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9. I can manage. 我能行;我能应付;我可以应付得了
A:Do you need any help with these heavy bags? 你需要帮忙提这些沉重的袋子吗?
B:No, thanks, I can manage. 不用了,谢谢,我能行。
A:Shall I help you? 要我帮你一下吗?
B:No, please don't bother. I can manage. 不用了,请不必费心,我能应付,谢谢。
10. I'd rather you didn't. 你最好不要……
A:Do you mind if I smoke here? 我在这儿抽烟你介意吗?
B:I'd rather you didn't, actually. 你最好别抽。
1. I'm afraid. 抱歉;对不起
I can't go with you, I'm afraid. 很抱歉,恐怕我不能和你们一起去。
I can't help you, I'm afraid. 对不起,我不能帮助你。
2. I'm afraid I can't, but … 恐怕不行……
B:Thank you, but I'd rather not. I have something important to do.谢谢,可是我不能你们一起散步,我有重要的事要做。
4. Thank you for asking me, but… 谢谢你邀请我,但是……
A:We are going to have a picnic in the park. Would you come? 我们打算去公园野餐,你来吗?
A:Will you please come over this Sunday? 星期天能过来吗?
B:I'm afraid I can't, but I have some clothes to wash. 恐怕不行,我要洗衣服。
3. Thank you, but… 谢谢你Fra Baidu bibliotek但是……
A:Will you join us in a walk? 和我们一起散步,好吗?
A:I hope you can come with us. 我希望你能同我们一起去。
B:I'd like [love] to, but my mother is ill. 我很愿意去,但我妈妈病了。
A:Would you please come to the party? 你能来参加晚会吗?
B:I'd very much like to, but I've already had plans for tonight. 我很愿意来,但我今晚已另有安排。
8. I wish I could, but… 我很希望能……,但是……
A:The meeting is very important. Can you come? 这个会议很重要,你能来参加吗?
B:I wish I could, but I've promised to show Tom around. 我希望能来,但我已答应带汤姆转转。
A:Let's go for a drive. 我们开车去玩玩吧。
B:No, thanks. 不了,谢谢。
6. I'm sorry, but… 对不起;很抱歉
I'm sorry, but I must refuse. 很抱歉, 我只好拒绝了。
Sorry, but you can't come in. 对不起,你不能进来。
A:Can I come tonight? 我今天晚上来可以吗?
B:I'd rather you didn't. I'm too busy these days. 最好别来,我这几天特别忙。
B:Thank you very much for asking me, but I'm not feeling well. 谢谢你邀请我,但我不太舒服。
5. No, thank you / No, thanks. 不用了,谢谢
A:Do have another cake. 再吃一块蛋糕吧。
B:No, thank you. 不,谢谢了。
A:I'd like to invite you to dinner this Saturday,MrSmith. 史密斯先生,星期六我请你吃饭。
B:I'm very sorry, but I have other plans. 很抱歉,我有别的安排。
7. I'd like [love] to, but… 我很想,但是……