inconsiderate” by saying, “He borrowed my accounting book overnight but didn’t return it for a week. And when I got it back, it was covered with coffee stains.Definition is the explanation of the meaning of a word or concept, and it is also a method of developing an essay.II. The ways to define a word or termThere are three basic ways to define a word or termA. To give a synonym For example: ‘ To mend is to repair.”Or “ A fellow is a man or aboy.”B. To use a sentence (often with an attributive clause) For example, ink may be define in asentence: “Ink is colored water which we use for writing.”C. To write a paragraph or even an essay But a synonymy or a sentence cannot give asatisfactory definition of an abstract term whose meaning is complex. We have to write a paragraph or an essay with examples or negative examples (what the term does not mean), with analogies or comparisons, with classification or cause-effect analysis.III. When we give a definition, we should observe certain principles:1.First, we should avoid circular definitions. “Democracy is the democratic process.”And“astronomer is one who studies astronomy” are circular definition.2.Second, we should avoid long lists of synonyms if the term to be defined is an abstract one.For example: By imagination, I mean the power to form mental images of objects, the power to form new ideas, the gift of employing images in writing, and the tendency to attribute reality to unreal things, situations and states.(picking up words, expressions from a dictionary , in the hope that one will hit)3.Third, we should avoid loaded definition, Loaded definitions do not explain terms but makean immediate appeal for emotional approval.A definition like:’ By state enterprise, I mean high cost and poor efficiency.” is loaded withpejorative emotional connotation. Conversely, “ By state enterprise, I mean one of the great blessing of democratic planning”is loaded with favorable emotional connotation. Such judgements can be vigorious to a discussion, but they lead to argument, not clarification, when offered as definition.IV. Types of definition1.Standard/ Formal definition---denotation is a word’s core, direct, and literal meaning.2.Connotative/Personal meaning---Explains what you mean by a certain term or concept thatcould have different meanings for others.On the other hand, connotation is the implied, suggested meaning of a word; it refers to the emotional response stimulated by associations the word carries with it.A.For Americans, Water gate is associated with a political scandal that means dishonesty.And more words are created with the suffix—gate to mean some scandal in English now, thus, Iran Gate, Intelligence GateB.Dogs, in Chinese culture, may be quite a negative image. It is insulting to call someone adog. What about the western people? In their eyes, dog is lovely and has good associated meanings. They say “ Love me, love my dog.”C.Imperialism means to us Chinese quite negative. Some of the western people may beproud of being imperial and imperialism itself.D.People everywhere may also share some connotations for some words. They are generalconnotations. Mother means love, care, selfless, etc.E.Let’s get the gang together for a party tonight. (a group)Don’t go around with that gang or you’ll come to no good. (degraded group of people or group of criminals)Connotation can make all the difference. It is the mirror of your attitude.3.Extended definition---is an essay length piece of writing using this method of development. V. How to write an extended definitionFollow 4 rules for a good definition:1. Don’t use the words “when “‘where”, giving a definition. A common practice is to definethe noun with a noun, adjective with adjective and so on.2. Remember, that definition is not a repetition.3. Use simple and well- known term in your explanation.4. Point out the distinguishing features of the term.Unit Six Task Two: The TitleI.What is title?A title is a very brief summary of what your paper is about. It is often no more thanseveral words. You may find it easier to write the title after you have completed your paper.A title may be a phrase which can indicate a topic of interest (i.e. your focus) and at thesame time point towards a particular kind of discussion (your mode of argument).Accordingly, your title needs not only to indicate what the essay will be about, but also to indicate the point of view it will adopt concerning whatever it is about.II.The purpose of the titleTo give the reader an idea of what the essay is aboutTo provide focus for the essayTo arouse the reader’s interestIII.How to write a good titleMake it clear, concise and preciseUse a phrase rather than a sentenceExclude all extra wordsIV.Other rules to obeyCenter it at the top of the first page.Use no period at the end or quotation marksCapitalize the first and last wordsCapitalize all other words except●articles (a, the)●the to in infinitives●prepositions containing one syllable●coordinating conjunctions (and, but, or, etc)A title leads, but a poor title misleads. Be sure that it is appropriate. Besides, be careful with the capitalization.Write an appropriate title for each of the introductory paragraphs that follow.1.Title: _____Reactions to Disappointment___________________Ben Franklin said that the only sure things in life are death and taxes. He left something out, however: disappointment. No one gets through life without experiencing many disappointments. Strangely, though, most people seem unprepared for disappointment and react to it in negative ways. They feel depressed or try to escape their troubles instead of using disappointments asan opportunity for growth.2.Title: ____Annoying People_____________________President Richard Nixon used to keep “enemies list” of all the people he didn’t especially like. Iam ashamed to confess it, butI, too, have an enemies list—a mental one. On this list are the people I would gladly live without , the ones who cause my blood pressure to rise to the boiling point. The top three places on the list go to people with annoying nervous habits, people who talk in movie theatres, and people who talk on car phones while driving.3.Title: ___The Meaning of Maturity______________________Being a mature student does not mean being an old-timer. Maturity is not measured by the number of years a person have lived. Instead, the yardstick of maturity is marked by the qualities of self-denial, determination, and dependability.4.Title: _____College Stress____________________Jack’s heart pounds as he casts panicky looks around the classroom. He doesn’t recognize the professor, he doesn’t know any of the students, and he can’t even figure out what the subject is. In front of him is a test. At the last minute his roommate awakens him. I t’s only another anxiety dream. The very fact that dreams like Jack’s are common suggests that college is a stressful situation for young people. The cause of this stress can be academic, financial, and personal.5.Title: __How to Complain_______________________I’m not just a consumer—I’m a victim. If I order a product, it is sure to arrive in the wrong color, sixe, or quantity. If I hire people to do repairs, they never arrive on the day scheduled.If I owe a bill, the computer is bound to overcharge me. Therefore, in self-defense, I have developed the following consumer’s guide to complaining affectively授课题目:Unit Seven The Insight I Gained一、教学目的、要求:(一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of Analogy→ Definition→ Uses→ Methods of Organization2、To learn to use transitions→ What is analogy→ The difference between analogy and comparison知识点:→ The field analogy is used→ The difference between analogy and comparison→ The patterns of analogy(二)熟悉:→The functions and areas analogy is usually used., to learn to use transition知识点: →Functions and patterns of analogy:→ A comparison explains two obviously similar things and considers both their differences and similarities→ An analogy compares two apparently unlike things, and focus only on their major similarities→An analogy is thus an extended metaphor—the figure of speech that declares one thing to be another(三)了解:How to organize an analogy by the way ---subject by subjectHow to organize an analogy by the way—point by point二、教学重点及难点:重点:Functions and patterns of definitionThe differences between comparison and analogyHow to learn to use transitionHow to organize an analogy by the way ---subject by subjectHow to organize an analogy by the way—point by point难点:How to learn to use transitionHow to organize an analogy by the way ---subject by subjectHow to organize an analogy by the way—point by point三、课时安排:共4课时四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解五、教学基本内容第六課definition第六課Parts of the essay: The Title六、参考书目:《英语写作手册》,《美国大学英语写作》七、作业和思考题:第一次:Read on the subject and write a definition essay on any of the given topics 第二次:Write an essay of 200-250 words on any of the given topics.第三次:Ask students to practise writing the title of the essay八、课后小结:Emphasis on the writing procedure→ Prewriting-chossing a topic and exploring ideas→Drafting: getting your ideas on paper→Revising: strengthening your essay→Editing and proofreading: eliminating technical errors。



课时:2课时教学目标:1. 让学生掌握英语写作的基本步骤和技巧。

2. 提高学生的英语写作能力,使他们能够写出结构清晰、内容丰富的文章。

3. 培养学生的英语思维,提高他们的语言运用能力。

教学内容:1. 英语写作的基本步骤和技巧2. 主题句、段落发展和过渡词的运用3. 语法和词汇的正确运用4. 写作练习和修改教学过程:第一课时一、导入1. 教师简要介绍英语写作的重要性,激发学生的学习兴趣。

2. 让学生谈谈自己对英语写作的看法和困惑。

二、讲解英语写作的基本步骤和技巧1. 明确写作目的和主题。

2. 列出主要观点和论据。

3. 拟定提纲,组织文章结构。

4. 选用合适的词汇和句型。

5. 注意语法和拼写错误。

6. 修改和润色。

三、讲解主题句、段落发展和过渡词的运用1. 主题句的作用和特点。

2. 段落发展的方法,如举例、对比、因果等。

3. 过渡词的使用,使文章结构更加连贯。

四、课堂练习1. 教师给出一个写作题目,要求学生在规定时间内完成。

2. 学生在课堂上展示自己的作品,教师给予点评和指导。

第二课时一、复习上节课所学内容1. 教师提问,检查学生对英语写作基本步骤和技巧的掌握情况。

2. 学生回答问题,巩固所学知识。

二、讲解语法和词汇的正确运用1. 分析常见的语法错误类型,如时态、语态、主谓一致等。

2. 介绍常用词汇的用法和搭配。

三、写作练习和修改1. 教师给出一个写作题目,要求学生在规定时间内完成。

2. 学生在课堂上展示自己的作品,教师进行点评和指导。

3. 学生根据教师和同学的反馈进行修改,提高文章质量。

四、总结1. 教师总结本节课的重点内容,强调英语写作的基本步骤和技巧。

2. 学生谈谈自己的收获和体会。

教学评价:1. 学生能够掌握英语写作的基本步骤和技巧。

2. 学生能够运用主题句、段落发展和过渡词,使文章结构更加清晰。

3. 学生能够正确运用语法和词汇,提高文章质量。

4. 学生能够积极参与课堂练习和讨论,提高自己的英语写作能力。



一、教学目标1. 知识目标:(1)掌握本节课的核心词汇和短语。



2. 能力目标:(1)提高学生的听说读写能力。



3. 情感目标:(1)激发学生对英语学习的兴趣。



二、教学内容1. 课文内容:选取一篇适合中级职称英语水平的学习材料,如短文、对话或故事。

2. 词汇:本节课的核心词汇和短语。

3. 语法:本节课的语法结构。

4. 文化背景:与课文内容相关的文化背景知识。

三、教学重难点1. 教学重点:(1)核心词汇和短语的运用。



2. 教学难点:(1)复杂句型的理解和运用。



四、教学过程1. 导入(1)教师简要介绍本节课的主题和内容。


2. 预习(1)学生自主预习课文,了解课文大意。


3. 课文讲解(1)教师逐段讲解课文,分析课文结构、重点词汇和短语。



4. 语法练习(1)教师讲解本节课的语法结构,并举例说明。


5. 词汇拓展(1)教师带领学生复习本节课的核心词汇和短语。


6. 文化背景介绍(1)教师介绍与课文内容相关的文化背景知识。


7. 课堂小结(1)教师对本节课的内容进行总结,强调重点和难点。


8. 课后作业(1)完成课后练习题,巩固所学知识。


五、教学评价1. 课堂表现:观察学生的参与度、回答问题的准确性和积极性。



中级写作教学备课教案一、教学目标1. 帮助学生理解写作的基本概念和技巧。

2. 提供不同类型写作任务的练习和实践机会。

3. 培养学生批判性思维和创造性思维。

4. 提高学生的写作水平和技能。

二、教学内容本次备课教案将围绕中级写作教学展开,内容涵盖了如下几个方面:1. 写作基本概念的介绍- 写作的定义- 写作的特点和分类- 写作的重要性和应用领域2. 中级写作技巧的讲解- 如何选择合适的写作题目- 如何进行写作准备和素材收集- 如何组织文章结构和段落- 如何运用恰当的词汇和语法结构- 如何增加文章的可读性和吸引力3. 不同类型写作任务的练习- 议论文写作- 图表描述和数据分析- 看图写作- 读后感和观后感- 短篇故事和剧本创作4. 批判性思维和创造性思维的培养- 如何对作品进行评价和批判分析- 如何展开独到的见解和观点- 如何培养创造性的写作思维和想象力5. 写作水平和技能的评估与提高- 利用写作评估工具进行评估- 针对学生的写作问题提供指导和帮助- 组织写作比赛和作品展示,激发学生的写作热情三、教学方法1. 归纳法:对写作基本概念进行系统总结和归纳。

2. 演绎法:通过解析篇章结构和语言特点,引导学生掌握写作技巧。

3. 实践法:通过大量的写作练习和作品创作进行实践,提高学生的写作水平。

4. 分组合作:组织学生进行小组讨论、写作分享和互相批评,促进合作学习和对等交流。

5. 个性化辅导:根据学生的写作水平和特点,进行个别辅导和指导。

四、教学流程安排1. 导入:通过提问和简短的写作演示引发学生的兴趣和思考。

2. 介绍写作基本概念:板书写作的定义和写作的重要性。

3. 讲解中级写作技巧:系统讲解如何进行写作准备和素材收集、如何组织文章结构和段落等内容。

4. 练习不同类型写作任务:进行一系列的写作练习和实践,如写议论文、图表描述和观后感等。

5. 培养批判性和创造性思维:引导学生对文本进行分析和评价,同时鼓励他们展开独到的创造性思维。



现代大学英语中级写作课程教案一、课程概述二、教学目标1. 提高学生的英语写作技巧,使之能够运用各类写作手法进行表达。

2. 扩大学生的词汇量和语法知识,提高语言运用能力。

3. 培养学生的批判性思维和创意思维,提高写作的深度和广度。

4. 提高学生的篇章结构安排能力,使之写出条理清晰、逻辑严谨的文章。

5. 培养学生的合作能力和沟通能力,提高写作过程中的协作水平。

三、教学内容1. 描述性写作:通过观察和描述,培养学生的观察力和表达能力。

2. 叙述性写作:通过讲述故事,培养学生的时间顺序安排和情节构思能力。

3. 议论性写作:培养学生对某一问题进行分析和论证的能力。

4. 商务写作:培养学生掌握商务信函、报告等文体的写作技巧。

5. 创新写作:培养学生的创意思维,提高写作的原创性和创新能力。

四、教学方法1. 讲授与实践相结合:在讲解写作技巧的让学生进行实际操作练习。

2. 小组讨论与合作:组织学生进行小组讨论,共同完成写作任务,培养合作能力。

3. 反馈与修改:教师对学生写的文章进行点评,提出修改意见,提高学生的写作水平。

4. 优秀作品欣赏:让学生欣赏优秀写作作品,激发学生的学习兴趣和写作热情。

五、教学评估2. 作品评估:对学生的写作作品进行质量评估,关注语言表达、篇章结构等方面。

3. 学生互评:组织学生互相评价,提高学生的批判性思维和自我修改能力。

4. 期末考试:设置写作考试,检验学生的写作水平,了解教学效果。

六、教学活动设计1. 描述性写作:组织学生观察周围环境,要求用英语进行描述,培养学生的观察力和表达能力。

2. 叙述性写作:让学生编写一篇短篇故事,注意时间顺序和情节安排,培养学生的时间顺序安排和情节构思能力。

5. 创新写作:鼓励学生发挥想象,创作一篇具有创新元素的文章,培养学生的创意思维。

七、教学资源1. 教材:选用适合中级学习者的英语写作教材,提供系统的写作知识和技巧。

2. 网络资源:利用网络资源,为学生提供丰富的写作素材和优秀作品欣赏。





二、教学目标1. 帮助学生掌握英语写作的基本技巧和方法。

2. 提高学生的写作自信心,培养学生的写作兴趣。

3. 培养学生的批判思维和逻辑思维能力。

4. 提高学生的写作组织能力和文笔水平。

三、教学内容1. 写作基础知识:包括写作结构、段落结构、语法、文章连贯性等。

2. 写作技巧:包括提纲写作、观点阐述、例证说明等。

3. 写作范文分析:学习分析优秀范文的写作风格、结构和表达方式。

4. 写作练习:进行各种形式的写作实践,如议论文、说明文、应用文等。

四、教学步骤1. 导入通过引入一个有趣的话题或者给出一个引人入胜的开头段落,激发学生的学习兴趣和写作欲望。

2. 知识讲解详细讲解写作基础知识和写作技巧,并提供具体的例子进行解释说明。


3. 练习与实践设计各种形式的写作练习,供学生积极参与。


4. 范文分析选取一篇优秀的范文进行分析,让学生分析范文的结构、表达方式和语法运用等,帮助学生理解并模仿优秀范文的写作特点。

5. 写作评价与反馈对学生的写作作品进行评价和反馈,侧重指出学生写作中的不足之处,并提出可行的改进方案,帮助学生不断提高自己的写作水平。

6. 总结与延伸总结本堂课的教学内容,鼓励学生在写作实践中不断深化自己的写作能力。



六、教学资源1. 教学课件:包括教学知识点、范文分析等2. 优秀范文:提供给学生进行模仿和参考3. 学生作品:用于评价和反馈七、教学反思教师应根据学生的具体情况和反馈情况进行教学反思,不断改善和提升自己的教学效果,以满足学生的学习需求。








(三)讨论 (Discussion)1.写作人称为第三人称和第一人称,词数150词左右,时态一般现在时.2.明确要点,确定核心词、词组、句型。


)(四)呈现(Presentation)1. 高考英语写作关键:A.学会使用较高级词汇。





3. 展示挖空后的范文,要求学生填入适当的关联词,并指出范文中的精彩之处。

(五)反馈 (Feedback)1.学生修改作文,互查互改错误。

2. 教师总结。



(六)提高书面表达建议:(Suggestions)1.准确记忆单词2.掌握足够的语言知识点,如构词法,语法知识等3.经常进行写作练习4.适当背诵作文参考答案5.大量阅读(七)作业 (Assignment)发给学生另一篇体裁相似的书面表达材料,要求学生根据本课所学思路独力完成。



课时:2课时年级:大一教学目标:1. 培养学生英语写作的基本能力,包括句子结构、段落组织、篇章结构等。

2. 提高学生的英语写作兴趣,激发学生的思维和创造力。

3. 培养学生的批判性思维和逻辑思维能力。

教学内容:1. 句子结构:主谓宾结构、状语从句、定语从句等。

2. 段落组织:主题句、支持句、结论句等。

3. 篇章结构:引言、正文、结论等。

4. 写作技巧:描述、议论、叙述等。

教学过程:第一课时一、导入1. 向学生介绍本次写作课的主题和目标。

2. 通过讨论,让学生了解英语写作的基本要求和技巧。

二、句子结构1. 讲解主谓宾结构,通过例句让学生掌握。

2. 讲解状语从句和定语从句,通过例句让学生理解。

3. 让学生进行句子结构练习,教师点评。

三、段落组织1. 讲解主题句、支持句、结论句的作用。

2. 让学生根据主题句,补充支持句和结论句,形成完整的段落。

3. 教师点评学生的段落,指出优点和不足。

四、课堂小结1. 总结本节课所学内容,强调句子结构和段落组织的重要性。

2. 鼓励学生在课后继续练习。

第二课时一、导入1. 回顾上一节课的内容,检查学生对句子结构和段落组织的掌握情况。

2. 提出本次写作课的要求和目标。

二、篇章结构1. 讲解引言、正文、结论的作用。

2. 通过例文,让学生了解不同篇章结构的写作方法。

3. 让学生根据所给主题,进行篇章结构的练习。

三、写作技巧1. 讲解描述、议论、叙述等写作技巧。

2. 让学生根据所学技巧,进行写作练习。

3. 教师点评学生的写作,指出优点和不足。

四、课堂小结1. 总结本节课所学内容,强调篇章结构和写作技巧的重要性。

2. 鼓励学生在课后继续练习,提高写作水平。

教学评价:1. 通过课堂练习和课后作业,了解学生对所学知识的掌握情况。

2. 对学生的写作进行点评,指出优点和不足,帮助学生提高写作水平。

3. 定期组织写作比赛,激发学生的写作兴趣,提高学生的写作能力。










教学活动:1. 讲解作文结构的重要性和基本要素。

2. 示范如何写引言、主体和结论。

3. 学生练习构建作文结构。

4. 学生之间进行讨论和同伴评价。





教学活动:1. 讲解段落展开的重要性和基本技巧。

2. 示范如何有效地展开段落。

3. 学生练习展开段落。

4. 学生之间进行讨论和同伴评价。





教学活动:1. 讲解连接词的种类和功能。

2. 示范如何在文章中使用连接词。

3. 学生练习使用连接词。

4. 学生之间进行讨论和同伴评价。





一、教学目标1. 让学生掌握英语写作的基本技巧,提高英语写作能力。

2. 培养学生的英语思维习惯,提高英语表达水平。

3. 增强学生的英语写作自信心,提高写作兴趣。

二、教学内容1. 英语写作的基本技巧2. 英语写作的常见错误及修改方法3. 英语写作的常见题型及应对策略4. 英语写作的评分标准及注意事项三、教学过程第一课时1. 导入新课(1)教师简要介绍英语写作的重要性,激发学生的学习兴趣。

(2)提问:同学们,你们知道英语写作有哪些基本技巧吗?2. 讲解英语写作的基本技巧(1)正确运用语法和词汇(2)合理安排文章结构(3)注重文章的逻辑性和连贯性(4)善于运用过渡词和短语3. 实例分析教师选取一篇优秀英语作文,分析其写作技巧,让学生了解优秀作文的特点。

4. 学生练习(1)学生根据所学技巧,自选题目进行写作练习。


第二课时1. 讲解英语写作的常见错误及修改方法(1)语法错误:主谓一致、时态、语态等(2)词汇错误:拼写、词义、搭配等(3)句子结构错误:句子成分、句子类型等(4)篇章结构错误:段落划分、段落过渡等2. 学生练习(1)学生根据所学修改方法,修改自己的作文。


第三课时1. 讲解英语写作的常见题型及应对策略(1)议论文:观点明确、论据充分、论证有力(2)说明文:条理清晰、内容具体、语言简洁(3)记叙文:情节生动、描写细腻、情感真挚2. 学生练习(1)学生根据所学题型及应对策略,自选题目进行写作练习。


第四课时1. 讲解英语写作的评分标准及注意事项(1)内容:主题明确、内容丰富、观点明确(2)结构:段落划分合理、过渡自然、层次分明(3)语言:语法正确、词汇丰富、表达流畅(4)字数:符合题目要求,字数充足2. 学生练习(1)学生根据所学评分标准及注意事项,修改自己的作文。




现代大学英语中级写作课程教案第一章:课程概述与目标1.1 课程背景随着全球化的加速发展,英语在国际交流中的地位日益重要。



1.2 课程目标通过本课程的学习,学生将能够:(1)掌握英语写作的基本技巧和策略;(2)提高英语表达和思维能力;(3)熟练运用英语进行学术研究和日常交流;第二章:课程内容与教学方法2.1 课程内容本课程主要分为五个部分:(1)写作技巧与策略:介绍如何进行有效写作,包括写作准备、组织结构、论证方法等;(2)英语语法与句型:讲解英语语法知识,提高学生运用语法的能力;(3)词汇与表达:拓展学生词汇量,提高其准确表达的能力;(4)写作实践:进行各种类型的写作练习,培养学生的写作技能;(5)学术道德与写作规范:强调学术道德的重要性,介绍学术写作的规范。

2.2 教学方法采用讲授、讨论、实践相结合的教学方法。


第三章:课程安排与进度3.1 课程时长本课程共计32课时,每课时45分钟。

3.2 课程进度安排第1-4课时:介绍写作技巧与策略;第5-8课时:讲解英语语法与句型;第9-12课时:拓展词汇与表达;第13-16课时:进行写作实践;第17-20课时:讲解学术道德与写作规范。

第四章:课程评价与考核4.1 过程评价通过课堂参与、小组讨论、写作练习等形式对学生的学习过程进行评价。

4.2 期末考核期末进行一次写作考试,考察学生对本课程知识的掌握和运用能力。

第五章:教学资源与辅段5.1 教学资源教材、教案、课件、参考资料等。

5.2 辅段利用多媒体教学设备,如投影仪、电脑等,进行课件展示和教学互动。




《现代大学英语中级写作》,徐克容,外语教学与研究英语写作中级(上)课程教案I 授课题目:Unit One We Learn As We Grow一、教学目的、要求:(一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of exemplication:→ Definition→ Kinds of examples→ Sources of examples2、To learn to outline expositive essays知识点:→ The definition and introduction of exposition and essay.→Exposition is explanatory writing. It’s purpose is to explain or clarify apoint.→ An essay is a related group of paragraphs written for some purpose(二)熟悉:→ Practice the basics of exemplification→ Practice outlining知识点:→Patterns of exposition, the choice of examples, the choice of appropriate examples, the organization of an exemplification essay:→Types of essays, basic structures of an expositive essay, elements of the expositive essay→ Types of outline, rules concerning outline(三)了解:→Patterns of exposition, types of essays, types of outlineprocess analysis, cause-effect analysis, Comparison and contrast,classification, definition and analogy,narrative essays, descriptive essays,expositive essays and argumentative essays二、教学重点及难点:重点:Exemplification,types of outline;难点:Sentence outline and topic outline三、课时安排:共4课时四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解五、教学基本容第一課Exemplification第一課Elements of the Essay: Outlining六、参考书目:《英语写作手册》,《美国大学英语写作》七、作业和思考题:第一次:Read on the subject and write an example paper of 200-250 words on the given topic.第二次:Read on the subject and write an essay of 200-250 words on the given topic, using either a single extended example or two or three short ones to develop your thesisstatement.第三次:Ask students to practice outlining八、课后小结:Emphasis on the writing procedure→Prewriting-choosing a topic and exploring ideas→Drafting: getting your ideas on paper→Revising: strengthening your essay→Editing and proofreading: eliminating technical errorsII授课题目:Unit Two I Made It一、教学目的、要求:(一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of process analysis→ Definition→ Uses→ Types→ Methods2、To learn to write thesis statement知识点:→ The definiton and introduction of process analysis→ The function of process analysis→ The differences between thesis statement vs. topic sentence(二)熟悉:→ The areas the process analysis is usually used.知识点: → Functions of process analysis:giving instructions, giving information and giving the history→Major types of process analysis: directive analysis, informative processanalysis→Writing an effective thesis statement(三)了解:The basics of process writing and thesis statement二、教学重点及难点:重点:Organization of a process paper, practice of effective thesis statement;难点:Guidelines on process analysis, writing effective thesis ststement三、课时安排:共4课时四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解五、教学基本容第二課Process Analysis第二課Elements of the essay: The Thesis Statement六、参考书目:《英语写作手册》,《美国大学英语写作》七、作业和思考题:第一次:Read on the subject and write an informative process paper describing how you succeeded in doing something第二次:Read on the subject and write a directive process paper telling first-year students how to adjust to life at college.第三次:Ask students to practise writing the thesis statement八、课后小结:Emphasis on the writing procedure→ Prewriting-chossing a topic and exploring ideas→Drafting:getting your ideas on paper→Revising: strengthening your essay→Editing and proofreading: eliminating technical errors授课题目:Unit Three College Is Not a Paradise 一、教学目的、要求:(一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of Cause-Effect analysis→ Definition→ Uses→ Patterns2、To learn to write an introduction to expositive essays→ What to include in the introduction→ How to write effective introduction知识点:→ The definiton and introduction of cause-effect analysis→ The function of cause-effect analysis→ The writing of effective introduction(二)熟悉:→ The functions and areas the cause-effect analysis is usually used.知识点: →Functions of cause-effect analysis: explaining why certain things happen, analyzing what will happen as a result→Major types of cause-effect analysis: focusing on cause and focusing oneffects,→How to start and write effective introduction(三)了解:the basics of cause-effect analysis and writing effective introduction二、教学重点及难点:重点:How to focus on cause or effects, How to start and write effective introduction;难点:How to focus on cause or effects, How to start and write effective introduction三、课时安排:共4课时四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解五、教学基本容第三課Cause-Effect Analysis第三課Parts of the essay: The Introduction六、参考书目:《英语写作手册》,《美国大学英语写作》七、作业和思考题:第一次:Read on the subject and write an essay on any of the given topics analyzing cause. 第二次:Read on the subject and write, from your own experience, an essay analyzing the effects of anthing taught in class.第三次:Ask students to practise writing the introduction八、课后小结:Emphasis on the writing procedure→ Prewriting- chossing a topic and exploring ideas→Drafting: getting your ideas on paper→Revising: strengthening your essay→Editing and proofreading: eliminating technical errors授课题目:Four What Makes the Differences一、教学目的、要求:(一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of Comparison and Contrast→ Definition→ Uses→ Patterns→ Methods2、To learn to develop the body of expositive essays→ What its structure looks like?→ What it includes知识点:→ The definiton and introduction of Comparison and Contrast→ The function of cause-effect analysis→ The writing of effective introduction(二)熟悉:→The functions and areas the comparison/contrast is usually used., the general structure of the body of an essay知识点: → Functions of comparison/contrast: clarifying something unknown, bringing one or both of the subject into sharper shape→Three patterns of comparison/contrast: subject by subject, point by point, mixed sequence→Familiarity of the general structure of the body of an essay(三)了解:The basics of Comparison and Contrast and the general structure of the body of an essay二、教学重点及难点:重点:Three patterns of comparison/contrast: subject by subject, point by point, mixed sequenceGeneral structure of the body: Beginning, Body and End难点:How to organize a comparison/contrast essay, How to develop body paragraphs三、课时安排:共4课时四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解五、教学基本容第四課Comparison/Contrast第四課Parts of the essay: The Body六、参考书目:《英语写作手册》,《美国大学英语写作》七、作业和思考题:第一次:Read on the subject and write a subject-by-subject essay of comparison/contraston any of the given topics第二次:Read on the subject and write a point -by-point essay of comparison/contraston any of the given topics第三次:Ask students to practise writing the body of the essay八、课后小结:Emphasis on the writing procedure→ Prewriting-chossing a topic and exploring ideas→Drafting:getting your ideas on paper→Revising: strengthening your essay→Editing and proofreading: eliminating technical errors授课题目:Unit Five It Takes All Sorts to Make a World 一、教学目的、要求:(一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of Classification→ Definition→ Uses→ Methods2、To learn to write the conclusion of expositive essays→ What is classification?→ What is classification used for?知识点:→ The definiton and introduction of classification→ The function of classification→ The writing of effective classification(二)熟悉:→ The functions and areas the classification is usually used., the conclusion of expositive essays知识点: → Functions of classification:To organize and perceive the world around usTo present a mass of material by means of some orderly systemTo deal with complex or abstract topics by breaking a broad subject intosmaller, neatly sorted categories.→The general pattern of classification→sentence patterns in classification→Familiarity of the the conclusion of expositive essays(三)了解:The functions and areas the classification is usually used., the conclusion of expositive essays二、教学重点及难点:重点:some sentence patterns in classificationthe conclusion of expositive essays难点:Parts of the conclusion: a summary of the main points, or restatements of your thesis in different work.三、课时安排:共4课时四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解五、教学基本容第五課classification第五課Parts of the essay: The conclusion六、参考书目:《英语写作手册》,《美国大学英语写作》七、作业和思考题:第一次:Read on the subject and write a classification essay on any of the given topics 第二次:Write an essay of 200-250 words on any of the given topics.第三次:Ask students to practise writing the conclusion of the essay八、课后小结:Emphasis on the writing procedure→ Prewriting-chossing a topic and exploring ideas→Drafting:getting your ideas on paper→Revising: strengthening your essay→Editing and proofreading: eliminating technical errors授课题目:Unit Six What Does It Mean一、教学目的、要求:(一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of Definition→ Definition→ Types→ Methods of Organization2、To learn to write the title of expositive essays→ What is definiton→ Types of definition知识点:→ The Standard /Formal Definition→ The Connotative/Personal Definition→ The Extended Definition(二)熟悉:→ The functions and areas the definition is usually used., the title of expositive essays知识点: →Functions and patterns of definition:→The Standard /Formal Definition is used to explain a term or concept your audience or reader may not know or understand,→ The Connotative/Personal Definition is used to explain any word or concept that doesn’t have the same meaning for everyone.→ The Extended Definition is used to explore a topic by examining its various meanings and implications.(三)了解:How to write an extended definitionHow to organize an extended essay二、教学重点及难点:重点:Functions and patterns of definitionHow to write an extended definitionHow to write the title of an expositive essay难点:How to organize an extended essayHow to write the title of an expositive essay三、课时安排:共4课时四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解五、教学基本容第六課definition第六課Parts of the essay: The Title六、参考书目:《英语写作手册》,《美国大学英语写作》七、作业和思考题:第一次:Read on the subject and write a definition essay on any of the given topics第二次:Write an essay of 200-250 words on any of the given topics.第三次:Ask students to practise writing the title of the essay八、课后小结:Emphasis on the writing procedure→ Prewriting- choosing a topic and exploring ideas→Drafting: getting your ideas on paper→Revising: strengthening your essay→Editing and proofreading: eliminating technical errorsUnit Six Task One DefinitionI What is definition?In talking with other people, we sometimes offer informal definitions to explain just what we mean by a particular term. That is, to avoid confusion or misunderstanding, we have to define a word, term, or concept which is unfamiliar to most readers or open to various interpretations.Suppose, for example, we say to a friend:” Forrest is really an inconsiderate person.”We might then explain what we mean by “ inconsiderate” by saying, “He borrowed my accounting book overnight but didn’t return it for a week. And when I got it back, it was covered with coffee stains.Definition is the explanation of the meaning of a word or concept, and it is also a method of developing an essay.II. The ways to define a word or termThere are three basic ways to define a word or termA. To give a synonym For example: ‘ To mend is to repair.”Or “ A fellow is aman or a boy.”B. To use a sentence (often with an attributive clause) For example, ink may be define ina sentence: “Ink is colored water which we use for writing.”C. To write a paragraph or even an essay But a synonymy or a sentence cannot give asatisfactory definition of an abstract term whose meaning is complex. We have to writea paragraph or an essay with examples or negative examples (what the term does notmean), with analogies or comparisons, with classification or cause-effect analysis.III. When we give a definition, we should observe certain principles:1.First, we should avoid circular definitions. “Democracy is the democratic process.”And “astronomer is one who studies astronomy” are circular definition.2.Second, we should avoid long lists of synonyms if the term to be defined is an abstractone. For example: By imagination, I mean the power to form mental images of objects, the power to form new ideas, the gift of employing images in writing, and the tendency to attribute reality to unreal things, situations and states.(picking up words, expressions from a dictionary , in the hope that one will hit)3.Third, we should avoid loaded definition, Loaded definitions do not explain terms butmake an immediate appeal for emotional approval.A definition like:’ By state enterprise, I mean high cost and poor efficiency.” is loadedwith pejorative emotional connotation. Conversely, “ By state enterprise, I mean one of the great blessing of democratic planning”is loaded with favorable emotionalconnotation. Such judgements can be vigorious to a discussion, but they lead to argument, not clarification, when offered as definition.IV. Types of definition1.Standard/ Formal definition---denotation is a word’s core, direct, and literal meaning.2.Connotative/Personal meaning---Explains what you mean by a certain term or conceptthat could have different meanings for others.On the other hand, connotation is the implied, suggested meaning of a word; it refers to the emotional response stimulated by associations the word carries with it.A.For Americans, Water gate is associated with a political scandal that meansdishonesty. And more words are created with the suffix—gate to mean some scandal in English now, thus, Iran Gate, Intelligence GateB.Dogs, in Chinese culture, may be quite a negative image. It is insulting to callsomeone a dog. What about the western people? In their eyes, dog is lovely and has good associated meanings. They say “ Love me, love my dog.”C.Imperialism means to us Chinese quite negative. Some of the western people maybe proud of being imperial and imperialism itself.D.People everywhere may also share some connotations for some words. They aregeneral connotations. Mother means love, care, selfless, etc.E.Let’s get the gang together for a party tonight. (a group)Don’t go around with that gang or you’ll come to no good. (degraded group of people or group of criminals)Connotation can make all the difference. It is the mirror of your attitude.3.Extended definition---is an essay length piece of writing using this method ofdevelopment.V. How to write an extended definitionFollow 4 rules for a good definition:1. Don’t use the words “when “‘where”, giving a definition. A common practiceis to define the noun with a noun, adjective with adjective and so on.2. Remember, that definition is not a repetition.3. Use simple and well- known term in your explanation.4. Point out the distinguishing features of the term.Unit Six Task Two: The TitleI.What is title?A title is a very brief summary of what your paper is about. It is often no morethan several words. You may find it easier to write the title after you have completed your paper.A title may be a phrase which can indicate a topic of interest (i.e. your focus) andat the same time point towards a particular kind of discussion (your mode of argument). Accordingly, your title needs not only to indicate what the essay will be about, but also to indicate the point of view it will adopt concerning whatever it is about.II.The purpose of the titleTo give the reader an idea of what the essay is aboutTo provide focus for the essayTo arouse the reader’s interestIII.How to write a good titleMake it clear, concise and preciseUse a phrase rather than a sentenceExclude all extra wordsIV.Other rules to obeyCenter it at the top of the first page.Use no period at the end or quotation marksCapitalize the first and last wordsCapitalize all other words except●articles (a, the)●the to in infinitives●prepositions containing one syllable●coordinating conjunctions (and, but, or, etc)A title leads, but a poor title misleads. Be sure that it is appropriate. Besides, be careful with the capitalization.Write an appropriate title for each of the introductory paragraphs that follow.1.Title: _____Reactions to Disappointment___________________Ben Franklin said that the only sure things in life are death and taxes. He left something out, however: disappointment. No one gets through life without experiencing many disappointments. Strangely, though, most people seem unprepared for disappointment and react to it in negative ways. They feel depressed or try to escape their troubles instead of using disappointments asan opportunity for growth.2.Title: ____Annoying People_____________________President Richard Nixon used to keep “enemies list” of all the people he didn’t especially like. Iam ashamed to confess it, butI, too, have an enemies list—a mental one. On this list are the people I would gladly live without , the ones who cause my blood pressure to rise to the boiling point. The top three places on the list go to people with annoying nervous habits, people who talk in movie theatres, and people who talk on car phones while driving.3.Title: ___The Meaning of Maturity______________________Being a mature student does not mean being an old-timer. Maturity is not measured by the number of years a person have lived. Instead, the yardstick of maturity is marked by the qualities of self-denial, determination, and dependability.4.Title: _____College Stress____________________Jack’s heart pounds as he casts panicky looks around the classroom. He doesn’t recognize the professor, he doesn’t know any of the students, and he can’t even figure out what the subject is. In front of him is a test. At the last minute his roommate awakens him. It’s only another anxiety dream. The very fact that dreams like Jack’s are common suggests that college is a stressful situation for young people.The cause of this stress can be academic, financial, and personal.5.Title: __How to Complain_______________________I’m not just a consumer—I’m a victim. If I order a product, it is sure to arrive in the wrong color, sixe, or quantity. If I hire people to do repairs, they never arrive on the day scheduled. If I owe a bill, the computer is bound to overcharge me. Therefore, in self-defense, I have developed the following consumer’s guide to complaining affectively授课题目:Unit Seven The Insight I Gained一、教学目的、要求:(一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of Analogy→ Definition→ Uses→ Methods of Organization2、To learn to use transitions→ What is analogy→ The difference between analogy and comparison知识点:→ The field analogy is used→ The difference between analogy and comparison→ The patterns of analogy(二)熟悉:→ The functions and areas analogy is usually used., to learn to use transition知识点: →Functions and patterns of analogy:→ A comparison explains two obviously similar things and considers both their differences and similarities→ An analogy compares two apparently unlike things, and focus only on their major similarities→An analogy is thus an extended metaphor—the figure of speech that declares one thing to be another(三)了解:How to organize an analogy by the way ---subject by subjectHow to organize an analogy by the way—point by point二、教学重点及难点:重点:Functions and patterns of definitionThe differences between comparison and analogyHow to learn to use transitionHow to organize an analogy by the way ---subject by subjectHow to organize an analogy by the way—point by point难点:How to learn to use transitionHow to organize an analogy by the way ---subject by subjectHow to organize an analogy by the way—point by point三、课时安排:共4课时四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解五、教学基本容第六課definition第六課Parts of the essay: The Title六、参考书目:《英语写作手册》,《美国大学英语写作》七、作业和思考题:第一次:Read on the subject and write a definition essay on any of the given topics第二次:Write an essay of 200-250 words on any of the given topics.第三次:Ask students to practise writing the title of the essay八、课后小结:Emphasis on the writing procedure→ Prewriting-chossing a topic and exploring ideas→Drafting: getting your ideas on paper→Revising: strengthening your essay→Editing and proofreading: eliminating technical errors。

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《现代大学英语中级写作》,徐克容,外语教学与研究出版社英语写作中级(上)课程教案I 授课题目:Unit One We Learn As We Grow一、教学目的、要求:(一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of exemplication:→ Definition→ Kinds of examples→ Sources of examples2、To learn to outline expositive essays知识点:→ The definition and introduction of exposition and essay.→Exposition is explanatory writing. It’s purpose is to explain or clarify a point.→ An essay is a related group of paragraphs written for some purpose(二)熟悉:→ Practice the basics of exemplification→ Practice outlining知识点:→Patterns of exposition, the choice of examples, the choice of appropriate examples, the organization of an exemplification essay:→Types of essays, basic structures of an expositive essay, elements of the expositive essay→ Types of outline, rules concerning outline(三)了解:→Patterns of exposition, types of essays, types of outlineprocess analysis, cause-effect analysis, Comparison and contrast, classification,definition and analogy,narrative essays, descriptive essays, expositive essaysand argumentative essays二、教学重点及难点:重点:Exemplification,types of outline;难点:Sentence outline and topic outline三、课时安排:共4课时四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解五、教学基本内容第一課Exemplification第一課Elements of the Essay: Outlining六、参考书目:《英语写作手册》,《美国大学英语写作》七、作业和思考题:第一次:Read on the subject and write an example paper of 200-250 words on the given topic. 第二次:Read on the subject and write an essay of 200-250 words on the given topic, using eithera single extended example or two or three short ones to develop your thesis statement. 第三次:Ask students to practice outlining八、课后小结:Emphasis on the writing procedure→Prewriting-choosing a topic and exploring ideas→Drafting: getting your ideas on paper→Revising: strengthening your essay→Editing and proofreading: eliminating technical errorsII授课题目:Unit Two I Made It一、教学目的、要求:(一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of process analysis→ Definition→ Uses→ Types→ Methods2、To learn to write thesis statement知识点:→ The definiton and introduction of process analysis→ The function of process analysis→ The differences between thesis statement vs. topic sentence(二)熟悉:→ The areas the process analysis is usually used.知识点: → Functions of process analysis:giving instructions, giving information and giving the history→Major types of process analysis: directive analysis, informative process analysis→Writing an effective thesis statement(三)了解:The basics of process writing and thesis statement二、教学重点及难点:重点:Organization of a process paper, practice of effective thesis statement;难点:Guidelines on process analysis, writing effective thesis ststement三、课时安排:共4课时四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解五、教学基本内容第二課Process Analysis第二課Elements of the essay: The Thesis Statement六、参考书目:《英语写作手册》,《美国大学英语写作》七、作业和思考题:第一次:Read on the subject and write an informative process paper describing how you succeeded in doing something第二次:Read on the subject and write a directive process paper telling first-year students how to adjust to life at college.第三次:Ask students to practise writing the thesis statement八、课后小结:Emphasis on the writing procedure→ Prewriting-chossing a topic and exploring ideas→Drafting:getting your ideas on paper→Revising: strengthening your essay→Editing and proofreading: eliminating technical errors授课题目:Unit Three College Is Not a Paradise一、教学目的、要求:(一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of Cause-Effect analysis→ Definition→ Uses→ Patterns2、To learn to write an introduction to expositive essays→ What to include in the introduction→ How to write effective introduction知识点:→ The definiton and introduction of cause-effect analysis→ The function of cause-effect analysis→ The writing of effective introduction(二)熟悉:→ The functions and areas the cause-effect analysis is usually used.知识点: → Functions of cause-effect analysis: explaining why certain things happen, analyzing what will happen as a result→Major types of cause-effect analysis: focusing on cause and focusing on effects,→How to start and write effective introduction(三)了解:the basics of cause-effect analysis and writing effective introduction二、教学重点及难点:重点:How to focus on cause or effects, How to start and write effective introduction;难点:How to focus on cause or effects, How to start and write effective introduction三、课时安排:共4课时四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解五、教学基本内容第三課Cause-Effect Analysis第三課Parts of the essay: The Introduction六、参考书目:《英语写作手册》,《美国大学英语写作》七、作业和思考题:第一次:Read on the subject and write an essay on any of the given topics analyzing cause.第二次:Read on the subject and write, from your own experience, an essay analyzing the effects of anthing taught in class.第三次:Ask students to practise writing the introduction八、课后小结:Emphasis on the writing procedure→ Prewriting- chossing a topic and exploring ideas→Drafting: getting your ideas on paper→Revising: strengthening your essay→Editing and proofreading: eliminating technical errors授课题目:Four What Makes the Differences一、教学目的、要求:(一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of Comparison and Contrast→ Definition→ Uses→ Patterns→ Methods2、To learn to develop the body of expositive essays→ What its structure looks like?→ What it includes知识点:→ The definiton and introduction of Comparison and Contrast→ The function of cause-effect analysis→ The writing of effective introduction(二)熟悉:→ The functions and areas the comparison/contrast is usually used., the general structure of the body of an essay知识点: →Functions of comparison/contrast: clarifying something unknown, bringing one or both of the subject into sharper shape→Three patterns of comparison/contrast: subject by subject, point by point, mixed sequence→Familiarity of the general structure of the body of an essay(三)了解:The basics of Comparison and Contrast and the general structure of the body of an essay二、教学重点及难点:重点:Three patterns of comparison/contrast: subject by subject, point by point, mixed sequence General structure of the body: Beginning, Body and End难点:How to organize a comparison/contrast essay, How to develop body paragraphs三、课时安排:共4课时四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解五、教学基本内容第四課Comparison/Contrast第四課Parts of the essay: The Body六、参考书目:《英语写作手册》,《美国大学英语写作》七、作业和思考题:第一次:Read on the subject and write a subject-by-subject essay of comparison/contraston any of the given topics第二次:Read on the subject and write a point -by-point essay of comparison/contraston any of the given topics第三次:Ask students to practise writing the body of the essay八、课后小结:Emphasis on the writing procedure→ Prewriting-chossing a topic and exploring ideas→Drafting:getting your ideas on paper→Revising: strengthening your essay→Editing and proofreading: eliminating technical errors授课题目:Unit Five It Takes All Sorts to Make a World一、教学目的、要求:(一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of Classification→ Definition→ Uses→ Methods2、To learn to write the conclusion of expositive essays→ What is classification?→ What is classification used for?知识点:→ The definiton and introduction of classification→ The function of classification→ The writing of effective classification(二)熟悉:→ The functions and areas the classification is usually used., the conclusion of expositive essays知识点: → Functions of classification:To organize and perceive the world around usTo present a mass of material by means of some orderly systemTo deal with complex or abstract topics by breaking a broad subject into smaller,neatly sorted categories.→The general pattern of classification→sentence patterns in classification→Familiarity of the the conclusion of expositive essays(三)了解:The functions and areas the classification is usually used., the conclusion of expositive essays二、教学重点及难点:重点:some sentence patterns in classificationthe conclusion of expositive essays难点:Parts of the conclusion: a summary of the main points, or restatements of your thesis in different work.三、课时安排:共4课时四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解五、教学基本内容第五課classification第五課Parts of the essay: The conclusion六、参考书目:《英语写作手册》,《美国大学英语写作》七、作业和思考题:第一次:Read on the subject and write a classification essay on any of the given topics第二次:Write an essay of 200-250 words on any of the given topics.第三次:Ask students to practise writing the conclusion of the essay八、课后小结:Emphasis on the writing procedure→ Prewriting-chossing a topic and exploring ideas→Drafting:getting your ideas on paper→Revising: strengthening your essay→Editing and proofreading: eliminating technical errors授课题目:Unit Six What Does It Mean一、教学目的、要求:(一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of Definition→ Definition→ Types→ Methods of Organization2、To learn to write the title of expositive essays→ What is definiton→ Types of definition知识点:→ The Standard /Formal Definition→ The Connotative/Personal Definition→ The Extended Definition(二)熟悉:→ The functions and areas the definition is usually used., the title of expositive essays知识点: →Functions and patterns of definition:→ The Standard /Formal Definition is used to explain a term or concept your audience or reader may not know or understand,→The Connotative/Personal Definition is used to explain any word or concept that doesn’t have the same meaning for everyone.→The Extended Definition is used to explore a topic by examining its various meanings and implications.(三)了解:How to write an extended definitionHow to organize an extended essay二、教学重点及难点:重点:Functions and patterns of definitionHow to write an extended definitionHow to write the title of an expositive essay难点:How to organize an extended essayHow to write the title of an expositive essay三、课时安排:共4课时四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解五、教学基本内容第六課definition第六課Parts of the essay: The Title六、参考书目:《英语写作手册》,《美国大学英语写作》七、作业和思考题:第一次:Read on the subject and write a definition essay on any of the given topics 第二次:Write an essay of 200-250 words on any of the given topics.第三次:Ask students to practise writing the title of the essay八、课后小结:Emphasis on the writing procedure→ Prewriting- choosing a topic and exploring ideas→Drafting: getting your ideas on paper→Revising: strengthening your essay→Editing and proofreading: eliminating technical errorsUnit Six Task One DefinitionI What is definition?In talking with other people, we sometimes offer informal definitions to explain just what we mean by a particular term. That is, to avoid confusion or misunderstanding, we have to define a word, term, or concept which is unfamiliar to most readers or open to various interpretations.Suppose, for example, we say to a friend:”Forrest is really an inconsiderate person.”We might then explain what we mean by “ inconsiderate” by saying, “He borrowed my accounting book overnight but didn’t return it for a week. And when I got it back, it was covered with coffee stains.Definition is the explanation of the meaning of a word or concept, and it is also a method of developing an essay.II. The ways to define a word or termThere are three basic ways to define a word or termA. To give a synonym For example: ‘ To mend is to repair.”Or “ A fellow is a man or aboy.”B. To use a sentence (often with an attributive clause) For example, ink may be define in asentence: “Ink is colored water which we use for writing.”C. To write a paragraph or even an essay But a synonymy or a sentence cannot give asatisfactory definition of an abstract term whose meaning is complex. We have to write a paragraph or an essay with examples or negative examples (what the term does not mean), with analogies or comparisons, with classification or cause-effect analysis.III. When we give a definition, we should observe certain principles:1.First, we should avoid circular definitions. “Democracy is the democratic process.”And“astronomer is one who studies astronomy” are circular definition.2.Second, we should avoid long lists of synonyms if the term to be defined is an abstract one.For example: By imagination, I mean the power to form mental images of objects, the power to form new ideas, the gift of employing images in writing, and the tendency to attribute reality to unreal things, situations and states.(picking up words, expressions from a dictionary , in the hope that one will hit)3.Third, we should avoid loaded definition, Loaded definitions do not explain terms but makean immediate appeal for emotional approval.A definition like:’ By state enterprise, I mean high cost and poor efficiency.” is loaded withpejorative emotional connotation. Conversely, “ By state enterprise, I mean one of the great blessing of democratic planning”is loaded with favorable emotional connotation. Such judgements can be vigorious to a discussion, but they lead to argument, not clarification, when offered as definition.IV. Types of definition1.Standard/ Formal definition---denotation is a word’s core, direct, and literal meaning.2.Connotative/Personal meaning---Explains what you mean by a certain term or concept thatcould have different meanings for others.On the other hand, connotation is the implied, suggested meaning of a word; it refers to the emotional response stimulated by associations the word carries with it.A.For Americans, Water gate is associated with a political scandal that means dishonesty.And more words are created with the suffix—gate to mean some scandal in English now, thus, Iran Gate, Intelligence GateB.Dogs, in Chinese culture, may be quite a negative image. It is insulting to call someone adog. What about the western people? In their eyes, dog is lovely and has good associated meanings. They say “ Love me, love my dog.”C.Imperialism means to us Chinese quite negative. Some of the western people may beproud of being imperial and imperialism itself.D.People everywhere may also share some connotations for some words. They are generalconnotations. Mother means love, care, selfless, etc.E.Let’s get the gang together for a party tonight. (a group)Don’t go around with that gang or you’ll come to no good. (degraded group of people or group of criminals)Connotation can make all the difference. It is the mirror of your attitude.3.Extended definition---is an essay length piece of writing using this method of development. V. How to write an extended definitionFollow 4 rules for a good definition:1. Don’t use the words “when “‘where”, giving a defi nition. A common practice is to define thenoun with a noun, adjective with adjective and so on.2. Remember, that definition is not a repetition.3. Use simple and well- known term in your explanation.4. Point out the distinguishing features of the term.Unit Six Task Two: The TitleI.What is title?A title is a very brief summary of what your paper is about. It is often no more thanseveral words. You may find it easier to write the title after you have completed your paper.A title may be a phrase which can indicate a topic of interest (i.e. your focus) and at thesame time point towards a particular kind of discussion (your mode of argument).Accordingly, your title needs not only to indicate what the essay will be about, but also to indicate the point of view it will adopt concerning whatever it is about.II.The purpose of the titleTo give the reader an idea of what the essay is aboutTo provide focus for the essayTo arouse the reader’s interestIII.How to write a good titleMake it clear, concise and preciseUse a phrase rather than a sentenceExclude all extra wordsIV.Other rules to obeyCenter it at the top of the first page.Use no period at the end or quotation marksCapitalize the first and last wordsCapitalize all other words except●articles (a, the)●the to in infinitives●prepositions containing one syllablecoordinating conjunctions (and, but, or, etc)A title leads, but a poor title misleads. Be sure that it is appropriate. Besides, be careful with the capitalization.Write an appropriate title for each of the introductory paragraphs that follow.1.Title: _____Reactions to Disappointment___________________Ben Franklin said that the only sure things in life are death and taxes. He left something out, however: disappointment. No one gets through life without experiencing many disappointments. Strangely, though, most people seem unprepared for disappointment and react to it in negative ways. They feel depressed or try to escape their troubles instead of using disappointments asan opportunity for growth.2.Title: ____Annoying People_____________________President Richard Nixon used to keep “enemies list” of all the people he didn’t especially like. Iam ashamed to confess it, butI, too, have an enemies list—a mental one. On this list are the people I would gladly live without , the ones who cause my blood pressure to rise to the boiling point. The top three places on the list go to people with annoying nervous habits, people who talk in movie theatres, and people who talk on car phones while driving.3.Title: ___The Meaning of Maturity______________________Being a mature student does not mean being an old-timer. Maturity is not measured by the number of years a person have lived. Instead, the yardstick of maturity is marked by the qualities of self-denial, determination, and dependability.4.Title: _____College Stress____________________Jack’s heart pounds as he casts panicky looks around the classroom. He doesn’t recognize the professor, he doesn’t know any of the students, and he can’t even figure out wh at the subject is. In front of him is a test. At the last minute his roommate awakens him. It’s only another anxiety dream. The very fact that dreams like Jack’s are common suggests that college is a stressful situation for young people. The cause of this stress can be academic, financial, and personal.5.Title: __How to Complain_______________________I’m not just a consumer—I’m a victim. If I order a product, it is sure to arrive in the wrong color, sixe, or quantity. If I hire people to do repairs, they never arrive on the day scheduled.If I owe a bill, the computer is bound to overcharge me. Therefore, in self-defense, I have developed the following consumer’s guide to complaining affectively授课题目:Unit Seven The Insight I Gained一、教学目的、要求:(一)掌握:1、To learn the basics of Analogy→ Definition→ Uses→ Methods of Organization2、To learn to use transitions→ What is analogy→ The difference between analogy and comparison知识点:→ The field analogy is used→ The difference between analogy and comparison→ The patterns of analogy(二)熟悉:→The functions and areas analogy is usually used., to learn to use transition知识点: →Functions and patterns of analogy:→ A comparison explains two obviously similar things and considers both their differences and similarities→ An analogy compares two apparently unlike things, and focus only on their major similarities→An analogy is thus an extended metaphor—the figure of speech that declares one thing to be another(三)了解:How to organize an analogy by the way ---subject by subjectHow to organize an analogy by the way—point by point二、教学重点及难点:重点:Functions and patterns of definitionThe differences between comparison and analogyHow to learn to use transitionHow to organize an analogy by the way ---subject by subjectHow to organize an analogy by the way—point by point难点:How to learn to use transitionHow to organize an analogy by the way ---subject by subjectHow to organize an analogy by the way—point by point三、课时安排:共4课时四、授课方式:讲授、课堂快速阅读练习、课堂提问、写作实践讲解五、教学基本内容第六課definition第六課Parts of the essay: The Title六、参考书目:《英语写作手册》,《美国大学英语写作》七、作业和思考题:第一次:Read on the subject and write a definition essay on any of the given topics 第二次:Write an essay of 200-250 words on any of the given topics.第三次:Ask students to practise writing the title of the essay八、课后小结:Emphasis on the writing procedure→ Prewriting-chossing a topic and exploring ideas→Drafting: getting your ideas on paper→Revising: strengthening your essay→Editing and proofreading: eliminating technical errors。
