




下面是一些常见的总结汇报类术语,供参考:1. 介绍(Introduction):总结汇报的开始部分,用来引入主题和背景信息。

2. 目标(Objective):总结汇报的主要目标或意图。

3. 方法(Methodology):描述研究、调查或实践的方法或步骤。

4. 结果(Result):对所进行的工作、研究或实践的主要结果进行描述和总结。

5. 讨论(Discussion):对结果进行分析和解释,包括其意义、影响和局限性。

6. 建议(Recommendation):对所述问题或情况提出的建议或解决方案。

7. 结论(Conclusion):对整个总结汇报的重点和要点进行总结,指出所得到的结论。

8. 优势(Advantage):描述所述情况或建议的主要优势或好处。

9. 进展(Progress):描述当前项目、工作或计划的进展情况。

10. 挑战(Challenge):描述当前项目、工作或计划所面临的主要挑战或障碍。

11. 建设性反馈(Constructive Feedback):向他人提供建设性的意见和反馈,以改进工作或计划。

12. 时间表(Timeline):列出任务或活动的时间安排或计划。

13. 预算(Budget):描述项目或计划的费用和资源分配情况。

14. 成本效益分析(Cost-benefit Analysis):对所述情况或建议进行成本效益方面的分析。

15. 目标达成度(Progress toward Goals):描述项目、工作或计划在实现目标方面的进展情况。

16. 风险(Risk):描述项目或计划所面临的风险和可能出现的问题。

17. 市场分析(Market Analysis):对市场或行业现状、竞争对手、机会和威胁进行分析。

18. 自我评估(Self-evaluation):对个人或团队的工作进行评估,包括成就、挑战和改进机会。



托福物理学专业词汇:方法论Methodology托福物理学学科分类词汇:方法论Methodology方法论,Methodology英语短句,例句大全方法论,Methodology1)Methodology[英][,Meθ?'D?L?D?I][美]['M?Θ?'Dɑl?D??]方法论1.Theoretical System And Methodology Of Coal Structural Chemistry;煤结构化学的理论体系与方法论2.Discussion On Research Methodology Of Law Of Evidence.;证据法学研究的方法论问题3.Thinking The System Biology And Its Methodology;对统生物学及其方法论的思考英文短句/例句1.On Innovation From Methodology Of Law Economics To Traditional Law Methodology;论法经济学方法论对传统法学方法论的创新2.On The Methods And Methodology Of Feminist Research In Education;论女性主义教育研究的方法和方法论3.One Methodology Suspicion--The Evolutionary Theories Of Gene On "Rule By Law";方法论猜想——“法治”基因进化论4.The Scientific Development Theory And The Ecological Trend Of Jurisprudence Methodology;论科学发展观与法学方法论的生态化5.Methodology Of Law And Economics:A General Review;法和经济学方法论:一个综述性的评论6.On Litigation Object论诉讼证明对象——以法律方法论为启示7.On System Analytical And Synthetic Method And Its Methodology试论系统分析综合法及其方法论启示8.The Object Of Existentialism,Theory Of Existence And Generative Methodology;存有论、生存论与生成性方法论旨趣9.Considering Poetry Is Just Like Considering Chan--An Analysis Of Yan Yu S Methodology Of "Considering Poetry As Chan";论诗如论禅——严羽“以禅喻诗”方法论辨析10.Epistemological And Methodological Significances Of Pound S Theory Of Translation;庞德翻译理论的理解论、方法论意义11.The Elaboration Of Marx S Influences In Logic And Reality;论马克思的跨越理论及其方法论意义12.On Jiang Zemin S Theory Of Innovation And Its Methodological Meaning;试论江泽民创新理论及其方法论意义13.On The Epistemological And Methodological Problems In The Probability Theory浅谈概率论中的理解论及方法论问题14.Housing Price Forecasting Method Based On TEI@I Methodology;基于TEI@I方法论的房价预测方法15.An Analysis Of The Necessity Of The Artistic Methodology Used In Education Research Methodology;解析教育研究方法论也需要艺术方法16.Exploration Of Teaching Way Of Practice Of "Middle School Mathematics Methodology;《中学数学方法论》教学实践方法探讨17.The Criminal Rebuilding Ways,Theory And Methodology In USA美国犯罪重建的方法、原理与方法论18.On Source Of Law--From The Perspective Of Legal And Jurisprudence Methodologies;论法律渊源——以法学方法和法律方法为视角相关短句/例句Method[英]['Meθ?D][美]['M?Θ?D]方法论1.A Research On The Methods Of Key Technology;关键技术选择与评价的方法论研究2.On The Method Characteristics Of Jiang Ze - Min Thought And Theory;论江泽民思想理论的方法论特征3.The Article Elaborates The Four Levels And Meaning Of The Industry Design Method.阐述了工业设计方法论内容的四个层次及意义,后结合实际,重点用创新设计法、形态组构法、设计管理法等理论对宝马这个世界汽车品牌及其旗下第五代新产品宝马5系轿车的设计研发过程实行分析。



可行性研究报告英文参考文献1. Introduction1.1 BackgroundFeasibility studies are conducted to assess the potential success of a proposed project or business venture. This report presents the findings of a feasibility study for the establishment of a new restaurant in a busy commercial area.1.2 Objectives of the StudyThe main objective of this feasibility study is to determine the viability and profitability of the proposed restaurant project. Specific objectives include:- Assessing the demand for restaurant services in the target market area- Analyzing the competition in the market- Estimating the initial investment required for the project- Determining the potential revenue and profit margins of the restaurant2. MethodologyThe feasibility study was conducted through a combination of primary and secondary research methods. Primary research involved conducting surveys and interviews with potential customers and industry experts. Secondary research included analyzing existing market data, industry reports, and financial projections.3. Market Analysis3.1 Target MarketThe target market for the proposed restaurant includes office workers, residents, and tourists in the surrounding area. Based on the demographic profile of the target market, there is a significant demand for affordable and high-quality dining options.3.2 CompetitionThere are several restaurants and food establishments in the target market area, ranging from fast-food chains to upscale dining venues. The competitive landscape includes both established brands and new entrants, which indicates a challenging market environment.4. Financial Analysis4.1 Initial InvestmentThe estimated initial investment for the restaurant project includes costs related to interior design, kitchen equipment, furniture, licenses, and working capital. A detailed breakdown of the total investment required is provided in the financial projections section.4.2 Revenue ProjectionsBased on the target market size and competitive analysis, revenue projections were developed for the first three years of operation. The revenue forecast takes into account the average spending per customer, the number of daily transactions, and seasonal variations in demand.4.3 Profitability AnalysisProfitability analysis was conducted to assess the potential return on investment for the proposed restaurant project. Key financial metrics such as net profit margin, return on investment, and payback period were calculated to evaluate the project's financial viability.5. Risk Assessment5.1 Market RisksMarket risks identified in the feasibility study include changing consumer preferences, economic downturns, and fluctuating food prices. Mitigation strategies such as diversifying the menu offerings and implementing cost control measures were recommended to address market risks.5.2 Operational RisksOperational risks associated with the restaurant project include supplier issues, food safety concerns, and staffing challenges. A contingency plan was developed to minimize operational risks and ensure the smooth operation of the restaurant.6. ConclusionBased on the findings of the feasibility study, it is concluded that the proposed restaurant project is financially viable and has the potential for long-term success. The market analysis indicates a strong demand for restaurant services in the target area, while the financial projections demonstrate attractive profit margins. However, it is important for the project team to carefully consider and address the risks identified in the study to ensure the successful implementation of the restaurant project.7. RecommendationIt is recommended that the project team proceed with the establishment of the new restaurant, taking into account the findings and recommendations outlined in this feasibility study report. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of key performance indicators will be essential to ensure the success and sustainability of the restaurant business.8. References- David, F. R. (2011). Strategic management. Prentice Hall.- Kimmel, P. D., Weygandt, J. J., & Kieso, D. E. (2011). Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making. John Wiley & Sons.- Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2012). Marketing management. Pearson Education.- Lussier, R. N., & Achua, C. F. (2015). Leadership: Theory, application, & skill development. Cengage Learning.- Wheelen, T. L., & Hunger, J. D. (2011). Concepts in strategic management and business policy. Pearson Education.。




A 实践活动2. () 是在人们解决某些实际问题的研究中所采用的各种手段和步骤。

A 科学研究方法3.()是指针对某一研究领域中的一些重点问题,召集一些相关的代表而举办的学术会议。

A 代表会议4.()是指那些人们暂时无法打开或不允许打开并且也无法直接观测其内部结构,只能从外部输入和输出来认识的系统。

B 黑箱5.()是指学术团体定期组织的主要由本学术团体成员参加的会议,会议周期短的为半年,长的为一年或两年不等。

D 团体定期会6.()是现代通信理论、控制论、自动化技术、电子计算机技术等现代科技的综合运用。

A 信息方法6.()是利用反馈的手段,对系统进行控制调节,以增强系统稳定性或实现系统目标的方法。

C 反馈控制方法7 .()在制定生物分类系统的过程中,创立了分类方法,开创了生物分类学,促进了生物进化思想的形成。

D 林奈8.()不断地给社会科学工作者提出新的课题。

B 社会现实的需要9 .()第一次把试验的经验研究方法和几何的演绎推理巧妙地结合起来,建立了著名的杠杆原理。

A 阿基米德10.报刊论文和()共同构成了社会研究的最主要的两大信息源。

B 图书专著11.巴门尼德、柏拉图等人的研究为()创立形式逻辑体系奠定了基础。

A 亚里士多德12.部分信息已知、部分信息未知的一类系统是指()。

A 灰色系统13.查阅建国后的报刊资料,可以利用()。


C 信息推理术16.从根本上讲,科研课题的产生来自于实践与理论的()。

D 矛盾17.“重复别人的,不搞创新,盲目立项,甚至专门跟着别人后面模仿”的行为属于()。

A 科学研究的低水平重复18.对逻辑方法进行了深入的研究,在他的著作《论逻辑》中研究了归纳的人是()。



方法论词根词缀探究在研究方法和哲学领域,methodology 是一个非常重要的概念。

本文将探讨 methodology 词根词缀的含义、起源以及其在现代研究中的应用。


《方法论词根词缀探究》篇1一、methodology 的词根词缀含义methodology 这个词源于古希腊语,其中 methodeia 意为“方法”、“技巧”,而 logos 则表示“言语”、“理性”。

因此,methodology 可以被理解为“研究方法的理性分析”。

在现代研究中,methodology 被用来指称一种关于研究方法的理论和实践的学问,这种学问旨在帮助研究者选择、设计和实施最为有效和可靠的研究方法。

二、methodology 的起源methodology 的概念可以追溯到古希腊时期,当时哲学家们开始关注知识获取的方法和过程。

在随后的几个世纪中,这种方法论思想被不断发展和完善,直到 19 世纪,方法论才开始成为一种独立的学科领域。

在 20 世纪,随着社会科学研究的迅速发展,方法论的应用范围也得到了拓展。


三、methodology 在现代研究中的应用在现代研究中,methodology 的应用可以分为以下几个方面: 1. 研究设计在进行研究之前,研究者需要制定一份详细的研究设计方案。


methodology 为研究者提供了选择和设计研究方法的指导。

2. 研究质量评估methodology 可以帮助研究者评估研究的质量。


3. 研究结果解释methodology 也可以帮助研究者解释研究结果。


ssci管理学一般文章单词数 -回复

ssci管理学一般文章单词数 -回复


在SSCI(Social Sciences Citation Index)管理学领域的一般文章中,常见的单词数范围为1500至2000字。



1. 引言(Introduction)(约200-250字)文章的引言部分通常会提出研究问题、研究目的和研究背景。



2. 文献综述(Literature Review)(约400-500字)接下来,文章会对相关的研究文献进行综述。



3. 方法(Methodology)(约200-250字)在方法部分,研究者会详细描述他们采用的研究方法、数据来源和数据分析程序。



4. 结果(Results)(约500-750字)在结果部分,研究者会详细呈现和解释他们的研究结果。




5. 讨论(Discussion)(约300-400字)在讨论部分,研究者会对研究结果进行解释和分析,与前人研究进行比较,并讨论其意义和潜在影响。



6. 结论(Conclusion)(约100-150字)在结论部分,研究者会以简洁的方式总结研究的主要发现,并强调其对相关领域的重要性。






















科技论文 methodology 分析

科技论文 methodology 分析

Second, another difficulty arises with the passive when
you write about the procedure you used and compare it with the work of other researchers. One way to make sure that your own contribution is clear and easy to identify is by marking it with words —In this study, or In our experiments.
Try building the model of Methodology.
1. Provide a general introduction and overview of the
materials/methods. Restate the purpose of the work Give the source of materials /equipment used Supply essential background information
In Sentence 1. the writer offers a general overview of
the subsection. In Sentence 2 the writer provides background information and justification. In Sentence 3 the writer provides an overview of the procedure/ method itself. In Sentence 4 the writer provides details about what was done and used and shows that care was taken.



机械毕业设计参考文献1. Introduction•Arif, M., Anis, M., Ihsan, I., & Khan, S. (2017). A Comparative Study on Mechanical Properties of Fiber Reinforced Concrete with Accelerated Curing Technique. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 221(1), 012034.•Chen, Z., Yang, Q., Xie, X., & Kou, H. (2019). A Study on the Influence of Coating Thickness on Mechanical Properties of Coated Steel Sheets. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 758, 314-324.2. Literature Review•Mohamad, E. T., Abdullah, S., Zuhar, Z., & Sukur, S. H. (2016). Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Predicting Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welding (FSW) Joints. Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences, 1161-1172.•Singh, B. P., Singh, H., Sahoo, P. K., & Kumar, S. (2018). Experimental Investigation and Prediction of Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Mortar Incorporated with Phase Change Material (PCM). Energy and Buildings, 171, 271-284.3. Methodology•Lu, L., Sun, Y., & Shen, L. (2019). 3D Printing of Carbo-Metallic Brake Pads with Varying Additive Content. Procedia CIRP, 79, 519-524.•Wang, M., Zhu, D., Pan, Y., & Su, Y. (2018). Study on Mechanical Properties of Low Carbon Steel Reinforced by Surface Nanocrystallization and Phase Transformation Hardening. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 27(11), 5861-5871.4. Results and Discussion•Jang, J. H., Han, W. Y., & Park, K. J. (2017). Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composite with Different Length-To-Diameter (L/D) Ratios. Journal of Composite Materials, 51(10), 1437-1447.•Zhu, X. C., Gong, J., & Jiang, H. B. (2017). Mechanical Performance and Microstructure Evolution of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy Processed by Cyclic Extrusion Compression. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 33(5), 558-564.5. Conclusion•Chen, Y., Wang, H., Zhu, M., & Li, Z. (2019). Influence of Fiber Volume Fraction on Mechanical Properties and Fatigue Behavior of Fiber ReinforcedPolymer-Matrix Composites. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites,38(7-8), 301-315.•Liu, Z. Q., Du, H. Y., & Huang, C. Z. (2018). Stress Analysis and Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer-Matrix Composite Shaft Subjected to Torsion. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 35(3), 763-772.6. References•Assirelli, A., Arpaia, S., Liparoti, S., Meo, M., Squillace, A., Bellucci, F., & Aversa, A. (2018). Wear Analysis of a Sintered SiC Alloy and Running-in Mechanisms. Coatings, 8(9), 323.•Kornilov, I. A., Voroshilova, N. V., Kozyrev, N. A., & Dudkina, E. S. (2019). Investigation of the Influence of Effects of Cryogenic Treatment, Hard Coating and Superfinishing on the Fatigue Life of 40Kh Steel. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 516(4), 042045.。



Part1 Academic Voice ■知识点: Nominalization(名词化)Allow →allowanceNegligent →negligence 疏忽、大意Propose →proposalRemove →RemovalRefuse →RefusalIndicate →indication象征、指示Assume →assumptionIntend →intentionExtensive →extension 伸展、延期Liable →liability 责任、债务Legal →legality 合法性Proficient →proficiency 熟练、娴熟Study →StudyCareless →carelessnessDiscover →discoveringImpair →impairment 损害■词语配对Try to find out DiscoverLook at carefully ExamineMake sure XXX is true VerifyShow DemonstrateGet rid of EliminateGet through it Survive, penetrateMean IntendLook into InvestigateA lot of Numerous, myriadEnd Conclusion■Passive Voice & Avoid first and second personal pronounsDoctors should be required to complete communication skill courses.Clear foreshadowing of events to transpire should be noticed in Hamlet.This method was chosen because of its simplicity.According to the literature reviewed, there are several reasons why plants are dispersed by ants.There is the consensus that ant nests are nutrient enriched sites and therefore it may be advantageous for seeds to germinate from within ant nests.The result of this study concurred with Berg’s hypothesis that seeds are prot ected from fire through their burial in ants’ nests.■Academic Voice(P4)Poignant 深刻的、尖锐的Provocative 刺激的、挑衅的Compelling 强制的Striking 显著的、惊人的Proposal 提议、建议Objection 反对Insight 洞察、Discourse 论述、讨论Investigate 调查、研究Disapprove 不赞成Part2 Introduction 知识点: 组织架构1.Background(背景)In the recent years, there has been a dramatic increase tendency in …2.Literature Review(文献综述)There is a general consensus that …It is generally accepted that …It was explicitly stated that …明确指出…Following similar lines …与此类似的There has been a rising trend in …3.Gap(已有研究局限性)There is a pressing need …However, few studies focus on …This brings to the purpose of this study. 4.Your Paper(论文简述)The primary objective of the paper is to …Our model of the … is general enough to …For this paper, our analysis is limited to …■知识点: “说”的同义词Accepts 接受Admits 承认Advocates 提倡、坚持Agrees 同意Analyze 分析Argues 辩称Asserts 断言Assumes 猜想Believes 相信Claims 声明、断言Comments 评论Concludes 总结Confirms 确认Considers 考虑Denies 拒绝Doubts 怀疑Emphasizes 强调Establishes 确立Explains 解释Hypothesizes 假设、猜测Illustrates 说明Indicates 表明Investigate 调查Maintains 坚持Notes 写到、记下Points out 指出Proposes 提议Remarks 评论Shows 显示States 声明Suggests 建议、暗示Thinks 认为知识点: 语法1. Prominent(强调)Information: The …… (Smith, 2000).Author: Smith (2000) argued that …Weak Author: As Smith (2000) pointed that …2.Tense(时态)陈述当前境况,按具体内容使用时态(现在时、过去时、过去完成时…)文献综述,多使用一般过去时(因为文章已经发表)本文概述,多使用一般现在时(因为文章正被阅读)Part3 Describing Methodology知识点: 组织架构1. Research objective (研究目的)The experiment was initiated to …The study aims to examine …2. Element (要素:时间、地点、对象、人物等)(Subject): The subjects/participants were [num] [noun] from …A group of … were recruited as participants for the investigation(Location): The investigation was performed in …(Materials): Questionnaires were developed for the survey.The data used for the analysis consists of … taken from …3. ProcedureCopies of the questionnaire were given to …Emails containing the survey materials were sent to …4. Data treatmentThe result of … were subjected to statistical testThe data were computer-analyzed using SPSS.■知识点: 步骤叙述1. Sequential MarkersTo begin with // First of allFirstly // Secondly // Finally // LastlyNext // Then // After that // Afterward //Following thisBefore this // Previously // At this time/point // Now // Hence // ThusIn addition // It is also // Later / Untilsubsequently // consequently // simultaneously // concurrently2. VerbsSubjects:Choose // include // recruit // volunteered // paid to participateMaterials:Obtain // Supply Be piloted and modified // Be gatheredBe composed of // Be located // Be installed // Be equipped withResearch design:Apply // employ // develop // resort to(采取、使用) // use // conduct Procedure:Be developed // Be sent to // Be given to // Carry out // follow // perform // propose知识点: 时态,:注意使用过去时■例子A group of MBA students from a major metropolitan state university were recruited as participants for the investigation. The questionnaire was administered after the topic of BSC had been discussed in the course. 136 students enrolled in a managerial accounting course completed the questionnaire. Background information about these participants is presented in Table 2. As is shown, the majority of participants are male. The mean age of the participants was approximately 29 years old, the years of working experience was six on the average.Part4 Results & Discussion知识点: 组织架构1. Generally Summarization(整体概述)One key issue in this study was …2. Result Reporting(结果展示分析)The preliminary analysis discovered that …初步分析发现Descriptive statistics demonstrated that those who …描述性统计显示Result of ANOV A further displayed that …XXX test was adopted3. Result Discussion(结果讨论)Consistent with previous studies, we observed ...This result supports the notion that …该结果支持了XXX的观点This study has several implications for teaching idioms.4. Conclusion(结论)Unexpectedly, we found ……Comparison shows that XXX is comparable to other …知识点: 词汇、短语■1. 结果展示Bar chart 条形图Pie chart 饼图Line graph 折线图Area chart 面积图Scatter plot 散点图Radar chart 雷达图Percentage 百分比Vertical axis 纵轴Horizontal axis 横轴Fluctuation 波动Convex 凸的Concave 凹的Top/ Peak 最高点、尖峰Slope 斜坡Plateau 停滞(n.) Upward 向上的Downward 下降的Table X recordsAs Table X shows // As shown in Graph X According to Table XAs the graph above/belowAs/It can be seen …It appears that …It can be concludedWe found that …To sum up // In conclusionDecrease/ decline/ reduction/ fall/ drop/ dip 下降Minimal/ slight/ slow/ gradual/ steady 平缓的、微弱的Marked/ large/ dramatic/ steep/ sharp/ abrupt 剧烈的、显著的It is apparent that …Quite revealing in several waysThere is a clear trend that …■2. 因果分析强调原因:The death rate from cancer is increasing because/ owing to the fact that people are smoking more.The fact that the death rate from cancer is increasing is due to/ may be due to people smoking more.The reason for/ cause of the death rate from cancer increasing is that/ could be that …An increase in the death rate from cancer people smoking effect ofone result ofone consequence ofis/ may be + caused bydue tobecause ofresults fromarise from强调结果:People are smoking more. the death rate from cancer is increasing.So,Thus, Hence, Therefore, Consequently, As a result, As a result of whichWith the result thatAs a consequence,As a consequence of which For this reason, Because of this,Owing to XXX, YYYXXX YYYResults in/ Leads toProduces/ CausesIs the cause ofGives rise toBrings about3. 语气强弱强化: Crucial(关键性的、极其重要的) Principal(最重要的、主要的) Essential Significant FundamentalQuite Clearly Obviously Undoubtedly CertainlyIndeed Inevitably(不可避免地、必然地)Invariably(总是、不变的) Literally(确实地、真正地)弱化: Likely Maybe Perhaps Possible Possibly Probable Probably RelativelyAppear Seem Suggest4. 比较与对比Comparison (Similarities):Similar to Similarity Both LikewiseIn the same way Have … in common As well as Contrast (Differences):Whereas While However But UnlikeInstead Differ Although ConverselyBe different from Contrary toOn the contrary Even though On the other hand 知识点: 时态(我也说不清,好自为之吧)侧重研究过程使用一般过去时: The preliminary analysis discovered that …指代图表内容使用一般现在时: The line graph below shows…其他事实依据内容确定时态: People are smoking more, as a result …Part5 Conclusion■知识点: 组织架构1. Summary of Argument(论点总结)Our experiment indicated that …, conforming to XXX’s study result.2. Answer to the Research Questions(回答研究问题)XXX played a n important role in …3. Implications(意义)This study has several implications for ...4. Limitation & Further Research(局限性与进一步的研究)However, there was an obvious limitation in this study …We expect more studies to be carried out in ...知识点: 方法1. Summarizing(总结)用尽可能简短的话明确声明论点,去除不重要的部分2. Paraphrasing(改写)从以下方面着手:Use synonyms 使用同义词Change word forms 使用词语的不同形式Make necessary structural adjustments 对结构进行必要的调整Change between affirmative & negative 肯定、否定的转换Include reference to the original source 引用前文来源处示例The Steiner minimal tree problem has been studied in the above discussion. A node-splitting algorithm that finds a good heuristic solution to the problem has been developed. In some cases, it is better, for instance, th an Korhonen’s algorithm. Comparison shows that the node-splitting method is comparable to other heuristic methods.An advantage of this algorithm is that the computations of the bead’s movement can be done in parallel, provided that there is a synchronization barrier to update their new positions. This can take advantage of some parallel computers, for example, mapping each bead to a (virtual) processor.The Steiner tree has been shown to be an optimization problem. Neural network has been successfully applied to solve many optimization problems, for example, TSP. Some of these techniques have been discussed. This could be an interesting area for research in the future. It is possible that these techniques can also be applied to solve the SMT if a good mapping of the problem to an appropriate network architecture is found.Part6 Abstract■知识点: 组织架构1. Motivation & Problem Statement (Gap)The industry is already well known for its efforts to improve the eco-efficiency of its processes.The focus of this research is in the area of …The study focused on 2 main areas.2. Approach (Methodology)We carried out a series of field tests …This paper develops a theoretical framework to …The framework for life cycle analysis has been developed.The research approach adopted in this dissertation includes …3. ResultsFrom these data, it can be concluded that …The findings from this research provide evidence that …Results indicated that the problem is even more serious …4. ConclusionsIt appears tha t …There might be a need for …It has been found/proved that …This dissertation recommends that …This indicates that there are several factors ….The main conclusions drawn from this study are …示例:(总述)This dissertation examines the impacts of social movements through a multi-layered study of the Mississippi Civil Rights Movements from its peak in the early 1960s through the early 1980s.(内容)By examining this historically important case, the writer clarifies the process by which movements transform social structures and the constraints when they try to do so.(对象)The time period studied includes the expansion of voting rights and gains in black political power, the desegregation of public schools and the emergency of white-flight academies, and the rise and fall of federal anti-poverty programs.(方法)Two major research strategies were used: (1) a quantitative analysis of county-level data and (2) three case studies. Data have been collected from archives, interviews, newspapers, and published reports.(结论)This dissertation challenges the argument that movements are inconsequential. Some view federal agencies, courts, political parties, or economic elites as the agents driving institutional change, but typically these groups acted in response to the leverage brought to bear by the civil rights movement.(意义)The Mississippi movement attempted to forge independent structures for sustaining challenges to local inequities and injustices. By propelling change in an array of local institutions, movement infrastructures had an enduring legacy in Mississippi.Part7 References■知识点: Science Reference StyleJournals:1. Y. Shen, Y. P. Jiao, May I pass the exam. Automation. 14, 819-834 (1980).Books:1. Y. P. Jiao, May I pass the exam (SEU Press, Nanjing, 1956).2. Y. P. Jiao, May I pass the exam (SEU Press, Nanjing, ed. 3, 1956), pp. 7-11.Theses:1. Y. P. Jiao, May I pass the exam, SEU (1973).示例:1. S. Allen, PhD thesis, University College Dublin(2009).2. M. Wang,& K. Koda, Commonalities and differences in word identification skills amongEnglish second language learners. Language Learning. 55(1), 73-100 (2005).3. R. Zeelenberg, D. Pecher, Evidence for long-term language repetition priming in conceptualimplicit memory tasks. Journal of Memory and Language. 49, 80–94 (2003).4. R. E. von Studnitz, D. Green, Interlingual homograph interference in German-English bilinguals:Its modulation and locus of control. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition. 51, 1–23 (2002).■知识点:Modern Language Association (MLA) StyleJournals:1. Yu Shen, Yiping Jiao. “May I pass the exam.” Journal of Jiecao. 59. 1(2000): 835-62Books:1. Yu Shen, Yiping Jiao. May I pass the exam. NanJing: SEU Press, 2014.Theses:1. Yu Shen, “May I pass the exam.” PhD thesis, SEU, 2009. Print.示例:1. Booth, David. Ed. Rethinking Social Development: Theory, Research and Practice. Essex:Longman, 1994.2. Mann, Susan. "Myths of Asian Womanhood." Journal of Asian Studies. 59.1 (2000): 835-62.3. McDonagh, Sean. Why are we Deaf to the Cry of the Earth .Dublin:Veritas,2001.4. O’Connor, John. "Towards a Greener Ireland.” Discovering Our Natural Sustainable Resources:Future Proofing, University College Dublin, 15–16 March 2009. Dublin: Irish Environmental Institute, 2009. 65 – 69. PrintPart8 Submitting Paper■知识点: A submission cover letter(投稿)Dear Dr. Jiao,This is a manuscript entitled“MAY I PASS THE EXAM” by Yue Lisha and Wei Jinjin from Laboratory of NOJIECAO, School of Communication and Control Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China. It is submitted to be considered for publication as an “Original Article” in your journal.No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approved by all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of my co-authors that the work described was original research that has not been published previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part.In this work, we developed XXXXXX. I hope this paper is suitable for “XXX JOURNAL”.The Following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration:1) Professor Gu E-mail: ***************.cn2) Professor Qian E-mail: **************************.cnWe deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the address below.Enclosed please find the paper.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,Yue LishaCorresponding author:Prof. Dr. Wei JinjinXX LabXX SchoolXX UniversityNanjing 210096P.R. ChinaTel: (+8625) 87654321E-mail: **********************.cn知识点: Response to revision letter(回复要求修正的信)Dear Dr. Jiao,On behalf of my co-authors, we thank you very much for giving us an opportunity to revise our manuscript, we appreciate editor and reviewers very much for their positive and constructive comments and suggestions on our manuscript entitled “May I Pass the Exam”. (ID: IEJ-12-00123).We h ave studied reviewer’s comments carefully and have made revision which marked in red in the paper. We have tried our best to revise our manuscript according to the comments.Attached please find the revised version, which we would like to submit for your kind consideration.We would like to express our great appreciation to you and reviewers for comments on our paper. Looking forward to hearing from you.Thank you and best regards.<其余同前>知识点: Response to the reviewer’s comments(回复修正意见)Polite ExpressionsWe are very sorry for our negligence of …We are very sorry for our incorrect writing …It is really true as Reviewer suggested that …As Reviewer suggested that …We have made correction according to the Reviewer’s comments.We have re-writte n this part according to the Reviewer’s suggestion.Considering the Reviewer’s suggestion, we have …Special thanks to you for your good comments.知识点: 查询信(你丫敢催…找死呢…)Polite ExpressionsSorry for disturbing you. I am not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled “XXX”. (ID: XX), although the status of “With Editor” has been lasting for more than two months, since submitted to journal three months ago. I am just wondering that my manuscript has been sent to reviewers or not?I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for us. I am very pleased tohear from you on the reviewer’s comments.Thank you very much for your consideration.<其余同前>。







1. Introduction(引言)报告的引言部分是对主题进行简单介绍并概述报告的内容。

常用词汇包括:- The purpose of this report is to...(本报告的目的是...)- This report aims to...(本报告旨在...)- The report is divided into...sections.(本报告分为...个部分。

)2. Methodology(方法)报告中描述了所采用的方法和步骤,用以解决问题或者回答研究问题。

常用词汇包括:- We conducted a survey/questionnaire/interviews.(我们进行了调查/问卷/访谈。

)- The data was collected/gathered/analyzed.(数据被收集/汇总/分析。

)- The research was carried out/undertaken.(研究被进行/开展。

)3. Findings(研究结果)在报告中阐述了从研究或调查中获得的结果。

常用词汇包括:- The findings/research suggests that...(研究结果表明...)- It was found that...(研究发现...)- The data shows/reveals that...(数据表明...)4. Discussion(讨论)在讨论部分,解释和分析了研究结果,并提供了对结果的不同解释和观点。

常用词汇包括:- These findings are consistent with/contradict previous research.(这些结果与之前的研究一致/相矛盾。



3.1 IntroductionThe purpose of this chapter is to provide the reader with an understanding of the methodology and relevant research approaches adopted in our research. In this chapter, we explain the research philosophy, approaches and strategies, and why the methodology has been adopted, at the same time, the constraints associated with data collection and the limitations to the work will also be discussed。

The research aim for this dissertation is to investigate the current human resource management practices of small and medium—sized enterprises (SMEs) in China。

Obtaining effective data and information is of vital concern to build an accurate picture of the issue being studied。

To a large extent, methodology determines the outcomes of any research。

Therefore, it is crucial to choose appropriate research methods and conduct them effectively in order to answer the research question and meet the research objectives well。

实用英语教学法教程 参考答案[7页]

实用英语教学法教程  参考答案[7页]

Chapter 1 Language Views and Language Learning TheoriesExercise 2Views on language Nature of language Target of language learning Teaching focusThe structural view A structural andlinguistic system offorms or elementsTo master those elementsincluding phonologicalunits, grammatical units,grammatical operations, andlexical itemsLinguistic patternsThe functional view An instrument tofulfill communicativefunctions in socialinteractionTo know how to use thelanguage to perform functionsCommunicativefunctions of languageand learners’communicativecompetenceThe interactional view A tool to createand maintain socialrelationsTo grasp the patterns andrules of acts, negotiation, andinteraction in communicationThe interactionaldimension oflanguageExercise 3Theories of language learning Key notionsBehaviorist theory of language learning Language is a set of habits that can be acquired through a process of conditioning;Emphasis should be put on language input, reinforcement, and habit formation.Cognitive theory of language learning Language is an internalized system of rules rather than a form of behavior;To acquire a language is mainly about learning the system of grammatical rules.Constructivist theory of language learning Learners construct meaning based on what they alreadyknow and their experiences.Sociocultural theory of language learning Individuals use physical or symbolic tools to mediate language acquisition;A key notion in sociocultural theory is “Zone of Proximal Development”.Chapter 2 Approaches and Methods in Language TeachingExercise 1Advantages DisadvantagesGrammar-translation method 1. It may help students learngrammar by doing translationexercises.2. It can be helpful for students toget a good grade in exams.1. The process of teaching andlearning can be boring.2. Little attention is paid to learninga language for communication.Exercise 2Advantages DisadvantagesThe direct method 1. It might help students learn grammarmore efficiently.2. Students’ listening and speakingskills tend to be enhanced by thismethod.1. The dominant use of thetarget language might causemisunderstandings in the classroom.2. Native speakers are given moreopportunities than non-native speakers.Exercise 4●Grammar is not significant at all in CLT.Disagree. Grammar is still important but not the focus of CLT.● Speaking is the only focus of CLT.Disagree. There are other means of communication apart from speaking.● Accuracy counts more than fluency in CLT.Disagree. CLT tends to pay more attention to fluency.● Contexts are given special priority in CLT.Agree.● “Learning by using” is clearly reflected in CLT.Agree.● C ompared with the grammar-translation method, CLT requires language teachers to be more proficientin the target language.Agree.Exercise 5Method Objectives Activities Learners’ role Teachers’ roleThe grammar-translation method To master the formof structures andacquire the skills toread and write.Translation drillsPassive receiversof languagestructuresCentral role inthe classThe direct method To gain the skills tocommunicate in thetarget languageDialogues, andother activitiesto facilitatethe mastery ofpronunciation,everydayvocabulary andspeakingParticipants inthe oral activitiesaiming atcommunicationskillsModels of thetarget languageusersThe audio-lingual method To gain control ofstructures of sound,form, and order; Tomaster symbols ofthe languageDialogues anddrills, repetitionand memorization,pattern practiceOrganisms thatcan be directedby skilled trainingtechniques toproduce correctresponsesCentral andactive role inthis teacher-dominatedmethodTotal physical response To communicateuninhibitedly andintelligibly withnative speakers.Imperative drillsto elicit physicalaction.Listeners andperformersActive and directrole; the directorsof a stage playwith students asactorsCLT To grasp functionalskills as wellas linguisticknowledgeEngage learners incommunication;involve processessuch as informationsharing, negotiationof meaning, andinteractionLearners asnegotiators andcommunicatorsFacilitators of thecommunicationprocess; needsanalysts,counselors,process managersTBLT To becomeindependentlearners;To use the targetlanguage to dotasks and solveproblemsTask-basedactivities aiming forstudents’ mastery ofthe target languageLearners aslanguage usersFacilitators ofstudents’ taskcompletionChapter 6 Classroom ManagementExercise 1Interaction Pattern Form Teacher’s roleT (teacher)- Ss (students)individual work / whole class controller / assessor Teacher talk individual work controller / organizerSs-Ss pair work / group work facilitator / assessorT-Ss-Ss group work / whole class organizer / participantSs-material individual work facilitator / resource provider Chapter 7 Understanding English LearnersExercise 1Introverts often:• have quiet energy• listen more than talk• think quietly• think, then act• feel comfortable being alone• prefer to work “behind-the-scenes”• have good powers of concentration• prefer to focus on one thing at a time• are self-contained and reservedExercise 2Integrative motivation: B/DInstrumental motivation: A/C/E/F/G/H/I/JExercise 6Chapter 9 Teaching PronunciationExercise 11-b 2-c 3-a 4-g 5-f 6-e 7-dExercise 21. giraffe2. meditation3. industriali zation4. a ccountable5. graffi ti6. g lorious7. interesting8. revolution9. resistance Chapter 10 Teaching VocabularyExercise 2grace: graceful, ungraceful, disgrace, disgraceful, gracefully, ungracefully, disgracefully, kind: kindness, unkind, unkindness, kindless, kindlessly, kindly, unkindly, patient: impatient, patiently, impatientlylike: unlike, dislike, likely, unlikelysuccess: successful, unsuccessful, successfully, unsuccessfullydirect: directness, indirectness, indirect, direction, indirection, directly, indirectly luck: lucky, unlucky, luckily, unluckilyprofit: profitableappoint: disappoint, disappointmenthonest: dishonestfriend: friendly, friendshipexcite: excitementExercise 5Example 1 tests spellingExample 2 tests grammar (part of speech) and word formation (suffix)Example 3 tests word formation (prefix)Example 4 tests denotative meaningExample 5 tests meaningExample 6 tests meaningExample 7 tests association (synonym)Example 8 tests association (antonym)Example 9 tests association (hyponym)。



哈佛框架外文文献哈佛框架(Harvard Framework)是指研究人员在撰写学术论文时,按特定标准组织、编排文章,使之结构清晰、内容严谨、思路连贯、可读性高。


1. 哈佛框架的基本要素(1)引言部分(Introduction):介绍研究的背景、目的和方法,引出研究问题。

(2)文献综述部分(Literature Review):对研究领域的已有研究进行综述,分析前人研究的不足和存在的问题。






2. 哈佛框架的优点(1)逻辑清晰:哈佛框架可分为多个部分,每部分之间的逻辑关系明确,使文章思路清晰、体系严密。



3. 相关外文文献推荐(1)Patterson, D. J., & Wilkins, L. (2014). The Harvard framework for research writing.(2)Zhu, J., & Zhou, L. (2017). Application of the Harvard framework in nursing research.(3)Kirtley, O. J. (2019). The use of the Harvard framework in case studies of business management.(4)Clark, D. (2016). The benefits and limitations of using the Harvard framework for conducting educational research.(5)Bostock, S., & Hassall, T. (2018). A critical evaluation of the Harvard framework for undertaking scientific research.以上是本文对哈佛框架以及相关外文文献的介绍。





二、文献综述(Literature Review)文献综述部分应该总结已有的研究和文献,并指出它们与本研究的关系。
















methodology 研究方法

methodology 研究方法

methodology 研究方法

1. 实证研究方法(Empirical Research):通过收集和分析现实世界中的观察数据,以验证或推翻研究假设。

2. 实验研究方法(Experimental Research):通过对某个或某些变量进行人为的控制和操作,观察和测量其他变量的变化,确定因果关系。

3. 调查研究方法(Survey Research):通过设计问卷、面谈等方式,收集大量的数据,以了解人们在某个特定领域的观点、态度和行为。

4. 文献研究方法(Literature Review):通过对已有文献、报告、研究成果等进行系统性的综合和分析,提出问题、总结现有研究成果、做出新的理论、观点或方法。

5. 实地观察研究方法(Field Research):通过直接观察和参与现场活动,收集数据,并进行详细的观察和分析。

6. 定性研究方法(Qualitative Research):主要关注人们的主观感受、经验和行为背后的意义,通过访谈、观察等方法收集

7. 定量研究方法(Quantitative Research):主要关注统计数据和数字,通过问卷调查、实验等方式收集大量数据,进行定量分析和统计。


科学研究 方法 的参考文献

科学研究 方法 的参考文献

1. 《科学研究的逻辑与方法》(作者,李沃墉)。


2. 《社会科学研究方法》(作者,戴森)。


3. 《定性研究方法》(作者,马克思)。


4. 《定量研究方法》(作者,柯林斯)。







Sociological Methodology社会学方法
simulation methodology[自]仿真方法学;[自]模拟方法学; 模拟方法学英语
Survey Methodology调查方法; 进行调研方法
1、We believe that this type of spreadsheet can be used on any project with any type of methodology very effectively.

2、But yes, in the sense that it is a repeatable process for developing software, it is in fact a methodology, although a lightweight one.

3、They are a combination of methodology and how-to.




不仅需要扎实的专业知识,熟练的数据分析能力,还需要一个非常合适的research question作为切入点。

毕业论文可以说从literature review,methodology到data collection,data analysis的每一个重要的环节都是一道坎。

Literature review文献要新颖,结构要明确,层次要严谨,内容不能太泛。

毕业论文Methodology方法要正确,data 要显著,分析要到位等等。











需要用到定量分析,这种情况就是要收集数据做data analysis了。

而数据又可以分为primary data 和 secondary data。



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ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Model analysis-Sentence4
• Sentence 4. Samples 1-9 were collected in thoroughly-rinsed 25 ml brown glass bottles which were filled to the top and then sealed tightly to prevent contamination. • The writer provides details about what was done and used and also shows that care was taken.
Model analysis-Sentence1
• 3 Ways to introduce the Methodology • way1. offer a general view by outlining the parameters of the work, e.g: • ----the number of tests, • ----the equipment /material/software used • ----the purpose of the investigation
Model analysis-Sentence1
• 3 Ways to introduce the Methodology • way3: • Refer back to something in the previous section, e.g, restate the aim of the project or the problem you are hoping to address.
• To help readers to get a general idea of this section
Model analysis-Sentence1
• 3 Ways to introduce the Methodology • Way2: • Provide background information about the materials or about the source of the materials/equipment
General structure of the methods Section
• 1.the organism(s) studied (plant, animal, human, etc.) • when relevant, their pre-experiment handling and care, • when and where the study was carried out (only if location and time are important factors); • note that the term "subject" is used ONLY for human studies.
Model analysis-Sentence2
• Sentence 2. The sites were selected from the London Basin area, which is located in the south-east of England and has been frequently used to interpret groundwater evolution.2,3,4 • The writer provides background information and justifies the choice of location by referring to previous research
General structure of the methods Section • 2. the experimental OR sampling design • i.e., how the experiment or study was structured. • For example, controls, treatments, what variable(s) were measured, how many samples were collected, replication, the final form of the data, etc.
Model analysis-Sentence4
• Q:How much detail do I need to provide? • A:Slightly too much information is better than too little • Make sure that other researchers will be able to reproduce your work and obtain similar results
Model analysis-Sentence2
• Q: Why do I need to justify or give reasons for what I did? Isn’t it obvious? • A: To communicate with the reader • 1. this is exactly what I did/used • 2. I had good reasons for those decisions • So that readers trust the choices you made.
Model analysis-Sentence 1
• Q: Why do I need to introduce the Methodology? • A: 1. reader-friendly to start with some introductory material. • 2. to make the entry to Methodology smooth for the reader.
Model analysis-Sentence3
• Q: If I gave general overview at the start of this subsection, why should I also give an overview of the procedure itself? • A:Reasons: • 1. sentence3 starts a new paragraph, signaling a new topic • 2. to provide a general framework to the reader so that details can be easily slotted.
Model analysis-Sentence3
• Sentence 3. A total of 18 samples was collected and then analyzed for the isotopes mentioned earlier. • The writer provides an overview of the procedure/method itself
The contents of a research article or thesis
Abstract Introduction methodology results Discussion/conclusion
What is the function of a methodology chapter of a research paper? • The methodology should contain a detailed description of what you did and/or used. • The Methodology should contain sufficient detail for readers to replicate the work done and obtain similar results.
General structure of the methods Section
• 3. the protocol for collecting data, • how the experimental procedures were carried out,
General structure of the methods Section • 4. how the data were analyzed • qualitative analyses and/or statistical procedures used to determine significance, data transformations used, what probability was used to decide significance, etc. • SPSS(定量研究) • Nvivo(质性研究)
Model analysis-Sentence5
• Sentence 5. The filled bottles were shipped directly to two separate laboratories at Reading University, where they were analyzed using standard methods suitably miniaturized to handle small quantities of water.5 • The writer continues to describe what was done in detail, using language which communicates that care was taken.
Model analysis-Sentence 1
sentence 1. The current investigation involved sampling and analyzing six sites to measure changes in groundwater chemistry. The writer offers a general view of the entire subsection, including the purpose of the investigation.