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腮腺Warthin 瘤与腮腺多形性腺瘤的超声对照分析





探讨腮腺Warthin 瘤与腮腺多形性腺瘤的超声鉴别要点。方法

对20例腮腺Warthin 瘤和24例

腮腺多形性腺瘤在超声特征方面进行总结分析。结果20例腮腺Warthin 瘤肿瘤个数共24个,2例双侧单发,1例一

侧多发,一侧单发,包膜均完整;18例位于腮腺后下极,15例呈弱低回声;实质性回声6例,混合性回声14例。24例腮腺多形性腺瘤均单侧单发,15例位于腮腺浅叶,9例位于腮腺深叶;包膜完整20例,不完整4例;9例呈分叶状,实性均匀低回声6例,实性不均匀低回声12例,混合性回声6例。彩色多普勒示腮腺Warthin 瘤较多形性腺瘤血供丰富。结论

腮腺Warthin 瘤与多形性腺瘤在超声特征方面有各自的规律,根据它们的规律性并与临床特点相结合,可以



腮腺Warthin 瘤;腮腺多形性腺瘤;超声检查,多普勒,彩色

【中图分类号】R 781.7



Ultrasound Characteristics of Parotid Warthin's Tumor and Parotid Pleomorphic Adenoma MO Qing -qing.Ultra-sonography Department ,Huzhou Central Hospital ,Huzhou 313000,China

【Abstract 】Objective

To explore the ultrasound characteristics of parotid Warthin's tumor and parotid pleomorphic


Ultrasound characteristics were analyzed in 20cases of parotid Warthin's tumor and 24cases of parotid ple-omorphic adenoma.Results

Of the 20cases (24tumors )of parotid Warthin's Tumor ,considered ,2were with bilateral single

tumors ,1was with unilateral multiple tumors ;integral capsules were found for all the 24tumors.tumors originated from the low-er posterior polar of the parotid gland in 18cases ;echoes turned out to be hypoechoic in 15cases ,while solid and mixed type echoes were detected in 6cases and 14cases respectively.All 24cases of pleomorphic adenomas turned out to be unilateral with



