












预计能够获得以下成果:1. 不同提取工艺条件下山楂总黄酮的提取率和纯度差异。

2. 不同提取工艺条件下山楂总黄酮提取物的抗氧化、降血压和降血脂等生物活性差异。

3. 建立山楂总黄酮的指纹图谱,为山楂总黄酮的质量控制提供依据。





【摘要】目的:研究提取工艺对提取山楂总黄酮含量的影响.方法:采用单因素和正交试验法方法研究不同工艺条件对山楂黄酮提取效率的影响,最后采用响应曲面分析法,确定最佳浸提工艺及相关工艺参数.结果:溶剂:70%乙醇;超声波频率:40 kHz 超声波作用时间:15 min;料液比:1:40.结论:乙醇超声波提取方法具有操作简单、超声波作用时间短、纯度高、得率高、无需加热,剩余物无有害残留,可以综合利用.【总页数】4页(P167-170)
1.山楂籽中黄酮类化合物最佳提取工艺 [J], 王立娟;李坚;张丽君;何杰
2.撒尼黑树莓黄酮最佳提取工艺探讨 [J], 杨李;吴中能
3.山楂叶黄酮类化合物最佳提取工艺研究 [J], 何改
4.山楂叶总黄酮对大鼠血管环的作用及其机制探讨 [J], 闵清;白育庭;刘晶;李继孝
5.大孔吸附树脂分离纯化广山楂总黄酮的最佳工艺条件及参数探讨 [J], 陈洪涛;刘源焕;覃学谦;蔡丹昭







二、常用的测定方法1. 薄层色谱法薄层色谱法是一种简单、快速的分离和测定方法。



2. 高效液相色谱法高效液相色谱法是一种精确测定山楂黄酮含量的常用方法。



3. 比色法比色法是一种常用的快速测定山楂黄酮含量的方法,该方法通过测量山楂黄酮在特定波长下的吸光度来定量。










v o n o i d s a n d t o e x p l o r e t h e a n t i o x i d a n t a b i l i t y o f e x t r a c t s . Me t h o d s : T h e o p t i ma l e x t r a c t i o n c o n d i t i o n s o f h a w t h o r n
S t u d y o n E x t r a c t i o n a n d An t i . o x i d a n t A c t i v i t y o f T o t a l F l a v o n o i d s f r o m Ha w t h o r n
c o n d i t i o n s w e r e a s  ̄ l l o w s : t h e r a t i o o f m a t e r i a l t o l i q u i d w a s 1 : 4 4( g / mL ) , t h e c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f e t h a n o l w a s 6 0
GA O Ho n g—me i , DI NG Z h i —g a n g , G UO Yu a n—x i n, WU J i n g
( F o o d a n d D r u g C o l l e g e , A n h u i S c i e n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g y U n i v e r s i t y , F e n ya g n g 2 3 3 1 0 0, C h i n a ) A b s t r a c t : Ob j e c t i v e : T o o p t i m i z e t h e o p t i ma l c o n d i t i o n s o f m i c r o w a v e—a s s i s t e d e x t r a c t i o n o f h a w t h o r n t o t a l l f a —



山楂(Crataegus spp.),是蔷薇科山楂属(Crataegus L.)的植物,广泛分布于世界各地。







1. 山楂黄酮提取方法的优化:采用正交实验法设计实验,通过改变

2. 主要山楂属植物黄酮含量的测定:采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)对不同种类山楂属植物中的黄酮含量进行测定,并根据结果进行初步分析。

1. 优化出较优的山楂黄酮提取方法。

2. 确定主要山楂属植物的黄酮含量并初步比较不同种类之间的差异。

1. 为山楂黄酮的提取及其应用提供参考依据。

2. 为山楂属植物资源的合理利用提供科学依据。

3. 为进一步深入研究山楂黄酮的药效成分及其作用机制提供基础数据支持。



山楂黄酮提取物的抗氧化活性和对癌细胞生长抑制作用柳嘉;David Glen POPOVICH;景浩【期刊名称】《食品科学》【年(卷),期】2010(031)003【摘要】目的:研究山楂(Crataegus pinnatifida Bunge)黄酮提取物的抗氧化能力以及对人肝癌Hep-G2细胞和人肠癌Caco-2细胞生长抑制作用.方法:比较测定总黄酮含量的直接法和两种铝盐显色法,进一步采用硝酸铝盐显色法测定提取物总黄酮含量,ABTS法和DPPH法分析提取物的抗氧化活性,MTT法评价山楂黄酮提取物对细胞生长的抑制效果.结果:山楂黄酮提取物中黄酮含量占干质量的98%,清除ABTS和DPPH自由基的能力随提取物剂量的增加而升高,EC_(50)分别为88μg/mL和112μg/mL,而标准品Trolox的EC_(50)清除ABTS和DPPH自由基的能力分别为111μg/mL和118μg/mL.山楂黄酮提取物能够有效地抑制癌细胞的生长,且对Hep-G2细胞的抑制效果更强,Hep-G2细胞和Caco-2细胞的IC_(50)分别约为115μg/mL和376μg/mL.结论:山楂黄酮提取物黄酮含量高,抗氧化能力强,有抑制癌细胞的作用,是一种有效的天然抗氧化剂.【总页数】4页(P220-223)【作者】柳嘉;David Glen POPOVICH;景浩【作者单位】中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院,北京,100083;新加坡国立大学化学系,新加坡,肯特岗,117543;中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院,北京,100083【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R282.71【相关文献】1.棉花皮苷的抗氧化活性及对肝癌细胞生长的抑制作用研究 [J], 吕娜;李锋;刘斌斌2.马铃薯提取物对卵巢癌细胞生长抑制作用研究 [J], 何金英;马玉珍;姚星宇;孙文芳;刘慧;侯建华;杨丽敏3.HPLC法同时测定口服山楂叶总黄酮提取物后大鼠血浆中3种黄酮的含量及药动学研究 [J], 王思源;张文杰;康廷国4.山楂及山楂黄酮提取物调节大鼠血脂的效果研究 [J], 高莹;肖颖5.同时测定山楂叶总黄酮中6种黄酮含量及体外抗氧化活性评价 [J], 邓婷;秦涛;徐颖;孙涛因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。


z 。 n g n e Y a n j l u 堡 垒 里
山楂 中黄 酮 提 取 的研 究
郭 亮 王谷洪 周 齐 刘 旭海 王 桂华 。
( 1 . 深圳 市瑞 升华 科技 股份 有 限公 司 , 广东 深圳 5 1 8 0 0 0 ; 2 . 江 中药 业股 份有 限公 司 , 江西 南昌 3 3 0 0 O 0 ) 摘 要: 通过 利用 紫外 分光 光度 计测 定 吸光度 的方 法 , 研 究 了山楂 中总 黄酮 在 P E G/ ( NH ) s Q 形成 的 双水 相 系统 巾的萃 取结 果 , 最
1 . 0 mI 、 3号 管 中加 人 2 . 0 mI 、 4号 管 中加 入 3 . 0 mI 、 5号 管 中
加入 4 . 0 mL 、 6号 管 中 加 入 5 . 0 mI , 分别 加入 5 O 乙 醇 使 成 5 mL; 精密加入 5 Na N O2 溶液 0 . 3 mI , 摇匀 , 放置 6 mi n ; 加 入1 O Al ( N 03 ) 3 溶液0 . 3 mI , 摇匀 , 放置 6 mi n ; 加入 1 mo l / I Na OH 溶 液 4 mI ; 用5 0 % 乙 醇加 到 1 0 mL处 , 混 合 均匀 。 向 1号 管 中 加 入 5 N a NO z 溶液 0 . 3 mi , 摇匀, 放 置
1 实 验
1 . 1 仪器 、 试 剂 与 材 料
紫外分光光度 计 ( 龙尼柯 有 限公司 ) 、 离心机 ( 北 京 离 心 机
厂) 、 恒温 水浴 锅 ( 上海 仪 器 有 限公 司) 、 干燥 箱 ( 江 苏 曙峰 企
业) 、 分析天平 ( 莱 阳化 工有 限公 司 ) 。
6 mi n ; 加入 l O AI ( N Oa ) 3 溶液 0 . 3 mL, 摇匀 , 放置 6 mi n ; 加








据调查显示,我国约有9 000万人患有高血脂[1]。





1 材料和方法1.1 实验动物雄性金黄地鼠[(级别:SPF级,品系:LUG,购自:北京维通利华实验动物技术有限公司,许可证编号:SCXX(京)2006-0009)],饲养于内蒙古医科大学动物中心,自由饮水摄食,24 h明暗交替。

1.2 主要试剂总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、肌酸激酶(CK)、直接高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(D-HDL-C)、直接低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(D-LDL-C)测定试剂盒(中生北控生物科技股份有限公司)。



在用索氏提取法中,使用正交实验设计分析的方法,通 过4因素3水平的正交实验得出最佳提取工艺为80℃、70%乙 醇、3h、液料比为20的提取。索氏提取法原理与浸渍法类似 ,都是根据相似相溶的原理,但是它的提取率高于浸渍法。 液料比的选择为20,增大液料比,黄酮的提取效果也随之增 加,但是当液料比大于20的时候,提取效率增加不大。索氏 提取法提取效果比较好,可以在提取后直接在此温度下进行 浓缩,减少能量损失,可以用于工业生产。
(3)液料比极差 液料比极差值从水平1到水平3的数值逐 渐加高,但是变化幅度不是很大,这说明随着加入的液料比的 增加,黄酮提取量也随着增加。
各个实验因素与因素水平对山楂中黄酮的提取用超声波 法提取的影响表现出一定的差别,从极差的分析结果可以得出 :因素A>B>C(注:A、超声时间 B、液料比 C、乙醇浓度)
山楂中黄酮的提取研究技术来自 目录1 引言 2 实验工艺流程 3 结果与分析 4 讨论
1 引言
中国是山楂的世界主产国之一。但受某些客 观原因的限制,山楂的应用开发研究比较滞后, 随着人们对健康的日益关注,山楂开始逐渐受到 人们的重视,尤其是维生素C和黄酮类药品,具有 良好的前景。在对山楂黄酮研究中,大都集中在 黄酮的药理作用及其保健功能,然而对山楂总黄 酮的提取缺乏系统的研究,使得这成为制约其更 进一步开发的瓶颈。
(3)时间极差 水平2比水平1的增加十分明显,然而水平3 只比水平2有一点的增加。提取时间一增长,黄酮提取量就慢 慢开始恒定。
这说明了各个实验因素与因素水平对山楂中黄酮提取量的 影响有一定的差异,由分析结果可以得出:因素B>A>C(注:A 、提取温度 B、提取时间 C、乙醇浓度)。
3.3 超声波提取法对山楂中黄酮提取的影响






二、实习过程1. 材料准备本次实习所需材料有新鲜山楂、70%乙醇、盐酸、氢氧化钠、碳酸钠、丙酮、石英砂等。

2. 提取方法采用70%乙醇超声波提取法进行山楂中黄酮的提取。




3. 含量测定采用分光光度法测定山楂中黄酮的含量。




三、实习结果与分析1. 标准曲线通过测定不同浓度的黄酮标准溶液的吸光度,绘制标准曲线,得到线性方程为:y = kx + b,其中y为吸光度,x为浓度,k为斜率,b为截距。

2. 提取液黄酮含量测定将提取液稀释至适当浓度,测定其在200-400nm波长范围内的吸光度,根据标准曲线计算黄酮含量。







山楂黄酮的薄层色谱分离鉴定研究LIA NG S F 梁淑芳,马耀光,马柏林(西北农林科技大学生命科学学院,陕西杨凌712100)摘 要: 研究了山楂(山里红Cr ataegus p innatif ida Bge.v ar.maj or N.E.Br)黄酮类化合物新的薄层色谱分离鉴定方法。

以十二烷基硫酸钠 正丁醇 正庚烷 水微乳液为展开剂,利用聚酰胺薄层色谱法能使山楂黄酮完全分离。


与用正丁醇 乙酸 水4 1 5为展开剂的聚酰胺薄层色谱法比较发现,微乳薄层色谱法检测灵敏度高、分离效果理想。

关键词: 山楂;黄酮;薄层色谱;微乳液中图分类号:Q 949.751.8;O658.64 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0253-2417(2003)04-0086-03A STU DY ON SEPARAT ION AND IDENT IFICAT ION OF FLAVONOIDS INCRA TAE G US PINN ATIFIDA BGE.BY THIN LAYER CHROMATOGRAPHYLIANG Shu fang,MA Yao guang ,MA Bai lin(Lif e Science Collage,Northw est Science Technology University of Agr icultur e andFor estry ,Yangling 712100,China)Abstract:T his paper studied new method of separation and identification of flavonoides in Crataegus p innatif idaBge.var.ma j or N.E.Br.Influence of microemulsio n types on pow er of resolving flav onoids was inv est igated w ithSDS/n C 4H 9OH/n C 7H 16/H 2O microemulsion as eluant on poly amide film.T he flavonoids were separated entirely.Seven flavono ids spots w er e obtained r espectiv ely from leaves and fr uit,but they are not par ed w ith theg eneral mobile phase composed of C 4H 9OH C H 3CO OH H 2O=4 1 5the sensitivity of detection w as improved mar kedlyand the r esults w er e satisfactory.T hi s new chromatog raphic method is simple,accurate for separation and ident ification of flavonoids in C.p innatif ida Bge.var.maj or N.E.Br.Key words:Crataegus p innatif ida Bg e.var.maj or N.E.Br.;flavo noids;thin layer chromatography;microemulsion黄酮类化合物是山楂果中的主要药用成分之一,对治疗脑血管硬化和心血管疾病疗效显著。



山楂黄酮抗氧化作用的研究进展伍胶;胡艳颖;曹发正;毛青花;徐俊晨;王齐【摘要】山楂黄酮主要含有金丝桃苷、槲皮素、槲皮苷、异槲皮苷、芦丁、杜荆素、异杜荆素和表儿茶素等.研究表明山楂黄酮具有抗氧化、改善心肌功能、抗肿瘤、调节血压、增加冠脉流量、降血脂等作用,其主要机制可能为提高组织中SOD 和全血中SOD和GSH-Px活力.【期刊名称】《吉林医药学院学报》【年(卷),期】2012(033)005【总页数】3页(P317-319)【关键词】山楂黄酮;抗氧化;丙二醛【作者】伍胶;胡艳颖;曹发正;毛青花;徐俊晨;王齐【作者单位】吉林医药学院2008级预防医学本科班,吉林吉林132013;吉林医药学院2008级预防医学本科班,吉林吉林132013;吉林医药学院2008级预防医学本科班,吉林吉林132013;吉林医药学院2008级预防医学本科班,吉林吉林132013;吉林医药学院2008级预防医学本科班,吉林吉林132013;吉林医药学院2008级预防医学本科班,吉林吉林132013【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R2851 山楂黄酮成分山楂(Crataegus pinnatifida Bunge),又名红果、山里红等,属山楂属落叶乔木,在我国种植资源丰富。




2 山楂黄酮的药理作用山楂黄酮具有抗氧化、改善心肌功能、抗肿瘤、调节血压、增加冠脉流量、降血脂等作用[4]。

2.1 抗氧化作用闫君宝等[5]应用6%的山楂水煎剂可明显降低高脂饮食大鼠空腹血清胰岛素和丙二醛(MDA)水平,表明其可改善高脂饮食大鼠的胰岛素血症,增强机体抗脂质氧化作用,其机制可能与调节糖代谢有关,其药效物质基础可能与金丝桃苷和熊果酸有关。



















有资料表明:山植黄酮类物质对252例冠心病心绞痛病人总有效率为为 94.4 %。

对降低血脂总有效率达 85 %,对治疗冠心病、心肌炎及心肌病引起的早博总有效率为 62·5 %。

此外,对降低舒张压, 防治心律失常、心血管病和化痰也起重要作用二、材料、试剂、主要仪器设备材料:廊坊师院10教后采集的山楂叶试剂5 % 乙醇AR;无水乙醇;5%NaNO溶液 20%AL(NO3)3 溶液; 4%Na(OH)溶液;主要仪器设备:紫外光 /可见光自动记录分光光度计 ;高速离心机; 三.提取、纯化取干山植叶50g ,经破碎成1cm2左右。

置于烧杯中,加入蒸馏水加热煮沸3 h。





加热温度,加热温度 7 0 ℃浓缩液冷却后加入等体积95%乙醇。



滤液于蒸发器蒸馏( 7 0 ℃ );。





精密吸取标准溶液0、1、2、3、4、5和6ml 分别置于250ml容量瓶中,加水至6ml,加5%NaNO2溶液1ml后摇匀,静置6min加10%AL(NO3)3溶液1ml,摇匀静放6min加入4%的Na(OH)溶液10ml,摇匀后加水至刻度,摇匀放置15分钟,立即在510nm波长处测量吸光度(A)值,以吸光度为横坐标,浓度(C,m/v)为纵坐标测绘曲线,计算曲线的回归方程。



【摘要】为研究山楂和山楂黄酮调节血脂的效果 ,本课题观察了山楂黄酮和山楂汁对高脂血症大鼠血清脂质和肝脏脂水平的影响。

大鼠高脂饲料含有 1%胆固醇、10 %猪油、10 %蛋黄粉和 79%基础饲料。

结果显示第五周末实验结束时 ,山楂黄酮和山楂汁使高脂血症大鼠血清甘油三酯、肝脏甘油三酯明显降低 (P <0 0 5 ) ,山楂黄酮和山楂汁使肝脏胆固醇明显降低 (P <0 0 5 ) ,但两种受试物都未降低血清胆固醇。


1.山楂黄酮提取物降血脂研究 [J], 张明;陈珍
2.山楂总黄酮和茶多酚联合调节血脂的优化配比研究 [J], 谷仿丽;陈乃富;戴军;陈
3.沙棘总黄酮和山楂总黄酮及其混合液对大鼠高血脂的影响 [J], 王云彩
4.HPLC法同时测定口服山楂叶总黄酮提取物后大鼠血浆中3种黄酮的含量及药动学研究 [J], 王思源;张文杰;康廷国
5.山楂提取物调节血脂作用的实验研究 [J], 王代明



【摘要】用常温超高压技术提取山楂中黄酮类化合物,为了研究提取的最佳工艺,采用正交试验优化, 利用分光光度法检测提取液中总黄酮含量.结果表明,超高压提取山楂果中黄酮类化合物的最佳提取工艺参数分别为: 提取溶剂为50%乙醇,料液比为1:40 ,浸泡时间2h,提取压力300MPa,提取时间为3min.超高压提取时间短,提取液澄清稳定.
1.回流法提取山楂叶悬钩子叶片中黄酮类化合物的工艺研究 [J], 唐红梅;常丽新;丁存宝;张树华;贾长虹
2.山楂叶中黄酮类化合物的提取工艺研究 [J], 张元富;刘志辉;于行梅;贾文杰
3.长白山野生山楂叶中黄酮类化合物提取工艺研究 [J], 李桂玲
4.长白山野生山楂叶中黄酮类化合物提取工艺研究 [J], 李桂玲
5.山楂中黄酮类化合物的提取研究 [J], 刘煊崴; 罗维巍; 刁全平; 嵇彬慧; 覃汉棋; 蒋昊



大果山楂黄酮提取的方法研究作者:陈兵兵等来源:《现代养生·下半月版》 2017年第3期【摘要】据调查,在成熟的大果山楂果实里面,含有十分丰富的黄酮类物质。





【关键词】大果山楂;黄酮;提取1 引言大果山楂在植物当中,被划归为蔷薇科的一类。



在2015 年版的《中国药典》中,再一次将大果山楂收录。





相关的统计显示,2016 年全国大果山楂种植面积突破600 万亩,总产量突破60万吨。






2 原料与方法2.1 材料与试剂大果山楂:选择成熟度良好均匀,外观圆润,没有病虫害的广西贺州地区的大果山植实施黄酮提取实验分析。


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3132J.Agric.Food Chem.2010,58,3132–3138DOI:10.1021/jf903337fSynergetic Effect and Structure-Activity Relationship of 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl Coenzyme A Reductase Inhibitorsfrom Crataegus pinnatifida Bge.X IAO-L I Y E,†W EN-WEN H UANG,§Z HU C HEN,§X UE-G ANG L I,*,§P ING L I,#P ING L AN,§L IANG W ANG,§Y ING G AO,§Z HONG-Q I Z HAO,§AND X IN C HEN§†School of Life Science,Southwest University,Chongqing400715,China,§Chemistry Institute of Pharmaceutical Resources,School of Pharmaceutical Science,Southwest University,Chongqing400716,China,and#Beibei Tranditional Chinese Medicie Hospital,Chongqing400700,China The3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase(HMGR)inhibitors from hawthorn fruit(Crataegus pinnatifida Bge.)were isolated and evaluated for their antihyperlipidemic effect inducedby high-fat diet in mice.After being further purified with silica and polyamide column chromatog-raphy from the fractions(fractions A,F,H,and G)with a high inhibitory rate(IR)to HMGR,24chromatographic fractions were obtained,including8active fractions with a high IR to HMGR.However,the total inhibitory activity of24fractions was decreased by about70%.From eight activefractions,four compounds were obtained by recrystallization and identified as quercetin(a),hyperoside(b),rutin(c),and chlorogenic acid(d),the contents of which in hawthorn EtOH extractwere0.16,0.32, 1.45,and0.95%,respectively.The IR values of compounds a-d to HMGRwere6.28,9.64,23.53,and10.56%at the corresponding concentrations of0.16,0.32,1.45,and0.95mg/mL,respectively.It was discovered that the IR of a mixture(2.85mg/mL)matching theoriginal percentage of compounds a-d in hawthorn EtOH extract was up to79.5%,much higherthan that of the single compound and the total IR of these four compounds(50.01%).The in vivoresults also revealed that the mixture had a more significant lipid-lowering efficacy than themonomers.Structure-activity relationship revealed the inhibitory activity and lowering-lipid abilityof compounds a-c decreased with increasing glycoside numbers.It was concluded that there weresynergetic effects on inhibiting HMGR and lowering lipid among compounds a-d,and the weakhydrophilic ability benefits the inhibition to HMGR and lowering-lipid efficacy.KEYWORDS:Hawthorn fruit;3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase(HMGR);antihyperlipi-demic effect;synergetic effect;structure-activity relationship(SAR)1.INTRODUCTIONHyperlipidemia is a dangerous factor of cardio-cerebrovascu-lar diseases,inducing essential hypertension,coronary heart disease,and atherosclerosis(1).It is widely acknowledged that lowering the level of total cholesterol(TC),low-density lipopro-tein cholesterol(LDL-C),and triglycerides(TG)can interfere with the progression of atherosclerosis and reduce cardiovascular events in patients with atherosclerosis and cardio-cerebrovascular diseases(2,3).The most widely used lipid-lowering drugs are a class of3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase (HMGR)inhibitors.HMGR is an endoplasmic reticulum(ER) bound enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of hydroxymethyl-glutaryl-CoA to mevalonate(4),an early rate-limiting step in cholesterol biosynthesis,leading to cholesterol-lowering effects. Statins,a competitive inhibitor of HMGR most widely used in clinics,reduce TC,LDL-C,apolipoprotein B,and TG levels(5), but they are associated with undesirable side effects such as severe myopathy and statin-associated memory loss(6).Myopathy is a serious side reaction,with the potential for rhabdomyolysis(the pathological breakdown of skeletal muscle),leading to acute renal failure(7).Recently,we conducted a rationalized screening to search for HMGR inhibitors from traditional Chinese medicine(TCM). The EtOH extract of hawthorn fruit(Crataegus pimmatifida Bge.) showed a very significant inhibition to HMGR by HPLC(8) among73TCMs. C.pimmatifida Bge.(Rosaceae),named Shanzha in Chinese,is widely used as a food and traditional medicine in treating chronic heart failure,high blood pressure, various digestive ailments(9),and arrhythmia(10),as well as geriatric and antiarteriosclerosis remedies(11)by reducing serum cholesterol.It has been documented that hawthorn fruit de-creased the serum total cholesterol,LDL-C,and triglycerides in hyperlipidemic humans(12).The major components include flavonoids,proanthocyanidin, triterpenes,organic acids,tannin,flavane and its polymers,and so*Address correspondence to this author at the Chemical Institute ofPharmaceutical Resources,School of Pharmaceutical Science,South-west University,Chongqing400715,China(telephoneþ862368250728;faxþ862368250728;e-mail xuegangli2000@)./JAFC Published on Web02/04/2010©2010American Chemical SocietyArticle J.Agric.Food Chem.,Vol.58,No.5,20103133 on(13).Among them,flavonoids and triterpenes were reported asthe main active hypolipidemic constituents(14,15).However,there had been no reports on the active components of HMGRinhibitors in hawthorn fruit and their lipid-lowering efficacy.In the present study,we separated and purified the EtOHextract of hawthorn fruit by systematic chromatographic meth-ods using HMGR as the target to research the inhibition toHMGR and the lipid-lowering efficacy of active components andfurther investigate their synergetic effect and structure-activityrelationship.2.MATERIALS AND METHODS2.1.Chemicals.Standard quercitrin,hyperoside,rutin,and chloro-genic acid were purchased from the National Institute for the Control ofPharmaceutical Biological Products(Beijing,China).Nicotinamide ade-nine dinucleotide phosphate(NADPH),1,4-dithiothreitol(DTT),ethyle-nediaminetetraacetic acid(EDTA),and3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A(HMG-CoA)were obtained from Sigma Chemical Co.(St.Louis,MO).Other chemicals were purchased from Pharmaceutical andChemical Reagent Inc.(Chongqing,China).Silica gel(200-300mesh),polyamide(100-200mesh),and D-101macroporuos resin were pur-chased from Qingdao Marine Chemical Co.,Ltd.(Qingdao,China).2.2.Plant Materials.Hawthorn fruit(C.pimmatifida Bge.)wascommercially available in Chongqing,China.It was dried at75°C in avibrating blast drier(model VFB-A,Beijing,China)and ground to passthrough a60mesh screen;the powder was stored in a desiccator at theChemistry Institute of Pharmacological Resource,Southwest University,China.2.3.Preparation and Assay of HMGR from Mouse Liver(8).Briefly,liver was homogenized in potassium phosphate buffer A(PPB,pH7.2),containing50mmol/L KCl,40mmol/L K2PO4,30mmol/L EDTA,and10mmol/L sucrose.The homogenate was centrifuged at16000g for15min,and the supernatant was centrifuged at100000g for60min.Theresulting microsomal fraction was suspended in3mL of potassiumphosphate buffer A(pH7.2),containing250mmol/L sucrose,20mmol/L EDTA,and50μmol/L leupeptin,immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen,and stored at-80°C until analysis.Microsomal suspensions of10μL(80mg/mL protein)and10μLinhibitors were preincubated for5min at37°C with80μL of PPB(pH6.8),containing300mmol/L KCl,240mmol/L K2HPO4,6mmol/LEDTA,and15mmol/L DTT.The assay was initiated by adding10μLof50μmol/L NADPH and10μL of HMG-CoA.The incubation wasperformed at37°C for30min and terminated by the addition of500μL of0.5mol/L of NaOH.Then the mixture was centrifuged at10000g for10min,and20μL of supernatant was taken to measure the content ofNADPH by HPLC(8).In this reaction,the NADPH would be oxidized toNADPþ,causing the decrease in absorbance of NADPH at340nm.Afteradding inhibitors,the reaction velocity was decreased and the depletion ofNADPH was correspondingly declined.The changes in the content ofNADPH were analyzed,and the inhibitory rate(IR)was calculatedaccording to the following equation:IR¼S i-S cS b-S cÂ100%ð1ÞHere,IR indicates the inhibitory rate and S i,S b,and S c indicate the peakarea(mAU*s)of NADPH in inhibitor,blank,and control group,respectively.HPLC conditions of analyzing NADPH were as follows:chromato-graphic column,Hypersil C18-ODS(4.6mmÂ200mm,5μm);mobilephase,phosphate buffer/MeOH(78:22,pH7.2);flow rate,1mL/min;injection volume,20μL;wavelength of detection,340nm;temperature ofcolumn,25°C.2.4.Preparation of Hawthorn Fruit Extracts.The dried powderof hawthorn fruit(1000g)was extracted three times with15L of95%ethanol under ultrasonic vibration.The supernatant was evaporated at60°C in a rotary evaporator under reduced pressure to produce680g of crude extracts.Then the extract was dissolved in distilled water to obtainsupernatant and precipitate(35.2g,fraction A)by centrifugation.Thesupernatant was loaded onto the D-101macroporous adsorption resins column(8cmÂ100cm),then eluted with different concentrations of EtOH(0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,and100%)to collect various fractions,and concentrated under reduced pressure to obtain condensed fractions designated fractions B,C,D,E,F,H,I,J,K,and L,respectively. Then the IR of fractions A-L to the activity of HMGR was measured by HPLC(Table1).2.5.Purification of Active Fractions with High Inhibition to HMGR.According to results of section2.4,four fractions(A,F,G,and H)had a high inhibitory activity to HMGR(Table1)and were further purified.One gram of fraction A was suspended in MeOH and loaded onto10g of silicagel.After MeOH had been evaporated,silica gel with fraction A was put into column(1.5cmÂ70cm)containing90g of silica gel,and then eluted with different ratios of CHCl3/MeOH to produce six fractions (fractions1-6)(shown in Table2).Fraction F(1g)was loaded onto column chromatography on100g of polyamide(1.5cmÂ70cm)and eluted with a gradient of H2O/MeOH eluent to yield six fractions(fractions7-12).Fraction G(1g)was loaded onto100g of polyamide chromatography (1.5cmÂ70cm)and eluted with a gradient of H2O/EtOH to yield five fractions(fractions13-17).Fraction H(1g)was loaded onto100g of silica gel chromatography (1.5cmÂ70cm)and eluted with a gradient of CHCl3/MeOH to yield seven fractions(fractions18-24).The IR of fractions1-24to HMGR was measured by HPLC.Those fractions with a high inhibition to HMGR were purified with thin layer chromatography(TLC)and recrystallized to obtain eight compounds, a-h,respectively.The separation process is shown in Scheme1.2.6.Structural Identification of Active Compounds.Melting points,UV,IR,1H NMR,and TLC were used to identify structures of new compounds.Melting points were determined on an RD-2C electro-thermal melting point apparatus and are uncorrected.The UV spectra were recorded on a Hitachi U-1800spectrophotometer.The IR spectra were carried out on a Perkin-Elmer IR spectrophotometer.The1H and13C NMR spectra were recorded on a Bruker model Avance DMX300 spectrometer(300MHz for1H and75MHz for13C)using TMS as an internal standard and DMSO-d6as solvent.Macroporous resin was used for crude separations.Analytical TLC was performed on precoated silica gel G plates(Qingdao Marine Chemical Co.Ltd.)and polyamide thin film (Yuanda Chemical Co.Ltd.),visualized with UV light,and then sprayed with1%vanillin/H2SO4and heated or with1%AlCl3/EtOH.2.7.Quantitative Analysis of Active Components in Hawthorn Fruit Extract.For quantification of active components in hawthorn fruit extract,a Waters HPLC system equipped with a510pump,a UV detector, and a Symmetry Hypersil C18-BDS(4.6Â250mm,5μm)was used. Quercetin,hyperoside,rutin,and chlorogenic acid in methanol were injected into the column as external standard compounds.After injection, the column was eluted with a linear gradient of acetonitrile in water from Table1.Inhibition Rate of Constituents to HMG-CoA Reductase and of Countsweight(g)weight ratio(%)IR a(%)total inhibitoryactivity b crude extract680100 5.134680 precipitation(fraction A)35.2 5.1818.46476.80 water fraction(fraction B)448.0665.890.0144.80 10%EtOH(fraction C)24.92 3.660.249.84 20%EtOH(fraction D)11.92 1.750.671.52 30%EtOH(fraction E)16.63 2.45 5.6931.28 40%EtOH(fraction F)43.6 6.4128.312338.8 50%EtOH(fraction G)31.5 4.6330.39544.5 60%EtOH(fraction H)18.5 2.7226.34865.5 70%EtOH(fraction I) 5.230.77 1.578.45 80%EtOH(fraction J) 2.090.31 2.552.25 90%EtOH(fraction K) 4.50.66 1.358.5 100%EtOH(fraction L) 5.860.86 2.2128.92 total648.019534641.16 a IR indicates the inhibitory rate to HMGR at the concentration of1mg/mL.b Total inhibitory activity=weight(mg)ÂIR(%).3134J.Agric.Food Chem.,Vol.58,No.5,2010Ye et al.10to50%(containing0.3%KH2PO4)over30min before returning to initial conditions for10min.The flow rate was1mL/min,and effluent was monitored at360nm.Before being analyzed,the EtOH extract of hawthorn fruit was dissolved in methanol,and after a brief centrifugation(1000g,10min),a 5mL aliquot of the supernatant was passed through a2mL cleanup column and eluted with methanol.Twenty microliters of collected eluant was used to analyze the content of active compounds by HPLC.2.8.Animal Experiments.Kunming mice(20(2g)of both genders were purchased from Animal Breeding Center of the Third Military Medical University(Chongqing,China).Animals were cared for according to the institutional guidelines of Chongqing City Laboratory Animal Administration Committee of China.Mice were housed in an air-conditioned room(24(2°C,55(10%relative humidity,15air changes in1h,and12h light cycle)with5mice per cage.The regular and the high-fat and high cholesterol(HFHC)diets contained2%cholesterol,10% lard,10%yolk powder,and0.5%sodium deoxycholate,purchased from Animal Breeding Center of the Third Military Medical University (Chongqing,China).After1week of accommodation period,the mice were divided into normal control(HFHC free),model(HFHC diet),compound a(2.85mg/ kg/day),compound b(2.85mg/kg/day),compound c(2.85mg/kg/day), compound d(2.85mg/kg/day),and mixture of compounds a-d(2.85mg/ kg/day),and10mice were included in each group.The mixture of compounds a-d was matched according to their ratio in hawthorn fruit extract(0.16:0.32:1.42:0.95).Mice in the normal control were fed regular mouse diet.Other animals were fed HFHC diet for2months to get the hyperlipidemic mice.Then hyperlipidemic mice were untreated or treated with above extracts using a stomach tube for6weeks,respectively.Six hours after the last treatment,the mice were sacrificed,their blood was collected,and the serum for the measurement of cholesterol levels was obtained by centrifugation.Then total cholesterol(TC),triglyceride(TG), high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol(HDL-C),and low-density lipopro-tein-cholesterol(LDL-C)were assayed using commercially available kits.2.9.Statistics.The data were analyzed by SPSS11.5software and expressed as mean(standard deviation(SD),and one-way analysis of variance(ANOVA)was used for statistical evaluation.Differences were accepted as statistically significant at P values of<0.05.3.RESULTS AND CONCLUSION3.1.IR of Fractions A-L to the Activity of HMGR.Table1 showed the IR of hawthorn fruit extract to the activity of HMGR. From1000g of dried powder of hawthorn fruit,680g of crude EtOH extract was obtained.Its IR to HMGR was only5.1%,and the total inhibitory activity was about34680.Then the crude extract was dissolved in water to get the precipitate and supernatant.The IR of precipitate(35.2g, fraction A)was up to18.4%,and the total inhibitory activity was about6476.8.From the supernatant,11fractions(fractions B-L)were obtained.Among them,fractions F,G,and H had high inhibitory activities to HMGR,their IRs being up to28.3, 30.3,and26.3%,respectively.According to the data in Table1, the total activity of fractions A-L was34641.16.This indicated that there had been no loss of total inhibitory activity.The inhibitory activities of fractions A,F,G,and H accounted for 95.9%,but their weights were only18.9%of total weight.3.2.IR of Fractions1-24to the Activity of HMGR.Fractions A,F,G,and H were further purified with different column chromatographies to obtain24fractions(fractions1-24) (Table2).Six fractions were obtained from precipitate(fraction A). Among them,fraction2showed the highest inhibitory activity to HMGR,up to39.6%,2-fold higher than that of the pre-cipitate.However,after purification by column chromatography, the loss of weight was only21.5%,and total activity was up to 66.2%,compared with that of fraction A(Table2).Fraction2 was further purified with TLC and recrystallized in MeOH,and a pure compound(a)with yellow needle-like crystals was obtained and identified as quercetin.Similarly,six fractions(fractions7-12)were obtained from fraction F.The loss of total weight and total inhibitory activity were23.4and65.2%,respectively.Among six fractions,fractions 8,9,and11had strong inhibitory activities,their IR values being 30.4,16.5,and11.1%,respectively.After purification by TLC and recsytallization in MeOH,compounds b,c,and d were obtained from fractions8,9,and11,respectively,and identified as hyperoside(b),rutin(c),and chlorogenic acid(d).After purification with polyamide,five fractions were obtained from fraction G.The loss of total weight and total inhibitory activity were23.3and56.9%,respectively.Two fractions(14and15)with high IR to HMGR values were obtained from fractionG.After purification by TLC and recrystallization in MeOH, compounds e and f were produced from fractions14and15, respectively,and identified as hyperoside(b)and rutin(c). After purification on a silica gel column,seven fractions were produced from fraction H.According to the data in Table2,the loss of total weight and inhibitory activity of these fractions were 25.7and64.3%,respectively.From these fractions,two fractions (19and21)with high IR to HMGR values were obtained.After purification by TLC and recrystallization in MeOH,compounds g and h were produced from fractions19and21,respectively,and identified as quercetin(a)and hyperoside(b).During the period of separating active compounds with the different column chromatographies,we observed that the totalTable2.Contents and IR of Chromatographic Fractions to HMGR fraction weight(mg)weight ratio(%)IR a(%)total activity bA1000100.018.4184.0 1999.9 2.5 2.5 2787.839.630.9 325525.5 2.4 6.1 414914.9 4.6 6.9 550 615415.410.315.9 sum78578.562.3F1000100.028.3283.0 761 6.1 5.9 3.6 8808.030.424.3 928328.316.546.7 10929.2 1.9 1.7 11808.011.18.9 1217017.07.913.4 sum76676.698.7 G1000100.030.3303.0 13727.2 3.4 2.4 1430830.830.493.6 1516416.416.527.1 16808.00.30.2 1715315.3 4.87.3 sum77777.7130.7 H1000100.026.3263.0 1812012.0 6.98.3 19150.839.6 5.9 2065 6.5 2.4 1.6 2112812.830.438.9 22737.3 1.9 1.4 2330 3.0 2.60.8 2431231.211.937.1 sum71374.393.9 a IR indicates the inhibitory rate to HMGR at the concentration of1mg/mL.b Total inhibitory activity=weight(mg)ÂIR(%).Article J.Agric.Food Chem.,Vol.58,No.5,20103135weight of those fractions(A,F,G,and H)with a high IR was reduced by20-30%,and the total activity(fractions1-24)was reduced by50-70%.This indicated that further purification to crude extract weakened the inhibitory activity of active compo-nents to HMGR,and it was speculated that there was a synergetic effect among the active components.3.3.Structural Identification of Active Compounds from Haw-thorn pounds a and g were negative in Molish’s reaction and positive in HCl-Mg reaction.Both of them had the same structural properties:yellow needle-like crystal (MeOH),mp310-312°C;EI-MS(m/z)302[Mþ1];Anal. Calcd C15H10O7;UVλmax(MeOH)359nm;IR v(cm-1)3416.82 (OH stretching vibration),1662.1(C d O stretching vibration), 1612.2,1560.4,1522.6,1450.7(aromatic ring skelton vibration), 1383.8,1320.8,1320.1,1264.2,1200.7,1170.0,1132.3,1093.1, 1015.2,942.1,864.4,842.4,824.9;1H NMR(300MHz,DMSO-d6)δ12.49(s,1H,5-Ar-OH),10.78(s,1H,7-Ar-OH),9.60 (s,1H,40-Ar-OH),9.37(s,1H,3-Ar-OH),9.31(s,1H,30-Ar-OH),7.67(s,1H,20-Ar-H),7.54(d,1H,J=8.4Hz,60-Ar-H),6.88(d,1H,J=8.4Hz,50-Ar-H),6.41(s,1H,8-Ar-H),6.19(s, 1H,6-Ar-H);13C NMR(75MHz,DMSO-d6)δ175.87(C-4), 163.91(C-7),160.75(C-5),156.16(C-9),147.73(C-40),146.82(C-2),145.09(C-30),135.77(C-3),121.98(C-10),120.00(C-60),115.63 (C-20),115.09(C-50),103.04(C-10),98.21(C-6),93.38(C-8). According to the results of structural identification and color reaction,compounds a and g were confirmed as quercetin,4H-1-benzopyran-4-one,2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3,5,7-trihydroxy, assigned as compound a.Compounds b,e,and h were all positive in Molish’s reaction and HCl-Mg reaction,indicating they were a kind of flavonoid glycoside.Those in absolute methanol were hydrolyzed by2% H2SO4at60°C and then neutralized with NaOH to remove H2SO4.After being concentrated under reduced pressure,the residue was recrystallized in ethyl acetate to get the yellow crystal. Its mp was310-312°C.The R f value was the same as for quercetin,indicating the aglycone is quercetin.Another result ofthe TLC chromatogram confirmed they contained galactose.Their structural properties were as follows:yellow amorphouspowder(MeOH),mp234-236°C;ESI-MS(m/z)465[Mþ1];Anal.Cacld C21H20O12;UVλmax(MeOH)359nm;IR v(cm-1)3436.6(OH stretching vibration),2923.2(saturated C;Hstretching vibration),1654.5(C d O stretching vibration),1607.1,1505.1,1452.4(aromatic ring skelton vibration),1384.4,1363.9,1305.6,1261.7,1205.6,1172.7,116.4,1134.8,996.2,819.7,796.7;1H NMR(300MHz,DMSO-d6)δ12.73(s,1H,5-Ar-OH),10.96(s,1H,7-Ar-OH),9.83(s,1H,40-Ar-OH),9.25(s,1H,30-Ar-OH),7.78-7.75(dd,1H,J=5.9Hz,60-Ar-H),7.62(s,1H,20-Ar-H),6.91(d,1H,J=8.5Hz,50-Ar-H),6.49(d,1H,J=1.4,8-Ar-H),6.29(s,1H,6-Ar-H),5.47(d,1H,J=7.6,H-Ar-100),5.23(br s,1H,galactosyl OH),4.95(br s,1H,galactosyl OH),4.53(br s,2H,galactosyl OH),3.74(s,1H,galactosyl H),3.66-3.26(m,6H,H-200-600);13C NMR(75MHz, DMSO-d6)δ177.48(C-4),164.10(C-7),161.22(C-5),156.28(C-2,C-9),148.44(C-40),144.81(C-30),133.49(C-3),121.98(C-60),121.10(C-10),115.95(C-50),115.17(C-20),103.92(C-10),101.81(C-100),98.65(C-6),93.48(C-8),75.83(C-500),73.19(C-300),71.20(C-200),67.92(C-400),60.13(C-600).According to the results ofstructural identification and color reaction,it was confirmed thatcompounds b,e,and h are hyperoside,4H-1-benzopyran-4-one,2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3-(β-D-galactopyranosyloxy)-5,7-dihy-droxy,assigned as compound b.Compounds c and f were all positive in HCl-Mg reaction,aluminum chloride(AlCl3)reaction,and Molish’s reaction.Bothof them had the same structural properties:yellow needle-likecrystal(MeOH),mp195-198°C;ESI-MS(m/z)610[Mþ1];Anal.Calcd C27H30O16;UVλmax(MeOH)357nm;IR v(cm-1)3429.3(OH stretching vibration),2983.5,2937.7,2901.1(saturatedC-H stretching vibration),1654.1(C d O stretching vibration),1599.8,1505.9,1454.5(aromatic ring skelton vibration),1362.4,1295.8,1233.6,1203.3,1168.8,1124.2,1091.9,1061.4,1042.1,Scheme1.Scheme of Separating Active Compounds with High Inhibition to HMGR from Crataegus pinnatifidaBge.3136J.Agric.Food Chem.,Vol.58,No.5,2010Ye et al. 1014.0,969.7,944.0,911.9,879.7,827.7,807.9;1H NMR(300MHz,DMSO-d6)δ12.69(s,1H,5-Ar-OH),10.93(s,1H,7-Ar-OH),9.77(s,1H,40-Ar-OH),9.28(s,1H,30-Ar-OH),7.63(d,2H,J=7.4,60-Ar-H),6.92(d,1H,J=8.6Hz,50-Ar-H),6.47(s,1H,8-Ar-H),6.28(d,1H,6-Ar-H),5.43(d,1H,J=6.3Hz,100-H),4.47(d,1H,J=9.3Hz,1000-H),1.07(d,3H,J=5.9Hz,6000-H);13C NMR(75MHz,DMSO-d6)δ177.37(C-4),164.05(C-7),161.22(C-5),156.42(C-2),156.60(C-9),148.40(C-40),144.74(C-30),133.31(C-3),121.58(C-10),121.18(C-60),116.27(C-50),115.22(C-20),103.97(C-10),101.19(C-100),100.73(C-1000),98.66(C-6),93.57(C-8),76.46(C-300),75.91(C-500),74.07(C-200),71.85(C-4000),70.56(C-400),70.37(C-2000),70.01(C-3000),68.23(C-5000),66.99(C-600),17.71(C-6000).It wasconfirmed that compounds c and f were rutin,4H-1-benzopyran-4-one,3-[(6-O-(6-deoxy-R-L-mannopyranosyl)-β-D-glucopyranosyl]-oxy]-2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy,assigned as com-pound c.Compound d was blue in ferric chloride(FeCl3)reaction:yellow powder(MeOH/H2O),mp207-209°C;ESI-MS(m/z)354[Mþ1];Anal.Calcd16H18O9;UVλmax(MeOH)328.5nm;IRv(cm-1)3389.5(OH stretching vibration),2956.0,2928.8,2857.1(C;H stretching vibration),2626.4,1685.6(C d O stretchingvibration),1638.9,1614.3,1528.7,1517.7,1442.8,1384.1(aro-matic ring skelton vibration),1289.4,1252.4,1190.4,1158.8, 1133.6,1114.1,1086.2,1038.1,970.2,818.4;1H NMR(300 MHz,H2O-d6)δ7.47(d,1H,J=15.9Hz,R-H),7.03(s,1H, 20-H),6.96(d,1H,J=8.3Hz,60-H),6.83(d,1H,J=8.3Hz,50-H),6.17(d,1H,J=15.9Hz,β-H),5.25-5.18(m,1H,3-H),4.19 (d,J=3.0Hz,5-H),3.80(dd,1H,J=8.5Hz,4-H),2.22-2.00 (m,4H,2-H,6-H);13C NMR(75MHz,H2O-d6)δ1176.57(C-70), 168.13(C-9),146.60(C-4),145.71(C-3,),143.72(C-7),126.39(C-1),122.24(C-6),115.65(C-5),114.65(C-2),113.78(C-8),74.40 (C-10),70.93(C-40),70.13(C-30),68.70(C-50),36.08(C-60),35.95 (C-20).It was confirmed that compound d was chlorogenic acid,(1S,3R,4R,5R)-3-[[3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-1-oxo-2-pro-penyl]oxy]-1,4,5-trihydroxycyclohexanecarboxylic acid.The structures of compounds a-d are shown in Figure1. 3.4.Quantification of Four Active Components in Hawthorn Fruit Extract.The HPLC chromatogram of the ethanol extract of hawthorn fruit is shown in Figure2.There are more than10peaks in the extract,which accounted for about4%.In100g of dried extract,chlorogenic acid(d)accounted for0.95g;rutin (c),1.42g;hyperoside(b),0.32g;and quercetin(a),0.16g.In addition,ursolic acid accounted for0.32g;oleaniolic,0.08g;and maslinic acid,0.08g.The total content of compounds a-d was about2.85g in100g of dried extract of hawthorn fruit.3.5.IR of Four Monomers and Their Mixture to HMGR. According to the ratio of the four monomers in crude extract of hawthorn fruit,quercetin(a),hyperoside(b),rutin(c),and chlorogenic acid(d)were adjusted to concentrations of0.16, 0.32,1.42,and0.95mg/mL with PPB(pH6.8),respectively.Then their IR to the activity of HMGR was analyzed by HPLC.The IR values of compounds a-d at1mg/mL were6.28,9.64,23.53,and 10.56%,respectively.Their total IR was about50.01%(Table3). According to their ratio in hawthorn fruit extract,the mixture of compounds a-d was matched with the concentration of2.85mg/ mL.The IR of the matched mixture was up to79.5%,much higher than that of the sum of four monomers.3.6.Effects of Four Monomers and Their Mixture on Lipid-Lowering Efficacy in Mice.As mixture of compounds a-d showed an improved IR to HMGR in vitro,the effects of four monomers and their mixture on lipid-lowering efficacy in vivo were investigated.After a6week treatment,all mice showed good health status, and no mortality was recorded during the whole experimental period.There were no significant differences in the body weights among different groups during treatment,suggesting the mixture or compounds a-d was safe and well tolerated in the mice. The mice were fed a high-fat and-cholesterol(HFHC)diet for pared to the normal diet group,the levels of TC, TG,and LDL-C increased(p<0.01)and that of HDL-C decreased(p<0.05)in the hyperlipidemic group.Then,hyperli-pidemic mice were treated with compounds a-d or matched mixture from hawthorn fruit orally for6weeks or left untreated. The levels of TC,TG,and LDL-C in therapy groups decreased in different degrees and that of HDL-C increased in the blood of the hyperlipidemic mice(Table4).Among these monomers,querce-tin(a)showed the highest lipid-lowering effect(p<0.05).The IR values of hyperoside,rutin,and chlorogenic acid decreased in order,which was similar to the result of their inhibitory activity to HMGR.In general,the lipid-lowering efficacy of compounds a-d was not perfect;the content of TC,TG,and LDL-C showed no difference from that of the hyperlipidemic control.However, the mixture of compounds a-d could significantly reduce the levels of TC,TG,and LDL-C by46.5,49.6,and58.1%, respectively(p<0.01).This confirmed that there was a positive synergetic effect on lowering lipid among these four compounds, similar to that of HMGR.3.7.Structure-Activity Relationship of Compounds a-c to HMGR and Lipid-Lowering Efficacy.As seen in the structures of compounds a-c in Figure1,they contained a quercetin glycone. Hyperoside(b)is a monoglycoside of compound a,linked with a β-D-galatose on the3-OH of quercetin.Rutin(c)is a disaccharideglycoside of compound a,linked with a disaccharide of6-O-L-rhamnosyl-D-glucose at the3-OH of quercetin.In general,the introduction of the glycosyl group increased the hydrophilic ability of a compound.The greater the number of the glycosyl group is,the stronger is the hydrophilic ability.From the data of Table5,the IR values of quercetin,hyperoside,and rutin to HMGR were39.6,30.4,and16.5%,respectively,which gradually decreased with the increase of glycosyl group number.Similarly, the efficacy of quercetin,hyperoside,and rutin in lowering TC, TG,and LDL-C was decreased with the increase of glycosyl group number(Table4).Quercetin(a),without a glycosyl group, showed the highest inhibitory activity and lipid-lowering effect. This indicated that the activities of inhibition to HMGR and lowering lipid were related to its hydrophilic ability.Theweak Figure1.Structures of compounds a-d:(a)quercetin;(b)hyperoside;(c)rutin;(d)chlorogenic acid.。
