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2.In spite of this rather clownish quality of his,Mr.Boggiswas not a fool. In fact it was said of him by some that he probably knew asmuchabout French, English andItalianfurnitureas anyone else in London.He also had surprisingly good taste, and he was quick torecognize and reject an ungraceful design, however genuine the article might be.
Fra Baidu bibliotekParson’s Pleasure
1.Apart from the fact that he was at this moment disguised in the uniformof clergyman, there was nothingverysinisteraboutMr.CyrilBoggis. By trade he was a dealer in antique furniture, with his shop and showroom in the King’s Road, Chelsea. His premises were not large, andgenerallyhe didn’t do a great deal ofbusiness, but because he always boughtcheap, veryverycheap, and sold veryverydear, he managed to make quite a tidy little income each year. He was talentedsalesman, and when buying or selling a piecehe could slide smoothly into whichever mood suited the clientbest.He could becomegrave and charmingfor the aged, obsequious for the rich, sober for thegodly, masterfulfor the weak,mischievousfor the wisdom,arch and saucyfor the spinster.He was well aware of his gift, using itshamelesslyon every possible occasion; and often at the end of anunusuallygood performance, it was asmuchas he could do to prevent himself from turning aside and taking a bow or two as the thundering applause of the audience went rolling through the theater.