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With the progress of science and technology and the increase of people's living standard, people know about cars is no longer simple transport. In recent years powerful SUV more and more attention to. On suvs have thansfer car. Thansfer function is the output power distribution will transmission to each, and further increase torque drive axle. It is a gear transmission system, its input shaft directly or through universal transmission device and transmission of the second shaft, output shaft is associated with several by universal respectively, with each drive transmission device connected.

This design mainly demonstrates that the two shaft type thansfer, the design and calculating process, design part describes in detail the design process, choose thansfer structure scheme, main parameters and gear design, axle design. The computation part into center distance of transmission ratio, and gear axis calculation dynamicrigidity. According to the lion run cars, combined with the parameters of vehicles, combine car design, automobile theory, mechanical design and related knowledge, compute related thansfer parameters and demonstrates the rationality of the design. Eventually, using AutoCAD software thansfer 2d drawings and component drawing, and the assembly.

Key words:Sportage;Sub-actuator; Timeshare ; Gear; Design


摘要 (Ⅰ)

Abstract (Ⅱ)

第1章绪论 (1)

1.1分动器概述 (1)

1.2 课题研究的现状及意义 (2)

1.2.1 课题研究的现状 (2)

1.2.2 课题研究的意义 (3)

1.3 设计完成的主要内容 (3)

第2章分动器设计的总体方案 (4)

2.1 设计依据 (4)

2.2零部件结构方案分析 (5)

2.2.1 齿轮形式 (5)

2.2.2 传动机构形式 (5)

2.3分动器基本参数的确定 (5)

2.3.1 传动比的确定 (5)

2.3.2 分动器中心距的确定 (7)

2.4 本章小结 (8)

第3章分动器齿轮的设计 (9)

3.1 齿轮的参数 (9)

3.1.2模数m (9)

3.1.2压力角α及螺旋角β (9)

3.1.3尺宽b (9)

3.1.4各挡齿轮齿数的分配 (10)

3.2 齿轮强度计算 (12)

3.2.1 齿轮损坏的原因及形式 (12)

3.3分动器齿轮材料的选择 (14)

3.3.1齿轮材料的选择原则 (14)

3.3.2 齿轮材料的选择 (15)

3.4本章小结 (15)

第4章分动器轴及轴承的设计 (16)

4.1 轴的设计与校核 (16)

4.1.1 轴的损坏形式及设计准则 (16)

4.1.2 轴的结构设计 (16)

4.1.3 轴的校核 (17)

4.2 轴承的选用及校核 (22)

4.2.1分动器轴承型式的选择 (22)

4.2.2 轴承的校核 (22)

4.2.3轴承的润滑和密封 (24)

4.3本章小结 (24)

第5 章分动器其他零件及机构的设计 (25)

5.1 同步器的设计及计算 (25)

5.1.1 惯性同步器选择 (25)

5.1.2 锁环式同步器主要尺寸的确定 (26)

5.1.3 主要参数的确定 (27)

5.2 分动器操纵机构的设计 (29)

5.2.1分动器换挡的形式 (30)

5.2.2 分动器换挡形式的选择 (30)

5.3分动器箱体的设计 (30)

5.3.1 机箱的种类 (30)

5.3.2材料的选择 (30)

5.3.3 箱体的基本参数 (31)

5.4本章小结 (31)

结论 (32)

参考文献 (33)

致谢 (34)

附录 (35)
