Lecture 2 Deixis
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2.2 deictic usage: gestural vs. symbolic usage
Listen, I’m not disagreeing with you but with you, and not about this but about this. (you and this in the utterance are considered as examples of “gestural” usage as both of them not only pick out different referents on each separate occasion but can only be understood with the company of gesture or eye-contact of some kind.)
3)Oh, I did this and that! (this and that has a much general reference, In faБайду номын сангаасt, being present when the sentence is uttered does not help to identify a referent. It means “a lot”) (non-deictic usage) 4) In the University of Reading, you can see squirrels here and there. (the same as the above, you does not have a specific referent. here and there means “everywhere”) (non-deictic usage)
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1.1 Deixis
Deixis – indicating, pointing (Greek) Deictics Deictic words Deictic expressions Yehoshua Bar- Hillel 1954
Origin of the term:
Deixis is the first area of study in linguistic pragmatics that has caught the attention of scholars.
Deixis belongs within the domain of pragmatics, because it directly concerns the relationship between the structure of languages and the contexts in which they are used.
(deictics, indexicals, indexical expressions)
pronouns demonstratives some verbs of motion some adverbs of phrases of place and time discourse connectors all kinds of linguistic devices containing
You can never tell what sex they are nowadays. (everyone)
There we go. (idiomatic expression) I did this and that. (idiomatic expression)
Examples of deictic use
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bring also are components of place deixis
Equivalents of these words can be found in Chinese, that is:这儿, 那儿,这个,那个,左和右,来和去,带走和拿来。
• last指示的是上一章中讲述意识流的信息,或是传达该信 息的篇章部分 • I bet you haven’t heard this story… this指示接下来要叙述的故事,或是叙述故事的那个篇章部 分。
• Now I wonder through my garden indecisively, trying to hold on to the last days of late summer. • Now主要的是起到语篇的衔接作用 • Here we choose to • here 指示的是这部分要叙述的内容
地点指示语指话语涉及的地点或空间位置。 ①In English, location adverbs and demonstratives such as :here, there,this,that,left, right are typical place deixis.
②Besides, pairs of motion verbs such as come and go, take and
英语中的come和go可以表示言语时间参与者的 移动方向不同:
• He is coming. He is going.
(16)“The capture of this man was crucial to the rise of a free Iraq,”said Mr. Bush.” It marks the end of the road for him and for all who bullied and killed in his name.” “You will not have to fear the rule of Saddam Hussein ever again, ” he said. “All Iraqis who take the side of freedom have taken the winning side.” (“‘Dark and Painful Era’Over for Iraq , says Bush ”,VOA, 15 Dec.2003)
“我们”、“咱们”与“we”表示第 一人称复指关系,交际中存在三种用法: A.包括交际的双方或多方,对方可以 在场,也可以不在场或根本不存在 B.不包括交际的对方 C.仅指交际的对方或听话人一方,不 包括说话人一方
(22)主持人:你管片的居民都怕不怕你? 观众二:我没把自己当成一个警察就老去管 人家,愿意跟老百姓处在一块儿。 主持人:(对观众三)民警的工作很辛苦, 咱们实话实说,你有没有怕他们的时候?
(1)我一个小时后回来。 假设你在某教室看到这样一张没有落 款和时间的纸条,你会选择等待还是离开? 我们不能确定那个“我”究竟是谁,不知 道“一个小时后”是什么时候,因为“我” 和“一个小时后”都是指示语,要确定其 具体意义必须参照具体的语境 ——究竟是谁在什么时候留下了这张纸 条。当这些基本的语境信息缺失时,我们 无法断定这句话中指示语的意义。
DeixisFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaIn linguistics, deixis refers to the phenomenon wherein understanding the meaning of certain words and phrases in an utterance requires contextual information. Words are deictic if their semantic meaning is fixed but their denotational meaning varies depending on time and/or place. Words or phrases that require contextual information to convey any meaning - for example, English pronouns - are deictic. Deixis is closely related to both indexicality and anaphora, as will be further explained below. Although this article deals primarily with deixis in spoken language, the concepts can apply to written language, gestures, and communication media as well. And even though this article is primarily concerned with English, deixis is believed to be a feature (to some degree) of all natural languages.[1]The term’s origin is Ancient Greek: δεῖξις ""display, demonstration, or reference"", the meaning "point of reference" in contemporary linguistics having been taken over from Chrysippus.[2Types of deixis[edit]Traditional categoriesPossibly the most common categories of contextual information referred to by deixis are those of person, place, and time - what Fillmore calls the “major grammaticalized types” of deixis.[3] [edit]PersonPerson deixis concerns itself with the grammatical persons involved in an utterance, (1) those directly involved (e.g. the speaker, the addressee), (2) those not directly involved (e.g. overhearers—those who hear the utterance but who are not being directly addressed), and (3) those mentioned in the utterance.[4] In English, the distinctions are generally indicated by pronouns. The following examples show how. (The person deictic terms are in italics [a signaling notation that will continue through this article].)I am going to the movies.Would you like to have dinner?They tried to hurt me, but he came to the rescue.GenderIn many languages, that only have male and female, referring to gender neutral subjects has different aspects. Objects , or things have their own gender too between male or female. When referring to a genderless object, it is often referred to as a male, though the object is genderless. In the English language, when referring to any character that has no gender, a self-aware entity, it is referred to a male, or as a "He", such as an "it" is inappropriate when calling the sentient object a thing. In many languages, they would address to people as in male, such as a group mixed with men and women is referred to as a male, such as Ils in French. An example would be :A man is responsible for his own soulas opposed toEach person is responsible for his or her own soulcommon in many religious text referring to people of all genders using only the male gender. This can be understood in context, the male gender being used to signify male or female persons.PlacePlace deixis, also known as space deixis, concerns itself with the spatial locations relevant to an utterance. Similarly to person deixis, the locations may be either those of the speaker and addressee or those of persons or objects being referred to. The most salient English examples are the adverbs“here” and “there”and the demonstratives“this” and “that” - although those are far from being the only deictic words.[3]Some examples:I enjoy living in this city.Here is where we will place the statue.She was sitting over there.Unless otherwise specified, place deictic terms are generally understood to be relative to the location of the speaker, as inThe shop is across the street.where “across the street” is understood to mean “across the street from where I am right now.”[3] It is interesting to note that while “here” and “there” are often used to refer to locations near to and far from the speaker, respectively, “there” can also refer to the location of the addressee, if they are not in the same location as the speaker. So, whileHere is a good spot; it is too sunny over there.exemplifies the former usage,How is the weather there?is an example of the latter.[4]Languages usually show at least a two-way referential distinction in their deictic system: proximal, i.e. near or closer to the speaker, and distal, i.e. far from the speaker and/or closerto the addressee. English exemplifies this with such pairs as this and that, here and there, etc. In other languages, the distinction is three-way: proximal, i.e. near the speaker, medial, i.e. near the addressee, and distal, i.e. far from both. This is the case in a few Romance languages and in Korean, Japanese, Thai, Filipino and Turkish The archaic Englishforms yon and yonder (still preserved in some regional dialects) once represented a distal category which has now been subsumed by the formerly medial "there".[5]TimeTime, or temporal, deixis concerns itself with the various times involved in and referred to inan utterance. This includes time adverbs like "now", "then", "soon", and so forth, and also different tenses. A good example is the word tomorrow, which denotes the consecutive next day after every day. The "tomorrow" of a day last year was a different day than the "tomorrow" of a day next week. Time adverbs can be relative to the time when an utterance is made (what Fillmore calls the "encoding time", or ET) or when the utterance is heard (Fillmore’s "decoding time", or DT).[3] While these are frequently the same time, they can differ, as in the case of prerecorded broadcasts or correspondence. For example, if one were to writeIt is raining out now, but I hope when you read this it will be sunny.the ET and DT would be different, with the former deictic term concerning ET and the latterthe DT.Tenses are generally separated into absolute (deictic) and relative tenses. So, forexample, simple English past tense is absolute, such as inHe went.while the pluperfect is relative to some other deictically specified time, as inHe had gone.Other categoriesThough the traditional categories of deixis are perhaps the most obvious, there are other types of deixis that are similarly pervasive in language use. These categories of deixis were first discussed by Fillmore and Lyons.[4][edit]DiscourseDiscourse deixis, also referred to as text deixis, refers to the use of expressions within an utterance to refer to parts of the discourse that contains the utterance — including the utterance itself. For example, inThis is a great story.“this” refers to an upcoming portion of the discourse, and inThat was an amazing day.that” refers to a prior portion of the discourse.Distinction must be made between discourse deixis and anaphora, which is when an expression makes reference to the same referent as a prior term, as inMatthew is an incredible athlete; he came in first in the race.Lyons points out that it is possible for an expression to be both deictic and anaphoric at the same time. In his exampleI was born in London and I have lived here/there all my life.“here” or “there” function anaphorically in their refe rence to London, and deictically in that the choice between “here” or “there” indicates whether the speaker is or is not currently in London.[1]The rule of thumb to distinguish the two phenomenon is as follows: when an expression refers to another linguistic expression or a piece of discourse, it is discourse deictic. When that expression refers to the same item as a prior linguistic expression, it is anaphoric.[4]Switch reference is a type of discourse deixis, and a grammatical feature found in some languages, which indicates whether the argument of one clause is the same as the argument of the previous clause. In some languages, this is done through same subject markers and different subject markers. In the translated example "John punched Tom, and left-[samesubject marker]," it is John who left, and in "John punched Tom, and left-[different subject marker]," it is Tom who left.[citation needed][edit]SocialSocial deixis concerns the social information that is encoded within various expressions, such as relative social status and familiarity. Two major forms of it are the so-called T-V distinctions and honorifics.Usages of deixisIt is helpful to distinguish between two usages of deixis, gestural and symbolic, as well asnon-deictic usages of frequently deictic words. Gestural deixis refers, broadly, to deictic expressions whose understanding requires some sort of audio-visual information. A simple example is when an object is pointed at and referred to as “this” or “that”. However, the category can include other types of information than pointing, such as direction of gaze, tone of voice, and so on. Symbolic usage, by contrast, requires generally only basic spatio-temporal knowledge of the utterance.[4] So, for exampleI broke this finger.requires being able to see which finger is being held up, whereasI love this city.requires only knowledge of the current location. In a similar vein,I went to this city one time . . .is a non-deictic usage of "this", which does not reference anything specific.Rather, it is used as an indefinite article, much the way "a" could be used inits place.。
下、窃、愚等等。 直接抬高对方的称呼也很多: 您、您老、先生、阁下、师傅、老师、老 板、兄等等。 称自己的妻室为:老婆、贱内、内助; 称对方的妻室为:夫人、太太; 在社交场合以行政职务称呼对方:-科长、处长、-校长、-厅长、-经理、-总 等等。 说话人只有兼顾敬意与情感距离两方面因 素,才能进行成功的交际。 2013-12-13 17
二、指示信息 话语中的典型指示信息是一些指称信息,
包括时间、空间、移动等概念;也指话 语进程、会话双方相互识别及相互关系。 这些指示信息依靠一系列与语境有直接 联系的词语,通过它们的语法特征和意 义表达出来。 指示语具有能指的功能,指示信息具有 所指的作用。 指示信息缺失或不清楚会影响交际。
2013-12-13 19
例2:周总理重病期间,他在南开时的同学、身在 檀香山经营杂货店的黄春谷到北京旅游,写信问 候总理。当时总理已很少活动,这次出乎意料地 接见了他们夫妻俩。为什么破例呢?总理解释说: “本来没打算见黄出谷,看到他写给我的信,叫 我‘翔宇弟’,是老同学的口气,不落俗套,我 很欣赏,决定还是见见他。……如果他的信叫我 ‘总理’,写些恭维话,我就不见了。” 例3:《红高粱家族》中曾外祖母唠唠叨叨的话: “小祖宗哟,你不吃不喝,是成了仙还是化了佛, 你把娘难受死了。”
例15:宝宝别哭了,奶奶(我)给买糖去。 例16:人家(我)可不是开玩笑的。 例17:有的人又不高兴了。 (2)第三人称指示语泛指 例18:人言可畏。 例19:一个人活着就要有点志气!
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(2)你要记住,我们(=你)是学生,我们(= 你)的主要任务是学习。
(3)同志,咱们(=你们)这儿有海尔电 冰箱吗?
(4)咱们(=你,对小孩)别哭,妈妈给 你拿好吃的。
Q. 汉语中哪些情况下第二人称指示信 息可以用第一人称指示语来表达??
第二人称指示还可以泛指任何人,这时 用单数\复数代词表示?
Person deixis: me, you, etc.人称指示 patial/place deixis: here, there…地点指示
Temporal/time deixis: now, then…时间指示
Others termed discourse deixis (that, this) Social deixis (tu, vous) 篇章指示 社交指示
2. Pragmatic description
2.1 categories used to describe deixis
Person deixis: the role of participants
1st person: the speaker 2nd person: the hearer 3rd person: third party (neither
指 示 语
1. What is Deixis?
1) Knowledge is power. 2) I am the British Prime Minister. 3) The President met the British Prime
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指 示 语
1. What is Deixis?
1) Knowledge is power. 2) I am the British Prime Minister. 3) The President met the British Prime
1.2 Defining Deixis
A technical term from Greek, meaning “pointing” via language.
Any linguistic form used to accomplish this “pointing” is called a deictic expression, which is also called an indexical.
Place deixis: The encoding of temporal points or
spans relative to the location of the speaker Proximal: here Distal: there
Deictic expressions include definite noun phrases, personal pronouns, demonstratives, adverbs, tenses, etc.
centaurs, goblins, dragons, phoenix,…
pragmatic sense, we might think of reference as an act in which a speaker, or writer, uses linguistic forms to enable a listener or reader, to identify something. Those linguistic forms are referring expressions, which can be: Proper nouns: Shakespeare, Cathy Revuelto, Hawaii,…. Noun phrases: the author, the singer, the island, …or a man, a woman, a beautiful place,… Pronouns: he, it, her, them,…
horse is a four-legged solid-hoofed animal with flowing mane and tail, used from early times to carry loads, for riding, etc. My horse is white.
Referennse and reference
•Referential and attributive uses
•Names and referents
•The role of co-text •Anaphoric reference
sense is the "cognitive significance" or "mode of presentation" of the referent. The sense of a proper name is whatever meaning it has, when there is no object to be indicated. The reference is the object that the expression refers to. The reference (or referent) of a proper name is the object it means or indicates.
(28)《人妖生活不容易》 人妖在泰国虽然不能真正为主流社会所接受,但好在并
不遭受很大的歧视,学校里有人妖学生,商场里有人妖售 货员。据不完全统计,到20世纪90年代,泰国人妖的数量 已达2万多。
大多数人妖选择这条道路是为了挣钱,也有一些人则 是天生的性别错位,但走上这条路后,大多数人妖都发现, 她们不但要经历生理和心理的磨难,挣钱糊口也并非想象 中那样简单。泰国法律规定,人妖仍然是男性,不过人妖 在社会日常生活中定位为女性。人妖上公共卫生间会根据 自己当天的服饰选择,如果是女性装束,那么自然去女卫 生间。
“我们”、“咱们”与“we”表示第 一人称复指关系,交际中存在三种用法:
A.包括交际的双方或多方,对方可以 在场,也可以不在场或根本不存在
B.不包括交际的对方 C.仅指交际的对方或听话人一方,不 包括说话人一方
(22)主持人:你管片的居民都怕不怕你? 观众二:我没把自己当成一个警察就老去管
蒂芬妮歌舞团成立之初只有3名职业人妖演员。她们 出于自身爱好,模仿当时著名的百老汇歌舞演出。由于模 仿逼真而且专业素质高,她们一炮打响并迅速走红。如今, 蒂芬妮歌舞团已有100多名全泰国最美艳的专业人妖演员, 名气堪比法国红磨坊,演出场地也从最初简陋不堪的小舞 台该在奢华的仿古希腊式建筑大剧场内,观众座位达千席。
语用功能:批评、劝诫,移情,从学生角度出 发,提高该话语的可接受性与劝说力
• (5) Social deixis: honorifics敬语 (forms
to show respect such as Professor Li)
• Big Sale Tomorrow.
• Deixis belongs to pragmatic study
since it reveals a very close relationship between language and context.
• Exercise
• The notion of deixis
• Deictic usage VS non-deictic usage
• Different usages of deictic terms
• a. Flying planes can be dangerous.
• Flying planes can be planes that are flying.飞行 中的飞机是危险的。 • To fly the plane is a dangerous behavior.飞飞机 是一件危险的事。
• b. Shooting of hunters is cruel.
• Shooting animals is a cruel behavior. • Shooting hunters is a cruel behavior.
• c. It’s the taste.
• It’s the taste I like • It’s the taste I dislike.
• Deixis, derived from Greek, means “show”, “point” or “indicate” in English.
Characteristics in use
• The egocentricity of deixis Deictic expressions are anchored to specific points in the communicative event. the unmarked points, called the deictic center, are typically assumed to be as follows:
• Pre-emptive: adj. of / concerning doing sth./ acting in advance of others • Pre-emptiveness was firstly put forward by Levinson when he discussed Time Deixis. • In pragmatics, it refers to forestalling deixis in advance of non-deictic expressions in certain contexts.在具体的语境中指示词语先于
— non-anaphoric usage
Deictic Projection
• What is deictic projection?
When it is not a face-to-face conversation, when the speaker and the addressee are not in the same place at the time of speaking, thenthe egocentricity may be violated. It means that sometimes deictic expressions are used in ways that shift the deictic center to other participants in narratives. Lyons called this deictic projection. Fillmore called it shifts in point of view.
Betty didn’t want to go to school, so she called her teacher posing as her father. Betty: Little Betty is not feeling well today, she needs to ask leave for the day. Teacher: To whom am I speaking?
CT (coding time): the time of the “ communication act” 编码时间 RT (receiving time) 接受时间
I’m in Nanjing now.
(Here “now” can be the CT or RT)
4. Social deixis
Let us/ Let’s
Let us know the time of your arrival. (exclusive-of-addressee)
Let us try again. (inclusive/exclusive-of-addressee)
Let’s go to the cinema. (inclusive-of-addressee)
2. Place deixis
Place deixis concerns the encoding of spatial location relative to the location of the participants in the speech event. Open the window behind you, please!
1. Deixis指示语
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indefinite pronoun in informal situations My son is very naughty. Once you buy him any toy, he will always break it into little pieces before you know it.
(2) Listen, I'm not disagreeing with you but
with you, and not about this but about this.
(3) Meet me here a week from now with a
stick about this big.
(4) Arriving at 11:30am tomorrow.
John loves me. me: deictic expression the person who is uttering the sentence: deictic information
The meaning of deictic expressions cannot be captured by truth-conditional semantics, and their interpretation must depend on analysis of the context of utterance in which they occur.
‘We‟ means „I‟
6.4 Place deixis and time
In non-face-to-face communication, the egocentricity of time deixis may be violated. Specifically, deictic expressions of time may be used in such a way as to shift the deictic center from the first-person addresser to the addressee or a third person. This is called deictic projection (指称投射).
6.1 The encoding of context
All these understandings about context share one basic conception: It is something “external” in the sense that it is not an integral part of the language to be interpreted.
6.1 The encoding of context
However, such a conception is somewhat simplistic because language use is virtually inseparable from its context. e.g. This and this, are yours. That’s mine.
6.1 The encoding of context
(2) Find the second understanding about context in the textbook. e.g. Tang: Do you know Nanjing well? Wang: I have never been to Jiangsu.