


区别: 1.对象不同,情绪发展较早,人和动物共有;情感发展较晚,只有人特有。 2. 需要不同,情绪同生物性需要相联系,情感是社会性需要。 3.特征不同,情绪带有情境性、激动性和暂时性;情感具有深刻性、稳定性和持久性。
联系: 情绪和情感相互依存,不可分离,统称为感情,是表达感情的两个方面。
颜面肌肉和口部肌肉的变化来 表现各种情绪状态。
生理唤醒,是指由情绪情感所引起的生理反应。 如紧张时心跳加快,血压升高、呼吸频率增加等。
三、情绪和情感的区别和联系 同一过程,同一现象,只是强调的不同方面,情感代表感情的内容,情绪代表感情的反映过程。
▪ 自觉性(独立性):对行动的目的有深刻的认识,能自觉地支配自己的行动,使之服从于活动的目的。 (受暗示,武断)
▪ 果断性:迅速地、不失时机地采取决定。(优柔寡断,卤莽草率) ▪ 坚韧性(坚定性):坚持不懈地克服困难,永不退缩。(动摇,执拗) ▪ 自制性:善于管理和控制自己情绪和行动的能力。(任性,怯懦)
▪ 理智感:在智力活动过程中所产生的情感体验。好奇心、求知欲、兴趣。
1.什么是情绪调节 是指个体管理和改变自己或他人情绪的过程,使情绪发生一定的积极变化。
2.情绪调节的方式 (1)合理宣泄 (2)调整认知 (3)心理置换 (4)提高修养 (5)唤回理智 (6)注意转移 (7)文饰(合理化):酸葡萄效应、甜柠檬效应 (8)升华 (9)人际调节


Class is over!!!
当你爸爸妈妈带你去Disney乐园玩的时候 当你收到别人送给你的礼物的时候 当你成功完成一项任务的时候
• 当你心爱的东西被摔坏了的时候 • 当你和你的好朋友闹矛盾的时候 • 当你的心爱的宠物去世了的时候
How do you feel?
• 当你一个人在家看恐怖片的时候 • 当你一条毒蛇靠近你的时候 • 当有坏人想要伤害你的时候
How's your feeling?
• 当你看到一群苍蝇围着一只死老鼠的时候 • 当别人把呕吐物吐到了你身上的时候 • 当你在公共厕所看见有“不明物体”的时候
And how would you feel?
当别人让你等了很久还是爽约了的时候 当你刚睡下就被别人吵醒的时候 当你别人弄坏你的东西还不道歉的时候
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ你会?
温故而知新, 可以为师矣。。
Thank you :)



emm 表情在网络中经常出现,一般是 emoji 的第三个,常用于表示惊讶和疑问。


今天我们就来学习下 emm 表情吧! emm 其实就是英文原来的'Emotion.每当遇到有人不明白的时候,我都会回复这个表情。


emm 的意思为“无语”、“汗颜”、“尴尬”等等,作为对话框的内容,比如你看到别人发一条微博,然后给你评论说“太好笑了哈哈哈哈哈”,那么你也可以用 emm 表情回复他,或者就只需要点击对话框的 emm 表情即可回复。

emm 表情在英语国家中很受欢迎,因为它非常贴近英语国家的日常生活,也被称之为“狗粮专属表情”。

如果你发一张狗粮图片上去, emm 表情将会显得十分应景,更能增加对方发消息的欲望。

emm 的意思为“无语”、“汗颜”、“尴尬”等等,作为对话框的内容,比如你看到别人发一条微博,然后给你评论说“太好笑了哈哈哈哈哈”,那么你也可以用 emm 表情回复他,或者就只需要点击对话框的 emm 表情即可回复。

emm 表情在英语国家中很受欢迎,因为它非常贴近英语国家的日常生活,也被称之为“狗粮专属表情”。

如果你发一张狗粮图片上去, emm 表情将会显得十分应景,更能增加对方发消息的欲望。

- 1 -。



emotion情感英语Emotion plays a crucial role in language learning, especially in the context of English as a second language. Understanding and expressing emotions in English can enhance communication and build stronger interpersonal relationships. Here's a breakdown of how to approach the topic of emotion in English:1. Vocabulary: Start by learning the basic vocabulary related to emotions. This includes words like happy, sad, angry, excited, scared, and so on.2. Adjectives and Adverbs: Learn adjectives and adverbs that describe emotions to add depth to your language. For example, "ecstatic" for a high level of happiness, or "furious" for a strong sense of anger.3. Phrases and Expressions: Familiarize yourself with common phrases and expressions that convey emotions. For example,"I'm on cloud nine," to express extreme happiness, or "My heart sank," to convey disappointment.4. Body Language: Recognize that emotions are not only expressed through words but also through body language. Practice using facial expressions and gestures that are common in English-speaking cultures.5. Tone of Voice: The way you say something can convey emotion. Practice using different tones to express happiness,sadness, anger, etc.6. Idioms and Slang: Learn idiomatic expressions and slang related to emotions. For example, "to be blue" means to be sad, and "to blow a fuse" means to become very angry.7. Cultural Context: Understand that the expression of emotions can vary greatly between cultures. What is considered polite or appropriate in one culture may not be in another.8. Practice: Role-play different scenarios where you might need to express emotions, such as in a job interview, during a social gathering, or in a crisis.9. Listening Skills: Improve your listening skills to better understand the emotions conveyed by native speakers through their words, tone, and body language.10. Empathy: Develop empathy to better connect with others on an emotional level. This can lead to more meaningful and effective communication.11. Non-Verbal Communication: Learn to read and use non-verbal cues such as eye contact, facial expressions, and posture to convey and interpret emotions.12. Emotional Intelligence: Develop your emotional intelligence to manage your own emotions and respond appropriately to the emotions of others.By focusing on these areas, you can improve your ability to understand and express a wide range of emotions in English, which is essential for effective communication and social interaction.。



Opinion of the writer
1 Conclusion:you’ll never get rid of anxiety by avoiding the things that caused it.
2The point is that the new, the different, is definitely scary. But each time you try something, you learn, and as the learning piles up, the world opens to you.
Make decision/but back and forth
downheart ed feeling

Then I had second thoughts ?
1 I had never been far from New England, 2I had been homesick my first few weeks at college. 3What about the language?
Homesick Depressed Anxious Hesitate Scarier than Back and forth I went Downhearted Bear much worry and concern
Para 4 Big names Get butterflies in the stomach
Work on Ted’s farm in Argentina to be a writer
Accept Back and forth
What kinds of decision ?


James-Lange theory
Cannon Bard理论认为刺激事件引发立即的生理反应和情绪体验,两者是同步发生的。生理反应和情绪体验之间存在相互影响的关系,即生理反应可以增强或减弱情绪体验,反之亦然。
A negative emotion caused by the presence of unpleasant or repulsive objects or situations.
A negative emotion caused by the absence of desired objects or situations.
Definition: The process of experiencing and displaying emotions.
Emotional expression
输入 标题
Emotional regulation
Definition: The process of modifying emotional responses to achieve a desired emotional state or to adapt to environmental demands.
Production of hormones
The endocrine system releases hormones into the bloodstream to regulate various bodily functions. Some hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol, are associated with the experience of emotions. For instance, when we are under stress, the adrenal gland releases adrenaline to prepare the body for fight-or-flight response.



emotion作文英文回答:Emotion is a complex and multifaceted aspect of human experience. It plays a crucial role in shaping our thoughts, behaviors, and relationships. Emotions can be both positive and negative, and they can have a significant impact on our overall well-being.Positive emotions, such as joy, love, and gratitude,can enhance our mental and physical health. They can also strengthen our social connections and improve ourresilience in the face of adversity. On the other hand, negative emotions, such as anger, fear, and sadness, can be distressing and overwhelming. They may lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms and have detrimental effects on ourmental health.Emotions are also deeply intertwined with our cultural and social contexts. Different cultures may have varyingnorms and expectations regarding the expression and regulation of emotions. Additionally, our social environments and relationships can influence how we perceive and respond to different emotions.Overall, emotions are a fundamental aspect of the human experience, and understanding and managing them isessential for our overall well-being.中文回答:情感是人类经验中复杂而多面的一个方面。



1. 概述Emotional这个词源于emotion这个单词,是个形容词,意为“情感的,感情的”。



在本文中,我将重点讨论emotional 的用法及搭配,以及个人的理解和观点。

2. Emotional的常见搭配在英文写作中,emotional通常和以下词语搭配使用,以表达不同的情感状态和表现:- Emotional distress: 情感困扰- Emotional intelligence: 情商- Emotional attachment: 感情依恋- Emotional expression: 情感表达- Emotional impact: 情感影响- Emotional response: 情感反应- Emotional stability: 情感稳定- Emotional well-being: 情感健康- Emotional support: 情感支持- Emotional connection: 情感联系3. 个人观点和理解对我个人而言,emotional是一个非常重要且复杂的词汇。




4. 总结emotional作为一个形容词,可以用来描述情感、感情和情感表达。





The external expression of emotion Facial expressions as clues to others’ emotions. Question: What are the basic emotions? Anger, fear, sadness, disgust, happiness, surprise and contempt.
How does culture constrain emotional expression?
Emotional expression in individualistic and collectivist cultures.
Body language
Frequent body movement-especially ones movementin which a particular part of the body does something to another part , such as touching, scratching, or rubbing, suggest emotional arousal.

What does Aronoff’s reasearch found? The dangerous, threatening characters would show more diagonal or angular postures, while the warm, sympathetic characters would show more rounded postures.
The Papez Circuit Emotion is a function not of specific brain “centers” but of circuitry. The structures of Papez’s “circuit” constitute much of what is now called the limbic system.



emotion的同义词 emotion表情感,感情; 情绪的意思,那么你知道emotion的同义词有哪些吗?接下来⼩编为⼤家整理emotion的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦! 同义词辨析: emotion, feeling, passion, affection, sentiment 这些名词的共同含义是"感情"或"情感"之意。

emotion :普通⽤词,词义中性。


feeling :普通⽤词,含义⼴。


passion :指极强烈的感情、尤指愤怒、爱好等。


affection :指对⼈的爱慕或深厚、温柔的感情。

sentiment :⼀般指由⼀种思想激起的感情,含较⼤的理智因素。

词组习语: one's better feelings 1. 良知,良⼼ emotion的例句: 1. A tide of emotion rose and clouded his judgement. ⼼头涌起⼀阵强烈的感情,模糊了他的判断⼒。

2. Most of those attending the funeral stood silently showing little emotion. 出席葬礼的⼈⼤多都⾯⽆表情地静静站着。

3. When we feel anger, we bury the emotion and feel guilty instead. 当我们感到愤怒时,压抑这种情绪反⽽会觉得内疚。

4. Her voice breaking with emotion, she told him: "It doesn't seem fair". 她激动得声⾳颤抖,对他说:“这好像不公平吧。

” 5. For just the second time a look of emotion creases his face. 他的脸上,第⼆次流露出了感情。



2 .
several attempts have been made to classify emotions.
Such schemes try to identify “primary”or “basic”
Other emotions are then viewed as combinations of the
Bodily arousal
(Pounding heart)
Common sense might suggest that the perception of a stimulus elicits emotion which then causes bodily arousal.
Using healthy or unhealthy behaviors to regulate moods
✓Behaviors alter emotions, but are harmful
Drinks, smokes, drugs, eats, thrill-seeking, unsafe sex
Blind to danger signs
Illusion of Invulnerability
4. Regulating emotion
Responding to events with humor vs. crying. Expressing or suppressing emotions
@ indigestion, insomnia, suicide, and several kinds of skin deceases


Four Great Inventions of Ancient China
The computer is a wonderful invention.
Mike is full of invention.
interfere with
cut the onion in half
leave as fast as possible
I'll do everything possible to help you.
Everything is possible if we want it enough.
He lost control of his emotions.
be easyly swayed(n.v.摇摆) by one's emotions.(容易被情感所左右)
my dearest friend
speak highly of
People speak highly of the movie.
He speaks highly of the company.
speak highly of a child
wind up
wind up the visit to America wind up the clock




emo 是英文emotion的缩写,意为情绪。


那么,如何排解emo 的情绪呢?下面我将为大家介绍一些小妙招。

1. 寻找心灵寄托当你感到emo的时候,可以尝试寻找一个心灵寄托,比如与家人、朋友或心理咨询师进行交流。


2. 保持良好的作息习惯emo的情绪常常伴随着失眠、焦虑等问题。



3. 积极参与兴趣爱好有兴趣的事情能够分散注意力,提升心情。


4. 培养良好的情绪调节能力情绪调节能力是排解emo情绪的关键。


5. 健康饮食emo情绪与饮食有一定的关系。



6. 与大自然亲近大自然的美景和宁静环境对于排解emo情绪有着独特的作用。


7. 学会放松自己在面对压力和负面情绪时,学会放松自己是非常重要的。


8. 建立健康的社交圈子与积极向上的人交往,建立健康的社交圈子,可以通过他们的积极影响帮助我们排解emo情绪。

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Emotion备课教师:王挺唐涛Week 1Period 1Task 1 (10min) Warming-up activities(综合2-p16)A. Pair work Describe your emotions by using these words to fill up the following chart.B. Question for discussion: What do you think of emotional intelligence ? Do you know IQ and EQ?* Hint:(“Emotional intelligence is your ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others, and your ability to use this awareness to manage your behavior and relationships.”(Drs. Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves)Task2 (10min)Ask the students talk about the following questions.1.Would you describe yourself as an emotional person?2.When did you last feel the emotions described by the words above?3.Do you sometimes try to hide your emotions ?4.What are the earliest emotions you can remember in your life?Task 3 Group work (15min) (写作2-p104)The following principles are closely related to the description of unforgettable people . Descriptions of people may focus on various aspects of the people described-their physical appearance and style of clothing, their character and personality, their interests and behavior. What you select to describe depends on your topic and purpose.*Describe clearly. You should include a sufficient number of specific details so that the reader can easily form a precise mental picture of the person being described.*Select only appropriate details. When describing a person, you don’t have to describe every single detail about the person. You should select only those details that present a dominant impression. Sometimes you could just focus on one or two outstanding features that convey something about the person’s personality or character.*Make your descriptions vivid.V ocabulary is a crucial factor in producing convincing descriptions of people.The following is a brainstorming map which could help you enlarge your vocabulary on aspects of personaldescription.Can you describe the following pictures by using as many of above words and expressions as possible? (写作教程2 -p110)When describing these pictures, you may find your vocabulary still limited. If so, go over some useful selections in describing unforgettable people.They might help you complete the task.I have to admit that what I initially found attractive in Ted were precisely the things that made him different from my brothers and the Chinese boys I had dated: his brashness(莽撞); the assuredness in which he asked for things and expected to get them; his opinionated(固执己见的) manner; his angular(瘦削的)face and lanky(过分瘦长的)body; the thickness of his arms; the fact that his prents immigrated from Tarrytown, New York, not Tientsin, China.Johanna Branson,a tall dancer from Lawrence, Kansas, became an art history major and shared with me her love of paintings and film.Jinnet Fowles, from Connecticut and another art history student, posed hard -to-answer questions about what I thought could really be accomplished through student action.Jan Krigbaum, a free spirit from California, brought unflagging enthusiasm to every venture and helped establish a Latin American student exchange program.Connie Hoenk, a long-haired blonde from south Bend, Indiana, was a practical, down to earth girl whose opinions frequently reflected our common Midwestern roots.Suzy Salomon, a smart , hardworking girl from another Chicago suburb who laughed often and easily, was always ready to help anyone.Task 4 (10min) Rewriting: the following is a sample student essay. Read it and try to revise it.My Unforgettable TeacherIn my life I have net many people who are really worth recalling. But perhaps the most unforgettable person I’ve ever known is one of my Chinese language teachers. To many students, “teacher” is just a word, I think. For me, however, it means much more. That’s because I am lucky to have an excellent teacher. He made me want to listen to everything he said in class.What frequently bring back memories of my school teaching is his special qualities. First of all, I was attracted by his lively wit. He is not as serious as most teachers are, and thinks of his students as friends. Because of his personality, all of his students are close to him. I remember that we students always anticipated his class with great eagerness because his lectures were humorously delivered, never failing to provoke chuckles or loud laughers. Second, he gave us the greatest gift a teacher can offer-an awakening of a passion for learning. He not only led us to an appreciation of the beauty and perfection of Chinese and literature, but also arousedour great interest in exploring something deeper in this field. Finally, I was deeply impressed by the respect he showed for us. As he treated us like friends rather than students, we all liked to visit his home for social activities as well as for academic advice.Although it is nearly ten years since I attended his last class, he is the talk of o ur old classmates, and I know part of him has already stayed in my heart.Task 5(5min)Pair work Compare your unforgettable college teachers with those of your middle school life. What are the differences?Period 2Task 1Reading and Speaking (15min)A Read a passage on the gap generation(新标快速阅读2 p19 )B Pair workWork in pairs. Look at the list of “How to Cultivate EQ” and name the item or items that apply most closely to you. Please offer your reasons.(新视野4Unit 10-see appendix )□Raising consciousness□Using imaginary□Considering and reconsidering events to choose the most creative response to them□Integrating the perspectives of othersC Share your own ways to cultivate EQTask 2 Structured writing (10min)(新视野2 p104)Time SequenceThere is an example of time-sequence writing. It gives us the sequence for something happening. Look at how the writer uses time adverbials in narrative in the following paragraph.Uncle SamFourteen-year-old Sam Wilson ran away from home to join his father and older brothers in the fig ht to liberate the American colonies from the British during the American Revolution. At age 23, h e started a meatpacking business and earned a reputation for being honest and hard working.During a later war in 1812, Wilson gained a position inspecting meat for US Army forces, working with a man who had signed a contract with the government to provide meat to the army. Barrels o f meat supplied to the army were stamped "EA-US", identifying the company (EA) and country of origin (US).According to one story, when a government official visited the plant and asked about the letters, a creative employee told him "US" was short for "Uncle Sam" Wilson. Soon soldiers were saying all Army supplies were from "Uncle Sam".After the war, a character called Uncle Sam began appearing in political cartoons, his form evolving from an earlier cartoon character called Brother Jonathan that was popular during the American Revolution. Uncle Sam soon replaced Brother Jonathan as American's most popular symbol. The most enduring portrait of Uncle Sam was created by artist James Montgomery Flagg in his famous army recruiting posters of World Wars I and II. That version — a tall man with white hair and a s mall white beard on his chin, a dark blue coat and a tall hat with stars on it — was a self-portrait o f Flagg.↓↓↓↓Now have a look at three paragraphs to find out how the writer makes his narration according to time sequence. Then fill out the chart below:The Statue of LibertyIn the mid-1870s, French artist Frederic Auguste Bartholdi was working on an enormous project c alled Liberty Enlightening the World, a monument celebrating US independence and the France-A merica alliance.At the same time, he was in love with a woman whom he had met in Canada. His mother could no t approve of her son's affection for a woman she had never met, but Bartholdi went ahead and mar ried his love in 1876.That same year Bartholdi had assembled the statue's right arm and torch, and displayed them in Ph iladelphia. It is said that he had used his wife's arm as the model, but felt her face was too beautiful for the statue. He needed someone whose face represented suffering yet strength, someone more severe than beautiful. He chose his mother.The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on an island in Upper New York Bay in 1886. It had his moth er's face and his wife's body, but Bartholdi called it "my daughter, Liberty".↓↓↓Task 3A Conversation (10min)J-Jerry D-DianaJ: Diana, in your opinion, which is more important, IQ or EQ?D: Why are you asking me the strange question,Jerry?J: I watched the movie Forrest Gump last night. And the question just lingered in my mind.D: Well. I think IQ matters more. But it won't work without EQ.J: Why? You seem pretty about it.D: Because an intellectual mind can only be a beneficial thing in life.J: But IQ is decided at birth.On can't expect to make a lot of improvement in it. J: That ' s true, but what if one comes across some difficulties(He must rely on his EQ to deal with them.D: Yes,Jerry can you share your understanding of EQ?J: I think it is independent of IQ and plays a prominent role in deciding the way we our lives.D: Quite right. Have you noticed that a high IQ is not a must for one's success? J: Just as Forrest?D: Yes, his IQ is high enough for him to embrace the success as long as he can manage his EQ.J: I got it.B Question for discussion:Is IQ or EQ important in your life?Task 4 Word Study(10min) (新标准2p18 p22)A Match the words in the left column with their definitions.B Complete the sentences and the passage with the correct form of the words in Part A(a)My father____me on the head to show he was pleased with me.(b)Children learn a lot by ___their parents.(c)Babies start learning to ___at about six months old.(d)She was sitting quietly in the corner, ___the cat.(e)This is Sandy is an Extract from Tone, a story about the life of a deaf girl. She thinks her friends are(1) _____people who (2) _____with pride when they introduce her to someone new.When people find out she is deaf they are (3) _____shocked for a moment at first but pretend not to be. Sandy says that the hearing aids she saw in a(n) (4) _____are great fashion accessories, they’re just like a(n) (5) _____you put onto your ear. Sandy likes to show her hearing aid. She does’t tie her hair up in a(n) (6) _____but she tucks it behind her ears. Sandy’s friend Carol introduces her to a boy called Colin at a party. They sit together on a(n) (7) _____and Colin realizes that Sandy can understand wat he is saying by reading her lips. Someone turns up the (8) _____of the music and they dance together. Soon they are dating. This is when the real (9) _____begins.Task 5 Game time (5min)Write 3 statements about yourself, of which two of them are true and one false. Ask your partner to guess which is the false one.Week 2Period 1Task1 (10min) Warming-up activities(听说教程3 P3)Discuss the following questions in your group.1.Do you often call your parents? If yes, how often?2.Do you always remember your parents’ birthdays? What do we usually do for your parents ontheir birthdays and why?3.How do you celebrate mother’s day?4.Why do you love and respect your parents?5.Do you think parents’love for their children is the greatest love in the world? If you do,explain why.Here are some useful sentences and structures that you might find handy in discussing the above questions:I call/write to my parents a week.I call/write to my parents when I’ve done well in a test or exam /I have something interesting to tell them/I’ve learned a financial grant/I’m short of money/I’ve got problems/I’’m sick.I call/write to my parents regularly no matter how busy I am.I think of my parents whenever I find that I’ve made some progress in my studies/when I win an award.On my parents’s birthdays, I usually buy them some gifts with my pocket money/send themcards/tell them how special they are to me/do something creative to try to express my love for them in aspecial way .I usually cook something special for my mother on Mother’s day. My father will take mymother and me out for dinner to celebrate.I love my parents because they gave me life/have sacrificed a lot in bringing me up/are alwaysthere for me whenever I need them.I respect my parents because they have taught me to me honest,generous, open-minded/are rolemodels for me .Parents’love for their child is selfless/forever strong/never changing .There is no love lke a mother’s love for her child.No bond is stronger than that between parent and child.My parents always tell me that I’m special/always find time for me when I need comforting and encouragement/make it a point to spend some time with me every week and talk with me aboutmy friends, school,activities,dreams and hopes.Finish the following family tree.A family tree is a diagram of the people in a family. This is the Wilsons' family tree. All the membersof the Wilsons are on this family tree. Betty and Henry are the parents of Sally, Linda and Tom. Linda is single. Sally is married .Her husband's name is Jack. Sally and Jack are the parents of Jimmy and Sarah. Jimmy is their son,and Sarah is their daughter.Tom is also married. His wife's name is Patty. Patty and Tom are the parents of Julie and Kevin. Julie is their daughter,and Kevin is theirson. Jimmy,Sarah,Julie and Kevin are cousins. They are also the grandchildren of Betty and Henry.Task 2Pair work(5min) Practice the conversations with your partner, playing the role of A or B.Then work with your partner to create your own conversation s.Conversation OneDo you believe in age Gaps?A. Hans, what are you up to?B. I'm reading a letter from home. This is a picture of my family.A. Is the one with gray hair your grandma?B. Yes, she is in her seventies.A. Really, she is aging well. She looks like in her sixties.B. But she is always forgetful. And we don't see eye to eye with each other on many things. She doesn't like the pop music. She hates me to surf Internet all the evening and she is always repeating stories of her life. Sometimes, I'm fed upA. This is called generation gap.Conversation TwoIQ&EQJerry: I really admire you, Diana.Diana: Why, Jerry? Your words just came out of the blue.J: you are really happy and able to achieve high scores at school.D: I work very hard and that's it, you know, practice makes perfect.J: Isn't there anything else?D: I have no idea.J: You must have a high IQ score.D: Well, Jerry, let me tell you a secret.J: Go ahead.D: My IQ score is slightly above average.J: Seriously? But you are such a genius.D: Maybe I've got a higher EQ. I'm not sure.J: Well, perhaps you're right. Sometimes EQ matters more than IQ.D: You can say that again, Jerry. And I'm sure you're high in both of them. With a little more time cracking the books, you can also get high marks.J: Oh, thank you. I'm going to the library, are you coming?D: Let's go!Task 3 (10min) The following words and expressions are closely related to emotions. Go over these words and expressions, and mark the one or ones that you do not know well. Then ask yourTask 4Group work Reading and speaking(15min)(新视野4 p241)(见附录)Read a passage and talk about how EQ plays a role in personal success.Questions for discussion:1.What is the finding of the experiment concerning watching four-year-olds interact with apiece of candy?2.What is the master skill attached to high achievers ?3.How much does IQ count for success?Task5Structured writing (10min) cause-and-effect paragraph writing(新视野1 p14)A Paragraph of Cause and EffectThere is an example of cause-and-effect writing. It gives us the reasons for something happening. Look at how the writer links cause and effect in the following paragraph.When I went to senior middle school, .I was eager to continue studying English; however, my experience in senior middle school was very different from before. While my former teacher had been patient with all of the students, my new teacher quickly punished those who gave incorrect answers. Whenever we answered incorrectly, she pointed a long stick at us and, shaking it up and down, shouted, "No! No! No! "It didn't take me long to lose my eagerness to answer questions. Not only did I lose my joy in answering questions, but I also lost my desire to say anything at all in English.↓Read Paragraph 2 to find a similar cause-and-effect relationship and fill in the chart below.Para. 2My experience with learning a foreign language began in junior middle school, when I took my first English class. I had a kind and patient teacher who often praised all of the students. Because of this positive method, I eagerly answered all the questions I could, never worrying much about making↓Period 2Task 1(10min)Pair workWork in pairs. Look at the list of the keys in early childhood contribute to people’s personalities as adults. And number the factors in order of importance (1= most important, 8= least important) Please offer your reasons.☐Relationship with mother.☐Relationship with father.☐Parental discipline☐The atmosphere at home☐The local environment.☐Playing with other children.☐Playing by oneself.☐Unhappy eventsTask 2(10min) ConversationJack、John、Bob、MartonJack:Hey, John、Bob、Marton. What are you doing here? You also come to play basketball?Bob:Good afternoon, Jack.Yeah, we are going to play basketball for a while.You know,today is Sunday. And tomorrow we will have input tension in the study John:So,Jack,why are you alone in playing basketball?Marton:Let me guess, you should not be quarreled with your parents at home?Jack:How do you know about it? That’s right.Today I had a quarrel with dad because of the learning problem.Marton:Ah, don’t mention it.I like you and I recently talked with my parents alsocontradictions. My mom don’t think I learn seriously, but I think she can’t tube[管] me, at ordinary times I not only solve the question of the pressure of exams but also solve the mother `ask and this really let a person very tired.(我妈妈认为我学习不认真,但是我觉得她没资格管我,平时考试已经让我觉得压力很大了,还要天天应付她的询问,真的让人很厌烦。
