第一步:OG 13 SC (5天左右)将OG 13中SC的140道题从头到尾做一遍,不要求计时,心平气和做完它。
大约花四天左右的时间刷完!第一遍做下来,正常人的正确率一般都在60-70%左右吧(楼主才60%当时)!此时,千万不可灰心,第一遍OG权当是熟悉题型,找到些许的感觉!第二步:Manhattan 5th edition or 白勇语法(7天左右)在熟悉了SC题型后,我们开始学习GMAC的语法,Manhattan的SC是楼主强力推荐的,它是国外一个培训机构(相当于中国的新东方)出的一套 GMAT丛书,还有CR,RC,IR和数学的学习丛书!扯远了,回来~~~Manhattan SC大约有三百多页,每个章节后还会有针对这一章节知识点的OG题目,那么等于我们又刷了一遍OG。
练习题包括了GWD,PREP和OG的题目,介于后期要用prep 和 GWD模考,所以不建议做其中的练习题哦,大家看情况吧~~~第三步:第二遍OG SC(6天左右)既然我们已经将GMAT的语法规律都了解了,那就让我们来小试牛刀一番吧!再做一遍OG,看看我们的正确率有没有提高!这一遍的OG可不能像第一遍那样啦,每一道题目,我们都应该要回忆出Manhattan中的语法点,在看OG答案解析的时候,我们脑海应该过一遍Manhattan的语法点内容,甚至有时候觉得概念模糊的时候,可以重新翻开Manhattan去寻找这一知识点第四步:PREP 07&08(15天)众所周知,prep07&08是除了OG之外唯一GMAC的官方题库了!所以我们要将它们吃下!!!!做prep的时候,我们应该开始计时,练我们的PACE了!以10道为一个unit,12分钟10道题,一个unit做完,一定要看prep语法笔记,真的是太太太太重要了,笔记中甚至涵盖了OG中没有涉及的知识点!经过前面的三步后,楼主做PREP SC时,正确率已经将近80%了!第五步:看OG正确句子(2天)这个时候,也许我们看到SC已经有些许的小反感了吧~~那就稍稍轻松一下,让我们来看看OG的正确句子,看的同时也要动脑筋哦!!划线部分的考点,这个时候我们应该能显而易见地看到了吧~~~以上就是GMAT语法复习五步走的全部内容,考生朋友需要重逢运用OG,Manhattan以及prep,一切答案均以OG为准,最后祝大家都能考出好成绩。
Manhattan语法(第五版)中文笔记一、SC 的做题方法与原则1.不是找对的,而是选最好的。
4.GMC 原则:grammar, meaning and concision, including:主谓一致,平行,代词,修饰,动词时态、语态和主被动,比较和习惯用法二、意思与句子简洁GMAT改错题关键的三个要点,顺序依次为:STEP 1、首先看有无语法错误(习惯说法不一定正确)STEP 2、看意思表达是否准确(不会读2遍以上才明白也不会产生歧义)STEP 3、是否简洁(能用6个词不要用10个词)(一)意思1.正确用词①Economic-经济的;economical-节约的;合算的;有效的②Aggravate-加重,恶化;aggravating-令人愤怒的③Known as –被认为是,很著名;known to be-被承认…;known for④Loss of –失去;loss in-贬值⑤Mandate-命令;have a mandate-拥有选举权⑥Native of- (人)来自;native to –物种起源于⑦Range of –多种的;ranging-变化⑧ Rate of –速度或频率;rates for –价格…⑨Rise –上升,形容无方向,单纯上升;raise-(打赌或工资)上涨,有方向⑩Such as –比如;like-好像(举例只能用such as, 不能用like)⑾Try to do –努力去完成;try doing –尝试去做⑿ impale-刺穿;impel-逼迫2.情态动词(1)当原句意思上没有问题时,忠实原句,不做任何修改,即使修改过来也成立。
曼哈顿 5 语法笔记
Chapter 1: Sentence Correction BasicsFollow these seven steps to be both efficient and effective on Sentence Correction:1.Read the original sentence carefully, and make sure that you understand it.(i.e. know the intended meaning)2. Scan the choices vertically for splits.3. Choose an easy split to start with.Most importantly, you need to be able to decide which way is right.~Does a grammatical rule make one way right and the others wrong?~Does one way match the intended meaning much better than the others?*In fact, an attractive split might just be a red herring. That is, the difference doesn't matter at all.4. Make your decision on the first split.6. Re-split the remaining choices, and eliminate until you have one answer left.(5&7...X useful to me)Chapter 2:Grammar & MeaningThese TWO principles are equally important:~Grammar: Does the sentence adhere to the rules of Standard Written English?~Meaning: Does the sentence clearly indicate the author's intended meaning?*Choose your word:Consider the following pairs of ―cousin‖ words and expressions, together with their distinct meanings.aggravate (worsen) vs. aggravating (irritating)known as (named) vs. known to be (acknowledged as)loss of (no longer in possession of) vs. loss in (decline in value)mandate (command) vs. have a mandate (have authority from voters)native of (person from) vs. native to (species that originated in)range of (variety of) vs. ranging (varying)rate of (speed or frequency of) vs. rates for (prices for)rise (general increase) vs. raise (a bet or a salary increase in American English)try to do (seek to accomplish) vs. try doing (experiment with)Big changes in meaning can be accomplished with switches of little words. Pay attention to the precise meaning of every word in each answer choice. Certain Helping Verbs, such as may, will, must, and should, provide another way for the GMAT to test meaning.*Place your word*Match Your Words: Subject and verb should make sense together.*Avoid RedundancyAbout concision:It is true that the GMAT does not like to waste words. If an idea expressed in ten words can be expressed clearly and grammatically in six, the GMAT prefers six. However, this is apreference, not a rule.*Do not simply pick the shortest choice and move on. Quite frequently, the right answer will be a longer choice that is grammatically correct and that clearly reflects the author's intended meaning.Concision is a dangerous tool. The GMAT often makes the right answer less concise than an attractive wrong answer. Never consider concision except as a last resort—if you are down to two choices and you cannot make up your mind any other way.Chapter 3:Subject-Verb Agreement*Subject and Verb Must Both Exist*Subject and Verb Must Make Sense Together*Subject and Verb Must Agree in Number*Eliminate the Middlemen, and Skip the Warmup*Use Structure to Decide!!!!! A noun in a prepositional phrase cannot be the subject of the sentence*And vs. Additive PhrasesMathematics, in addition to history and science,IS a required subject.(由此可知mathematics是CN)*Or, Either…Or, & Neither…Nor!!find the noun nearest to the verb, and make sure that the verb agrees in number with this noun.(Note that when the words either or neither are in a sentence alone (without or or nor), they are considered singular and take only singular verbs.)*Collective Nouns: Almost Always Singular (crowd, team, and army)*Indefinite Pronouns: Usually Singular (to do sth is xxxx。
2. 用引导词there is或there are的句子,主谓一致取决于there后面的名词。
Manhattan语法(第五版)中文笔记-by equalgirl目录一总原则二意思与简洁三主语与谓语(主谓一致)四平行五代词六修饰语七动词(时态,语气,主被动)八比较九习语十简洁+平行(高阶)十一代词+修饰语(高阶)十二动词+比较(高阶)附:固定搭配词组一、SC 的做题方法与原则1.不是找对的,而是选最好的。
4.GMC 原则(grammar, meaning and concision):主谓一致,平行,代词,修饰,动词时态、语态和主被动,比较和习惯用法二、意思与句子简洁(GMC原则语法,语义,简洁)GMAT改错题关键的三个要点,顺序依次为:STEP 1、首先看有无语法错误(习惯说法不一定正确)STEP 2、看意思表达是否准确(不会读2遍以上才明白也不会产生歧义)STEP 3、是否简洁(能用6个词不要用10个词)(一)意思1.正确用词①Economic-经济的;economical-节约的;合算的;有效的②Aggravate-加重,恶化;aggravating-令人愤怒的③Known as –被认为是,很著名;known to be-被承认…;known for④Loss of –失去;loss in-贬值⑤Mandate-命令;have a mandate-拥有选举权⑥Native of- (人)来自;native to –物种起源于⑦Range of –多种的;ranging-变化⑧Rate of –速度或频率;rates for –价格…⑨Rise –上升,形容无方向,单纯上升;raise-(打赌或工资)上涨,有方向⑩Such as –比如;like-好像(举例只能用such as, 不能用like)⑾Try to do –努力去完成;try doing –尝试去做⑿impale-刺穿;impel-逼迫2.情态动词(1)当原句意思上没有问题时,忠实原句,不做任何修改,即使修改过来也成立。
My Manhattan(5th) Notes——DaisyotwCH1 SC Basics1.控制在60s~75s2.做题步骤:理解原句,垂直阅读选项,split 排除错误,放回原文检查CH2 Grammar&Meaning一.语法:主谓一致,平行,代词,修饰语,动词时态、语和主被动,比较和习语二.语义:1.词的选择:(1) 注意一词多义Economic-经济的;economical-节约的;合算的;有效的Aggravate- 加重,恶化;aggravating- 令人愤怒的Known as –被认为是,很著名;known to be- 被承认⋯;known forLoss of –失去;loss in-贬值Mandate- 命令;have a mandate-拥有选举权Native of- (人)来自;native to –物种起源于Range of –多种的;ranging-变化Rate of –速度或频率;rates for –价格⋯Rise-上升,无方向,单纯上升;raise- (打赌或工资)上涨,有方向Such as –比如;like- 好像(举例只能用such as, 不能用like )Try to do –努力去完成;try doing –尝试去做Impale- 刺穿;impel- 逼迫(2) 情态动词(may,will,must,should) 不要随意添加或改变(*should 表“应该”,不表示likelihood; 法律法规只能用must 不能用should)(3)选项和原文态度一致2.词的位置:关注重点词(all,only) 和句子整体顺序3.词的搭配:主谓一致,逻辑一致,make sense三.避免冗余:1. 在一个句子中,不要用两个意思一样的词Rise-increase;sum-total;regain-again;enable-be able to;attempt-try;other than-opposite;drop-decrease;sufficient-enough;including-among;have to –require及近义词then-later; so-in order to2.注意being 、having ,虽然二者大多数情况是错的,但GMAT 也通常会制造一些其他的语法错误,使得此类选项稍好一点。
语义是句子作者的intended meaning.这种original intended meaning才是句子的真实句义。
One of your tasks is to choose the answer choice that transmits the author’s intent as clearly as possible. Don’t alter the author’s intent when you make your choice! (如果句子原文的句义没有错的话,则不能改变句义)Aggravate aggravatingKnown as known to beLoss of loss inMandate have a mandateNative of native toRange of rangingRate of rates forRise raiseTry to do try doing区别以上词汇的含义区别句子里任何一个小词的改变,比如虚拟词汇的改变,或者词的位置的改变都会改变句子的含义,所以一定要细细体会这些“小词”的含义。
Will: certainMay: uncertainMust: absolutely necessaryShould: morally obligated (on the GMAT, should almost always means “morally obligation”, not likelihood)Would: hypotheticalAll the children are covered in mud.The children are all covered in mud.Only the council votes on Thursdays.The council votes only on Thursdays.If a word changes its position in the answer choices, consider whether the change has an impact on the meaning of the sentence. Look out especially for short words that quantify nouns or otherwise restrict meaningThe council granted the right to make legal petitions to city officials.(有歧义,改成:The council granted CITY OFFICIALS the right to make legal petitions. Or The right to make legal petitions to CITY OFFICIALS was granted by the council.比较常见的多余的形式是使用同一含义的词,比如:The value of the stock rose by 10% increase.应改为:The value of the stock increase by 10%,or the value of the stock rose by 10%.再如:The three prices sum to a total of $11.56应改为:The three prices sum to $11.56. Or The three prices total $11.56GMAT)Past: previously, formerly, in the past, before nowPresent: now, currently, presently, at presentYearly: annual each year, a yearpeople are better off never applying it on the GMAT)Problem set1.How matter how much work it may require, getting MBA turns outtobe a wise investment for most people (correct, 但是不太明白那个it代表什么)2.Even though it requires much work, getting MBA turns out to be a wise investment for most people(incorrect, 因为它改变了句子的原意)3.She is the most dedicated gardener on the block, every daywateringthe more than 50 plants in her yard.(correct, more than修饰50 plants in her yard)4. She is the most dedicated gardener on the block, every day wateringmore than the 50 plants in her yard.(incorrect, more than 修饰the 50 plants in her yard,隐含的意思是除了给50浇水之外,还给其他东西浇水,改变了句子的含义)5. Hector remembers San Francisco as it was when he left ten years ago.(correct,不太明白这句话的含义)6.Students at Carver High School are encouraged to pursue only those extracurricular activities from which stems success in college applications.(correct,个人认为是倒装,详细见第三章的flip it)7. Students at Carver High School are encouraged to pursue only those extracurricular activities from which success in college applications stems.(correct, flip it)第三章主语和谓语的一致任何一个句子里,主语和谓语必须在逻辑上和语义上都是make sense的一、一个句子中主语和谓语必须都有,否则为fragment:GMAT错误句子常见方式:1.drop the verbs: The electron named in 1894.2.连词开头且没有主句:because the dog was never mine二、主语和谓语必须合理make senseThe development of a hydrogen car based on expected performance parameters will be able to travel hundreds of miles without refueling.(incorrect)refueling.(correct)三、主语和谓语必须在数量上一致GMAT often tries to confuse you before you make the subject-verb match.如何找句子中的主语呢:1.eliminate the middlemen, and skip the warmupGMAT hides the subject in a few ways: the most common way by far is to insert words between the subject and the verb:(Near Galway), the houses (on the road to Spiddle) are gorgeous.other parts of the sentence, acting as big adj or big adv. Some subordinate clauses even act as big nouns)(When the auditors left), the executive (who had been interviewed) was glad.到修饰语。
解读GMAT语法备考资料之曼哈顿语法>>>武汉申友GMAT编辑<<< MANHATTAN 最著名的是它的语法部分MANHATTAN Sentence Correction,这本书目前更新到了第六版,对于GMAT小白来说,可以说是入门必备,正如这本书的Strategy Guide中所介绍的:“This essential guide takes the guesswork out of grammar by presenting all of the major grammatical principles and minor grammatical points known to be tested on the GMAT. Do not be caught relying only on your ear; master the rules for correcting every GMAT sentence.”简言之就是,这本书通过给入门者建立一个完整严谨的语法知识体系,让大家知道GMAT OG里那么多题怎么分类、有哪些考点,在做题时,要遵循什么样的做题步骤,有哪些做题原则,拿到一道题目的时候,应该怎样去切入,是句法结构,还是主谓一致,还是平行结构,是比较考点还是逻辑语义等等,今天申友GMAT 语法名师Regina老师就给大家介绍一下如何正确的使用曼哈顿语法这本书。
一、MANHATTAN Sentence Correction的主要内容是什么MANHATTAN Sentence Correction的目录刚好就是OG 140多道SC题目的考点之所在,且本书每一个章节的内容就是围绕着这九大考点(Grammar 、Meaning、Sentence Structure、Modifiers、Parallelism、Comparisons、Pronouns、Verbs、Idioms)依次展开讲解的,并配以正确句子和错误句子的展示,同学们可以通过此书来完善自己语法知识体系,建议和OG配套使用,它会为大家在学习SC的路上扫除很多疑虑。
用准文档My Manhattan(5th) Notes——DaisyotwCH1 SC Basics1.控制在 60s~75s2.做步:理解原句,垂直,split 清除,放回原文CH2 Grammar&Meaning一.法:主一致,平行,代,修,、和主被,比和二. :1.的:(1)注意一多Economic- 的; economical- 的;合算的;有效的Aggravate- 加重,化; aggravating- 令人怒的Known as –被是,很有名;known to be- 被承⋯; known forLoss of –失掉; loss in-Mandate- 命令; have a mandate- 有Native of- (人)来自; native to –物种发源于Range of –多种的; ranging- 化Rate of –速度或率; rates for –价钱⋯Rise-上涨 , 无方向,上涨;raise- (打或工)上,有方向Such as –比方; like- 仿佛(例只好用 such as, 不可以用 like )Try to do –努力去达成; try doing –去做Impale- 刺穿; impel- 强迫(2) 情 (may,will,must,should) 不要任意增添或改(*should 表“ ”,不表示 likelihood; 法律法只好用must 不可以用should)(3)和原文度一致2. 的地点:关着要点 (all,only) 和句子整体序3. 的搭配:主一致,一致,make sense三. 防止冗余:1.在一个句子中,不要用两个意思一的Rise-increase;sum-total;regain-again;enable-be able to;attempt-try;other than-opposite;drop-decrease;sufficient-enough;including-among;have to –require及近义词 then-later; so-in order to2.注意 being 、having ,固然两者大多半状况是错的,但GMAT 也往常会制造一些其余的语法错误,使得此类选项稍好一点。
GMAT曼哈顿语法中文版my Manhattan(5号)笔记-daisy otwch1 sc basic1。
2.在GMAT语法问题中,如果一个单词的意思可以固定,不要使用短语,例如:different > have difference inch 3:主语-谓语一致1。
隐藏主语的方法是在主语和谓语之间插入大量的单词(中短、介词和后置短语、从句和其他修饰语)跳过以上可以忽略的单词,找到句子结构(主谓结构),当单复数1.and vs加法短语(1)连接几个不同的名词时,决定形成一个复数结构。
My Man hatta n( 5th) NotesDaisyotwCH1 SC Basics1. 控制在60s〜75s2. 做题步骤:理解原句,垂直阅读选项,split排除错误,放回原文检查CH2 Grammar&Mea ning一.语法:主谓一致,平行,代词,修饰语,动词时态、语态和主被动,比较和习语二语义:1. 词的选择:(i)注意一词多义Economic-经济的;economical-节约的;合算的;有效的Aggravate-加重,恶化;aggravating-令人愤怒的Known as -被认为是,很著名;known to be- 被承认…;known forLoss of 咲去;loss in-贬值Mandate-命令;have a mandate- 拥有选举权Native of-(人)来自;native to -物种起源于Range of -多种的;ranging-变化Rate of -速度或频率;rates for -价格…Rise-上升,无方向,单纯上升;raise-(打赌或工资)上涨,有方向Such as —匕如;like-好像(举例只能用such as,不能用like)Try to do -努力去完成;try doing -尝试去做Impale-朿Q穿;impel-逼迫⑵情态动词(may,will,must,should)不要随意添加或改变(*should 表“应该”,不表示likelihood;法律法规只能用must不能用should)(3)选项和原文态度一致2. 词的位置:关注重点词(all,only)和句子整体顺序3. 词的搭配:主谓一致,逻辑一致, make sense三.避免冗余:1. 在一个句子中,不要用两个意思一样的词Rise-increase;sum-total;regain-again;enable-be able to;attempt-try;other than-opposite;drop-decrease;sufficient-enough;including-among;have to -equire及近义词then-later; so-in order to2. 注意being、having,虽然二者大多数情况是错的,但GMAT也通常会制造一些其他的语法错误,使得此类选项稍好一点。
曼哈顿语法笔记第三章Subject and Verb Agreement一、Subject and verb must both exist1、如果一个句子没有主语或动词,就不是完整的句子,是一个fragment。
两种错误方法:(1)One way the GMAT disguises the error is by dropping the verbWrong: The electron named in 1894.Right: The electron W AS NAMED in 1894.(2)it could start with a Connecting Word and contain no Main ClauseWrong: BECAUSE the dog was never mine.二、Subject and Verb Must Make Sense TogetherWrong: The development of a hydrogen car based on expected performance parameters will be able to travel hundreds of miles without refueling.能够行驶数百公里的肯定不可能是development而是a car三、Subject and Verb Must Agree in Number-主谓单复数一致(1)eliminate these Middlemen words to reveal the subject.common types of middlemen and warmups.A、prepositional phraseof mice for milk by 1800in Zambia with her at that levelto the store on their orders from the officeB、S ubordinate ClausesC、其他:有的时候comma也是一个信号(2)Use Structure to Decide(3)And vs. Additive PhrasesA、and可以通过将两个或更多单数形式的主语连起来成为一个复数形式的主语B、additive phrases改变不了主语的单复数形式,作用类似于modifieralong with Polly in addition to surgery as well as the mayoraccompanied by me together with a tie including salt and pepper(4)Or, Either... Or, & Neither... NorA、这种情况下找离动词最近的那个名词,由这个名词决定谓语单复数B、如果仅仅出现了either或者neither,就使用单数形式谓语动词(5)collective nouns永远被看作单数People: agency, army, audience, class, committee, crowd, orchestra, teamItems: baggage, citrus, equipment, fleet, fruit, furniture(6)Indefinite Pronouns: Usually Singular但有五个例外一点,可以是单数也可以是复数THE SANAM PRONOUNS: Some, Any, None, All, More/MostAnyone, anybody, anything No one, nobody, nothingEach, every (aspronouns) Someone, somebody, somethingEveryone, everybody, everything Whatever, whoeverEither, neither (may require a plural verb i f paired with or/nor)(7)each和every永远单数(8)Subject Phrases and Clauses: Always Singular(9)Flip itWrong: Near those buildings SIT a lonely house, inhabited by squatters.Flip it! A lonely house, inhabited by squatters, SITS near those buildings.Right: Near those buildings SITS a lonely house, inhabited by squatters.第四章Parallelism一、Parallel element1、两个句子平行的时候两边都要有主从连词,否则可能有歧义。
GMAT Manhat n语法笔记 Qiu总结
qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwerty uiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzx cvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmq wertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyui opasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfg hjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcv bnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqw ertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuio pasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfgh jklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvb nmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwe rtyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiop asdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghj klzxcvbnmrtyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmq wertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyui opasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfg Manhattan 语法总结 GMAT SC 小总结2015/8/20 Qiu~~~目录Chapter 2 GRAMMAR & MEANNING (4)2.1 Grammar:保证句子是符合规则的 (4)2.2 Meaning :是否真的说出了作者的意图。
(4)Chapter 3 SCENTENCE STRUCTURE (5)3.1 主语和动词必须要一起存在 (5)3.2 主谓一致 (5)3.3 去除中间部分,只留主干。
(5)3.4 用结构去决定 (5)3.5 建立复杂句子 (5)3.6 两个独立分分句 (5)3.7 Adding modifiers(增加修饰词) (5)Chapter 4 MODIFIERS (6)4.1形容词和副词 (6)4.2 名词修饰词(也就是修饰名词或者代词) (6)4.3副词式形容词(就是作用跟副词有点像) (7)4.4 Which VS 现在分词-ing (8)4.5 修饰词vs 核心 (8)4.6 Quantity (9)Chapter 5 PARALLELISM (9)5.1平行信号词 (10)5.2平行元素 (10)5.3 Superficial 平行&Actual 平行 (11)5.4 AND的重要性 (11)5.5 3- or 4-Item Lists (12)5.6 Idioms with Built-in Parallel Structure (13)5.7 Parallel Meaning (13)CHAPTER 6 COMPARISION (13)6.1比较信号词 (14)6.2省略词 (14)6.3LIKE VS AS (15)6.4比较级和最高级 (15)Chapter 7 PRONOUNS (16)7.1代词 (16)7.2先行词要存在且有意义 (16)7.3单复数一致 (16)7.4最常用的:IT ITS THEY THEM THEIR (17)7.5This that these those (17)7.6某些ambiguity 是被允许的 (17)CHAPTER 8 VERB (17)8.1一般时态 (18)8.2要让时态反应句意 (18)8.3完成时态 (18)8.3.1过去完成时:更早的动作 (18)8.3.2现在完成时:现在与过去的桥梁 (19)8.4-ing修饰词:跟着main verb (20)8.5 Present to Future or Past to Conditional (20)8.6主动和被动 (20)CHAPTER 10 EXTRA 1:MEANING STRUCTURE MODIFIERS (21)10.1别太短 (21)10.2复合主语 (21)10.3标点 (21)10.4集合名词:找线索 (22)10.5不定代词 (22)10.6Each 和Every (23)10.7数量词和短语 (23)10.8主语短语和主语从句通常是单数。
GMAT语法笔记一. 原则1.主谓必须同时存在连词开头的句子一定要有主句,否则是错误的becase, if, when, although从句开头的句子,若从句后面没有逗号,一定错。
当不清楚主语是否应该是单数/复数的时候,看宾语,想造成这个宾语的主语是什么样的★e.g. The discovery of new medicines (was/were) vital to the company's growth.若不知道主语是否单复,就想是什么造成公司的上涨。
所以是单数3.找到真正的主语---去掉介宾短语,从句及动词短语修饰词介宾短语(of,/for by,/in,/with/,at,/to,/on,/from 后面的词不是主语可以忽略,所以要学会看到介词跳读。
)从句始终只是句子中辅助的成分,类似大形容词,大名词或大副词e.g. Pong is a classic game from which HAVE descended many current computer pastimes. (Pong is a classic game from which many current computer pastimes HAVE descended.)4.不能确定的话,一般用单数谓语动词规律1.and 连接几个不同的(单数)名词的时候构成复数结构,谓语动词要用复数2.就前原则的短语with; along with; together with; in addition to; as well as; accompanied by; including;more than; no less than; besides; except;3.就近原则:or, nor, either…or; neither…nor;not...but.. (not that…but rather that…); not only…but also;(注意,只有either,neither做主语时,谓语动词用单数)5.模糊代词,谓语动词用单数:(-one, -thing)Anyone, anybody, anything, No one, nobody, nothing, not oneEach, every (as pronouns) Someone, somebody, somethingEveryone, everybody, everything, whatever, whoeverEither, neither (may require a plural verb if paired with or/nor)6.以下代词的单复数由后面的名词决定:Some of, Any of, None, All of, More/Most of, nohalf of, majority, minority, plurality of, the rest of, 分数/百分数If you want to indicate the totality itself, then use a singular verb form.e.g. The majority of the students in this class ARE hard workers.。
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Table of Contents1. Sentence Correction Basics 112. Grammar & Meaning 21Problem Set 313. Subject-Verb Agreement 37Problem Set 494. Parallelism 53Problem Set 615. Pronouns 65Problem Set 736. Modifiers 79Problem Set 937. Verb Tense, Mood, & Voice 101Problem Set 1198. Comparisons 125Problem Set 1339. Idioms 141Problem Set 17910. Odds & Ends 191Problem Set 20311. GM/S-V/Parallelism: Extra 209 Problem Set 22312. Pronouns & Modifiers: Extra 231 Problem Set 24513. Verbs & Comparisons: Extra 251 Problem Set 263Appendix A: Official Guide Problem Set 275 Appendix B: Glossary 279A GMAT Sentence GENERALGRAMMARMEANINGCONCISION SPECIFICS-VAGREEMENTPARALLEILISMPRONOUNSMODIFIERSVERB TENSE,MOOD, ANDVOICECOMPARISONSIDIOMS ODDS ANDENDSChapter 1 Sentence Correction Basics1.The question you are answering in Sentence Correction is always the same: which of the answer choices,when placed in the given sentence, is the best option of those given, in terms of grammar and meaning.# Sentence Correction questions ask for the best option of those given, not the best option in the universe.# Never rewrite the sentence in your own words.2.Process for solving SC problems:1.Read the original sentence carefully, and make sure that you understand it.**Don’t rush the first reading. Make sure that you know what the author is trying to say.**If any grammatical mistakes leap out, make mental note of them, too.If you don’t notice anything wrong on the first read, don’t go searching for errors. Just ensure that you understand the sentence, b oth as it is written and as it is intended.【第一次讀能找到語法問題的就直接刷掉,找不到的只要保證讀懂就可以了,不要浪費時間去找它是不是有語法問題】2.Scan the choices vertically for splits.【快速流覽選項,不用找出所有的split,但儘量在短時間裡發現越多越好】**A split is a local difference between answer choices.• The be ginning of th e choices is a great place to look. The five choices must differ in their first word (otherwise, that word wouldn’t be underlined).• The end of the choices must also produce a split.3.Choose an easy split to start with.Easy to spot Easy to compare Easy to decide**need to be able to decide which way is right.• Does a grammatical rule make one way right and the others wrong?• Does one way match the intended meaning much better than the others?If you can’t decide, choose another split.4.Make your decision on the first split.5.Write down ABCDE and cross out the choices you’ve eliminated.6.Re-split the remaining choices, and eliminate until you have one answer left.【重複前面2、3的步驟,將剩下的split逐個對比篩選】7.Put your final answer back into the original sentence.【只用確定性錯的split,不確定的pass!!】Chapter 2 Grammar & Meaning1. Principles:1. Grammar: Does the sentence adhere to the rules of Standard Written English?2. Meaning: Does the sentence clearly indicate the authors intended meaning?**Confusing writing is bad writing. If you have to read a sentence more than once to figure out what the author is saying —or if the sentence lends itself to multiple interpretations —it is not a good sentence. Moreover, the sentence must reflect the author ’s intent .The correct answer can resolve ambiguity in the original version, but you should not change the meaning that the author intends .**the often-cited “principle” of concision - It is true that the GMAT does not like to waste words. However, this is apreference , not a rule. And the GMAT often makes the right answer less concise than an attractive wronganswer.2. A clear sentence is transparent —the authors intended meaning shines through.One of your tasks is to choose the answer choice that transmits the author s intent as clearly as possible. (1. Sometimes the original sentence will have a clear, unambiguous meaning. In these cases, your goal is topreserve this original meaning as you correct other issues . Do not alter the author’s intent when you make your choice!【對於作者語意清晰的句子,選擇的標準時儘量貼近meaning 】 (2. At other times, the original sentence will be confusing , and you will need to discern the author s intent .Fortunately, this intent will not be buried too deeply. The GMAT tends to make use of “small” errors in meaning that can be easy to overlook.【對於原句語意不明的句子,GMAT 會利用一些容易被忽略的小錯誤來忽悠。
其中,這些錯誤包括:用詞、位置、指代】**Most instances of meaning errors fall into one of three major categories: 1. Choose Your WordsThe GMAT rarely tests you on pure “dictionary knowledge,” but very occasionally, it tries to pull a trick on you by switching a particular word and its cousin.【GMAT 使用表達相似但意思不同的單詞/短語來忽悠】 Pay attention to the precise meaning of every word in each answer choice.Meaning【NEVER CHANGE THE MEANING THE AUTHOR INTENDS!!】用詞cousin words and expressions helping words位置the placement of a single wordoverall word order unnecessary inversionsagreement redundancy concisionGMAT 對concision 有tolerance!!2. Place Your WordsThe placement of a single word can alter the meaning of a sentence.【改變某些詞語的位置,使被修飾主體改變,從而使句意發生變化】●Beware of words that move from one position to another. If a word changes its position in the answerchoices, consider whether the change has an impact on the meaning of the sentence. Look out especially for short words (such as only and all) that quantify nouns or otherwise restrict meaning.●overall word order【即使詞語使用使局部意思恰當,但也可能使整個句子理解上產生歧義。