第一章 地球的宇宙环境【串讲课件】-七年级地理上学期期末考点大串讲(中图版2024)
开始建设 国际空间站 1986年 长期停留的空间站。
由16个国家共同建造,是第一个国际合作建设 的空间站,也是目前规模最大的空间站,从2000年至今, 一直保持在轨工作。
二 太空探索
考点3 空间站建设
二 太空探索
考点3 空间站建设
二 太空探索 考点1 探月工程
3.我国在火星探测领域取得的一系列突破和成就,体现出我国( )
A.经济的高速发展 B.繁忙的国际贸易 C.对太空资源的占领 D.强大的科技实力
相关性不大 相关性不大
相关性不大 正确
二 太空探索 考点3 空间站建设
一 地球在宇宙中 考点3 地球是人类唯一的家园
一 地球在宇宙中 考点3 地球是人类唯一的家园
①_______________________ ②_______________________
祝融号是天问一号任务火星车。高度有1米85 ,重量达到240公斤左右。设计寿命为3个火星 月,相当于约92个地球日。 2020年7月23日12 时41分,在中国文昌航天发射场由长征五号遥四 运载火箭发射升空。2021年4月24日,2021中 国航天日开幕启动仪式在江苏南京举行。中国首 辆火星车命名为“祝融号”,火神祝融登陆火星 的意思。祝融英文名称采用直接音译方式确定为 :“Zhu Rong”5月17日,祝融号火星车首次 通过环绕器传回遥测数据。 5月22日10时40分 ,“祝融号”火星车已安全驶离着陆平台,到达 火星表面,开始巡视探测。 6月11日,天问一号 探测器着陆火星首批科学影像图公布。 8月23日 ,祝融号火星车平安在火星度过100天,更是行 驶里程突破1000米的关键一天。
是指进入太阳系内亮度和形状会随日距变化而变 化的绕日运动的天体,呈云雾状的独特外貌,也 是中国神话传说的扫帚星(星官名)。彗星分为 彗核、彗发、彗尾三部分。彗核由冰物质构成, 当彗星接近恒星时,彗星物质升华,在冰核周围 形成朦胧的彗发和一条稀薄物质流构成的彗尾。 彗星的质量、密度很小,当远离太阳时只是一个 由水、氨、甲烷等冻结的冰块和夹杂许多固体尘 埃粒子的“脏雪球”。当接近太阳时,彗星在太阳 辐射作用下分解成彗头和彗尾,状如扫帚。
国际太空探索 我国太空探索
太阳系的组成 八颗行星
01 地 球 在 宇 宙 中 02 人 类 的 太 空 探 索 03 课 堂 小 结 04 课 堂 小 练
PART ONE 地球在宇宙中
我们看到的星星, 大多都是恒星,另外还 有行星、彗星、卫星、 星云等。
3.判断“TOI700d”宜居的主要依据是 ( )A.与地球相似的地表形态 B.具有地月系一样的天体系统C.具有与地球相近的温度 D.获得与地球上相似的可见光4.相对于地球来说,月球更易遭受陨石袭击,其原因是 ( )A.公转速度快 B.没有足够的液态水C.离小行星带更近 D.表面基本无大气层
5.下图为太阳系中八颗行星排列顺序示意图,读图,回答下列问题。(1)图中代表地球的是 (填字母)。(2)与其他行星相比,地球又是一颗特殊的行星。其特殊性表现在,它是一颗存在生命的行星。按照相互关系,将下列字母填在对应的横线上。
地理环境作文英语The Earth, our home, is a marvel of nature with a diverse and intricate geography. It is a sphere covered with water, land, and air, each playing a crucial role in sustaining life. The geography of our planet can be studied from various perspectives, such as physical geography, which examines the natural features of the Earth, and human geography, which explores the interaction between humans and their environment.Landforms and Bodies of WaterThe Earth's surface is a tapestry of landforms, from towering mountain ranges like the Himalayas to vast plains like the Great Plains of North America. These landforms are shaped by geological processes such as tectonic movements, erosion, and sedimentation. The oceans, seas, and rivers are the Earth's liquid veins, covering approximately 71% of the planet's surface. They are not only home to a plethora of marine life but also play a significant role in climate regulation and transportation.Climate and WeatherClimate zones range from the frigid polar regions to the scorching deserts. The climate is influenced by latitude, altitude, and proximity to large bodies of water. Weather, on the other hand, is the short-term state of the atmosphere, characterized by changes in temperature, humidity,precipitation, wind, and atmospheric pressure. Understanding weather patterns is essential for agriculture, travel, and disaster preparedness.Biodiversity and EcosystemsThe geography of Earth supports a vast array of ecosystems, each with its unique set of flora and fauna. Tropical rainforests, for example, are among the most biodiverse areas on the planet, teeming with species that are adapted to their specific environment. In contrast, the Arctic tundra supports fewer species, but those that do live there are specially adapted to the harsh, cold conditions.Human Settlement and Cultural LandscapesHuman geography looks at how people have shaped the landscape through settlement patterns, agriculture, and urbanization. Cities, for instance, are the result of human ingenuity and the need for community and commerce. Cultural landscapes are also a testament to human geography, with landmarks like the Great Wall of China or the Pyramids of Egypt reflecting the history and culture of their respective societies.Conservation and SustainabilityAs the human population grows and urbanization intensifies, the importance of conserving natural landscapes and promoting sustainable development cannot be overstated. Efforts to preserve biodiversity, reduce pollution, and manage resources responsibly are crucial for the health of the planet and itsinhabitants.In conclusion, the geography of our Earth is a complex system of interrelated components that support life in all its forms. It is a subject that invites us to explore, appreciate, and protect the natural and human-made environments that make our world so diverse and vibrant.。
地理英语作文模板范文英文回答:Geography: Definition and Importance。
Geography is the study of the Earth's surface and the human-environment interactions that occur on it. It is a multifaceted discipline that encompasses physical geography, human geography, and environmental geography. Physical geography focuses on the natural features of the Earth, including its landforms, climate, water bodies, and vegetation. Human geography investigates the relationship between humans and their environment, examining how people shape their surroundings and are in turn shaped by them. Environmental geography explores the interactions between the Earth's natural systems and human activities,addressing issues such as pollution, climate change, and sustainability.The importance of geography cannot be overstated. Itprovides us with a comprehensive understanding of our planet, its inhabitants, and the complex relationships between them. Geography helps us to:Comprehend the physical and human characteristics of our world.Analyze the interactions between humans and their environment.Address environmental challenges and promote sustainable practices.Understand the interconnectedness of global systems.Make informed decisions about the use and management of natural resources.In short, geography is a vital discipline that provides us with the knowledge and understanding necessary for creating a more sustainable and equitable future for all.Geography in Education。
用英语介绍世界地理范文The world geography is a vast and complex field that encompasses the physical, cultural, and environmental aspects of the planet's surface. It involves the study of Earth's landforms, bodies of water, climate patterns, biomes, and human settlements. Understanding world geography is crucial for gaining insights into how different regions interact with each other and how humans have shaped the environment over time.One of the key components of world geography is the study of Earth's landforms, which include mountains, hills, plateaus, plains, and valleys. Landforms are shaped bynatural forces such as erosion, weathering, and tectonic movements. They influence the distribution of resources, the types of vegetation that can grow in an area, and the suitability of the land for human habitation.Bodies of water are another important aspect of world geography. Oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and streams play a significant role in shaping the Earth's climate, supporting biodiversity, and providing transportation routes for people and goods. The distribution of water bodies also influences the development of trade networks, agriculture, and urban centers around the world.Climate patterns are closely tied to geography and have a profound impact on the types of ecosystems found in different regions. Climate is determined by factors such as latitude, altitude, proximity to large bodies of water, and prevailing wind patterns. Understanding climate patterns helps uspredict weather conditions, assess the risk of natural disasters, and make decisions about land use and resource management.Biomes are distinct ecological regions characterized by specific types of vegetation, wildlife, and climateconditions. Examples of biomes include tundra, desert, grassland, tropical rainforest, and taiga. Each biome has its own unique set of challenges and opportunities for human populations, and understanding these differences is essential for sustainable development and conservation efforts.Human settlements are another important aspect of world geography. Cities, towns, villages, and rural communities are distributed unevenly across the planet based on factors such as accessibility to resources, transportation routes, historical events, and cultural preferences. The study of human settlements helps us understand issues such as urbanization, migration, economic development, and social inequalities.Overall, world geography provides valuable insights into the interconnected nature of our planet and the challenges and opportunities that arise from global interactions. By studying the physical, cultural, and environmental aspects ofdifferent regions, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the diversity and complexity of the world we inhabit and work towards a more sustainable and equitable future for all.。
1.1 地球的宇宙环境 课件(共45张PPT) (2024)地理人教版七年级上册
第二节 地球与地球仪
2.2021年第18号台风“圆规”于10月8日在西北太平 洋洋面上生成,其中心位于13.8°N,131.4°E。10 月13日“圆规”在19.2°N,110.4°E登陆。
第二节 地球与地球仪
请你在地球仪上大致标出台风“圆规”的生成位置和 登陆位置,说说它附近的主要地名。
2.同学们课间开玩笑说要在地球上做个大工程,你认 为理论上正确的是
千米 B.工程二:从地球一端经地心到另一端打个隧道,隧 道长达 5.1 万千米
第二节 地球与地球仪
C.工程三:给地球做件全覆盖的外衣,布料面积需要 4 万平方千米 D.工程四:在地球上建一座四面朝南的宫殿,宫殿应 建在赤道上
第二节 地球与地球仪
3.我国有四大航天发射场,用于火箭、卫星、飞船、 实验舱等航天发射,在酒泉附近还建设有东风着陆场, 用于飞船返回着陆。下图为我国四大航天发射场分 布图。
第二节 地球与地球仪
第二节 地球与地球仪
C (1)四大航天发射场的纬度由低到高依次是( )
第二节 地球与地球仪
地 理 七年级 上册
第二节 地球与地球仪 知识讲解
第二节 地球与地球仪
第二节 地球与地球仪
第二节 地球与地球仪
第二节 地球与地球仪
第二节 地球与地球仪
地理环境作文英语带翻译Geographic Environment。
The geographic environment plays a vital role in shaping the world we live in. It includes factors such as climate, topography, and natural resources. These elements can have a significant impact on the economy, culture, and lifestyle of people living in a particular region.Climate is one of the most important factors in the geographic environment. It affects the types of crops that can be grown, the availability of water, and the types of animals that can survive in a particular region. For example, the tropical rainforest has a warm and humid climate that supports a diverse range of plant and animal life. In contrast, the Arctic tundra has a cold and harsh climate that limits the types of plants and animals that can survive.Topography is another important element of thegeographic environment. It refers to the physical featuresof a region, such as mountains, valleys, and plains. Topography can affect the availability of resources and the ease of transportation. For example, the Rocky Mountains in North America are a barrier that separates the eastern and western parts of the continent. This has had a significant impact on the development of the United States.Natural resources are also a crucial aspect of the geographic environment. They include minerals, oil, gas, timber, and water. The availability of these resources can have a significant impact on the economy and lifestyle of people living in a particular region. For example, the discovery of oil in the Middle East has transformed the region into a major player in the global economy.In conclusion, the geographic environment is a complex and multifaceted concept that influences many aspects ofour lives. It can shape our economy, culture, and lifestyle, and it is essential to understand its impact when studying different regions of the world.地理环境。
与地球环境有关的作文英语Title: The Urgency of Protecting Our Planet: A Call to Action。
In recent years, the global community has become increasingly aware of the dire state of our planet's environment. From rising temperatures to deforestation and pollution, the signs of environmental degradation are all around us. As inhabitants of this Earth, it is our responsibility to take action to protect and preserve our precious home for future generations.One of the most pressing issues facing our planet today is climate change. The burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas has led to a dramatic increase in greenhouse gas emissions, trapping heat in the Earth's atmosphere and causing temperatures to rise. This has resulted in melting ice caps, rising sea levels, and more frequent and severe weather events such as hurricanes, droughts, and wildfires. If left unchecked, climate change has the potential todevastate ecosystems, displace millions of people, and threaten the very existence of life on Earth.Another critical environmental issue is deforestation. Forests play a crucial role in regulating the Earth's climate by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. However, rampant deforestation, driven by the demand for timber, agricultural land, and urban development, is destroying these vital ecosystems at an alarming rate. Not only does deforestation contribute to climate change, butit also leads to the loss of biodiversity, disrupts local water cycles, and exacerbates soil erosion.In addition to climate change and deforestation, pollution is also wreaking havoc on our planet's environment. Whether it's air pollution from vehicle emissions and industrial activities, water pollution from agricultural runoff and plastic waste, or soil pollution from chemical contaminants, pollution poses a significant threat to human health and the health of our ecosystems. It is imperative that we take immediate action to reduce pollution and adopt sustainable practices to protect ourair, water, and soil.So, what can we do to address these pressing environmental issues? First and foremost, we musttransition to clean, renewable sources of energy such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. By reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, we can mitigate the impacts of climate change and reduce air pollution. Additionally, we must implement policies and regulations to conserve and restore our forests, protecting them from illegal logging and unsustainable land use practices. Finally, we must reduce, reuse, and recycle our waste to minimize pollution and conserve valuable resources.However, individual actions alone are not enough to solve these complex environmental challenges. We need collective action on a global scale. Governments, businesses, and civil society must work together to develop and implement solutions that prioritize environmental sustainability and social equity. This will requirepolitical will, innovation, and cooperation across borders.In conclusion, the state of our planet's environment is a matter of urgent concern. Climate change, deforestation, and pollution threaten the health and well-being of current and future generations. It is up to each and every one of us to take action to protect and preserve our precious planet. By transitioning to clean energy, conserving our forests, and reducing pollution, we can build a more sustainable future for all. The time to act is now. Our planet is counting on us.。
旱——降雨量低于正常值(平均值), 涝——降雨量高于正常值,旱灾与涝灾合称旱涝灾害。
旱涝灾害的发生受多种因素影响,其中大气环流、海水温度 异常变化(厄尔尼诺)、太阳活动、地球自转等因素较重要。
5. 生态系统的分类
森林生态系统 草原生态系统
然 生
生 态
系 统
人工复合 城市生态系统
生态系统 矿山生态系统
6. 生态平衡
在一个生态系统内,在一定时间和空间内,生产 者、消费者和分解者之间保持动态的稳定的状态。
酸 雨
破 坏 臭 氧 层
南极上空的臭 氧空洞
5. 大气环境变迁
冰期:地球上气候极其寒冷(比现今年平均温度低 8~12℃)、高纬度冰川和高山冰川扩展的阶段。
间冰期:两个冰期之间气候相对温暖的阶段。 地球历史上曾有过3次大的冰期:震旦纪全球大冰期、
风速可达20~50m/s,大者可达110m/s。 台风的成因:一般起因于大气低压。
不同的地区给予不同 的名称,西太平洋地 区的热带气旋称台风, 东太平洋和大西洋地 区称飓风,印度洋地 区称热带风暴,南半 球称热带气旋。
龙卷风的特点:中间短、活动小(直径从几十米到几百米), 中心气压极低,风速快(100~200m/s),龙卷风常与台风相伴。
地理素养作文模板英语英文回答:Geographic Literacy。
Geographic literacy is the understanding of the Earth's physical and human characteristics, as well as the abilityto use and interpret geographic information. It is an essential skill for navigating the world, understanding current events, and making informed decisions about the future.There are many different aspects to geographic literacy, including:Physical geography: The study of the Earth's landforms, water features, climate, and vegetation.Human geography: The study of how humans interact with the environment, including topics such as population,migration, and land use.Cartography: The art and science of creating maps.Geographic information systems (GIS): Computer-based systems that allow users to store, analyze, and visualize geographic data.Geographic literacy is important for several reasons. First, it helps us to understand the world around us. By knowing about the different physical and human characteristics of the Earth, we can better understand how the planet works and how our actions can impact it.Second, geographic literacy is essential for making informed decisions. When we understand the different factors that affect a region, we can make better choices about how to use its resources and how to protect its environment.Third, geographic literacy is a valuable skill for the workplace. Many different jobs require employees to have astrong understanding of geography, including jobs in fields such as environmental science, urban planning, and transportation.There are many different ways to improve your geographic literacy. One way is to take courses in geography. Another way is to read books and articles about geography. You can also learn about geography by traveling and exploring different parts of the world.Geographic literacy is an important skill for everyone. By understanding the Earth's physical and human characteristics, we can better understand the world around us, make informed decisions, and succeed in our careers.中文回答:地理素养。
宇宙中物质和能量的存在 形式,包括恒星、行星、 卫星、彗星、星云、星团 等。
天体之间相互吸引、相互 绕转形成的系统,如太阳 系、银河系等。
天体之间的距离通常以光 年来计量,1光年是光在 真空中传播一年的距离。
阐述如何利用天文观测数据测量 天体的距离、位置、运动轨迹等
介绍光谱分析在天文学中的应用 ,如何通过光谱分析确定天体的
介绍宇宙航行的基本原理和实现方法,包括火箭推进、离子推进 器等。
分析各类探测器(如火星车、哈勃太空望远镜)在宇宙探索中的作 用,以及卫星在地理信息系统中的应用。
现代宇宙学基于大量观测数据和理论模型,研究 宇宙的起源、演化和终极命运,对人类认识宇宙 起到了关键作用。
如地球的四季变化、日夜 交替等现象,都是由于地 球的公转和自转产生的。
由于地球自转和公转的影 响,我们观察到的天体位 置和运动轨迹会有所变化 。
地理环境英文作文英文:Geographical environment plays a crucial role in shaping the world we live in. It encompasses all the natural features and phenomena of the earth, including landforms, climate, water bodies, soil, and vegetation. The geographical environment affects human activities and development in various ways, and understanding its characteristics is essential for sustainable development.For example, the availability of water resources in a region affects agriculture, industry, and human settlement. In arid regions, water scarcity limits the growth of crops and the establishment of cities. On the other hand, regions with abundant water resources can support large-scale agriculture and industry, leading to economic development. Another example is the impact of climate on human activities. Extreme weather conditions such as hurricanes, floods, and droughts can cause severe damage toinfrastructure, disrupt transportation, and threaten human lives. Therefore, proper planning and adaptation measures are necessary to minimize the negative effects of climate change.Moreover, the geographical environment also affects biodiversity and ecological systems. The destruction of natural habitats and the degradation of ecosystems due to human activities can lead to the extinction of species and the collapse of ecological balance. Therefore, conservation efforts and sustainable use of natural resources arecrucial for the survival of biodiversity and the well-being of humans.中文:地理环境在塑造我们生活的世界中扮演着至关重要的角色。
Scattered around the globe are more than 100 smallregions of isolated volcanic activity known togeologists as hot spots. Unlike most of the world'svolcanoes. they are not always found at theboundaries of the great drifting plates that make upthe earth's surface; on the contrary, many of chemlie deep in the interior of a plate. Most of the hot spots move only slowly, and in some cases themovement of the plates past them has left trails of dead volcanoes. The bot spots and theirvolcanic trails are milestones that mark the passage of the plates.That the plates are moving is now beyond dispute. Africa and South America. for example. aremoving away from each other as new material is injected into the sea floor between them. Thecomplementary coastlines and certain geological features that seem to span the ocean arereminders of where the two continents were once joined. The relative motion of the platescarrying these continents has been constructed in detail, but the motion of one plate withrespect to another cannot readily be translated into motion with respect to the earth’s interior.It is not possible to determine whether both continents are moving in opposite directions orwhether one continent is stationary and the other is drifting away from it. Hot spots. anchoredin the deeper layers of the earth, provide the measuring instruments needed to resolve thequestion. From an analysis of the hot-spot population it appears that the African plate isstationary and that it has not moved during the past 30 million years.The significance of hot spots is not confined lo their role as a frame of reference. It nowappears that they also have an important influence on the geophysical processes chat propelthe plates across the globe. When a continental plate comes to rest over a hot spot. thematerial rising from deeper layer creates a broad dome. As the dome grows, it develops deepfissures (cracks); in at least a few cases the continent may break entirely along some of thesefissures, so that the hoc spot initiates the formation of a new ocean. Thus just as earliertheories have explained the mobility of the continents, so hot spots may explain theirmutability (inconstancy).地球上散布着100多个互不相连的发生火山运动的小地区,地质学家称之为热点。
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Proximate and ultimate causation
• A proximate cause is an event which is closest, or immediately responsible, for causing some observed result.
• This exists in contrast to a higher-level ultimate cause which is usually thought of as the "real" reason something occurred.
Why study physical geography?
• The natural world is as complex as the human world
– Consider these facets of the Earth’s surface
• Its extent (size) and resolution (detail) • History and time since origin (4.5 billion years)
4. Spatial and temporal scale
• Scale determines how we understand pattern and process • Example: controls on temperature: what makes it warm or cold?
– Use the record of the past to predict the future
What complicates the study of pattern-process?
1. Multiple driving variables
• Driving variables are most directly responsible for the observed patterns. • They have to be identified, but are not always readily apparent or easily separated from each other
• We document pattern and process
We use models to study pattern and process
• Models are a simplified, often idealized representation of reality.
– Intent of a model is to recreate patterns by capturing the underlying explanatory processes – Your role is to learn models, recognize they are idealized, and try to identify why they are incomplete.
Why study physical geography?
• To understand human-environment interaction, you need to understand how the non-human world works.
How do we do physical geography?
No analog states
Transitory states
• Systemsdynamical equilibrium.
Why did the ship hit the rock?
• Proximate cause: Because the ship failed to change course to avoid it. • Ultimate cause: Because the ship was under autopilot and the autopilot received bad data from the GPS. • Separating proximate from ultimate causations frequently leads to better understandings of multiple driving variables
What is Physical Geography?
• Integrated study of three subdisciplines – Climatology – Biogeography – Geomorphology
What is Physical Geography?
• Includes the role of humans and their influence on natural processes
5. Thresholds and time lags
• Melting of ice sheets and glaciers
6. Teleconnections
7. The earth is constantly
• Earth is an open system • Change is the norm • Change itself, however, has different types – Steady state equilibrium – Dynamic equilibrium – Phase shift once tipping point (threshold) is reached – Transitional states
Types of models
• Dynamical models
– Use field-derived conditions to model the behavior of a phenomena – Can be used to predict or forecast the future
Answer depends upon temporal and spatial scale
• Cloud cover and humidity (minutes to hours) • Diurnal (day-night) cycles • Seasonal cycles (1 year) • Cyclical fluctuations due to sunspots (1050 years) • Anthropogenic contribution of greenhouse gases (10-100 years) • Milankovitch orbital cycles (10,000 yrs)
– Positive feedback: externally generated change is reinforced – Negative feedback: externally generated change is minimized
Example of positive and negative feedbacks associated with global warming
Steady state equilibrium
Dynamic equilibrium
Phase shifts
• Systems may shift to another state once a threshold is reached • Can be natural or caused by humans
Types of models
• Dynamical models can also be used to hindcast the past and study events that have already happened
Types of models
• Statistical models
GEO 130 Earth’s Physical Environments
Introduction to Physical Geography
• • • • • • • • • • • Define physical geography Explain how we study physical geography List several types of models Describe and define models List the factors that complicate the study of pattern and process and provide examples Give examples of how scale influence the perception of pattern and process Explain how contingent historic events complicate the interpretation of pattern and process Explain the difference between non-linear and linear change Explain why models are limited in describing patterns in the environment Define and give examples of positive and negative feedback Define/explain: steady state, dynamic equilibrium, phase shifts, and transient states
2. Contingent events
• What contingencies complicate the prediction of wildfires?