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Unit 1 How’s the Weather Today?

Learning Objectives:

1. To learn weather vocabulary (sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, snowy)

2. To recognize and spell the weather vocabulary

3. To express weather conditions in simple sentences

4. To understand and use pronouns (he, she, it)

Language Focus:

1. Weather vocabulary

2. Simple present tense (is, are)

3. Pronouns (he, she, it)


- Weather flashcards

- Weather chart

- Pencils

- Whiteboard and markers

- Worksheets

- Books

Teaching Procedure:

I. Warm-up (10 minutes)

- Greet the students and ask them how they are feeling today. Start a simple conversation to check their speaking ability.

- Show the weather flashcards and ask the students to name the weather conditions.

- Ask the students what clothes they wear in different weather conditions.

II. Presentation (25 minutes)

- Show the weather chart and explain the different weather conditions.

- Repeat the weather vocabulary and teach the students how to spell them.

- Use the flashcards to create simple sentences about the weather: "It is sunny today." "It is rainy today."

- Use the weather chart to ask the students about their favorite weather condition: "Do you like sunny days?" "Why or why not?" III. Practice (20 minutes)

- Divide the class into pairs and give them a weather worksheet to complete together.

- Play a game of "Simon Says" with weather flashcards to practice listening and following instructions.

- Review the weather vocabulary with a matching game: match the picture to the correct weather condition.

IV. Production (15 minutes)

- Have the students draw a picture of their favorite weather condition and write a simple sentence about it.

- Let some students share their pictures and sentences with the class.

V. Consolidation (10 minutes)

- Use the whiteboard to review the weather vocabulary and ask students to spell the words.

- Repeat some of the sentences from the lesson and ask students to identify the pronoun: "It is cloudy today. What is 'it' referring to?" "He is wearing a coat. Who is 'he' referring to?"

VI. Homework (5 minutes)

- Assign homework for the next lesson: read a book about weather or practice spelling the weather vocabulary.


- Observe the students during the lesson and take note of their participation and engagement.

- Review the worksheets completed by the students to check their understanding of the weather vocabulary and sentence structure. - Monitor the students' ability to identify pronouns during class discussion and review.
