最新CCS智能船舶规范Rules for Intelligent Ships (2015)




中国船级社智能船舶规范2020中国船级社智能船舶规范20202020年3月1日生效北京目录第1章通则 (1)1.1一般要求 (1)1.2等效与免除 (1)1.3变更与修理 (2)1.4智能船舶附加标志 (2)1.5计算机系统 (3)1.6人员要求 (3)1.7网络安全要求 (3)1.8保安系统 (4)第2章智能航行 (6)2.1一般要求 (6)2.2智能航行功能标志 (6)2.3功能要求 (6)2.4设备配备及性能要求 (10)2.5检验与试验要求 (11)第3章智能船体 (14)3.1一般要求 (14)3.2智能船体功能标志 (14)3.3船体维护保养 (14)3.4船体监测及辅助决策 (18)第4章智能机舱 (22)4.1一般要求 (22)4.2智能机舱功能标志 (26)4.3图纸资料 (26)4.4系统要求 (27)4.5检验和试验 (30)第5章智能能效管理 (32)5.1一般要求 (32)5.2智能能效管理功能标志 (32)5.3图纸资料 (33)5.4船舶能效在线智能监控 (34)5.5航速优化 (36)5.6基于纵倾优化的最佳配载 (37)5.7检验 (38)第6章智能货物管理 (40)6.1一般要求 (40)6.2智能货物管理功能标志 (40)6.3参数监测 (40)6.4货物装/卸方案优化 (42)6.5辅助决策 (43)6.6自动装卸货 (44)6.7图纸资料 (45)6.8检验 (46)第7章智能集成平台 (47)7.1一般要求 (47)7.2智能集成平台功能标志 (47)7.3系统层次 (47)7.4系统要求 (48)7.5检验 (49)第8章远程控制船舶 (51)8.1一般要求 (51)8.2远程控制站 (51)8.3无线电通信与信号设备 (55)8.4R1功能标志的附加要求 (57)8.5R2功能标志的附加要求 (63)8.6检验与试验要求 (84)第9章自主操作船舶 (87)9.1一般要求 (87)9.2A1功能标志的附加要求 (87)9.3A2功能标志的附加要求 (91)9.4A3功能标志的附加要求 (92)9.5设备配备与性能要求 (93)9.6检验与试验要求 (93)第1章通则1.1一般要求1.1.1本规范适用于申请CCS智能船舶附加标志的船舶。



智能航运 Intelligent Shipping进入21世纪第二个十年,无人艇在全球范围内如火如荼地发展起来,各类产品开始广泛地应用在多个领域,从环境保护到安防巡逻,从海洋调查到军事应用,从应急救援到科技文旅,到处都可以看到无人艇的身影。








此后,英国船级社、日本船级社、美国船级社、挪威船级社、法国船级社等全球主要船级社陆续发布了智能船舶相关的规范或者指南,为各国智中国船级社 孙 武全球主要船级社智能船舶规范比较珠海云洲智能科技股份有限公司 潘 登珠海云洲智能科技股份有限公司 赵继成能船舶行业的规范化发展打下了基础,促进了行业的健康、有序发展。




其规范采用GBS 框架,按照目标、功能、要求的层次,基于模块化的思路进行编写,涵盖航行、轮机、船体、能效管理、货物管理、集成平台六大智能功能。



游艇规格标准ccs英文回答:When it comes to yacht specifications, the China Classification Society (CCS) has certain requirements that need to be met. CCS is a well-known classification society in China that sets standards for various types of vessels, including yachts.First and foremost, CCS requires that yachts adhere to certain safety standards. This includes having proper navigation and communication equipment, as well as fire protection and life-saving appliances. For example, a yacht must have a functioning GPS system, VHF radio, and fire extinguishers on board.In terms of design and construction, CCS has guidelines that need to be followed. Yachts must be built with materials that are suitable for marine environments and must have a strong and stable structure. The yacht's hull,deck, and superstructure must be designed to withstand the forces of nature, such as waves and wind. Additionally, the yacht's stability and buoyancy must be carefully calculated to ensure safe operation. For instance, the yacht's hull may be made of fiberglass or aluminum, which are commonly used materials in yacht construction.CCS also has requirements for the yacht's systems and equipment. This includes the electrical system, plumbing system, and propulsion system. Yachts must have reliable and efficient systems in place to ensure smooth operation. For example, the electrical system must be able to powerall the necessary equipment on board, such as lights, air conditioning, and navigation instruments. The propulsion system, whether it's a diesel engine or an electric motor, must be capable of providing sufficient power to move the yacht through the water.Furthermore, CCS requires that yachts meet certain environmental standards. Yachts must have proper waste management systems in place to prevent pollution of the marine environment. For example, yachts must have holdingtanks for sewage and gray water, and these tanks must be emptied at designated facilities on land. Additionally, yachts must comply with regulations regarding emissionsfrom their engines, to reduce air pollution.中文回答:游艇规格标准ccs要求游艇在各个方面都要符合一定的要求。






















遵循CCS标准的游艇制造商和船东可以获得CCS 认证,证明其产品符合国际标准,增强消费者的信心和认可度。



预示着未来船舶的发展方向,也关乎整个航运业的转型升级。 相比传统船舶,智能船舶不仅能够提升航行安
全、运载效力,而且在降低能效消耗方面更加具有优势。 然而,智能船舶这一运动模型不同于自动驾驶汽车,
其操作和控制具有巨大的惯性,气象情况和通航环境本身对船舶运动也会产生不确定的干扰。 基于智能船
https: / / www.zj.msa.gov.cn / zj / zwgk / gkml / xzqz / 201912 / t20191224_590231.html。
② 参见《 DNV 船级社证实:70 家客户、1 000 艘船舶受网络攻击影响》 ,载搜狐网 2023 年 1 月 18 日,http: / / news.sohu.com / a / 631634753_
统安装、智能航行测试后交付运营。② 为适应全球智能化的发展趋势,结合中国的海洋强国战略部署,国际
公约和 国 内 规 范 层 面 也 率 先 开 启 智 能 航 运 的 法 规 梳 理 和 规 则 运 用。 在 国 际 层 面, 国 际 海 事 组 织
(International Maritime Organization,简称 IMO) 海上安全委员会自 2017 年第 98 届会议将“ 自主无人船舶” 纳
⑤ 中国工业和信息化部印发的《 船舶总装建造智能化标准体系建设指南(2020 版) 》 提出,将在 2025 年建立较完善的船舶总装建造智能
⑥ 也有学者认为,智能运输船舶将沿着“ 需要少部分船员” 到“ 岸上远程操控” 再到“ 完全自动化驾驶” 的路径发展,逐步过渡到“ 完全无



CCS(China Classification Society,中国船级社)是中国最大


1. 船舶规范和设计标准:CCS制定了适用于各类船舶的设计、建造和维护标准,包括船体结构、设备安装、船载系统等方面。

2. 船舶安全规范:CCS制定了船舶安全管理体系、船舶货物

3. 船舶检验和认证标准:CCS负责对船舶进行检验和认证,

4. 船级规则和指南:CCS发布了一系列船级规则和指南,包

5. 系统认证服务:CCS提供了船舶管理体系认证、产品认证





智能航运Intelligent Shipping“智能船舶,标准先行”已成为业界共识,工业与信息化部于2019年发布了《智能船舶标准体系建设指南》(征求意见稿),指导智能船舶标准体系建设。




现阶段,国际在研或预备的智能船舶相关标准项目如表所示:现有国际智能船舶标准中除了《ISO 4891 智能航海日志》为针对系统及设备的专用标准,其它标准为基础通用标准,基础标准一般是指具有广泛指导意义的术语、定义、基本原则等标准;通用标准一般是指具有较大覆盖范围的共性标准,如通用安全、环保、通信、数据、接口等方面的标准。


基础通用标准相对于专用标准来说更加容易制订,也是智能船舶标准体系的重要组成部分,中国船级社 孙 旭智能船舶专用标准属性和驱动力探讨中国船检 CHINA SHIP SURVEY 2021.1562021.1 CHINA SHIP SURVEY 中国船检57为智能船舶的研制和专用标准的制订奠定了坚实的基础,但是业界往往更关注智能船舶系统及设备的专用标准,投入了更多的资源进行相关研究。





中国船检 CHINA SHIP SURVEY 2020.1152规范1.0》,对智能航行、智能船体、智能机舱、智能能效管理、智能货物管理和集成平台等功能要求进行了规定,并于2020年补充了远程控制船舶和自主操作船舶的相关规范内容。



早在2012年,由Fraunhofer CML公司、MARINTEK 公司、Chalmers 大学等8家研究机构共同合作,开始了“MUNIN”(图1)(Maritime Unmanned Navigation through Intelligence in Networks)项目,首次以无人散货轮船舶智能航行及其关键技术的发展为智能船舶在水上交通中的应用奠定了基础。



中国船级社早在2015年就发布了第一部完整的智能船舶规范《智能船舶船舶智能航行及关键技术最新发展中国船级社马吉林 谢 朔智能航运 Intelligent Shipping为对象开展大型船舶的智能航行研究,并首次提出了无人驾驶概念。





























中 国 船 级 社智 能 船 舶 规 范20152016年3月1日生效地址 Add: 北京市东直门南大街9号船检大厦CCS Mansion, 9 Dongzhimen Nan Da Jie电话 Tel: 0086-010-********传真 Fax: 0086-010-********邮码 Postcode: 100007电子邮箱: ccs@目录第1章通则 (1)1.1一般要求 (1)1.2新技术应用 (1)1.3变更与修理 (2)1.4智能船舶附加标志 (2)1.5计算机系统 (2)1.6人员要求 (3)第2章智能航行 (4)2.1一般要求 (4)2.2智能航行功能标志 (4)2.3送审图纸资料 (4)2.4航路设计和优化 (5)2.5自主航行 (6)2.6高级自主航行 (7)2.7检验和试验 (7)第3章智能船体 (8)3.1一般要求 (8)3.2智能船体功能标志 (8)3.3船体全生命周期管理 (8)3.4船体监测及辅助决策系统 (12)第4章智能机舱 (16)4.1一般要求 (16)4.2智能机舱功能标志 (17)4.3图纸资料 (18)4.4系统要求 (19)4.5检验和试验 (22)第5章智能能效管理 (24)5.1一般要求 (24)5.2船舶能效在线智能监控 (26)5.3航速优化 (28)5.4基于纵倾优化的最佳配载 (29)5.5检验和试验 (30)第6章智能货物管理 (32)6.1一般要求 (32)6.2智能货物管理功能标志 (32)6.3图纸资料 (32)6.4货物、货舱监测报警和辅助决策系统 (33)6.5货物保护系统的监测报警和辅助决策系统 (33)6.6货物配载系统 (34)6.7自动装卸货系统 (35)6.8检验 (35)第7章智能集成平台 (36)7.1一般要求 (36)7.2智能集成平台功能标志 (36)7.3系统层次 (36)7.4系统要求 (38)7.5检验 (38)附录1 常用的状态监测技术 (40)1.1振动监测技术 (40)1.2油液分析技术 (43)1.3噪声监测技术 (44)1.4热成像技术 (44)1.5电气信号分析技术 (45)第1章通则1.1 一般要求1.1.1 本规范适用于申请CCS智能船舶附加标志的船舶。





%As the concept and technology of intelligent ships are increasingly developing, the intelligent ship has become the global shipping trend. Combined with the CCS"Rules for Intelligent Ships"which has been released in March, 2016, this paper introduces the main function and technical requirement of the six functional modules of the intelligent ship, including intelligent navigation, intelligent hull, intelligent machinery, intelligent energy efficiency management, intelligent cargo management and intelligent integration platform. It also discusses the main function and realization difficulties of unmanned navigation, which can provide references for the relevant designers to design and manufacture intelligent ships according to"rulesfor intelligent ships".【期刊名称】《船舶》【年(卷),期】2016(027)005【总页数】6页(P82-87)【关键词】智能船舶技术;无人驾驶技术;智能船舶规范【作者】龚瑞良;吉雨冠【作者单位】常熟瑞特电气股份有限公司常熟215500;中国船舶及海洋工程设计研究院上海200011【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U6662016年3月1日,由中国船级社(CCS)编制的《智能船舶规范》已正式生效,这意味着智能船舶及无人驾驶时代的到来。

ccs 船舶综合安全评估应用指南

ccs 船舶综合安全评估应用指南

ccs 船舶综合安全评估应用指南下载温馨提示:该文档是我店铺精心编制而成,希望大家下载以后,能够帮助大家解决实际的问题。

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2.ASME 锅炉压力容器规范第Ⅸ卷新版焊接规范介绍(一)



竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除ccs船舶规范篇一:ccs船舶设计建造标准一览表中国船级社chinaclassiFicationsociety船舶设计建造标准一览表listofcurrentRules,Regulationsandconventionsapplica bletothevessel(s)designandconstruction篇二:ccs锚机规范第2章锚机装置2.1适用范围2.1.1本章适用于海船的电动、液压、蒸汽或外力驱动的锚机装置。
















考虑到未来船舶智能化的发展方向和发展趋势,为了引领行业发展,同时也为船舶航行更加安全,更加环保、更加经济和更加可靠,中国船级社基于近年来对计算机技术、通信导航技术、先进传感器技术、先进控制技术等国际智能船舶技术的发展研究成果,充分参考国内外有关智能船舶的应用经验和发展现状,编制了CCS《智能船舶规范》,并于2016 年3 月1 日正式生效。



当船舶的各项功能均符合CCS智能船舶规范要求时,可授予智能船舶附加标志:i-Ship (Nx, Hx, Mx, Ex, Cx, Ix)括号内的字母是智能船舶的功能标志,其与智能船舶功能模块的对应如下:N-- 智能航行功能标志;H-- 智能船体功能标志;M-- 智能机舱功能标志;E-- 智能能效管理功能标志;C--智能货物管理功能标志;I--智能集成平台功能标志;x--可选功能补充标志。

























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CHINA CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY RULES FOR INTELLIGENT SHIPS2015CHINA CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY RULES FOR INTELLIGENT SHIPS2015Effective from March 1 2016Add:CCS Mansion,9 Dongzhimen Nan Jie,Bejing 100007,ChinaTel: 0086-010-********Fax: 0086-010-********Postcode:100007Email:ccs@CONTENTSChapter 1General1.1General requirements1.2Application of new technology1.3Alterations and repairs1.4Class notation for intelligent ships1.5Computer systems1.6Personnel requirementsChapter 2Intelligent Navigation2.1General requirements2.2Functional notation for intelligent navigation2.3Plans and documents submitted for approval2.4Route design and optimization2.5Autonomous navigation2.6Advanced autonomous navigation2.7Survey and testChapter 3Intelligent Hull3.1General requirements3.2Functional notation for intelligent hull3.3Hull lifecycle management3.4Hull monitoring and assistant decision-making systemChapter 4Intelligent Machinery4.1General requirements4.2Functional notation for intelligent machinery4.3Plans and documents4.4System requirements4.5Survey and testChapter 5Intelligent Energy Efficiency Management5.1General requirements5.2Ship energy efficiency on-line intelligent monitoring5.3Speed optimization5.4Optimal stowage based on trim optimization5.5Survey and testChapter 6Intelligent Cargo Management6.1General requirements6.2Functional notation for intelligent cargo management6.3Plans and documents6.4Cargo and cargo hold monitoring alarm and assistant decision-making systems6.5Cargo protection system monitoring alarm and assistant decision-making systems 6.6Cargo stowage system6.7Automatic cargo loading and unloading system6.8SurveyChapter 7Intelligent Integration Platform7.1General requirement7.2Functional notation for intelligent integration platform7.3System layer7.4System requirements7.5SurveyAppendix 1Common Condition Monitoring Techniques1.1 Vibration monitoring techniques1.2Oil analysis technique1.3Noise monitoring techniques1.4 Thermography technique1.5Electrical signal analysis techniqueChapter 1General1.1General requirements1.1.1The Rules apply to ships for which CCS Intelligent Ship class notation is requested.1.1.2Intelligentization means applications specific to certain object which are integrated by means of modern communication and information technology, computer network technology and intelligent control technology. Such applications generally include, but not limited to, assessment, diagnosis, prediction and decision making. Intelligentization is generally characterized by:(1) Perception, i.e. the ability to perceive the outside world and obtain outside information;(2) Memory and thinking, i.e. the ability to store perceived outside information and knowledge arising from thinking, and at the same time analyze, calculate, compare, judge, associate and make decisions on information by making use of available knowledge;(3) Learning and self-adaptability, i.e. the ability to continuously learn and accumulate knowledge by interacting with the environment so as to be adaptable to environmental changes;(4) Behavioral decision making, i.e. the ability to respond to external stimulus, make decisions and convey relevant information.1.1.3Intelligent ships are those ships which automatically perceive and obtain information and data on ship itself, marine environment, logistics and port by making use of sensors, communication, the Internet of Things, the Internet and other technical means, and achieve intelligent operation in terms of ship navigation, management, maintenance and cargo transportation based on computer technology, automatic control technology and big data processing and analyzing technology, so that ships can become safer, more environmentally friendly, economical and reliable.1.1.4The functions of intelligent ships consist of intelligent navigation, intelligent hull, intelligent machinery, intelligent energy efficiency management, intelligent cargo management and intelligent integration platform.1.1.5Ships, for which an Intelligent Ship class notation is requested, are also to comply with the relevant requirements of CCS rules and those of the Administration of the flag State.1.2Application of new technology1.2.1The intelligent ship technology is developing continuously. Where the application of CCS rules hinders the application of new technologies, the design of system and equipment adopting the new technology may deviate from the requirements of CCS rules provided that such system and equipment can provide an equivalent level of safety to that required by CCS rules subject to risk assessment and test.1.2.2The risk assessment may be carried out in accordance with CCS Guidelines for Application of Formal Safety Assessment of Ships (2015) or a method given in relevant national or international standards.1.2.3The new technology may be approved by referring to the Guidelines for the Approval of Alternatives and Equivalents as provided for in Various IMO Instruments (MSC/Circ.1455).1.3Alterations and repairs1.3.1For a ship assigned Intelligent Ship class notation, which has undergone any alteration or repair of its equipment or system in association with intelligent ship functions, is to be subject to asurvey, as appropriate, for confirming compliance with the technical requirements for the existing notation.1.4Class notation for intelligent ships1.4.1 A ship, which has, upon its request, undergone plan approval and surveys by CCS and its compliance with the requirements of the Rules in terms of intelligent navigation, intelligent hull, intelligent machinery, intelligent energy efficiency management, intelligent cargo management and intelligent integration platform is confirmed, may be assigned the following Intelligent Ship class notation:i-Ship (Nx, Hx, Mx, Ex, Cx, Ix)where the letters in the parentheses stand for functional notations of intelligent ships, which may be assigned in accordance with the functions possessed by the ship. Functional notations can be added based on the development of technology.1.4.2Functional notations are defined as follows:N – functional notation for intelligent navigation, for which the requirements of Chapter 2 of the Rules are to be satisfied;H – functional notation for intelligent hull, for which the requirements of Chapter 3 of the Rules are to be satisfied;M – functional notation for intelligent machinery, for which the requirements of Chapter 4 of the Rules are to be satisfied;E – functional notation for intelligent energy efficiency management, for which the requirements of Chapter 5 of the Rules are to be satisfied;C – functional notation for intelligent cargo management, for which the requirements of Chapter 6 of the Rules are to be satisfied;I – functional notation for intelligent integration platform, for which the requirements of Chapter 7 of the Rules are to be satisfied;x – additional notation for optional function. One small letter stands for one additional notation for function and a functional notation may have multiple additional notations for function. Detailed requirements are given in Chapters 2 to assignment, maintenance, suspension, cancellation and reinstatement of Intelligent Ship class notation are to be in accordance with the requirements of Section 9, Chapter 2 of PART ONE of CCS Rules for Classification of Sea-Going Steel Ships.1.5Computer systems1.5.1Relevant hardware and software of intelligent systems covered by the Rules are to satisfy the relevant requirements of Section 6, Chapter 2, PART SEVEN of CCS Rules for Classification of Sea-Going Steel Ships and to be subject to plan approval and survey by CCS.1.5.2Software development is to satisfy the requirements of CCS Guidelines for Assessment of Security and Reliability of Marine Software (GD11-2015).1.5.3Risk assessment is to be carried out to the system. During system design and analysis, relevant failure conditions and system response to such failure conditions are to be determined. The interaction between faults is to be eliminated or restricted by means of design of software and hardware of relevant equipment while fault detection and tolerance are to be provided. In addition to the software testing within the normal range, the testing in abnormal range is also to be carriedout, in order to ensure correct response ability of equipment and software under abnormal input and condition.1.6Personnel requirements1.6.1The owner or ship management company is to develop corresponding management regulations, training plans and operational procedures for intelligent systems, in order to specify requirements such as responsibilities, qualifications and training of personnel operating and using intelligent systems.1.6.2Relevant personnel are to receive pre-post training, obtain qualification, and be familiar with the operation of intelligent system.Chapter 2Intelligent Navigation2.1General requirements2.1.1The requirements of this Chapter apply to ships for which the functional notation for intelligent navigation is requested.2.1.2Intelligent navigation makes use of computer technology and control technology to carry out analysis and processing of information that is perceived and obtained, as well as design and optimization of ship’s route and speed; if feasible, the ship can prevent collision automatically in open water, narrow channel and complex environmental condition and realize autonomous navigation.2.1.3The basic function of intelligent navigation is route design and optimization.2.1.4In addition to the basic function of 2.1.3, intelligent navigation may also have the following additional functions:(1) Autonomous navigation;(2) Advanced autonomous navigation.2.2Functional notation for intelligent navigation2.2.1Upon request, the following functional notation for intelligent navigation may be assigned subject to satisfactory plan approval and survey by CCS:Nxwhere: N – the ship with the basic function of intelligent navigation;x – notation for additional function, expressed by the following small letters:o – the ship with function of autonomous navigation;n – the ship with function of advanced autonomous navigation; in this case, the assignment of notation for additional function of autonomous navigation o is notnecessary.2.3Plans and documents submitted for approval2.3.1For route design and optimization, the following plans and documents are to be submitted to CCS:(1) System composition diagram;(2) Software functions of route design and optimization;(3) Mooring test and sea trial programme.2.3.2For autonomous navigation and advanced autonomous navigation, the following plans and documents are to be submitted to CCS:(1) Description on composition and function of shore-based supporting center, navigation system in severe weather, emergency handling, automatic collision prevention system and track monitoring system;(2) Risk analysis of autonomous navigation and advanced autonomous navigation, including failure mode and effect analysis of propulsion system, ship’s steering gear system, navigation system and auxiliary system;(3) Mooring test and sea trial programme.2.4Route design and optimization2.4.1For route design and optimization, the route and ship speed are designed and optimized to minimize the fuel consumption, which is continuously optimized throughout the navigation period, in accordance with the technical condition and performance of ship, specific navigation task, draft, cargo characteristics and sailing schedule and by taking into full consideration such factors as wind, wave, current and swell, provided that the safety of ship, personnel and cargo is guaranteed.2.4.2Route design and optimization generally consist of shipborne systems and shore-based supporting center.2.4.3Ship performance calculation model is to be available for route design and optimization. The following data (if available) is in general to be considered:(1) Ship general arrangement drawing;(2) Ship lines plan and midship section with bilge keel details;(3) Hydrostatic curves;(4) Main engine particulars and shaft generator details;(5) Main engine shop test results;(6) Model test or ship trial reports;(7) Typical past voyage reports showing ship speed, rate of revolution, power and fuel oil consumption (such data may be obtained from relevant systems of Chapter 5);(8) Ship’s performance of resistance against wind and wave.Where such data is unavailable, the model may be established by means of theoretical analysis and empirical curves. Improvement is made continuously by data obtained from real ship.2.4.4The short-term and long-term weather data is to be considered and updated for route design and optimization. The following data is to be obtained periodically:(1) Wind speed and direction;(2) Wave height and mean period;(3) Swell height, direction and mean period;(4) Current speed and direction;(5) Tropical cyclone (or typhoon): maximum wind speed, gust speed, radius etc.;(6) Extratropical cyclone: central pressure, moving path and speed, cold/warm front etc.;(7) Warning of strong cold high pressure (cold wave and gale);(8) Ice condition (where applicable).2.4.5The following optimized functions are in general to be available for route design and optimization:(1) Determined time of arrival;(2) Shortest navigation period;(3) Minimum fuel oil consumption;(4) Minimum total cost;(5) Highest wind and wave scale the ship withstands.2.4.6The ship is to be provided with:(1) Data communication equipment: communication connection is to be established to the shore base to facilitate exchange of information;(2) Electronic chart display and information system;(3) Electronic positioning equipment;(4) Anemorumbometer;(5) Gyro-compass;(6) Speed and distance measuring device.2.4.7Route design and optimization systems are to comply with the requirements for category I computer systems.2.5Autonomous navigation2.5.1The ship has the ability of autonomous navigation in open water.2.5.2The ship is provided with integrated navigation system1, as well as shore-based supporting center, navigation system in severe weather and emergency handling system etc.2.5.3The ship is provided with automatic collision prevention system in open water, which can realize automatic collision prevention in accordance with intended route and conduct autonomous navigation.2.5.4For ships applying for autonomous navigation, any foreseeable risk due to autonomous navigation in open water is to be considered and comprehensive risk assessment is to be carried out.2.5.5Autonomous navigation systems are to comply with the requirements for category III computer systems.2.6Advanced autonomous navigation2.6.1The ship is to have the ability of autonomous navigation.2.6.2The ship is provided with automatic collision prevention system for narrow channel and has the ability of realizing autonomous navigation in complex environmental conditions.2.6.3The ship can realize automatic approaching and leaving docks.2.6.4For ships applying for advanced autonomous navigation, any foreseeable risk due to autonomous navigation in open water and narrow channel and during the process of automatic approaching and leaving docks is to be considered and comprehensive risk assessment is to be carried out.2.6.5Advanced autonomous navigation systems are to comply with the requirements for category III computer systems.2.7Survey and test2.7.1Initial survey2.7.1.1Relevant plans have been examined. that the system is furnished with relevant certificate. the input, output and communication functions of intelligent navigation system. on different input conditions, route simulation as well as ship speed design and optimization are carried out, and software function is verified. that relevant charts have been updated as appropriate. the function of autonomous navigation and advanced autonomous navigation (where applicable) as well as the ability to handle severe weather and emergency at sea trial.2.7.2Survey after construction1The requirements of performance standards for Integrated Navigation Systems (INS) as amended by resolution MSC.252(83) are to be complied with. service condition of systems are reviewed at annual, intermediate and special surveys to confirm that they are in normal condition. Functions of the equipment and system are to be re-verified after their repair and renewal. Sea trial is to be carried out after repair or renewal of the automatic collision prevention system and autonomous navigation system.Chapter 3Intelligent Hull3.1General requirements3.1.1The requirements of this Chapter apply to ships for which the functional notation for intelligent hull is requested.3.1.2Intelligent hull provides assistant decision-making on safety and structural maintenance within the lifecycle of hull based on the establishment and maintenance of hull database; Meanwhile it provides assistant decision-making on ship manoeuvring by means of automatic acquisition and monitoring of data related to hull.3.1.3Hull lifecycle management includes the following functions:(1) Hull construction monitoring and management;(2) Thickness monitoring and strength assessment of hull structures;(3) Hull inspection and maintenance scheme;(4) Damage stability and residual strength assessment of structure.3.1.4Hull monitoring and assistant decision-making system includes the following functions:(1) Hull monitoring system;(2) Assistant decision-making system of navigation.3.1.5System software covered by this Chapter is to satisfy the requirements for category II computer software.3.2Functional notation for intelligent hull3.2.1Upon request, the following functional notation for intelligent hull may be assigned subject to satisfactory plan approval and survey by CCS:Hxwhere: H – the ship with the function of hull lifecycle management;x – notation for additional function, expressed by the following small letter:m – the ship with hull monitoring and assistant decision-making system.3.3Hull lifecycle management3.3.1General requirements3.3.1.1Hull database for the hull lifecycle management is to be established, where the data generated by various stages of hull design, construction and service is stored and transmitted in the form of standardized electronic data, and maintained and updated timely within the lifecycle of ship. Meanwhile digital transmission technology is used to integrate hull monitoring data with inspection and maintenance data of hull structures, providing technical safeguard for effective structural inspection, maintenance and repair. The condition of hull structures is known on real-time basis and the maintenance plan is developed in advance for the purpose of implementing lifecycle management of hull from construction to service, in order to achieve the objective of reducing maintenance cost of structures and prolonging service life of structures. database for the lifecycle management is to include geometric model of hull structures, structural strength analysis model and calculation model of hull performance. The requirements for structural strength analysis and hull performance models are as follows:(1) The structural strength analysis model is to comply with the requirements of relevant CCS rules/guidelines, including FE model of cargo tank and/or ship and calculation model of hullgirder longitudinal strength and local strength of structural members. The calculation and analysis related to yielding, buckling, fatigue strength, ultimate strength and residual strength are realized based on the applicable requirements of relevant CCS rules/guidelines.(2) The calculation model of hull performance is to comply with statutory requirements, realizing calculation and analysis of intact stability and damage stability. electronic files of ship construction management are established based on geometric model of hull structures at construction stage, including critical location/precision of structures and record of process of survey during construction. structural thickness measurement database is to be established based on geometric model of hull structures at in-service stage, in order to monitor change of thickness of hull structures, predict trend of corrosion and conduct assessment of hull structural strength. A periodical inspection and maintenance scheme specific to hull structures is to be developed, in order to provide guidance to crew on routine inspection and maintenance. and analysis of damage stability and residual strength are to be provided, in order to provide technical assessment for the ship in emergency.3.3.2Plans and documents3.3.2.1For the lifecycle management, the following information is to be submitted to CCS:(1) Instruction of design of hull database;(2) Hull construction monitoring plan;(3) Relevant information on computer systems of hull construction monitoring and management;(4) Relevant information on computer systems of hull inspection and maintenance scheme;(5) Relevant information on shore-based organization for calculation and analysis of damage stability and residual strength. following information is to be readily available on board the ship:(1) Hull thickness measurement report for the last 5 years;(2) Analysis report of hull thickness measurement data for the last 5 years;(3) Assessment report of longitudinal strength for the last 5 years (where applicable);(4) Assessment report of fatigue strength (where applicable);(5) Relevant information on hull inspection and maintenance scheme.3.3.3Hull construction monitoring and management3.3.3.1Hull construction monitoring and management carry out monitoring and management of hull construction process by using computer systems, maintain records and documents of surveys of newbuildings and form electronic files of hull construction and monitoring, in order to provide basis for routine maintenance and repair in shipyard of hull in service. The system is to satisfy the requirements of and hull survey items in the survey checklist jointly developed by the owner, shipyard and classification society are covered. Based on the geometric model of hull structures, the hull block, block assembly and survey history of compartments during construction process are recorded, and the comments, conclusions, photos and electronic files during survey process are recorded. accordance with CCS Guidelines for Construction Monitoring of Hull Structures, monitoring is carried out to alignment, fit-up, groove preparation and workmanship of the criticallocations of the relevant hull structures, to ensure that the critical locations are built to both an acceptable quality standard and approved construction procedures. Construction monitoring of hull structures is to satisfy the requirements of CCS Guidelines for Construction Monitoring of Hull Structures.3.3.4Thickness monitoring and strength assessment of hull structures3.3.4.1For thickness monitoring and strength assessment of hull structures, the database of structural thickness is established within the in-service period of ship from completion of construction to decommissioning by using computer systems and based on the geometric model of hull structures, for which the requirements of to are to be satisfied. thickness measurement data and renewal history of structural members are recorded. Statistical analysis is carried out to previous thickness measurement data. Corrosion condition of hull structures is shown intuitively and the trend of corrosion is predicted based on the change of thickness of structural members and the environment. thickness measurement data is analyzed and graded in accordance with the following requirements based on collected thickness measurement data:(1) The hull structure is divided into several compartments/spaces/areas, e.g. ballast tanks, cargo tanks (including void spaces, pump rooms etc.) and external structures (exposed strength deck and shell plating). For the thickness measurement data of each compartment/space/area, the statistical analysis method of 90% reliability (S-Curve method) is used for analysis.(2) For the boundary and structural members of each compartment/space/area, they are in general divided into several structural elements (including plates and attached stiffeners): deck structure, side structure, bottom structure, inner bottom structure, transverse bulkhead structure, longitudinal bulkhead structure and internal structure (hatch cover and coaming are also to be included where applicable). Each structural element is divided into grade 1 to 4 as follows:Grade1 2 3 4Diminution percentage,r≤33% 33%<r≤75% 75%<r≤100% r>100% r(3) The grading result of thickness measurement is determined based on the grading section where the intersection point of 90% horizontal line (e.g. the horizontal dotted line in the figure below) and thickness measurement curve is located (e.g. the thickness measurement of deck is assessed as grade 2 in the figure below).(4) For compartments/spaces with common boundaries, the thickness measurement data of the common boundary is to be included in the compartment/space on both sides respectively. strength assessment of hull structures may be carried out as necessary based on the hull database.3.3.5Hull inspection and maintenance scheme3.3.5.1For hull inspection and maintenance scheme, a periodical inspection and maintenance scheme of hull structures is developed based on the geometric model of hull structures, in connection with the characteristics of hull structures and survey records of newbuildings and in accordance with class/statutory survey requirements and the needs of ship companies during the service life by using computer systems, for the purpose of providing guidance to crew on routine inspection and maintenance. The system is to satisfy the requirements of to inspection items, critical area and typical defect diagram are to be developed in accordance with the characteristics of hull structures, ship design, construction, plan approval and calculation and guidelines for survey of ships in service as well as strength assessment during the service life. inspection results of coating and structure as well as structural defects in each structural area of ship compartments are to be recorded. The inspection results of coating and structure, structural corrosion condition, defects and repair history are to be shown intuitively, including the following:(1) Inspection standards and grading principle are to be established for “coating, average corrosion, pitting corrosion, grooving corrosion, deformation and crack”, generally consisting of GOOD, FAIR and POOR.(2) In accordance with the inspection results of each structural area of ship compartments, the condition of each structural area and the compartment as a whole is to be graded, generally consisting of GOOD, FAIR and POOR.(3) For structural areas graded as FAIR or POOR, the system is to provide necessary reminder and follow up. survey history of construction of hull structures, information on the size of structural members of hull structures, historical data of thickness measurement, defect and repair history are reviewed. coating area and the weight of structural members during ship repair are calculated. The repair work amount is assessed. addition to the periodical inspection and maintenance scheme, the hull monitoring system is integrated with the hull inspection and maintenance scheme by digital transmission technology. In connection with the thickness monitoring and strength assessment of hull structures, the practical condition and reliability of ship are analyzed comprehensively and an interim inspection and maintenance scheme of hull structures is developed.3.3.6Survey3.3.6.1Prior to completion of construction of ship, the initial survey is at least to include the following items:(1) The geometric model of hull structures, structural strength analysis model and calculation model of hull performance specified in the design instruction of hull database satisfy relevant requirements of this Chapter.(2) Examining the approval certificate of system software.(3) The hull construction monitoring plan is implemented satisfactorily.(4) The survey items in the computer system of hull construction monitoring and management are complete; system records are complete and consistent with practical conditions.(5) The computer system of hull inspection and maintenance scheme has been installed on board the ship and operates normally.(6) General inspection items, critical areas and inspection interval of hull inspection and maintenance scheme satisfy requirements.(7) Personnel carrying out hull inspection and maintenance on board the ship have been trained by CCS or an organization accepted by CCS. annual/intermediate/special survey is at least to include the following items:(1) The information specified by is to be readily available on board the ship.(2) The thickness data of structural members and renewal history recorded in the structural thickness database are consistent with practical conditions.(3) The analysis report of hull thickness measurement data satisfies the requirements of Personnel carrying out hull inspection and maintenance on board the ship have been trained by CCS or an organization accepted by CCS.(5) Witnessed by the surveyor, inspectors on board the ship randomly select at least two ballast tanks for internal inspection, correctly determine the coating and structural conditions of the structural area under inspection and correctly enter the identified problem and assessed grade into the computer system.(6) The records in the computer system of hull inspection and maintenance scheme are complete。
