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努力学习:work hard=toil and moil

改变:change=vary=wax and wane=fluctuate back and forth

土豪:a man with telephone-number-sized bank account

让某人回忆起某事:remind sb of sth=jog ones memory of/on

竭尽所能:try ones best=do ones level best=spare no effort to do=exert all ones strength to do=manage to do=endeavor to do=bend/lean/fall over backwards to do=work like a trojan


超出某人的…:beyond ones comprehension/imagination/scope/level

然而:however=by contrast=conversely=otherwise=nevertheless

不向某人屈服:bend ones knees to

受影响:be affected by=be influenced by=be susceptible to



因此:in consequence=therefore=consequensely=hense

导致:lead to=induce=result to=contribute to=entail sb doing=give rise to 顶级的:top-tier/class/rank

因为;since=in that=duo to

精神财富:spiritual treasure

世界著名的:internationally famous/prestigious

低估:underestimate=think poorly to

超出水平:beyond ones level


解决挑战:approach challenge

克服困难:overcome tribulation

大步前进:stride forward

相反地:contrarily=conversely=by contrast=on the contrary

内向性格:introverted personality

精神财富:spiritual wealth

巨星云集:a galaxy of famous actors

随心所欲:at ones will

享誉中外:national and international reputation 有启迪意义的:illuminating


不同的:distinct=striking different

满怀感恩:with great gratitude

创造未来:struggle to build a future

多元文化并存:the coexistence of muti-culture 长期:in the long run=in the long term

代代相传:pass down to

残疾的:handicapped=physical- challenged

天生。。。:was born+疾病

一次性的:one shot=disposable


关于:with respect to=with regard

to=regarding=concerning=considering=refer to=relate to

取得进步:make some headway in=get good progress in

思考:think=reflect on=ponder on=dwell on

尽管:despite=though=although=while=in spite of

带着…目的:with the intension of=on the purpose of

由…构成:be composed of=be comprised of=be constituted by

逆袭:from zero to hero=we are nobodys,want to be sbs

在…情况下:in conditions=under/in the circumstance=in the presence of 同时:at the same time=meanwhile=simultaneously

从即日起:now onwards=from now on

解释:interpret=account for=explain=shed light on


在接下来一年:in the next year=in the ensuing year

帮助某人:come to ones aid=do ones a favor
