



腺瘤最大径分别为 14~ . m、. 4 5c ; . 45e 12~ . m 腺淋 巴
别为 4 . 、 、6H , 5 5 5 5 u 多形性腺瘤病灶平扫密度 的 P 2 … P P , 分别 为 2 、6 4 u 83 、4H 。对于增强扫描 图像 , 因单 期扫描缺乏规律性而未作统计 。 2 2 R C受试者工作特征 曲线分析 及诊 断符 合率 . O 利用 R C受试 者工作 特征 曲线 , O 对应 用平 扫密 度 C T
均匀密度病 灶 以高密度 区为准 , 避开低密 度 区和液 化 区; 同时避开下颌骨骨嵴伪影 。 14 统 计 学 方 法 使用 S S 10统计 软 件 , 年 . P S1. 对 龄、 最大径线 、 平扫密度 等计量 资料进行 均数分 析和 t
检验。对两组病 灶 的平 扫密 度进一 步进行 R C受 试 O 者工作特征 曲线分析 , 取约登指数值最 大点 的 C T值为
【 关键词 】 腺淋 巴瘤 ; r i Wat n瘤;多形性腺 瘤;体层摄 影术 , h x线计算机
腮腺 良性肿瘤 中 , 部分为腺 淋 巴瘤和多形 性腺 大 瘤 , 中多形性腺瘤最常见 , 其 腺淋 巴瘤其次。两者 C T影
静脉分界分为浅叶 、 深叶 , 再把腮腺 以前后及上下侧均
分为 4个象限 ;2 病灶形态 : 为边界光滑的类圆/ () 分 类
女性别 比差异有统计学意义 ( 0 0 1 ; 生于腮腺 P= .0 ) 发 浅深 叶的分布 比差异无统计学 意义 ( 04 1 ; P= .7 ) 而发 生 于腮 腺 后 下 象 限 的 比率 差异 有 统 计 学 意 义 ( = P
000 ; . 0 ) 病灶 的形 态 、 大径线 、 最 病灶 密度 的均匀 性差 异无统计学 意义 ( P>00 ) 其 中腺淋 巴瘤 与多 形性 .5 ,



世界最新医学信息文摘 2018年 第18卷 第40期61·临床研究·腮腺多形性腺瘤与Warthin 瘤的临床对比分析程雪峰1,王镇英2(1.吉林省通化市人民医院 耳鼻喉科,吉林 通化 134000;2.通化市人民医院 眼科,吉林 通化 134000)0 引言腮腺肿瘤以良性较为多见,发病率占了大部分,腮腺多形性腺瘤和Warthin 瘤分别占腮腺肿瘤良性肿瘤60%-70%以及30%之下[1-2]。

腮腺多形性腺瘤中与Warthin 瘤不同点在于其含有大量的黏液样组织,与腮腺多形性腺瘤不同的是Warthin 肿瘤主要来源于腮腺组织中异位的上皮以及淋巴样组织。

两种肿瘤在临床诊断中容易混淆,主要由于其临床特点较为相似,并且由于具有一定的重叠性导致超声检查、影像学检查误诊率较高,往往难以正确判断腮腺多形性腺瘤与Warthin 瘤。

本次研究针对2015年1月至2017年12月我院收治的79例腮腺多形性腺瘤患者与21例Warthin 瘤患者,旨在分析腮腺多形性腺瘤与Warthin 瘤的临床差异,以此提高诊断准确率,具体报告如下。

1 资料与方法1.1 临床研究资料。

本次研究针对2015年1月至2017年12月我院收治的79例腮腺多形性腺瘤患者与21例Warthin 瘤患者。

将79例腮腺多形性腺瘤患者纳入观察组,将21例Warthin 瘤患者纳入对照组,79例腮腺多形性腺瘤患者与21例Warthin 瘤患者均具有完整的病例资料。

其中观察组79例腮腺多形性腺瘤患者中包括41例男性、38例女性,平均(37.52±4.21)岁;对照组21例Warthin 瘤患者平均(55.41±4.18)岁,其中包括男性19例、女性3例,两组资料之间具有差异。

1.2 方法。

两组患者行B 超检查与CT 检查,并比较两组患者B 超以及CT 特征。

B 超与CT 特征:肿瘤深度分为浅叶与深叶,象限位置分为后下与非后下,包膜分为完整与不完整,形状分为类圆、椭圆以及不规则,检测肿瘤平均最大径线。



f e m a l e a n d m a l e( 尸>0 . 0 5 ) . Ho w e v e r , c o m p a r e d t o p o l y m o r p h i c a d e n o ma , t h e p e r c e n t a g e s o f t h e a g e o f o n s e t≥
Ho s p i t a l o f C h e n g d u Mi l i t a r y R e g i o n, S i c h u a n C h e n g d u 6 1 0 0 8 3 , c h i n a Ab s t r a c t Ob j e c t i v e :T o i n v e s t i g a t e t h e c l i n i c a l a n d u l t r a s o n i c f e a t u r e s o f p a r o t i d b a s a l c e l l t u mo r a n d
c e l l t u mo r a n d p o l y mo r p h i c a d e n o ma c o n f i r me d b y p a t h o l o g y a n d p r e o p e r a t i v e u h r a s o n o g r a p h y ,w e r e c o mp a r e d . Re s u l t s : T h e i n c i d e n c e o f b o t h b a s a l c e l l t u mo r s a n d p o l y mo r p h i c a d e n o ma s o f p a r o t i d i s n o d i f f e r e n t b e t w e e n
















方法经手术及病理证实的24例腮腺腺淋巴瘤与35例多形性腺瘤,分析其临床及影像学资料,对肿瘤数量、发生部位、形态、边界、平扫密度、C T强化特征等进行对比分析。


3种阳性单一征象中,发生于后下象限敏感度最高(90. 3% ),早期显著强化特异度最高(92.4% );两种联合征象中,发生于后下象限+平扫密度较高敏感度最高(83.4%),发生于后下象限+早期显著强化特异度最高(94. 4% );3种征象联合时,诊断腺淋巴瘤的敏感度和特异度分别为63.1%、96.4%。


【关键词】腮腺;腺淋巴瘤;多形性腺瘤;体层摄影术,X线计算机中图分类号:R739.8;R814.42 文献标识码:A 文章编号:10068011 (2018 & 05872184The comparative analysis on MSCT manifestation between parotid gland lymphoma and pleomorphic adenomaWANG M ingjie,LIANG Feng,LI Xudan,CHEN ShuyanDepartment o f Radiology,Lishui People's Hospital,Lishui323000,P. R. China【Abstract】Objective To discuss theMSCTfindings of parotid gland lymphomaand pleomorphic adenomaand its diagnostic value. Methods TheM SCTfindings of 24 cases parotid gland lymphomaand 35 cases of pleomorphic adenomabypathology were reviewed retrospectively,including their number,location,shape,border,scan d ensity,CT enhancemen and so on. Results Number,shape,border were no statistically significant differencc between parotid gland lymphoma and pleo­morphic adenoma ( P >0. 05 ). Parotid gland lymphoma was on the posterior inferior quadrant,high cantly improved in enhanced arterial phase ( P<0.05). Among the relevant signs,the p osterior inferior qu sensitivity (90. 3% ),and significantly improved in enhanced arterial phase had the highest specificity (92. 4% ). Combining the posterior inferior quadrant and higher scan density achieved highest sensitivity (83. 4% ),and combining th quadrant and significantly improved in enhanced arterial phase achieved the highest specificity (94.4% ).combined,the sensitivity and specificity were 63. 1 % and 96. 4% respectively. Conclusion The posterior inferior quadrant,higher scan density a nd significantly improved in enhanced arterial phase had higher specificity in the MSCT diagnosis of parotid gland lymphoma and pleomorphic adenoma. The 3 signs combined use of most of the le atively.【Key words 】Parotid; Pleomorphic adenoma; Adenolymphoma; Tomography,spiral computed腮腺多形性腺瘤来源于腮腺上皮组织,是腮腺 最常见的良性肿瘤,约占腮腺良性肿瘤的80%。


【摘要】 目的 探讨腮腺多形性腺瘤与腮腺 Warthin瘤的99mTcO4-唾液腺显像特征,提高对两者的鉴别诊断水平。 方法 对房山区第一医院 2012年 8月至 2017年 7月 29例临床手术且病理证实为腮腺多形性腺瘤与 Warthin瘤且术前 均进行99mTcO4-唾液腺显像的患者做回顾性分析。结果 在 19例 Warthin瘤中,82.4%为“热结节”。在 10例多形性腺 瘤中,100.0%为“温结节”。结论 在99mTcO4-唾液腺显像中“热结节”和“温结节”分别是 Warthin瘤、多形性腺瘤的特 征之一。99mTcO4-唾液腺显像作为一种辅助诊断的手段,对诊断多形性腺瘤、Warthin瘤具有一定的应用价值。
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we e a a y e e r s e tv l c o d n o s r i a a d p t o o ia i d n s r n lz d r t o p c i ey a c r i g t u g c l n a h lg c l fn i g .Re u t sl s
【 图 分 类 号】 R7 9 8 中 3 . 【 献 标 志码 】 A 文
彩 超 检 查 对 腺 淋 巴瘤 及 多形 性 腺 瘤 有 重 要 的 鉴 别 诊 断 价 值 , 合 病 因 分 析 可 提 高 结
Eto o ia n l ssa ta ou a no i n a e o y p m a a e m o p ca n m a il gc la a y i nd Ulr s nd dig sso d n l m ho nd plo r hi de o YA N G e W U aixi ng W i。 H — a
Th a i f v r ia n Leabharlann r t o e t la d o c
h rz n a, y t h n ert bo d sg a ai r tt t a i e e t P< 0 0 P< 0 O ) Ag , e s kn o i tlc si c a g ai lo in lrt wee sai i ldf rn ( o c o。 o sc f . 5。 . 1 . e s x, mo ig a d oh rfco sweesait a i ee tP<O 0 P< O O ) C n lso s u ta o 0 r p i i au eu t o o n t e a tr r ttsi l f rn ( c df . 5, . 1 . o cu in lrs n g a hc s sf l meh df r



DOI :10.3969/j.issn.1672-9463.2020.07.019高频超声对腮腺非霍奇金淋巴瘤与多形性腺瘤的鉴别诊断价值李先晓 王艳清 张晓东 申发燕 黄婧颖作者单位:361000 福建厦门,厦门大学附属第一医院干部保健特诊部(李先晓),超声科(王艳清、张晓东),病理科(申发燕),质量管理部(黄婧颖)腮腺肿瘤是颌面部最常见的肿瘤之一,60%~…85%的唾液腺肿瘤发生在腮腺[1]。



腮腺淋巴瘤是属于淋巴造血系统的一组恶性肿瘤,其中以非霍奇金淋巴瘤(non-hodgkin…lymphoma,NHL )为多见[4]。





本研究通过对腮腺NHL 和多形性腺瘤患者高频超声检查资料进行回顾性分析,观察二维声像图表现及彩色血流特征,结合临床资料特点,探讨高频超声对腮腺NHL 与多形性腺瘤的鉴别诊断价值。

1 材料与方法1.1研究对象 选择2015年5月~2020年1月于我院经手术病理证实腮腺NHL 患者(NHL 组)12例及多形性腺瘤患者(多形性腺瘤组)50例。

NHL 组纳入研究结节数22个,腮腺多形性腺瘤组纳入研究结节数55个。

1.2仪器与方法 患者术前行彩色高频超声检查,使用Philips…EPIQ…7、Philips…IU22型彩色多普勒超声诊断仪,高频线阵探头,频率5~12MHz,设置为浅表器官条件,彩色Scale5~6,彩色增益调至出现噪声之前为止。



Z h e j i a n g Un i v e r s i t y ,Ha n g z h o u,Zh e j i a n g 3 1 0 0 0 3 Ch i n a
Ab s t r a c t : Ob j e c t i v e T o d i s c u s s t h e ma n i f e s t s o f u l t r a s o u n d i n p a r o t i d g l a n d p l e o mo r p h i c a d e n o ma a n d Wa r t h i n s
( 1 1 . 6 % v s 0 . 0 ,P< 0 . 0 5 ) 。
腮腺多形性腺瘤和 Wa r t h i n s 瘤 在 常 规 超 声 表 现 上 有 一 定 的 相 似 性 ,但 在 病 灶 呈 无 回声 且 伴 分 隔 时 ,应 首 先 考 虑 为
Wa r t h流
腮 腺 多形 性腺 瘤 与 W a r t h i n氏瘤 的超 声 图像 对 比分 析
朱 少明 陈剑 赵 齐 羽 蒋 天安
摘 要
目的 探 讨 腮 腺 多形 性 腺瘤 与 Wa r t h i n s 瘤的超声表现特点 。 方 法 回顾 性 分 析 经 病 理 证 实 的 4 3 例 腮 腺 多形 性 腺 瘤 ( 年龄 1 5  ̄7 2岁 ,平 均 4 1 . 5岁 ) 与 3 3 例 Wa r t h i n s 瘤 ( 年龄 2 3  ̄6 9 岁 ,平 均 5 1 . 6岁 ) 患 者 术 前 超 声 影 像 资 料 。 比较 两 者 在 肿 块 部 位 、形 态 、边 界 、包 膜 、 内 部 回声 均 匀 度 、 有 无 钙 化 、分 隔 及 血 供 分 布 上 的不 同 。 结果 多 形性 腺瘤 共 4 3个 病 灶 ,W a r t h i n s 瘤共 4 7 个 病 灶 ,两 者在 形态 、边 界 以 及 血 供 分 布 上 无 统 计 学 差 异 ,多 数 为 圆 形 或 类 圆形 ,边 界 清 晰 的 病 灶 。但 在 回声 强 度 、分 隔 和 钙 化 上 有 明显 差 异 ,多 形 性 腺 瘤 中低 回声 比例 高 于 Wa r t h i n s 瘤 ( 8 1 . 4 v s 3 6 . 2 ,P<0 . 0 5 ) ,分 隔 出 现 率 低 于 Wa r t h i n s 瘤 ( 7 . 0 v s 4 8 . 9 ,P< 0 . 0 5 ) ,钙 化 出 现 率 多 形 性 腺 瘤 高 于 Wa r t h i n s瘤



腮腺多形性腺瘤与腺淋巴瘤CT表现的对照分析发表时间:2014-04-25T10:48:17.780Z 来源:《中外健康文摘》2013年第42期供稿作者:沈星俞福华黄永志[导读] 另外,老年男性(可能与吸烟有关)、病变位于腮腺下极(尤其是后下极)或多发病灶则更倾向于腺淋巴瘤。

沈星俞福华黄永志(昆山市中医医院放射科江苏昆山 215300)【摘要】目的探讨分析腮腺多形性腺瘤和腺淋巴瘤的CT特点。




【关键词】腮腺;多形性腺瘤;腺淋巴瘤;体层摄影技术;X线计算机【中图分类号】RA 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-5085(2013)36-0030-02 Comparative Analysis of CT Manifestations on Plemorphic Adenoma and Adenolymphoma of ParotidSHEN Xing,YU Fu-hua,HUANG Yong-zhi(Department of Radiology,Kunshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital,Kunshan,Jiangsu,215300,China)【Abstract】Objective To analyze the CT characteristics of plemorphic adenoma and adenolymphoma in the parotid gland. Methods 31 cases of pleomorphic adenoma(male 14,female 17,aged 16-78 years old,mean age 49.39 years old) and 20 cases of adenolymphoma(male 19, female 1,aged 43-80 years old, mean age 62.1 years old), confirmed by operation and pathology, were collected. To analyze the CT features of 19 cases of pleomorphic adenoma(19 lesions) and 15 cases of adenolymphoma(19 lesions),which were performed Enhanced CT scanning before operation. Results The solid portion of parotid pleomorphic adenoma were mostly slightly enhanced in arterial phase. Degree of enhancement in venous phase were continued to rise,rise in (13±7) Hu. The solid portion of adenolymphoma in arterial phase were obvious or moderate enhancement. In venous phase, enhanced degree showed a downward trend, dropped in (14±10) Hu. Conclusion Dual-phase enhanced CT scan has important significance on the identification of parotid pleomorphic adenoma and adenolymphoma,the enhanced curves of pleomorphic adenoma of parotid are mainly rising slowly,and the curves of adenolymphoma are mainly manifested in the quick rising and falling.【Key words】parotid;plemorphic adenoma;adenolymphoma;tomography;X-ray computed腮腺肿瘤占涎腺肿瘤的70%-80%,而腮腺肿瘤中80%是良性肿瘤,其中又以腮腺多形性腺瘤最为常见,约占腮腺肿瘤的60%-70%,其次为腺淋巴瘤,约占6%-10%[1]。


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与多形性腺瘤患者比较,腺淋巴瘤患者多见类椭圆状外形、内部结构回声不均匀、无钙化、主要血管分布于核心、血流信号丰富、存在液性暗区等超声影像特征,差异均有统计学意义(字2=25.732、46.703、9.516、41.645、55.116、42.702,P【关键词】腮腺;腺淋巴瘤;多形性腺瘤;超声;鉴别诊断doi:10.14033/ki.cfmr.2018.16.025 文献标识码 B 文章编号 1674-6805(2018)16-00-03Study on Ultrasonic Differential Diagnosis of Adenolymphoma in Parotid Gland and Pleomorphic Adenoma/DU Zhongshi,TANG Lina,SHEN Youhong,et al.//Chinese and Foreign Medical Research,2018,16(16):-57【Abstract】 Objective:To explore the ultrasonic differential diagnosis of adenolymphoma in parotid gland and pleomorphic adenoma.Method:The clinical data of 330 patients with benign tumor in parotid were analyzed retrospectively,and all the patients were given systematic examination with color Doppler ultrasound.The coarse needle biopsy(CNB) or postoperative pathological results were taken as the basis for identification accuracy of ultrasonic examination,and the characteristic differences of ultrasonic images in tumor morphology,internal structure,calcification,vascular distribution,blood flow and liquid dark area between parotid gland adenolymphoma patients and pleomorphic adenoma patients were compared.Result:After CNB or postoperative pathological examination,68 cases(20.6%) were diagnosed as adenolymphoma,and 262 cases(79.4%)were diagnosed as pleomorphic adenoma.The accuracy of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of parotid gland adenolymphoma and pleomorphic adenoma was 79.1%(261/330).Compared with the patients with pleomorphic adenoma,the patients with adenoma were characterized by elliptical shapes,uneven internal structure,none calcification,vascular distribution in core,abundant bloodflow signals,and fluid dark areas,the differences were statistically significant(字2=25.732,46.703,9.516,41.645,55.116,42.702,P【Key words】 Parotid gland; Adenolymphoma; Pleomorphic adenoma; Ultrasound;Differential diagnosisFirst-author’s address:Fujian Cancer Hospital,Fuzhou 350014,China作为涎腺常见的两类肿瘤类型,腺淋巴瘤及多形性腺瘤多发于腮腺与颌下腺。












腮腺多形性腺瘤与Warthin瘤的临床对比分析赵金荣【摘要】Objective To compare and analysis clinical characteristics ,Dppler ultrasonography and CT imaging features of War‐thin′s tumor and pleomorphic adenoma of the parotid gland .Methods Thirty‐eight cases of Warthin′s tumor and107 cases of pleo‐morphic adenoma of the parotid gland in our hospital were selected and divided into Warthin′s tumor group and pleomorphic adeno‐ma group .Average age ,gender ,position of onset ,mean course of disease ,smoking rates and Dopplerultrasono graphy and CT ima‐ging features of 2 groups were compared and analyzed .Results Compared with pleomorphic adenoma group ,the average age ,per‐centage of males ,smoking rates were higher in Warthin′s tumor group but the mean course of disease was short ,whi ch showed sig‐nificant difference(P<0 .05) .The site of Warthin′s tumor mostly occurred in lower posterior polar of the parotid gland .Doppler re‐sults indicated more abundant blood supply in Warthin′s tumors group .CT imagine results also indicated higher density in Warthin′s tumors group than in pleomorphic adenomas group .Conclusion According to the group constituent ratio of disease ,average age , gender ,mean course of disease combined with Doppler ultrasonography and CT imaging features ,the tumor could be diagnosed be‐fore surgery ,which could be helpful to make the correct surgical plan .%目的:比较腮腺多形性腺瘤和Warthin瘤的超声、影像学特征及临床表现。



3李岭,张炽敏,李嘉,等.经阴道彩色多普勒超声对药物流产效果的早期预测[J ].中国实用妇科与产科杂志,2006,22(1):45-46.4陈智毅,梁伟翔,梁琨.经阴道彩色多普勒能量超声对早期妊娠黄体的临床研究[J ].实用妇产科杂志,2006,22(7):425-427.5徐丽.子宫位霞与药物流产效果的关系经验交流[J ].临床和实验医学杂志,2006,5(11):1815.6魏文锦.子宫位置与药物流产术成功率的关系[J ].实用临床医学,2006,7(5):104-106.7李蛉,张炽敏。

李嘉,等.经阴道彩色多普勒超声对早期妊娠子宫螺旋动脉血流的研究[J ].东南大学学报,2005,24(5):324-326.8罗毅,徐晓红.孕妇行超声检查对胚胎和胎儿安全性的研究进展[J ].广东医学院学报,2007,25(1):75-77.9Aardema MW ,Sam MC.Second trimester Doppler ultrasound screening of the uterine arteries differentiates between subsequent nor-mal and poor outcomes of hypertensive preg-nancy :two different pathophysiological enti-ties [J ].Clin Sci (Lond ),2004,106(5):377-382.10Agarwal N.Suneja A.Role of uterine artery velocimetry using color flow Doppler and elec-tromyography of uterus in prediction of pre-term labor [J ].J Obstet Gynaecol Res ,2004,30(6):402-408.11Papaqeorqhiou AT ,Yu CK.Assessment of risk for the development of pre -eclampsia by maternal characteristics an d uterine artery Doppler [J ].BJOG ,2005,112(6):703-706.12Makikallio K ,Jouppila P.First trimester uter-ine ,placental and yolk sac haemodynamicsin pre -eclampsia and preterm labour [J ].Hum Reprod ,2004,19(3):729-773.13Schwarze A ,Nelles.Doppler ultrasound of the uterine artery in the prediction of severe complications during low -risk pregnan cies [J ].Arch Gynecol Obstet ,2005,271(1):46-52.14段林.经阴道超声诊断异位妊娠的价值[J ].实用心脑肺血管病杂志,2010,18(3):345.15Duqof L ,Lynch AM.First trimester uterine artery Doppler abnormalities predict subse-quent intrauterine growth restriction [J ].Am J Obstet Gynecol ,2005,193(2):1208-1212.(收稿日期:2011-01-10;修回日期:2011-05-10)(本文编辑:刘莉)·短篇论著·腮腺Warthin 瘤与腮腺多形性腺瘤的超声对照分析莫清清作者单位:313000浙江省湖州市中心医院超声科【摘要】目的探讨腮腺Warthin 瘤与腮腺多形性腺瘤的超声鉴别要点。







结论:腮腺多形性腺瘤与 Warthin 瘤在声像图上有些相似,容易误诊。


%Objective: This paper aimed to make a retrospective analysis on the ultrasonographic features of common benign tumors of parotid gland (pleomorphic adenoma and Warthin's tumor). Methods:In 24 cases of parotid pleomorphic adenoma and 18 cases of Warthin tumor, the ultrasonographic characteristics were reviewed and compared. Results:It was found that most pleomorphic adenomas are hypoechoic, homogeneous and lobulated masses with acoustic enhancement and peripheral vascularization. Warthin's tumors were more likely to be ovals with cystic component and internal vascularization. Conclusion: Parotid pleomorphic adenoma and Warthin tumor share some similarities on sonograms. Ultrasound is highly valuable in the differential diagnosis of those lesions.【期刊名称】《口腔颌面外科杂志》【年(卷),期】2014(000)005【总页数】4页(P379-382)【关键词】多形性腺瘤;Warthin瘤;灰阶超声检查;彩色多普勒超声检查【作者】张春玲;潘丽霞;耿长辉;袁莉;董宁;罗玉菊【作者单位】大庆油田总医院超声科,黑龙江大庆 163001;大庆油田总医院超声科,黑龙江大庆 163001;大庆市人民医院普外科,黑龙江大庆 163001;大庆油田总医院超声科,黑龙江大庆 163001;大庆油田总医院超声科,黑龙江大庆163001;大庆油田总医院超声科,黑龙江大庆 163001【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R739.87诊断腮腺肿物,超声检查是无创的首选检查方法。





结果58个肿块均表现为类圆形或椭圆形高密度,边缘清楚,两者的发病年龄、部位、平扫CT值及与同层咬肌的密度比较、增强后CT值、净强化CT值、与血管的密切程度、最大横纵径比均有统计学意义( P <0.05)。


【总页数】3页(P25-27)【作者】白君;张朋;李亚军【作者单位】广东省深圳市龙岗区人民医院影像科广东深圳 518172; 中南大学湘雅二医院放射科湖南长沙 410011;中南大学湘雅二医院放射科湖南长沙 410011; 湖南省郴州市桂阳县第一人民医院放射科湖南郴州 424400;中南大学湘雅二医院放射科湖南长沙 410011【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R735.7;R814.42【相关文献】1.腮腺Warthin瘤与腮腺多形性腺瘤的超声对照分析 [J], 莫清清2.彩色多普勒超声鉴别诊断腮腺多形性腺瘤与Warthin瘤的临床价值分析 [J], 罗璐3.腮腺多形性腺瘤与Warthin瘤99m TcO4-唾液腺显像对比分析 [J], 周兴久;肖占森;池艳丽;杨吉刚;绳海燕4.腮腺多形性腺瘤与Warthin瘤的CT和MRI的影像学特征 [J], 王巍; 王超; 宋金丹5.腮腺多形性腺瘤与Warthin瘤CT和MRI的影像学特征 [J], 潘曰峰;刘青因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。





结果:31个病灶中①病灶多位于腮腺浅叶或下极;②形态为圆形或椭圆形,占80.65%(25/31);③大小多在2.0~3.5 cm之间,占90.32%(28/31);④边界清晰,占100%(31/31);⑤病灶内部回声低回声、多呈囊实性、或夹有网格状回声,占74.19%(23/31);⑥内部有不同程度血流信号存在,占77.42%(24/31);⑦本组半数患者伴颈部淋巴结肿大。



%Objective:To examine the color Dopplerflow imaging( CDFI) properties of War thin′s tumor of parotid gland for improving the diagnostic accu-racy in this entity.Methods:The color Doppler flow imaging manifestations were retrospectively examined in 24of 31 cases confirmed pathologically as Warthin′s tumor of parotid gland regarding the lesion location,tumor size andmorphology,boundary,internal echo and blood flowfeatures.Results:Totally, 31 lesions were detected in the 24 cases.①The lesions were generally located at the superficial lobe or lower point of the parotid;②The lesions exhibited round or oval shape(80.65%;25/31);③ The tumor size ranged from 2.0 to 3.5 cm in diameter(90.32%;28/31);④The boundary was clearly defined in the total cases(100%;31/31);⑤ The internal echo was very low,and presented with cystic-solid or mesh-likee choes(74.19%;23/31);⑥Vascular flow was occasionally displayed on CDFI(77.42%;24/31);⑦50% of patients showed cervical lymph node enlargement,and 58.06% were consistent with the postoperative confirmation.Conclusion:Preoperative CDFI can be valuable in diagnosis of Warthin′s tumor of parotid gland.Nevertheless,careful examination of the characteristic images of the tumor may improve the diagnostic accuracy of this disease .【总页数】3页(P70-72)【作者】吴晓倩;李国杰;朱向明;江峰【作者单位】皖南医学院附属弋矶山医院超声医学科,安徽芜湖 241001;皖南医学院附属弋矶山医院超声医学科,安徽芜湖 241001;皖南医学院附属弋矶山医院超声医学科,安徽芜湖 241001;皖南医学院附属弋矶山医院超声医学科,安徽芜湖 241001【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R739.8【相关文献】1.腮腺Warthin瘤与腮腺多形性腺瘤的超声对照分析 [J], 莫清清2.彩色多普勒超声鉴别诊断腮腺多形性腺瘤与Warthin瘤的临床价值分析 [J], 罗璐3.腮腺Warthin瘤的CT诊断及误诊分析 [J], 霍敏华;王伟军4.DWI和动态对比增强MRI多参数鉴别腮腺Warthin瘤与多形性腺瘤 [J], 胡涛;方学文;刘琼;邹玉坚;姚兆友;高云;张坤林5.扩散峰度成像及动态增强MRI鉴别腮腺多形性腺瘤与Warthin瘤 [J], 胡涛;刘琼;邹玉坚;姚兆友;方学文因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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3李岭,张炽敏,李嘉,等.经阴道彩色多普勒超声对药物流产效果的早期预测[J ].中国实用妇科与产科杂志,2006,22(1):45-46.4陈智毅,梁伟翔,梁琨.经阴道彩色多普勒能量超声对早期妊娠黄体的临床研究[J ].实用妇产科杂志,2006,22(7):425-427.5徐丽.子宫位霞与药物流产效果的关系经验交流[J ].临床和实验医学杂志,2006,5(11):1815.6魏文锦.子宫位置与药物流产术成功率的关系[J ].实用临床医学,2006,7(5):104-106.7李蛉,张炽敏。

李嘉,等.经阴道彩色多普勒超声对早期妊娠子宫螺旋动脉血流的研究[J ].东南大学学报,2005,24(5):324-326.8罗毅,徐晓红.孕妇行超声检查对胚胎和胎儿安全性的研究进展[J ].广东医学院学报,2007,25(1):75-77.9Aardema MW ,Sam MC.Second trimester Doppler ultrasound screening of the uterine arteries differentiates between subsequent nor-mal and poor outcomes of hypertensive preg-nancy :two different pathophysiological enti-ties [J ].Clin Sci (Lond ),2004,106(5):377-382.10Agarwal N.Suneja A.Role of uterine artery velocimetry using color flow Doppler and elec-tromyography of uterus in prediction of pre-term labor [J ].J Obstet Gynaecol Res ,2004,30(6):402-408.11Papaqeorqhiou AT ,Yu CK.Assessment of risk for the development of pre -eclampsia by maternal characteristics an d uterine artery Doppler [J ].BJOG ,2005,112(6):703-706.12Makikallio K ,Jouppila P.First trimester uter-ine ,placental and yolk sac haemodynamicsin pre -eclampsia and preterm labour [J ].Hum Reprod ,2004,19(3):729-773.13Schwarze A ,Nelles.Doppler ultrasound of the uterine artery in the prediction of severe complications during low -risk pregnan cies [J ].Arch Gynecol Obstet ,2005,271(1):46-52.14段林.经阴道超声诊断异位妊娠的价值[J ].实用心脑肺血管病杂志,2010,18(3):345.15Duqof L ,Lynch AM.First trimester uterine artery Doppler abnormalities predict subse-quent intrauterine growth restriction [J ].Am J Obstet Gynecol ,2005,193(2):1208-1212.(收稿日期:2011-01-10;修回日期:2011-05-10)(本文编辑:刘莉)·短篇论著·腮腺Warthin 瘤与腮腺多形性腺瘤的超声对照分析莫清清作者单位:313000浙江省湖州市中心医院超声科【摘要】目的探讨腮腺Warthin 瘤与腮腺多形性腺瘤的超声鉴别要点。

方法对20例腮腺Warthin 瘤和24例腮腺多形性腺瘤在超声特征方面进行总结分析。

结果20例腮腺Warthin 瘤肿瘤个数共24个,2例双侧单发,1例一侧多发,一侧单发,包膜均完整;18例位于腮腺后下极,15例呈弱低回声;实质性回声6例,混合性回声14例。


彩色多普勒示腮腺Warthin 瘤较多形性腺瘤血供丰富。

结论腮腺Warthin 瘤与多形性腺瘤在超声特征方面有各自的规律,根据它们的规律性并与临床特点相结合,可以帮助鉴别这两种腮腺肿瘤。

【关键词】腮腺Warthin 瘤;腮腺多形性腺瘤;超声检查,多普勒,彩色【中图分类号】R 781.7【文献标识码】B【文章编号】1007-9572(2011)06-2082-03Ultrasound Characteristics of Parotid Warthin's Tumor and Parotid Pleomorphic Adenoma MO Qing -qing.Ultra-sonography Department ,Huzhou Central Hospital ,Huzhou 313000,China【Abstract 】ObjectiveTo explore the ultrasound characteristics of parotid Warthin's tumor and parotid pleomorphicadenoma.MethodsUltrasound characteristics were analyzed in 20cases of parotid Warthin's tumor and 24cases of parotid ple-omorphic adenoma.ResultsOf the 20cases (24tumors )of parotid Warthin's Tumor ,considered ,2were with bilateral singletumors ,1was with unilateral multiple tumors ;integral capsules were found for all the 24tumors.tumors originated from the low-er posterior polar of the parotid gland in 18cases ;echoes turned out to be hypoechoic in 15cases ,while solid and mixed type echoes were detected in 6cases and 14cases respectively.All 24cases of pleomorphic adenomas turned out to be unilateral with·2802·a single tumor ,with 15of them originated from the superficial lobe of the parotid gland and the other 9located in the deep lobe ;integral capsules were noticed in 20of the 24cases ;the tumors turned out to be lobulated in 9cases ;solid homogeneous hypoe-choic echoes were detected in 6cases ,solid heterogeneous hypoechoic echoes were detected in 12cases ,the other 6cases were characterized by mixed echoes.Color Doppler results indicated more abundant blood supply in parotid Warthin's tumors than in pleomorphic adenomas.ConclusionParotid Warthin's tumor and parotid pleomorphic adenoma show different ultrasound char-acteristics ,which may assist the differentiation diagnosis between them.【Key words 】Warthin's tumor ;Parotid pleomorphic adenoma ;Ultrasonography ,Doppler ,color欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍欍氥氥氥氥本文要点超声检查显示腮腺Warthin 瘤与多形性腺瘤的声像图特征有各自的规律,如下:1、90.0%(18/20)的腮腺Warthin瘤位于腮腺浅叶,62.5%(15/24)的腮腺多形性腺瘤位于腮腺浅叶。

2、15.0%(3/20)的腮腺Warthin 瘤为多发,而腮腺多形性腺瘤均为单发。

3、腮腺Warthin 瘤包膜均完整,16.7%(4/24)的腮腺多形性腺瘤包膜不完整。

4、腮腺Warthin 瘤以1、2级血流信号为主,而腮腺多形性腺瘤则以0、1级血流信号为主。

5、70.0%(14/20)的腮腺Warthin 瘤和25.0%(6/24)的腮腺多形性腺瘤为混合性回声,前者回声低于后者。

腮腺多形性腺瘤(混合瘤)、腮腺Warthin 瘤(腺淋巴瘤,乳头状淋巴囊腺瘤)是腮腺中排在前二位的良性肿瘤。

腮腺良性肿瘤较恶性肿瘤多,约占80%,多形性腺瘤占腮腺肿瘤的60% 70%[1],这类肿瘤含有肿瘤性上皮组织与黏液样组织或软骨样组织。

腮腺Warthin 瘤发病率仅次于多形性腺瘤,在腮腺肿瘤中占14% 30%,该肿瘤被认为来源于腮腺内异位起源的上皮及淋巴组织[2]。

本研究收集了我院2008—2009年20例腮腺War-thin 瘤和24例腮腺多形性腺瘤患者的临床资料,主要从超声检查特征方面进行总结分析,旨在提高二者的超声鉴别诊断水平。
