The most impressive thing




Unit 11. Leave it to Carlos to think of a(n) ingenious solution to our most difficult problem!2. For me, the biggest to becoming an obstacle astronaut is my poor math skills.3. I have no idea how much time elapsed since she left—I fell asleep.4. After college, I traveled through Europe, and the most impressive thingI saw was the Eiffel Tower in Paris.5. Chronologically , which of the following events happened first?6. Steve is one of the most ambitious people I know; he wants to own hisown business by the time he's 25.7. Jack still acts like a(n) adolescent and thinks everything is a game.8. A newspaper reader can select what he is interested in and skip whathe thinks is boring.9. After his plane landed, the prime minister gave a(n) impromptu speechabout global warming.10. I told my parents I wanted to take a year off before going to college,and my suggestion surprisingly met with little resistance.11. The world was shocked by the untimely death of the young singer.12. "How dare you defy a direct order? You're a soldier now!"13. She was permanently disfigured by the fire, but it soon came to represent her determination to succeed in life.14. During the World Cup, attendance in class was down because everyone stayed at home to watch television.15. I had five exams last week—it was like one long, continuous nightmare.16. Normally, we allot one vote to each member, but this is a special case.17. I can remember feeling very insecure when I was young; I was desperatefor my classmates' acceptance.18. Her final year of school was marked by considerable uncertainty as she tried to figure out what to do next.19. I've tried working in the morning, but I find that I'm most productive late at night.20. Ernie is a really decent guy; he would never try to impose his beliefs on someone else.Section B: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.21. We don't have the budget to do everything, so I'm afraid your plan will have to go on the back burner.22. All I need is some peace and quiet, and I'll be able to figure outa solution.23. Brace yourself for some bad news, this doesn't look good.24. It's all down to you! Don't let us down!25. The new evidence creates a lot of uncertainty about who really reached America first.26. I'm only a law school student—I'm hardly in any position to help you with your legal problems.27. In the back of my mind, I have my doubts about whether he's right for the job.28. He is having a shot at cooking his own dinner.29. Jessica had her life mapped out since she was a little girl: college, marriage, children, career.30. Quick, cram the bag under the bed!Part II: Banked ClozeFor ten years, I lived in the city and loved it. Everything was stable, and I didn't have many worries. Then, within one month, I got a(31)promotion at work and my girlfriend and I decided to get married. Suddenly, my life was in (32)transition with big changes ahead!The new position at work was wonderful. I was no longer relegated to the (33)sidelines. My boss was starting to notice all of my hard work! After a (34)lengthy speech about my new responsibilities, my boss took me to my new private office. Fantastic! I didn't have to sit in the (35)rear of the office anymore, behind the copy machine. I loved my job already.My girlfriend also suggested that we move out of the city and buy a house in the suburbs. We had been city (36)dwellers for so long that it was a difficult decision for us to make. On top of that, I was worried about taking out a (37)mortgage for the house. My new job paid better, but our resources were still (38)finite. Finding a down payment would be tough.In the end, we decided to go for it. There's no time like the present, right? With the new job, I could honestly say that I had a (39)budding career, so it felt right to take the plunge and buy a house. After all these changes, we'd be ready to just relax and enjoy life. So, we took on a honeymoon to the (40)coastal California.Part III: Reading ComprehensionIt would be a fairly accurate statement to say that, when I was in elementary school and high school, I was a painfully shy child. I usually kept to myself, had only a few friends, and rarely spoke in class. My parents were always very busy, so they never pushed me to become more involved in activities and meet more people. I was perfectly happy by myself. I spent much of my time with my nose buried in a book. The only times that I ventured away from the comforts of my bedroom were when I explored the seemingly endless aisles of stocked bookshelves at my favourite bookstore.In retrospect, it was no surprise that I read with such an incredible appetite. Reading was my escape. My favourite books were adventure and travel stories—stories that brought the readers to exotic, unexplored, or dangerous places. These were places I longed to go, and they were adventures I yearned to experience, but I knew it was all just a fantasy. I had a hard time working up the nerve to talk to a fellow classmate, I knew there was no way I could travel around the world and live out oneof these adventures. Therefore, I read. I read every book I could find that promised adventure, excitement, or escape. By the time I graduated from high school, I had probably read more books than our school had in its library. It was quite an achievement, but no one knew about it except for me. I told no one because I had no one to tell. My only friend was Justin, and that relationship only existed because we had been next-doorneighbors for fifteen years.Like most of my classmates, I applied to college and eventually worked up the courage to go. It wasn't easy. I had lived at home with my parents my whole life, and I rarely ever thought about leaving. However, it had finally become inevitable; I couldn't stay with them forever. I attended a local college and moved out to live in a dormitory with a roommate. It would be an understatement to say that I was nervous. I was terrified.My roommate's name was Greg, and the first few weeks of school were very awkward. He kept trying to start conversations and be friendly. I was able to answer his questions, of course, but I found it difficult to keep the conversation going. I just wasn't used to it—I had no practice at this sort of thing. Then one day I returned from an afternoon class and found him reading a Jack London book. Suddenly, I found that I had a hundred questions to ask Greg. Did he like Jack London? Which was his favourite book? Did he read a lot? What other authors did he like? The list was endless.To my surprise, Greg was also in love with adventure and travel books. One of his dreams was to travel around the world and follow in the footsteps of some of history's greatest explorers. There must have been magic at work that day. It was as if my shyness suddenly disappeared. Greg and I talked for hours about our favourite books and dreams of travel. I also found it easier to talk to other people at school and make friends since that day. I felt like the world opened up to me. So many things suddenly seemed possible. In fact, Greg and I are planning a great adventure for this summer! It may have taken me a while, but I finally found a way to break out of my shell and start enjoying life.41. Which of the following is a rite of passage that helped the writer to become less shy?A. Attending high school.B. Reading many books.C. Attending college.D. Planning a great adventure.42. In which paragraph does the author compare his desire to read to hunger?A. Paragraph 1.B. Paragraph 2.C. Paragraph 4.D. Paragraph 5.43. Which of the following would make the best title for this passage?A. A Painfully Shy ChildB. My College LifeC. Travels with GregD. Breaking Out of My Shell44. "It would be an understatement to say that I was nervous. I was terrified." What does the writer mean by this statement?A. He wasn't nervous at all.B. He was mildly nervous.C. He was as nervous as usual.D. He was extraordinarily nervous.45. Which of the following statements can you infer from the passage?A. Jack London wrote exciting stories.B. Jack London wrote dull stories.C. Jack London wasn't a famous writer.D. Jack London was the writer's favourite writer.Unit 21. When was the last time you were in _______ with your childhood friends?A. contextB. contactC. controlD. content2. Like a boat at sea, his mind started to _______ when he wasn't interested.A. floatB. soarC. sinkD. drift3. Mrs Jones didn't trust Jack, so she was very _______ to let him cut her grass.A. reluctantB. reluctantlyC. enthusiasticD. enthusiastically4. My house seems to be in a _______ state of disrepair—something is always broken!A. perpetuallyB. perpetualC. perpetuityD. perpetuate5. The problem needs to be looked at from a historical _______ .A. prospectiveB. directiveC. perspectiveD. executive6. Dr. Carter has written _______ about the brain and its influence on our emotions.A. extensivelyB. intensivelyC. extensiveD. intensive7. The accident of last week _______ a review of school safety policy.A. promptedB. promptC. promptingD. prompts8. I am easily _______ by ice cream, so it's probably the best if I don't look at the dessert menu.A. temptB. temptsC. temptingD. tempted9. Wouldn't it be _______ if we didn't need to worry about money?A. predictableB. marvellousC. astonishingD. depressing10. Researchers claim that there is a _______ link between caffeine and headaches.A. definiteB. definitelyC. definitionD. defined11. It's incredible to see how newborn babies are completely _______ on other people for everything.A. dependingB. dependenceC. dependentD. dependents12. The criminal devised an _______ plan to escape from prison.A. intrinsicB. intricateC. intrepidD. intrusive13. The court brought a _______ against the escaped prisoner.A. persecutionB. persecuteC. prosecutionD. prosecute14. Thank you for the offer to stay for dinner, but we don't want to _______.A. poseB. composeC. proposeD. impose15. Pedro's friends organized a friendly _______ to help him deal with his alcohol abuse.A. contraventionB. inventionC. interventionD. prevention16. It's impossible to not be impressed by the Taj Mahal and _______ at its beauty.A. respectB. flauntC. marvelD. admire17. We should hire an _______ reviewer who isn't biased one way or the other.A. internalB. outdoorC. indoorD. external18. I'm so excited for the new movie that waiting all year for it has been like _______.A. torturesB. torturingC. tortuousD. torture19. Dylan likes to write _______ during his free time on the weekend.A. poetryB. poetC. poeticD. poem20. The waterfall provided a _______ source of soothing background noise.A. continualB. continueC. continuingD. continuitySection B: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.21. Last weekend, I fell over and broke my toe.22. Phil will come into his own once his boss recognizes how valuable he is.23. Kevin has been riding a motorcycle from a very young age.24. Among the group members, there was a strong desire for an afternoon of shopping.25. I usually drift off to sleep while watching television.26. The teacher told me off for talking in class again today.27. Do you believe in free will?28. Julie received an award in appreciation of her service to the community.29. Don't try to reason with a child—you won't get very far.30. Once again, Greg was left out of the decision.Part II: Banked ClozeWhen I was a child, my best friend Joseph and I would play a game called "Super Secret Spy." Sometimes I would play the spy and Joseph would play the (31)villain, and sometimes we would reverse the roles. Make-believe games like this were my favourite, and I remember that many summer days were (32)largely spent outside, playing Super Secret Spy.Every time we played, the story had to be different. We played so much that, needless to say, some of the stories got quite (33)bizarre. Eventually, Super Secret Spy was like a science fiction movie; the stories took place on other planets and one of us was an alien. Sometimes, we would wear old Halloween masks so the (34)resemblance to an alien was remarkable!I remember one day in particular. Joseph was the alien and he captured me on a (35)barren, empty planet (my backyard). He threw me in "alien prison" (behind a big tree) and (36)giggled with mischievous delight. At first, I felt all alone and (37)helpless. Then I pulled myself together and remembered that I was the Super Secret Spy!I thought of my escape plan. When Alien Joseph came to check on me in the alien prison, I (38)whirled around quickly and grabbed his alien laser gun. In a (39)blaze of laser fire, I ran past my captor and escaped the alien prison! I was free! Super Secret Spy had won again!Just then, Joseph and I both realized that it was late afternoon, the sun was setting, and (40)twilight was upon us. We were both hungry, so we were incredibly happy when my mother called us inside for dinner. Even SuperSecret Spies and aliens need to eat!Part III: Reading ComprehensionWhen we're young, we can't wait to grow up and get on with life. When we're adults, we long for the carefree days of our youth when we could play all day without worry. This is one of the greatest ironies of life. Indeed, "the grass is always greener on the other side." It is a harsh truth that humans always want what they can't have. It's our nature.That's why it's good practice to instill in our children a healthy respect for childhood. Too many adults seem to be in a hurry for children to grow up. We always ask them, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" We repeatedly tell them, "You can do/have that when you're older." We continually encourage them, "When you grow up, the world will be yours and you can make your dreams come true." It's no wonder, then, that children seem to be in such a rush to grow up, get older, and demand everything that we tell them is coming to them.Children should be free to play the day away. We should encourage them to use their imagination, create entire worlds in a cardboard box, and explore their backyard as if they were exploring an undiscovered country. You cannot put a price on an active and fertile imagination, nor can you overestimate the value of an inquisitive mind, a respect for the environment, and an urge to question why everything is as it is. These traits are all developed and nurtured when we're children and, without them, we would not be able to function as adults in the modern world.Research has shown that children are happiest and healthiest when they have the freedom to act like children. This may seem obvious, but it's often forgotten as parents push their children to study harder, practice longer, and essentially act like adults. It's important to remember that children are constantly learning.Therefore, they are also learning as they're playing. Exploring nature fosters a respect for the environment that may lead children to become biologists or naturalists. Creating with paint and crayons instills a love of art that might help develop young artists or musicians. Playing make-believe stimulates the imagination in a way that writers, filmmakers, and actors find most useful. Building with blocks helps the mind understand how things are constructed and might lead to an interest in engineering.It's true that play helps develop skills that will be used later in life. However, this should not be the sole purpose of play. Children should play because they're children. It's how they stay happy, healthy, and young. Why should we push them to be something they're not?41. Which of the following sentences is the main idea of this passage?A. It is a harsh truth that humans always want what they can't have.B. Too many adults seem to be in a hurry for children to grow up.C. Children should be free to play the day away.D. It's true that play helps develop skills that will be used later in life.42. Which of the following would the writer of this passage likely NOT agree with?A. Adults should understand that children learn while they play.B. It is important for children to play and act young.C. Many games help children appreciate potential careers.D. Children should concentrate on their schoolwork above everything else.43. "The grass is always greener on the other side" means _____.A. other situations always seem better than the ones we are inB. people always lack confidence in themselvesC. people prefer to live in a less barren landD. people always want their children to grow up fast44. This passage is best described as _____.A. a first-person memoirB. a dramatic dialogueC. a persuasive essayD. an entertaining story45. What does the writer mean by "You cannot put a price on an active and fertile imagination"?A. The ability to think creatively is worthless.B. The ability to think creatively is invaluable.C. The ability to think creatively helps children develop.D. The ability to thinkeatively is a natural part of childhood.*Unit 31. The Eiffel Tower is such a distinctive feature of Paris that the twohave become synonymous.2. I couldn't stop reading his new best-seller since I was so engagedin the characters.3. I hope for your sake that you're not planning to make a surprise visit.4. Did you really just make a(n) analogy between school and war?5. Please don't distort the truth—you made your decision and now youhave to live with it.6. Settle down and stop being so theatrical; the world is not going toend.7. It must've taken a lot of courage to proclaim independence like that.8. It drives me crazy—Carla always knows exactly how to frustrate everyplan I make for the weekend.9. I love listening to Mexican music because the rhythm is so infectious.10. I'm always wary of advertisements for deals that seem too good tobe true.Section B: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.11. Next summer, the developers plan to _____ the old school into a museum.A. convertB. converseC. convertsD. converge12. Can you tell me what steps _____ a valid research proposal?A. constitutionB. constituteC. constituentD. consist13. The school received more money and _____ has been able to hire more teachers.A. consequenceB. consequentialC. consequentD. consequently14. Different cultures' varying conceptions of _____ are visible in thetypes of clothes they generally wear.A. jealousyB. modestyC. notorietyD. clarity15. Unfortunately, I didn't practice enough so I failed to _____ for the team.A. qualifyB. succeedC. thriveD. attempt16. Her job is to gather the data and then _____ the results to determine their significance.A. analysisB. analyzeC. analyticalD. analyst17. My _____ clouded my judgment and prevented me from acting rationally when I saw my girlfriend with another man.A. modestyB. clarityC. jealousyD. notoriety18. Jim is in Thailand on vacation; he loves to travel to _____ places.A. eroticB. roboticC. exoticD. mitotic19. Love him or hate him, the President of the United States is one of the most _____ people in the world.A. influentialB. domesticC. instinctiveD. intransigent20. In a change of pace from his recent international focus, the Prime Minister spoke last night about _____ issues.A. exoticB. rhythmicC. expressiveD. domesticSection C: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.21. Unfortunately, I can't think about anything right now since I'm engaged in a contract dispute with my landlord.22. Warhol's fame is largely due to the fact that he incorporated pop culture references into his art.23. My parents split up when I was four years old, so it was very difficult for me.24. I think my love of nature derives from all the camping trips I took with my parents.25. After several weeks, I finally managed to pin Victor down on a specific date for the photo shoot.26. I saw on the news that soldiers have engaged with rebels in the southern part of the country.27. Donna gives off waves of energy whenever she enters a room.28. The homeless shelter sent out letters to make an appeal for more money.29. Margaret is so shy that her eyes always shy away from mine when I look at her.30. The President's new policy is, so to speak, beneficial for international trade.Part II: Banked ClozeLet me pose a(n) (31)hypothetical situation for you. Imagine that you are very rich and can do almost anything you want. Now imagine that you love art and want to support struggling artists. You decide to (32)commission a painting from a young artist whose work you admire. What would you have him paint?Would you ask for an epic battle set in a(n) (33)mythological world of monsters and fairies or would you ask for a realistic, (34)expressive portrait of yourself? If you chose the latter, you're in good company because that is (35)precisely what I did. I had seen so many beautiful portraits of famous people hanging in museums that I thought it was time to have my very own.It took me a long time to find a highly (36)qualified artist whose work would do justice to my portrait. In the (37)meantime, I studied the artistic process and learned a lot about how art is created. I must admit that, even though I've always admired artists, I never had a full appreciation for their creative talent. I certainly don't have that ability, so I'm incredibly impressed when someone (38)instinctively knows how to create a work of such beauty.I was fairly nervous about seeing my finished portrait. The artist, likewise, was very nervous about showing it to me. In the end, I must admit that he did a(n) (39)sufficient job capturing my likeness. I'm not in love with the painting, but the artist should take (40)consolation in the fact that he did the best he could with his subject. I'm not a very attractive man, so it's almost impossible for my portrait to be beautiful and realistic.Part III: Reading ComprehensionWhen it comes to the arts, many people automatically think of Europe and North America. This is understandable since so many famous artists come from these regions. Many art museums are filled with paintings and drawings from European and North American artists from the past few hundred years. All countries, however, have a unique artistic heritage, so it should come as no surprise that countries throughout Africa and Asia have their own artistic styles and histories.Completely landlocked within Southern Africa, the nation of Botswana is particularly susceptible to cultural trends and influences from surrounding countries, chiefly South Africa. However, there is a burgeoning arts scene native to Botswana, and the country also has a long history of distinct artistic traditions.The oldest evidence of art in the country was found in the Tsodilo Hills, located in northwestern Botswana, in the Kalahari Desert. Dating to 1,000—2,000 years ago, these rock paintings form the highest concentration of rock art in the world and are considered sacred by the San minority culture. Today, the San are known for continuing the ancient arts of decorating ostrich eggshells for jewelry and creating ostrich eggshell beads, which they consider to represent good luck and good fortune. Archaeologists believe this type of bead to be the oldest-known man-made bead; they have been recovered at East and Southern African archaeological digs and dated to 28,000—45,000 years ago.The National Museum and Art Gallery in Gaborone is the centrepiece of modern art in the country. It is widely regarded as one of the best art galleries in Southern Africa; it holds regular exhibitions highlighting the work of local artists and also sponsors an annual celebration for local art and artists. The National Museum also acts as custodian for the cultural heritage and traditions of the country, the duties of which include preservation, education, and promotion. Twentieth and twenty-firstcentury painters include Phillip Segola, Ann Gollifer, and Neo Matome.Spring in Gaborone, the capital city, sees the annual Maitisong Festival—the country's largest celebration of the performing arts. The festival includes free outdoor performances at city arenas as well as ticketed indoor events at Gaborone's theatres and arts venues. Performing arts organizations, such as the Mogwana Dance Troupe, are becoming more popular as more and more people embrace and wish to share their cultural heritage.Local handcrafts, supported in large part by the tourist trade, are generally of the utilitarian variety. Handwoven baskets, one of the specialties associated with Botswana, are of extremely high quality. Made almost exclusively in the Okavango region, they are woven with the leaves of the Mokolwane palm and utilize various roots and barks in order to give the baskets their unique colours and designs (typically associated with the nation's traditional lifestyle). Due to the abundance of cattle livestock, leatherwork has also developed as an important and widespread handcraft. Traditionally used to make clothing, blankets, and sleeping mats, leather is today more often used to make designer bags, belts, and accessories.41. Which of the following best describes the main idea of this passage?A. European art is superior to all other art.B. African art is superior to all other art.C. Every country has a unique artistic tradition.D. Art is only a modern creation.42. Which paragraph discusses the early history of art in Botswana?A. Paragraph 3.B. Paragraph 4.C. Paragraph 5.D. Paragraph 6.43. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A. All art in Botswana is thoroughly unique to that country.B. Art in Botswana has been influenced by neighbouring countries.C. Art in Botswana is a relatively recent invention.D. All art in Botswana consists of simple decorations.44. This passage is best described as _______.A. narrative fictionB. editorial non-fictionC. first-person historyD. personal memoir45. Which of the following would make the best title for the passage?A. Influential Art of the WorldB. A Critic's Opinion of Art in BotswanaC. Botswana MasterpiecesD. Art Without Notoriety*Unit 4Unit 51. Almost every United States citizen is the descendant of a(n) immigrant by fewer than three generations.2. With a(n) shrug of her shoulders, Nancy showed that she wasn't concerned with their problems.3. Televisions nowadays come with parental controls that help prevent young children from watching certain programmes.4. I don't know about you, but I would never want to encounter a grizzly bear in the woods.。



大学中印象最深刻的东西英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Most Impressive Things in CollegeAs a college student, there are many things that leave a deep impression on me. However, there are a few things that stand out the most and have had a lasting impact on my life. In this essay, I will share with you the most impressive things that I have encountered in college.First and foremost, the most impressive thing in college for me is the diversity of people. In college, I have met people from all walks of life, from different backgrounds and cultures. Interacting with people from diverse backgrounds has broadened my horizons and has given me a new perspective on life. I have learned to appreciate and respect different cultures and beliefs, and I have made lifelong friends from all over the world. The diversity of people in college has taught me the importance of acceptance, tolerance, and empathy towards others.Secondly, the academic challenges in college have also left a deep impression on me. College is a place where you are constantly pushed outside of your comfort zone and challenged to think critically and creatively. The rigorous academic curriculum has taught me the value of hard work, perseverance, and resilience. I have learned to be more disciplined, organized, and focused in my studies. The academic challenges in college have helped me to develop critical thinking skills,problem-solving abilities, and a thirst for knowledge.Another impressive thing in college is the extracurricular activities and opportunities for personal growth. College is not just about academics; it is also about personal development and growth. In college, I have had the opportunity to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities such as clubs, sports teams, community service projects, and leadership opportunities. These extracurricular activities have helped me to develop leadership skills, teamwork abilities, communication skills, and time management skills. I have learned to step out of my comfort zone, take risks, and seize new opportunities for personal growth and development.Lastly, the supportive and nurturing environment in college has also left a deep impression on me. College is a place whereyou are surrounded by supportive professors, mentors, advisors, and friends who are there to guide, encourage, and inspire you. The supportive environment in college has helped me to build confidence, self-esteem, and a sense of belonging. I have always felt like I have a support system in college that I can rely on in times of need. The supportive and nurturing environment in college has helped me to overcome challenges, conquer fears, and achieve my goals.In conclusion, the most impressive things in college for me are the diversity of people, the academic challenges, the extracurricular activities, and the supportive environment. These things have shaped me into the person that I am today and have prepared me for success in the future. College has been a transformative experience for me, and I am grateful for all the valuable lessons and memories that I have gained along the way. College is not just a place of learning; it is a place of personal growth, self-discovery, and lifelong friendships.篇2One of the most memorable things I experienced during my time in college was the sense of community that I felt on campus. From the moment I arrived on campus for freshman orientation, Iwas struck by the welcoming atmosphere and the strong sense of camaraderie among students and faculty.One of the first things that stood out to me was the diversity of the student body. There were students from all over the world, representing a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. This diversity made for a rich and vibrant intellectual environment, as students brought their unique perspectives and insights to discussions in and out of the classroom.I was also impressed by the level of academic rigor at my college. The professors were not only experts in their fields but also passionate about teaching and engaging with their students. They challenged us to think critically, to question our assumptions, and to push ourselves beyond our comfort zones. I remember feeling both intimidated and inspired by the high expectations that they set for us, but I also knew that they were there to support us every step of the way.Outside of the classroom, there were countless opportunities to get involved in campus life. Whether it was joining a club or organization, participating in a community service project, or attending a cultural event, there was always something happening on campus. These extracurricular activitieshelped me to meet new people, develop new skills, and broaden my horizons in ways that I never could have imagined.But what truly made my college experience memorable was the friendships that I formed during my time there. I met some of my closest friends in college, people who supported me through the ups and downs of academic life, who challenged me to be a better person, and who made me laugh until my sides hurt. These friendships have lasted long beyond graduation, and I know that I will cherish them for the rest of my life.In conclusion, the most memorable thing about my college experience was the sense of community that I felt on campus. From the diverse student body to the rigorous academic environment to the countless opportunities for involvement, my college provided me with a wealth of experiences that shaped me into the person I am today. I am grateful for the memories that I made and the friendships that I formed during that time, and I will always hold my college years close to my heart.篇3One of the most unforgettable things about university life is the sense of freedom and independence that it brings. With the newfound freedom to make our own choices and to explore ourinterests, we are given the opportunity to shape our own paths and discover who we truly are.During my time at university, there were many experiences and things that left a lasting impression on me, but the most memorable of all was the sense of community and support that I found among my peers and professors. From the moment I stepped onto campus, I was welcomed with open arms by classmates who quickly became friends and mentors who guided me through my academic journey.The collaborative spirit that permeates university life fosters a sense of camaraderie and belonging that is truly special. Whether it was working together on group projects, studying late into the night for exams, or simply sharing a meal in the campus dining hall, the bonds that we formed with one another were invaluable.In addition to the friendships that I made, the guidance and support that I received from my professors were equally impactful. Their dedication to teaching and their passion for their respective fields of study inspired me to push myself intellectually and to strive for excellence in everything that I did.Furthermore, the academic rigour of university challenged me to think critically, to question assumptions, and to seek outnew perspectives. The diverse array of courses that I took exposed me to a wide range of disciplines and ideas, expanding my horizons and broadening my understanding of the world.Overall, my time at university was a transformative experience that shaped me in ways that I never could have imagined. The memories that I made, the lessons that I learned, and the relationships that I formed will stay with me for a lifetime, and I am truly grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of such a vibrant and welcoming community.In conclusion, the most unforgettable thing about university for me was the sense of community and support that I found among my peers and professors. This sense of belonging, combined with the freedom to explore my interests and the intellectual challenges that I faced, made my university experience truly unforgettable.。



After the dinner, the whole family will sit together, chatting(聊天) and watching the Spring Festival party broadcast (春晚) on TV. Also, some family will stay up (熬夜) to see the NewYear in.
4 What was the most impressive thing in the last Spring Festival ?
The most impressive thing was drawing the big rabbit on our wall. I think it was not only very interesting but also very exciting. The big rabbit I drew on the wall was very cute and smart. And all my family members loved it very much. And I was very pround of my drawing.
1 About the spring Festival, What do you know?
பைடு நூலகம்
The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people. It begins at the 1st day of the first lunar month, and it will last half a month. During this festival all family members get together, just like Christmas in the West. All people living away from home go back to hometown from everywhere and have happy reunion with their whole family. no matter how far the distance is.



学校最令你印象最深刻的地方英语作文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1My School, the Most Memorable Place for MeHey everyone! Today I want to talk about the most awesome place ever that is my school! Yes, my school is the most impressive place for me. There are so many things that make my school special and unforgettable.First of all, the teachers at my school are just the coolest! They are always so kind and patient with us students. They make learning so much fun and interesting. They use different ways to help us understand difficult things and always encourage us to do our best. They are like our second parents, always there to support and guide us.Secondly, my school has a really cool playground where we can play during recess. There are swings, slides, monkey bars, and even a soccer field! We have so much fun playing with our friends and it's a great way to relax and have a break from studying.Another awesome thing about my school is the library. It's like a magical place where we can escape into different worlds through books. The librarian is always there to recommend us interesting books and help us find what we're looking for. I love spending time in the library, reading and exploring new stories.Lastly, my school has a lot of fun activities and events throughout the year. We have sports day, science fairs, talent shows, and even field trips! These activities help us bond with our classmates and create special memories that we'll cherish forever.In conclusion, my school is the most impressive place for me because of the amazing teachers, fun playground, magical library, and exciting activities. I feel so lucky to be a student here and I will always treasure the memories I've made in this wonderful place. My school rocks!篇2My school is super cool and there are so many things that have left a big impression on me. But the most impressive place in my school is the library. It's not just a normal library, it's like a magical world full of books and stories!First of all, the library has so many books that I don't even know where to start. There are books about animals, space, history, and even some really funny joke books. I can spend hours just looking at all the different titles and deciding which one to read next. And the best part is, I can borrow any book I want for free!The library is also a really peaceful place where I can relax and escape from the hustle and bustle of the school day. There are comfy bean bags and cozy reading nooks where I can snuggle up with a book and lose myself in a story. Sometimes I even fall asleep while reading because it's so calm and quiet in there.But the most amazing thing about the library is the librarian, Mrs. Smith. She is like a book wizard who knows everything about every book in the library. Whenever I need help finding a book or have a question about a story, she always has the perfect answer. She's so kind and patient, and she always has a big smile on her face.In conclusion, the library in my school is the most impressive place because it's filled with so many wonderful books, it's a peaceful retreat from the chaos of the school day, and Mrs. Smith is the most amazing librarian ever. I love spending time inthe library and I can't wait to discover more magical stories and adventures!篇3One time at school, there was this really cool thing that happened that I will never forget. It was during our annual sports day event and there was this relay race that was super exciting.All the students were divided into different teams and we had to run around the track passing a baton to our teammates. I was so nervous because I had never done a relay race before, but my friends were so supportive and cheered me on.When it was finally my turn to run, I grabbed the baton and sprinted as fast as I could. The feeling of running with the wind in my hair and the cheers of my friends echoing in my ears was amazing. I could feel my heart pounding and my legs pumping, but I kept going until I reached the end of my lap.I passed the baton to my teammate and watched as they ran their heart out too. It was such a thrilling experience and I was so happy to be a part of it. In the end, our team won the relay race and we all celebrated with high-fives and hugs.That moment on sports day will always be the most memorable for me in school. It taught me the importance of teamwork, perseverance, and having fun with friends. I will never forget the joy and excitement of that day.篇4I remember the most impressive place in my school was the playground. It was so much fun to play there during recess and lunchtime. There were swings, slides, monkey bars, and even a big castle-like structure to climb on.My friends and I used to play tag, hide and seek, and even had races to see who could go down the slide the fastest. We would also take turns pushing each other on the swings and see who could go the highest.One time, we had a big game of capture the flag on the playground. It was so exciting running around and trying to sneak past the other team to grab the flag. I remember feeling so happy and full of energy during that game.The playground was also a great place to make new friends. I met some of my best friends while playing on the monkey bars or waiting in line for the swings. We would talk and laugh together, and sometimes even plan playdates after school.Overall, the playground was a place of laughter, fun, and friendship. It was where I made some of my best memories in school and where I felt free to be myself. I will always cherish the time I spent playing there with my friends.篇5One day at school, I was asked to write about the most impressive place in my school. And I thought it was the library. It's not just a place with lots of books, but also a magical world where you can explore, learn, and have fun.The first thing that caught my attention when I entered the library was the smell of books. It's a scent that makes me feel calm and excited at the same time. I love the feeling of running my fingers along the shelves, browsing through the titles and discovering new books to read.One of my favorite parts of the library is the cozy reading corner. It's a place where I can sit comfortably in a beanbag chair, surrounded by pillows and a soft blanket. I can lose myself in a good book for hours, traveling to different places and learning new things.Another thing that I love about the library is the librarian. She's a kind and patient lady who always recommends the bestbooks for me to read. She also organizes fun activities like book clubs, reading challenges, and storytelling sessions that make the library a lively and exciting place to be.But the most impressive thing about the library is the knowledge it holds. There are books on every subject imaginable, from history and science to fiction and poetry. I can learn about dinosaurs, explore outer space, or dive into a fairy tale world with just one book in my hands.In conclusion, the library is the most impressive place in my school because it's a treasure trove of knowledge, a cozy retreat, and a magical world all rolled into one. I can't wait to visit it again and discover more wonderful books to read.篇6One time, in my school, there was this really cool place that left a deep impression on me. It was the library! The library was like a magical land filled with books of all kinds – adventure stories, fairy tales, science books, you name it.I remember the first time I walked into the library, I was in awe. The shelves were packed with books from top to bottom, and there were cozy reading nooks with big cushions where you could sit and read for hours. The librarian was super nice too,always ready to recommend a good book or help you find what you were looking for.But the best part of the library was the reading corner. It had bean bag chairs, soft rugs, and a big window that let in lots of natural light. It was the perfect spot to curl up with a book and get lost in a story. I spent countless hours there, reading about faraway lands and brave heroes.The library wasn’t just a place to borrow bo oks, it was a place where I could escape into different worlds and let my imagination run wild. It was a place where I could learn new things and discover new interests. It was a place where I could be myself and just be happy.I will always treasure the memories I made in the school library. It’s a place that will forever hold a special place in my heart.篇7Ohhh, the most impressive thing in my school? Let me tell you!My school is soooo cool because we have this awesome playground with slides, swings, and a big sandbox. Every dayafter class, my friends and I rush to the playground to have fun and play together. We laugh, run around, and compete to see who can swing the highest or slide the fastest. It’s the best part of the day!But you know what’s even more fun? Our school library! It’s like a magical kingdom filled with books of all kinds – from adventure stories to funny comics. I love sitting on the big cozy chairs, flipping through the pages, and getting lost in a new world. Sometimes, I even pretend to be a detective solving mysteries or a brave knight saving the kingdom. The library is my happy place!And oh, let me not forget about our amazing teachers. They are like superheroes who teach us new things every day. They are patient, kind, and always ready to help us learn and grow. I admire them so much! My favorite teacher is Miss Lily. She is always smiling and makes learning so much fun. She even tells us silly jokes to make us laugh. I wish Miss Lily could be my teacher forever!Overall, my school is the best place ever because of the playground, the library, and the wonderful teachers. I feel so lucky to study here and make new friends every day. I can’t waitto see what adventures and new lessons await me in the future. School is truly an amazing place!篇8One thing in my school that really left a big impression on me is the playground. It's super awesome and has so many fun things to do!First of all, we have this huge jungle gym with lots of slides, tunnels, and ropes to climb on. It's like a giant maze and we all love running around and playing games on it. Sometimes we pretend we're explorers in a jungle trying to find hidden treasures. It's so much fun!Then there's the swings, which are always a popular spot. We compete to see who can swing the highest and jump off. It's a bit scary but also really exhilarating. And we can feel like we're flying for a moment!My favorite part of the playground is the basketball court. I love shooting hoops and playing games with my friends. We have our own little tournaments and cheer each other on. It's a great way to bond and have some friendly competition.But the best thing about the playground is that it's a place where we can all just be ourselves and have fun. We forget about our worries and problems for a while and just enjoy being kids. It's a place full of laughter and happiness, and I'll always remember it as the most special part of my school.篇9My most impressive place in the school is the playground. The playground is super fun and there are so many cool things to do there.First of all, there are lots of swings on the playground. Swinging on the swings is my favorite thing to do! It's so fun to go back and forth and try to swing higher and higher. Sometimes my friends and I have swing competitions to see who can swing the highest.There's also a big slide on the playground. It's really tall and kind of scary to go down, but it's so exciting! I love sliding down as fast as I can and feeling the wind in my face. Sometimes I even try to go down the slide backwards, which is extra fun and silly.Another cool thing on the playground is the monkey bars. I love trying to swing from bar to bar without falling. It's achallenge, but it's really fun to see how far I can go. Sometimes I pretend I'm a monkey swinging through the trees in the jungle.And of course, there's a big open space on the playground where we can play tag, kickball, or just run around and play games. It's a great place to hang out with my friends and have fun together. Sometimes we even have picnics on the playground during lunchtime.Overall, the playground is the best part of school for me. I always look forward to recess so I can go outside and play. It's a place where I can have fun, be active, and make great memories with my friends. I love the playground!篇10My school is super cool! There are so many fun things to do and so many cool places to explore. But the most impressive place in my school is the library.The library is like a magical paradise for book lovers like me. As soon as you walk in, you are greeted by rows and rows of colorful books waiting to be read. The shelves are stacked high with all kinds of books – from adventure stories to science books to fairy tales. There are even picture books for the little kids!One of the things I love the most about the library is the cozy reading nooks. There are big fluffy bean bags and comfy armchairs where you can sit and get lost in your favorite book. Sometimes, I spend hours reading in the library, forgetting about everything else going on in the world.But the best part of the library is the librarian, Mrs. Smith. She is like a book wizard who knows everything about every book in the library. Whenever I need help finding a book, she is always there to guide me in the right direction. She also organizes fun reading challenges and book clubs that make reading even more exciting.Overall, the library in my school is the most impressive place that has left a lasting impression on me. It is a place where I can escape into different worlds, learn new things, and make wonderful memories. I can't wait to spend more time in the library and discover new adventures through the pages of books.。



大学校园里最令人印象深刻的事情英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1One of the most impressive things on a college campus is the sense of community and camaraderie that can be found among students, faculty, and staff. From the moment you step foot on campus, you are greeted with a warm welcome and a feeling of belonging. This sense of unity is evident in all aspects of campus life, from the classroom to the dorms to the many clubs and organizations.One of the most memorable experiences I have had on campus was during my freshman year when I attended a lecture given by a renowned professor. The lecture hall was packed with students eager to learn from this expert in their field. What struck me the most was the way the professor engaged with the students, asking for their opinions and encouraging discussion. It was clear that he was genuinely interested in what we had to say and wanted us to be active participants in the learning process.Another unforgettable experience was when I joined a club on campus dedicated to community service. I was inspired by thepassion and dedication of my fellow club members as we worked together to make a positive impact in our community. Whether we were volunteering at a local homeless shelter or organizing a fundraiser for a worthy cause, I was amazed by the power of a group of like-minded individuals coming together to make a difference.One of the most heartwarming experiences I have had on campus was when I witnessed the support and compassion shown by the college community in times of need. Whether it was a student struggling with mental health issues or a natural disaster affecting the campus, I was touched by the outpouring of love and support from my peers. It was in these moments that I truly felt the strength of the college community and the power of coming together to support one another.In conclusion, the most memorable thing about college campuses is the sense of community and camaraderie that can be found among students, faculty, and staff. From engaging lectures to impactful community service projects to moments of support and compassion, the college experience is truly enriched by the people who make up the campus community. It is through these moments that we form lasting memories and connections that will stay with us long after we have graduated.篇2One of the most impressive things on a college campus is the sense of community and camaraderie that can be experienced among the students, faculty, and staff. This feeling of togetherness is not only evident in the classroom, but also in the various activities and events that take place on campus throughout the year.One event that stands out in my memory is the annual campus-wide charity fundraiser. Each year, students, staff, and faculty come together to raise money for a local charity or cause. The event typically includes a variety of activities such as bake sales, car washes, and even a carnival with games and prizes. The entire campus community gets involved, from organizing the event to volunteering their time to help out on the day of the fundraiser.What makes this event so impressive is the level of participation and enthusiasm from everyone on campus. Students who may not have interacted much with each other in the classroom come together to work towards a common goal. Faculty and staff members show their support by donating their time and resources to help make the event a success. The senseof unity and purpose that is felt during the fundraiser is truly inspiring.Another aspect of campus life that leaves a lasting impression is the diversity of backgrounds and experiences that can be found among the student body. Students come from all over the country and the world, bringing with them their own unique perspectives and ideas. This diversity enriches the learning environment and encourages students to beopen-minded and accepting of others.One particular experience that stands out to me is a class project that I worked on with a group of international students. Each member of the group brought their own cultural perspective to the project, leading to lively discussions and a truly collaborative effort. I learned so much from my classmates and gained a deeper appreciation for different cultural traditions and ways of thinking.In addition to the sense of community and diversity that can be found on a college campus, the opportunities for personal and academic growth are also impressive. Students have access to a wide range of resources and support services that can help them succeed in their academic pursuits. From academicadvising to tutoring services, there are plenty of resources available to help students reach their full potential.One experience that has left a lasting impression on me is the mentorship program that I participated in during my sophomore year. I was paired with a faculty member who provided guidance and support as I navigated my academic and career goals. The mentorship program helped me develop my skills and confidence, and I am grateful for the support and encouragement that I received.Overall, the most impressive thing about college campus life is the sense of community, diversity, and opportunity that can be found within the campus walls. From fundraising events to cultural exchanges, there are so many memorable experiences to be had on a college campus. I am grateful for the time that I have spent on campus and the lessons that I have learned along the way. College truly is a unique and inspiring place to be.篇3One of the most impressive things that happened on my university campus was the annual charity event organized by the student council. Every year, the student council would come upwith creative and fun ways to raise money for a different charity organization.One year, the theme for the charity event was "Giving Back to the Community." The student council members decided to host a fundraising carnival on the campus grounds, with various game booths, food stalls, and performances by student clubs. They put in a lot of effort into planning and organizing the event, and even reached out to local businesses for sponsorships and donations.On the day of the carnival, the campus was buzzing with excitement. Students, faculty, and even residents from the surrounding community came together to support the cause. The atmosphere was filled with laughter and joy as everyone pitched in to make the event a success.I was particularly impressed by the dedication and passion of the student council members. They worked tirelessly to ensure that everything ran smoothly, from setting up the booths to coordinating the performances. Despite facing challenges along the way, they remained positive and focused on their goal of raising as much money as possible for the charity.In the end, the charity event was a huge success. Not only did the student council exceed their fundraising target, but theyalso raised awareness about the importance of giving back to those in need. It was heartwarming to see the impact that a group of dedicated individuals can have on a community, and it left a lasting impression on everyone who participated.Overall, the charity event organized by the student council was a powerful reminder of the positive impact that we can have when we come together for a common cause. It was a shining example of the spirit of community and generosity that thrives on our university campus, and it will always be one of the most memorable experiences during my time at university.。



四级英语作文真题范文印象最深刻的事全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1One day, I took the China National four-level English exam. It was so hard that I couldn't believe it! The most unforgettable part of the test was the listening section. The speakers talked so fast and I couldn't catch all the words they said. I felt like my brain was going to explode!But luckily, I had practiced a lot before the exam. I listened to English songs every day, watched English movies with subtitles, and even talked to myself in English in front of the mirror. All that hard work paid off because I managed to understand most of the audio clips during the test.The reading section was also tough. There were long passages with difficult vocabulary and complex sentence structures. I had to read each paragraph carefully and try to grasp the main idea of the text. My head was spinning by the time I finished reading all the passages, but I felt proud that I had tried my best.Writing the essay was the last part of the test. I had to brainstorm ideas, organize my thoughts, and write a coherent and well-structured essay in just 30 minutes. It was a race against time, but I managed to finish it on time. I poured my heart into the essay and expressed my opinions clearly.In the end, I was exhausted but happy that I had completed the exam. I knew that no matter what the result would be, I had given it my all. And that's what matters the most.篇2There was a time when I was very nervous because I had to take the four-level English test. I spent a lot of time studying and practicing, but I was still worried that I wouldn't do well. On the day of the test, I woke up early and ate a good breakfast to give myself energy. I made sure to bring all the necessary materials, like pencils and erasers, with me to the test center.When the test started, I was nervous at first, but as I went on I started to relax and focus on the questions. I remembered all the grammar rules and vocabulary words I had studied, and I tried my best to answer each question carefully. Even though some of the questions were difficult, I didn't give up and kept trying my best.After the test was over, I felt a mix of relief and anxiety. I was relieved that it was finally done, but I was anxious about how I had done. I knew that I had tried my best, but I didn't know if it was enough to pass the test.A few weeks later, I received my test results in the mail. I was so nervous to open the envelope, but when I saw that I had passed the test, I was overjoyed! All my hard work had paid off, and I was so proud of myself for achieving something that I had worked so hard for.This experience taught me that hard work and dedication can lead to success, and that even when things seem difficult, it's important to never give up. I will always remember the day I passed the four-level English test as one of the most memorable and rewarding experiences of my life.篇3One time, I had to take the Four-level English test. It was super scary because I didn't know if I would pass or not. But there was this one question that was really easy and it made me feel confident.The question was about my favorite animal and why I liked it.I chose to write about pandas because they are super cute andfluffy. I wrote about how they eat bamboo all day and how they love to roll around in the mud.I also wrote about how pandas are endangered and how we need to do our part to protect them. When I finished the question, I felt really proud of myself. I even drew a little picture of a panda next to my answer.When I got my test results back, I saw that I passed with flying colors. I was so happy and relieved. That question about pandas really saved me!From that day on, whenever I see a panda, I always think back to that Four-level English test. It was a stressful experience, but it taught me that sometimes the simplest answers are the best ones. And pandas are always the best answer!篇4One day, we had to take a big test in English class. It was called the Four Ji test. Everyone was really nervous because we heard it was super hard. But our teacher told us not to worry and just do our best.When the test started, I was so scared that I almost forgot all the English words I knew. But I calmed myself down and startedworking on the questions. Some of them were easy, but some of them were really tricky. I had to think really hard to figure out the answers. It was like a big puzzle that I had to solve.After the test was over, I felt relieved but also worried about how I did. I wasn't sure if I answered all the questions right. But I tried my best, so I knew that was all I could do.A few weeks later, we got the test results back. I was so nervous to see how I did. When I looked at my score, I couldn't believe it. I got a really good grade! I was so happy and proud of myself. All the hard work and studying paid off.That's why the Four Ji test is the most memorable thing for me. It taught me that hard work and determination can help you achieve your goals. I will never forget that lesson.篇5Once upon a time, my sister took the four-level English test and she told me about one of the most impressive experiences she had during the test. She said that the listening part was the most challenging for her because the speakers spoke really fast and she couldn't catch all the details at first.But what impressed her the most was the reading part. There was a passage about a famous novel that she had never heard of before. She had only read the summary of the passage once before the test, so she didn't know much about it. But she found the questions really easy to answer because the passage was well written and the questions were straightforward.She told me that she was really nervous during the test, but she tried her best to stay calm and focused. She said that she took deep breaths and read the questions carefully before she started answering them. She also tried to stay positive and not let the difficult questions get to her.In the end, my sister said that she was really proud of herself for finishing the test and doing her best. She said that she learned a lot from the experience and she was excited to see the results. She also said that she was grateful for all the support and encouragement she received from our family and friends.And that was the most impressive experience my sister had during the four-level English test.篇6One day, I went to take the English four-level exam. It was soooooo hard! I had to write an essay about the most impressive things in my mind.I remembered the time when I went to the zoo with my family. I saw a tiger for the first time in my life! It was so big and scary, but also very cool. I could see its sharp teeth and hear its loud roar. It was like something out of a movie!Another thing that impressed me was when I went to a concert with my friends. The singer sang so beautifully and the music was so loud and fun. I felt like I was dancing in the sky!But the most impressive thing for me was when I went camping with my classmates. We sat around the campfire and told ghost stories. It was so spooky and exciting! I was scared, but also very happy because I was with my friends.Overall, I think the most impressive things in my mind are the times when I have fun with my family and friends. Those are the moments that I will never forget. I hope I can have more experiences like that in the future!。

story teller 莫言

story teller 莫言

你们的心是怎么长的?(生气,责骂) Where is your conscience?(直译) How can you do that?( authentically angrily )
eg:你眼睛长哪去了?(汉语中有生气,指责之 意。) Haven't you got your eyes?(直译) How blind you are? Why are you so rash?(地道英语) My goodness !Be careful!

母亲训斥了我,然后端起她那半碗饺子,倒进老 人碗里。

My mother rebuked me and dumped her dumplings to the old man’s bowl.
rebuke : the action or expression of criticism and c ensure
At dusk,I heard my mother calling my infant name. Infant:
1.hear sb. do sth. /hear sb. doing sth. 2.see sb. do sth. /see sb. doing sth. sb. do sth./watch sb. doing sth.
mother couldn’t run quickly because of her bound feet. Caught and slapped by the tall guardian, my mother staggered and fell down.(or my mother fell down tremblingly ? )

飘 中英文简介和感想

飘 中英文简介和感想

Unfortunately ,she died in a car accident . She didn’t leave too many compositions. But she established the position by Gone with the wind.
玛格丽特·米切尔(1900 —1949),美国现 代著名女作家。她生于亚特兰大市,曾获文学博 士学位,担任过《亚特兰大新闻报》的记者。 1937年她获得普利策奖。1939年获纽约南方协会 金质奖章。1949年,她不幸被车撞死。她短暂的 一生并未留下太多的作品,但只一部《飘》足以 奠定她在世界文学史中不可动摇的地位。
4.You’re throwing away happiness with both hands. And reaching out for something that will never make you happy.
你把自己的幸福拱手相让,去追求一些 根本不会让你幸福的东西。
The most impressive thing for me is that tomorrow is another day. Treasured possession is happy, because we always don’t know exactly what we need in the end. Too many people only in lost time, before we know to cherish. If you miss the sun when you cry, then you also miss the stars. Through a lot, you have to learn to ignore the past. Because tomorrow is another day.



补充问题:Q:What did you do after four years of college?Q:大学四年,你都做了什么?A:My undergraduate experience is mainly divided into two stages:One is the learning experience.During my time in school,I have been studying hard and achieved excellent results.I have won the second prize of the National Mathematical Competition,3national inspirational scholarships and3school-level scholarships,etc.honor.The second is practical experience.I participated in a charity club.I visited children with disabilities and carried out various activities in school.I also did part-time jobs,mainly to supervise junior high school students to write homework.A:我的本科经历主要分为两个阶段:一是学习经历,在校期间我一直努力学习,成绩优秀,曾获得全国数学竞赛二等奖,3次国家励志奖学金及3次校级奖学金等荣誉。


Q:Could you talk about one of the most successful things in your impression?(Or the biggest achievement in your impression?)Q:请你谈谈你印象中做得最成功的一件事?(或你的印象中取得的最大的成就?)A:I don’t think I have any special achievements,but I feel that the most successful is the entrance examination,and I can go in and re-examine to meet the teachers.I am World War II. After the baptism of World War I,I deeply understand the hard work The importance of hard work and serious attitude,so during World War II,I did not slack in the slightest.Recalling that the most impressive thing in preparation for the war is that I insisted on memorizing the morning every day since the decision of World War II,and recite while walking,so that I can walk almost every day during the day Wan Bu,maybe to find satisfaction,but it also greatly inspired me.It seems really funny now,but I am happy because I just do what I should do in my ordinary life.A:我觉得自己没有什么特别的成就,但是我感觉最成功的就是考研了,并且能够顺利地进去复试见到各位老师,我这次是二战,经过一战的洗礼,我深刻的认识到勤奋努力和认真态度的重要性,所以二战期间,我没有丝毫懈怠,回想起备战时印象最深的就是从决定二战时就每天坚持晨背,而且是边走边背诵,这样一天下来几乎每天都能走几万步,可能是为了寻找满足感吧,但这也大大激励了我。



大学里留下最深刻印象的内容的英语作文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1One time in college, I had this class called History of Arts and it was super cool! The professor was this really old guy who knew EVERYTHING about art. He could talk for hours about different paintings and sculptures and stuff. I learned a lot from him, even though sometimes I got a bit bored because there were so many dates and names to remember.But the most memorable thing was when we took a field trip to the art museum. It was HUGE and filled with all kinds of amazing artwork. I saw paintings from famous artists like Picasso, Van Gogh, and Monet. They were even more beautiful in person than in pictures! I felt like I was walking through a magical world of colors and shapes.The best part was when the professor explained the stories behind the artworks. Like how Picasso's paintings were inspired by his emotions or how Van Gogh used bold brushstrokes to show his passion. It was like unlocking a secret code to understand art better.After that field trip, I started appreciating art more. I would spend hours in the museum, just looking at different pieces and letting my imagination run wild. I even tried painting myself, although I'm not as talented as those famous artists!I'll never forget that class and the amazing experience of exploring the art museum. It opened my eyes to a whole new world of creativity and expression. Who knew that staring at a painting could be so inspiring? Art is truly magical!篇2When I went to college, I was so excited to start this new chapter of my life. There were many things that left a deep impression on me during my time in college. One of the most memorable experiences was when I joined a club called the Environmental Awareness Club. We did a lot of activities to raise awareness about protecting the environment. We organized clean-up events in the community, planted trees on campus, and held seminars on recycling and reducing waste.One event that stood out to me was when we visited a local recycling center. It was eye-opening to see how much waste is generated every day and how important it is to recycle and reduce our carbon footprint. I learned that even small actions,like using reusable water bottles and bags, can make a big difference in protecting the environment.Another memorable experience was when I studied abroad for a semester in Japan. It was my first time traveling alone and living in a different country. I had to adapt to a new culture, language, and way of life. It was challenging at first, but I made friends from all over the world and learned so much from the experience. I became more open-minded and independent, and it was an unforgettable time of personal growth.Overall, my college experience was a time of exploration, growth, and learning. I will always cherish the memories and lessons I gained during those years. College was a time ofself-discovery and building lifelong friendships, and I am grateful for the opportunities and experiences that shaped me into the person I am today.篇3The most impressive thing in collegeHey guys! Today I want to talk about the most impressive thing that happened to me in college. It was super cool and I will never forget it!So, it all happened during our field trip to a local museum. It was so much fun to see all the dinosaur bones and mummies. But the best part was when we found a secret passage behind one of the exhibits. It was like something out of a movie!We all decided to explore the passage and see where it led. It was dark and creepy, but we were all so excited. As we walked further and further, we started to see strange symbols on the walls. It was like being in an ancient tomb or something.Then, suddenly, we heard a loud noise coming from up ahead. We were all so scared but also curious. We finally reached the end of the passage and found ourselves in a huge chamber. And do you know what we saw there? TREASURE! Real, glittering treasure!We couldn't believe our eyes. It was like finding buried treasure or something. We were all screaming and jumping up and down with excitement. It was the best day ever!After that, we had to leave the chamber and return to the museum. But we will never forget that incredible adventure. It was the most impressive thing that ever happened to me in college.I hope you enjoyed my story! Have you ever had an adventure like that? Let me know in the comments!篇4One time when I was in college, I had the most amazing experience ever! It was so cool and fun and I will never forget it.It all started when my friends and I decided to join a study abroad program in Japan. We were so excited to go to a new country and experience a different culture. When we arrived in Japan, we were greeted by our host families who were so kind and welcoming. They showed us around their city and taught us about their customs and traditions. It was so interesting to learn about a new culture and I felt like I was in a whole new world.One day, our host family took us to a traditional Japanese tea ceremony. It was so beautiful and serene. The tea master showed us how to prepare and drink matcha tea in the traditional way. We had to sit on the tatami mats and follow all the rituals. It was such a peaceful and meditative experience. I felt so calm and relaxed and it was like nothing I had ever experienced before.After the tea ceremony, we visited a traditional Japanese garden. The garden was so peaceful and serene, with beautifulflowers and trees everywhere. We walked around the garden and took in all the sights and smells. It was like being in a fairy tale.That day in Japan was truly unforgettable. It was the most amazing experience of my college life and I will always cherish the memories. I learned so much about a new culture and made lifelong friends. It was a once in a lifetime experience that I will never forget.篇5When I think about my most memorable experience in college, the first thing that comes to mind is the time I joined a study group for my biology class. It was such a fun and exciting experience because I got to make new friends and learn in a different way.At first, I was a little nervous to join the study group because I didn't know anyone in it. But once I got there, I realized that everyone was really friendly and welcoming. We started off by introducing ourselves and sharing why we wanted to be in the study group. Some people wanted extra help with the material, while others just wanted to meet new people and study together. It was cool to see how we all had different reasons for being there, but we all shared the same goal of doing well in the class.One of the things I loved most about the study group was the way we worked together to understand the material. We would take turns explaining concepts to each other and asking questions when we didn't understand something. It was amazing to see how everyone had their own strengths and weaknesses, and how we could help each other succeed by sharing our knowledge and experiences. I remember feeling so proud when I was able to explain a difficult concept to someone else, and equally grateful when someone else helped me understand something I was struggling with.But it wasn't just about studying - we also had a lot of fun together. We would take breaks to play games or go out for food, and we even went on a few outings to explore the city. I made some really close friends in the study group, and I will always cherish the memories we made together.Looking back on my college experience, I realize that joining the study group was one of the best decisions I ever made. Not only did it help me academically, but it also allowed me to form meaningful connections with my peers. I am grateful for the friendships I made and the lessons I learned, and I will always look back on my time in the study group with fondness.篇6When I first came to college, I was really excited and nervous at the same time. Everything seemed new and different, and I didn't know what to expect. But as time went on, I started to settle in and get used to the college life.One of the things that left the biggest impression on me in college was the sense of independence. In elementary school, we always had teachers and parents telling us what to do and when to do it. But in college, it's up to us to manage our time and responsibilities. It was a little overwhelming at first, but I soon realized that it was empowering to be in control of my own choices.Another thing that stood out to me was the diversity of people in college. There were students from all over the world, with different backgrounds and beliefs. It was eye-opening to meet and interact with so many different kinds of people. I learned to appreciate the value of diversity and the importance of respecting others' perspectives.Lastly, the academic challenges in college were something that I will never forget. The workload was much heavier than in elementary school, and the expectations were higher. I had to push myself to study harder and stay focused on my goals. It wastough at times, but overcoming those challenges made me feel proud of myself.Overall, my experience in college has been a rollercoaster of emotions and experiences. It has been a time of growth, learning, and self-discovery. I am grateful for the memories and lessons that I have gained during my time in college, and I look forward to more adventures in the future.篇7Once upon a time, there was a little boy who went to visit his big brother at college. The little boy was so excited to see all the big kids studying and having fun on the campus.The first thing that caught his eye was the big library with tons and tons of books. The little boy had never seen so many books in one place before! He couldn't wait to explore all the different subjects and learn new things.Next, the big brother took the little boy to his dorm room. The little boy was amazed by how cozy and colorful it was. He saw all the posters on the walls and the bunk beds where the students slept. He even got to try out the big brother's computer and play some fun games.But the most exciting part of the day was when the big brother took the little boy to a real college class. The professor was talking about outer space and the planets, and the little boy's eyes lit up with wonder. He had never heard such fascinating things before!As they left the campus that day, the little boy knew that he wanted to go to college one day too. He couldn't wait to learn new things, make new friends, and have his own big adventure. The memories of that day would stay with him forever.篇8One day, I went to visit my sister at college and I had the best time ever! There were so many fun things to do and see on campus.First, we went to the library and I couldn't believe how big it was! There were shelves and shelves of books and computers everywhere. My sister showed me how to find books on the computer and it was so cool. I even got my own library card!Next, we went to the cafeteria for lunch. There were so many yummy foods to choose from, like pizza, burgers, and ice cream.I couldn't decide what to eat, so I ended up getting a little bit ofeverything. My sister's friends joined us and we all sat together and chatted.After lunch, we went to the football field to watch a game. I had never been to a college football game before and it was so exciting! The crowd was cheering and the players were running around and tackling each other. I was cheering and clapping along with everyone else.Finally, we went back to my sister's dorm room and watched a movie on her TV. It was so cozy and fun to hang out with her and her friends. I didn't want the day to end!Overall, my day at college was the best day ever. I had so much fun and made so many great memories. I can't wait to go back and visit again soon!篇9When I went to college, there were so many things that left a big impression on me! Like, seriously, I could talk about it for days! But if I had to pick just one thing that was the most memorable, it would definitely be my first day on campus.So, picture this: I was super nervous because everything was so new and different. The buildings were huge, the classes werepacked, and there were so many people walking around. I didn't know where anything was and I was worried about getting lost.But then, something amazing happened. I met my roommate, Lucy, and she was so nice! She showed me around campus, introduced me to some of her friends, and even helped me find my classes. I felt like I had known her forever, even though we had just met.And you know what? That's when I realized that college wasn't just about studying and getting good grades. It was also about making new friends, learning new things, and growing as a person. I felt so excited and inspired to start this new chapter of my life.From that day on, I knew that college was going to be an unforgettable experience. And looking back now, I can say for sure that my first day on campus was definitely the most memorable moment of my time in college.篇10Oh my gosh, let me tell you about the most impressive thing I experienced in college! It was so cool, guys!So, one time in college, I was taking this super interesting class about ancient civilizations. We learned all about the Mayans, the Egyptians, and the Greeks. It was like going on a big adventure through time!But the most amazing part was when my professor took us on a field trip to a real-life archaeological dig site. We got to see how archaeologists actually uncover ancient artifacts and piece together the history of a civilization. It was like being a detective, but in the past!I even got to dig up some artifacts myself. I found a piece of pottery that was over a thousand years old! It was so cool to think about who might have used it back in the day.After that experience, I was totally hooked on archaeology. I even changed my major to anthropology so I could learn more about ancient cultures and civilizations.That field trip opened up a whole new world for me, and I will never forget the excitement of discovering the past. College is full of amazing opportunities like that, and I can't wait to see what other adventures await me in the future!。



大学英语作文学校让你最印象深刻The Most Impressive Thing About SchoolSchool is awesome! There are so many fun and amazing things that happen every single day. But you know what the most impressive thing is? It's not the playground, or the library, or even pizza day in the cafeteria. The most impressive thing about school is...learning!I know, I know, that probably sounds really boring to a lot of kids. Learning is hard work and it can be frustrating sometimes. Like when you're trying to figure out those crazy long division problems in math class. Or when you're reading a chapter book and you just can't pronounce some of the words no matter how many times you try. Trust me, I get it. There are definitely times when learning makes my brain feel like it's going to explode!But here's the thing - learning is also really, really cool. Every time I learn something new, it's like a little door opens up in my mind and I can see a whole new world that I never knew existed before. And the more I learn, the more those doors keep openingup until my mind is just this enormous universe full of galaxies of knowledge and understanding about everything from reading and writing to science, history, art, and beyond.That's why I think learning is so impressive. It takes something as small and ordinary as a pencil and paper or a book, and it uses those simple tools to build entire universes of ideas and insight inside my head. Just by carefully listening to the teacher, studying hard, and practicing what I've learned, I can take tiny seeds of information and grow them into stunning mental galaxies full of stars and planets made of pure knowledge. It's mind-blowing!I'll give you a few examples of what I mean. In my English class, we were just learning about prefixes, suffixes, and root words. Seems pretty boring at first, right? But then the teacher showed us how you can use prefixes and suffixes to create hundreds of different words from just one root word. My favorite root is "duct" which means to lead. Add a few prefixes and suffixes like "con" and "ive" and you get "conductive" which means something that transmits heat or electricity really well.Or take the prefix "re" which means again, and the suffix "able" which means capable of. Put them together with "duct" and you get "re-duct-able" which means capable of being led again. From just three little meaning units, you can create words like "conduct", "conductive", "conducive", "inductee", and "reductable". Using this pattern, you can derive the meanings ofwords you've never even seen before! With one simple root and some prefixes and suffixes, an entirely new galaxy of words and meanings is there for the taking. That's learning in action, adding new universes to my mental cosmos every day.And it's not just English - every subject is like that. In math, I was learning about the basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. On their own, they didn't seem too thrilling. But then I realized that with just those four core operations, you can perform an infinite number of calculations and solve practically any mathematical problem in existence. Math is like an entire universe of numbers and operations, and I've got the most powerful tools to explore that universe just by mastering those four basic skills.In science, we learned about the three states of matter - solid, liquid, and gas. That's it, just three little things to remember. But then we started studying how solids, liquids, and gases interact with each other and the rest of the natural world. We learned about processes like evaporation, condensation, freezing, and melting. We experimented with chemical reactions and physical changes. We explored how those same three states of matter can take infinite forms like ice, water, clouds, steel, wood, helium, and more. What seemed like a tiny, simple set offacts turned out to be a vast, never-ending frontier of scientific understanding.Geography taught me about continents, countries, cultures, and landscapes. Art gave me the skills to draw, paint, and sculpt my view of the world. History opened up the incredible stories of people and civilizations through the ages. Every skill I learn, no matter how small, leads me to piece together a bigger and bigger picture of our universe in my imagination.That's why learning will always be the most impressive thing about school for me. I may be just a kid, but school gives me the keys to unlock entireuniverses of knowledge and understanding. Of course, there's still so much I don't know or understand yet - probably billions and billions of galaxies left to explore. But every single day of learning in school is like taking one more step outwards into the vast mental cosmos, bringing infinite new worlds into focus.Some kids might find learning boring, I guess. But for me, it's the ultimate adventure! Where else could a kid go exploring through the mysteries of literature, mathematics, science, history, art, and more, all between recess and lunchtime? Just by showing up, listening carefully, and doing my homework, schoolhands me a starship and an instruction manual to navigate through a neverending sea of knowledge and insight.Maybe those other kids just don't realize yet what an amazingly impressive, mind-boggling, universe-expanding experience learning really is. But I'm sure at least a few of my classmates feel the same way I do - that school is a launchpad forichthere will always be new wonders to uncover about how our world and universe works.As long as I'm learning something new every day, adding another planet or two to the vast cosmos of understanding in my mind, then I know I'm well on my way to becoming the amazing inter-galactic explorer I've always dreamed of being. So bring on the books, the lessons, the homework, and everything else - this kid's mind is ready for liftoff!。



【一】The 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 (hereinafter referred to as "Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games") was held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China from September 10 to 25, 2022.As of December 2020, there are 40 major events in the Asian Games, including 31 Olympic events and 9 non Olympic events. At the same time, on the premise of keeping the 40 major events unchanged, two competition events, E-sports and break dance, will be added.Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games is positioned as "China's new era · Hangzhou New Asian Games" and aims at "Chinese characteristics, Zhejiang style, Hangzhou charm and brilliance". It adheres to the concept of "green, intelligent, thrifty and civilized" and the principle of "focusing on Hangzhou and sharing by the whole province".The reconstruction project of Hangzhou Guobo wall stadium for the 19th Asian Games in 2022 has been completed and successfully passed the completion acceptance. It is planned to complete the sports craft acceptance before the end of December 2021.【二】In 1990, Beijing held China's first Asian Games, which was the 11th Asian Games. Mother said it was when she was a child, and it was also the most impressive thing for her. Thirty two years later, the 19th Asian Games was held in Hangzhou. Hangzhou is the city where I grew up, which makes me very proud.The Hangzhou Asian Games is held in the Olympic Sports Center, located on the North Bank of the Qiantang River. The main venue is as graceful as a "white lotus". It blooms beautifully on the Bank of the Qiantang River and becomes a beautiful scenic spot in Hangzhou. In the evening, the "Lotus" emits pink purple light, just like the stars falling on the earth. This "white lotus" consists of 28 large petals and 27 small petals, with 80800 seats insideIt is the third largest stadium in China. In order to welcome the Asian Games, Hangzhou began to prepare for it several years ago. I'm looking forward to the Asian Games.Because the Asian Games are held in Hangzhou, Hangzhou has carried out various activities to welcome the Asian Games. What I know are "China Mobile Cup Asian Games English star", "Asian Games in leaf painting", "welcoming the Asian Games and reciting classics" and other competitions. My sister also took part in the "Asian Games classic recitation" competition. I remember when I was in the preliminaries, due to the influence of COVID-19, I chose to hold online. It took my sister a long time to determine the title of the recitation. For a while, she said to choose Mulan Ci, and for a while, she chose Chunjiang flower moon night. She went back and forth several times. Finally, she decided to recite Chunjiang flower moon night. After the title of the recitation was determined, she began to practice. She practiced her pronunciation every morning and recited it at night. After more than ten days, she submitted her work to the competition group. Before long, after receiving the notice from the competition group, my sister actually entered the finals and competed for the first prize and the special prize. WOW! My sister is great. I want to refuel, too!In 2022, we made an appointment with friends from all over Asia in Hangzhou. We raised our spirits under the washing of the epidemic. We learned lessons in the process of summing up. We seek more progress under the scene of victory. Let's cheer together and move forward towards the Asian Games.【三】In 2022, the 19th Asian Games will be held in Hangzhou. As a little designer, I also want to design a mascot for the Asian Games. Let's listen to his self introduction!Hello everyone, I am the mascot of this year - "Gui Gui". I wear a fragrant "laurel" crown and a "golden war coat", and I am covered with the color of golden laurel. Every time I compete, I can show my best state, surpass myself and win the "laurel" bravely.Osmanthus fragrans is the city flower of Hangzhou. When autumn comes, the humble little flowers of Osmanthus fragrans flutter in the wind, emitting a refreshing aroma, which makes the whole Hangzhou city full of Osmanthus fragrans. The unknown little flowers of Osmanthus fragrans make many people more energetic. The Osmanthus fragrans flying all over the city has also become a bright wind shadow in Hangzhou, which also makes many people like "Osmanthus fragrans" more. "GuiGui" symbolizes the unknown humanistic spirit. In October, it always brings fragrance and adds fragrance to our home. Because Osmanthus fragrans makes our country prosperous and better!Osmanthus fragrans not only smell a refreshing aroma, but also become a lot of food. They come to our table, such as Osmanthus fragrans wine, Osmanthus fragrans cake, Osmanthus fragrans dumplings... These mouth watering foods also make people more like the mascot "Gui Gui".Although I only designed one Asian Games mascot, this unique "Gui Gui" will encourage Chinese Asian Games athletes to win the first place in the next competition, harvest their first gold medal and win the "Gui" title!I am just a primary school student. In my life, I will pick up the garbage around me and throw it into the garbage Yong to create a clean, civilized and tidy image of Hangzhou. Cheer for the Asian Games, cheer for the Asian Games! Hangzhou, come on! Come on, Chinese team! Boy, come on! I wish our motherland prosperity.。



大学给你印象最深的是什么英语作文大一全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1One of the most memorable experiences in my first year of college was the sense of freedom and independence that came with living on my own for the first time. It was a new chapter in my life, filled with excitement and challenges, and I was eager to embrace all the opportunities that came my way.Living in the dormitory, I was responsible for managing my time, balancing my academic and social life, and taking care of my own needs. It was a steep learning curve, but I quickly adapted and found a routine that worked for me. I enjoyed the freedom to make my own choices, whether it was deciding what to eat for dinner, how late to stay up studying, or which club to join on campus.Another aspect of college life that left a lasting impression on me was the diversity of people and ideas that I encountered. I met students from all walks of life, with different backgrounds, beliefs, and interests. It was eye-opening to engage in conversations with people who had perspectives andexperiences vastly different from my own. I learned to appreciate the value of diversity and the richness it brings to our community.Academically, college challenged me to think critically, push my boundaries, and pursue my passions. I enrolled in courses that intrigued me, participated in research projects, and sought out opportunities for internships and job shadowing. I discovered new interests and honed my skills, all while receiving guidance and support from knowledgeable professors and mentors.In addition to academic and personal growth, college also provided me with opportunities for personal development and self-discovery. I learned to navigate unfamiliar situations, deal with setbacks, and take on leadership roles. I gained confidence in my abilities, resilience in the face of challenges, and a sense of purpose in pursuing my goals.Looking back on my first year of college, I am grateful for the experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today. The sense of freedom and independence, the diversity of people and ideas, the academic and personal growth – all these have left a lasting impression on me and prepared me for the journey ahead.I am excited to see what the future holds and to continue growing and learning in this vibrant and dynamic environment.篇2The Most Impressive Things in University LifeUniversity life is undoubtedly a life-changing experience for most students. For me, the first year in university has been filled with various events and moments that have left a lasting impression on me. From academics to extracurricular activities, from friendship to personal growth, there are numerous aspects of university life that have made a mark on me. However, there are a few things that stand out as the most impressive to me.First and foremost, the academic rigor of university is what has impressed me the most. The transition from high school to university was a significant leap, and the level of difficulty and intensity of the coursework was something that I had never experienced before. The expectation to think critically and independently, to research and write academic papers, and to excel in exams pushed me out of my comfort zone and challenged me to strive for excellence. The professors who were experts in their fields and the classmates who were equallydriven and dedicated inspired me to work harder and gave me a sense of fulfillment when I achieved my academic goals.Another aspect of university life that has made a deep impression on me is the diversity and inclusivity of the campus community. Coming from a small town where everyone knew each other, I was initially overwhelmed by the sheer number of students from different backgrounds, cultures, and nationalities. However, as I interacted with my classmates, joined clubs and organizations, and participated in various events and activities, I realized how enriching and enlightening it was to be part of such a diverse and inclusive community. I learned to appreciate different perspectives, celebrate cultural differences, and foster mutual respect and understanding among my peers.Moreover, the opportunities for personal growth andself-discovery in university are something that I find truly remarkable. The freedom to explore different interests, try out new hobbies, and challenge myself to step outside of my comfort zone has been invaluable in shaping my character and developing my skills. Through volunteer work, internships, study abroad programs, and leadership roles in student organizations, I have gained a greater sense of self-awareness, confidence, and resilience. I have learned to embrace failure as a stepping stoneto success, to adapt to change and uncertainty, and to cultivate a growth mindset that will serve me well in my future endeavors.In conclusion, the first year in university has been a transformative and unforgettable experience for me. The academic rigor, diversity and inclusivity, and opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery have all left a deep impression on me and have shaped me into a more mature, well-rounded, and confident individual. I look forward to the rest of my university journey with excitement and anticipation, knowing that there are many more lessons to be learned, friendships to be made, and memories to be created in the years ahead.篇3The Most Impressive Thing about College Life in My Freshman YearCollege life is a unique and unforgettable experience for many individuals. Throughout my first year of college, I have encountered various situations that have left a profound impact on me. Among them, there is one aspect of college life that has stood out as the most impressive to me - the sense of community and belonging that I have found on campus.One of the first things that struck me when I arrived at college was the diversity of the student body. Coming from a small town where everyone knew each other, I was initially overwhelmed by the sheer number of people on campus. However, as time went on, I began to appreciate the diversity that surrounded me. I met students from different backgrounds, cultures, and walks of life, each bringing their unique perspectives and experiences to the table. This diversity not only enriched my own understanding of the world but also fostered a sense of inclusivity and acceptance among the student body.Another aspect of college life that has left a lasting impression on me is the sense of camaraderie that exists among students. Whether it be studying together for exams, working on group projects, or simply hanging out in the dorms, I have found that my peers are always willing to lend a helping hand and offer support when needed. This sense of solidarity has made me feel like I am part of a tight-knit community, where everyone looks out for one another and helps each other grow and succeed.Moreover, the opportunities for personal and academic growth that college provides have been truly remarkable. From joining clubs and organizations to participating in research projects and internships, I have been able to explore and pursuemy interests in ways that I never thought possible. The freedom to chart my own path and discover new passions has been both empowering and inspiring, and I am grateful for the countless opportunities that college has afforded me.In conclusion, the most impressive thing about college life in my freshman year has been the sense of community, belonging, and growth that I have found on campus. The diverse student body, the spirit of camaraderie, and the endless opportunities for personal and academic development have made my college experience truly memorable and transformative. I look forward to the years ahead, knowing that I am part of a supportive and inclusive community that will continue to shape me into the person I aspire to be.。



屠呦呦哪里令你最印象深刻英文作文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Oh, do you know who I think is super cool? Yep, it's Tu Youyou! She's this amazing scientist from China who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovering a new malaria treatment.The thing that really impressed me about her is that she used traditional Chinese medicine to find a cure for a modern disease. Like, how cool is that? She didn't just rely on what everyone else was doing - she thought outside the box and found a whole new way to help people.Also, Tu Youyou did so much hard work to make her discovery. She spent years and years researching and testing different herbs to find the right combination. That takes a lot of dedication and patience, which I think is really inspiring.And the best part is that her discovery has saved millions of lives around the world. That's pretty incredible, right? Just one person with a brilliant idea and a lot of determination can make such a big difference.So, yeah, Tu Youyou is definitely someone who has left a big impression on me. She's a real-life superhero in my book!篇2When did you hear about Tu Youyou for the first time? For me, it was during a science class at school. My teacher was telling us about amazing scientists who have made a difference in the world, and that's when I first learned about Tu Youyou.One of the things that impressed me the most about Tu Youyou is the fact that she discovered a treatment for malaria. Malaria is a very serious disease that affects many people around the world, especially in Africa. Tu Youyou's discovery has saved countless lives and helped to reduce the suffering of so many people.Another thing that I found really impressive about Tu Youyou is that she was the first Chinese woman to win a Nobel Prize in medicine. It's not easy to win a Nobel Prize, and the fact that she was able to achieve this incredible feat is truly inspiring.Overall, Tu Youyou is a true hero in my eyes. Her dedication to science and her commitment to helping others make her a role model for people everywhere. I hope that more people learnabout her amazing achievements and are inspired to make a difference in the world, just like she has.篇3Title: My Impressions of Tu YouyouHey everyone! Today I want to talk about Tu Youyou, a famous Chinese scientist who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2015. She is super cool and has done a lot of amazing things to help people with her research on traditional Chinese medicine.The thing that impressed me the most about Tu Youyou is how she discovered artemisinin, a drug that helps treat malaria. She found this medicine by studying ancient Chinese texts and herbs, which is so awesome! It shows that sometimes we can learn important things from the past.Another thing that I think is really cool about Tu Youyou is that she is the first Chinese woman to win a Nobel Prize in science. It's so inspiring to see someone breaking barriers and showing that girls can be scientists too!I also really admire Tu Youyou's dedication to her work. She spent years researching and experimenting until she found atreatment for malaria. It must have been really tough, but she never gave up. She is a great example of perseverance and hard work.In conclusion, Tu Youyou is a truly amazing scientist who has made a huge impact on the world. I hope to be just like her one day and make a difference with my own research. Thank you, Tu Youyou, for being such an inspiration to us all!篇4Title: Dr. Tu Youyou: The Impressions that Stayed with MeDo you know who Dr. Tu Youyou is? She's a super-duper smart scientist who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2015 for discovering artemisinin, a lifesaving medicine for malaria. She's like a superhero in the science world!The most impressive thing about Dr. Tu Youyou is that she didn't give up, even when things were super tough. She spent years and years researching and testing different plants to find a cure for malaria. She even read ancient Chinese medical texts to get clues on where to look. She worked crazy hard and finally found artemisinin, which has saved millions of lives. That's so cool!Another thing that's super cool about Dr. Tu Youyou is that she's a trailblazer for women in science. In a field dominated by men, she showed that girls can be just as smart and capable. She broke through the glass ceiling and proved that gender doesn't define your abilities. She's a true inspiration for all the girls out there who dream of becoming scientists.Dr. Tu Youyou is also really humble and down-to-earth. Even after winning the Nobel Prize, she stayed humble and focused on her research. She didn't let fame get to her head. She's a reminder that success is not just about awards and recognition, but about making a difference in the world.In conclusion, Dr. Tu Youyou is a real-life superhero who overcame challenges, broke stereotypes, and stayed humble. She's a role model for all of us, showing that with hard work and dedication, we can achieve anything. I'm super impressed by her and hope to be as awesome as she is one day!篇5Title: The Most Impressive Thing about Tu YouyouHey everyone! Today I want to tell you about Tu Youyou, a famous Chinese scientist who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine.She is super cool and I hope you can learn something from her story!The most impressive thing about Tu Youyou is how she discovered a new medicine to treat malaria. She found this medicine from a traditional Chinese herb called Artemisia annua. Isn't that amazing? She saved many lives with her discovery!Tu Youyou's dedication to her work is also very inspiring. She did not give up, even when her research faced many challenges. She worked very hard and finally succeeded in finding the cure for malaria. This shows us that we should not give up on our dreams, no matter how hard it gets.Another thing that I find impressive about Tu Youyou is her humility. Even though she won the Nobel Prize, she remained humble and down-to-earth. She always gives credit to her team and mentors for their help and support. This teaches us the importance of teamwork and gratitude.In conclusion, Tu Youyou is a great role model for all of us. Her discovery of a new medicine, dedication to her work, and humility make her a truly impressive person. Let's learn from her and strive to make a positive impact in the world, just like she did. Tu Youyou, you're awesome!篇6When I think about Tu Youyou, the first thing that comes to my mind is how she discovered a new treatment for malaria. It's so impressive!So, one day, Tu Youyou was researching traditional Chinese medicine to see if there was anything that could help cure malaria. She found this book that talked about sweet wormwood and how it could be used to treat the disease. Tu Youyou was like, "Hmm, maybe I should check this out!"She worked really hard and did a lot of experiments to figure out how sweet wormwood could be turned into a powerful medicine. And guess what? She did it! She discovered artemisinin, a special compound that could kill the malaria parasites in the body.Tu Youyou's discovery has saved so many lives all around the world. People now use artemisinin to treat malaria and it's super effective. Tu Youyou is a hero because she didn't give up and kept going until she found a solution.I think Tu Youyou is amazing because she used her knowledge and skills to help others. She's a true inspiration for all of us, showing us that we can make a difference in the world ifwe work hard and never give up. Thank you, Tu Youyou, for all that you've done!篇7Once upon a time, there was a famous scientist named Tu Youyou. She discovered a medicine that could cure malaria and save many lives. I was so impressed by her and her amazing work!The most impressive thing about Tu Youyou is how dedicated she was to her research. She worked really hard to find a cure for malaria, and she didn't give up even when things got tough. She spent many years studying traditional Chinese medicine and looking for a way to treat this deadly disease.I also think it's really cool that Tu Youyou was the first Chinese woman to win a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. She showed that girls can be great scientists too, and that's really inspiring to me.Another thing that impresses me about Tu Youyou is how she used her knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine to help save lives. She discovered artemisinin, a compound found in a plant called sweet wormwood, which can cure malaria. It'samazing how she combined ancient wisdom with modern science to come up with a groundbreaking treatment.In conclusion, Tu Youyou is a brilliant scientist who has made a huge impact on the world. Her dedication, achievements, and creativity are all things that I find really inspiring. I hope to be like her one day and make a difference in the world too!篇8Title: Dr. Tu Youyou: The Coolest Scientist Ever!Hello everyone! Today I want to tell you all about Dr. Tu Youyou, a super cool scientist who discovered a medicine to treat malaria. She is so amazing and smart, and she has made a big impact on the world with her work.I first heard about Dr. Tu Youyou in my science class when we were learning about famous scientists. I was so impressed by her story because she is the first Chinese woman to win a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. That is so awesome!Dr. Tu Youyou's discovery of artemisinin, a medicine that helps cure malaria, has saved so many lives around the world. Malaria is a really dangerous disease, especially in countrieswhere there are lots of mosquitoes. But thanks to Dr. Tu Youyou's medicine, people can get better and stay healthy.What I think is really cool about Dr. Tu Youyou is that she never gave up, even when things were tough. She spent many years researching and testing different plants to find a cure for malaria. She was so determined to help people, and her hard work paid off in the end.Dr. Tu Youyou is my hero because she is so smart, brave, and caring. I hope to be like her one day and make a difference in the world with my own inventions. Thank you, Dr. Tu Youyou, for being such an inspiration to all of us!篇9Title: The Amazing Dr. Tu YouyouHi guys! Today I want to tell you all about an amazing scientist called Dr. Tu Youyou. She is super cool and really smart!I first learned about Dr. Tu Youyou in my science class. My teacher said she won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovering a treatment for malaria. That is so awesome! Malaria is a really serious disease that makes people sick, but Dr. Tu Youyou found a way to help them get better.What's even more amazing is that Dr. Tu Youyou used traditional Chinese medicine to help her find the treatment. She researched ancient texts and herbs to come up with a cure. That is so clever!Dr. Tu Youyou's hard work and dedication have saved millions of lives around the world. She is a true hero and an inspiration to all of us. I want to be just like her when I grow up, helping people and making the world a better place.So, that's why Dr. Tu Youyou is super impressive to me. She is a real-life superhero who is changing the world for the better. I hope one day I can do something as amazing as she did.Thanks for reading, guys! Remember, you can do anything you set your mind to, just like Dr. Tu Youyou. Go out there and make a difference!篇10Title: Dr. Tu Youyou, the Scientist Who Impressed Me the MostHave you ever heard of a scientist named Dr. Tu Youyou? Well, she is super cool and has done some amazing things! Let me tell you all about her.Dr. Tu Youyou is a Chinese scientist who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2015. She discovered a cure for malaria, which is a super serious disease that can make you really sick. She studied traditional Chinese medicine and found a plant called Artemisia annua that could be used to treat malaria. Isn't that so awesome?What really impressed me about Dr. Tu Youyou is that she never gave up, even when things got tough. She worked really hard for many years to find a cure for malaria, and she didn't stop until she succeeded. That's so inspiring!Dr. Tu Youyou's discovery has saved millions of lives around the world. That's pretty amazing, right? She is a hero in my book and I think she deserves all the recognition she has received.I hope one day I can be as brave and dedicated as Dr. Tu Youyou. She has shown me that with hard work and determination, you can achieve anything. Thank you, Dr. Tu Youyou, for being such an inspiration to us all!。



印象最深刻的一件事英语作文通用五篇印象最深刻的一件事英语作文 1Everyone has the most impressive thing, and I am no exception. In the summer vacation, one of the most impressive things in my mind is “raising fish".One day, my father went to his colleague's home to play. When he came back, his colleague kindly sent him a few small fish. In order to raise these small fish, my father specially drove to the market, bought a small and delicate aquarium and a box of feed back. Seeing these colorful, beautiful fish, I jumped up with joy, tightly hugged my father asked: "let me take care of these fish!"Every day as soon as I get up, I can't wait to rush to the fish box, say hello to my precious fish, and observe whether they are healthy? Then they were fed fodder. As soon as the fish saw the feed, they fell over each other to snatch it, pletely forgetting that they are elegant gentlemen and ladies. Watching them swim freely in the water, I danced for joy.Although it is a small "aquarium" but changed my life, it changed my morning "lie in bed" bad habits, but also let my lifee colorful. When I am unhappy, as long as I see these lovely little fish, my troubles will be swept away. Finally, I want to thank my father for sending me such a "valuable" gift.印象最深刻的一件事英语作文 2This happened when I was 12 years old. I remembered the fourth grade of my class. I had a good time chatting with my classmates.That morning, I chatted with Qian Yi. I was very worried and found it difficult to learn Chinese and maths. Please teach me to learn, teach me to learn to remember the group of words, math has multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, etc. I learn to understand then good! I understand it is very simple to write math and finish the homework for the teacher to collect. Later I try my best to learn math problems, next time I will be able to teach students math problems. Thank qianyi for teaching me math problems, the end of the teacher praised me is a good student.印象最深刻的一件事英语作文 3There is one thing I still remember now。



Childhood I naive, lively, lovely, full of hope for life, one of the most impressive thing - is my parents take me to the dream capital of Beijing.Remember it was national day, dad, mom, I went to Beijng Tours - Private One-day Tour with my brother.The first stop we went to the military museum, there are all kinds of guns used in ancient and modern times, looking at these weapons, I imagine the cruel scene of war before.The second station is the museum of science and technology, where I know a lot of Chinese invented high-tech such as: intelligent robots, electronic telescopes 。


the Chinese are so smart!The third station is the great wall I want to go to, the ancients said: " less than the great wall is not a good man",I also want to climb the great wall, as a good man. We sat on the cable car, Xiangshan beautiful attractive scenery panoramic view, unknowingly we came to the foot of the great wall. Ready to climb the great wall, I excitedly said: " we can walk, said, so it 's not tired",my brother and I talking and laughing in a twinkling of an eye on the top of the beacon tower, saw the magnificent, stretching the great wall, our mood is very excited, can 't help cheering together" the great wall, I come to see you! ""During the may day holiday, I went to Beijing and saw the largest Tian 'anmen square, world park and summer palace.Tian 'anmen square on people, is really a sea of people. Some tourists draw here, some photos, and some skating, there are foreigners, very lively. From a distance, a few five-star red flags fluttered with the wind. There is also a rectangular column like a pillar, two sides of which have words, there are " people 's heroes immortal" eight characters. As for the other side, too much didn 't see clearly.The world park is full of world famous buildings. Eiffel tower, Notre dame de Paris, the great wall 。



四级大学生活中你印象最深刻的事英语作文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Oh my god, I can't believe I'm already in college! It's so different from elementary school, everything is so big and there are so many people everywhere. But you know what? There was this one thing that happened to me in my first year of college that I will never forget.So, it was my first day of classes and I was super nervous. I had to take this really hard math class that I was dreading all summer. When I walked into the classroom, it was packed with students and the professor looked really intimidating. I was so scared that I wouldn't be able to keep up.But then, something amazing happened. The professor started talking and he was so funny and engaging. He made math seem interesting and easy to understand. He even cracked jokes and showed us cool tricks to solve problems. I was shocked at how much I was actually enjoying the class!As the weeks went on, I found myself looking forward to that math class every day. I even started getting really good gradeson my homework and tests. The professor was always there to help me when I was struggling and he never made me feel dumb for asking questions.That experience really taught me that college isn't just about studying and getting good grades. It's also about finding teachers who inspire you and make you excited to learn. I will always be grateful for that math professor and the way he changed my perception of math.So yeah, college life can be tough and overwhelming at times, but it's also full of amazing experiences that will stay with you forever. I can't wait to see what else is in store for me in the next few years!篇2Title: My Most Impressive Memory in College LifeHey guys, do you want to hear about the most exciting thing that happened to me in college? Well, let me tell you all about it! It was during my sophomore year when I joined a student organization called the Volunteer Club. We did all kinds of volunteer work in the community, like helping out at food banks, cleaning up parks, and visiting nursing homes.One day, our club received a special invitation to participate in a charity event at a local children's hospital. We were asked to spend time with the kids, play games, and just be there to cheer them up. I was super excited because I love children and I couldn't wait to make them smile.When we arrived at the hospital, we were greeted by the most adorable group of kids you could ever imagine. They were so full of energy and laughter, despite being in the hospital. We spent the entire day with them, playing board games, drawing pictures, and even putting on a mini talent show. It was so much fun and the kids were having a blast.But the most memorable moment for me was when a little girl named Lucy, who had been very quiet and reserved all day, came up to me and gave me a big hug. She whispered in my ear, "Thank you for making me happy today." I felt tears welling up in my eyes because it was such a touching moment.That day changed my life in so many ways. It showed me the power of kindness and how a simple act of caring can make a big difference in someone's life. I will always cherish the memory of that day and I am so grateful for the opportunity to bring joy to those amazing kids.So, if you ever have the chance to do volunteer work or help out in your community, I highly recommend it. It's not only rewarding for you but it also brightens up the world for others. Trust me, you won't regret it!That's all for now, guys. Thanks for listening to my story. Take care and keep spreading love and positivity wherever you go! Bye!篇3Title: The Most Impressive Thing in My College LifeHey guys, today I want to share with you the most impressive thing that happened to me in my college life. It was during my second year of college when I joined the dance club.At first, I was a little nervous because I didn't have much experience in dancing. But the club members were so friendly and welcoming that I felt comfortable right away. They taught me the dance moves patiently and encouraged me to keep practicing.As time went by, I improved a lot and became more confident in my dancing skills. Finally, the day of our performance came. I was so excited and a little bit nervous, butthe support from my club members gave me the courage to go on stage.When the music started playing, I danced with all my heart and soul. The feeling of being on stage and sharing my passion with the audience was indescribable. After the performance, I received a lot of praise and applause, which made me feel so proud of myself.That experience not only helped me grow as a dancer but also boosted my self-confidence. It taught me that with hard work and dedication, I can achieve anything I set my mind to. I will always cherish the memories of my time in the dance club and the valuable lessons I learned from it. College life is truly amazing, isn't it?篇4Oh my god, let me tell you about the most impressive thing that happened to me in my college life! It was totally crazy, like, super unforgettable!So, last semester, my friends and I decided to join this study group for our English class. We were all struggling with our grades, so we thought it would be a good idea to study together. And you know what? It was the best decision ever!We met up at the library every week and we would quiz each other, share tips and tricks, and help each other with our assignments. It was so much fun, like we were a little English squad or something.But the craziest part was when we had to do a group project together. We had to write this super long research paper and present it to the class. We were all stressing out big time, but we worked our butts off and we aced it!And get this - our teacher was so impressed with our presentation that she gave us all extra credit! I couldn't believe it!I felt like a total genius, haha.I'll never forget that experience. It showed me the power of teamwork and how much you can achieve when you work together towards a common goal. College is tough, but with the right people by your side, you can conquer anything. I'm so grateful for my study group and the memories we made together. College life, man. It's wild.篇5Okay! Here is an example of a short essay written in a more casual and child-like tone:The most impressive thing that happened to me in my college life was when I joined the study group. It was super cool! We were like a superhero team, studying together and helping each other out. I remember one time when I was struggling with a math problem and my friend Jenny came to the rescue. She explained it to me in a way that made it so easy to understand. I was so grateful for her help.Another unforgettable moment was when I gave my first presentation in front of the class. I was so nervous, my hands were shaking like crazy! But my classmates were cheering me on and giving me thumbs up. It made me feel so confident and proud of myself. I even got a high-five from my teacher!College life is full of ups and downs, but it's the people around you that make it special. I'll always remember the friends I made and the memories we shared. I can't wait to see what other adventures await me in the future!篇6Oh my god, let me tell you the most impressive thing in my college life! It was the day when I participated in a charity event organized by our school.It all started when our class decided to do something good for the community. We brainstormed ideas and finally settled on organizing a charity walk to raise money for a local orphanage. We worked really hard to plan the event, from designing posters to reaching out to sponsors for donations.On the day of the charity walk, the turnout was amazing! People from all over the campus came to participate and support the cause. It was such a heartwarming sight to see so many people coming together for a good cause.As we walked through the campus, I could feel the sense of unity and compassion in the air. It was a truly unforgettable experience. At the end of the walk, we were able to raise a substantial amount of money for the orphanage. The feeling of accomplishment and fulfillment was indescribable.That day, I learned the power of unity and compassion. It taught me that when people come together for a common purpose, amazing things can happen. I will always cherish the memories of that day and the lessons I learned from it.College life is not just about studying and getting good grades. It's also about making a difference in the world and touching the lives of others. I am grateful for the opportunity tobe a part of such a meaningful event, and I look forward to more opportunities to make a positive impact in the future.篇7During my time at university, there was one experience that really left a deep impression on me. It was during my third year when I was taking a course in Environmental Science. Our professor assigned us a group project that involved conducting research on air pollution in our city.I was teamed up with three other classmates, and we spent weeks collecting data, analyzing statistics, and conducting interviews with experts in the field. It was a lot of hard work, but we were determined to do our best.One day, while we were out in the field collecting air samples, we came across a group of children playing in a nearby park. They were so carefree and full of energy, completely unaware of the pollution that surrounded them. It was a heartbreaking sight, and it made me realize the importance of our project.After weeks of hard work, we finally presented our findings to the class. Our professor was impressed with our research and even suggested that we submit our project to a nationalenvironmental conference. We were ecstatic and proud of our accomplishment.This experience taught me the importance of taking action and making a difference in the world around us. It showed me that even as a university student, I have the power to effect change and create a more sustainable future for generations to come.篇8Hello everyone! Today I want to tell you about the most impressive thing that happened to me in my college life. It was during my sophomore year when I joined a school club called "Volunteer for a Better Tomorrow".We organized various activities like visiting nursing homes, cleaning up the campus, and helping out at local charity events. But the most memorable experience for me was when we went to a remote village to help build a school for the children there.It was hard work, but seeing the smiles on the kids' faces when we finally finished the school made it all worth it. They were so happy and grateful, and it made me realize the importance of giving back to those in need.Through this experience, I learned the value of teamwork, dedication, and compassion. It was truly a life-changing moment for me, and I will always cherish the memories of that time.College life is not just about studying and getting good grades, it's also about making a difference in the world and touching the lives of others. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of something so meaningful, and I will continue to volunteer and give back whenever I can.So, remember to always lend a helping hand and make a difference in the world. You never know how much of an impact you can make until you try. Thank you for listening to my story!篇9Dear diary,Today I want to tell you about the most impressive thing that happened to me in my college life. It was when I participated in a charity event organized by the school. We had to raise money for children in need and I was so excited to be a part of it.We had to come up with creative ideas to raise funds, so my friends and I decided to organize a bake sale. We baked cookies, cakes, and cupcakes and sold them on campus. It was so muchfun to see everyone enjoying our treats and donating to a good cause.The most touching part of the event was when we visited the children's shelter to deliver the money we raised. Seeing the smiles on their faces and knowing that we had made a difference in their lives was truly heartwarming. It made me realize the importance of helping others and giving back to the community.After that day, I felt so grateful for everything I had and motivated to continue making a positive impact in the world. I will never forget this experience and how it changed my perspective on life.Love,[Your Name]篇10My Impressions of College LifeHey guys, today I want to talk about something that really left an impression on me in college life. So like, there are a lot of things that happened, but one thing that really stands out is when I joined the student council.I remember the first day when I went to the student council office, I was super nervous because I didn't know anyone there. But everyone was really nice and welcoming, and they made me feel like part of the team right away. We had meetings every week to plan school events and stuff, and I got to learn a lot about leadership and teamwork.One time, we organized a charity event to raise money for kids in need, and it was so amazing to see everyone come together to help out. We worked really hard to make it a success, and in the end, we raised a lot of money for the kids. It felt really good to know that we made a difference in their lives.Being part of the student council taught me a lot of important things, like how to work with others, how to communicate effectively, and how to take on responsibilities. It was a really cool experience, and I'll always remember it as one of the best things I did in college.So yeah, that's my story about the student council. College life is full of awesome opportunities like this, and I'm so grateful for all the memories and friends I've made along the way. I can't wait to see what other cool things are waiting for me in the future!。



英语电影观后感150字《狮子王》观后感The famous movie named The Lion King ,which becomes the most successful movie in Walt Disney and gains public attractions. In the movie, the little prince whom made the African savannah awaken was born when the sun rising from the horizon. As the the kings brother scar hated Simba because Scar wanted to become the king.Scar attempted many ways to kill Simba.The most impressive thing was a time when Simba was immediately killed by Scar , but Mufasa saved Simba(转载于: 在点网:英语电影观后感150字)s life .His fathers death frustrated him. Finally Simba conquered many difficulties and defeated Scar. Simba was officially announced to own the regime within the chorus of his mother and his friends.The Lion King shows us a new grand world, letting us to experience the adventures of the love and the moving of life.。



寒假见闻英语作文【10篇】1.寒假见闻英语作文Spring Festival is a traditional festival for Chinese and overseas Chinese. Chinese people have celebrated the Spring Festival for thousands of years.On the third day of the Spring Festival, my mother and I went shopping together. The streets were crowded with people, and cars came and went on the wide roads. The street is full of all kinds of people, including young people, old people, children and people from all over the world. Men, women and children in holiday costumes are walking happily, talking and laughing; The innocent children, dressed in beautiful new clothes, were skipping along the street. Colorful banners hung in front of the mall. There are many beautiful flowers outside gate 1 of Tianyi Square.As soon as the mall opened, charming music suddenly sounded, and people crowded into the mall like the tide with the gate open. Every counter in the shopping mall is crowded with people, including cosmetics, shoes,clothes and jewelry necklaces... My mother and I also selected my favorite items. The shopping mall is filled with the lively atmosphere of the Spring Festival. The customers squeezed out of the counter with big and small bags, all with smiles on their faces. As for the salesperson, he took this and that at the counter of the mall, his hands and feet were busy, and beads of sweat were oozing from his face.Today, my mother and I had a happy day.2.寒假见闻英语作文On the sixth day of the lunar new year, the sun is bright, the wind and the sun are beautiful. My parents took me and my sister to play with the giant inflatable slide. Along the way, laughter, soon reached the destination.Standing by the giant slide, we are like small ants. What surprised us more was its shape. Some are like sharks, some are like mazes, and others are like “jungle adventure” in dad’s where to go.My sister and I quickly took off our shoes and rushed up, ready to leap down. WOW! How exciting! We only heard a “Hoo” and we “flew” down. And took apicture in the shark’s mouth! Then we went to play the maze. The little sister was dizzy, and I laughed back and forth in the back. Finally, we went to “jungle adventure”. WOW! It’s more than ten meters high! At first, my sister and I were nervous and trembling. Slowly, courageous I took the lead in sliding down. The little sister looked: eh! It’s okay. So she slipped down quickly. Gradually, we were no longer afraid and tried to make new tricks. We danced and laughed, immersed in the ocean of joyHow time flies! We reluctantly left the inflatable slide in the praise and urging of our parents.3.寒假见闻英语作文On the 22nd day of the twelfth lunar month, I went to the flower market with my grandparents.There are all kinds of flowers in the flower market, including orchids, azaleas, Anthurium andraeanum, jasmine, Magnolia... Colorful. There are many large leaves in the flower market, including Jasper, taro leaves, fortune tree, hairpin, Magnolia... You have to count orchids, and there are many colors of orchids, including yellow, white, purple, blue and so on.I bought Jasper and azaleas with my grandparents, as well as several environmentally friendly flower pots. Rhododendron is rose colored with small and dense leaves. The leaves of Jasper are thick and smooth, like a crystal clear Jasper.The Spring Festival is approaching, and people are flowing in the flower market. People come to buy flowers. The hottest businesses are Anthurium androdendron and azalea. People come to buy them and look forward to a prosperous and auspicious new year. Orchids are seven or eight hundred yuan, but people are very generous to pay for orchids. Without hesitation, scarcity is more expensive!Out of the flower market, I took a deep breath, ah! How comfortable! Now, I know what the word “fresh”is. I hope the flowers in this greenhouse will be more colorful in the bright spring of next year, dress up our world and make our life more colorful.4.寒假见闻英语作文On the third day of the lunar new year, our whole family went to Hangzhou. Because I left early, I fell asleep as soon as the car drove. When I woke up, I hadarrived in Hangzhou. My father drove so fast!We first went to Zhejiang University, my father’s former university. As soon as we enter the campus, there are many buildings, many trees and a big playground. How can the campus of this university be as beautiful as a park and bigger than our school? I don’t know how many are there. I think: when I grow up, I will strive to enter this university and Study on such a beautiful campus. At noon, we went to the West Lake to eat farm food. The food there is really delicious! I ate a lot. If only there were farmhouse dishes in Changzhou. In the afternoon, we went to Hangzhou zoo again. I saw a lot of animals, including elephants, tigers, lions and lovely pandas. I’m so happy! The most interesting thing is that I personally fed the sea lion to eat small fish. At first, I was very afraid and didn’t dare to approach it, thinking; Will it bite? Slowly, the sea lion will roll on the ground after eating the fish, or swim in the water for a circle and then come back. It seems very happy. Seeing its lovely appearance, I am no longer afraid until I feed them full. In the evening, we returned to Changzhou. We had a really good time in Hangzhou today!5.寒假见闻英语作文This winter vacation, I returned to my hometown Shixing, Shaoguan.On New Year’s Eve, my father, sister, Grandpa and grandma and I went to Danfeng mountain to be a volunteer to pick up garbage.While walking, we put the garbage into baskets, cartons and plastic bags with our own pliers. When I arrived at the first small pavilion, there was a lot of garbage there. After a while, I picked up half a basket. Grandpa sang “the sun comes out, hey, happy...” everyone was very happy! Then we continued to pick it up and left.When we came to the second small pavilion, the people there really didn’t protect health. They threw some spoons, forks, cake plates, beer bottles and so on. We worked together to help the environmental sanitation uncle and aunt make great contributions.Then, we were divided into two groups, sister and grandmother, Grandpa and I. as a result, we came to the Martyrs Monument, where there was a lot of garbage,especially the paper towels next to the pine trees and the orange peel in the flower bed, which polluted the environment. Finally, we were united and friendly, and basically finished picking up the garbage.I think it’s good to be a volunteer! I feel happy to make some contribution to the society! I’m proud!6.寒假见闻英语作文I have experienced a lot during the winter vacation. In my mind, the most impressive thing is the new year.On the afternoon of new year’s Eve, my parents and I went back to our hometown to pay New Year’s greetings to my grandparents. When I’m twelve years old, I can’t go to sleep at home until I’m twelve years old. It turns out that I can’t go to sleep at home until I’m twelve years old! It’s very strange. At the same time, it also increases my understanding of the new year.At twelve o’clock, the crackling sound of firecrackers sounded at the same time. It was very lively! Standing in the yard, the smell of fireworks filled the air, as if telling me that the golden dragon year is coming to us. Eating dumplings, we have the custom of wrapping money in dumplings. We began to eat.I competed with my parents, Grandpa, grandma, second father, second mother and little sister. As a result, the two pieces of money wrapped were eaten by grandpa.I heard that eating dumplings wrapped with money will make a fortune this year. Looking at Grandpa’s gray hair and the coins just eaten, I silently wished. Grandpa has suffered for most of his life, and he should enjoy it.This is what I think is the most meaningful experience in the winter vacation.7.寒假见闻英语作文One day in the winter vacation, my mother and I went shopping. In Wenfeng supermarket, I fell in love with a Barbie doll and bought it with my lucky money.When I got home, I was very happy. I couldn’t wait to open the box. I quickly changed Barbie into a new dress, put on crystal shoes and combed her fashionable hairstyle. With my elaborate dress up, Barbie doll looks like a Chang’e fairy.I hurried to the kitchen and called my mother over to show her mine Technology. Mother looked carefully, shook her head and said, “the color of shoes is light,and the color of clothes is deep. It makes your head heavy and your feet light. You’d better put on small black leather shoes!”After listening to my mother’s words, I changed the doll’s shoes and showed them to my mother again. My mother nodded with satisfaction.I didn’t expect to have so much attention to clothes. Later, under the guidance of my mother, I changed several sets of clothes for Barbie.Unknowingly, it was dark. I put the Barbie doll back into the box and looked forward to my friends playing with me.Ah! I really enjoyed myself today!8.寒假见闻英语作文The Spring Festival has gone quietly, but this Spring Festival doesn’t seem to be full of fun. Today, my mother said happily, “go, go to the supermarket!”I shouted, “long live mom!”After entering the supermarket, I accompanied my mother to buy a steamer. Inadvertently, I noticed a peasant worker in plain clothes. Wearing work clothes, but very clean. Although the hair is a little messy, it is very bright. He touched an electromagnetic stoveand couldn’t put it down. It seemed that he wanted to buy it.Finally, he summoned up his courage and asked the salesperson next to him, “girl, how much is this induction cooker?”The salesman turned around and looked up and down with disdain for a while. Without answering him, he chatted with his friends next to him.Migrant workers asked again: “how much is this induction cooker?”The salesperson was finally impatient: “1300”when he heard the price, the migrant worker was stunned and reacted for a long time. He asked the salesperson with a tentative tone: “can it be cheaper? I only have 1000 yuan...”the salesperson seemed to have taken gun medicine: “this is a supermarket, not a place for you to bargain!”The migrant workers were at a loss and sighed: “well, that’s right. Then I’ll go. Hey!”Looking at the lost back of migrant workers, my heart suddenly tightened: should migrant workers be discriminated against? Isn’t their money hard-earned money? I’m not in the mood to visit the supermarketagain. I’ve been thinking about this problem for a long time9.寒假见闻英语作文Today, I’m very busy again. My brother hasn’t been discharged from the hospital, but his bronchitis has improved. I was distressed to see him in such pain a few days ago. I hope he will get better soon.Unknowingly, the winter vacation has passed for a long time, but I still have a lot of homework, which is very nerve racking! I have to write quickly. Now I have finished my math, and there are still Chinese and English left. I have made a schedule.By the way, something happened today that makes me feel very happy. Today, when I went out, I forgot to bring the access control card at the door of the community. I wouldn’t let me in if I didn’t have that card. Originally, I whispered to the doorman, but he didn’t seem to hear me. I continued to chat with the people next to me. At that time, I stood at the door like an ant on a hot pot. I was embarrassed and at a loss. Suddenly, an aunt smiled and brushed the card for me to go in. I thought she would go in too, but I didn’texpect that she didn’t. After opening the door for me, she went to the supermarket next to me. I immediately felt a warm current in my heart.I think everyone in this world is like this aunt, helpful, kind and intellectual. The world will not be so cruel. In the future, I will also lend a helping hand when others need help.Thank you, that kind stranger.10.寒假见闻英语作文Today is the first day of the lunar new year. In the morning, I paid new year’s greetings to my grandparents and received red envelopes from my grandparents. I was very happy.After breakfast, I went to Zhao ancestral hall to burn incense with my grandfather, father and uncle. When I arrived at the ancestral hall, I saw that there were already many people in the ancestral hall. Grandpa said, “this is the ancestral hall of our Zhao family, which is used to offer sacrifices to the dead of our Zhao family.”I think grandpa burned some incense first and then kowtowed his head. Dad asked me to kowtow with him. I just knocked my head three times.At noon, we all had a happy reunion dinner. Grandpa and uncle also had a rare drink. After lunch, dad drove to Yuanrong temple with grandma, mom, uncle, aunt and xiaopipi. When I arrived at Yuanrong temple, I found that there are so many people today! It’s hard to find a place to park. It’s a sea of people. Dad said, “today is the first day of the lunar new year. Everyone comes to pray. I hope the new year will be smooth and everything will go well.” In Yuanrong temple, I saw many magnificent temple buildings, especially many people. Many people were burning incense and praying.I also saw a very large Buddha statue. I pray for the peace of our family in front of the Giant Buddha.寒假见闻英语作文【10篇】。

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In our life, in fact, there is not the lack of moving, but is the lack of a pair of good eyes and a good perception of the heart.If you observe carefully, or feel with the heart, a warm eyes, a sincere smile, a subtle greetings, even a drop of tears, an expression, is enough to move another or a group of people in the world.
After a while, the father took out a steamed stuffed bun from the dirty pocket, the child took it with her black hands and ate happily, but she ate too fast to be choked!I saw that scene, my heart felt a kind of sour, I took a bottle of mineral water for her , the little girl refused. I had to give it to his father, hoping that if her father gave her, she would accept.
When I was helping her, her dad riding a bicycle came from far away, and behind the vehicle carrying a bag of mineral water bottle.I looked at the father, one of the "old", it was very hot, he was sweating! Father saw me in the help, he said thank you friendly! Her father put down a bag full of bottles he just picked up, and threw them on the ground.the little girl smiled and stepped up.
Really, she held!
However,the next action the little girl did moved me deeply----
The little girl took up the water, although she swallowed hard, she didn't drink directly, but held the water up to her father with a pair of little hands , she said: "you drink"! Her father's eyes was filled with tears, but he did not let it fall.The father just made a little sip, then the child took the drink up......
perception [英] [pəˈsep ʃən] [美] [pɚˈs ɛpʃən] n. 知觉;觉察(力);观念;(农作物的)收获 subtle [英] [ˈs ʌtl] [美] [ˈs ʌtl] adj. 微妙的;敏感的;狡猾的;巧妙的 smash [英] [smæʃ] [美] [smæʃ] vt. 打碎; 撞击; 猛扣(球等) vi. 被击碎;扣球,抽杀 vehicle [英] [ˈvi: kl] [美] [ˈvi kəl] ɪ ɪ n. 车辆;交通工具;传播媒介,媒介物;[药]赋形剂 mineral [英] [ˈmin ərəl] [美] [ˈm ɪnərəl] n. 矿物;矿石;矿物质;汽水 adj. 矿物的,似矿物的 steamed stuffed bun [sti:md] [stʌft] [bʌn] n. 包子 choke [英] [tʃəuk] [美] [tʃok] vt.& vi. 阻止,扼止; 填塞; 使窒息; 哽咽 n. 窒息,哽咽; 拥塞; (车辆发动机的)阻风门 sip [英] [sip] [美] [sɪp] n. 呷的动作; 一呷之量 vt.& vi. 小口喝,呷; 从…中呷吸
பைடு நூலகம்
I want to say......
Perhaps, such things don't happen No mattermoment. However, at when and where, every hour and family is always the moved. It's not that time I was deeply most to touch the soul of a the girl's believe just because of feeling.I sensible and that moving is always tears,but optimism,or the father's being ,so because of the affection between love is. them , which is still shining under the difficult condition.
On that day, I was in a subway station exit to volunteer. I saw a little girl was picking the bottle in there.she was about seven or eight years old.So small girl went out to expose to the weather.I was out of concern for her with the bottle picked back smashed, because in her weight it was hard to do.