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lennials wanted more flexibility in their lives, "notes Tanya Michelsen, Associate Director of Youthsight, a UK-based brand manager that conducts regular 60-day surveys of British youth, in findings that might just as well apply to American youth.

【翻译】青春视野是一家位于英国的品牌公司,它定期对英国青年进行了60天的调查。其副总监(联合董事)Tanya Michelsen在同样可能适用于美国青年的研究发现中指出,“千禧一代希望在生活中有更大的灵活性。”

2.Restrictions that keep highly polluting cars out of certain areas—city centres, “school streets”,even individual roads—are a response to the absence of a larger effort to properly enforce existing regulations and require auto companies to bring their vehicles into compliance.


3.Madrid’s back and forth on clean air is a pointed reminder of the limits to the patchwork,city-by-city approach that characterises efforts on air pollution across Europe, Britain very much included.


4.“We’d assumed we’d have to give it a moving head and tail, facial features, and put a scent on it to make it smell like a real rat, but that wasn’t necessary”,says Janet Wiles at the University of Queensland in Australia,who helped with the research.

【翻译】参与这项研究的澳大利亚昆士兰大学(University of Queensland)的珍妮特•威尔斯(Janet Wiles)说:“我们本以为我们必须给它一个活动的头部和尾部、面部特征,并在上面放上一种气味,让它闻起来像只真正的老鼠,但这些是毫无必要的。”

5.Rats have been shown to engage in multiple forms of reciprocal help and cooperation,including what is referred to as direct reciprocity——where a rat will help another rat that has previously helped them, says Quinn.


6. The strategy also aims to ensure that carbon in woody material removed from the forests is locked away in the form of solid lumber or burned as biofuel

in vehicles that would otherwise run on fossil fuels.


7. Nothing is necessarily gained by forcing students to learn geometry at a graffitied desk stuck with generations of discarded chewing gum.


8. While younger people are somewhat more optimistic than their elders about the prospects for those starting out today, big majorities in both groups believe those“just getting started out in life” face a tougher climb than earlier generations in reaching such signpost achievements as securing a good-paying job, starting a family, managing debt, and finding affordable housing.


9. They're part of a bunch of celebrities starring in a new video for World Environment Day——encouraging you, the consumer, to swap out your

single-use plastic staples to combat the plastics crisis.

【翻译】他们是为世界环境日(World Environment Day)拍摄的一段新视频中的一批明星中的一员,这段视频鼓励你,消费者,用你的一次性塑料主食来应对塑料危机。
