13.在统计中大风持续时间不足24h,大于12 h按1天计;不足12h,但大于4 h按半天计。
上海海事大学试卷2013-2014学年第二学期期末考试《国际航运管理》(A卷)一、选择题(共30题,每题1分,共30分)1 船舶总吨位反映的是船舶(D)的大小。
A 排水量B 总载重吨C 总载货量D 容积2 从价运费以“Ad. Val”表示,意思是(A)。
A 按货物FOB价格的一定百分比计算运费B 按货物CIF价格的一定百分比计算运费C 先按毛重计算运费,再加上货物价格的一定百分比D 先按体积计算运费,再加上货物价格的一定百分比3 确定班轮航线基本港的主要依据是(D)。
A 港口吃水B 港口费率C 港口装卸效率D 港口货源4 下列不属于干散货运价指数的是(D)。
A BCIB BPIC BSID BDTI5 历期内平均每天实有船舶吨位¯D定=(B)。
A(∑D定T册)/T历 B (∑D定T营)/T历C(∑D定T营)/T册 D ∑D定/T历6 以下费用中,不属于固定费用的是(A)。
A 船员工资及附加费B 企业管理分摊C 船舶吨税D 船舶保险费7 一艘船舶在一定历期内,货物周转量的算式可表示成多种形式,下面几个表达式中(B)是错误的。
A ∑Q*l=μ*D定*T营B ∑Q*l=Z*D定*T历C ∑Q*l=μ*D定*T册*ἐ营D ∑Q*l=Z*¯D定8 某船载货定额吨位为7000吨,在上海装4000吨货起运,驶往厦门港加载3000吨,再运往广州港,上海港至厦门港546海里,上海港至广州港912海里,厦门港至广州港389海里。
A 3648000B 1167000C 4979000D 66710009 假如地中海和波斯湾之间造一条巨型输油管,那么对世界油轮船队的需求会(B)。
A 扩大B 缩小C 不变D 难以确定10 当船舶由使用较高载重线的海区航行至使用较低载重线的海区时,其排水量应取(D)。
A 较高载重线时的排水量B 较低载重线时的排水量C 较低载重线时的排水量加使用较高载重线航段的油水消耗量D A或C11 以下哪项不属于营业收入的是(D)。
七、需求弹性:用于衡量需求随价格变动而变化的反映程度.八、航运需求弹性的特点:总体来说,国际航运需求弹性是较小的.原因:1. 海运是国际贸易不可缺少的一种运输方式,绝大多数贸易商品必须依赖海上运输,所以,运价的变动不会引起需求量有很大的变化。
2. 贸易商人或产业主在大多数情况下可以把运费增加的部分转加到贸易商品价格上去.但在考虑国内航运需求及不同货类市场情况时,水运需求随运价变动而变化的情况还是比较明显的。
A.纵向强度 B.横向强度 C.局部强度 D.以上都是2、按照船舶所受外力分布的走向和船体结构变形的方向不同,将船舶强度分为()。
A.纵强度、横强度和局部强度 B.总强度、局部强度和扭转强度C.总强度、扭转强度和纵强度 D.横强度、扭转强度和纵强度3、按照船舶所受外力的分布和船体结构变形范围的不同,将船舶强度分为()。
A.纵强度和横强度 B.总强度和局部强度C.总强度和扭转强度 D.横强度和扭转强度4、杂货船营运中主要应考虑的船舶强度为()。
A.①③ B.①②③ C.①②③④ D.①②③④⑤5、船舶结构抵抗各种内力和外力作用的能力称为()。
A.浮性 B.稳性 C.船体强度 D.船舶抗沉性6、船舶装载轻货时,主要考虑船体的()。
A.横强度 B.纵强度 C.局部强度 D.扭转强度第二节、船舶总纵强度1、船舶纵向上所能承受的最大剪力称为()。
A.许用剪力 B.许用弯矩 C.最小剪力 D.最小弯矩2、船舶发生中拱变形时,船体受()弯矩作用,上甲板受(),船底受()。
A.负;压;拉 B.正;压;拉 C.负;拉;压 D.正;拉;压3、船舶发生中垂变形时,船体受()弯矩作用,上甲板受(),船底受()。
A.负;压;拉 B.正;压;拉 C.负;拉;压 D.正;拉;压4、船舶装载后呈中拱状态,若航行中波长近似等于船长,且()在船中时,会加大中拱弯矩。
A.波峰 B.波谷 C.波长的1/3处 D.波谷与波峰之间5、船舶装载后呈中拱状态,若航行中波长近似等于船长,且()在船中时,会减小中拱弯矩。
A.波峰 B.波谷 C.波长的1/3处 D.波谷与波峰之间6、船舶装载后呈中垂状态,若航行中波长近似等于船长,且()在船中时,会加大中垂弯矩。
A.波峰 B.波谷 C.波长的1/3处 D.波谷与波峰之间7、船舶装载后呈中垂状态,若航行中波长近似等于船长,且()在船中时,会减小中垂弯矩。
Ah(横倾力矩作功)=AR GZ(m) (复原力矩作功)
Ah 0 Mh d
G Z 曲线 l h 曲线
AR 0 M R d
20 S
θ d 40θ
50 smax
70 θ v 80 θ °
最小倾覆力矩(Mh.min) SOM´E´=SE´F´N´时对应的倾覆力矩(Mh) Mhmin与船舶装载状态有关 比较:θs θsmax θdmax(极限动倾角)
GM。——所核算装载下船舶未经自由液面修正的初稳性高 度(m)。
• 船舶的《稳性报告书》也提供有横摇周期与GM。 的关系曲线图(横摇曲线)数据表。
2.停泊时的检验方法 船舶在停泊时检验初稳性高度的基本原理与船舶倾斜试验的原理相同.设船舶的排水量为Δ ,
1)船舶主要参数; 2)基本装载情况稳性总结表; 3)主要使用说明; 4)各类基本装载情况稳性计算; 5)液体舱自由液面惯性矩表及对初稳性高度修正的说明, 6)进水点位置和进水角曲线, 7)许用重心高度曲线图或最小许用初稳性高度曲线图。
②船舶无初始横倾 • 初始横倾将损失船舶稳性,当船舶初始横倾角较大时,船舶的一项或几项稳性指 标将得不到满足。 • 积载时尽量消除初始横倾,并采取措施防止货物航行中移位。
s目录之马矢奏春创作第1章绪论 (1)第2章单跨梁的弯曲理论 (2)第3章杆件的扭转理论 (7)第4章力法 (9)第5章位移法 (11)第6章能量法 (21)第7章矩阵法 (36)第9章矩形板的弯曲理论 (49)第10章杆和板的稳定性 (55)第1章绪论1.1题1)接受总纵弯曲构件:连续上甲板, 船底板, 甲板及船底纵骨, 连续纵桁,龙骨等远离中和轴的纵向连续构件(舷侧列板等)2)接受横弯曲构件:甲板强横梁, 船底肋板, 肋骨3)接受局部弯曲构件:甲板板, 平台甲板, 船底板, 纵骨等4)接受局部弯曲和总纵弯曲构件:甲板, 船底板, 纵骨, 递纵桁, 龙骨等1.2题甲板板:纵横力(总纵弯曲应力沿纵向, 横向货物或上浪水压力, 横向作用)舷侧外板:横向水压力等骨架限制力沿中面内底板:主要接受横向力货物重量, 骨架限制力沿中面为纵向力舱壁板:主要为横向力如水, 货压力也有中面力第2章 单跨梁的弯曲理论设坐标原点在左跨时与在跨中时的挠曲线分别为v(x)与v(1x ) 1)图2.133323034243()()()424()26666llll l l p x p x p x M x N x v x EI EIEIEIEI---=++++原点在跨中:3230111104()4()266ll p x M x N x v x v EI EIEI-=+++,'11'11()0()022(0)0(0)2l l v v p v N ⎧==⎪⎨⎪==⎩ 2)33203()32.2()266ll p x N x Mx v x x EI EIEIθ-=+++图 3)333002()22.3()666x x x ll p x N x qx dx v x x EI EIEI θ-=++-⎰图a) 33111311131(3)(2)616444641624pp p pl pl v v v EIEI ⎡⎤⎡⎤=+=⨯⨯-+⨯-⨯⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦=3512pl EIb) 2'292(0)(1)3366Ml Ml Pl v EI EI EI-=+++ =2220.157316206327Pl Pl Pl EI EI EI-+=⨯=2220.1410716206327Pl Pl Pl EI EI EI---=⨯=2372430pl EIc) ()44475321927682304ql ql qll v EI EI EI=-=d)2.1图、2.2图和2.3图1)2)32101732418026q l Ml l l Mllq EI EI EIEIθ⎡⎤=-++-⎢⎥⎣⎦ =3311117131824360612080q l q l EI EI⎛⎫-++-=-⎪⨯⎝⎭ 2.4 题2.5图 3000()6N x v x v x EIθ=++, ()00v A p N =-如图2.4, ()()0v l v l '==由得3333()1922pl x x v x EI l l ⎛⎫∴=-+ ⎪⎝⎭2.5题2.5图:(剪力弯矩图如2.5)()132023330222002332396522161848144069186pl Mp pR p ll p pl v AR EI EI v l Mlpl pl pl v EI EI EI EI v Ml pl pl pl v l EI EI EI EIθ-∴==-===⋅=⎛⎫=-=-=⎪⎝⎭-'==--=-=-()16A pa b b M A l K l ⎡⎤=++⎢⎥⎣⎦, 111,0,6632A l a l b A K ====+=将代入得:()16312pl pl M ==2.7图:(剪力弯矩图如2.6)图2.62.8图(剪力弯矩图如2.7)图2.7.[]1max 2max 2113212132142.()()62()()62()()242(0)sN EIv s sss s N dv dx dx dx GGA N EI v dx v C GA GA EI ax bx v v v f x cx d f x ax b C GA EI EIax bx f x f x c a x d GA GA qx qx f x f x EI EIv v τγ'''====-''=−−−→-+⎡⎤''∴=+=++++-+++⎢⎥⎣⎦⎛⎫''=-+++-+ ⎪⎝⎭''==''=⎰式中由于11142323432342(0)00()()00242602,224()241222425()23848s s s s s d b v l v l ql EI ql al EI c a l EI GA EIGA qlal EIql ql c EI EI qx qlx qx qx qlv x x EI EI GA EI GA l ql ql v EI GA ===''==⎧⎛⎫-++-=⎪⎪⎪⎝⎭⎨⎪+=⎪⎩=⎛⎫∴=--++⎪⎝⎭∴=+可得出由得方程组:解出:a=先推广到两端有位移,,,i i j j θθ∆∆情形:212,i j s EI GA l β⎛⎫∆=∆-∆=⎪⎝⎭令 已知:20375225, 1.8,751050kgl cm t cm s cm cm σ=⨯====面积2cm 距参考轴cm面积距3cm惯性矩4cm自惯性矩4cm外板1.845⨯ 81 0 0 0 (21.87)略 球扁钢O N 24a2232 ∑ABC=11662224604.55.04116628610119.8BBe cm I C cm AA ===-=-=275 1.838.75174min ,4555A cm l lI be s cm=⨯+=⎧⎫===⎨⎬⎩⎭计算外力时面积计算时,带板1).计算组合剖面要素:形心至球心概况1240.9 5.0419.862t y h e cm =+-=+-=形心至最外板纤维若不计轴向力影响, 则令u=0重复上述计算:解得:图2.1201)先计算剖面参数:图2.8a2422u u P P l δδδ⎛⎫⋅⎛⎫ ⎪⋅+= ⎪⎝⎭ ⎪⎝⎭p M 图2.8b2.13弥补题剪切对弯曲影响弥补题, 求图示结构剪切影响下的v(x)解:可直接利用 2.14. 弥补题试用静力法及破坏机构法求右图示机构的极限载荷 p, 已知梁的极限弯矩为p M (20分) (1983年华中研究生入学试题) 解: 1)用静力法:(如图2.9)由对称性知首先固端和中间支座到达塑性铰, 再加力u p p →, 当p作用点处也形成塑性铰时结构到达极限状态.即: 2)用机动法: 8282p pu M M p p llδδ⋅=∴=求右图所示结构的极限载荷其中,3l p ql EI α==(1985年哈船工研究生入学试题)解:由对称性只需考虑一半, 用机动法.当此连续梁中任意一个跨度的两端及中间发生三个塑性铰时, 梁将到达极限状态.考虑a) 、b)两种可能:(如图2.10)取小者为极限载荷为28pu M q l =即接受集中载荷p 的跨度是破坏.图2.9 图2.10第3章 杆件的扭转理论a) 由狭长矩形组合断面扭转惯性矩公式:b) 3334170 1.235115 1.260.63J cm ⎡⎤==⨯+⨯+⨯=⎣⎦c) 由环流方程对a)示闭室其扭转惯性矩为()()()4230444a t A J t a t ds a t t t -===--⎰对b)开口断面有()331433i i t J h t a t ==-⎡⎤⎣⎦∑.将剪流对内部任一点取矩 由于I 区与II 区, II 区与III 区扭率相等可得两弥补方程第4章力法由于折曲连续梁足够长且多跨在a, b周期重复.可知各支座断面弯矩且为M对2节点列角变形连续方程4.4题4.4图, 21对,节点角连续方程:4.6题已知:受有对称载荷Q的对称弹性固定端单跨梁(EI l), 证明:相应固定系数χ与α关系为:211EI lαχ⎛⎫=+⎪⎝⎭讨论:1)只要载荷与支撑对称, 上述结论总成立2)当载荷与支撑分歧毛病称时, 重复上述推导可得4.8 题1)如图所示刚架提供的2)01由对称性只需对,节点列出方程组求解4.10题写出下列构件的鸿沟条件:(15分) 1) 2)3) 设x=0,b 时两端刚性固定;y=0,a 时两端自由支持4)已知:x=0,b 为刚性固定边;y=0边也为刚性固定边:y=a 为完全自由边q 主向梁与交叉构件两端简支在刚性支座上, 试分析两向梁的尺寸应坚持何种关系, 才华确保交叉构件对主向梁有支持作用? 解:少节点板架两向梁实际接受载荷如图, 为简单起见都取为均布载荷.由对称性:12R R R ==由节点挠度相等: 当5548115224qlL qlL α→∞=⨯=max 时R=R 这时交叉构件对主向梁的作用相当于一个刚性支座 当3511I 1.3011521944iR lα<<<3时即时L 暗示交叉构件的存在不单不支持主向梁, 反而加重其负担, 使主向梁在接受外载荷以外还要受到向下的节点反作用力这是很晦气的. ∴只有那时33I 1.3L il 〉, 主向梁才受到交叉构件的支持.第5章 位移法10012Ql M -=, 15021Ql M =, 02332==M M200'12)4(2θl I E M =, 200'21)4(4θl I E M = 对节点2, 列平衡方程⎩⎨⎧=+=00212332M M M 即: ⎩⎨⎧=+++=+00212321'23'3232'M M M M M M 代入求解方程组, 有⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧-=++=+154)88(0840*******0300200Ql l EI l EI l EI l EI l EI θθθθ, 解得⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧⨯=⨯-=02302021*******EI Ql EI Ql θθ 所以2'00012121200008410.1242221510330EI Ql Ql M M M Ql Ql l EI ⎡⎤-=+=-=-=-⎢⎥⨯⎣⎦ 图04.5. 由对称性知道:23θθθ=-=-1)10012Ql M -=, 15021Ql M =, 02332==M M2) 200'12)4(2θl I E M =, 200'21)4(4θl I E M = 3) 对2节点列平衡方程23210M M +=即0002200166015EI Ql EI l l θθ++=, 解得20202215Ql EI θ=-⨯ 4)求122123,,M M M (其余按对称求得)2321M M =-, 其余4321M M =-, 3421M M =-, 3223M M =-由对称性只要考虑一半, 如左半边1)固端力(查附表A-4)2120001(2)105M Q l q l =-=-, 2210002(2)1515M Q l q l ==2)转角23,θθ对应弯矩(根据公式5-5)'012202(4)2E I M l θ=, '021204(4)2E I M l θ=, '0023230042EI EI M l l θθ=+, 43'0003434300042442EI EI EI M l l l θθθθθ=-=+=3)对节点2, 3列出平衡方程323421252300M M M M M +=⎧⎨++=⎩ 即()''32343234'''252321232125()M M M M M M M M M M ⎧+=-+⎪⎨++=-++⎪⎩ 则有00023300020000002223000024028422215EI EI EI l l l EI EI EI EI q l l l l l θθθθθθθ⎧++=⎪⎪⎨⎪+++=-⎪⎩, 得30020300301210451631045q l EI q l EI θθ⎧-=⎪⎪⎨⎪=⎪⨯⎩4)其余由对称性可知(各差一负号):6512M M =-, 5621M M =-,5225M M =-, 5423M M =-, 4532M M =-, 433432M M M =-=5.3 题(14250M M ==)128M pl =-, 218M pl =, 其余固端弯矩都为0'4112EI M l θ=, '1414EI M l θ=, '5222EI M l θ=, '2524EI M l θ= '6332EI M l θ=, '3634EI M lθ=图5.1 (单位:200q l )'121242EI EI M l l θθ=+, '211224EI EI M l l θθ=+ '232342EI EI M l l θθ=+, '322324EI EI M l lθθ=+ 由1、2、3节点的平衡条件14122125233236000M M M M M M M +=⎧⎪++=⎨⎪+=⎩ 即()()()''14121412'''252321232125''32363236M M M M M M M M M M M M M M ⎧+=-+⎪⎪++=-++⎨⎪+=-+⎪⎩解得:21272264pl EI θ=⨯, 2252216pl EIθ=-⨯, 2352264pl EI θ=⨯已知1203l l m ==, 2302.2 6.6l l m ==, 24039l l m == 4400.310I cm =⨯, 1202I I =, 2303I I =, 2408I I = 0212001122Q q l q l ==, 404q q =,1)求固端弯矩210010M Q l =, 120015M Q l =-, 02332==M M 2)转角弯矩()0'0121200224(2)E I E I M l l θθ=+, '002323004(3)2(3)2(2)2(2)E I E I M l l θθ=+,'024204(8)(3)E I M l θ=, '042202(8)(3)E I M l θ=3)对1、2、3节点列平衡图5.2(单位:ql )图5.3(单位:00Q l )方程1221242332000M M M M M =⎧⎪++=⎨⎪=⎩即:001200000001230000000230084154796301633115306001111EI EI Q l l l EI EI EI Q l l l l EI EI l l θθθθθθθ⎧+=⎪⎪⎪⎪⎛⎫++=--⎨ ⎪⎝⎭⎪⎪+=⎪⎪⎩解得:22000010022340.0339732880Q l q l EI EI θ=-=-,2200002002090.076281370Q l q l EI EI θ==,4)求出节点弯矩弯矩图如图5.3.5.5 题由对称性只考虑一半;所以:0124341330Ql M M =-=-, 0213455Ql M M =-=, 0233255Ql M M =-=-:令10012100120,, 1.5I I I l l l l ====由表格解出令1003I I =, 012I I =,100l l =, 120l l =0q q =, 1000Q q l =, 00122q l Q =由表格解出:2010.0931M ql =-, 210120.0638M M ql =-=, 2210.0228M ql =若将图5.5中的中间支座去失落, 用位移法解之, 可有: 解得:332770.05149652ql ql EI EIθ==⨯,2120.140M ql =-, 210.040N ql =,5.7题计算如表所示1)不计45杆的轴向变形, 由对称性知, 4、5节点可视为刚性固定端2) ()23000013322Q q l q l ==,()3400000.63 1.8Q q l q l == 223230003(3)/1510M Q l q l ==, 232230009(3)/1020M Q l q l =-=- 3) 计算由下表进行: 21812000.0039M M q l =-=,23234000.518M M q l =-=-,243000.4159M q l =-, 223000.1127M q l =252000.0170M q l =-, 其它均可由对称条件得出.创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日.00005 .00059 .00030.00022 .00043 .00085.00043 .00003 .00005 .00011.00006200/ij M q l创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日5.9 题任一点i 的不服衡力矩为01212i is sql qlM M ==-=∑(i=1, 2, …,h,i,j,…n-1. s=i-1,i+1) 所以任一中间节点的分配弯矩ij m 与传导弯矩'ij ji ji m n m =均为0. 任一杆端力矩:'ij ij ij ij M M m m =++()0ij ij is ji ji js ij s s M M n M M i n λλ⎛⎫=-+-=<< ⎪⎝⎭∑∑对两端0,i n =, 由于只吸收传导弯矩'0ij m = 'ij M ij ij ij M M m =+=两端所以对每个节都有杆端力矩ij M ij M =0iM=∑, 也可以看作两端刚固的单跨梁.第6章 能量法1)方法一 虚位移法考虑b),c)所示单位载荷平衡系统, 分别给予a)示的虚变形 :()M x dx d EIδθ= 外力虚功为 i j 11W θδθ⨯⎧⎫=⎨⎬⨯⎩⎭虚应变能为l001V=M()M ()d EI x x x δ⎰()()()()00011=1li i i l i i i R x M R x dx EI R x M R x dx EI⎧++⎪⎪⎨⎪+⎪⎩⎰⎰j i ij j i j i M M 1M M ..........b)EI 363EI 2=M M 1M M ...........c)EI 363EI 2l l l l ⎧⎛⎫⎛⎫-=-⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎪⎝⎭⎨⎛⎫⎛⎫⎪-=- ⎪ ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎩ 由虚功原理:W V δδ= 得:i i j j 11M 2M 13EI 12l θθ⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎧⎫⎧⎫=⎢⎥⎨⎬⎨⎬⎢⎥⎩⎭⎩⎭-⎢⎥⎣⎦2)方法二 虚力法(单位虚力法)梁弯曲应力:{}()M x y σ=I{}()M x y σε==EEI()()ij iM M x M x M l+=-()1(10)x M x lδ=-+给i M 以虚变动1i M ∂= 虚应力为 {}()M x y δδσ=I虚余功:1W δθ*⨯i =虚余能:*V δΩ⎰=(真实应变)⨯(虚应力)d Ω()()M x M x y ydxdydz EI δ=⎰⎰⎰I()()2201lA M x M x dx y dA EI δ=⎰⎰()()01/1/li i j M M M x l x l dx EI ⎡⎤=-+-⎣⎦⎰ ∴ 132i ij l Q M M EI ⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭同理:给j M 以虚变动1j M δ=, ()0i M δ=可得(将i 换为j )32i j j M l M EI θ⎛⎫=-+ ⎪⎝⎭3)方法三 矩阵法(柔度法)设{}{}i i j j M ,p M θθ⎧⎫⎧⎫∆==⎨⎬⎨⎬⎩⎭⎩⎭, 虚{}{}[]{},i j M p M δδσεδ⎧⎫==⎨⎬⎩⎭力p{}()()[]{}/1i i i j j M M x y y xx y M M M x l c p M I I I ll σσ⎧⎫⎡⎤⎡⎤===-+=--=⎨⎬⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦⎩⎭式中[]1,y x x c I l l ⎡⎤⎛⎫⎛⎫=-- ⎪ ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎝⎭⎣⎦(无妨称为物理矩阵以便与刚度法中几何矩阵[]B 对应)虚应力{}[]{}[]i j M c p c M δδσδδ⎧⎫==⎨⎬⎩⎭实应变{}[]{}[][]{}11D D C p εσ--==虚余功 {}{}{}{}()*TTi i j j W p p M M δδδθδθδ=∆=∆=+虚余能 {}{}{}{}*TTV d d δεδσεσεΩΩ=Ω=Ω⎰⎰{}[][][]{}{}[][][]{}11T T T T p C D C P d p C D C d p δδ--ΩΩ⎡⎤=Ω=Ω⎢⎥⎣⎦⎰⎰ 于虚力原理:**W V δδ=考虑到虚力{}p δ的任意性.得: {}{}[][][][]{}1A Tp C D C d p -Ω∆=Ω=⎰式中 [][][][]1T A C D C d -Ω=Ω⎰——柔度矩阵(以上推导具有普遍意义)对本题:[]220111111l x x x x l l l y y x x l A d dx x I EI l l EI x x x l l l l Ω⎡⎤⎛⎫⎛⎫⎧⎫---⎢⎥- ⎪ ⎪⎪⎪⎡⎤⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎛⎫⎢⎥=--Ω=⎨⎬ ⎪⎢⎥⎢⎥⎝⎭⎣⎦⎛⎫⎛⎫⎪⎪-⎢⎥-- ⎪ ⎪⎪⎪⎩⎭⎢⎥⎝⎭⎝⎭⎣⎦⎰⎰ /3/611/21/6/31/213l l ll l EIEI--⎡⎤⎡⎤==⎢⎥⎢⎥--⎣⎦⎣⎦由{}[]{}A p ∆=展开得:11/21/213i i j j M lM EIθθ-⎧⎫⎧⎫⎡⎤=⎨⎬⎨⎬⎢⎥-⎣⎦⎩⎭⎩⎭方法一 单位位移法()/j i u u l ε=- , ()/j i E E u u l σε==- 设 1i u δ=, 则 /1/i u l l δεδ=-=-()()()()2011/l i j i j i i j E EA EAT u u l d u u dx u u l l l Ω-=--Ω=-=-⎰⎰ 同理, 令1j u δ= 可得()()11/j j i ET u u l d l Ω=-Ω⎰()j i EA u u l =- 即:1111i i j j T u EA T u l -⎧⎫⎧⎫⎡⎤=⎨⎬⎨⎬⎢⎥-⎣⎦⎩⎭⎩⎭可记为 {}[]{}ij ij p K =∆ []K 为刚度矩阵.方法二 矩阵虚位移法 设{}Tij i j p T T ⎡⎤=⎣⎦ {}Tij ij u u ⎡⎤∆=⎣⎦(){}[]1{}/11i j i ij j u u u l B u l ε⎧⎫⎧⎫=-=-∆∆⎨⎬⎨⎬⎩⎭⎩⎭式中 []{}111B l=-——几何矩阵 ∴ {}[]{}[][]{}ij D D B σε==∆ 设虚位移{}Tij i j u u δδδ⎡⎤∆=⎣⎦ , 虚应变 {}[]{}ij B δεδ=∆外力虚功 {}{}{}{}TTij ij ij ij W p p δδδ=∆=∆虚应变能 {}{}{}{}TTV d d δσδεδεσΩΩ=Ω=Ω⎰⎰ {}[][][]{}TTij ij B D B d δΩ=∆∆Ω⎰{}[][][]{}TTij ij B D B d δΩ⎡⎤=∆Ω∆⎢⎥⎣⎦⎰{}[]{}ijijK δ∆∆由 W V δδ= 得: {}[]{}ij ij p K =∆ 式中 [][][][]TK B D B d Ω=Ω⎰——刚度矩阵对拉压杆元 []{}1111111111l EA K EA dx l l l --⎧⎫⎡⎤=-=⎨⎬⎢⎥-⎩⎭⎣⎦⎰ 详细见方法一. 方法三 矩阵虚力法设 {}i ij j T p T ⎧⎫=⎨⎬⎩⎭ , {}i ij j u u ⎧⎫∆=⎨⎬⎩⎭ , {}[]{}D δε={}{}[]{}111i j iij j T T T C p T AA σ-⎧⎫==-⎨⎬⎩⎭式中 [][]111C A=-——物理矩阵(指联系杆端力与应力的系数矩阵) ∴ {}[]{}[][]{}11ij D D C p εσ--== 虚应力 {}[]{}ij C p δσδ=设虚力 {}i ij j T p T δδδ⎧⎫=⎨⎬⎩⎭, 则 {}[][]{}1ij D C p δεδ-=虚余功 {}{}{}{}*TTij ij ij ij W p p δδδ=∆=∆虚余能 {}{}{}{}*T TV d d δεδσδσεΩΩ=Ω=Ω⎰⎰{}[][][]{}1TTij ij p C D C p d δ-Ω=Ω⎰{}[][][]{}1T ij ij p C D C d p δ-Ω⎡⎤=Ω⎢⎥⎣⎦⎰{}[]{}ijijp A p δ式中[][][][]1T A C D C d -Ω=Ω⎰ ——柔度矩阵对拉压杆: []{}1111111111l A l K dx E A A EA --⎧⎫⎡⎤=-=⎨⎬⎢⎥-⎩⎭⎣⎦⎰ ∴ {}[]{}ij ij A p ∆=即 1111i i j j u T l u T EA -⎧⎫⎧⎫⎡⎤=⎨⎬⎨⎬⎢⎥-⎣⎦⎩⎭⎩⎭ 讨论: 比力方法二、三.结论: {}[]{}ij ij p K =∆, {}[]{}ij ij A p ∆=若 []K 与[]A 的逆矩阵存在(遗憾的是其实不是总是存在), 则,[]1K -实际上是一个柔度矩阵, []1A -实际上是一个刚度矩阵如图所示设()121cos n n n x v x a l π∞=⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭∑显然满足0,x x l ==处的 变形约束条件()()()()''0000v v l v v l ====变形能 ''20()2l EI V v dx =⎰220122cos 2l n n EI n n x a dx l l ππ∞=⎡⎤⎛⎫=⎢⎥ ⎪⎝⎭⎢⎥⎣⎦∑⎰421222nn EIn l a l π∞=⎛⎫=⎪⎝⎭∑ 力函数()()()2pv c pv l c pv c =+-=(对称)1221cos n n n c p a l π∞=⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭∑由()0nV a ∂-=∂ , 所以 nn Va a ∂∂=∂∂ .即 422()21cos 2n EIl n n c a p l l ππ⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭ 所以, 34421cos 4n n c pl l a EI n ππ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭=⋅()34411221cos 1cos 4n pl n c n x v x EInl l πππ∞=⎛⎫⎛⎫=-- ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭∑ 0如图所示设()01sinn n n xv x a x a lπ∞==+∑ ()()2222402011sin 22222ln n n n v l a l EI n n x EI n l V a dx a l l A l A πππ∞∞==⎡⎤⎡⎤⎛⎫⎛⎫⎣⎦=-+=+⎢⎥ ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎢⎥⎣⎦∑∑⎰()01sinn n n cpU c p a a pc lπ∞===+∑ 由()00V a ∂-=∂得 20/a l A pc = , 所以, 20/a Apc l = 由()0nV a ∂-=∂, 得4sin 2n EIl n n ca p l l ππ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭ 所以, ()342sin n pl n c a l EI n ππ= ∴ ()3244121sin sin n Apc pl n c n xv x x l EI n l lπππ∞==+∑如图所示 令()()2v x ax l x =-所以, ''202lEI V v dx =⎰()20232622l EI al ax dx a EIl =-=⎰ ()()/2/22405192l l qU x dx qax l x dx qal ==-=⎰⎰由()0V a∂-=∂ 得 3454192aEIl ql =所以, 5768ql a EI =∴ ()()25768ql v x x l x EI=- 0所示如图,设()2312v x a x a x =+, ()()''1223v x a a x =+''22l EIV v dx =⎰()2120432lEIa a x dx =+⎰()2221122233EIl a a a l a l =++ ()()2312/2/2lll l qv x dx q a xa x dx==+⎰⎰312715838a a l ql ⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭由()10V a ∂-=∂ 得 ()3122237/24EIla a l ql +=由()20V a ∂-=∂ 得 ()24126215/64EIla l a l ql+=解上述两式得 2216738413192ql a EIql a EI⎧=⎪⎪⎨-⎪=⎪⎩∴ ()2230.17450.0677ql ql v x x x EI EI=-如图所示设 ()1sin xv x a lπ=()/4/2''2''20/42222l l l E I EI V v dx v dx ⎡⎤=+⎢⎥⎣⎦⎰⎰4242/4/222110/4sin 2sin l l l x x EI a dx EI a dx l l l l ππππ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=+ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎰⎰4213142l EIa l ππ⎛⎫⎛⎫=+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭()110sin2/l lxqv x dx q a dx qla lππ===⎰⎰由()10V a ∂-=∂ 得 4131222l ql EIa l πππ⎛⎫⎛⎫+= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭所以, 441540.00718312ql ql a EI EI ππ==⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭()40.00718sin ql x U x EI lπ=如图所示 设 ()()121sin2n n n x v x a lπ∞=-=∑()()222''022l v l EI V v x dx A⎡⎤⎣⎦⎡⎤=+⎣⎦⎰ ()2423112121sin 222n n n n n EI n a a l ππ∞∞==⎡⎤-⎛⎫⎛-⎫⎛⎫⎢⎥=+ ⎪⎪ ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎣⎦∑∑ 其中, 3l A EI=()4331212121sin sin 222n n n n n V EI n EI n a a a l l πππ∞=-⎡⎤∂-⎛-⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=+⎢⎥ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪∂⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎣⎦∑ ()()220121sin2ll n n n x qv x dx q a dx lπ∞=-==∑⎰⎰()()11241cos 212121nn n n a l ql q a n n n πππ∞∞==⎛⎫=--=⎡⎤ ⎪⎣⎦ ⎪--⎝⎭∑∑ 所以,()421n ql a n π∂=∂- 取前两项得 ()41123312V EI EI a a a a l l π∂⎛⎫=+- ⎪∂⎝⎭, ()421233232V EI EIa a a a l l π∂⎛⎫=-- ⎪∂⎝⎭由()10V a ∂-=∂ 得 41233412EI EI qlaa l l ππ⎧⎫⎡⎤⎪⎪⎛⎫+-=⎢⎥⎨⎬ ⎪⎝⎭⎢⎥⎪⎪⎣⎦⎩⎭ 由()20V a ∂-=∂ 得 4213334123EI EI qlaa l l ππ⎧⎫⎡⎤⎪⎪⎛⎫+-=⎢⎥⎨⎬ ⎪⎝⎭⎢⎥⎪⎪⎣⎦⎩⎭即: 41241247.0884494.1333ql a a EI ql a a EI ππ⎧-=⎪⎪⎨⎪-=-⎪⎩解得 41420.17980.00118ql a EI ql a EI⎧=⎪⎪⎨⎪=⎪⎩ ∴()430.180sin 0.0012sin 22x x ql v x l l EI ππ⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭ ∴中点挠度40.17862l ql v EI ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭6.6题 取12()sin,()sin n n n x n xv x a v x b l lππ==∑∑1'221200222004222422222sin cos 22 222244llsl l s n n s n n s n nGA EI V v dx vdxGA EI n n x n n x a dx b dx l l l l GA EIn l n l a b l l GA l EIl n n a b l l ππππππππ=+⎡⎤⎡⎤⎛⎫⎛⎫=-+⎢⎥ ⎪⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎝⎭⎣⎦⎢⎥⎣⎦⎛⎫⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎛⎫⎛⎫=+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎰⎰∑∑⎰⎰∑∑∑∑42(),()22s n n n n GA l V EIl n V n a b a l b lππ∂∂==∂∂ 120011sinsin (1cos )(1cos )l lll n n n n qv dx qv dxn x n xq a dx q b dxl l n n q a n q b n l l ππππππ--=+=+⎛⎫⎛⎫=-+- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎰⎰∑∑⎰⎰∑∑∴(1cos ),(1cos )n n l l a q n b q n n n ππππ⎛⎫⎛⎫∂∂=-∂∂=-⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭由4455()2(1cos )40()()n n n V ql n ql a a n EI n EI πππ∂--==∂=为奇数得 由2233()2(1cos )40()()n n n s s V ql n ql b a n GA n GA πππ∂--==∂=为奇数得 ∴()()12()U x U x U x =+4255334141sin sin (1,3,5, )n n S ql n x ql n xEI n l GA nl N ππππ=+=∑∑1)图6.9 对等断面轴向力沿梁长不变时, 复杂弯曲方程为:''0IV EIV TV q --= 取()sinn nn xv x a lπ=∑ 能满足梁段全部鸿沟条件 ''''''''00,0,0,0,0()0l IV x l v v v v EIV TV q qvdx ==≠=≠∴--=⎰处∴有420()sin ()(sin )sin 0l n n n n x n n x n x EI a T a q dx l l l l l πππππ⎡⎤---=⎢⎥⎣⎦∑∑⎰积分:420cos 022ln n n l n l l n x EIa Ta q l l n l ππππ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫⎡⎤+--= ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎣⎦ 即:()4425220()1cos 4()()14/()22n l n q n n a ql n EIl n n l EI n u n T l l ππππππ⎛⎫⎧- ⎪⎪⎝⎭==⎨⎛⎫⎛⎫⎪⎡⎤++ ⎪ ⎪⎣⎦⎩⎝⎭⎝⎭为偶数为奇数式中:u =u =1 ∴455222sin4()(1,3,5 )(14/)N n xql l v x n EI n u n πππ==+∑ ∴44522214()0.0093012()(14/)n l ql ql v EI EI n u n ππ===+取一项 准确解为:444055(1)0.7110.0092582384384l ql ql ql v f EI EI EI ⎛⎫⎡⎤==⨯= ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎣⎦误差仅为0.46%结论:1)引进22()cr n EI T lπ=——单跨简支压杆临界力()22554,4384l T u EI π=≈ 2)取一项, 中点挠度表达式可写成如下讨论的形式:445(0)5138423841()()cr cr ql T l ql v EIEI T T T T ⎡⎤⎧⎢⎥=⎪⎛⎫==⎢⎥⎨ ⎪⎝⎭⎢⎥⎪±∞=⎩⎢⎥⎣⎦失稳的压力时 式中:当T 为拉力时取正号(此时相当一缩小系数, 随T ↑而↓)≤1当T 为压力时取负号(此时相当一放年夜系数, 随T ↑而↑)≥1 2)∵弹性基础梁平衡方程为:0IV EIV kv q +-=∴00lIVEIV kv q Vdx δ⎡⎤+-=⎣⎦⎰ 取:()sinn nn xV x a lπ=∑代入上式:40sin sin sin 0ln n n n n n n x n x n x a EI a k a q dx l l l l ππππδ⎡⎤⎛⎫+-=⎢⎥ ⎪⎝⎭⎢⎥⎣⎦∑∑⎰由于n a δ的随意性有式中积分为0, 即:()41cos 022n n n l l l EIa ka q n l n πππ⎛⎫⎛⎫+--= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭∴()44541cos 4()()1/()522n l q n ql n a n n EIl n kl EI n k EI l πππππ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭==⎡⎤⎛⎫++⎢⎥ ⎪⎣⎦⎝⎭为奇数 由442442l u k u k EI EI l ⎛⎫== ⎪⎝⎭得代入得()44542()14n ql a u EI n n ππ=⎡⎤+⎢⎥⎣⎦()4554sin4()(1,3,5 )1nn xql l v x n EI kn EI n l πππ⎛⎫== ⎪⎡⎤⎝⎭+⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦∑今取一项, 且令u=1, 求中点挠度()44454()0.0078882214l ql ql EI EIνππ⎡⎤⎢⎥==⎢⎥⎡⎤⎢⎥+⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦准确值:()4404110.448()10.00862524(21)q ql ql u EI k EI νϕ⎡⎤-=-==⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦⨯⎣⎦误差为8.5%误差较年夜, 若多取几项, 如取二项则误差更年夜, ∴交错级数的和小于首项, 即2l ν⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭按级数法只能收敛到略小于精确解的一个值, 此矛盾是由于0ϕ是近似值.220()()2()1 22lM x dx AREIννν=+=+⎰梁支 020343342()2 ()2222 232162111 (1)6166ll MM x dx AR R EIR R qx x ql x dx AR EI R l ql l ql R EI EI l ql EIEI ν∂∂=+∂∂⎡⎤⎛⎫=---+ ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎣⎦⎡⎤⎛⎫-⎛⎫=-++⎢⎥ ⎪ ⎪⨯⎝⎭⎝⎭⎣⎦⎡⎤⎛⎫=-+++ ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎣⎦⎰⎰由最小功原理:0vR∂=∂解出:528qlR =∴43445(2)(2)384485 0.178528q l R l v EIEIqlql EIEI=-=≈中由对称性可知, 对称断面处剪力为零, 转角00θ=, 静不定内力0T 和0M 可最小功原理求出:2102200()()(/2)2sin (1cos )()qs M OA M s M qr qr T r AB θθ⎧+⎪=⎨⎪+++-⎩—段2—段 001 ()0 ()()() 1 ()(1cos ) ()OA OA M s M s M T AB r AB θ⎧⎧∂∂==⎨⎨∂∂-⎩⎩段—段段—段 最小功原理:()()0022221010000()()11/22sin 1cos 20s rV M s M s ds M EI M qs M ds M qr qr T r rd EI EI πθθθ∂∂=∂∂⎛⎫⎡⎤=+++++- ⎪⎣⎦⎝⎭=⎰⎰⎰()22200012sin (1cos )1cos 02V qr M qr T r r rd T 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πππ--=∴=-=-与图中假设方向相反20Pr(4)8M ππ∴=-2Pr Pr Pr Pr()(4)(1cos )sin 844M s πθθθππ∴=---+- 241cos sin Pr 844πθθθπππ⎡⎤-=-++-⎢⎥⎣⎦第7章 矩阵法322122112x lx l x v θθθθθ+++-= 2221211'32)(x l x l x v θθθθθ+++-=, x ll x v 22121''62)(θθθθ+++-= ∵⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+-⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+-==j i l x l l x l y yv θθε22''6264∴[][]E D l x l x l y B =⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-=,13232 [][][][]2222222032433213133323221442212312T el x y x x l K B D B d E d x l l l l x x x l l l l l EI EIEI l ll l x ll ΩΩ⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎡⎤⎛⎫⎛⎫⎡⎤=Ω=--Ω⎢⎥ ⎪ ⎪⎢⎥⎣⎦⎝⎭⎝⎭⎣⎦⎢⎥-⎢⎥⎣⎦⎡⎤⎛⎫⎛⎫⎡⎤--+⎢⎥⎪ ⎪⎢⎥⎡⎤⎝⎭⎝⎭⎢⎥===⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎢⎥⎛⎫⎢⎥- ⎪⎢⎥⎣⎦⎢⎥⎝⎭⎣⎦⎰⎰⎰对称解:如图示离散为3个节点, 2个单位()[]()()()()()()[]()()()()⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡==⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡=⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛-⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=23323222322221221211121112222124262262621226212226426262122621222K K K K K K K K K l l l l l l l l l l l l l I E K形成[]K ()()[]()()()()[]()()⎪⎭⎪⎬⎫⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡+32123323222322212212111211100δδδK K K K K K K K 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第一章普通英语1.What is your favorite TV program?News.2.What is your favorite Web site?Sina.3.What is your favorite day of the week?Why?Friday,because I can have a two-day-off after that day.4.What is your favorite kind of movie?Action movies.5.What is your favorite kind of music?Classic.6.What is your favorite magazine?Readers.7.What is the population of your hometown?About80million.8.What is the population of your country?About1.6billion.9.What is the best thing about your hometown?Beautiful mountains and clear waters.10.What is the worst thing about your hometown?Traffic jam.11.What’s your hometown life?That’s a cute village surrounded by farmlands and rivers.Life there is always peaceful.12.What sports do you like to watch on TV?Badminton.13.What do you think is the most popular sport in the world?Badminton.14.Which ports do you often call at?Shanghai port and Guangzhou port.15.What do you think is the most important thing on board?Safety.16.What’s your Captain’s nationality?China.17.What’s your date of birth?December4th in1995.18.What’s your seaman’s book member?A123456.19.Where are you from?China.20.What is your daily timetable?Everyday,I get up at7o’clock.After eating breakfast,I go following the third officer to be on watch duty to ensure the safety of ship and cargo from8to12.In the afternoon,I can enjoy a break time until19:45.Then I will be on duty again.21.What do you like most about your job?The sense of glory.22.What is your favorite food?Dumplings.23.What is your favorite music?Classic music.24.What do you usually do during your shore leave?Company with parents and friends.25.What do you expect about your future?I can support my family and live peacefully.第二章常用命令1.What does‘abandon vessel’mean?When the ship is in danger or suffering some accidents,but there’s no need to save,so all the crew members go out board by life crafts.2.What does‘foul anchor(绞缆)’mean?The anchor chain and anchor is twisted.3.What does‘dredging of an anchor(拖锚)’mean?To move the anchor or anchor chain to the seabed to slow down the ship.4.What does‘dragging anchor(走锚)’mean?When anchoring,the anchor and anchor chain are moving in the seabed and cannot control the ship’s speed.5.If the anchor is reported dragging,what would be your first action?Let go another another anchor immediately.6.What does‘underway’mean?The ship is not anchoring,berthing or aground.7.What do you report when the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and is clear of it?The anchor is away.8.If the anchor is secured firmly in sea bottom,what do you report?The anchor is brought(锚抓底).9.If there is no obstruction around the anchor before anchoring,what should you report?The anchor is clear.10.When the anchor is heaved out of the water surface and just above it,what do you report?The anchor is just above the water.11.Can you list some orders are included in Standard Ship Orders.Port ten;Course on120;Stop engine.12.If you are ordered‘Port five’,how to reply and report?Port five;Wheels port five.13.How to answer what is the course?The present course is on120degrees.14.What does‘Single up(留一根)forward to breast line and spring’mean?Let go all the lines except for the forward breast and spring.15.If you want to change the position of the head line forward for3meters, what do you say?Move the head line3meters forward.16.If you want to heave tight the breast line,what should you say?Heave up the breast line.17.Which order is an equivalent to‘Send out head line’?Pay out head line.18.Which order is an equivalent to‘Let go stern line’?Cast off stern line.19.What does‘Finished with engine’mean?There’s no requirements for engines.20.Why must the customs officer seal the Bounded Store?To prevent the crew members from smuggling.21.Please list5ship’s certificates.Certificate of ship’s Nationality,Classification Certificate,International Load Line Certificate,Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate,Cargo Safety Radio Certificate.22.Which certificate prescribes general requirements for the functions of radiotelegraph installation for lifeboat on board?Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate.23.Which certificate specifies the freeboard assignment of a ship? International Load Line Certificate.24.If your ship needs provisions and/or replenishments(补给),how do you get them?Via ship chandler.第三章进出港业务1.Can you list at least three mooring line?Head line;Astern line;Breast line;spring line.2.What should be prepared before the pilot comes on board?The pilot ladder;a heaving line;and a life buoy.3.What is the maximum speed through the water that your ship can anchor without risking breaking the cable?It’s different from different ships.For VLCC,the maximum speed is1kt.4.What flag should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot?Flag G.5.What flag should be hoisted when a pilot is on the ship?Flag H.6.A ship ahead of you has hoisted the signal flag‘O’,what was happened?Man overboard.7.A ship ahead of you has hoisted the signal flag’Q’,what was happened? My vessel is healthy and I request free practique.8.A ship anchored close to your ship hoists the flag‘I’,what action should you take?Pay attention to its movement.9.A ship ahead hoists the flag‘D’and gives one long blast followed by two short blasts.What is the message?Keep clear of me,maneuver of the ship is restricted.10.A ship is signaling you with his‘Aldis lamp’(Morse lamp)the letter‘U’,what is the message for you?You are running into danger.11.If you see a small,controlled fire on board another ship while at sea,what is the signal from the ship?The signal‘J’.12.How can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival?Via VHF.13.What ship’s particulars will pilot station usually ask for?LOA,drafts,GT,NT and so on.14.What should be reported to the pilot station?Your present position and ETA.15.What should be confirmed from the pilot station?The boarding time and place and which side to put the pilot ladder.16.When the vessel enters the VTS area,what is requested to report? Ship’s name,call sign,course,speed,destination and so on.17.Can you list three famous canals in the world?Suez Canal,Panama Canal and Kiel Canal.18.When you request the receiver to remain on channel16in VHF Communication,what do you say?Stand by on VHF channel16.19.How do you rectify the mistake in marine VHF communication?Mistake plus correction plus correction message.20.How do you emphasize the important part of a message in marine VHF communication?Repeat plus the important part of the message.21.What is the difference between a‘radar bacon’and‘radar reflection’?The radar bacon can transmit radar signals but the radar reflection can not. 22.How many objects do you need to get a position using‘horizontal sextant angles’?Three.23.Why is a magnetic compass kept on board when a gyro compass is more accurate?To meet the requirement of SOLAS.24.When preparing for anchoring what must you do before releasing the bowstoppers?To ensure the ship is at low speed and the sea depth is suitable.25.Would you let go an anchor from the hawse pipe if the depth was75 meters?No,because it’s too deep.26.Why must you consider ship’s speed and sea depth when you release the bow stoppers?To ensure the safety.27.What must always be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder well before the pilot’s embarking?A lifebuoy and a heaving line.28.Why is it dangerous to anchor in ice?Because it’s easy to be frozen.第四章靠离泊作业1.How many classes of dangerous goods are there according to the IMDG Code?Can you list some?9;Class1:Explosives,Class2:Flammable gas,Class3:Flammable Liquids, Class4:Flammable Solids,Class5:Oxidize,Class6:Toxic,Class7: Radioactive,Class8:Corrosives,Class9:Others.2.What kind of cargo is classified as flammable cargo?The cargo is easy to catch fire.3.Please describe the general nature of general cargo.Packed cargo with different kinds.4.Please describe the general nature of bulk cargo.Unpacked cargo with signal kind.5.What kind of cargo is canvas(帆布)sling suitable for lifting?Bagged cargo.6.What kind of cargo is net sling suitable for lifting?Bagged cargo.7.What kind of cargo is chain(铁链)sling suitable for lifting?Heavy slim cargoes.8.What does‘jettison of cargo’mean?To throw cargo overboard.9.What does‘compatibility(兼容)of goods’mean?Different kinds of goods could be stowed together.10.What does‘shifting cargo’mean?Cargo moves from side to side.11.What does‘Union purchase(双杆联吊)’mean?Both derricks are combined to handle the cargo’s loading and unloading. 12.What preparations shall be done before loading cargo?Open the holds.13.What is the loading capacity of your ship?10thousand tons.14.What cargo handling gear and equipment does your vessel have? Crane.15.Please list some cargo papers.Loading list,Bills of Lading,Import cargo list,Export cargo list.第五章装卸作业1.Why is important to sound fog signals?Because we can’t see each other in poor visibility,the fog signals can tell the others movement of the ship.2.When would you sound the general alarm?Emergency situations such as man overboard and fire.3.When should an OOW notify the master immediately for emergency ship-handing or complicated navigation?Please list some.Emergency situations such as man overboard and fire.4.When would you instruct a lookout to assist you on the bridge? Emergency situations such as man overboard and fire.5.How does the OOW assess risk of collision generally?To check CPA and TCPA on radar.6.How should the reliving officer behave in case a bridge manoeuvre already took place but has not been over?To wait until he finishes with operation.7.List the main items to be updated on the pilot card?The date,port and displacement.8.Besides the collision risks,what else should you monitor on watch in reduced visibility?To keep watch on radar,VHF and other navigational equipment.9.How do you know the VHF channels to be monitored when leaving port?To look for the list of radio signals.10.What should the master expect from the OOW on arriving at the bridge? To be familiar with ship’s particulars,equipment and present situation.11.Who should be in attendance when a pilot is on the ladder?The third officer.12.What effect will the general alarm have on the crew?To tell the crew members about the emergency in a short time.13.Why is record keeping a necessary part of watch-keeping?To be as the evidence after accidents.14.Apart from those for navigation safety,what else should you do on an anchor watch?To ensure the safety of crews,cargo and oceans.15.How would you conveniently,check the compass error in pilotage water? By taking transits(叠标).16.If a sailing ship is overtaking a power-driven vessel,who as the right ofway?The power-driven vessel.17.A power-driven vessel is on collision course with a fishing trawler(拖网),who has the right of way?The fishing trawler.18.How many meters are there in a nautical mile?1852meters.19.If you travel from Panama to New York,will your latitude increase or decrease?My latitude will increase.20.How many‘Position lines’are needed to make a position?Two.21.You observe a ship during daytime,exhibiting three balls on the same halyard(吊索).What was happened?The ship is aground.22.What does the abbreviations of IALA stand by?International Association of Lighthouse Authorities.23.What does the abbreviation ETD stand for?Estimated Time of Departure.24.What does the abbreviation COW stand for?Crude Oil Washing(原油洗舱).25.What does the abbreviation SWL stand for?Safe Working Load.26.What does‘SOPEP’mean?Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan.27.What does EPIRB stand for?Emergency position Indicator Radio Beacon.28.What does‘SAR’stand for?Search and rescue.29.What does INMARSAT stand for?International Maritime Satellite.30.What does UTC stand for?Universal Time of Coordination.31.What does RCC stand for?Rescue Coordination Center.32.What is SART?Search and Rescue Transponder(应答器).33.What does MMSI stand for?Maritime Mobile Service Identification.34.What does OSC stand for?On-Scene Commander.35.What does VHF stand for?Very High Frequency.36.What does SSO stand for?Ship Security Officer.37.What does CSO stand for?Company Security Officer.38.What does SSP stand for?Ship Security Plan.39.What does DOS stand for?Declaration of Security.40.What does SSAS stand for?Ship Security Alert System.41.What does ISSC stand for?International Ship Security Certificate.42.What does CSR stand for?Synopsis(概要)Record.43.Is it to safe to pass north of a North Mark?Yes.44.Is it to safe to pass south of a North Mark?No.45.Does the variation change due to ship’s position?Yes.46.Does the deviation change due to ship’s position?No.47.When correcting charts why must you use symbols and abbreviations from chart5011?Because all the symbols and abbreviations can be found on Chart5011.48.You have purchased a new chart.Is it right ready for use?Yes.49.What publication do you need to correct charts properly?Notices to Mariners.50.What course in degrees corresponds to south-east?135degrees.51.What is the angle between magnetic and true meridian called?Magnetic compass error.52.Where can you always find information about the magnetic variation? Compass rose on the chart.53.When a ship picks up speed,will the draught increase or decrease? Increase.第六章航行1.What kind of paint is usually given to the ship’s bottom?Anti-fouling Paint.2.What kind of paint is usually given to the places such as radiators,pipes and funnels?Heat resistance Paint.3.What kind of coating is usually applied to anchors and chains? Bituminous Paint.第七章海上呼叫1.What is your purpose to prepare the Confirmation(确认单)of Collision Occurrence to the Master of the other vessel?The master will be responsible.2.What shall be usually attached(附加的)to the report on the accident?The logbook,oil record book.3.When should a sea protest(申明)be published to and endorsed by the authorities concerned?Within24hours after the ship’s arrival at the port.4.Generally speaking,which is responsible for the damage after a collision between a vessel moored and a vessel underway?The vessel underway.5.What is the sound signal to warn a vessel of the immediate danger of collision?5short blasts.6.What is‘general alarm signal’?2prolonged blasts.7.What is the sound alarm for abandoning vessel?7short and1prolonged blasts.8.What is the sound alarm for oil spilling on board?1short and2prolonged blasts.9.What actions are you going to take after a collision with another vessel? Report to the master,local government and ask for help.10.As a chief Officer,what is your responsibility in damage control operation? OSC.11.Whom shall be reported to in case of an oil pollution incident?The company and flag state.12.What’s the first step in handling the cargo damage caused by the stevedores?To check which cargo has been damaged and the degree of damage.13.What anti-stowaway(偷渡)precautions should you take before the vessel sails from a port?To search all the spaces on ship.14.What is your first response when you detect a fire?Sound the fire alarm and report to the master.15.What can be used to handle an oil spill?Sand and sawdust(木屑).16.What are the ways to re-float a grounded vessel?To jettison cargoes and wait for the rising tide.17.Can you list some ways of correcting listing?To transfer the ballast water and jettison cargoes.18.What will you first do if you find some oil near your vessel while bunkering? Stop bunkering.19.What will you do first if a crew member was seriously injured?Report to the master.20.What will you do first if your vessel is under attack by pirates?Sound the alarm.21.If someone returns to the ship very drunk,should be he left alone to‘sleep it off’?Yes,he should go to sleep and someone else will replace him.22.If you see a person collapsed(跌倒)who is in contact with electricity what is the first thing you must do before attempting to switch off the supply?To separate him with wooden sticks.23.If you suspect someone has inhaled(吸入)dangerous substance(物质) what can you do to help even if you are not trained?Move him to the open air.24.In what circumstances do you give artificial(人工的)inspection and mouth to mouth ventilation?When someone has no breath.25.When would you need a‘resuscitator(人工呼吸)’?When someone has no breath.26.How should you try to stop bleeding at first?By fingers pressing and bandage.27.If you suspect someone has been poisoned(中毒)what is the first thing you should try to do?Let him throw out.28.What is the most important thing to consider when treating a wound? Keep the wound clean.第八章事故处理1.What kind of the extinguisher can you use for an electric fire?Carbon dioxide.2.What cannot be used for an electric fire?Water.3.How often should an‘emergency fire pump’be tested?Once a week.4.How often is a fire drill required to be held in cargo list?Once a month.5.How often is a boat drill required to be carried out on board a cargo ship? Once every three months.6.How often will the lifeboat be launched into water?Once every three months.7.How do you check fixed installation?Check the air pressure of the bottom every six months.8.What must you do first if you find a fire on board?Sound the alarm.9.What do the Muster List show?To tell you all crews’duties and muster station in emergency.10.What will you do first if you see a person falls overboard?Throw a lifebuoy.11.Can you list at least three different kinds of extinguisher?Carbon dioxide extinguishers,foam extinguishers,dry powder extinguishers.12.In general,what parties are involved in a fire drill?Fire-fighting team,separating team and first-aid team.13.Where should fire control plan be located?On the wall near to the gate of gangway.14.What does‘retreat(撤退)signal’mean?Return to your base.15.What does‘fire patrol’mean?Around the ship to check the risk of fire.16.What is‘damage control team’mean?To stop flooding.17.Can you list two main reasons for electrical fire?Overloaded circuits and improper operation.18.Could you list some apparatus in an open lifeboat?Fresh water,food,sea anchor and medicine.19.Would a cargo with a high‘flash point’be of more concern to you than one with a low‘flash point’?No.20.What are the three components of fire?Fuel,heat and air.21.What is meant by‘starving’a fire?To remove the fuel from the fire.22.‘Smothering’is a way of dealing with fire.How does it work?To move the air from the fire.23.Before you enter into an‘enclosed space’,what safety precautions should you take?Check the content of oxygen before entering;Wear breathing apparatus(仪器) when entering;Leave another crew member outside.24.What shall be ensured before entering the enclosed space?The oxygen is sufficient.25.What must you wear when you enter an enclosed space?Breathing apparatus.26.What is supposed to be transferred over the International Shore Connection?Water for fire-fighting from shore or other ships.27.If a person who has no authority to be on board attempts to enter the ship,where should he be stopped?Gangway.28.What is the most effective fire extinguisher for the galley on board ship? Carbon dioxide extinguisher.29.For ship at sea what is general procedure to follow for fires in cargo holds? Close the hatches;Cut off the power;Release the carbon dioxide system. 30.What is the absolute minimum number of lifejackets required on board ship?To make sure every person has one.31.What is the minimum requirement for a line-throwing appliance(器具}?At least230meters in good weather.32.By regulation,what is the minimum amount of water required per person in the lifeboat?No less than3liters fresh water per person.33.What is the minimum number of motor lifeboats fitted on board?For a cargo ship,2is enough.34.What altitude(海拔)must a‘rocket parachute flare(火箭降落伞信号)’reach to comply with regulation?Not less than300meters.35.You are a survivor at sea when an SAR(Search and Rescue)aircraft dropsa red container.What is in it?Fresh water and food.第九章海上救生与求生1.What does‘initial course’mean in search and rescue operation?The course to be used at very beginning.2.What’s the difference between‘heel’and‘list’?Heel is due to external force,list is due to internal force.3.Can you list three of more search patterns?Expanding square(方形)search pattern,sector(扇形)search pattern and parallel(平行)sweep search pattern.4.When will a expanding square search pattern usually be used?Only one single ship is on SAR operation.5.When will a sector search pattern usually be used?The search area is small.6.When will a parallel sweep search pattern usually be used?The search area is large and the position is uncertain.7.What does‘hampered(受限的)vessel’mean?The manoeuvre of ship is restricted.8.List some visual and audible distress signals for attracting attention when in distress.Light signal,flag signal,shape signal and whistle.9.Would you please pronounce the correct international code words for‘A’,’B’,’C’and‘D’?Alfa,bravo,charlie,delta.10.What reason would you think is justified for postponing the fire drill to a more suitable time?In bad weather.11.What action would you take if you were on duty on deck and you observe oil leaking from the ship’s side?Sound the alarm and report to the master.12.What does2182kHz mean to you?It’s the distress frequency.第十章修船与船舶保养1.What does MAYDAY mean in marine communication?The ship is in danger and requires immediate assistance.2.What does PAN-PAN mean in marine communication?The ship is in urgent danger and require assistance.3.What does SECURITE mean in marine communication?It’s a message about safety.4.What should be included in MAYDAY message?MAYDAY three times plus ship’s name,call sign,position,nature of distress and the assistance required.5.What are passengers advised to put on while abandoning the vessel?The life-jackets.6.Can you give a briefing on how to put on life-jacket?Put it on with big buoyancy before you and small one behind,then tie up the bands.7.What can be used to attract attention after abandoning the vessel?Send a message via VHF.8.If you should fall overboard,what would you do?Keep calm and afloat waiting for rescue.9.Can you list some risks to crew while abandoning vessels?Hunger,thirsty,coldness,seasickness and so on.10.Where are explosions most commonly encountered on board ship? Engine room,fuel tanker and paint room.11.How is it possible to find safety equipment in a room full of smoke?To cover your nose and mouth with wet towel and creep(爬行)into the room.12.What type of oil is used in certain rescue operations to prevent the seas breaking?Storm oil.13.Coastal radio stations keep a constant watch on distress frequencies.What frequencies are they?156.525MHz(mega),2187.5kHz,8414.5kHz.14.When launching an inflatable liferafe into the sea,what is it most importantThe rope on the ship.15.What type of engine must a lifeboat have?Compression ignition engine.16.Why should you not take high protein(蛋白质)food with you in a lifeboat? It will cost fresh water in your body.17.If you are in a lifeboat without an imminent prospect(预计)of being rescued, how soon should you issue food and water?In the first24hours,we will have nothing.After that,we will have food and water three times a day.18.When there is a muster(集合)for an emergency there are several things that must be closed.Give some examples.The electric and oil supply.19.In tidal waters what would be the best time to‘beach’the ship in an emergency?When the tide is rising.20.What should be done to make sure that medicines are on board each lifeboat?Carry out the inspection and renew if possible.21.If you have no rockets,flags,signals or radio,how can you indicate to a ship in sight that you need assistance?Light a fire on deck.第十一章港口国检查1.Can you list some items to be checked for load line requirements in PSC inspection?Load line Certificate and Load Line Mark.2.Can you list some items to be checked for navigational equipment in PSC inspection?GPS,AIS,ECDIS,GMDSS.3.Can you list some items to be checked for life-saving appliances in PSC inspection?Lifeboat,lifecraft,life buoy,lifejacket.4.Can you list some items to be checked for fire-fighting arrangement in PSC inspection?Fire pumps,fire doors,fire extinguishers.5.Can you list some items to be checked for radio equipment in PSC inspection?VHF,MF/HF,radiotelex,INMARSAT.6.Can you list some items to be checked for accommodation in PSC inspection?Emergency light,smoke indicator,escape routine.7.Can you list some items to be checked for MARPOL&Chemical in PSCOil Record Book,Garbage Record Book,Sewage Record Book.8.Can you list some items to be checked for hull,machinery&cargo gear in PSC inspection?Pumps,winches,derricks.9.What are the key items to be checked within your duties on board?As a third officer,I should check the fire-fighting and life-saving equipment. 10.What’s the meaning of your ship’s name?My ship’s name is XIWANG,it means hope.11.What is the call sign of your ship?Bravo Papa Hotel Alfa.12.What’s the ship’s nationality?China.13.What’s the IMO number of your ship?9613886.14.Which classification society was your ship registered?CCS.15.What type is your vessel?Bulk carrier.16.When was your ship built with?In December4th,1995.17.When was your ship put into use?In December4th,1995.18.When was your ship registered in CCS?In December4th,1995.19.When was last survey carried out?Last month.20.Where should the Muster Lists be exhibited on board?The bridge,engine room and mess room.21.What does the proper care of the ship’s food services and supplies involved?To store and service food.22.What are the duties of the gallery crew and others in the stores department?To clean the gallery,wash the dishes,store and serve food.23.What are the requirements of the heating system of crew accommodation space?To be switched on all the time.24.What are the minimal standards for natural lighting in the living rooms of crew?In good weather,I can read books.25.What are sufficient grounds to stop cargo operation?In bad weather.26.What does the effectiveness of life-saving appliances depend on?To check and maintain frequently.27.What is the special attention of the ship with respect to the carriage of solid bulk cargoes?Proper stowage and trimming the cargo.28.What relevant provisions(公约)should the responsible crew members be familiar with?SOLAS,STCW,MARPOL and so on.29.What should be taken into account in judging the suitability of oil for crude oil washing?Density.30.What’your ship’s name in your language?XIWANG.31.What’s your maximum permitted draft?10meters.32.Who is your ship owner?COSCO.33.What working language do you use?English.第十二章船舶保安1.Can you list some restricted areas on board?Bridge,engine room,radio room.2.Can you list some responsibilities of a ship security officer?Make up the SSP,make all the crew members familiar with SMS,coordinate with CSO,be responsible to the ship security training and drill.3.Can you list some main ship security equipment?SSAS,GMDSS,general alarms,lighting.4.Can you describe the general arrangement or responses to security level1 as a ship security officer?Securing assess to restricted areas.5.Can you describe the general arrangement or responses to security level2 as a ship security officer?Limiting the access members to the ship.6.Can you describe the general arrangement or responses to security level3 as a ship security officer?Stopping all cargo operations.7.Can you list some information relating to security that AIS can receive or transmit?Ship’s name and call sign,course and speed,position and destination.8.How do you control the unauthorized(未经许可的)boarding at gangway? Keep someone at gangway.9.What procedures or controls do you use to ensure the security on board before departure?。
步骤1.核定航次货运任务与船舶 载货能力是否相适应
因船舶包装舱容ΣVch=19591m3 > 包括亏舱的货物总体积ΣVc=12696m3
结论:能够承运。 3)船舶其他载货能力校核
经核查,本航次特殊货物不多,初步判定船舶其他 载货能力承运满足装载要求。
步骤1.核定航次货运任务与船舶 载货能力是否相适应
1)计算本航次净载重量NDW和查取包装容积 ΣVch(续)
航次拟运货物的总重量ΣQ = 6334t 因:NDW = 12590t > ΣQ = 6334t
结论:能够承运。 2)查取船舶总舱容及货物总体积
查得“Q”轮的包装舱容ΣVch=19591m3 查得包括亏舱的货物总体积ΣVc=12696m3。
国际航行船舶--香港至苏阿尔港的恒 向线
➢ 以北至鸭绿江口中国沿海海域: 热带:4月16日至9月30日;夏季:10月1日
至4月15日。 ➢ 以南中国沿海海域:
热带:1月21日至9月30日;夏季:10月1日至 1月20日。
悬挂缔约国国旗的外国籍船舶仍应执行 《1966年国际船舶载重线公约》的规定。
1)计算航次净载重量NDW 和查取航次装
重线,其排水量ΔT = 20205t。 又查得:ΣG =1480 + 322 + 28 = 1830t C = 220t,ΔL=5565t
= 20205-5565-1830-220=12590t
P 丙 * S.F 丙 P f *S.F 丁 14000 F 甲 *S.F 甲 P 乙 * S.F 乙联列求解。
第三章第3题,解: 首先,由六面吃水,计算平均吃水 dm d F 6d M dA 8其中: d dd FFSFP 为船首平均吃水, 2 第二章2010-12-29d FS 为船首右舷吃水, d FP 为船首左舷吃水。
d M ,d A 分别表示船中平均吃水和船尾平均吃水。
计算吃水差t t d F d A 其次,由计算出的平均吃水,查船舶静水力参数表,查得相应吃水条件下, 量s 。
第三,换算到当前水密度条件下,船舶的排水量 , 船舶的海水排水s 3 3 ------ ,其中 1.010g /cm , s 1.025g / cm s 最后,船舶常数C C 1040 623 180 36 5565 第4题,解:首先计算各种货载包括亏舱的积载因数: S.FS.F 。
,其中S.F 。
为货载的未包括亏舱的积载因数, Cbs C bs 为货载的亏舱率,S.F 为货载的包括了亏舱的积载因数。
其次,设可以装丙货和丁货各为 F丙( t )和Pf ( t ),则可列以下两式进行计算: G C Pp P 乙第5题,解:首先,设经压载后,未经自由液面修正的船舶初稳性高度为 修正的船舶初稳性高度为 GM 1,则有:GM 1 KM KG 0, KG 。
豆KM 值可有船舶排水量从船舶的静水力参数表中查得。
由此可计算出 GM 1。
其次,计算压载后船舶未经自由液面修正的初稳性高度:GM GM 2 GM f第6题,解:(1) 少量载荷变动对船舶初稳性的影响计算。
首先,从船舶资料中可以查得 No2, No3压载水舱舱容中心距基线的高度,分别为:Z 2,Z 3,打满压载水时,可以打入压载水的重量分别为:P 2( t )和P 3( t ),则根据计算公式,可以计算出压载后船舶的初稳性为GM 1 :(R *( KG Z ) GM 1 GMI 0I ,其中 GM 0.49(m ), KG 08.26(m )R(2) 设由二层舱往底舱移动 R (t )货物,也可达到该 GM 1,则:GM GM 1 GMR 7GM,其中 Z=5.91m联列上述两式,可求出 R 值。
1、铁路运输:优点---不大受天气影响,中长途货运费用较低,运输能力较大, 运输计划性强,网络覆盖面较大;缺点---不灵活,不机动,运输时间较长 适 合大城市短程客运 公路运输:优点----可实现门对门运输,灵活机动,集散速度快 缺点---较铁 路运输和水运的运输能力低且成本相对较高,不适宜长途运输 适合城市内部 的配送 水路运输:优点----货运量大,运价低 缺点----受航道等条件的限制,使用范 围窄 ,速度慢,运输时间不易保证,航班少,可获得性差 适合大宗、笨重货 物进行长途运输 航空运输:优点---速度快,货损少 缺点---运费高,运量受限制大 适合运送 少量、贵重、急需、鲜活的物品 管道运输:优点---运量大、运价低、可连续运输 缺点;可待推广运用中 适合 运送液态、气态物质 2、水运系统的组成
盗的可能性减少;全程运输由专业人员组织各个环节与各种运输工具之间衔接紧 凑、中转及时,使得货物的运达速度加快,有效的提高了运输质量,保证了货物 安全、迅速、准确、及时地抵达目的地。)3)降低运输成本,节约运杂费用(多 式联运经营人通过对运输路线的合理选择和运输方式的合理使用,可以降低全程 运输成本,提高利润。)4)实行单一费率(简化了制单和结算的手续,节约了货 方的人力、物力。)5)扩大运输经营人的业务范围,提高运输组织水平,实现合 理运输。(多式联运突破了各种运输方式自成体系、独立运输、经营范围和运输 规模的局限,其经营业务范围大大扩展;多式联运经营人对世界运输网、各类承 运人、代理人、相关行业和机构及有关业务有较深的了解和较为密切的联系,可 以选择最佳的运输路线,使用合理的运输方式,选择合适的承运人,实现最佳的 运输衔接与配合,实现合理运输。) 9、船舶种类 货船(杂货船、散货船、集装箱船、液货船、滚装船、载驳船、冷藏船) 客船 与客货船 驳船、其他船舶 10、水路运输现代化 A 船舶现代化 1)船舶大型化 船舶大型化受到限制的因素有: ①、船舶在港口时间的长短对规模经济的限制。②、货源是否充足,货主发货量 大小和发货时间间隔长短,将确定航线发船密度和集装箱船舶的载箱率的高低, 影响竞争能力和运费收入;③、港口堆场容量的大小以及内陆集装箱集疏运系统 能力的限制,将影响集装箱船舶在港的装卸停泊时间、增加停泊费用;④、运河 通航能力的限制,大型集装箱船舶不能通过运河,绕道而延长航行时间,增加航 行成本。 2)船舶专业化 由于地区间、国与国之间自然资源分布,经济发展程度与产业结构的不平衡,大 部分货物的流向是不平衡的,导致专用船有了存在与发展的物质基础。而科学技 术的进步促进了港口建设,装卸设施、船舶结构、货运设备等方面的发展,为船 舶专业化奠定了基础。 3)船舶高速化 高速船的代表有水翼船和气垫船。4)船舶自动化 GPS(全球卫星定位系统)、ARPA(自动雷达标绘仪)、ECDIS(电子海图显示与信息 系统)、INMARSAT(国际海事卫星组织)、VTS(船舶交通管理系统)、GMDSS(全球海 上遇险和安全系统)、CWBT(船舶维修与保养系统)、PMC(港口维修中心) 5)船舶绿色化 绿色船舶指对船舶所有废气、废液、废物的排放都要经过一定的装置和设备处理, 全面符合国际公约和国内法规的排放标准的船舶。它是一个整体概念,贯穿于新 船的设计与制造,营运船舶的航行、停泊和作业、旧船的改造和设备更新,甚至 于船舶退役时的报废和拆解的全过程,保证所有的设计、安装、试验和操作、人 员的管理和控制都不会造成对海洋、大气环境的污染。 B. 港口现代化
2.评估内容2.1杂货船积载2.2非标准货物积载与系固3.评估要素及标准3.1 杂货船配载(70分/120分钟)3.1.1 载货能力的核算(8分)核算船舶的载重能力(3分)(1)评估要素:①根据航线所经海区确定可使用的载重线;②计算航次净载重量并核算船舶的载重能力。
A.F = D-dmB.F = D-dm+s
C.F = D-dsD.F = D-ds+s
10.选港货物(Optional cargo)
11.变更卸货港的货物(Cargo changed destination)
二、货物标志 1、货物标志的定义 凡在货物表面、包装表面、专门的号牌或供贴用的标 签上,用颜料、烙印或其 他方法记载的任何有一定含 意的图形、 文字和数字统称为标志(Mark)。 2、货物标志的作用 便于识别和区分不同的货物; 说明装运作业要求,利于货物的装运、交接和保管; 启示工作人员正确操作。 海上货物运输合同通常规定,对因货主提供的货物 标志不清或不当而造成货物混票、造成货物错卸,则 由此造成的损失和产生的额外费用,承运人可免责。
国航 111
•式中:β ——亏舱率(%) •W——货物占用货舱的容积(m3 或 ft3) •V——货物的量尺体积(m3 或 ft3) 亏舱率的影响因素
•货物种类 •包装形式 •货舱部位 •装舱质量 •配积载水平 2 个积载因数之间的换算 SFˊ=SF/(1-β ) 四、重货和轻货 •重货(Weight Cargo,Heavy goods) •轻货(Measurement Cargo,Light goods) •在不同的业务部门确定重货、轻货的依据各有不同。 1、运费计算中 •SF < 1.1328 m3/t(40ft3/t)重货,运费按重量吨计算。 •SF > 1.1328 m3/t (40ft3/t) 轻货(轻泡货),运费按 体积吨计算。 •计费单位为“W/M”的货物,按货物的重量吨和体积 吨两者择大计算。 2、船舶积载中 SF′< ω 重货 满载不满舱 SF′> ω 轻货 满舱不满载 SF′= ω 普通货 满舱满载 船舶舱容系数 •ω = 船舶总容积/船舶净载重量 (m3/t 或 ft3/t) 3、集装箱装箱中 SF′< 箱容系数重货 SF′> 箱容系数轻货 集装箱箱容系数 •ω = 集装箱内容积/ 集装箱最大载货重量 (m3/t 或 ft3/t)
()参考答案:错5.船舶信息中的speed and consumption是指船舶营运的,___,与___。
()参考答案:错4.我国船舶大气污染排放控制区属于IMO划定的emission control area的范围之内。
()参考答案:错5.2019 年 1月 1日起,海船进入我国排放控制区,应使用硫含量不大于 0.5%m/m 的船用燃油。
第三章 保证船舶具有适度的稳性
必须有舱容曲线资料,每一货舱有一张曲线图, 下横坐标为货舱容积,上横坐标为容积中心距基 线高度,纵坐标为货堆表面距基线高。当所装货 物为均质货时,该中心等于货物的重心。
若舱内有多票货物,先求最下面两批货物的合体 积中心,再求取第二批货物的重心高度(体积中 心),依次类推可求得第三、四…批货物的重心, 最后求合重心。
通常忽略少量载荷变对横稳心距基线高度的影响, 即KM2-KM1=0,同时自由液面的影响也不变, 即δGMf =0。而: δKG= KG2-KG1=
1 KG1 Pi Z i Pi KG1 Z i ) ( KG1 (m) 1 Pi 1 Pi
用近似修正方法:将自由液面影响的结果看作是 提高了船舶的重心,使重量稳性力臂值KH增大, 从而使复原力臂值减小。 在公式GZ=KN-KH=KN-KG0·sinθ中,将KG0 进行修正成
δ GMf——自由液面对初稳性高度的修正值,
代入上面公式,能推出少量载荷变动后船舶初稳 性高度的近似计算公式:
注意:P值加装为正,卸载为负。上述公式的推出是基于 载荷改变后船舶横稳心M点位置假定不变为条件,当载荷 变量较大且载荷改变前后KM值变化较大时,该公式的使 用将会产生较大的误差,应当尽量避免。必须使用GM基 本计算公式或使用以下误差较小的公式:
上海海事⼤学《国际航运管理》期末试题(答案)《国际航运管理》期末试题(A卷答案)2009国航06级⼀、单项选择题(每题1分,共20分)1.航次租船由 A 负责船舶营运管理。
A.船东B.承租⼈C.⽆船承运⼈D.船务代理⼈2.载箱能⼒为10000的集装箱船的满载吃⽔⼤概在 D 左右。
A.12m B.13m C.14m D.15m3. A 具有纵向隔舱壁。
A.油轮 B.集装箱船 C.普通杂货船 D.散货船4.以下费⽤中,不属于固定费⽤的是 B 。
A.船员⼯资及附加费 B.船舶吨税 C.企业管理分摊费 D.船舶保险费5.对船东来说, A ,出租可以盈利。
A.> B.< C. = D.->固定成本6.船是指 B 。
A.冷藏船 B.液化⽯油⽓船 C.液化天然⽓船 D.液体化学品船7.当前,世界航运业应付供给过剩的⽅法有:闲置船舶、控制购船、 B 和拆除旧船。
A.加速航⾏ B.减速航⾏ C.加速折旧 D.减速折旧8.下列货物积载因素最⼤的是 C 。
A.圆钢B.⽔泥C.棉花D.⽟⽶9.载重量45000吨,吃⽔11.5m的散货船属于 B 散货船A. B. C. D.10.是 B 。
A.集装箱船B.散货船C.杂货船D.油船11表明,卸船费由 B 付。
A.船东B.承租⼈C.货运代理⼈D.⽆船承运⼈12.是指 C 。
A.定期租船合同 B.航次租船合同 C.包运租船合同 D.航次期租船合同13.舱容系数()是⽤以表⽰ B 的⽐值。
14.下列吨位⼤⼩相同的不同类的船舶,在港装卸效率最⾼的通常是 D 。
A.集装箱船B.散货船C.杂货船D.油船15.2008年集装箱吞吐量前三名的排名是 B 。
A.⾹港港、新加坡港、上海港 B.新加坡港、上海港、⾹港港C.上海港、⾹港港、新加坡港 D.新加坡港、⾹港港、上海港16.有以下四种运货情景,即:⾕物[1]和沙[2]两种货物在烟台/⼤连[3]和烟台/青岛[4]两条航线上运输。
1.1.5 船舶干舷与船舶载重线标志
1.1.5船舶干舷与船舶载重线标志☐船舶干舷与储备浮力的概念☐国际与国内航行各种货船载重线标志的组成及各载重线相对位置与间距☐区带、季节区域的概念与载重线海图☐我国沿海载重线海区的划分1.1.5.1船舶干舷与储备浮力的概念☐331.船舶的储备浮力是指( )。
☐A. 水密空间的大小☐B. 保留的排水体积☐C. 所保留的干舷高度值☐D. 设计水线以上船体水密空间所提供的浮力⏹<参考答案>:D1.1.5.1船舶干舷与储备浮力的概念☐332.船舶干舷越大,表示船舶的( )越大。
☐A. 纵强度☐B. 设计吃水☐C. 吃水差☐D. 储备浮力⏹<参考答案>:D1.1.5.1船舶干舷与储备浮力的概念☐333.根据经验,海船的储备浮力约为其满载排水量的( )。
☐A. 15%~20%☐B. 20%~30%☐C. 25%~40%☐D. 40%~60%⏹<参考答案>:C1.1.5.1船舶干舷与储备浮力的概念☐334.F表示干舷,d表示型吃水,D表示型深,则它们之间的近似表达式是( )。
☐A. D=F-d☐B. d=F-D☐C. F=d-D☐D. F=D-D⏹<参考答案>:D1.1.5.1船舶干舷与储备浮力的概念☐335.储备浮力的大小常以( )。
☐A. 满载排水量的百分数表示☐B. 空船排水量的百分数表示☐C. 空载排水量的百分数表示☐D. 排水体积的百分数表示⏹<参考答案>:A1.1.5.1船舶干舷与储备浮力的概念☐336.船舶干舷是根据( )勘定的。
☐A. 建造规范☐B. 稳性规范☐C. 载重线公约☐D. 抗沉性规范⏹<参考答案>:C1.1.5.1船舶干舷与储备浮力的概念☐337.船舶干舷可表示为F=D-d+δ,其中δ是指( )。
☐A. 船舶平板龙骨的厚度☐B. 船舶干舷甲板的厚度☐C. 船舶横梁的厚度☐D. 船舶吃水的修正量⏹<参考答案>:B1.1.5.1船舶干舷与储备浮力的概念☐338.设船舶设计满载吃水为dS ,实际吃水为d,型深为D,干舷甲板厚度为δ,则船舶夏季干舷高度F 为( )。
上海海事大学 国航 租船运输实务与法规 期末考试recap
GOOD DAY FROM X X CO. LTDFAX:86-21-5EMAIL: X@TO:MR.FENG SHAOHUI/OWRSOWRS=ownersMR.ZHANG LEI/CHTRSCHTRS=charterersRE:MV.CINZIA DAMATO/GLORYWEALTH--CLEAN RECAPMV=motor vessel 租家公司名由经纪人提供THANKS SUPPORT AND PLSD TO CLEAN FIX ASF WITH CP DATE 29TH OCT:PLSD=pleased ASF=as follow CP=charter party 1. SHIP(一般船舶描述在合同附加条款中,且由船东提供)M/V CINZIA D'AMATODESCRIPTION OF VESSEL=ALL DETAILS 'ABOUT'= (所有细节均为大概)FOR2. ACCT : GLORY WEALTH SHIPPING SERVICE LTDACCT=account3. DELY : DLOSP KAOHSIUNG. ATDNSHINCDELY=deliveryDLOSP=(on) dropping last outward sea pilot(最后出港海区的引水员下船) ATDNSHINC=at any time day or night, Sundays and holidays included4. LYCN : 20th-25th MARCH, 2007(ETA 21/MAR WP/IAGW)LYCN=laydays and cancelling dateETA=estimated time of arrivalWP=without prejudiceLAGW=if all going well5. ONE TCT VIA SPS SBS SAS AA AWIWL VIA INT INDONESIA WITH H'LESS AND LAWFUL CARGO INT COAL IN BULK TO CHINA,DUR ABT 20DAYS WOGTCT=time charter on trip basisSPS=safe portsSBS=safe berthsSAS=safe anchoragesAA=always afloatAWIWL=always within institute warranty limitsINT=intendedH’LESS=harmlessINT=intendedDUR=duringABT=aboutWOG=without guarantee6. REDEL : DLOSP 1 SP CHINA PICO ATDNSHINCREDEL=redeliveryDLOSP=(on) dropping last outward sea pilotSP=safe portPICO=port in charterer’s option(给了区域,租家选择)ATDNSHINC=at any time day or night, Sundays and holidays included7. HIRE : USD 38,000.00 PDPR DIOT1ST HIRE + THE VALUE OF B.O.D. TO BE PAID W/I 3 BANKING DAYS AFTER VSL'S DELY.PDPR=per day pro-rataDIOT=daily included overtimeBOD=bunker on deliveryW/I=withinDELY=delivery8. ILOHC : USD4,500 LSUMCAB/ENT/VIC/ETC : US1,250 PM PRILOHC=in lieu of hold cleaning(船东代替租家扫舱,租家给船东)LSUM=lump sum(一次性付完)[若清扫困难,可能船东会让租家自己扫舱]CAB=cable 通信费ENT=entertainment 娱乐费VIC=victualing 伙食费PM PR=per month pro-rata9. OWRS TO GIVE CHTRS DEL NOTICE UPON FIXING THEN DAY BY DAYCHTRS TO GIVE OWS REDELY NOTICE 15/10/7/5/3/2/1船东在交船时间确定后每天给租家通知租家在还船前15天/10天/7天/5天/3天/2天/1天给船东通知10. ON ARRIV AL AT FIRST LPORT, VSL TO BE PASSED BY INDEPENDENTSURVEYOR AND READY TO RECEIVE CHTRS INTENDED CGO. IF VSL FAILS TO PASS INSPECTION, VSL TO BE PUT OFF-HIRE UNTIL SHE PASS THE RE-INSPECTION AND ALL EXPENSES DIRECTLY RELATEDINCLUDING CLEANING TO BE FOR OWNERS' ACOUNT.LPORT= loading portCGO=cargo11. OWRS TO ALLOW CHTRS TO DISCH CGOS W/O PRSNTTION OF ORIGB(S)L BY PROVIDING WITH LOI IN ACCORDANCE WITH OWRS PNI CLUB FORM N WORDG BEFORE DISCHG.LOI TB SIGNED BY CHTRS ONLY.DISCH CGOS W/O PRSNTTION=discharge cargos without presentationLOI=letter of indemnityPNI=protection and indemnityN=andWORDG=wording 措辞TB=to be12.BUNKER: BOD ABT 950MT IFO / ABT 40/50MT MDOBOR ABT SAME AS BODBUNKER PRICE USD 330 FOR IFO,USD 600 FOR MDO BOD=bunker of deliveryBOR=bunker of redelivery13. ARBI + GA IN LONDON AND ENGLISH LAW TB APPLIEDARBI=arbitrationGA=general average 共同海损14. ALL NEGO N EVENTUAL FIXTURE TB KEPT P N C.NECO=negotiationEVENTUAL FIXTURE最后确认P N C=privately and confidential 保密15. TTL 5PCT COMMISSION INCLUDING 3.75 PCT ADDCOMM PLUS 1.25 PCTTO X XTTL=totalPCT=percentADDCOMM=address commission16. OTHERWISE AS PER OWRS' BTB C/P WITH LOGICAL AMENDMENTS ONLY.BTB=back to backC/P=charter partyENDBEST REGARDSWILLIAMDIR:86 21 6MOB: 86 13X@。
上海海事大学船舶积载 第五章--船舶吃水差---国航班
A.船中 B.中前 C.中后 D.倾斜方向2、根据经验,万吨级货船在满载时适宜的吃水差为尾倾()m。
A.2.0~2.5 B.0.9~1.9 C.0.6~0.8 D.0.3~0.5根据经验,万吨轮适宜吃水差为:满载时 t=-0.3m~-0.5m半载时 t=-0.6m~-0.8m轻载时 t=-0.9m~-1.9m3、从最佳纵倾的角度确定吃水差,目的是使船舶的()。
A.所受阻力最小 B.装货量最大 C.燃油消耗率最小 D.吃水最合适4、某万吨货轮某航次轻载出港时吃水差t=-0.5m,则根据经验将会对船舶产生()影响。
A.航速减低 B.舵效变差 C.操纵性变差 D.A、B、C均有可能5、某万吨货船某航次满载出港时吃水差t=-2.3m,则根据经验将会对船舶产生()影响。
A.船首部底板易受波浪拍击 B.甲板上浪 C.操纵性变差 D.A和C均有可能6、某万吨货轮某航次半载出港时吃水差t=-0.7m,则根据经验将会对船舶产生()影响。
A.提高航速 B.提高船舶舵效 C.减少甲板上浪 D.A、B、C均有可能7、普通船舶首倾航行时,可能会产生下述()影响。
A.首部甲板易上浪,强度易受损 B.出现飞车现象C.船舶操纵困难,航速降低 D.A、B、C均有可能8、按我国定义,船舶吃水差是指船舶()。
A.首尾吃水之差 B.装货前后吃水差 C.满载与空载吃水之差 D.左右舷吃水之差9、船舶在空载航行时必须进行压载的原因是()。
A.稳性较差 B.受风面积大,影响航速 C.螺旋桨的推进效率低 D.A、B、C均是10、当泊位水深受限时,船舶出港时的吃水差应为()。
A.正值 B.负值 C.0 D.以上均可11、当船舶装载后其重心纵坐标与正浮时浮心纵坐标不同时,船舶将会()。
A.横倾 B.正浮 C.纵倾 D.任意倾斜12、船舶纵倾后()。
A.重心与浮心共垂线 B.漂心与重心共垂线C.重心不与正浮时漂心共垂线 D.重心不与浮心共垂线13、吃水差产生的原因是()。
内载荷重量;( 3) 某一货舱载重量超出作为吃水函数的最大载重量限额的危险工况多发生在船舶部分装载状态, 并且指定空舱的载重量超过对应吃水的装载量极限的情况更多, 主要原因是该装载状态船舶吃水较小, 并且指定空舱的承载能力较低。
所以船舶部分装载, 特别是多港口装卸货时, 非装货舱下双层底内的压载水应适当保留, 使载货的货舱保证足够的吃水;( 4) 在装载过程中, 若装货速度过快, 对应货舱下双层底内的压载水未及时排出, 很容易会出现该货舱超过对应吃水时的装载量的限制; 或若装货速度较慢, 各压载舱内的压载水排放量较大, 造成船舶吃水较小, 货舱的最大允许装货量装载量也较小, 容易出现货舱载货量超出限额的情况。
因此, 在做装卸货计划时, 考虑船舶各剖面剪力和弯矩的同时应兼顾各货舱的在不同吃水时装载量的限额, 充分考虑装卸货速度和压载水排放/注入的速度;( 5) 传统的校核局部强度方法是只考虑货舱的最大装货量限制, 而不考虑最小需要载货量的要求。
当船舶达到满载吃水或接近满载吃水时, 指定的重货舱一般不能空舱, 应达到其最小载货量的要求, 另外在卸货时, 一般不能开始阶段就将重货舱内的货物卸空;( 6) 隔舱装载高密度货物并接近满载时, 各舱装载量接近其最大允许值, 所以在充分注意平舱的同时, 应尽可能排尽压载水, 装货过程中, 严格控制各舱装货数量, 减小误差。
因为此时即使剩余很少量的压载水或出( 7) 对于货舱的载重量超出作为吃水函数的货舱最大载重量的工况可以通过调整压载水来增大危险货舱( 货舱段) 的吃水, 使货舱最大载重量限额增大, 从而达到满足货舱局部强度要求。
4 结束语以上阐明了IA CS UR S25 的实施对散货船局部强度控制的影响, 列举出忽视IA CS UR S25 的要求时一些容易出现的危险工况, 并分析了这些危险工况的特点、产生的主要原因; 提出了航运人员在散货船强度控制过程中应当注意的问题, 给出了应对常见问题的方案和建议。
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A.纵向强度 B.横向强度 C.局部强度 D.以上都是2、按照船舶所受外力分布的走向和船体结构变形的方向不同,将船舶强度分为()。
A.纵强度、横强度和局部强度 B.总强度、局部强度和扭转强度C.总强度、扭转强度和纵强度 D.横强度、扭转强度和纵强度3、按照船舶所受外力的分布和船体结构变形范围的不同,将船舶强度分为()。
A.纵强度和横强度 B.总强度和局部强度C.总强度和扭转强度 D.横强度和扭转强度4、杂货船营运中主要应考虑的船舶强度为()。
A.①③ B.①②③ C.①②③④ D.①②③④⑤5、船舶结构抵抗各种内力和外力作用的能力称为()。
A.浮性 B.稳性 C.船体强度 D.船舶抗沉性6、船舶装载轻货时,主要考虑船体的()。
A.横强度 B.纵强度 C.局部强度 D.扭转强度第二节、船舶总纵强度1、船舶纵向上所能承受的最大剪力称为()。
A.许用剪力 B.许用弯矩 C.最小剪力 D.最小弯矩2、船舶发生中拱变形时,船体受()弯矩作用,上甲板受(),船底受()。
A.负;压;拉 B.正;压;拉 C.负;拉;压 D.正;拉;压3、船舶发生中垂变形时,船体受()弯矩作用,上甲板受(),船底受()。
A.负;压;拉 B.正;压;拉 C.负;拉;压 D.正;拉;压4、船舶装载后呈中拱状态,若航行中波长近似等于船长,且()在船中时,会加大中拱弯矩。
A.波峰 B.波谷 C.波长的1/3处 D.波谷与波峰之间5、船舶装载后呈中拱状态,若航行中波长近似等于船长,且()在船中时,会减小中拱弯矩。
A.波峰 B.波谷 C.波长的1/3处 D.波谷与波峰之间6、船舶装载后呈中垂状态,若航行中波长近似等于船长,且()在船中时,会加大中垂弯矩。
A.波峰 B.波谷 C.波长的1/3处 D.波谷与波峰之间7、船舶装载后呈中垂状态,若航行中波长近似等于船长,且()在船中时,会减小中垂弯矩。
A .波峰B .波谷C .波长的1/3处D .波谷与波峰之间8、波浪是通过改变( )沿船长方向分布的分布从而影响船体纵向弯曲变形的。
:A .重力B .浮力C .阻力D .以上都对9、船舶资料中给出的船中剖面许用静水弯矩M S 是针对新船给出的,营运中的船舶可按每年扣除其腐蚀量的( )来重新计算船舶的许用弯矩值。
A .0.2%~0.3%B .0.4%~0.6%C .0.7%~0.8%D .0.9%~1.0%10、船舶投入营运后,其船中剖面许用静水弯矩MS 将( )。
A .逐渐减小B .逐渐增大C .保持不变D .不能确定11、船舶资料中给出的许用弯矩M S 是针对新船给出的,营运年限小于5年的船舶可按每年扣除甲板剖面模数腐蚀量的( )来重新计算船舶的许用弯矩值。
A .0.4% B .0.6% C .4% D .6%12、在强度曲线图上,若吃水d 的垂直线和i i x p 的交点恰好处于点划线上,说明船舶处于( )状态。
A .中垂状态B .中拱状态C .无拱垂变形D .无法确定13、港内船中弯矩许用值通常比海上弯矩许用值( )。
A .大B .相等C .小D .不确定14、船舶中拱的特征是( )。
A .船中部上拱,上甲板受压,船底受拉B .船中部上拱,上甲板受拉,船底受压C .船中部下垂,上甲板受压,船底受拉D .船中部下垂,上甲板受拉,船底受压15、船舶纵向上所能承受的最大弯矩称为( )。
A .许用剪力 B .许用弯矩 C .最小剪力 D .最小弯矩16、船舶各剖面许用弯矩( )较大。
A .中部B .船尾C .L bp /4D .船首17、船舶各剖面许用剪力( )较小。
A .船首B .船尾C .L bp /2D .A 和B18、对具体船舶,其船舶各剖面许用弯矩M S ( )。
A .为相同值B .不同值C .与货物沿船长的分布有关D .与浮力沿船长的分布有关19、船舶各剖面许用弯矩和许用剪力通常( )。
A .为相同值B .首尾较大而中部较小C .中部较大而首尾较小D .与重力沿船长的分布有关20、船舶各剖面许用弯矩和许用剪力通常分为( )。
A .在港状态和在航状态B .在港状态和锚泊状态C .锚泊状态和在航状态D .临界状态和实际状态21、船舶在港状态的许用弯矩和许用剪力通常( )其在航状态值。
A .小于B .等于C .大于D .以上均有可能22、利用船舶强度曲线图进行强度校核的条件是( )。
A .船长小于90m 或装载均匀B .船长小于90m 或装载不均匀C .船长等于或大于90m ,且装载均匀D .船长等于或大于90m ,且装载均匀或具有两道纵舱壁23、在船舶强度曲线图上,位于点划线与虚线之间的区域表示( )。
A .弯矩超出强度要求B .弯矩达到强度的极限值C .满足强度要求,弯矩处于允许范围D .满足强度要求,弯矩处于有利范围24、在强度曲线图上,若吃水d的垂直线和水平线的交点处于点划线的上方,说明船舶处于()。
A.中垂状态 B.中拱状态 C.无拱垂变形 D.无法确定25、船舶纵向强度是指船舶结构抵抗()。
A.船体沿船宽方向发生损坏及变形的能力B.各层甲板沿船长方向发生扭曲变形的能力C.船体沿船长方向产生剪切及弯曲变形的能力D.载荷和水压力作用保持不损坏和不发生很大变形的能力26、船舶资料中给出的M S是针对新船给出的,营运年限10年以上的船舶可按每年扣除其腐蚀量的()来重新计算船舶的许用弯矩值。
A.0.4% B.0.6% C.4% D.6%27、影响船舶浮力沿船长方向分布的因素是()。
A.上层建筑形状 B.船体形状 C.船体水线下体积的形状 D.船舶重力分布28、作用于船体上的外力主要包括()。
A.重力 B.浮力 C.惯性力 D.A和B29、船舶纵向变形的原因是船舶重力和浮力()。
A.大小不等 B.不作用于同一垂线上C.沿船长方向各区段内并不处处相等 D.船体结构尺寸不足30、由于船舶重力和浮力(),从而导致船舶纵向产生变形。
A.大小不等 B.不作用于同一垂线上 C.沿船长方向各区段内存在差值 D.船体结构尺寸不足31、由于船舶重力和浮力(),从而导致船舶纵向产生变形。
A.沿船长方向分布规律不一致 B.不作用于同一垂线上 C.大小不等 D.船体结构尺寸不足32、由于重力和浮力沿船长方向各区段内其大小不相等,由此导致船舶()变形。
A.横向 B.纵向 C.垂向 D.以上均可能33、引起船舶纵向变形的主要原因是()。
A.船体纵向构件的刚度不足 B.船体纵向构件的强度不足C.船舶所受重力和浮力不相等 D.船体沿长度方向每一段所受负荷不相等34、船首尾端处的总纵弯矩(),剪力()。
A.较小;较大 B.较大;较大 C.较小;较小 D.较大;较小35、重力与浮力之差在纵向上的分布曲线称为()。
A.重力曲线 B.载荷曲线 C.剪力曲线 D.弯矩曲线36、一般货船,其剪力的最大值通常位于()。
A.船中附近 B.距首尾L bp/2前后 C.距首尾L bp/4前后 D.距船中L bp/6前后37、一般货船,其弯矩的最大值通常位于()。
A.船中附近 B.距首尾L bp/2前后 C.距首尾L bp/4前后 D.距船中L bp/6前后38、船舶的总纵弯矩值沿船长方向的分布规律为()。
A.向首尾两端逐渐增加 B.向首尾两端逐渐减小C.向首尾两端保持不变 D.向首尾两端变化无规律39、当船舶首尾货舱装货数量过多而中部货舱()时就会出现严重的中拱现象。
A.空舱,船舶中部处于波峰之上 B.空舱,船舶中部处于波谷之上C.均衡装载,船舶中部处于波谷之上 D.均衡装载,船舶中部处于波峰之上40、在船舶弯矩曲线上,一般而言,弯矩最大点对应的剪力()。
A.较大 B.较小 C.等于零 D.不能确定41、根据经验,如果船舶满载时的中拱或中垂值为L bp/800≤δ<L bp/600,则()。
A.只能在好天气时开航 B.在任何天气情况下都可以开航C.在任何天气情况下都不可以开航 D.船舶处于正常中拱或中垂状态42、在强度曲线图上,若吃水d的垂直线和水平线的交点处于点划线的上方,说明船舶受()弯矩作用。
A.正 B.负 C.零 D.以上均可能43、在强度曲线图上,若吃水d的垂直线和水平线的交点处于点划线的下方,说明船舶受()弯矩作用。
A.正 B.负 C.零 D.以上均可能44、在强度曲线图上,若吃水d的垂直线和水平线的交点恰好处于点划线上,说明船舶受()弯矩作用。
A.正 B.负 C.零 D.以上均可能45、根据经验,船舶的极限拱垂值是()。
A.L bp/600 B.L bp/800 C.L bp/1000 D.L bp/120046、根据经验,船舶的危险拱垂值是()。
A.L bp/600 B.L bp/800 C.L bp/1000 D.L bp/120047、根据经验数值法,若船舶的拱垂值L bp/1200≤δ<L bp/800,则船舶的拱垂变形处于()。
A.正常范围 B.极限范围 C.危险范围 D.有利范围48、根据经验,如果船舶满载时的中拱或中垂值大于或等于L bp/600,则()。
A.不允许开航 B.只能在好天气时开航C.在任何天气情况下都可以开航 D.船舶处于极限中拱或中垂状态49、船舶强度曲线图的横坐标是()。
A.船舶的尾吃水 B.船舶的中部吃水 C.船舶的平均实际吃水 D.船舶的平均型吃水50、根据经验,如果船舶满载时的中拱或中垂值为L bp/1200≤δ<L bp/800,则()。
A.可以开航 B.只能在好天气时开航C.在任何天气情况下都不可以开航 D.船舶处于极限中拱或中垂状态51、根据经验,某轮船长150m,船舶满载时的中拱值δ=0.125m,则船舶()。
A.可以开航 B.船舶处于正常中拱或中垂状态C.只能在好天气时开航 D.A、B均对52、根据经验,如果船舶满载时的中拱或中垂值为δ<L bp/1200,则()。
A.只能在好天气时开航 B.在正常的天气情况下可以开航C.在任何天气情况下都不可以开航 D.船舶处于极限中拱或中垂状态53、根据经验数值法,若船舶的拱垂值小于L bp/1200,则船舶的拱垂变形处于()。
A.正常范围 B.极限范围 C.危险范围 D.有利范围54、根据经验数值法,若船舶的拱垂值等于L bp/1200,则船舶的拱垂变形处于()。
A.正常范围 B.极限范围 C.危险范围 D.有利范围55、在船舶弯矩曲线上,一般而言,除船舶首尾外,剪力为零的点对应的弯矩()。
A.大 B.小 C.等于零 D.不能确定56、根据经验,船舶的正常拱垂值是()。
A.L bp/600 B.L bp/800 C.L bp/1000 D.L bp/120057、船舶发生中拱变形时()。