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1)世界贸易组织由135个国家和关税区组 成,通过协商进行工作。
2)该组织反映了美国50多年创立一个开放 式、国际化并有章可依的贸易体制的领导作 用。
3)这个体制给美国工人、农场主、商人和 消费者带来实际意义。
Set up in 1995, the WTO moves well beyond its predecessor, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT). The WTO provides far greater benefits: opening trade in agriculture and services as well as in manufactured goods; establishing a more effective system for settling disputes among members; protecting intellectual property rights; keeping the trading system at the cutting edge of electronic commerce and other developments in high technology; and being a dynamic forum for liberalizing trade.
英语的动词和动词时态可能包含了汉 语中的两层语义。英语的名词及其单、 复数也可相当于汉语的两层语义。汉 译英中如能注意到这种对比关系有助 于简化译文。
贫富差距不断扩大。 The gap between the rich and the poor countries is widening.
In the absence of the settlement of a series of issues of principle, the business between the two parties can hardly be pushed forward.
用户在技术交流时,向贵方专家提出了许多 问题。
4)世界贸易组织成立于1995年,它远远 超过其前身关税和贸易总协定。
5)世界贸易组织提供更大的效益:在商业、 农业、服务业以及工业制造方面开拓了贸易;
6)在解决成员国分歧上建成了一个更加有 效的系统;对知识产权加以保护;
7)贸易体系利用电子商务和高科技其他方 面的发展;它也是贸易自由化生气勃勃的论 坛。
2002年,欧盟成为中国第三大外商投资 来源,投资总额达45亿美元,仅次于美 国和日本。
The EU ws third largest foreign investor in China in 2002, with investment totaling $4.5 billion, ranking behind the United States and Japan.
广大职工要转变就业观念。 Workers should change their ideas about employment.
翻译水平的高低,往往体现在词汇推 敲上。词汇意义往往体现在内涵外延、 褒贬意义、语体色彩等特点方面。
不解决一系列原则问题,双方贸易无法进一 步得到发展。
还在十年前,人们和乎不敢想象东亚 各经济体有一天也会像欧洲各国一样 联合起来。
Only 10 years ago, it was inconceivable that East Asian economies would one day try to integrate themselves as their Europen peers have done.
让我走过去。 Let me through.
让我把话讲完。Βιβλιοθήκη BaiduHear me through.
The World Trade Organization is composed of 135 countries and customs territories, who work by consensus; it reflects more than fifty years of U.S. leadership in creating an open international, rules-based trading system that yields real benefits for American workers, farmers, businesses, and consumers.
这件事情对我们的伙伴关系会带来负责影响。 It will have negative impact on our (relations of) partnership.
有时,汉语本向并没有语义上的 不必要重复,但在英语中可能找 到能包含两层意义的词汇。选用 这样的词汇可以使译文更为精练。
我们应该理性地对待两国间的经贸摩擦, 避免经贸摩擦发展、上升到政治摩擦。
We should ratonally tret the economic and trade frictions between us two countries so as to avoid developing such frictions into political ones.
It shall be strictly prohibited that more forests and pastures be turned into farmland.
汉语是动态的语言,句子中有大量的动词; 而英语是静态的语言,每句往往只有一个动 词,更多地使用抽象名词、介词等,以表达 动作的意味。因此,翻译中常要注意词类的 转换,最常见的转换是将汉语的动词转换为 英语的名词、介词、形容词、副词等;或将 英语的名词、介词、形容词、副词等转换成 汉语的动词。
事实已经并将继续证明中日经济合作是中 日两国国家利益的主要交汇点,是两国关 系长远、坚固、真实的基础。
Facts have proved and will continue to prove that Sino-Japanese economic cooperation is the major joining point of national interests of the two nations and the long-term, solid and realistic basis of bilateral ties.
在联合国应在战后伊拉克扮演的角色 问题上,伦敦和华盛顿出现了分歧。
Differences have emerged between London and Washington over what role the United Nations should play in postwar Iraq.
中国在同其他国家关系中一直强调各国一 律平等和尊重中小国家权利和意见的原则。
In China’s approach to relations with other countries, there has always been an emphasis on the principles of the equality of states and respect for the rights and views of small and middle powers.
各国应坚持走多边主义道路,发挥联 合国及其安理会在维护国际和平和安 全方面的重要作用。
The international community should reaffirm its commitment to multilateralism and give full play to the important role of the United Nations and its Security Council in maintaining world peace and security.
在过去的10年间,中加关系发展势 头良好,两国政治关系日益密切,双 边贸易额增长了了倍。
During the past 10 years, SinoCanadian relations have maintained a strong momentum. The bilateral political ties have increased and the volume of bilateral trade has tripled.
中国国家主席胡锦涛周五在澳大利来联邦 国会发表的演讲中希望各国实现持久和平 和共同繁荣。
Chinese President Hu Jintao espressed hope for lasting peace and common prosperity in the world in a speech to the Federal Parliament of Australia on Friday.
为了提高美国产品的国际竞争力,美 国政府采取放任美元贬值的政策,并 拿起迫使中国人民币升值的大棒。
To increase the competitive capability of US products in the international market, the American government adopted a laissez-faire policy of devaluing the US dollar and attempted to force China to appreciate the RMB.
Our end users ask your specialists a lot of questions at the technical seminar.
有些汉语词汇的褒贬意义没有明确标示出来, 须根据语言使用的社会背景与习惯来确定其 褒贬之义,并在译文中作出相应的处理。在 汉语中有时出于政治、社会或习惯上的原因, 对一些带有褒贬之义的词弃之不用,而改用 中性词语。英译时一般应把褒贬之义补译进 去,以求译文准确。
农村富余劳动力向非农产业和城镇转移,是 工业化和现代化的必然趋势。 Surplus rural labor moving to nonagricultural industries and to cities and towns is an inevitable trend in industrialization and modernization.
汉语中倾向于添加范畴词,如“现 象”、“水平”、“问题”、“状 态”、“情况”、“工作”等。这些 词有时本身没有实质意义,只是使汉 语读上去更地道,翻译时可以省去不 译。
科学家与环保人士担心全球变暖问题。 scientists and environmentalists are concerned about (the problem of) global warming.
我们要推动农产品生产、加工和销售的有机 结合。
We should integrate the production, processing and marketing of agricultural products.
建立一支高素质的专业化国家行政管理干部 队伍。
We shall build up a contingent of administrators who are highly competent and professionally specialized.