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4. With a lot of work _t_o__d_o_ (do) , I can’t go out.
5. With so many children _l_a_u_g_h_i_n_g__(laugh )and _ta__lk_in_g__ (talk), the room was lively.
4. We found him p__la_y_i_ng(play) on the sands when we passed by.
5. Have you heard this song _s_u__n_g__(ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้sing ) before?
6. She was surprised to find the house b_r_o_k_e_n( break ) into when she went back home.
1. We often hear him __t_e_ll_( tell ) stories. 2. I heard him _t_e_ll_in_g_(tell) a story when we
came in. 3. I saw him _le_a_v_e_( leave) the classroom this
2. With a lot of difficult problems _C__, the newlyelected president is having a hard time. A settled B settling C to settle D being settled
3. With his mother __C___him , he is getting on well with his work. A help B to help C helping D helped
4. With all the things his son needed ___C___ , the man rushed him to the school . A to buy B buying C bought D to be bought
5. With the bell _____B__ , all the students went into classroom. A ring B ringing C to ring D. rang
any problems. (help) 13. He found the boy __ly_i_n_g___ on the ground.(lie) 14. We found the rock _ta_k_e__n__ away. (take)
15. I caught him _p__ic_k_in__g__ flowers there. (pick)
7. They saw the tiger__d_is_a_p_p__e_a_r (disappear) in the woods.
8. Her parents left her _to__c_h_o_o_s_e_(choose) her own friends.
9. They made the enemy _g_i_v_e_u_p___(give up). 10.They always leave their childu_n_a_t_te_n_d__e_d(attend). 11.Did you leave the windows firmly f_a_s_te__n_e(dfasten)? 12. I will get my friends __to__h_e_l_p___ you if you have
6. The boy went out with his homework _u_n_f_in_i_s_h_e_d_(unfinish).
1. I couldn’t do my homework with all that noise _A_. A going on B goes on C went on D to go on
dictionary when I went into the classroom. 10. He found his hometown _c_h_a_n__g_e_d_ (change).
1. The mother went out , with the baby ___c_ry_i_n_g___( cry ).
1. I will not let my children _tr_e_a_t_e_d_(treat) in that way.
2. John was made _to__te__ll_____( tell ) everything.
3 . Have you ever heard him _te_l_l ( tell ) a lie?
2. With so many people c_o_m__m__u_n_ic_a_t(icnogmmunicate) in English ,English is becoming more and more important.
3. The murderer was brought in , with his hands __t_ie_d__ (tie) back.
4.Who would you like to have_t_o_g_o_(go) with you? 6.Who would you like to have _e_x_a_m_i_n_e_d(examine),
Jack or John? 7.He won’t have us __c_r_it_ic_i_z_in_g___( criticize ) him. 8. It’s a bad habit to leave the work u_n__d_o_n_e( do ). 9. Yesterday I caught him _t_a_k_in_g___ ( take ) my