



船舶管理术语英文缩写船舶管理术语SMS:安全管理体系DOC:公司安全管理体系"符合证明"SMC:船舶"安全管理证书"SOPEP:船舶油污应急计划GMDSS:全球海上遇险和安全系统ISPS CODE:INTERNATIONAL CODE FOR THE SECURITY OF SHIP AND OF PORT FACILITIES国际船舶和港口设施保安规则RSO:RECOGNIZED SECURITY ORGANIZATION 经认可的保安组织CSO:COMPANY SECURITY OFFICER 公司保安员SSO:SHIP SECURITY OFFICER 船舶保安员SSP:SHIP SECURITY PLAN 船舶保安计划SSA:SHIP SECURITY ASSESSMENT 船舶安全评估PFSO:PORT FACILITY SECURITY OFFICER 港口设施保安员DOS:DECLARATION OF SECURITY 保安声明CSR:CONTINUOUS SYNOPSIS RECORD 连续概要记录SSAS:SHIP SECURITY ALERT SYSTEM 船舶保安警报系统ISSC:INTERNATIONAL SHIP SECURITY CERTIFICATE 国际船舶保安证书EEBD:EMERGENCY ESCAPE BREATHING DEVICE 紧急逃生呼吸装置GMDSS:GLOBAL MARITIME DISTRESS SAFETY SYSTEM 全球海上遇险与安全系统||| NA VTEX:NA VIGA TION TELEPRINTER 航行警告接收机EPIRB:EMERGENCY POSITION IDENTIFICATION RADIO BEACON 应急无线电示位标PSCO:港口国监督检查官AIS:船舶自动识别系统SOLAS74:1974年国际海上人命安全公约STCW CODE:国际海员培训、发证、值班规则STCW78/95:国际海员培训、发证、值班标准公约AS/SS:年检/特检ISM CODE:国际安全管理规则CP-10:船舶和设备的维护程序IMO/ILO:国际海事组织/国际劳工组织MSA/LSA:INTERNATIONAL LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCE CODE 海事局/国际救生设备D.P:指定人员MARPOL73/78:经78年议定书修正的73年国际防止船舶污染公约PSC:港口国监督FSC:船旗国监督BC CODE:散货规则GRAIN CODE:谷物规则IBC CODE:散装化学品规则船舶英文缩写HULL(船体):ABS (American Bureau of Standard)美国船级社ANG (Angle Bar)角钢BFE (Builder Furnish Equipment)建造商提供设备BG (Bulk Carrier)散货船BHD (Bulkhead)舱壁BHP (Break Horsepower)制动马力BL (Base Line)基线BM (Breadth Molded)型宽BV (Bureau Veritas)法国船级社CAD (Computer Aided Design)计算机辅助设计CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing)计算机辅助制造CB (Center of Buoyancy)浮心CCS (China Classification Society)中国船级社CF (Center of Floatation)漂心CFE (Contractor Furnish Equipment)承包商提供设备CG (Center of Gravity)重心CH (Channel)槽钢CM (Metacenter)稳心CPP (The Controllable Pitch Propeller)可调螺距桨CS (Carbon Steel)碳素钢DB (Double Bottom)双层底DK (Deck)甲板DM (Depth Molded)型深DNV (Det Norske Veritas)挪威船级社DWG (Drawing)图DWL (Design Waterline)设计水线DWT (Deadweight)载重量FAT (Factory Acceptance Test)工厂验收试验FB (Flat Bar)扁钢FEM (Finite Element Method)有限元法FPSO (Floating Production Storage Offloading) 浮(船)式生产储油卸油系统FSO (Floating Storage Offloading)浮(船)式储油卸油系统Fwd (Forward)向船艏GL (Germanischer Lloyd)德国船级社GM (Metacentric Height)初稳心高HP (Half Bulb Plate)球扁钢LBP (Length between Perpendiculars)垂线间长LCG (Longitudinal Center of Gravity)纵向重心LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas Vessel) 液化石油气船LOA (Overall Length)总长Long. (Longitudinal)纵骨LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas Vessel) 液化天然气船LR (Lloyd's Register)英国劳氏船级社MDK (Main Deck)主甲板MODU (Mobile Offshore Drilling Units)移动式近海钻井平台MS (Mild Steel)低碳钢MTO (Material Takeoff)材料估算NK (Nippon Kaiji Kyokai)日本海事协会OFE (Owner Furnished Equipment)船东提供设备OT (Oil Tight)油密PL (Plate)板RI (Register Italian)意大利船级社SB (Starboard)右舷Semi- (Semi-submersible Platform)半潜式钻井平台STLP (Suspended Tension Leg Platform)悬式张力腿平台TCG (Transverse Center of Gravity)横向重心TEU (Twenty-foot equivalent Unit)20英尺国际标准集装箱TLP (Tension Leg Platform)张力腿平台UCLL (Ultra Large Crude Carrier)超大型油船VCG (Vertical Center of Gravity)垂向重心VLCC (Very Large Crude Carrier)特大型油船WB (Web Bar)腹板WL (Waterline)水线WT (Water Tight)水密MECHANICAL & PIPING(轮机):AHU (Air Handling Unit)通风装置BHP (Break Horsepower)制动马力A/C (Air Compressor)空气压缩机A/C (Air Conditioning)空调BB (Ball Bearing)滚珠轴承BRG (Bearing)轴承CAS NUT(Castle Nut)蝶型螺帽CCR (Central Control Room)中心控制室COW (Crude Oil Washing)原油洗舱DFO (Diesel Fuel Oil)柴油DPS (Dynamic Position System)动力定位系统DT (Double-Thread)双头螺纹FS (Forged Steel)锻钢FW (Fresh Water)淡水FO (Fuel Oil)燃油GRP (Glass-reinforced Plastic)玻璃钢HV A V (Heating Ventilation and Air-condition)暖通空调系统HPU (Hydraulic Power Unit)液压工作站LSA (Life Saving Apparatus)救生器具LCC (Local Control Console)机旁控制台LO (Lube Oil)滑油MDO (Marine Diesel Oil)船用柴油OS (Operation System)操作系统PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)逻辑控制单元PMS (Power Manage System)动力管理系统ELECTRICAL(电气):AC (Alternative Current)交流电A VR (Automatic V oltage Regulation)自动电压调整计CCTV (Closed Circuit Television)闭路电视CMS (Cargo Monitoring System)货物监控系统DC (Direct Current)直流电DFT (Dry Film Thickness)干膜DG (Diesel Generator)柴油发电机DVD (Digital Video Disc) 数字化视频光盘EMSP (Emergency Shutter Panel)应急关断板ESS (Emergence Shutdown System)应急关闭系统GPS (Global Position System)全球定位系统HG (Harbor Generator)停泊发电机HT (High Temperature)高温JB (Junction Box)接线盒LED (Light Emitting Diode)发光二极管LT (Low Temperature)低温MCU (Main Control Unit)主控器箱MG (Main Generator)主发电机MUR (Manual V oltage Regulation)手动调压器NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association)国际电气制造业协会PA (Public Address System)公共寻呼系统PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)脉宽调制ST (Starter)启动器SWBD (Switch Board)配电盘,配电板UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply)不间断电源VCR (Video Cassette Recorder)录像机PAINTING(涂装):ARD (Alkyd Resin Deck)醇酸树脂甲板漆ARF (Alkyd Resin Finish)醇酸树脂面漆ARP (Alkyd Resin Primer)醇酸树脂底漆A/C (Anti-corrosive Paint)防腐漆CAF (Compressed Asbestos Fiber)压缩石棉填料EDP (Epoxy Deck Paint)环氧甲板漆EFP (Epoxy Finish Paint)环氧面漆EPP (Epoxy Primer Paint)环氧底漆ETPF (Epoxy Tank Paint Finish)环氧舱室面漆ETPP (Epoxy Tank Paint Primer)环氧舱室底漆ETP (Epoxy Topside Paint)环氧干舷漆ERL (Erosion Resistant Lacquer)防腐漆ECP (Etching Primer) 磷化底漆EPR (Ethylene-Propylene Rubber)乙丙橡胶F/C (Finish Coating)面漆IZP (Inorganic Zinc Primer)无机锌底漆IZSP (Inorganic Zinc Shop Primer)无机锌车间底漆UTP (Polyurethane Topside Primer)聚氨脂干舷漆TE (Tar Epoxy Paint)环氧焦油漆VTP (Vinyl Tar Primer)聚乙烯焦油底漆ZRP (Zinc Rich Primer)富锌底漆WELDING and Material(焊接与材料):ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials)美国材料实验协会AWS (American Welding Society)美国焊接协会FCAW (Flux Cored Arc Welding)药芯焊丝电弧焊FRP (Fiberglass Reinforced Polyester)玻璃钢GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding)气体保护金属极电弧焊GRP (Glass Reinforced Polyester)玻璃钢GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding)气体保护钨极电弧焊GW (Gravity Welding)重力焊MPI (Magnetic Particle Inspection) 磁粒检验NDE (Nondestructive Evaluation)无损鉴定NDT (Nondestructive Testing)非破坏性检验PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride)聚氯乙烯S/W (Spot Weld) 点焊SAW (Submerge Arc Welding)埋弧焊SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc Welding)手弧焊UT (Ultrasonic Test)超声波检验WPS (Welding Procedure Sheet)焊接程序表WQT (Welding Qualification Test)焊工资格检验OTHERS(其它):AE (Assistant Engineer)助理工程师ANSI (American National Standards Institute)美国国家标准局API (American Petroleum Institute)美国石油协会ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)美国机械工程师协会Bbls (Barrels) 桶(美制容量单位1桶= 159升),C.E. (Chief Engineer) 总工程师CEO (Chief Executive Officer)首席执行总裁CIS (Chinese Industrial Standard)中国工业标准CNOOC (China National Offshore Oil Company)中国海洋石油总公司Co Ltd.(Company Limited)(股份)有限公司cu.ft. (Cubic Feet) 立方英尺 (Cubic Inch) 立方英寸GB (Guo Biao)国标GM (General Manage)总经理H.Q. (Headquarters) 总部HSE (Health, Safety & Environment)健康,安全和环保ID (Inner Dimension)内径IEC (International Electro technical Commission)国际电工协会IMO (Intergovernmental Marine Organization)国际海事组织ISO (International Standardization Organization)国际标准化协会ITU (International Telecommunication Union)国际电信联盟Ksi (kilopounds per square inch)千磅/平方英寸N/A (None Applicable)不适用NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineer)全国防蚀工程师协会NFPA (National Fire Protection Association)国家防火协会OD (outer Dimension)外径QA (Quality Assurance)质量保证QC (Quality Control)质量管理(检查)ST (Short Ton)短吨SOLAS (International Convention of the Safety of Life at Sea)国际海上人命安全公约Spec. (specification)说明书,规格书sq.ft. (Square Feet) 平方英尺 (Square Inch) 平方英寸PROPER NOUN(专有名词):Basic Design(基础设计): Preparation of specification and plans/drawings outlining the design and in sufficient detail to gain Class approval.总括性的设计规格书和图纸等,其详细程度仅足可以通过船级社认可其设计思想。



• This
may seriously hamper the economical situation of the ports of those countries that do conduct proper inspections. To remedy this and to generally improve the effectiveness of inspections, many regions of the world have already or are beginning to enter into regional agreements on PSC.
• •
Provisions for port State control IMO convenity for technically and environmentally safe ships primarily on the flag State. However, it is recognized that a port State can make a useful contribution to these aims and many conventions, therefore, contain provisions that permit port State control. These include: (1) SOLAS 74, regulation 1/19, regulation IX/6 and regulation XI/4; (2) LOADLINES 66, article21; (3) MARPOL 73/78, article 5 & 6, regulation 8A of Annex 1, regulation 15 of Annex 2, regulation 8 of Annex 3 and regulation 8 of Annex 5; (4) STCW 78 , article x and regulation 1/4; (5) TONNAGE 69, article 12.



适装证书 Certificate of Fitness (COF)
next port informed to re-detain 通知下一港再次滞留
国际防止大气污染证书 International Air Pollution Prevention (IAPP) Certificate
rectify deficiency within 14 days 缺陷在14天内纠正
detention relieved 解除滞留
符合证明 Document of Compliance (DOC)
next port informed 通知下一港
国际防止油污证书 International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) Certificate
发动机国际防止大气污染证书 Engine International Air Pollution Prevention (EIAPP) Certificate
investigation of contravention of discharge provisions (MARPOL) 调查违规排放 (MARPOL)
国际船舶保安证书 International Ship Security Certificate( ISSC)
初检 Initial inspection
deficiency rectified 缺陷已纠正
货船设备安全证书 Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate (SE)
最低安全配员证书 Minimum Safe Manning (MSM) Document
Port State Control
deficiency rectified 缺陷已纠正



• 4. Detention • If PSCO , as a result of detailed inspections,
has found deficiencies, he orders to rectify such deficiencies. If the deficiencies are very serious, the ship is detained and will not be allowed to sail until the deficiencies are rectified. In such case, the flag State administration and classification society involved are notified. Resolution A.787(19) provides for the definition lr detainable deficiencies and procedures to be followed in the case of detention.
• 2.Initial inspection: PSCO first checks the
certificates and other documents carried on board to ascertain the they are valid and in order. He also check the general condition of the ship in order to satisfy himself that the ship complies with the provisions of the relevant instruments. If everything is in order, the inspection is completed and the ship is allowed to sail.

国际贸易缩略语 中英文对照

国际贸易缩略语 中英文对照

国际贸易缩略语中英文对照国际贸易缩略语中英文对照1. 国际贸易常用简称1.1 FOB:Free on Board(货物已装船船上交付)1.2 CIF:Cost, Insurance and Freight(成本,保险费和运费)1.3 EXW:Ex Works(离岸价)1.4 C&F:Cost and Freight(成本和运费)1.5 DAP:Delivered at Place(交货地点)1.6 L/C:Letter of Credit(信用证)1.7 T/T:Telegraphic Transfer(电汇)1.8 WTO:World Trade Organization(世界贸易组织)1.9 GATT:General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(关税和贸易总协定)1.10 NAFTA:North American Free Trade Agreement(北美自由贸易协定)2. 运输相关简称2.1 ETA:Estimated Time of Arrival(预计到达时间)2.2 ETD:Estimated Time of Departure(预计离港时间)2.3 B/L:Bill of Lading(提单)2.4 D/O:Delivery Order(交货单)2.5 C/O:Certificate of Origin(原产地证明)2.6 HBL:House Bill of Lading(分提单)2.7 MBL:Master Bill of Lading(总提单)2.8 TEU:Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit(20英尺柜)2.9 FEU:Forty-foot Equivalent Unit(40英尺柜)2.10 CY:Contner Yard(货柜场)3. 支付和结算相关简称3.1 T/T:Telegraphic Transfer(电汇)3.2 L/C:Letter of Credit(信用证)3.3 CAD:Cash Agnst Documents(单据付款)3.4 D/P:Documents Agnst Payment(付款交单)3.5 D/A:Documents Agnst Acceptance(承兑交单)3.6 RMB:Renminbi(人民币)3.7 USD:United States Dollar(美元)3.8 EUR:Euro(欧元)3.9 GBP:Great British Pound(英镑)3.10 JPY:Japanese Yen(日元)4. 海关和报关相关简称4.1 HS Code:Harmonized System Code(海关商品编码)4.2 CCIC:China Certification & Inspection Group(中国检验认证集团)4.3 AQSIQ:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine(国家质检总局)4.4 COO:Certificate of Origin(原产地证明)4.5 CIQ:China Inspection and Quarantine(中国检验检疫局)4.6 PSC:Port State Control(港口国监督检查)5. 质检和贸易术语简称5.1 QC:Quality Control(质量控制)5.2 QA:Quality Assurance(质量保证)5.3 MOQ:Minimum Order Quantity(最低起订量)5.4 OEM:Original Equipment Manufacturer(原始设备制造商)5.5 ODM:Original Design Manufacturer(原始设计制造商)5.6 FOB:Free on Board(离岸价)5.7 R&D:Research and Development(研究与开发)5.8 AQL:Acceptable Quality Level(可接受质量水平)5.9 SKU:Stock Keeping Unit(库存量单位)5.10 CRM:Customer Relationship Management(客户关系管理)附件:请参考附件A,附件B,附件C等。

PSC - Chinese港口国检查

PSC - Chinese港口国检查
CIC on Bulk Carriers (Sep - Nov 2003) CIC on ISPS Code (Jul – Sep 2004) CIC on Operational Requirement (9-11 2005) CIC on Oily Water Separator (3-5 2006)

• • • • • • • •
逃生装备 人员落水的自发烟雾信号, 航行灯装备及警报测试 • 救生筏及其装备, , 电池装备 , 比重計, , • 救援艇及其装备 消防喉 , 槍頭, 国际岸接, • 救生艇及救生筏的操作指引 , 足够油污应急装备及其定期检查 • 救生艇食物,食水,讯号,燃油, , 油漆房消房及电器 装备, , • 救生艇推动器起動测试 载重线 , 水密门, 仓盖水密结构 …. • 救生服和抗暴露服 , • 自吸式呼吸器 (SCBA).
Ventilation / Fire Dampers
Ventilation / Fire Dampers
Ventilation / Fire Dampers
Shutdown of the ventilation closing device and fire damper (1)
This ship was detained.
Shutdown of the ventilation closing device and fire damper (4)
fire damper 4.m1v
This ship was detained.
fire damper 4.m1v

PSC and Conventions

PSC and Conventions
• General • Procedures for inspection of ship structural and equipment requirements • Crude oil washing • Unloading,stripping and prewash operations under Annes II to MARPOL 73/78 • Procedures for control of operational requirements
• • • •
• 2002 年7 月 1 日,ISM 规则全面生效。 ISM 缺陷数占2002 年滞留船舶缺陷总数的 15%。最常见的ISM 缺陷是缺乏不合格文 件和未按计划进行维护保养。 ISM 滞留陷 数占2003 年滞留船舶缺陷总数的 16%。最 常见的ISM 缺陷是缺少文件、未按计划进 行维护保养.
• 依据所适用公约的条款规定,港口国可由检查官(PSCO)对抵达其港口的外国 籍船舶实施检查。 港口国监督所依据的国际公约有: LL, International Load Line Convention ( 1966 年国际载重线公约及 1988 年 议定书); SOLAS 1974 年国际海上人命安全公约及修正案,1978 年和 1988 年议定书; (包含ISM CODE) MARPOL 经 1978 年议定书修正的 1973 年国际防止船舶造成污染公约; STCW 1978 年海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约及 1995 年修正案; TONNAGE 1969 年国际船舶吨位丈量公约; COLREG 1972 年国际海上避碰规则公约及修正案; Minimum Standard Convention 商船最低标准公约(第ILO 147 公约);



第一章定义和常用缩略语一、定义1. Clear grounds: evidence that the ship, its equipment, or its crew does not correspond substantially with the requirements of the relevant conventions or that the master or crewmembers are not familiar with essential shipboard procedures relating to the safety of ships or the prevention of pollution.明显依据:船舶及其设备或其船员实质上不符合有关公约的要求的证据,或船长或船员不熟悉有关船舶安全或防止污染的船上基本程序的证据。

2. Deficiency: A condition found not to be in compliance with the requirements of the relevant convention.缺陷:发现的不符合有关公约要求的一种状况3. Detention: Intervention action taken by the port State when the condition of the ship or its crew does not correspond substantially with the applicable conventions to ensure that the ship will not sail until it can proceed to sea without presenting a danger to the ship or persons on board, or without presenting an unreasonable threat of harm to the marine environment.滞留:当船舶或船员实质上不符合适用公约要求时,港口国为保证该船舶只有在不会对船舶或船上人员构成危险或不会对海上环境造成损害威胁时方可开航所采取的干涉行动。





港口国监督是英文PORT STA TE CONTROL(简称PSC)的中文译文。


港口国监督是由1978年“AMODO CADIZ”轮的触礁事故而产生,当时该事故引起了欧洲公众与政界的极大震动,普遍认为有些船旗国政府的主管机关,在确保他们所管辖的船舶符合国际公约规定的标准方面,未能尽到职责。


继1980年会议之后,于1982年1月召开了第二次会议,会上通过了著名的巴黎备忘录(Paris MOU)。



由于巴黎备忘录(Paris MOU)组织显得非常有效,IMO在1991年召开的第17次大会上通过了一项决议A.682(17)“在船舶排放和控制方面加强地区合作”,该决议以实行PSC的巴黎备忘录(Paris MOU)为榜样,要求全球各地区建立类似的PSC 备忘录组织,各备忘录成员国及实施PSC检查的其他国家,就做出安排,相互合作,共同建立全球性的PSC网及各网之间的联系,以减少直至排除低标准船舶的航行。



【实用资料】美国PSCO扩大检查工作辅助表PSCA,船舶迎检自查可参考以下是对PSC A表的英文表述部分做简单译文,仅供参考。

这本书的目的是使用的USCG PSCO在外国国旗的船舶检查。

它包含了PSC A检查中应该检查的项目。


PSC A检查范围是为了执行海岸警卫队在对港口构成最高风险的船舶上进行的最详细的检查而开发的。

这些船舶包括第一次来美国的船舶,在目标矩阵中得分为PSC A的船舶,以及可能存在可采取行动的情报的船舶。

本工作辅助表引用了74 SOLAS(20)、MARPOL、STCW和其他公约和规范的规定。

在某些情况下,由于船舶的龙骨铺设日期,74 SOLAS(20)中的规定可能不适用。


USCG的政策,如MSM II,也提供作为参考。









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International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) Certificate
Engine International Air Pollution Prevention (EIAPP)
investigation of contravention of discharge
船长房间 captain’s cabin
货船无线电安全证书 Cargo Ship Safety
Radio Certificate
detainable deficiency 可滞留的缺陷
International Sewage Pollution Prevention
签注 endorse
法定证书 statutory certificate
rectify deficiency at next port
master instructed to rectify deficiency before
International Ship Security
Certificate( ISSC)
初检 Initial inspection
deficiency rectified 缺陷已纠正
Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate (SE)
provisions (MARPOL)



PSCO: Excuse me, are you the sailor on duty?对不起,你上值班水手吗Sailor: Yes, I am. Who are you looking for?是的,请问你找哪位?PSCO: I’m the Port State Control Officer. We want to talk to your Captain。


Sailor: According to our ship security plan, would you please show me your ID card a 根据我们的船舶保安计划,请出示您的证件并在这登记。

PSCO: Of course. (Show the PSCO ID and sign)好的,(出示证件并签名)。

Sailor: Thank you, sir. Here is your visitor card谢谢,这是你的登船卡。

PSCO: Thank you. Please show me the way to the captain’s ca bin。


Sailor: This way, please. Mind your head and be careful with your steps。

这边请,当心碰头,别绊脚the captain’s cabinPSCO: Good morning, Captain, I’m the Port State Control Officer. My name is Alexand 早上好,船长。


CAPT: Good morning, Mr. White. Glad to meet you。


PSCO: Like wise。


CAPT: Would you like to have a cup of tea or coffee。























港口国监督--------PORT STATE CONTROL1.什么是港口国监督?-----What is the Port State Control (PSC)答: 每个国家都有主权对在其领土管辖内作业的外国船舶进行监督.此外, 国际海事组织和国际劳工组织在制定的一些国际海事公约中亦规定, 各国对到访其港口的外国船舶进行监督检查,这就是港口国监督.A: Each nation has the sovereign right to exercise control over foreign flag ship which are operating within areas under it’s territorial jurisdiction. In addition, a number of international maritime conventions adopted by the IMO and ILO provide nations with the instruments to conduct control inspections of foreign ships visiting their ports.This is Port State Control (PSC).2.什么是PSC的区域协作? ----What is the regional co-operation of PSC ?答: 1982年七月一日, 14个欧洲国家在巴黎举行会议, 本次会议制定了关于港口国监督的巴黎谅解备忘录.目的是交换受检船舶的检查信息.包括检查的记录和结果, 使检查标准,船舶滞留,和按港口国监督规定进行检查的官员的培训完全统一起来.以至于对低标准船舶和低标准操作的监督工作做的更有效.秘书处设在荷兰的海牙,在法国有一个信息中心,按照协议,每个成员国每年应对停靠在其港口25%以上的外国船舶进行检查, 目前共有18个成员国.A; On 1 July, 1982, 14 Europe countries held a meeting in Paris. The meeting adopted the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on PSC. It’s aim is to exchange information on ships inspected , including the results and records of inspection, and to unify the standards for inspection, ship detention and training of officers doing inspection under PSC. So that on substandard ships and substandard operation will be made more effective. The secretariat is in Hague , the Netherlands. There is an information center in France . as agreed , on national basis 25%of foreign ships calling at its ports should be inspected per year. At present , the number state are 18.3.港口国宝监督检查依据哪些文件?---What instruments are the bases for inspection of PSC ?答:aa-《1966 年国际载重线公约》International convention on Load Lines , 1966. ( LL’66)bb-《1974年国际海上人命公约》International convention the Safety of Life At Sea, 1974. (SOLAS 74)cc-《73/78国际防止船舶造成污染公约》I—N .for the Prevention of Pollution from Ship,73/78 (MARPOL73/78) dd-《78年海员培训;发证和值班标准公约》I-N on standards of Training , Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers, 1978.(STCW78) ee-《1972年国际海上避碰规则Convention of Int. Regulations for preventing Collision At Sea 1972.(COLREG’72) ff.《69年国际船舶吨位丈量公约》International convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969 (ITC’69) gg-ILO76年147号《商船最低标准公约》ILO No.147 Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standarda ) Convention,1976.(ILO CON.147) 4.按照什么程序进行检查? ---Under which procedures is the inspection carried out ?答: 检查的程序规定如下: 港口国监督官上船检查船上是否备有与谅解备忘录目的有关的有效证书和文件.在等船前要进行计算机查询.如果船舶在此之前6个月内已经由谅解备忘录范围内其他港口国当局检查过, 并且情况正常, 除非有明显理由要再做检查, 原则上此船可不再检查. 如果在检查中一切正常, 港口国监督员在离船前要出具”清洁”检查报告,既无缺陷报告给船长,同时将检查结果报告信息中心. 如果船上没有要求的证书或证书失效或有明显理由认为船舶实际上不符合有关公约的要求,则要进行更详细的检查.A: The procedures for inspection are stipulated as following:The PSC may board a ship and check whether valid certificates and documents relevant for the purpose of the memorandum of understanding are on board. The officer should consult the computer file before boarding a ship . If a ship has been inspected by other port state authorities of the region covered by the Memorandum of Understanding within the previous six months and to be in order. The officer will in principle exempt the ship from further inspection, unless there are clear grounds for another inspection. If in the inspection everything is in order, the officer will hand over a “clean” inspection report , I.e. no deficiency report to the shipmaster before leaving the ship and will report the results of the inspection to the information center . If the required certificates are not on board or not valid , or if there clear grounds for believing that the ship does not substantially meet the requirements of the relevant conventions,A more detailed inspection will be carried out .5.哪些方面的缺陷是经常发现的?---In which areas are the deficiencies most frequently found ?在检查中经常发现的方面是;The deficiencies found more frequently during inspection are:aa—消防(通风装置,防火挡板,控制措施,消防泵;固定灭火装置;灭火设备)Fire fighting(ventilation; fire damper; means of control; fire pump; fixed fire extinguishing installation ;fore fright equipment.)bb---救生搬硬套(救生艇;救生圈;降艇装置;救生属具清单)Life saving ( life boats; lifebuoys; launching arrangements for survival craft; life boat inventory.) cc---总体安全(船体结构;电器设备;应急照明;液压关闭装置;水密门)Safety in general(hull structure; electric equipment; er’cy lighting; hydraulic enclosing device; watertight doors) dd---主辅机(机舱清洁状况;主机;辅机)Propulsion and auxiliary machinery(cleanliness of E/R; propulsion main engine; auxiliary engine.) ee---载重线(通风筒;空气管;围板;门;舱口;栏杆;干舷标志):Load lines (ventilators; air pipes; casings; doors; hatchways; railing; freeboard marks) ff---防污染(油水分离装置;油类记录簿;15ppm报警装置)MARPOL(oily water separating equipment; oil record book; 15ppm alarm arrangements) gg---安全操作(手册;须知;弃船演习;火灾控制图;应变部署表)Safe operation (manuals; instructions; abandon ship drills; fire control plan; muster list; )6.哪些问题是在检查中经常提出的?---What are the questions frequently put forward during the inspection ?答:在检查中经常提出下列问题:The following questions are often put forward during the inspection :aa---船员是否熟悉公司安全和环保方针?Is the crew familiar with the company’s Safety and environment protection policy ?bb---船舶的安全和防污染由谁负责?Who is responsible for the ship safety and pollution prevention ?cc---船员是否明确自己在安全管理体系中的任务?Does the crew know their duties in SMS ?dd---船员的职责是否已经文件化?Are responsibilities and authorities of the crew documented ?ee---谁是公司的指定人员?如何与他联系?Who is the company’s designated person? How can he be approached ?ff---船长能否说出他的绝对权利?并作出说明?Can the master tell his overriding rights and explain it ?gg---如何帮助新船员熟悉其职责?How to help the new crew members to be familiar with his responsibilities and authorities ?hh---有无开航前必要指令?建立何种联系?Is there any necessary orders prior to sailing ? What procedures are established by the company ?ii---能否24小时与公司负责人联系?Can the company executive be contacted round the clock ?jj---船上有无应急部署和演习计划?有无实施证据?Is there any emergency plan on board ? Is there any evidence of implementations ?kk—如何向公司汇报不符合规定的情况?公司采取何种纠正行动?How to report non-conformities to the company ? What kinds of corrective actions is taken by the company?ll---船上有无计划维修保养制度?Is there a planed system of the maintenance ?mm-是否遵守文件控制程序?Has the procedure for control of the documentation been followed ?nn—有无内部审核程序?是否实施办法?Is there a procedure for internal audit ? Is it implemented ?oo—最近一次外部审核提出了什么问题在于?是如何解决问题的确?Which kinds of questions was put forward during the last external audit ? How were they solved ?7.在检查中要检验哪些船舶证书和文件?Which kind of ship certificates and documents should be examined during the inspection ?答:在检查中要检验的船舶证书和文件很多,有的是国际公约强制要求的,有的是各国国家规定的,它们又随不同的船型有所区别,但共同的是它们都应该是有效的。



Certificate of Fitness (COF)
next port informed to re-detain 通知下一港再次滞留
International Air Pollution Prevention (IAPP) Certificate
rectify deficiency within 14 days 缺陷在14天内纠正
International Air Pollution Prevention (IAPP) Certificate
rectify deficiency within 14 days 缺陷在14天内纠正
Safety Management Certificate ( SMC)
Radio Certificate
detainable deficiency 可滞留的缺陷
International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate
detention relieved 解除滞留
Document of Compliance (DOC)
签注 endorse
法定证书 statutory certificate
rectify deficiency at next port 缺陷在下一港纠正
master instructed to rectify deficiency before departure 通知船长在开航前纠正缺陷
classification society informed 通知船级社
rectify non-conformity within 3 months 在3个月内纠正不符合项



港口国监督Port state control(PSC)PSC指“各港口国依照国际公约、本国规定或区域性协定,对抵港的外籍船舶实施以确保船舶和人员安全、防止海洋,以船员适任、船舶技术状况符合国际公约最低标准为对象的专项检查。


“当船舶所有人、船员、船级社未能很好地履行自己的职责时,PSC就开始发挥了作用”一、授权依据:(即港口国检查的法律依据)A、SOLAS 74 要求1、SOLAS74第一章第十九条:监督:每一艘船舶当其在另一缔约国时,应接受该国政府正式授权的官员的监督,监督的目的是看证书是否有效以及应采取的措施要求。



B、1966 载重线公约第二十条:监督:载重线证书有效性;是否超载,在中线位置是否与证书相符C、MARPOL73/78 第五条:证书和检查船舶的特殊规定:证书检查授权MARPOL 73/78 第六条:违章事件的检查和本公约的实施检查授权:是否违反规定排放,以及对此违章事件的处理要求MARPOL 73/78 第8A条:关于操作性要求的港口国检查的授权:检查船长或船员是否熟悉主要的防治污染程序。


MARPOL73/78 附则Ⅲ第八条:检查是否熟悉防止有害液体污染程序的授权附则Ⅴ第八条:检查是否熟悉防止垃圾污染程序的授权D、STCW 78第十条:监督:海员证书检查的授权STCW78/95 第1/4条:监督程序:证书与安全配员;是否保持值班标准;E、1969 吨位公约第十二章:吨位证书检查F、国际劳工组织(ILO)147号公约(商船最低标准公约)第四条:检查船舶是否符合公约最低标准。




to talk to your captain./captain on board?(我是港 口国监督官,船长在船上吗?) 值班水手需要根据保安检查的要求检查ID card和随 身携带的包。 常用语为:Would you please/Could you please show me your ID card? 或者 May I check your bag/briefcase?
PSCO:Would you please show me all your ship’s certificates,Captain?(船长,请出示所 有的船舶证书?)
Captain: What certificate do you want,sir.(先生, 你需要什么证书)
Crew certificate(船员证书)
PSCO:please show me crew endorsement issued by flag state?
Captain:Ok,all officers hold the endorsement except for the third officer. He just signed on one month ago and his endorsement is underway. The company has already applied for him.
经常检查的文件包括: 1、oil record book; 2、Garbage record book; 3、SOPEP 4、Annual test report(VDR、AIS、SSAS、LSA annual & 5-
yealy) 主要的有关安全和保安的培训和演习记录。


Would you please show me the annual testing report of EPIRB?
Just a moment.I’ll ask the second officer to bring the report to my cabin right now.
Are all required certificates on board valid and respectively endorsed?
Yes,they are all valid.
Would you please show me all your ship’certificates,Captain?
Yes,the AIS was fitted on board a few months ago, before the last annual survey.
What type of fixed fire extinguisher system is provided on board?
××Ocean Shipping Company .And the general manager is Mr./Ms.×××
Who has been appointed as the Designated Persong Ashore (DPA) in you company ?



Now, would you please show me your Overhaul Certificate of the Inflatable Life-rafts?Y es, of course. Here you are.I’m afraid this certificate was due six months ago. According to the Convention, the Life-rafts shall be examined once a year, and in any case, I see.The examination will be carried out before the ship’s departure. The examination must not exceed seventeen months.Now, let’s inspect lifebuoys, starting from the ship’ two wings.OK.How many lifebuoys has your ship been provided with?EightAccording to the Safety Equipment Certificate, your ship should be provided with ten lifebuoys, so you’ll replenish another two in this port. Order to ensure each crew member can be provided with 1.5kg of biscuits.We will.How many lifebuoys are there on board with self-igniting lights?Six. They are all attached to the lifebuoys.Good, but these lifebuoys and their lights are in bad condition.Sorry, we’ll make some improvements this afternoon.Look, the smoke signals of the lifebuoys expired three months ago.I’ll buy some new ones in this port.OK. Now, let’s go and check the lifeboat equipment.Y our lifeboat equipment is incomplete. It lacks a portable fire extinguisher. And you should add another 15kg of biscuits on board on I’ll have the lifeboat equipment completed. Any other questions? When did you start the boat motor the last time?Fifteen days ago.And how about its running condition?Not so good. Its motor began to run only after a two-hour try. But it works well after we had it repaired.In my opinion, there is still some other work to do. For example, the drinking water should be regularly renewed.Third Officer, where did you post your fire control plans?On the superstructure.The words on the plans are difficult to recognize. Please make another copy of it.Y es, we will.Are there any other ship’s fire control plans stowed in the weather-tight container?No.Well, you should install a container for the ship’s fire control plans. Thisis required by the 1981 Amendments to the SOLAS Convention.OK.Now, I want to see the emergency fire pump.This way, please.Would you please start it with the emergency power supply?I’d like to. But it won’t produce any water.Please get it repaired. Now, I’d like to take a look at the records of checking and recharging of your portable fire extinguishers.Y es, of course. Here you are.There is no date of recharging. How can you prove the extinguishers have been recharged once a year?I think the original records might have been dated. I want to have a spot check of its condition result. (After the spot check)That’s very good. What is the type of your fixed fire-extinguishing system?It’s the CO2 type.Please show me the weighing records of CO2. (After reading the records) It was due one year ago.It’s time for you to weigh the contents of CO2.All right. But, these two CO2 cylinders are empty. Can we recharge them in this port?Y es. Please ask your agent to arrange it for you. Now, let’s go and checkthe CO2 room.Follow me, please.The CO2 seems to be in good condition.Thank you, sir.How many sets of fireman’s outfits do you have!Three sets.Good. How about the oxygen cylinder?It needs recharging.Is each sets of the fireman’s outfit fitted with a reserve oxy gen cylinder. Y es, it is.What about the smoke helmet and protective clothing?No problem.And the axe?I’m sorry it’s been lost.So the fireman’s outfits are mot so complete. Y ou should have them completed as soon as possible.All right. No problem.Third Officer, have you ever worded out the muster list?Y es, we have.Would you please let me have a look?Here you are.V ery good. When was your last fire and boat drill?Four months ago.Well, that’s a long time. The fire and boat drill should be carried out once a month under normal condition.I suggest the drill be performed on board today.I see. But the performance must be under the command of the Captain. Captain, what’s your opinion?C: I agree. I’ll sound the signal and hoist the exerci sing flag right now. (A moment later) Y ou see,all the crew members are mustering on the boat deck for the boat drill. Can we begin the fire and boat drill?I: Y es, please. (The drill is finished. One long blast sounds, and the crew members are dismissed.)I: Generally speaking, the drill is not bad. But some crew members are slow in reacting and unable to use fire extinguishers. So I hope you’ll carry out future drills in the allotted time and strengthen the training among the crew members.T: Y es, I will.Situation: Inspector James Brown is mow having an inspection of the fire-fighting and life-saving apparatuses.The third officer is introducing to him how the crew on board maintain these apparatuses and showing himthe working condition of these apparatuses from time to time.)A: Where is the original Muster List and Emergency Instructions?B: It’s in the chart room, and some copies are posted in the engine room and the dining room as well.I’d like to have a look. Would you please take me there?Surely. This way, please.(After checking it carefully) Yes, it’s all right. The arrangement in the list is in accordance withthe actual members of crew on board. There’s clear definition of everyone’s responsibility.But the way, the fire extinguishers I saw in the radio room are of dry powder type, are thoseon the bridge of the same type?Oh, no. They are carbon dioxide fire extinguishers. They are just beside the doors.Then the agent mass of this type of extinguishers should be 6.8kg. Please show methe record of the last weight check… Oh,6.7kg.We know, they should be refilled if the liquid weight is 10% less.Y es. Fire extinguishers are attached with the service cards. and periodical checkshould be carried out accordingly. And where is your firemen’s outfit kept?Look. Here it is. There is also the symbol Another set of the outfit is kept in the fire control station.Please open the bag and let me see what are there inside, will you?Of course. Let me zip it open. Look, there are breathing apparatus, personal protective clothing,boots, gloves, helmet, safety lamps, axes and life line. The pressure. Of the air bottle is high enough.Look, the pressure indicator is within the green area and it can maintain at least 30 minutes’ con sumption.And it is the same with the spare one.Do you often have the outfit donning training?Every time we have the fire drills. It usually takes 2 and a half minutes to put on the outfit,but some people only need less than 2 minutes.Oh. it’s not easy.(They’ve come to the accommodation quarters for inspection)A: I see a lot of plans and tables posted in your corridor. The fire control plan is sure to be among them. Am I right?B: Yes. I it’s just over there. The fire control plan is posted in the corridor on every floor. Those for the outer deckof the accommodation area are kept in the weathertight boxes marked with “Fire Control Plan” and located outsideof accommodation area. Besides, the captain, the chief officer and I keep a copy each.It’s good that the markings and symbols requested by IMO are posted correctly. Are the fire extinguishersin the corridor of foam type?They used to be, but were all changed into light water foam type months ago. They can be usedin the same way as the CO2 and dry powder extinguishers without having to be put up-side-down before injection.On many ships I find some back-hold devices made of steel wire or wooden wedge fixed behind the automaticfire doors to hold the doors open. In case of a fire, the door would mot be closed in time, or even could not beclosed at all. I haven’t seen such things on board your ship. Now I’d like to have a magneticattracter close test and see if it’s reliable.There are two ways to close automatically, besides, there is a button beside each door to control its function.I can show you right away.(After the test finishes,) Y es, the door is closed very tightly. And now, are those pipes and valves marked with red paint fire-fighting ones?Y es. Do you want to have a look?(The inspector examines the pipes and valves closely.)The valves are easy to handle with on sign of seizure, or damage or leakage. I don’t think special spanner is needed to open them.Now please tell me where the anti-frozen discharge cock is.It is usually at the lowest part of the ship. that is, in the bottom of the engine room.Oh, yes. Let’s have a look at it when in the engine room. How are things with the fire hoses? Are there signs of deterioration or damage? We check them very often and such things will never occur. Look, aren’t they in very good condition?OK. Are your nozzles of jet/spray dual type?Y es. And we greased them not long ago The conversion is very convenient.Please connect the hose and the nozzle, and have a try on the fire-pump.All right.(The result is quite satisfying.)A: OK. The pressure is surely up to the requirement. Now please tell me if the fixed CO2 extinguishing system is controlled?B: Y es. CO2 is applied to the engine room, cargo holds or other place where fire occurs through the operational valves.Let me have the operation instructions…Oh, when the cover of the operational valve is opened and the oil circulationand ventilation in the engine room is cut by means of fast closing valve, the alarm will sound at the same time. Can you have a try?I’ll have to inform people in the engine room first, or they’ll all run away.Why?Because there is a warning plate with these words “Withdraw Immediately at the Alarm”.Oh, I see. But how can you be sure that there’s no one left in the engine room when you apply CO2 into it?When crew all withdraw onto the poop deck, they should report to the chief officer that the engine room has already been closed.The chief officer will check the number of c rew. After that, he’ll report to the captain, who will give orders to apply CO2 then.Another set of the firemen’s outfit is just kept here. Would you like to have a look?I don’t think it necessary.(The inspector also checks the international shore connections, then the ejectors of CO2 in the engine room and in the cargo holds,the location of the warning plate “No Smoking”, the condition of the skylight, the ventilation trunk and the fire dampersof the engine room. All things have turned out good.)I’ve seen enough of the fire-fighting apparatuses. Now lets go and see the life-saving apparatuses.Situation: After the inspection of the fire-fighting apparatuses on board, the inspector, accompanied bythe third officer goes on to examine the life-saving equipment.)I: Do you carry out the life-saving drills at regular intervals as required? T: Y es. All crew members give their full attention to it. We know it is very important to the safety of life.All people can identify the muster and embarkation stations and emergency escape routes, and can locateand don life jackets and thermal protective aids quicklyWhat’s the content of your training and drills?The donning of the life jackets and the operation of the survival craft equipment.I find IMO symbols are posted near the life-saving equipment on your bridge.Oh, is that a line-throwing apparatus? What type is it?It’s a pistol with four rockets and lines.What’s the expiration date?The rockets will remain valid till January of 2000. I t’s something of next century.What about the pyrotechnical signals?We have 12 parachute red rockets with the same term of validity.How many lifejackets are provided for the crew members on duty on the bridge?Two are required by regulations, but we have got one more, three. They are all kept in the locker.OK. And they are all attached with whistles, lights and retro-reflective tapes. Now show me the lifebuoys on two sides of the bridgeThese two lifebuoys are provided with lifebuoy smoke and light markers. Their fixing is strictly in accordance with the requirement.Y ou can conveniently throw them down by just pulling out the pins. What’s their weight?These two weigh 4kg, while others 2.5kg.(They’ve come to the boat deck now.)Do you lower and recover the life boats in your drills every time?Y es. People on board are quite familiar with the method of lowering and recovering the life oats.Can you lower one of the life boats for inspection. Third Officer?Of course. Which one?The one on the outboard. Just lower it to the embarkation deck, of course, including the engine start and the clutch test.All right(During the process of lowering and lifting the life boat, the inspector watches very carefully, making record and murmuring at the same time) The exterior appearance is good, name, port of registry, boat number, size and marking are clearly indicated retro-reflective tapes are posted according to IMO regulations. Bilge righting rails and righting lines connection are correct. Becket lines and connection rings are in good boat davits and their foundations. The moving parts such as blocks. Sheaves. falls and winch capstans, are all well maintainedThe falls had been used nearly two and half a year before our last repair of the ship. We changed their ends. They will be replaced in another two and half a yearThe structures in the way of back of sheaves, wire end, eyeplates and other tension parts are often neglected when people are doing maintenance work.I’d like to know how you did it…(After having a look himself) Y es, nothing seems wrong. OK. The boat is about in position now. Let’s come into the boat and have a look, Third Officer.Look, biscuits, fresh water, first-aid kits and the smoke signal are all remain valid.Are other lifeboat equipment and fittings complete?… En, not bad. Bythe way, how many immersion suits have you got?3 for each lifeboatOK. Let’s go down. I’d like to examine the embarkation ladder now Let me unfasten the canvas cover for youSteps and side ropes all in good condition. No sign of deterioration and damage, obviously of enough strengthThere is a liferaft for 20 people on each side and the one on the forecastle is for 10. They underwent inspection last OctoberWas the hydrostatic release tested too then?Surely.Let’s look at the connection of the weak line now. One end to the painter of the liferaft, the other to the frames hard point through the hydrostatic release. That’s OK.And no other lashing or blockage obstructing the liferaft throw-overboard.Don’t you want to have a random check of the life jacket and thermal protective aids? We can check the lifebuoys on the way back to the saloon.(The inspection is all over.)Congratulations, Third Of ficer. Y ou’ve done a good jib. It’s not with the fire-fighting and life-saving equipment occupy more than two thirds of the total that have been inspected.Those that are rarely used are likely to be neglected. So we lay special emphasis on them, just as one Chinese old saying goes: “Maintain an army for a thousand days to use it for an hour”Well said!What is responsibility for you. Third mate?According to documentation from our shipowner. I will serve the following duties. Watching duty, taking care of life saving appliances and fire fighting equipment.Taking care of all flags and signaling equipment, checking all equipment in the bridge before departure, assisting master in the bridge on arrival or before departure,assisting chief mate on cargo watch, opening lectures on fire-fighting and life saving knowledge periodically, and so on.Correct muster list is displayed where necessary XuyaodedifangyizhangtieyingbianbusubiaoIMO symbols of operation instructions are posted an adjacent position of the life-saving apparatuses.Each crew cabin is provided with a lifejacket and a TPA including pilot cabin, and in good conditionFire Control Plan is posted properly and the numbers and arrangement of appliances shown are the same as that provided on boardThe number and type of the fire extinguishers is arranged according to theFire Control Plan, and Service Card attached to every extinguisherThe operation instruction symbol is posted according to IMO resolution in adjacent to storage and operation position of life-saving appliances such as lifejackets,liferafts,lifebuoys and muster stations etcLifeboat equipment is checked and remains valid. Sufficient spare parts for boat engine and necessary repair kit are provided in boat Attachments of lifebuoys, such as self-igniting lights, smoking signals and safe lines are correctly connected and ready for immediate use System piping, co2 cylinders and manifold connection foam piping and valves are in good condition, operation instruction is displayed in places Nozzles and hoses are stored inside the box or in rack nuzzles are of jet/spray dual typeHydrants open/close is tested satisfactorily. No seizure or damage or leakageStart and operation of the emergency fire pump is tested and its water discharge and pressure satisfactory。

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Port State Control 港口国监督
国际载重线证 International Load line (LL) Certificate
双壳 double hull
货船构造安全证书 Cargo Ship Safety Construction (SC) Certificate
安全管理证书 Safety Management Certificate ( SMC)
法定证书 statutory certificate
rectify deficiency at next port 缺陷在下一港纠正
master instructed to rectify deficiency before departure 通知船长在开航前纠正缺陷
classification society informed 通知船级社
detention relieved 解除滞留
符合证明 Document of Compliance (DOC)
next port informed 通知下一港
国际防止油污证书 International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) Certificate
适装证书 Certificate of Fitness (COF)
next port informed to re-detain 通知下一港再次滞留
国际防止大气污染证书 International Air Pollution Prevention (IAPP) Certificate
rectify deficiency within 14 days 缺陷在14天内纠正
发动机国际防止大气污染证书 Engine International Air Pollution Prevention (EIAPP) Certificate
investigation of contravention of discharge provisions (MARPOL) 调查违规排放 (MARPOL)
国际船舶保安证书 International Ship Security Certificate( ISSC)
初检 Initial inspection
deficiency rectified 缺陷已纠正
货船设备安全证书 Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate (SE)
国际载重线证 International Load line (LL) Certificate
rectify major non-conformity before departure 在开航前纠正严重不符合项
rectify deficiency at next port 缺陷在下一港纠正
国际防止大气污染证书 International Air Pollution Prevention (IAPP) Certificate
最低安全配员证书 Minimum Safe Manning (MSM) Document
Port State Control
deficiency rectified 缺陷已纠正
国际防止油污证书 International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) Certificate
船长房间 captain’s cabin
货船无线电安全证书 Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate
detainable deficiency 可滞留的缺陷
国际防止生活污水污染证书 International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate
flag state/consul informed 通知船旗国/领事机构
flag state consulted 咨询船旗国
rectify non-conformity within 3 months 在3个月内纠正不符合项
region state informed 通知地区国
发动机国际防止大气污染证书 Engine International Air Pollution Prevention (EIAPP) Certificate
temporary substitution of equipment 临 contravention of discharge provisions (MARPOL) 调查违规排放 (MARPOL)
letter of warning issued 签发警告信
rectify deficiency within 14 days 缺陷在14天内纠正
安全管理证书 Safety Management Certificate ( SMC)
国际船舶保安证书 International Ship Security Certificate( ISSC)