Cat in the Rain中女性形象探究
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社会科学版) E i JunlfL nf师 ec e o eeScaSi cs dtn orao a坊ag 范 学 rC Ug (oi c n io ) 廊 g n T ah 院 学 报 ( s l e e
20 年 1 09 0月
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女 性 言 说 的声 音
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从女性视角看 《 中的猫》 雨
( 西南石 油大学 英语 学院, 四川 成都 60 0 ) 15 0
摘 要 :雨 中的猫》 是海 明威 的著名短篇小说。作者通过一系列 的象征和 隐喻表 现 出了女性在男性 霸权下地位 的从属 和话语 的剥夺 。女主人公试 图通过对小猫的挽救完成对 自 的救赎 , 我 然而, 女性言说 的声音还是不 能冲 出强大 的男权制 的藩篱 , 随着 救猫 的失败, 女主人公心 中刚刚燃起 的女性 意识之火 渐渐熄灭 。
提 到 厄 内斯 特 ・ 明威 (ret e ig a, 海 Ens H mnw y 19— 9 1人们 的脑海里就会 出现一系列硬汉形象 , 89 16 ) 所以大部分人认 为他是个男权崇拜者。其实 , 海明威 也具有女权 意识 , 他不仅关注女性 的心理 、 情感和地 位, 而且运用简洁的语言对女性在社会 中所扮演 的弱 者角色表示 了极大的同情 。 本文试图以《 雨中的猫》 为 例, 从女性视角看待小说 中的女主人公 的话语权 的缺 乏、 重现直至幻灭 。
不仅能确立主体的存在 , 也代表着存在的意义 。”】 【 l 在中西文 明史上 ,女性一直是被压抑 的性别 , 无 论是在 中国的儒家文化 中 , 还是在古 希腊 、 基督教 的 文明里 , 女性都是 以“ 第二性 ” 他者” 或“ 的身份被置于 边缘的地位 。翻开我们手中的儒家经典 , 对女性的忽
国内学者贾艳萍和胡玲玲结合海明威的生活经历和时代背景解读《雨中的猫》的多重象征意义,指出小说通过象征手法反映两性冲突;杨红梅从人称指示语的角度,深入分析小说主题意义的表现关系;而国外学者 John V. Hagopian则从小说的对称性入手,探讨文中语言和动作等细节描写中呈现的精巧结构和意义表达。
- 242-校园英语 /文艺鉴赏浅析《雨中的猫》的女性主体意识兰州交通大学外国语学院/田园【摘要】短篇小说《雨中的猫》体现了海明威细腻深邃的写作功力,简单的故事却让人回味无穷,本文从女主人的四种不同称谓从女性主体意识来分析女性的社会地位和和对自我命运的思考与渴望。
【关键词】海明威 猫 主体意识欧内斯特•海明威,美国作家、记者,被认为是20世纪最著名的小说家之一。
《雨中的猫》里年轻的妻子应该是美国20世 纪初女性主义运动的拥护者,女主人公对长发 的青睐更多地表现为她对男性视阈下的传统女 性形象的重新接受与认同, 因为她在提出留长 发的要求后, 紧跟着向丈夫提出了买套银质餐 具、享受烛光晚餐和新衣服这一系列的高物质 要求。
可以看出, 女主人公希望像个贵妇人, 过着养尊 处优的日子, 那只泛指的猫则是她所向往的优 越物质生活的一部分: 一个宠物。因此, 当女人 在一大一小两面镜子之间不停打量自己时, 她 对自我的理想化想象应该是个中上阶级家庭女 主人的形象: 梳着高雅的发髻, 穿着漂亮的衣服, 用餐时有精美的器皿, 还有只可以用来逗弄、 解闷的宠物猫。
故事开头处就交代说, 旅馆面对着花园和一 座纪念碑, “意大利人喜欢从老远的地方赶来 瞻仰那座战争纪念碑。碑是用铜铸成的, 在雨 中闪着光”。高高耸立的战争纪念碑是男根的 象征, 它扎根、凌驾于暗示女性阴户的花园之 上, 无声地述说着两性战争史中男性的霸权和 女性的臣服。
虔诚的朝觐者, 从远方赶来向男权信条顶礼膜 拜; 而把店(很可能也是家) 安在纪念碑附近的 店主则是守护者的化身, 恪守着捍卫、传承男 权社会性别建制的古老使命。
女主人公也梳着短发, 显然受到这种观念的影 响。然而, 这种做法实际上是对性别差异的抹 杀和女性特性的否认, 仍旧没有摆脱以男性为 中心的奴性思维的束缚。女主人公烦躁的心绪 就是女性体验被忽视和压抑的表征。年轻妻子 对“宠物猫”的强烈愿望反映了一部分新女性 在力争平等权利的社会生活中受到挫折后萌生 的逃避心态,
这里我们看不到妇女们团结起来相互关照去冲 破男性性别压迫的“姐妹情意”( sisterhood) 。 显然, 在性别意识上, 侍女和受到妇女解放运动 影响把头发剪短的女主人公处在不同层次。
Cat in the rain分析
Cat in the rain很明显,猫与女人之间有着一种密切的隐喻关系。
因此,她喜欢这种感觉,于是她就喜欢他:Obviously, the cat and the women have a close relationship to metaphor. Cat in the rain situation, as women in the patriarchal society. " Rain" is a powerful omnipresent coverage, unstoppable mandatory and power, symbolizing the male-centered patriarchal society as well as the powerful male discourse hegemony in the cat as a symbol of the image of women in the patriarchal society, its characteristics are: home to people, erratic, to avoid danger, struggling for life, the survival status means that women in a patriarchal society, the male dominated by left and right, it is difficult to find their own position. " Cat in the rain" is a symbol of the loss of subject consciousness of the femaleThe cat and the fate of it where she has a very deep resonance. She tries to help the cat out of the passive situation with fear. The heroine of the motivation of at least two points : one is the narcissistic and masturbation, she protected the cat, also is the consciousness of self protection. She passed the" save the cat" behavior ( emotional projection ), to realize self-rescue. Two is a show of strength, she longed for by protecting the cat to prove his role -- she can decide to another thing, it is a kind of heroic feelings. She is eager to change their situation, change the appearance, change your hair, change their status, change with her husband in the family relationship. In short, she wants to update themselves.But his wife after all attempts to change, the change agent derived from a cat in the rain, but also because of looking for the cat encountered Hotel owner. She walked out of the room after seeing the hotel owner, the old Italy station at the desk bowed to her, he had to give her umbrella. He showed a kind of respect, a concern, this lets his wife feel myself, let her have a kind of" is attached to" feel" the hotel owner: let her feel a subtle but important feel." This is her home and her husband live when they do not feel. Therefore, she likes this kind of feeling, so she loves him:。
218Crazy English Teachers疯狂英语教师版2014年第4期(11月号)收稿日期:2014-10-13;修改稿:2014-10-15只在桌子下避雨的可怜的小猫,于是心生怜爱,想要出门寻找那只雨中的猫,丈夫对此却不加理会。
3. 女性意识的萌发与激荡海明威在《雨中的猫》中通过对美国丈夫和妻子简单的对话描写,表现出这对夫妇在思想和言语沟通上的匮乏以及情感上的隔阂,文中丈夫一直在床上看书,将妻子冷落在一边,对于妻子的想法和请求敷衍了事,甚至不予理会,从而揭示了其独断、冷漠和自私的男权思想。
在她心里,她和它是同病相怜的,所1. 女权主义批评理论概述“女权主义批评是西方女权主义运动高涨并深入到文化、文学领域的成果……它是以妇女为中心的批评,其研究对象包括妇女形象、女性创作和女性阅读等”(朱立元,2005)。
《雨中的猫》(Cat in the Rain)是海明威于1923年创作的一篇以女性为主体的短篇小说佳作,后收录在《在我们的时代里》。
《Cat in the rain》赏析
Cat in the rainThe short novel tells that a couple of American stays in an Italian hotel in a rainy day. The wife catches a sight of poor cat crouching under a table from the rain outside. She wants to bring it in. However when she comes to the yard only finds the cat is missing. After returning to the room a maid sends her a cat. When seeing a cat in the rain, the wife has a strong desire of possessing it, and even she herself can‟t explain why she wants it so much. Such desire reveals the unconscious struggle in the wife‟s heart: the pursuit of freedom and independence, and being conditioned with the traditional woman situation.The novel uses many figures of speech such as metaphor, parallelism, polysyndeton, repetition and so on to emphasize its theme that traditional women are under the control of men and lack of independence. Therein, metaphor: the cat represents the woman. Its characters are vagrant, submissive and tamed. It refers to the traditional woman social status just like the cat. Their social condition indicates that women are controlled by men and it is difficult for them to find their own positions. The storm has the forceful power which is ubiquitous and irresistible, which symbolizes male-dominated society and powerful superiority of men. The cat in the rain symbolizes the women who lose their consciousness as the main part. It tries best to look for the shelter, which is that women in male-dominated society make effort to find their status, rights and their own voices.Besides, parallelism: she liked him. She liked the deadly serious way he received any complaints. She liked his dignity. She liked the way he wanted to serve her. She liked the way he felt about being a hotel-keeper. She liked his old, heavy face and big hands.A serious of “she liked...” shows the woman‟s affection to the house keeper because she had a momentary feeling of being of supreme importance. She felt superior from the protection and respect of the hotel keeper. Meanwhile, she sat down on the bed. (I)wanted is so much,‟ she said. …I don‟t know why I wanted it so much. I wanted that poor kitty out in the rain.‟ The three “I wanted” show that the woman‟s strong desire for the cat. She wanted to protect it or own it or like it and so on. She didn‟t know thereason but she still insisted her thought. The fate and condition of the cat made her connected with it. The words also imply that the woman‟s position in her family is just like the cat. At the end of the novel, the woman repeated …anyway, I want a cat. I want a cat. I want a cat now. if I can‟t have long hair or any fun I can have a cat.‟In addition, polysyndeton: and I want to eat at a table with my own silver and I want candles. And I want it to be spring and I want to brush my hair out in front of a mirror and I want a kitty and I want some new clothes. The conjunction “and” is used by many times. The woman‟s frustrated mood is conveyed by the string of requests she pours out in succession, in a tone of almost hysterical insistence. It emphasizes the woman‟s strong desire for self-imagination, self-change and self-creation.At the end of the novel, the woman repeated …anyway, I want a cat. I want a cat. I want a cat now. If I can‟t have long hair or any fun I can have a cat.‟ The repetition of “I want a cat” straightly reveals emphasize that the woman want to change the current condition where she can not get what she wants. She can hardly bear the limitation of her voice.The author uses figure of speech to perfectly and explicitly describe women‟s emotions and feelings at the rule of traditional sexual role. He tells us women‟s experience, hardship and desire and shows the deep sympathy for them.小组成员:李曦:20133047刘文霞:20133035邓兢:20133032吴佩蓉:20133057。
及物性理论视角下《雨中的猫》女主人公的心理分析作者:余凡凡来源:《青年文学家》2013年第06期摘要:以往采用及物性模式的系统功能文体分析学者多以M.A.K. Halliday为榜样,通过不同过程类型的数量对比来揭示文学作品中某种对抗力量关系,而没有从及物性过程小句的结构变化入手来揭示人物微妙的心理活动。
本文即借助及物性理论,将定量统计与定性分析相结合来揭示Ernest Hemingway的著名短篇小说《雨中的猫》中女主人公的内心情感。
[中图分类号]:I106 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2013)-6-0-01一、引言继Halliday之后,很多文体学家采用及物性模式对文本的语义层面进行了分析,使之成为功能文体学分析中最突出的模式,实用性较强。
《雨中的猫》(Cat in the Rain)是Ernest Hemingway的经典短篇小说之一,本研究采用及物性理论,通过对六大过程小句的统计分析以揭示故事女主人公微妙的心理活动。
二、从六大及物性过程对女主人公心理的分析全文共196个小句,其中女主人公的及物性过程小句多达86个,约占43.4%,各类及物性过程小句的分布情况统计如下:物质心理言语行为关系存在总计数量 26 29 10 11 9 1 86比例 30.2% 33.7% 11.6% 12.8% 10.5% 1.2% 100%从上表可看出,女主人公的六大类及物性过程中,心理过程最多,物质过程其次,行为、言语和关系过程数量相当,都比物质和心理过程少一半左右的数量,存在过程最少,只有1个。
1. 心理过程:女主人公的心理过程小句占33.7%,共29个,相关过程动词有:“like (7)”,“want (16)”,“know (2)”,“suppose”和“feel (3)”,可见小说作者多用重复手段,在数量上构成及物性结构失衡突出(张德禄 2005: 117),来增强语义表达效果。
从《雨中的猫》看女性的生存状态作者:胡静芳来源:《文教资料》2010年第30期摘要: 小说《雨中的猫》是海明威充满女性意识的佳作。
关键词: 小说《雨中的猫》女性男权社会生存状态厄内斯特·海明威是蜚声世界文坛的美国现代著名小说家。
浅析《雨中的猫》中觉醒的女性意识(英文)In the novel "The Cat in the Rain", written by Ernest Hemingway, the female protagonist's awakening of consciousness is delicately portrayed. The story takes place in a hotel room in Italy, where an American couple, George and his wife, are on vacation. The woman is attracted to a cat huddled under a table in the rain and wants to take it in. Through the woman's pursuit of the cat and her interactions with the male characters, the author reveals her growing awareness of her own desires, frustrations, and emotional needs.At the beginning of the story, the woman is portrayed as somewhat unhappy and dissatisfied. Hemingway describes her as looking at herself in the mirror, emphasizing her desire to reflect on her own identity. Through this act, the author indicates that the woman is curious about her own existence and longs for self-expression. As she gazes out of the window, she notices the cat and immediately feels a connection with it, which serves as a symbol for her suppressed desires and dreams.Furthermore, the woman's interaction with the hotel owner and his wife highlights her growing awareness of the limitations imposed on her by societal norms. When she asks the hotelowner's wife whether she wants a cat, the woman responds with "no". This interaction reveals the societal expectation for women to reject their personal desires in favor of conformity.However, the woman's persistence in pursuing the cat despitethis opposition reflects her emerging defiance against societal expectations.In the end, the woman's awakening culminates in her confrontation with the hotel owner. When she expresses her desire to have the cat, the hotel owner dismisses her needs, suggesting that her husband should take care of them. This encounter highlights the unequal power dynamic between men and women in society, where women are expected to rely on men for their needs. However, the woman's reaction displays her growing self-awareness and determination. She insists on getting the cat and refuses to be silenced or defeated. This act of self-assertion symbolizes her newfound strength and determination to fulfill her own desires, despite the obstacles and societal constraints.。
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On Hemingway's Feminist Consciousness from Cat in the Rain 1. Criticism of Hemingway’ s works’ smearingIt is known that Hemingway has an important position in the literary history, his contribution to American literature is an indisputable fact.However, the image of Hemingway's female critics has been aroused heated arguments, and sometimes his attitudes to women are the focus in the critic world.A considerable number of critics thinks that Hemingway was a male chauvinist, which leads to the result that his work is more of a "tough guy" image, and a kind of discrimination against women. After the rise of feminism, Hemingway's female characters suffered more blame than praise. Some activists have not been satisfied with the so-called macho and dismissed it as "misogyny complex".Some critics tend to excavate materials from the private life of Ernest Hemingway, interpreting their work, analyzing the figures. This seems quite natural to come to the conclusion of Hemingway’s being hatred of women. He has re peatedly accused his mother as "she is a bitch," "That bitch!" For a woman giving his life and a love, this is indeed an insult to be added. He has not a happy marriage relationship. Hemingway had attacked Fitzgerald’s wife Zelda that he was jealous Fitzgerald’s talents to interfere his writing process. This is also listed as an example of his hostility toward women. Won him the Nobel Prize in Literature, "The Old Man and the Sea" is obviously a work concerning about the world of men - the book actually has no female role. His male characters owned "grace under pressure" and is a"tough guy", while female characters often seem to be as a foil or the opposite existence. Therefore, Edmund Wilson ,as the representative of part of the critics, pointed out the people in Hemingway’s works as "male chauvinist pigs."2.Hemingway’s women image tend to feministRobert. Keluser and other critics took Albright. Anshly, Maria and other female characters as the basis that: Hemingway is a feminist writer. His work has a strongfeminist tendencies. Many female characters should not have been cast aside, but should be sympathetic to, even admirable. This view has been affirmation for the first time to the repeatedly ignored or disparaged female characters of Hemingway's and certainly refreshes, and it has its unique feature. In his novels, there is not lack of feminist consciousness of Hemingway, and several of them were launched from the female consciousness. Hemingway also shows his own feelings in shaping their women characters on different occasions at different times.3.The Rebellious Image of Women in Hemingway’s Work—Cat in the Rain“Cat in the Rain” talks about a story of a woman who stays in a hotel with her husband, when she looks outside of the window to lighten her dull, she sees a cat in the rain. The woman shows her sympathy to that cat and desires to rescue it. She expresses her thought to her husband who was reading on the bed, actually he reads from the beginning to the end without considering his wife's idea. Then she plans to catch the cat herself, at that time, the owner of the hotel meets the woman, she said her idea to the boss after the cat was run away . Ant the end of the story, the woman was complain about the cat to her husband, a servant send a big tortoiseshell cat different from the cat in the rain.There were only near 2000 words in this novel, and it exists through the American wife's perspective. The American wife and her husband's relationship actually is not very harmony. The man is always reading on the bed without response to his wife warmly, which leads her to look out side the window. The man is apathy to his wife as they live in that age, which the woman have to obey to the man totally. The whole society is male-dominated, but the women at that time can't bear them and they just want to be independent from the men, the women in “Cat in the Rain” is a represent of the individual women. Hemingway expresses his ideas of women protest the patriarchal traditions.There are only 7 main image in this short novel, the American couple, the cat, the rain, the servant and the hotel owner. In western culture, the cat has a close relationship of metaphor with women. The cat is an important clue that runs through this novel, from the American wife finds the cat in the rain to she express she want to get that cat, then the hotel owner sends a a big tortoiseshell cat to her, the cat alsobecomes a motive to promote the plot develop."Cat" in English is regarded as "evil-minded women", therefore the cat in this novel can be seen as the woman, in the meantime, the cat itself is gentle, adorable, and needs to be protected. The cat in the rain are just like the women live in the shadow of male-dominated society. Their similarity is being lonely, adrift, insecurity, they also can't control their own destine. This means the women have to be controled by the men, their desires are also be repressed. We can see the American wife in this novel is very gentle, but her husband's cold attitude makes her need something to accompany her, at that time, the cat in the rain attracts her attention, she consider the single, helpless cat as her self, so she wants to protect it, look after it or gain it. The cat's bitter experience and unfortune date certainly resonated with the American wife herself's destiny, so she offers the thought of protect the cat, which indicates that the woman herself want to be protected. And the cat lies under the chair to shelter from the rain means the women want to escape the bondage of traditional social position of women, and they also want to persue more rights and find their own position in the society. "'And I want to eat at a table with my own silver and I want candles. And I want it to be spring and I want to brush my hair out in front of a mirror and I want a kitty and I want some new clothes.' " the American wife said to her husband, "'Anyway, I want a cat,' she said, 'I want a cat. I want a cat now. If I can't have long hair or any fun I can have a cat.' " but what she get from her husband is just "shut up"from her husband. The American wife want to change her situation, appearance, hair-style, and the relationship with her husband. This also shows her modern feminism consciousness appeared.4.Causes of the Female ImageAs an outstanding representative of "Lost Generation", Hemingway's distinguished position in literary world in the United States and his contribution to the development of American literature has been recorded in history. Hemingway’s image of women is the fragment and the silhouette of the course of whole Western civilization, which takes male power as the axis. It is also an exact reproduction of literary works. Hemingway’s contradictory views on women are formed under the influence of cultural background and life experiences in that era, and his views on women has played a huge impact on his life and art.Hemingway lived in the end of 19th century and mid-20th century, this particularturn of the old and new era of cultural ethos and historical events played a very important role in Hemingway's values, world views and concepts of the formation of women. As thousands of years of patriarchal culture, heritage, people's consciousness is invisibly influenced by the patriarchal culture, Hemingway is a writer with a strong sense of male subject, The independence of women he advocated is permitted within the scope of men, and doesn’t damage the main location. He truly works on women's living conditions, emotional needs, values, and expression. He shows his understanding and support to what the women required including female equality, freedom, liberation, requiring the same right to education, employment, voting rights and this requirements reflect the need of human civilization. Although the patriarchal culture has been on the wane, but several thousand years of cultural domination and influence, everyone of patriarchal culture has "collective unconscious". Hemingway could not completely give up men stand. Though he supported women's liberation movement and enjoy the independent, brave woman, he was afraid of the result women liberation movement developed into, such as the formation of female supremacy, female domination male. so he thinks the right women requested should not threaten the dignity and the authority of men,. It is in this time under the influence of cultural background, Hemingway’s views of women have become so complex and contradictory.Hemingway was living in a time there is a decline of Western patriarchal culture, but a rise of female consciousness, feminist movement of the twentieth century. As a result of two world wars, the traditional values have been destructed. People confronted a world which Nietzsche predicted an era of "value" evaluation. The so-called "Greenwich Village thought" swept in the United States in 1920s .This thought influenced the lives of men and women profoundly. Many poor writers and artists lived in Greenwich Village, living a unique life, forming a "Greenwich Village thought", to resist the traditional "business - Protestant Christian morality." Hemingway's life circumstances are being wrapped in women: his mother, his four wives, and his lovers. Those women are more or less influenced by" Greenwich Village thought," they have their own personality and temperament. The rising feminist movement, the practice of female life have an impact on the writer, Ernest Hemingway's thoughts, so he clearly recognize in that new era the trend women in the pursuit of self irreversibly. This is why Hemingway can recognize those women who have self-awareness and rebellious spirit from both perspectives of men and women.So fundamentally, the concepts of Hemingway's women is beyond the eternal myth category what Western patriarchal culture called.Bibliography[1]周杰.《简论海明威笔下女性形象》辽宁师专学报,2007年第6期.[2]赵玉君《父权意识与海明威女性形象的塑造》,山东莱阳农学院。