InfinityQS Recognized on Food Logistics




分析检测冷冻饮品中菌落总数的不确定度评定冯晨韵,王雪吟,陈彩霞,袁维道*(海南省食品药品检验所海口分所,海南海口 570311)摘 要:目的:评估冷冻饮品中菌落总数检验结果的不确定度。

方法:依据《食品安全国家标准食品微生物学检验菌落总数测定》(GB 4789.2—2022)对冷冻饮品中菌落总数进行检验,构建数学模型,分析不确定度的来源,对其因素的影响进行评价。



关键词:菌落总数;不确定度;冷冻饮品Evaluation of Uncertainty of Aerobic Plate Count in FrozenDrinksFENG Chenyun, WANG Xueyin, CHEN Caixia, YUAN Weidao*(Hainan Provincial Institute for Food and Drug Control Haikou Branch, Haikou 570311, China) Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the uncertainty of aerobic plate count in frozen drinks. Method: The evaluation of the uncertainty of the measurement results of the aerobic plate count in frozen drinks was determined according to GB 4789.2—2022.The mathematical model was constructed to analyze the sources of uncertainty and evaluate the effects of its factors. Result: The expanded uncertainty of detection results of aerobic plate count in samples was U=6.66×10-2(k=2). Conclusion: The colony growth rate of the culture medium, the sample homogeneity and the repeatability test have the greatest influence on the uncertainty the aerobic plate count in frozen drinks. This evaluation model can provide a reference for uncertainty evaluation of aerobic plate count in the future laboratory determinations.Keywords: aerobic plate count; uncertainty evaluation; frozen drinks冷冻饮品作为夏季解暑神器深受广大群众的喜爱,由于其产品的特殊性,微生物污染的风险可能贯穿冷冻饮品生产到零售的全过程各环节。



高三英语询问科学研究单选题50题1. In the famous Millikan's oil - drop experiment, which of the following was the key variable that Millikan was trying to measure?A. The size of the oil dropsB. The charge on the oil dropsC. The speed of the oil dropsD. The mass of the oil drops答案:B。


本题主要考查对科学实验中变量概念的理解,同时也考查了词汇“variable( 变量)”“charge( 电荷)”等。


2. When Darwin proposed his theory of evolution, his initial hypothesis was based on his observations during his voyage. Which of the following was part of his original hypothesis?A. All species are created equalB. Species do not change over timeC. Species evolve through natural selectionD. All organisms have the same ancestors答案:C。





农业展望,2024,20(4):107-114.Agricultural Outlook潘雅翔,林莉(福建农业职业技术学院福建福州350007)摘要:作为即时零售履约的最后一环和即时经济发展的基础设施,即时配送扮演着至关重要的作用。

本研究基于物流服务质量评价的SERVQUAL 模型、LSQ 模型、卡诺(Kano )模型与统计分析等方法,结合《2022中国即时物流行业研究报告》的研究分析,以及GB/T 42500-2023《即时配送服务规范》国家标准为参照支撑,构建即时零售下即时配送服务水平评价指标体系,运用熵值法确定各指标权重,在IPA 模型分析框架下,运用SPSS 27.0软件测算出各指标的重要性及满意度均值与P-I 的均值差,结合即时物流配送服务题项因子均值IPA 分析图,提出物流企业应合理设置最迟送达时长,改进配送商品的工具和绿色环保货品包装设施,提升“配送的准时率”,解决配送商品包装不易拆卸的问题,即时物流配送平台也应加强对配送人员进行充分的岗前培训并优化完善消费者评价体系,提升全面服务水平,通过优化配送路径,高效精准配单以及合理设置并通过电话、短信等提醒,主动与消费者沟通等精准提升策略,更有效地提高配送服务质量,也为即时零售企业寻求更好的即时配送解决方案提供有益借鉴。

关键词:即时配送;消费者满意度;熵值法;IPA 分析法开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID):As the final link of instant retail fulfillment and the infrastructure for the development ofinstant economy,instant delivery plays a crucial role.Based on the evaluation model of logistics service quality,including SERVQUAL,LSQ,Kano model,and statistical analysis methods,combined with the research and analysis of the 2022China Instant Logistics Industry Research Report as well as the national standard GB/T 42500-2023Instant Delivery Service Specification ,this study constructed an evaluation index system for the service level of instant delivery under instant retail,using the entropy method to determine the weights of each index.Under the IPA model analysis framework,SPSS 27.0software was used to calculate the importance of each index,the mean difference of satisfaction degree,and P-I bined with the mean IPA analysis chart of factors in instant logistics delivery service,this study收稿日期:基金项目:联系方式:Instant Delivery Service Quality and Consumer Satisfaction—Based on the Entropy Method and IPA Analysis Method即时配送服务质量与消费者满意度研究———基于熵值法与IPA 分析法(Fujian Agricultural Vocational College,Fuzhou 350007,Fujian )Pan Yaxiang,Lin Li2024-01-04中共福建省委教育工委2022年度“我为建设新福建献良策”专题“低碳经济背景下的物流企业绿色低碳管理研究”(项目编号:JAT22145)潘雅翔,E-mail :****************。



食安管理2023年海南省网络外卖餐饮食品微生物污染状况分析冯晨韵,袁维道,王雪吟,陈彩霞,冯春艳*(海南省食品药品检验所海口分所,海南海口 570311)摘 要:目的:分析105批网络外卖餐饮食品微生物污染状况,为行政监管部门制定监管措施及相关标准制修订提供参考。

方法:通过网络外卖App平台随机采样,按照《食品安全国家标准食品微生物学检验菌落总数测定》(GB 4789.2—2022)要求开展微生物和中心温度检测,并对检测结果不合格率进行统计学分析。



关键词:网络外卖;微生物污染;菌落总数;不合格率Analysis of Microbial Contamination of Online Takeaway Catering Food in Hainan Province in 2023FENG Chenyun, YUAN Weidao, WANG Xueyin, CHEN Caixia, FENG Chunyan*(Hainan Provincial Institute for Food and Drug Control Haikou Branch, Haikou 570311, China) Abstract: Objective: To analyze the microbial contamination status of 105 batches of online takeaway catering food, and to provide reference for the administrative supervision department to formulate regulatory measures and revise relevant standards. Method: Microbial and core temperature were detected according to the requirements of GB 4789.2—2022 through random sampling on the online takeaway App platform, and the failure rate of the test results was statistically analyzed. Result: There was no significant difference in the failure rate of different species (χ2=2.624, p>0.05), the failure rate in different quarters (χ2=0.682, p>0.05), and the failure rate of different core temperatures (χ2=2.31, p>0.05), and there was a significant difference in the total number of colonies and the failure rate of other microbial indicators (χ2=48.451, p<0.01). Conclusion: This study preliminarily grasped the microbial contamination of online takeaway catering food in Hainan province, and provided an experimental basis for the regulatory authorities to strengthen supervision.Keywords: online takeaway foods; microbial contamination; aerobic plate count; the unqualified rate随着“互联网+”时代的到来,网络外卖由于其品种多样、价格实惠、方便快捷等特点深受大众欢迎。



食安管理食品安全抽检数据常见问题分析及对策庄振翼,段 科(青岛海润农大检测有限公司,山东青岛 266000)摘 要:食品安全关系到消费者的健康和生活质量,食品安全问题的频生对食品产业的可持续发展造成了严重影响。



关键词:食品安全;抽检数据;数据管理;数据质量;数据分析Analysis and Countermeasures of Common Problems in FoodSafety Sampling DataZHUANG Zhenyi, DUAN Ke(Qingdao HR-QAU Inspection Co., Ltd., Qingdao 266000, China)Abstract: Food safety is related to the health and quality of life of consumers, and the frequent occurrence of food safety issues has a serious impact on the sustainable development of the food industry. In this context, the effective management and utilization of food safety sampling data have become an important means to ensure food quality and maintain public health. This article analyzes the main problems in the management of food safety sampling data, including data incompleteness, inconsistency, data quality issues, and insufficient data processing and analysis capabilities. It proposes measures such as improving data collection and management systems, establishing unified data standards and platforms, improving data quality, and strengthening data processing and analysis capabilities, aiming to effectively improve the efficiency and accuracy of food safety sampling and provide more scientific and reasonable decision-making support for food safety supervision.Keywords: food safety; sampling data; data management; data quality; data analysis食品安全问题不仅关系到消费者的健康与生命安全,还直接影响食品产业的可持续发展。

FAMI—QS体系升级为中国饲料安全提供更多服务——专访FAMI—QSAsbl秘书长Didier Jans博士

FAMI—QS体系升级为中国饲料安全提供更多服务——专访FAMI—QSAsbl秘书长Didier Jans博士

法规 饲 料 添加剂 目录之 外 的 附 目录表 . 即特 种饲
料原 料 目录表 F MI O A — s根 据 欧盟法 规 的变化进 行 了体 系更 新 .对 一些 文 件进 行 了相 应修 改 . 把 特 种 饲 料 原 料 产 品 也 纳 入 到 其 质 量 控 制 的 范
F MIQS获得 国际认可 认证 国家不断增 加 A —
自 20 04年 F MIQ sl A — SA b 成立 以来 .A — F MI O S体 系得 到 了长 足 的发 展 。 由于欧 盟 在食 品 安
全 领 域 的全 球 领 导 地 位 , 北美 、 巴西 等 国家 和 地 区 的官 方 及 相关 协 会 已经 接 受 F MI Q A — S体 系 . 作 为 保 障 饲 料 添加 剂 和添 加 剂 预 混 合 饲料 产 品 质量 安全 的有 效工具 AMIQ F — S规范 是一 个质量 保证 体 系 . 并不 是一 个法 律 法规 F — s对饲 AMIO 料 添加 剂 的质 量控 制起 到 了很 好 的作 用 . 一个 是 对政 府 监 管方 面提 供辅 助 的有 效 工具 . 且 与政 并 府 监 管 相 结合 , 一 种 相 互 补充 、 互 协 作 的 关 是 相
F MIQS更加 注重 认证 前 的培 训 和认 证 后 A — 的监管 中国对 食 品安全 问题 越来 越 重视 . 料 就 是 饲 食 品的观 念 E益 深人 人 心 . 料 安全 越来 越 受 民 l 饲
众 关 注 ,饲 料 企业 的质量 安全 意识 也 日益 提 高 . 对 有 国际 领 先 地 位 的 F MI Q A — S体 系 也 兴 趣 盎 然 在 谈 到饲 料企 业 在 申请 F MI Q A — S认 证前 应 该做 哪些 准备 工作 , iir a s 士说 . 个 问题 Dde n 博 J 这 不 仅 在 中 国 .其 他 国家 的 饲 料从 业 者 也 同样 关 心 。他 们 已经 意识 到要 更 多 了解 F MI Q A — S的标 准 ,为 F MIQ A — S认 证做 准备 ,在 巴西 F MI O A —S A b 就 进行 了这方 面 的培训 . sl 特别 受 到 当地饲 料 从业 者 的欢 迎 ,因为有 太多 人 要听 这个 讲 座 . 巴 西 的 合 作 伙 伴 连 续 制 定 了 3 4个 会 议 议 程 ~ F MI q sl 计 划 与北 京 华思 联认 证 中心合 A — sA b 也 作在 中 国开展类 似 的培 训 F MIQ A — S通 过认 证 后 的 监 管工 作 使 获 证 企 业始 终 保持 符 合 F MIQ A — S体 系 的要 求 F MI A 一 0 S体系 认证 有 三个 关 键 环节 :一 是 饲料 原 料 的 控 制 ,饲 料 原 料 的 安 全检 查 要 得 到 保 障 :二 是 HA C C P过程 一定 要过关 . 整个 过程都 要进 行质量 方 面 的管 理 . 有 一 个 健 全 的 质量 体 系 : 是产 要 三 品 的分析 要 准 确 可靠 。对 于 已经 获 得 F MIO A —S 体 系 认 证 的 企业 . 证 有 效期 为三 年 . 认 获证 企 业 并 不 能一 劳永 逸 . 这三 年 中每 年进行 一 次 例行 在 的监 督 审核 .检 查企 业 是 否 持续 符 合 F MIQ A —s 体 系 的要 求 , 三年 以后还要 重新 进行认 证 。另外 . 如果 F MIQ A — s范 围有所 改变 .已通 过认 证 的企 业 也 要确 保按 照新 的 F MIQ A — s范 围内 的质 量管 理 要 求进 行操 作 . 核员 与获 证企 业要 时 刻保 持 审 密 切联 系 。如果 发生 事故 马 上采 取改 善措 施 . 以 保 证获 证 企业 始终 是 优质 的符 合 F MIQ A — S体 系 要 求 的优 秀企业 F MI QS 期 待 更 快 更 好 地 服 务 中 国 饲 料 A —

HPLC法测定面包中r 丙酸钙含量的不确定度评定

HPLC法测定面包中r 丙酸钙含量的不确定度评定

HPLC法测定面包中r 丙酸钙含量的不确定度评定董伟博;杨海军【期刊名称】《食品安全导刊》【年(卷),期】2018(000)013【总页数】4页(P50-53)【作者】董伟博;杨海军【作者单位】山东斯派克森检测技术服务有限公司;山东斯派克森检测技术服务有限公司【正文语种】中文测量不确定度是与测量结果相联系的参数,本文通过采用HPLC法测定了面包中丙酸钙的含量,并对其相对扩展不确定度进行了评定。






1 仪器、试剂、色谱分析条件1.1 仪器高效液相色谱仪,岛津LC-20AT,附紫外检测器和自动进样器;高速冷冻离心机,北京雷勃尔LR10-2.4A;超声波清洗器,昆山市超声仪器KQ-100;高速组织捣碎机,上海精科DS-1;pH计,上海仪电科学PHS-3C;电子天平,上海上天FA2004;溶剂过滤器及0.45μm微孔滤膜。

1.2 试剂分析纯磷酸(H3PO4)、分析纯磷酸氢二铵[(NH4)2HPO4]、实验室用超纯水、食品添加剂丙酸钙纯度标准物质(GBW(E)100078)。

1.3 色谱分析条件色谱柱:Agilent ZORBAX SB-Aq 4.6×250mm,5μm,P.N.880975-914;流动相:1.5g/L;磷酸氢二铵溶液,用1mol/L磷酸溶液调pH为3.0(使用时配制);经0.45μm微孔滤膜过滤;流速:1.0mL/min;柱温:25℃;进样量:10μL;紫外检测器波长:214nm。

2 样品处理与标准溶液曲线的绘制依据国家标准GB 5009.120-2016进行试验。



用数据说话:完美质量信息管理,助力食品安全发展作者:暂无来源:《食品安全导刊》 2015年第3期申海鹏本刊记者“传统纸笔记录,为信息化而信息化,质量预防无从下手!”“工作流程繁复,数据真实性难以保证,抽样随意,问题产品时遭投诉!”“原料上涨,产品同质化严重,价格战无底线,不得不压缩生产成本保证利润!”“食品安全标准提升,审核认证门槛增高,政府、市场、舆论压力不断增加!”“供应商水平参差不齐,供应链质量管理缺位,产品追溯困难!”……这些都是很多企业存在或将要遇到的问题。

对于食品企业而言,该如何解决如此众多的棘手问题?带着心中疑问,本刊记者走进了盈飞无限国际有限公司(InfinityQS International, Inc.),帮所有食品企业寻找问题的答案,为食品行业科学的质量管控提供更好地借鉴。





针对中国与西方国家食品企业质量管控差异这一问题,盈飞无限技术服务副总裁道格拉斯?费尔(Douglas Fair)认为,中西方食品企业最大的差异是对食品制造过程和产品品质安全关注度的不同。





食安管理新质生产力引领下高校后勤食品与安全管理创新研究任 斌(中国药科大学,江苏南京 211198)摘 要:在新质生产力的引领下,实现高校后勤深化内部改革和服务方式的改进是近期高校后勤食品与安全管理领域的奋斗目标。


关键词:高校后勤;食品安全;管理创新Research on Innovation of Logistics Food and Safety Management in Colleges and Universities Under the Guidance of New Quality Productive ForcesREN Bin(China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing 211198, China)Abstract: Under the guidance of new quality productive forces, it is the goal of the recent logistics food and safety management of colleges and universities to realize the deepening of internal reform and the improvement of service methods in the field of logistics food and safety management in colleges and universities. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to establish a logistics food and safety management system in colleges and universities, focus on the requirements of teachers and students in colleges and universities, and strengthen management, so as to realize the improvement of new quality productive forces of logistics food and safety management in colleges and universities.Keywords: university logistics; food safety; management innovation当前,高校食品安全是我国社会关注的重点之一。



The Contemporary Landscape of Food Safety: Challenges and Pathways Forward In an era where globalization and industrialization have transformed the food supply chain into a complex web of interactions,the issue of food safety has emerged as a paramount concern.The contemporary landscape of food safety is characterized by a dual narrative of remarkable advancements and persistent challenges.This essay delves into the current state of food safety,exploring the multifaceted challenges it faces,the impact of these challenges on public health and economies,and the innovative strategies required to navigate towards a safer food future.Multifaceted Challenges in Food SafetyThe current food safety scenario is grappling with a plethora of challenges that span from microbial contamination to chemical hazards.Microbial pathogens such as Salmonella, E.coli,and Listeria continue to pose significant risks,causing foodborne illnesses that affect millions of individuals annually.Moreover,the misuse of antibiotics in animal husbandry, leading to antibiotic-resistant bacteria,has further complicated the battle against microbial hazards.Chemical hazards present another significant concern,with issues ranging from pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables to heavy metals in seafood.Additionally,the modern food supply chain faces threats from food adulteration and fraud,impacting not just the safety but also the integrity of food products.Climate change also plays a critical role,influencing the prevalence and distribution of foodborne pathogens and pests,thereby adding another layer of complexity to food safety management.Impact on Public Health and EconomiesThe repercussions of these food safety challenges are profound,impacting both public health and global economies.Foodborne diseases not only cause considerable morbidity and mortality but also place a substantial burden on healthcare systems.Economically,outbreaks of foodborne illnesses can lead to devastating losses for food producers,supply chain disruptions,and diminished consumer trust,thereby affecting the overall economic stability of regions.Pathways Forward:Innovations and StrategiesAddressing the contemporary challenges of food safety necessitates a comprehensive and multifaceted approach,integrating technological innovations,regulatory reforms,and global cooperation.Technological Innovations:Advancements in food safety technologies,such as rapid detection methods for pathogens and contaminants,blockchain for traceability,and precision agriculture,are pivotal in enhancing food safety.Implementing these technologies can significantly reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses and improve the efficiency and transparency of the food supply chain.Regulatory Reforms:Strengthening food safety regulations and standards is crucial.This includes the development and enforcement of stringent safety standards,regular inspections, and monitoring systems.Furthermore,harmonizing food safety standards across borders can help manage the risks associated with the global food trade.Global Cooperation:Food safety is a global issue that requires coordinated international efforts.Strengthening global networks for food safety surveillance,sharing best practices, and collaborative research can enhance the collective ability to detect,respond to,and prevent food safety threats.ConclusionThe contemporary landscape of food safety presents a complex interplay of challenges that demand innovative solutions and concerted efforts from governments,industry,and communities.By embracing technological advancements,reinforcing regulatory frameworks, and fostering global cooperation,it is possible to navigate towards a future where safe and wholesome food is accessible to all.Addressing food safety is not just about preventing illnesses;it is fundamental to securing public health,ensuring economic stability,and achieving sustainable development goals.。



Modeling Detected Values
Non-detect values are removed from the data set Detected values are modeled with distributions Probability tree is used to decide which model provides
uncertainty • Food consumption and current practices to address
uncertainty • Conclusions
The imperfect knowledge concerning the present or future state of an organism, system, or (sub)population under consideration.
Summary statistics used to describe the chemical concentration in foods.
Sources of Uncertainty in Chemical Concentration Data
Sources of uncertainty:
Non-Detects in Chemical Concentration
Current practices for addressing the uncertainty from non-detects:
Substitution Method Modeling Detected Values
Example: Characterization of Summary Statistics with Multiple Distribution Models


FAMI-QS(Families and the Modern Internet: Quality, Safety and Opportunity in Balancing Digital and Real Life)是一个针对家庭数字生活质量 的国际标准认证体系。
它旨在为家庭提供一套全面、实用的指南,以确保家庭成员在数字世界中的安全 、健康和有意义的体验。
FAMI-QS是一个全面、实用的质量管理系统,旨在帮助企业提高产品质量和客户满 意度。
通过FAMI-QS的培训和实践,企业可以建立起一套高效的质量管理体系,确保产品 从研发到生产都符合客户要求和行业标准。
FAMI-QS强调全员参与和持续改进,鼓励企业不断优化流程、提高效率,以适应市 场变化和客户需求。
• 引言 • FAMI-QS简介 • FAMI-QS基础知识 • FAMI-QS实施步骤 • FAMI-QS案例分析 • 总结与展望
当前食品行业对质量安全的要求日益 严格,FAMI-QS作为欧洲食品行业的 质量安全标准,受到广泛认可和应用。
为了提高食品企业员工对FAMI-QS标 准的理解和应用能力,确保产品质量 安全,本次培训课件X应运而生。
确定FAMI-QS实施的具体目标,包括提高 产品质量、降低成本、优化生产流程等。
成立一个跨职能团队,包括生产、技术、 质量、采购等部门的人员,以确保FAMIQS实施过程中的协调与合作。



64食品与药品Food and Drug2021年第23卷第1期化妆品标签标识质量分析及监管建议王慧打田思雨打尹译打祝壮飞打李启艳2*(1.中国食品药品检定研究院,北京100050;2.山东省食品药品检验研究院,山东济南250101)摘要:目的分析国家化妆品监督抽检中标签标识的质量现状,并提出监管建议。

方法收集汇总2019年国家药 品监督管理局通告的不合格化妆品监督抽检信息,重点针对化妆品标签标识不合格情况进行统计分析。



关键词:化妆品;标签标识;监督抽检中图分类号:TQ658F203文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-979X(2021)01-0064-05DOI:10.3969/j.issn.l672-979X.2021.01.014Quality Analysis and Supervision Suggestions of Cosmetic LabelWANG Hui1,TIAN Si-yu1,YIN Yi1,ZHU Zhuang-fei1,LI Qi-yan2(1.National Institutes f or Food and Drug Control,Beijing100050,China;2.Shandong Institutes f or Food and DrugControl,Jinan250101,China)Abstract:Objective To analyze the quality status of the labels of cosmetics in the national supervision and sampling inspection,and put forward regulatory suggestions.Methods The supervision and sampling inspection informations of the unqualified cosmetics announced by National Medical Products Admimistration in2019were collected.The informations about unqualified cosmetic labels were focused on and statistically analyzed.Results The unqualified rate of cosmetic labels was high,accounting for50.7%of the total number,and the quality status was not optimistic. The principal questions include the detection of components not identified in the label/approval and the components not identified in the approval/label.Conclusion It is suggested that the relevant departments should strengthen supervision,increase the sampling inspection strength,implement the main responsibility of the production enterprises, and standardize the labeling of cosmetics.Key Words:cosmetic;label;supervision and sampling inspection收稿日期:2020-06-18作者简介:王慧,主任药师,研究方向:化妆品的监督抽检、质量安全過讯作者:李启艳,主任药师,研究方向:保健食品、化妆品的质量控制Tel:*************E-mail:*****************[7]陈亚楠,朱星昊,苗明三,等.中医药防治新型冠状病毒肺炎的用药情况分析[JJ.中国现代应用药学,2020,37(5):542-54&[8]王曦廷,刘祎,张澜,等.基于数据挖掘的牛建昭教授治疗围绝经期综合征用药情况研究[J].世界科学技术■中医药现代化, 2017,19(10):1680-1686.[9]王腾飞,赵琼,杨艳艳,等.从“五味合化”思想谈“辛甘化阳、酸甘化阴”[J].中医杂志,2013,54(⑼:1705-1707.[10]李步满,卢世秀.中医药治疗围绝经期综合征的思路与方法[J].西部中医药,2013,26(11):44-46.[11]王晓强,王晓雷,王惠芹,等.以中医“五神”学说结合情志理论探讨失眠证治[JJ.江苏中医药,2018,50(8):5-7.[12]吴梅艳,李平•六味地黄丸的药理作用及临床运用综述[几世界中西医结合杂志,2014,9(9):1023-1025.[13]吕冬梅,崔如意,周荣荣,等.基于中药整合药理学平台的生脉饮治疗心律失常的分子机制[J].药学学报,201&53(5):743-74&食品与药品Food and Drug2021年第23卷第1期65化妆品已成为日常消费品之一,消费比重越来越大,但化妆品的质量安全问题,如皮肤刺激、皮肤过敏等问题也时有报告。



Q & A Q=《美食》杂志 A= 方清Q:请简单介绍下ASC,以及目前在中国水产养殖业中的推广情况。

A:水产养殖管理委员会(The Aquaculture Stewardship Council,英文简写ASC),是一家独立的国际非盈利机构,运营并管理负责水产养殖领域的最科学严谨的国际认证及标识体系。



截至2018年5月全球有600多家水产养殖场获得认证,Q:ASC标准,对于养殖产业和消费者的意义是什么?A: ASC标准采用150多项评价指标推动水产养殖业的可持续发展,主要包括:● 保护周边的生态系统和生物多样性● 严格的控制抗生素使用● 减少农药和化学品的使用● 采取最恰当的措施,防止疾病和寄生虫在养殖鱼类与野生鱼类之间传播● 主动防止鱼类逃逸● 执行严格的资源使用和可持续饲料标准● 调整投喂饲料的方式,尽可能减少沉到水底的饲料● 保持水质● 养殖场精心选址,避开生态脆弱地区对于养殖场来说,持有ASC认证证书,不仅意味着企业须以行业最高标准运作,切实保护自然环境、生物多样性和水资源;同时,企业须为其员工提供良好的工作条件,包括按联合国国际劳工组织规定拟定的合同,并尊重养殖场所在的社区。





城|市|之|味80方清ASC中国区经理Q:对于目前日渐多元的生鲜配送渠道,您认为消费者应该如何挑选?A :生鲜配送渠道是一个比较大的话题,对水产行业而言,是个近期比较热点的老问题。



崔洁,林吉恒,孙瑛,等. MALDI-TOF MS 法快速鉴定散装即食食品中3种食源性致病菌[J]. 食品工业科技,2024,45(5):253−270. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023050046CUI Jie, LIN Jiheng, SUN Ying, et al. Rapid Identification of Three Foodborne Pathogens in Ready-to-Eat Bulk Foods by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2024, 45(5):253−270. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023050046· 分析检测 ·MALDI-TOF MS 法快速鉴定散装即食食品中3种食源性致病菌崔 洁,林吉恒,孙 瑛,严卓彦,夏瑛瑛,黄朱梁*(舟山市食品药品检验检测研究院,浙江舟山 316000)摘 要:本研究旨在利用基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱法(Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry ,MALDI-TOF MS )快速检测并鉴定散装即食食品中的沙门氏菌、金黄色葡萄球菌和蜡样芽孢杆菌3种食源性致病菌。

通过对点样方式、前处理方式、不同培养基及培养时间等各项实验条件的优化筛选确定最佳方法,并考察其检测限和稳定性,同时用所建立的方法与多重PCR 法、VITEK 2等生化鉴定法进行结果比对,比较三者鉴定结果的一致性,最后进行批量食品样本检测来探寻MALDI-TOF MS 鉴定法在散装即食食品中的适用性。



特别报道S cial超值不负美味,健康美好有为,IFF 致力于多元化食品体验在全球知名功能性食品配料公司IFF的展台上,偌大的“超值不负美味,健康美好有为”主题词格外引人注目,而含有IFF功能性配料的各式产品琳琅满目,让前来驻足的观众尽情享受美味愉悦的同时,也能深刻感受到IFF 在食品饮料前沿的风味创新,健康无负担的配料和益生菌产品,以及成本优化迭代等方面的创新能力。






IFF运用IFF PRODUCT DESIGN™平台开发了一系列花草植物、时令水果风味香精创新解决方案。



例如,在乳品中利用YO-MIX® Prime酸奶菌种的卓越后酸控制能力、能产低聚半乳糖(GOS)的NURICA®乳糖酶,并结合 GRINDSTED® 乳化稳定技术,RE-IMAGINE WELLNESS™ 与IFFFLAVORFIT® 甜味修饰技术,有效帮助低糖、低脂的健康乳品改善口感与风味。



1.英国:能辨认食品是否过期的职能塑料袋 [J],
2.过期报废的商品,其已抵扣的进项税是否应转出 [J], 权静;
3.英国发明智能型中央电力供暖系统 [J],
4.浅析“禁止重复授权”原则——如何判断是否构成“同样的发明创造” [J], 夏刊;张巍;鲍欣欣
5.英国大学生发明智能型食品标签可判断商品是否过期 [J], 崔洪







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InfinityQS Recognized on Food Logistics’ 2012 FL100InfinityQS International, Inc., the global authority on Manufacturing Intelligence and enterprise quality, today announced that it has been named to Food Logistics’ 2012 FL100. Food Logistics, the only publication dedicated exclusively to the food and beverage supply chain, this week announced the ninth annual FL100 list, which will appear in the November/December 2012 issue.Each year, the editors of Food Logistics recognize 100 software and technology providers that help food and beverage manufacturers, foodservice distributors, and grocery retailers attain their business goals. The FL100 is comprised of software providers as well as equipment and technology companies whose products and services play a significant role in food and beverage supply chains.“With the evolution of the food supply chain, software and technology providers are playing a more critical role in addressing needs such as end-to-end visibility and collaboration, traceability, regulatory compliance, risk management, sustainability, and cost containment,” notes Lara L. Sowinski, editor-in-chief of Food Lo gistics. “Technology is the competitive differentiator for companies in our industry who need to stay ahead of dynamic changes in the marketplace.”Michael A. Lyle, president and CEO, InfinityQS, said, “Food and beverage manufacturers are under an increased amount of pressure to meet traceability and compliance requirements, such as those set forth by the Food Safety and Modernization Act (FSMA). InfinityQS has taken extra strides in making sure our enterprise quality hub, ProFicient, provides food and beverage customers with the tools to maintain compliance –including the ability to produce necessary audits and prevent recalls by connecting quality information from disparate data sources.”ProFicient is a proven enterprise quality hub powered by a centralized SPC analysis engine. With flexible cloud-based or on-premise deployment options, ProFicient enables manufacturers to proactively monitor, analyze and report on Manufacturing Intelligence to improve quality, decrease costs and make more strategic business decisions.After receiving applications from end users and software and technology providers, the editorial staff reviewed over 165 submissions to compile this year’s list. Companies who earned a spot on the FL100 list arefeatured in the November/December 2012 issue of Food Logistics, as well as online at .The FL100 is not a ranking. The alphabetical list has been designed to help the readers of Food Logistics identify the leading software and technology providers in the food and beverage industry.About Food LogisticsFood Logistics is published by Cygnus Business Media, a leading diversified business-to-business media company. The publication serves the information needs of executives involved in various aspects of the food and beverage supply chain. Through our print and online products, we provide news, trends, and best practices that help more than 24,000 grocery and foodservice suppliers, distributors, and retailers make better business decisions. Visit us online at .About Cygnus Business MediaCygnus Business Media is an internationally recognizedbusiness-to-business media company. Our diverse portfolio serves 15 market categories with print and interactive products, and live events. Through our media, we reach more than 1.7 million print subscribers, nearly 1 million industry professionals via our Custom Marketing services, and we attract almost 2 million unique visitors to our Web sites each month.Combined with the thousands of business people attending our live events, Cygnus Business Media can provide comprehensive, integrated advertising and marketing programs. Cygnus can help you establish and enhance your brand, increase awareness, generate sales leads, and strengthen your customer relationships. For more information on how Cygnus Business Media can help you achieve your advertising and marketing objectives, please contact your Cygnus sales representative, or visit .About InfinityQS International, Inc.InfinityQS Internat ional, Inc.® is the global authority on Manufacturing Intelligence and enterprise quality. The company’s enterprise quality hub, ProFicient, delivers real-time visibility from the shop floor, across the enterprise and into the supply chain, allowing top manufacturers to take control of quality. Powered by a centralized statistical process control (SPC) engine, ProFicient software leverages Manufacturing Intelligence to help global manufacturers improve product quality, decrease costs, maintain compliance and make smarter,data-driven business decisions. Headquartered in Chantilly, Va., and founded in 1989, InfinityQS now serves more than 2,500 of the world’s top manufacturers with over 40,000 active licenses globally. For more information, visit .Source: Business Wire (English), 12/18/2012Item: bizwire.c45972790∙Detailed Record∙HTML Full TextTools∙Print∙E-mail∙Save∙Cite∙Export∙Permalink∙Share∙Listen∙Translate。
