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With the rapid development of china's economic and improvement of people's material living standards,ethics problem is getting attention.

Construction of Accountants ' professionalethics is an important part of economic management and accounting, it isfundamental to guarantee the quality of accounting information.

As importantparticipants in economic and accounting information provided by accountants,their level of professional ethics, not only affects the quality of theaccounting information, but also the implementation of China's financial lawsystem, economic order maintenance and the development of our economy,therefore, strengthen the construction of Accountants ' professional ethics, itis imperative to improve the quality of accounting information.

Based on theanalysis of false accounting information and accounting professional ethics inour country on the basis of the reasons for the decline, proposes to strengthenaccounting professional ethics construction, measures to improve the

quality ofaccounting informatio

Modern and contemporary literature is an important part of the development history of Chinese literature. What it pursues

is to express objective facts in real language. It is this

authenticity of modern and contemporary literature that makes it have an impact that can not be ignored on the structure of works in the whole literary circle.

Feminist translation theory, as a major school of

translation theory, pays attention to gender differences in translation and changes the traditional male dominated gender subject consciousness in literary translation. Feminist translation theory takes women as the metaphor of translation, advocates re examining social culture from a female perspective in translation, and pays attention to highlighting female subject identity and female consciousness in translation works.

Moreover, feminist translation theory also gives us a lot of enlightenment. For example, in the process of translation, we should grasp the real value of women, link the text with the corresponding social, historical and cultural and related texts, and pay attention to the internal relationship between the translator and the author, works and readers in literary translation, so as to make their works more image Accurate and vivid, more highly reflect its literary level and value.
