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模块3 unit2 学案 (译林牛津版英语高一)


课题 M3U2 Words 主备人王月琴审核人雍伟全





1.throughout prep.可指时间上从头到尾= all through; 也可指地点上遍及各处= all over.

① The frog sleeps throughout the winter(= all through). ________________________

② We hope there is no war throughout the world (= all over).

throughout adv. ,一直, 始终;各处,各方面

The girl remained silent throughout. ________________________

2. confusing adj. 令人迷惑的,令人不解的

The instructions on the box are very confusing. 盒子上的说明含混不清

⑴ 辨析Confusing/confused

⑵confuse v. ① 使迷惑,使糊涂The difficult question confused him.

② 误认为甲是乙,混淆, ___________________________

⑶ confusion n.困惑。不确定,混淆,混乱。

He looked at me___ ________ and didn’t answer the question.他困惑地看着我,….

Eg: ( ) ________ by his sudden appearance, I had no idea what to do with it.

A. Confusing

B. Confuse

C. Confused

D. To confuse

3. be made up of =consist of(无被动)= be composed of 由… 组成,由… 构成

The apartment _______________________ two rooms and a kitchen. = consists of

知识拓展: ①写出make up在下面各句中的含义:

The whole story was made up.__________

It took her an hour to make up for the party._________

Women make up 45% of the workforce._______

We still need 100 dollars to make up the sum they asked for.__________

Hard word can make up for the lack of intelligence._____________

Have you made up with Patty yet? ____________

②consist in在于,存在于His adoptation by his classmates consists in his honesty.

③consist with 与…一致, 相符。Theory should consist with practice.

Eg: 1()The team _____ four Europeans and two Americans.

A. consists of

B. made up

C. makes up

D. consist

2.( ) The Group of Eight (G8)_________ the eight richest countries in the world.

A .is consisted of

B .is made up

C .consists in D. consists of

4. create vt.创造,创作,创建

All men are created equal. _______________________

Shakespeare created many famous characters. 莎士比亚创作了许多著名的人物。

*creation n.创造,创建,创作 (尤其指的是艺术作品)

creature 生物,动物creator 创作者the creator of Mickey Mouse

5. pick up 在下面句中的含义为:

(1) He picked up the phone and asked for the number of the headmaster’s office. _________

(2) Shall I pick you up at the station? ____________

(3) I believe things will pick up soon. ____________

(4) Young children soon pick up words that they hear the elders use. ____________

(5) pick up BBC __________ (6) pick up speed ____________

Eg: ( ) She________ Japanese when he was in Japan. Now she can speak it freely.

A picked out

B made out

C made up

D picked up.

6. contribute to对…有贡献,有助于; 捐献, 给…投稿,导致

Proper diet and exercise contribute to his good health. ______________________________

He has contributed all his money to building a primary school for poor children in this area.

She regularly contributes to the college magazine. ________________________________

*contribution n. 贡献捐献(物),投稿,投送的稿件make (great) contributions to

Eg ( ) Eating too much fat can ______ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.

A. result from

B. contribute to

C. attend to

D. devote to

7. Conquer.vt (武力)征服, 攻克; 克服,战胜, 改正(恶习)等; vi.得胜

conquer bad habits.__________________ Man can conquer nature._________________

To conquer or to die.________________________________

Conquest n .征服. Norman Conquest n. 〈史〉诺曼底人(对英格兰)的军事征服

8.take control of控制,取得对…的控制。

The English conquered America and took control of it. 英国征服了美国并控制了它。
