1 存在制度化的种族主义

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1 存在制度化的种族主义




2 相关政策埋下歧视基础




3 黑人表现提供歧视口实





4 黑人斗争的历史还很短



The existence of an institutionalized racism

The existence of racial discrimination in the United States is the institutionalized racism has been the development of a natural product. From the beginning of P resident Truman, the U.S. government will be committed to the rights of the legi s lative black. That P resident Johnson was in power, finally abolished the legal racism. And therefore in the United States today, although the legal segregation and racial discrimination have been eliminated, but the catch by institutionalized racism.

As a result of the overwhelming majority of blacks deprived of the color enjoy the same treatment as whites. Today, "should be in the black at the bottom of society" i s not thinking of a class of the market. Decision-makers to focus on problem-sol v ing orientation to the broad masses of black people to change the culture, behavior, moral, rather than the elimination of poverty of its o wn predi c ament.

This means that the U.S. government in the formulation of the policy, had on black culture, behavior, ethics, made completely negative, w hi c h will determine the U.S. government's policy of black people not out of racism.

2-discrimination policies laid the foundation

With the U.S. economic recession, people of color, especially black people's living conditions facing the gro w ing threat of ethnic conflicts become more intense, more rampant racism. Democratic and Republican election campaign in surpri s ing places together, from their respective interests, are to blame people of color, particularly black s, and thus out a series of related policies.

First of all, to deny blacks access to government wel f are assistance to enjoy the right to deny black people the basic guarantee of survival. In 1996 through the "Welfare Act" to require the Government for providing relief to be financed by the black life (life only 5), the li f ting of the government should commit itself to its obligation to help.

Secondly, the reduction of "elite group" (to the rich white as the main body) of the amount of tax, the implementation of the racist tendencies of economic initiatives. In the overwhelming majority of black people the most basic benefits to be cut down drastically, many whites have been additional government subsidy.

3, the performance of black discrimination in the provision of an excuse

The existence of raci s m black people have their own reasons, many black people themselves for the performance of the Government to implement its policies of racial discrimination in the provision of a pretext.

For a long time, many black people as a result of lack of equal access to education, no jobs, some of them (especially the part of young people) often do some "brutal drug trade" in its own way to imitate the entrepreneurial spirit of capitalism. In the black ghettos, predatory crimes occur at all times.
