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5) use raw material to represent the thing made of it (10) The family has been on the boards since the grandfather’s time. (the boards = the stage) (11) She was dressed in silk and satins. (silk and satins = dresses made of silk and satins) 6) use the thing worn to represent the wearer e.g. (12) The playground roared like a rodeo … old boots, ragged stockings , torn trousers and skirts, went skating and skidding around. (old boots, ragged stockings, torn trousers and skirts = children dressed in such apparel)
3. Hyperbole
It is the deliberate use of overstatement or exaggeration for emphasis. Formation of hyperbole : 3.1 using comparative and superlative forms: (1) From his mouth flowed speech sweeter than honey. (2) She is the most beautiful girl in the world. 3.2 using words of extremist meanings: (3) Belinda smiled, and all the world was gay. (4)…her beauty made the whole world dim.
2. Synecdoche(提喻) Synecdoche, which is the most fundamental rhetorical means of metonymy, means giving the part for the whole or vice versa, using a kind of thing to represent another big kind or vice versa, and using raw material to represent the thing made of it. 1) use the part to represent the whole, e.g. (1) Many hands make light work. (hands = people)
(2) The hall applauded. (The audience in the hall applauded.) 2) use a clear sign of an object to represent the object itself e.g. (3) Those big noses, blue eyes, and yellow hair taught them English. (Those who have big noses, blue eyes and yellow hair taught them English.) (4) Gray hair should be respected. (The old /aged should be respected.)
(8) She’s never read any Lu Xun. (She’s never read any book written by Lu Xun.) 5) use an organ to represent its function, e.g. (9) He writes a good hand. (His handwriting is good.) (10) Her heart ruled her head. (Her emotion ruled her reason.) 6) use the name of a location to represent the government, business or industrial enterprises e.g.
(11) Downing Street (the British government or cabinet) (12) the White House (the President or Executive branch of the U. S. government) (13) Wall Street (U. S. financial circles) (14) Hollywood (American film-making industry)
Features of metonymy: (1) The two things involved are not of the same type; (2) The two things involved cannot be separated with each other in their relations; and (3) The name of one thing is used to refer to the other thing. from 《英语修辞格详论》,李鑫华著, 上海外语教育出版社2003年出版
Session 6 Figures of Speech (II) 1. Metonymy(转喻,借代) Metonymy is such a figure as consists in the use of the name of one thing for the name of another. The name mentioned may be an attribute of the thing meant or be closely associated with it --- the mention of one thing suggests the other. 1) use a container to represent the thing contained (1) The kettle is boiling. (The water in the kettle is boiling.)
从上述第二种情况看, Zeugma与Syllepsis相似。
a. one verb + two or more objects b. prep. + two or more objects c. two subjects + one verb d. one adjective + two or more nouns e.g. It is much better to have a patched jacket than to have a (patched) character. (穿打补丁的衣服比品质上打补丁好。) Syllepsis的表现形式也是如此。
3) use tools to represent actions or agents, e.g.
(5) The pen is mightier than the sword. (Those who use the pen have more influence than those who use the sword.) (6) He is good at painting fur and feather. (He is good at painting beasts and birds.) 4) use the names of writers to represent writings e.g. (7) I like to read Shakespeare. (I like to read the works by Shakespeare.)
(2)Twenty years later when he came back to his home town, he saw many new faces. (faces = people) (3) Give us this day our daily bread. (bread = food) 2) use the whole to represent the part, e.g. (4) The score is 2 to 1 in favour of China. (China = the Chinese team) (5) The radio is out of order. (radio = the mechanism of the radio itself)
(2) Syllepsis(兼用法,一笔双叙) Syllepsis是在同一句子中使一个句子成分与其他 两个词或短语产生关联。这种关联通常分为两种情 况:一是在语法结构上有妥帖性与欠妥性之分,另 一是在语义上有字面意义和比喻意义之分。但现代 英语的Syllepsis以第二种情况多见。如: A landscape like this can stretch not only the eye but the soul. (像这样的景色不仅能够让人大开眼界 还可以使人灵魂舒展。) He picked up his hat and his courage. He caught a bus and a cold.
C.f. (1) Antonomasia(代换,换称) 可分为两种情形: 一是使用表示称号或职位的名 称替代某一专有名词,如: the Bard(古代吟游诗人) (for Shakespeare) the Pontiff (古罗马最高祭司团成员,主教)(for the Pope) 另一情形是使用专有名词表达与该名词相关联的 概念或特点,如: Solomon for a wise man Daniel for a wise and fair judge Judas for a traitor
(6) The car conked up. (car = the engine of the car)
3) use a kind of thing to represent another big kind (7) It is said that the cutthroat still rema来自百度文库ns at large. (cutthroat = killer) (8) Alas, that Spring should vanish with the Rose! (Rose = flowers in general) 4) use a kind of thing to represent another small kind, e.g. (9) What a despicable creature he is. (creature = person)
(3) Zeugma(轭式搭配法,轭式修饰法) Zeugma与Syllepsis相似,也是在同一句子中使一 个句子成分与其他两个词或短语产生关联,这种关 联通常也分为两种情况:一是语义上只适用于与其 中某一个词或短语的关联,一是虽然都适用,但语 义却不同,往往有字面意义和比喻意义之分,这与 Syllepsis相似。如: The sun shall not burn thee by day, nor the moon by night. 在语义上burn显然只能与sun搭配使用,而不能 与moon搭配在一起。