PCB 印制电路板工序中英文结合

压合 Pressing
02 钻孔流程介绍 Drilling process 棕化 brown oxidation
目的:粗化铜面,增加与树脂接触表面积 Aim: To rough the copper pattern surface and increase the
目的:通过显影药水冲掉未发生化学反应的 干膜,利用蚀刻药液 冲掉显影后露出的铜, 利用强碱冲掉发生化学反应形成的抗蚀层, 目的都是为了显出内层电路图形 Aim: remove dry film by K2CO3 remove nude copper by CuCl2 remove anti-corrosion board by NaOH
工具: 摩刷 brush
前处理后的铜面状况 after pretreat
01 内层线路(Inner layer)
压膜LAMINATION 目的:将经处理之基板铜面透过热压方式 贴上抗蚀干膜 Aim: To put on inner dry film on the pretreat laminates by heat- press 主要生产物料: 干膜 main material: dry film
Then we got the shaped inner layer
Develop-Etch-Strip Line (DES Line
01 内层线路(Inner layer)

PCB 中英文对照词汇一、综合词汇序号中文英文1印刷电路Printed circuit2印制线路Printed wiring3印刷板Printed board4印制板电路Printed circuit board(pcb)5印制线路板Printed wiring board(pwb)6印制元件Printed component7印制接点Printed contact8印制板装配Printed board assembly9板board10单面印制板Single-sided printed board(ssb) 11双面印制板Double-sided printed board(dsb) 12多层印制板Multilayer printed board(mlb) 13多层印制电路板Multilayer printed circuit board 14多层印制线路板Multilayer printed wiring board 15刚性印制板Rigid printed board16刚性单面印制板Rigid single-sided printed board 17刚性双面印制板Rigid double-sided printed board 18刚性多层印制板Rigid multilayer printed board 19挠性多层印制板Flexible multilayer printed board20挠性印制板Flexible printed board21挠性单面印制板Flexible single-sided printed board22挠性双面印制板Flexible double-sided printed board23挠性印制电路Flexible printed circuit(fpc)24挠性印制线路Flexible printed wiring25刚性印制线路Flex-rigid printed board 、 rigid-flexprinted board26刚性双面印制板Flex-rigid double-sided printed board、rigid-flex double-sided printed27刚性多层印制板Flex-rigid multilayer printed board、rigid-flex double-sided printed28齐平印制板Flush printed board29金属芯印制板Metal core printed board30金属基印制板Metal base printed board31多重布线印制板Mulit-wiring printed board32陶瓷印制板Ceramic substrate printed board33导电胶印制板Electroconductive paste printed board34模塑电路板Molded circuit board35模压印制板Stamped printed wiring board36顺序层压多层印制板Sequentially-laminated multilayer37散线印制板Discrete wiring board38微线印制板Micro wire board39积层印制板Build-up printed board40积层多层印板Build-up multilayer printed board (bum) 41积层挠性印制板Build-up flexible printed board42表面层合电路板Surface laminar circuit(slc)43埋入凸块连印制板B2it printed board44多层膜基板Mutil-layered film substrate(mfs) 45层间全内导通多层印Alivh multiplayer printed board制板46载芯片板Chip on board (cob)47埋电阻板Buried resistance board48母板Mother board49子板Daughter board50背板backplane51裸板Bare board52键盘板夹心板Copper-invar-copper board53动态挠性板Dynamic flex board54静态挠性板Static flex board55可断拼板Break-away planel56电缆cable57挠性扁平电缆Flexible flat cable (ffc)58薄膜开关Membrance switch59混合开关Hybrid circuit60厚膜Thick film61厚膜电路Thick film circuit62薄膜Thin film63薄膜混合电路Thin film hybrid circuit 64互连interconnection65导线Conductor trace line 66齐平导线Flush conductor 67传输线Transmission line 68跨交crossover69板边插头Edge-board contact 70增强板stiffener71基底Substrate72基板面Real estate73导线面Conductor side74元件面Component side 75焊接面Solder side76印制Printing77网格Grid78图形Pattern79导电图形Conductive pattern 80非导电图形Non-conductive pattern 81字符legend82标志mark二、基材序号中文英文1基材Base material2层压板Laminate3覆金属箔基材Metal-clad bade material4覆铜箔层压板Copper-clad laminate(ccl)5单面覆铜箔层压板Single-sided copper-clad laminate 6双面覆铜箔层压板Double-sided copper laminate 7复合层压板Composite laminate8薄层压板Thin laminate9金属芯覆铜箔层压板Metal core copper-clad laminate 10金属基覆铜层压板Metal base copper-clad laminate 11挠性覆铜箔绝缘薄膜Flexible copper-clad dielectric film 12基体材料Basis material13预浸材料Prepreg14粘结片Bonding sheet15预浸粘结片Preimpregnated bonding sheet 16环氧玻璃基板Epoxy glass substrate17加成法用层压板Laminate for additive process 18预制内层覆箔板Mass laminate panel19内层芯板Core material20催化板材Catalyzed board21涂胶催化层压板Adhesive-coated catalyzed laminate 22涂胶无催化层压板Adhesive-coated uncatalyzed laminate 23粘结层Bonding layer24粘结膜Film adhesive25涂胶粘剂绝缘薄膜Adhesive coated dielectric film26无支撑胶粘剂膜Unsupported adhesive film27覆盖层Cover layer28增强板材Stiffener material29铜箔面Copper-clad surface30去铜箔面Foil removal surface31层压板面Unclad laminate surface32基膜面Base film surface33胶粘剂面Adhesive face34原始光洁面Plate finish35粗面Matt finish36纵向Length wise direction37横向Cross wise direction38剪切板Cut to size panel39酚醛纸质覆铜箔板Phenolic cellulose paper copper-cladlaminates(phenolic paper ccl)40环氧纸质覆铜箔板Epoxide cellulose paper copper-cladlaminates(epoxy paper ccl)41环氧玻璃布基覆铜箔Epoxide woven glass fabric copper-clad 板laminate42环氧玻璃布纸复合覆Epoxide cellulose paper core glass cloth 铜箔板surfaces copper-clad laminate43环氧玻璃布玻璃纤维Epoxide non woven glass reinforced 复合覆铜箔板copper-clad laminate44聚酯玻璃布覆铜箔板Polyester wovenglass fabric copper-clad laminate45聚酰亚胺玻璃布覆铜Polyimide woven glass fabric copper-clad箔板laminate46双马来酰亚胺三嗪环Bismaleimide triazine epoxide woven 氧玻璃布覆铜板glass fabric copper-clad laminate47环氧合成纤维布覆铜Epoxide synthetic fiber copper-clad箔板laminates48聚四乙烯玻璃纤维覆Teflon fiber glass copper-clad laminate铜箔板49超薄型层压板Ultra thin laminate50陶瓷基覆铜箔板Ceramincs base copper-clad laminate 51紫外线阻挡型覆铜箔Uv blocking copper-clad laminates板三、基材的材料序号中文英文1 a 阶树脂a-stage resin2 b 阶树脂b-stage resin3 c 阶树脂c-stage resin4环氧树脂Epoxy resin5酚醛树脂Phenolic resin6聚酯树脂Polyester resin7聚酰亚胺树脂Polyimide resin8双马来酰亚胺三嗪树Bismaleimide-triazine resin脂9丙烯酸树脂Acrylic resin10三聚氰胺甲醛树脂Melamine formaldehyde resin 11多功能环氧树脂Polyfunctional epoxy resin 12溴化环氧树脂Brominated epoxy resin 13环氧酚醛Epoxy novolac14氟树脂fluroresin15硅树脂Silicone resin16硅烷silane17聚合物polymer18无定形聚合物Amorphous polymer19结晶现象Crystalline polamer20双晶现象dimorphism21共聚物copolymer22合成树脂synthetic23热固性树脂Thermosetting resin24热塑性树脂Thermoplastic resin25感光性树脂Photosensitive resin26环氧当量Weight per epoxy equipvalent(wpe) 27环氧值Epoxy value28双氰胺dicyandiamide29粘结剂binder30固化剂Curing agent31胶粘剂adesive32阻燃剂Flame retardant33遮光剂opaquer34增塑剂plasticizers35不饱和聚酯Unsatuiated polyster36聚酯薄膜polyester37聚酰亚胺薄膜Polyimide film(pi)38聚四氟乙烯Polytetrafluoetylene(ptfe)39聚四氟乙烯丙烯薄膜Perfluorinated ethylene-propylenecopolymer film(fep)40增强材料Reinforcing material41玻璃纤维Glass fiber42 E 玻璃纤维e-glass fiber43 D 玻璃纤维d-glass fiber44S 玻璃纤维s-glass fiber45玻璃布Glass fabric46非织布Non-woven fabric 47玻璃纤维垫Glass mats48纱线yarn49单丝filament50胶股strand51纬纱Weft yarn52经纱Warp yarn53但尼尔denier54经向Warp-wise55纬向Weft-wise 、 filling-wise 56织物经纬密度Thread count57织物组织Weave structure58平纹组织Plain structure59坏布Grey fabric60稀松织物Woven scrim61弓纬Bow of weave62断经End missing63缺纬Mis-picks64纬斜bias65折痕crease66云织waviness67鱼眼Fish eye68毛圈长Feather length69厚薄段mark70裂缝spilt71捻度Twist of yarn72浸润剂含量Size content73浸润剂残留量Size residue74处理剂含量Finish leval75浸润剂size76偶联剂Couplint agent77处理织物Finished fabric78聚酰胺纤维Polyarmide fiber79聚酯纤维非织布Non-woven polyester fabric 80浸渍绝缘纵纸Impregenating insulation paper 81聚芳酰胺纤维纸Aromatic polyamide paper 82断裂长Breaking length83吸水高度Height of capillary rise84湿强度保留率Wet strength retention85白度whitenness86陶瓷ceramics87导电箔Conductive foil88铜箔Copper foil89电解铜箔Electrodeposited copper foil (ed copperfoil)90压延铜箔Rolled copper foil91退火铜箔Annealed copper foil92压延退火铜箔Rolled annealed copper foil (ra copperfoil)93薄铜箔Thin copper foil94涂胶铜箔Adhesive coated foil95涂胶脂铜箔Resin coated copper foil(rcc)96复合金属箔Composite metallic material97载体搏Carrier foil98殷瓦invar99箔(剖面)轮廓Foil profile100光面Shiny side101粗糙面Matte side102处理面Treated side103防锈处理Stain proofing104双面处理铜箔Double treated foil四、设计序号中文英文1原理图Shematic diagram2逻辑图Logic diagram3印制线路布设Printed wire layout4布设总图Master drawing5可制造性设计Design-for-manufacturability6计算机辅助设计Computer-aided design(cad)7计算机辅助制造Computer-aided manufacturability(cim) 8计算机集成制造Computer integrat manufacturing 9计算机辅助工程Computer-aided engineering(cae) 10计算机辅助测试Computer-aided test (cat)11电子设计自动化Electric design automaton(eda) 12工程设计自动化Engineering design automaton(eda2) 13组装设计自动化Assemnly aided architecturaldesign(aaad) 14计算机辅助制图Computer aided drawing15计算机控制显示Computer controlled display(ccd) 16布局placement17布线routing18布图设计layout19重布rerouting20模拟simulation21逻辑模拟Logic simulation22电路模拟Circit simulate23时序模拟Timing simulation24模块化modularization25布线完成率Layout effeciency26机器描述格式Machine descriptionm format(mdf) 27机器描述格式数据库Mdf database28设计数据库Design database29设计原点Design origin30优化(设计)Optimization(design)31供设计优化坐标轴Predominant axis32表格原点Table origin33镜像Mirroring34驱动文件Drive file35中间文件Intermediate file36制造文件Manufacturing documentation 37队列支撑数据库Queue support database38元件安置component positioning 39图形显示Graphics display40比例因子Scaling factor41扫描填充Scan filling42矩形填充Rectangle filling43填充域Region filling44实体设计Physical design45逻辑设计Logic design46逻辑电路Logic design47层次设计Hierarchical design48自顶向下设计Top-down design49自顶向上设计Bottom-up design50线网net51数字化digitzing52设计规则检查Design rule checking53走(布)线路Router(cad)54网络表Net list55计算机辅助电路分析Computer-aided circuit analysis 56子线网Subnet57目标函数Objective function58设计后处理Post design processing(pdp) 59交互式制图设计Interactive drawing design 60费用矩阵Cost metrix61工程图Engineering drawing62方块框图Block diagram63迷宫Moze64元件密度Component density65巡回售货员问题Traveling salesman problem 66自由度Degrees freedom67入度Out going degree68出度Incoming degree69曼哈顿距离Manhatton distance70欧几里德距离Euclidean distance71网络Network72阵列Array73段Segment74逻辑Logic75逻辑设计自动化Logic design automation 76分线Separated time77分层Separated layer78定顺序Definite sequence79对准度registration80孔环Annular ring81公差Tolerance82同心Concentricity83样片coupon84变色discolorations85污点Stains86试样Specimen 87钻孔Drilling88剪裁Shearing 89切外型Routing90刮线Scoring91倒角Chamfering 92切空Blanking 93适应性suitability 94板弯Bow95板扭Twist96应力Stress97防焊膜Solder mask 98阻焊膜Solder resist 99文字标记Legend 100版本代字Revision letter 101料号Part No 102跳漏Skipping 103浮空Soda strawing 104流动Flow 105整平Leveling 106FPR First pass yield ‘。

pcb线路板制作工艺流程英文版The process of making a PCB board involves several important steps that ensure the quality and functionality of the final product.First, the design of the PCB layout is created using specialized software. This design includes the placement of components, as well as the routing of traces to create the necessary connections between the various parts of the circuit.Once the layout is finalized, the design is printed onto a transparent film, which will be used in the next step of the process.The next step involves transferring the design onto the copper-clad board. This is typically done using a photosensitive process, where the film is placed on the board and exposed to UV light. The areas of the board that are notcovered by the design will be etched away, leaving behind the copper traces that form the circuit.After the etching process is complete, the board is cleaned and inspected to ensure that the traces are clear and free of any defects.The next step in the process is to drill holes for the through-hole components and vias. These holes are essential for connecting the different layers of the PCB together, as well as for mounting components onto the board.Once the drilling is complete, the board is plated to create a surface finish that will protect the copper traces from corrosion and oxidation.After the surface finish has been applied, the final step is to apply a solder mask and silkscreen to the board. The solder mask is a protective layer that covers the copper traces and ensures that solder only adheres to the intended areas. The silkscreen is used to label the components andprovide other important information about the board's layout and design.In conclusion, the process of making a PCB board involves several important steps, each of which is necessary to ensure the quality and functionality of the final product. From the initial design and layout to the final application of solder mask and silkscreen, each step plays a crucial role in creating a reliable and effective PCB board.。

A. 开料( Cut Lamination)a-1 裁板( Sheets Cutting)a-2 原物料发料(Panel)(Shear material to Size)B. 钻孔(Drilling)b-1 内钻(Inner Layer Drilling )b-2 一次孔(Outer Layer Drilling )b-3 二次孔(2nd Drilling)b-4 雷射钻孔(Laser Drilling )(Laser Ablation )b-5 盲(埋)孔钻孔(Blind & Buried Hole Drilling)C. 干膜制程( Photo Process(D/F))c-1 前处理(Pretreatment)c-2 压膜(Dry Film Lamination)c-3 曝光(Exposure)c-4 显影(Developing)c-5 蚀铜(Etching)c-6 去膜(Stripping)c-7 初检( Touch-up)c-8 化学前处理,化学研磨( Chemical Milling )c-9 选择性浸金压膜(Selective Gold Dry Film Lamination) c-10 显影(Developing )c-11 去膜(Stripping )Developing , Etching & Stripping ( DES )D. 压合Laminationd-1 黑化(Black Oxide Treatment)d-2 微蚀(Microetching)d-3 铆钉组合(eyelet )d-4 叠板(Lay up)d-5 压合(Lamination)d-6 后处理(Post Treatment)d-7 黑氧化( Black Oxide Removal )d-8 铣靶(spot face)d-9 去溢胶(resin flush removal)E. 减铜(Copper Reduction)e-1 薄化铜(Copper Reduction)F. 电镀(Horizontal Electrolytic Plating)f-1 水平电镀(Horizontal Electro-Plating) (Panel Plating) f-2 锡铅电镀( Tin-Lead Plating ) (Pattern Plating)f-3 低于1 mil ( Less than 1 mil Thickness )f-4 高于1 mil ( More than 1 mil Thickness)f-5 砂带研磨(Belt Sanding)f-6 剥锡铅( Tin-Lead Stripping)f-7 微切片( Microsection)G. 塞孔(Plug Hole)g-1 印刷( Ink Print )g-2 预烤(Precure)g-3 表面刷磨(Scrub)g-4 后烘烤(Postcure)H. 防焊(绿漆/绿油): (Solder Mask)h-1 C面印刷(Printing Top Side)h-2 S面印刷(Printing Bottom Side)h-3 静电喷涂(Spray Coating)h-4 前处理(Pretreatment)h-5 预烤(Precure)h-6 曝光(Exposure)h-7 显影(Develop)h-8 后烘烤(Postcure)h-9 UV烘烤(UV Cure)h-10 文字印刷( Printing of Legend )h-11 喷砂( Pumice)(Wet Blasting)h-12 印可剥离防焊(Peelable Solder Mask)I . 镀金Gold platingi-1 金手指镀镍金( Gold Finger )i-2 电镀软金(Soft Ni/Au Plating)i-3 浸镍金( Immersion Ni/Au) (Electroless Ni/Au)J. 喷锡(Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-1 水平喷锡(Horizontal Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-2 垂直喷锡( Vertical Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-3 超级焊锡(Super Solder )j-4. 印焊锡突点(Solder Bump)K. 成型(Profile)(Form)k-1 捞型(N/C Routing ) (Milling)k-2 模具冲(Punch)k-3 板面清洗烘烤(Cleaning & Backing)k-4 V型槽( V-Cut)(V-Scoring)k-5 金手指斜边( Beveling of G/F)L. 开短路测试(Electrical Testing) (Continuity & Insulation Testing) l-1 AOI 光学检查( AOI Inspection)l-2 VRS 目检(Verified & Repaired)l-3 泛用型治具测试(Universal Tester)l-4 专用治具测试(Dedicated Tester)l-5 飞针测试(Flying Probe)M. 终检( Final Visual Inspection)m-1 压板翘( Warpage Remove)m-2 X-OUT 印刷(X-Out Marking)m-3 包装及出货(Packing & shipping)m-4 目检( Visual Inspection)m-5 清洗及烘烤( Final Clean & Baking)m-6 护铜剂(ENTEK Cu-106A)(OSP)m-7 离子残余量测试(Ionic Contamination Test )(Cleanliness Test)m-8 冷热冲击试验(Thermal cycling Testing)m-9 焊锡性试验( Solderability Testing )N. 雷射钻孔(Laser Ablation)N-1 雷射钻Tooling孔(Laser ablation Tooling Hole)N-2 雷射曝光对位孔(Laser Ablation Registration Hole)N-3 雷射Mask制作(Laser Mask)N-4 雷射钻孔(Laser Ablation)N-5 AOI 检查及VRS ( AOI Inspection & Verified & Repaired)N-6 Blaser AOI (after Desmear and Microetching)N-7 除胶渣(Desmear)N-8 微蚀(Microetching )流程简介:开料Cut Lamination--钻孔Drilling--干膜制程Photo Process(D/F)--压合Lamination--减铜Copper Reduction--电镀Horizontal Electrolytic Plating--塞孔Plug Hole--防焊(绿漆/绿油)SolderMask--镀金Gold plating--喷锡Hot Air Solder Leveling--成型Profile--开短路测试ElectricalTesting--终检Final Visual Inspectionpcb电路板又称印制电路板、印刷线路板,简称印制板,英文简称PCB(printed circuit board )或PWB(printed wiring board),以绝缘板为基材,切成一定尺寸,其上至少附有一个导电图形,并布有孔(如元件孔、紧固孔、金属化孔等),用来代替以往装置电子元器件的底盘,并实现电子元器件之间的相互连接。
pcb插件工艺流程 英文

pcb插件工艺流程英文English Answer:PCB Plug-in Process Flow.The PCB plug-in process is a critical step in the manufacturing of electronic assemblies. It involves the insertion of components into pre-drilled holes on a printed circuit board (PCB). The components are then soldered in place to create a permanent connection.The plug-in process flow can be divided into the following steps:1. Component preparation. The components are first prepared for insertion into the PCB. This may involve cutting the leads to the appropriate length, forming the leads into the correct shape, and adding solder paste or flux to the leads.2. PCB preparation. The PCB is prepared for component insertion by cleaning the holes and applying solder paste or flux to the pads.3. Component insertion. The components are inserted into the pre-drilled holes on the PCB. The components are typically held in place by hand or by a machine.4. Soldering. The components are soldered in place by applying heat to the solder paste or flux. The heat can be applied using a soldering iron, a wave soldering machine, or a reflow oven.5. Inspection. The soldered joints are inspected to ensure that they are free of defects. This can be done visually or by using an automated optical inspection (AOI) machine.6. Cleaning. The PCB is cleaned to remove any residual solder paste or flux. This can be done by hand or by a machine.The plug-in process flow is a complex and critical process. It is important to follow the steps carefully to ensure that the electronic assembly is manufactured correctly.中文回答:PCB插件工艺流程。
PCB专业用语 中英文对照

一、综合词汇1、印制电路:printed circuit2、印制线路:printed wiring3、印制板:printed board4、印制板电路:printed circuit board(pcb)5、印制线路板:printed wiring board(pwb)6、印制元件:printed component7、印制接点:printed contact8、印制板装配:printed board assembly9、板:board10、单面印制板:single-sided printed board(ssb)11、双面印制板:double-sided printed board(dsb)12、多层印制板:mulitlayer printed board(mlb)13、多层印制电路板:mulitlayer printed circuit board14、多层印制线路板:mulitlayer prited wiring board15、刚性印制板:rigid printed board16、刚性单面印制板:rigid single-sided printed borad17、刚性双面印制板:rigid double-sided printed borad18、刚性多层印制板:rigid multilayer printed board19、挠性多层印制板:flexible multilayer printed board20、挠性印制板:flexible printed board21、挠性单面印制板:flexible single-sided printed board22、挠性双面印制板:flexible double-sided printed board23、挠性印制电路:flexible printed circuit(fpc)24、挠性印制线路:flexible printed wiring25、刚性印制板:flex-rigid printed board,rigid-flex printed board26、刚性双面印制板:flex-rigid double-sided printed board,rigid-flex double-sided printed27、刚性多层印制板:flex-rigid multilayer printed board,rigid-flex multilayer printed board28、齐平印制板:flush printed board29、金属芯印制板:metal core printed board30、金属基印制板:metal base printed board31、多重布线印制板:mulit-wiring printed board32、陶瓷印制板:ceramic substrate printed board33、导电胶印制板:electroconductive paste printed board34、模塑电路板:molded circuit board35、模压印制板:stamped printed wiring board36、顺序层压多层印制板:sequentially-laminated mulitlayer37、散线印制板:discrete wiring board38、微线印制板:micro wire board39、积层印制板:buile-up printed board40、积层多层印制板:build-up mulitlayer printed board(bum)41、积层挠印制板:build-up flexible printed board42、表面层合电路板:surface laminar circuit(slc)43、埋入凸块连印制板:b2it printed board44、多层膜基板:multi-layered film substrate(mfs)45、层间全内导通多层印制板:alivh multilayer printed board46、载芯片板:chip on board(cob)47、埋电阻板:buried resistance board48、母板:mother board49、子板:daughter board50、背板:backplane51、裸板:bare board52、键盘板夹心板:copper-invar-copper board53、动态挠性板:dynamic flex board54、静态挠性板:static flex board55、可断拼板:break-away planel56、电缆:cable57、挠性扁平电缆:flexible flat cable(ffc)58、薄膜开关:membrane switch59、混合电路:hybrid circuit60、厚膜:thick film61、厚膜电路:thick film circuit62、薄膜:thin film63、薄膜混合电路:thin film hybrid circuit64、互连:interconnection65、导线:conductor trace line66、齐平导线:flush conductor67、传输线:transmission line68、跨交:crossover69、板边插头:edge-board contact70、增强板:stiffener71、基底:substrate72、基板面:real estate73、导线面:conductor side74、元件面:component side75、焊接面:solder side76、印制:printing77、网格:grid78、图形:pattern79、导电图形:conductive pattern80、非导电图形:non-conductive pattern81、字符:legend82、标志:mark二、基材:1、基材:base material2、层压板:laminate3、覆金属箔基材:metal-clad bade material4、覆铜箔层压板:copper-clad laminate(ccl)5、单面覆铜箔层压板:single-sided copper-clad laminate6、双面覆铜箔层压板:double-sided copper-clad laminate7、复合层压板:composite laminate8、薄层压板:thin laminate9、金属芯覆铜箔层压板:metal core copper-clad laminate10、金属基覆铜层压板:metal base copper-clad laminate11、挠性覆铜箔绝缘薄膜:flexible copper-clad dielectric film12、基体材料:basis material13、预浸材料:prepreg14、粘结片:bonding sheet15、预浸粘结片:preimpregnated bonding sheer16、环氧玻璃基板:epoxy glass substrate17、加成法用层压板:laminate for additive process18、预制内层覆箔板:mass lamination panel19、内层芯板:core material20、催化板材:catalyzed board,coated catalyzed laminate21、涂胶催化层压板:adhesive-coated catalyzed laminate22、涂胶无催层压板:adhesive-coated uncatalyzed laminate23、粘结层:bonding layer24、粘结膜:film adhesive25、涂胶粘剂绝缘薄膜:adhesive coated dielectric film26、无支撑胶粘剂膜:unsupported adhesive film27、覆盖层:cover layer(cover lay)28、增强板材:stiffener material29、铜箔面:copper-clad surface30、去铜箔面:foil removal surface31、层压板面:unclad laminate surface32、基膜面:base film surface33、胶粘剂面:adhesive faec34、原始光洁面:plate finish35、粗面:matt finish36、纵向:length wise direction37、模向:cross wise direction38、剪切板:cut to size panel39、酚醛纸质覆铜箔板:phenolic cellulose paper copper-clad laminates(phenolic/paper ccl)40、环氧纸质覆铜箔板:epoxide cellulose paper copper-clad laminates (epoxy/paper ccl)41、环氧玻璃布基覆铜箔板:epoxide woven glass fabric copper-clad laminates42、环氧玻璃布纸复合覆铜箔板:epoxide cellulose paper core,glass cloth surfaces copper-clad laminates43、环氧玻璃布玻璃纤维复合覆铜箔板:epoxide non woven/woven glass reinforced copper-clad laminates44、聚酯玻璃布覆铜箔板:ployester woven glass fabric copper-clad laminates45、聚酰亚胺玻璃布覆铜箔板:polyimide woven glass fabric copper-clad laminates46、双马来酰亚胺三嗪环氧玻璃布覆铜箔板:bismaleimide/triazine/epoxide woven glass fabric copper-clad lamimates47、环氧合成纤维布覆铜箔板:epoxide synthetic fiber fabric copper-clad laminates48、聚四乙烯玻璃纤维覆铜箔板:teflon/fiber glass copper-clad laminates49、超薄型层压板:ultra thin laminate50、陶瓷基覆铜箔板:ceramics base copper-clad laminates51、紫外线阻挡型覆铜箔板:uv blocking copper-clad laminates三、基材的材料1、a阶树脂:a-stage resin2、b阶树脂:b-stage resin3、c阶树脂:c-stage resin4、环氧树脂:epoxy resin5、酚醛树脂:phenolic resin6、聚酯树脂:polyester resin7、聚酰亚胺树脂:polyimide resin8、双马来酰亚胺三嗪树脂:bismaleimide-triazine resin9、丙烯酸树脂:acrylic resin10、三聚氰胺甲醛树脂:melamine formaldehyde resin11、多官能环氧树脂:polyfunctional epoxy resin12、溴化环氧树脂:brominated epoxy resin13、环氧酚醛:epoxy novolac14、氟树脂:fluroresin15、硅树脂:silicone resin16、硅烷:silane17、聚合物:polymer18、无定形聚合物:amorphous polymer19、结晶现象:crystalline polamer20、双晶现象:dimorphism21、共聚物:copolymer22、合成树脂:synthetic23、热固性树脂:thermosetting resin24、热塑性树脂:thermoplastic resin25、感光性树脂:photosensitive resin26、环氧当量:weight per epoxy equivalent(wpe)27、环氧值:epoxy value28、双氰胺:dicyandiamide29、粘结剂:binder30、胶粘剂:adesive31、固化剂:curing agent32、阻燃剂:flame retardant33、遮光剂:opaquer34、增塑剂:plasticizers35、不饱和聚酯:unsatuiated polyester36、聚酯薄膜:polyester37、聚酰亚胺薄膜:polyimide film(pi)38、聚四氟乙烯:polytetrafluoetylene(ptfe)39、聚全氟乙烯丙烯薄膜:perfluorinated ethylene-propylene copolymer film(fep)40、增强材料:reinforcing material41、玻璃纤维:glass fiber42、e玻璃纤维:e-glass fibre43、d玻璃纤维:d-glass fibre44、s玻璃纤维:s-glass fibre45、玻璃布:glass fabric46、非织布:non-woven fabric47、玻璃纤维垫:glass mats48、纱线:yarn49、单丝:filament50、绞股:strand51、纬纱:weft yarn52、经纱:warp yarn53、但尼尔:denier54、经向:warp-wise55、纬向:weft-wise,filling-wise56、织物经纬密度:thread count57、织物组织:weave structure58、平纹组织:plain structure59、坏布:grey fabric60、稀松织物:woven scrim61、弓纬:bow of weave62、断经:end missing63、缺纬:mis-picks64、纬斜:bias65、折痕:crease66、云织:waviness67、鱼眼:fish eye68、毛圈长:feather length69、厚薄段:mark70、裂缝:split71、捻度:twist of yarn72、浸润剂含量:size content73、浸润剂残留量:size residue74、处理剂含量:finish level75、浸润剂:size76、偶联剂:couplint agent77、处理织物:finished fabric78、聚酰胺纤维:polyarmide fiber79、聚酯纤维非织布:non-woven polyester fabric80、浸渍绝缘纵纸:impregnating insulation paper81、聚芳酰胺纤维纸:aromatic polyamide paper82、断裂长:breaking length83、吸水高度:height of capillary rise84、湿强度保留率:wet strength retention85、白度:whitenness86、陶瓷:ceramics87、导电箔:conductive foil88、铜箔:copper foil89、电解铜箔:electrodeposited copper foil(ed copper foil)90、压延铜箔:rolled copper foil91、退火铜箔:annealed copper foil92、压延退火铜箔:rolled annealed copper foil(ra copper foil)93、薄铜箔:thin copper foil94、涂胶铜箔:adhesive coated foil95、涂胶脂铜箔:resin coated copper foil(rcc)96、复合金属箔:composite metallic material97、载体箔:carrier foil98、殷瓦:invar99、箔(剖面)轮廓:foil profile100、光面:shiny side101、粗糙面:matte side102、处理面:treated side103、防锈处理:stain proofing104、双面处理铜箔:double treated foil四、设计1、原理图:shematic diagram2、逻辑图:logic diagram3、印制线路布设:printed wire layout4、布设总图:master drawing5、可制造性设计:design-for-manufacturability6、计算机辅助设计:computer-aided design.(cad)7、计算机辅助制造:computer-aided manufacturing.(cam)8、计算机集成制造:computer integrat manufacturing.(cim)9、计算机辅助工程:computer-aided engineering.(cae)10、计算机辅助测试:computer-aided test.(cat)11、电子设计自动化:electric design automation.(eda)12、工程设计自动化:engineering design automaton.(eda2)13、组装设计自动化:assembly aided architectural design.(aaad)14、计算机辅助制图:computer aided drawing15、计算机控制显示:computer controlled display.(ccd)16、布局:placement17、布线:routing18、布图设计:layout19、重布:rerouting20、模拟:simulation21、逻辑模拟:logic simulation22、电路模拟:circit simulation23、时序模拟:timing simulation24、模块化:modularization25、布线完成率:layout effeciency26、机器描述格式:machine descriptionm format.(mdf)27、机器描述格式数据库:mdf databse28、设计数据库:design database29、设计原点:design origin30、优化(设计):optimization(design)31、供设计优化坐标轴:predominant axis32、表格原点:table origin33、镜像:mirroring34、驱动文件:drive file35、中间文件:intermediate file36、制造文件:manufacturing documentation37、队列支撑数据库:queue support database38、元件安置:component positioning39、图形显示:graphics dispaly40、比例因子:scaling factor41、扫描填充:scan filling42、矩形填充:rectangle filling43、填充域:region filling44、实体设计:physical design45、逻辑设计:logic design46、逻辑电路:logic circuit47、层次设计:hierarchical design48、自顶向下设计:top-down design49、自底向上设计:bottom-up design50、线网:net51、数字化:digitzing52、设计规则检查:design rule checking53、走(布)线器:router(cad)54、网络表:net list55、计算机辅助电路分析:computer-aided circuit analysis56、子线网:subnet57、目标函数:objective function58、设计后处理:post design processing(pdp)59、交互式制图设计:interactive drawing design60、费用矩阵:cost metrix61、工程图:engineering drawing62、方块框图:block diagram63、迷宫:moze64、元件密度:component density65、巡回售货员问题:traveling salesman problem66、自由度:degrees freedom67、入度:out going degree68、出度:incoming degree69、曼哈顿距离:manhatton distance70、欧几里德距离:euclidean distance71、网络:network72、阵列:array73、段:segment74、逻辑:logic75、逻辑设计自动化:logic design automation76、分线:separated time77、分层:separated layer78、定顺序:definite sequence五、形状与尺寸:1、导线(通道):conduction(track)2、导线(体)宽度:conductor width3、导线距离:conductor spacing4、导线层:conductor layer5、导线宽度/间距:conductor line/space6、第一导线层:conductor layer no.17、圆形盘:round pad8、方形盘:square pad9、菱形盘:diamond pad10、长方形焊盘:oblong pad11、子弹形盘:bullet pad12、泪滴盘:teardrop pad13、雪人盘:snowman pad14、v形盘:v-shaped pad15、环形盘:annular pad16、非圆形盘:non-circular pad17、隔离盘:isolation pad18、非功能连接盘:monfunctional pad19、偏置连接盘:offset land20、腹(背)裸盘:back-bard land21、盘址:anchoring spaur22、连接盘图形:land pattern23、连接盘网格阵列:land grid array24、孔环:annular ring25、元件孔:component hole26、安装孔:mounting hole27、支撑孔:supported hole28、非支撑孔:unsupported hole29、导通孔:via30、镀通孔:plated through hole(pth)31、余隙孔:access hole32、盲孔:blind via(hole)33、埋孔:buried via hole34、埋/盲孔:buried/blind via35、任意层内部导通孔:any layer inner via hole(alivh)36、全部钻孔:all drilled hole37、定位孔:toaling hole38、无连接盘孔:landless hole39、中间孔:interstitial hole40、无连接盘导通孔:landless via hole41、引导孔:pilot hole42、端接全隙孔:terminal clearomee hole43、准表面间镀覆孔:quasi-interfacing plated-through hole44、准尺寸孔:dimensioned hole45、在连接盘中导通孔:via-in-pad46、孔位:hole location47、孔密度:hole density48、孔图:hole pattern49、钻孔图:drill drawing50、装配图:assembly drawing51、印制板组装图:printed board assembly drawing52、参考基准:datum referance整理自快点PCB学院。

线路板(PCB)制作流程中英⽂对照表线路板(PCB)流程术语中英⽂对照流程简介:开料--钻孔--⼲膜制程--压合--减铜--电镀--塞孔--防焊(绿漆/绿油)--镀⾦--喷锡--成型--开短路测试--终检--雷射钻孔A. 开料( Cut Lamination)a-1 裁板( Sheets Cutting)a-2 原物料发料(Panel)(Shear material to Size)B. 钻孔(Drilling)b-1 内钻(Inner Layer Drilling )b-2 ⼀次孔(Outer Layer Drilling )b-3 ⼆次孔(2nd Drilling)b-4 雷射钻孔(Laser Drilling )(Laser Ablation )b-5 盲(埋)孔钻孔(Blind & Buried Hole Drilling)C. ⼲膜制程( Photo Process(D/F))c-1 前处理(Pretreatment)c-2 压膜(Dry Film Lamination)c-3 曝光(Exposure)c-4 显影(Developing)c-5 蚀铜(Etching)c-6 去膜(Stripping)c-7 初检( Touch-up)c-8 化学前处理,化学研磨( Chemical Milling )c-9 选择性浸⾦压膜(Selective Gold Dry Film Lamination)c-10 显影(Developing )c-11 去膜(Stripping )Developing , Etching & Stripping ( DES )D. 压合Laminationd-1 ⿊化(Black Oxide Treatment)d-2 微蚀(Microetching)d-3 铆钉组合(eyelet )d-4 叠板(Lay up)d-5 压合(Lamination)d-6 后处理(Post Treatment)d-7 ⿊氧化( Black Oxide Removal )d-8 铣靶(spot face)d-9 去溢胶(resin flush removal)E. 减铜(Copper Reduction)e-1 薄化铜(Copper Reduction)F. 电镀(Horizontal Electrolytic Plating)f-1 ⽔平电镀(Horizontal Electro-Plating) (Panel Plating)f-2 锡铅电镀( Tin-Lead Plating ) (Pattern Plating)f-3 低于1 mil ( Less than 1 mil Thickness )f-4 ⾼于1 mil ( More than 1 mil Thickness)f-5 砂带研磨(Belt Sanding)f-6 剥锡铅( Tin-Lead Stripping)f-7 微切⽚( Microsection)G. 塞孔(Plug Hole)g-1 印刷( Ink Print )g-2 预烤(Precure)g-3 表⾯刷磨(Scrub)g-4 后烘烤(Postcure)H. 防焊(绿漆/绿油): (Solder Mask)h-1 C⾯印刷(Printing Top Side)h-2 S⾯印刷(Printing Bottom Side)h-3 静电喷涂(Spray Coating)h-4 前处理(Pretreatment)h-5 预烤(Precure)h-6 曝光(Exposure)h-7 显影(Develop)h-8 后烘烤(Postcure)h-9 UV烘烤(UV Cure)h-10 ⽂字印刷( Printing of Legend )h-11 喷砂( Pumice)(Wet Blasting)h-12 印可剥离防焊(Peelable Solder Mask)I . 镀⾦Gold platingi-1 ⾦⼿指镀镍⾦( Gold Finger )i-2 电镀软⾦(Soft Ni/Au Plating)i-3 浸镍⾦( Immersion Ni/Au) (Electroless Ni/Au)J. 喷锡(Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-1 ⽔平喷锡(Horizontal Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-2 垂直喷锡( Vertical Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-3 超级焊锡(Super Solder )j-4. 印焊锡突点(Solder Bump)K. 成型(Profile)(Form)k-1 捞型(N/C Routing ) (Milling)k-2 模具冲(Punch)k-3 板⾯清洗烘烤(Cleaning & Backing)k-4 V型槽( V-Cut)(V-Scoring)k-5 ⾦⼿指斜边( Beveling of G/F)L. 开短路测试(Electrical Testing) (Continuity & Insulation Testing) l-1 AOI 光学检查( AOI Inspection)l-2 VRS ⽬检(Verified & Repaired)l-3 泛⽤型治具测试(Universal Tester)l-4 专⽤治具测试(Dedicated Tester)l-5 飞针测试(Flying Probe)M. 终检( Final Visual Inspection)m-1 压板翘( Warpage Remove)m-2 X-OUT 印刷(X-Out Marking)m-3 包装及出货(Packing & shipping)m-4 ⽬检( Visual Inspection)m-5 清洗及烘烤( Final Clean & Baking)m-6 护铜剂(ENTEK Cu-106A)(OSP)m-7 离⼦残余量测试(Ionic Contamination Test )(Cleanliness Test) m-8 冷热冲击试验(Thermal cycling Testing)m-9 焊锡性试验( Solderability Testing )N. 雷射钻孔(Laser Ablation)N-1 雷射钻Tooling孔(Laser ablation Tooling Hole)N-2 雷射曝光对位孔(Laser Ablation Registration Hole)N-3 雷射Mask制作(Laser Mask)N-4 雷射钻孔(Laser Ablation)N-5 AOI 检查及VRS ( AOI Inspection & Verified & Repaired)N-6 Blaser AOI (after Desmear and Microetching)N-7 除胶渣(Desmear)N-8 微蚀(Microetching )。

A. 开料( Cut Lamination)a-1 裁板( Sheets Cutting)a-2 原物料发料(Panel)(Shear material to Size)B. 钻孔(Drilling)b-1 内钻(Inner Layer Drilling )b-2 一次孔(Outer Layer Drilling )b-3 二次孔(2nd Drilling)b-4 雷射钻孔(Laser Drilling )(Laser Ablation )b-5 盲(埋)孔钻孔(Blind & Buried Hole Drilling)C. 干膜制程( Photo Process(D/F))c-1 前处理(Pretreatment)c-2 压膜(Dry Film Lamination)c-3 曝光(Exposure)c-4 显影(Developing)c-5 蚀铜(Etching)c-6 去膜(Stripping)c-7 初检( Touch-up)c-8 化学前处理,化学研磨( Chemical Milling )c-9 选择性浸金压膜(Selective Gold Dry Film Lamination) c-10 显影(Developing )c-11 去膜(Stripping )Developing , Etching & Stripping ( DES )D. 压合Laminationd-1 黑化(Black Oxide Treatment)d-2 微蚀(Microetching)d-3 铆钉组合(eyelet )d-4 叠板(Lay up)d-5 压合(Lamination)d-6 后处理(Post Treatment)d-7 黑氧化( Black Oxide Removal )d-8 铣靶(spot face)d-9 去溢胶(resin flush removal)E. 减铜(Copper Reduction)e-1 薄化铜(Copper Reduction)F. 电镀(Horizontal Electrolytic Plating)f-1 水平电镀(Horizontal Electro-Plating) (Panel Plating) f-2 锡铅电镀( Tin-Lead Plating ) (Pattern Plating)f-3 低于1 mil ( Less than 1 mil Thickness )f-4 高于1 mil ( More than 1 mil Thickness)f-5 砂带研磨(Belt Sanding)f-6 剥锡铅( Tin-Lead Stripping)f-7 微切片( Microsection)G. 塞孔(Plug Hole)g-1 印刷( Ink Print )g-2 预烤(Precure)g-3 表面刷磨(Scrub)g-4 后烘烤(Postcure)H. 防焊(绿漆/绿油): (Solder Mask)h-1 C面印刷(Printing Top Side)h-2 S面印刷(Printing Bottom Side)h-3 静电喷涂(Spray Coating)h-4 前处理(Pretreatment)h-5 预烤(Precure)h-6 曝光(Exposure)h-7 显影(Develop)h-8 后烘烤(Postcure)h-9 UV烘烤(UV Cure)h-10 文字印刷( Printing of Legend )h-11 喷砂( Pumice)(Wet Blasting)h-12 印可剥离防焊(Peelable Solder Mask)I . 镀金Gold platingi-1 金手指镀镍金( Gold Finger )i-2 电镀软金(Soft Ni/Au Plating)i-3 浸镍金( Immersion Ni/Au) (Electroless Ni/Au)J. 喷锡(Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-1 水平喷锡(Horizontal Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-2 垂直喷锡( Vertical Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-3 超级焊锡(Super Solder )j-4. 印焊锡突点(Solder Bump)K. 成型(Profile)(Form)k-1 捞型(N/C Routing ) (Milling)k-2 模具冲(Punch)k-3 板面清洗烘烤(Cleaning & Backing)k-4 V型槽( V-Cut)(V-Scoring)k-5 金手指斜边( Beveling of G/F)L. 开短路测试(Electrical Testing) (Continuity & Insulation Testing) l-1 AOI 光学检查( AOI Inspection)l-2 VRS 目检(Verified & Repaired)l-3 泛用型治具测试(Universal Tester)l-4 专用治具测试(Dedicated Tester)l-5 飞针测试(Flying Probe)M. 终检( Final Visual Inspection)m-1 压板翘( Warpage Remove)m-2 X-OUT 印刷(X-Out Marking)m-3 包装及出货(Packing & shipping)m-4 目检( Visual Inspection)m-5 清洗及烘烤( Final Clean & Baking)m-6 护铜剂(ENTEK Cu-106A)(OSP)m-7 离子残余量测试(Ionic Contamination Test )(Cleanliness Test)m-8 冷热冲击试验(Thermal cycling Testing)m-9 焊锡性试验( Solderability Testing )N. 雷射钻孔(Laser Ablation)N-1 雷射钻Tooling孔(Laser ablation Tooling Hole)N-2 雷射曝光对位孔(Laser Ablation Registration Hole)N-3 雷射Mask制作(Laser Mask)N-4 雷射钻孔(Laser Ablation)N-5 AOI 检查及VRS ( AOI Inspection & Verified & Repaired)N-6 Blaser AOI (after Desmear and Microetching)N-7 除胶渣(Desmear)N-8 微蚀(Microetching )流程简介:开料Cut Lamination--钻孔Drilling--干膜制程Photo Process(D/F)--压合Lamination--减铜Copper Reduction--电镀Horizontal Electrolytic Plating--塞孔Plug Hole--防焊(绿漆/绿油)SolderMask--镀金Gold plating--喷锡Hot Air Solder Leveling--成型Profile--开短路测试ElectricalTesting--终检Final Visual Inspectionpcb电路板又称印制电路板、印刷线路板,简称印制板,英文简称PCB(printed circuit board )或PWB(printed wiring board),以绝缘板为基材,切成一定尺寸,其上至少附有一个导电图形,并布有孔(如元件孔、紧固孔、金属化孔等),用来代替以往装置电子元器件的底盘,并实现电子元器件之间的相互连接。

线路板流程术语中英文对照流程简介:开料--钻孔--干膜制程--压合--减铜--电镀--塞孔--防焊(绿漆/绿油)--镀金--喷锡--成型--开短路测试--终检--雷射钻孔A. 开料( Cut Lamination)a-1 裁板( Sheets Cutting)a-2 原物料发料(Panel)(Shear material to Size)B. 钻孔(Drilling)b-1 内钻(Inner Layer Drilling )b-2 一次孔(Outer Layer Drilling )b-3 二次孔(2nd Drilling)b-4 雷射钻孔(Laser Drilling )(Laser Ablation )b-5 盲(埋)孔钻孔(Blind & Buried Hole Drilling)C. 干膜制程( Photo Process(D/F))c-1 前处理(Pretreatment)c-2 压膜(Dry Film Lamination)c-3 曝光(Exposure)c-4 显影(Developing)c-5 蚀铜(Etching)c-6 去膜(Stripping)c-7 初检( Touch-up)c-8 化学前处理,化学研磨( Chemical Milling )c-9 选择性浸金压膜(Selective Gold Dry Film Lamination)c-10 显影(Developing )c-11 去膜(Stripping )Developing , Etching & Stripping ( DES )D. 压合Laminationd-1 黑化(Black Oxide Treatment)d-2 微蚀(Microetching)d-3 铆钉组合(eyelet )d-4 叠板(Lay up)d-5 压合(Lamination)d-6 后处理(Post Treatment)d-7 黑氧化( Black Oxide Removal )d-8 铣靶(spot face)d-9 去溢胶(resin flush removal)E. 减铜(Copper Reduction)e-1 薄化铜(Copper Reduction)F. 电镀(Horizontal Electrolytic Plating)f-1 水平电镀(Horizontal Electro-Plating) (Panel Plating) f-2 锡铅电镀( Tin-Lead Plating ) (Pattern Plating)f-3 低于1 mil ( Less than 1 mil Thickness )f-4 高于1 mil ( More than 1 mil Thickness)f-5 砂带研磨(Belt Sanding)f-6 剥锡铅( Tin-Lead Stripping)f-7 微切片( Microsection)G. 塞孔(Plug Hole)g-1 印刷( Ink Print )g-2 预烤(Precure)g-3 表面刷磨(Scrub)g-4 后烘烤(Postcure)H. 防焊(绿漆/绿油): (Solder Mask)h-1 C面印刷(Printing Top Side)h-2 S面印刷(Printing Bottom Side)h-3 静电喷涂(Spray Coating)h-4 前处理(Pretreatment)h-5 预烤(Precure)h-6 曝光(Exposure)h-7 显影(Develop)h-8 后烘烤(Postcure)h-9 UV烘烤(UV Cure)h-10 文字印刷( Printing of Legend )h-11 喷砂( Pumice)(Wet Blasting)h-12 印可剥离防焊(Peelable Solder Mask) I . 镀金Gold platingi-1 金手指镀镍金( Gold Finger )i-2 电镀软金(Soft Ni/Au Plating)i-3 浸镍金( Immersion Ni/Au) (Electroless Ni/Au)J. 喷锡(Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-1 水平喷锡(Horizontal Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-2 垂直喷锡( Vertical Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-3 超级焊锡(Super Solder )j-4. 印焊锡突点(Solder Bump)K. 成型(Profile)(Form)k-1 捞型(N/C Routing ) (Milling)k-2 模具冲(Punch)k-3 板面清洗烘烤(Cleaning & Backing)k-4 V型槽( V-Cut)(V-Scoring)k-5 金手指斜边( Beveling of G/F)L. 开短路测试(Electrical Testing) (Continuity & Insulation Testing) l-1 AOI 光学检查( AOI Inspection)l-2 VRS 目检(Verified & Repaired)l-3 泛用型治具测试(Universal Tester)l-4 专用治具测试(Dedicated Tester)l-5 飞针测试(Flying Probe)M. 终检( Final Visual Inspection)m-1 压板翘( Warpage Remove)m-2 X-OUT 印刷(X-Out Marking)m-3 包装及出货(Packing & shipping)m-4 目检( Visual Inspection)m-5 清洗及烘烤( Final Clean & Baking)m-6 护铜剂(ENTEK Cu-106A)(OSP)m-7 离子残余量测试(Ionic Contamination Test )(Cleanliness Test) m-8 冷热冲击试验(Thermal cycling Testing)m-9 焊锡性试验( Solderability Testing )N. 雷射钻孔(Laser Ablation)N-1 雷射钻Tooling孔(Laser ablation Tooling Hole)N-2 雷射曝光对位孔(Laser Ablation Registration Hole)N-3 雷射Mask制作(Laser Mask)N-4 雷射钻孔(Laser Ablation)N-5 AOI 检查及VRS ( AOI Inspection & Verified & Repaired)N-6 Blaser AOI (after Desmear and Microetching)N-7 除胶渣(Desmear)N-8 微蚀(Microetching )。

PCB Printed Circuit BoardA1.Process 流程Board Cut 开料→Drill钻孔→Incoming Quality Control (IQC)→Plated Through Hole (PTH) →Panel Plating 整板镀铜→dry film 干膜→patterm plating 图形电镀→Flash Gold Plating 闪金电镀Cu(Copper)/Sn(Tin) Plating →etch 蚀刻→quality control (FIRST)QC →Wetfilm W/F →Legend ( Mark Printing , Component Mark)文字→Hot Air Leveling 喷锡( Immersion Gold Chemical Gold 沉金)→Routing 锣板(Punching啤板)→V-Cut →Rinse 洗板→E-test →Entek →Final Quality Control FQC →QA Audit 审核→Package →Shipment ( Delivery) 出货B drill process 钻孔工序the type of holes 孔的类型Via hole 通孔Componenthole 元件孔Installing hole 安装孔Registration hole (for Printing ,HAL ,Chemical gold etc) 定位孔Slot 槽孔PTH hole 电镀孔NPTH hole 非电镀孔Big hole(Too big to tent 孔太大,不能掩孔) Small hole 小孔1.Drill process Board cut 开料→Pin hole making 销钉孔(Registration pin ) →Board up 上板→Drilling →Board down →Check 检查2.Parameters 参数Drill Bit 钻咀Diameter of hole (drill bit)孔径Feed speed 进刀速度RPM (Round per minute ) 转速How many panels (Total thickness 厚度) 上板数量Hole quantity 孔数3.Quality 品质about drill bit 关于钻咀chips 缺口overlap 重合gap 间隙flair变形about hole 关于孔rough (roughness) 粗糙度bur(debur) 去毛刺nailhead 钉头(multilayer多层板) resin smear (desmear)除胶渣surface scratch 表面擦花breakout of registration hole 定位孔爆hole shift 偏孔(位) hole plugged堵孔raw material 材料Laminate 板材copper foil 铜箔prepreg 半固化片C Main contents IQC (IQC主要内容)Measuring tooling 测量工具Pin gauge针规Caliper 卡尺C-caliper 螺旋卡尺X-ray instrument for Au/Ni thickness X光金/镍测厚仪Outline Artwork for outline dimension 外形菲林V isual check 肉眼检查 2. The main raw materials 主要材料laminate 板材prepreg半固化片copper foil铜箔chemical 化学药品dry film wetfilm Pb(lead)/Sn(Tin) Alloy mixture of metals 铅锡合金flux 松香etch salt 蚀板盐carbon ink 碳油legend ink字符油墨die 模具Semifinished products form sub-contractor 外协厂 3.Quality of laminate 板材品质Pin hole 针孔dent 凹痕scratch 擦花delamination 分层white spot 白点fibre exposure 露纤维discolour 变色thickness deviation 厚度偏差surface oxidation 表面氧化D PTH Process Debur 除胶渣→Degrease 除油脂→Rinse (Ci Water) →Microetch 微蚀→Rinse →Dip In Sulfate Acid Solution 酸洗→Rinse →Pre-Dip 预浸→Catalyst 崔化剂→Rinse →Accelerate 加速剂→Rinse →PTH →Rinse →Dry烘干E Several Concepts Electroless Plating (Electroplating) 无电镀铜Dummy Plating拖缸APS (Ammonium Per Sulfate) 过硫酸铵Deionized Water 去离子水 C.I Water 自来水Loading 负载Deposition Rate 沉铜速率Foam 泡沫Heater 加热器Pink Ring 粉红圈(红环) Clot 结块Hard Water 硬水Soft Water 软水Debris 树脂屑Rough Copper Deposit 沉铜粗糙Peel Off 铜层剥离V oid 空洞Poor Adhesion 结合力不良Short Bath Life 槽液短命Poor Backlight 背光不良No Copper Deposit On Hole Wall 黑孔F D/F process Scrub 磨板→Laminate 贴膜→Artwork check 菲林检查→Image transfer 对位→expose 曝光→develop 显影→touchup 执漏Main materials 主要材料dry film sodium carbonate 碳酸钠defoam 除泡剂alcohol 洒精yellow film黄菲林Main machines 主要设备Laminator 贴膜机exposure machine 曝光机developing machine 显影机developing machine foryellow artwork 黄菲林显影机(重氮显影机) Quality Open/short bur chip underdevelop 显影不够overdevelop 显影过度underexposure 曝光不够overexposure 曝光过度scratch surfacecontamination 表面污染bubble 气泡Main parameters参数break point 突破点footprint 磨痕exposure index 曝光指数stauffer 曝光尺(光楔表)G Sn(Tin)-plating degrease 除油污→rinse →microetch 微蚀→rinse →dip insulfate acid solution 酸洗→Cu(copper)-plating 电铜→rinse→Tin-plating 镀锡Main materials Copper sulfate 硫酸铜copper ball 铜球Acid sulfate 硫酸Tin metal bar 锡条Stannous sulfate硫酸亚锡Additives 添加剂brightener 光亮剂The other useful words Make-up 开缸make-up procedure 开缸程序Anode 阳极Cathode 阴极maintenance 维护\保养litre 升gram 克volume 容积carbon treat 碳处理Current Density 电流密度Current Area 电流面积Quality corner crack 角部断裂pit 凹痕(麻点,大凹痕为dent) Non-uniform 不均匀dull plating 镀层发暗poor adhesion 结合力不良void 空洞copper thickness under spec. 铜厚不符合要求(标准)Etch process strip 去膜→etch →tin-strip →QC(quality check)Etching line 蚀刻线etch salt 蚀板盐ammonia 氨水(ammonium 铵) copper chloride 氯化铜tin-strip chemical退锡水poor strip 退膜不良poor tin-strip 退锡不良(净)poor etch 蚀刻不良over-etch 蚀刻过度open/short black hole 黑孔void 空洞scratch 刮花chip 缺口bur 毛刺peel off 剥离etch factor 蚀刻因子tin-transfer 锡迁移undercut 侧蚀line width 线宽line space 线距W/F process scrub 磨板(pumice 火山灰or chemical treatment 化学处理) →screen printing 丝印→pre-cure 前焗→expose →develop →postcure 后焗→touchupScrubber (scrub machine) printing machine 丝印机exposing machine developing machinePumice火山灰chemical diazo film 重氮片wet film sodium carbonate poor developing scratch peel off S(solder)/M(mask) in hole 绿油入孔S/M on pad 绿油上焊盘S/M on gold finger 绿油上金手指S/M on mark overdevelop 显影过度residue 垃圾,杂物(particals 颗粒) copper exposure 露铜stauffer test 曝光尺实验adhesion 粘度stencil 网板footprint 磨痕breakpoint 突破点,显影点C/M process (component/mark) legend printing →cure →QC check ovenResidue missing character illegible character character broken C/M on pad (finger.in hole) discolor peel offHA T process (hot air leveling) pretreatment →HAL →posttreatment →QC check Solder fluxAPS (ammonium per sulfate ) copper exposure (hole wall ) ununiform rough surface bubble (discolor) of S/Mevery lot 每批reworked 返工scrapped 报废spec. 规格,说明choice 选择solve 解决semifinished product 半成品co-operation 合作improve 改善dispose of surface 表面处理purchase order 采购单standerd 标准gerber data GERBER文件item 序号Part No description 描述model 型号delivery schedule 交货日期U/P 单价amount 总计remark 备注CIF 到岸价specifications 说明solvent test 溶剂试验defect 缺陷nonconforming 不一致corrective action 纠正措施First Article check 首件检查customer 客户complain投诉take action 采取行动Thank you for your attention。
PCB印制电路板工序中英文结合 PPT资料共40页

Auto-Exposure Machine
01 内层线路(Inner layer)
The so called DES are Developing,Etching,Strip
目的:通过显影药水冲掉未发生化学反应的 干膜,利用蚀刻药液 冲掉显影后露出的铜, 利用强碱冲掉发生化学反应形成的抗蚀层, 目的都是为了显出内层电路图形
Aim: remove dry film by K2CO3 remove nude copper by CuCl2 remove anti-corrosion board by NaOH
也就是说,PCB是为完成第一层次的元件和其它电子电路零件接合提供的一个 组装基地,组装成一个具特定功能的模块或产品。
PCB 印制电路板
PCB 的用途(application of PCB)
有特定功能的电子产品都需要电路板才能实现如电视机,电子玩具,收音机, 电脑, 手机,仪表器 或者一些军用的设施等 (Most electronic products requires PCB to rechieve some paticular fuctions, like televisions, electronic toys, radios,Computers, mobile phones, meters oand som military facilities)

线路板流程术语中英文对照流程简介:开料--钻孔--干膜制程--压合--减铜--电镀--塞孔--防焊(绿漆/绿油) --镀金--喷锡--成型--开短路测试--终检--雷射钻孔a. 开料( cut lamination)a-1 裁板( sheets cutting)a-2 原物料发料(panel)(shear material to size)b. 钻孔(drilling)b-1 内钻(inner layer drilling )b-2 一次孔(outer layer drilling )b-3 二次孔(2nd drilling)b-4 雷射钻孔(laser drilling )(laser ablation )b-5 盲(埋)孔钻孔(blind & buried hole drilling)c. 干膜制程( photo process(d/f))c-1 前处理(pretreatment)c-2 压膜(dry film lamination)c-3 曝光(exposure)c-4 显影(developing)c-5 蚀铜(etching)c-6 去膜(stripping)c-7 初检( touch-up)c-8 化学前处理,化学研磨( chemical milling )c-9 选择性浸金压膜(selective gold dry film lamination)c-10 显影(developing )c-11 去膜(stripping )developing , etching & stripping ( des )d. 压合laminationd-1 黑化(black oxide treatment)d-2 微蚀(microetching)d-3 铆钉组合(eyelet )d-4 叠板(lay up)d-5 压合(lamination)d-6 后处理(post treatment)d-7 黑氧化( black oxide removal )d-8 铣靶(spot face)d-9 去溢胶(resin flush removal)e. 减铜(copper reduction)e-1 薄化铜(copper reduction)f. 电镀(horizontal electrolytic plating)f-1 水平电镀(horizontal electro-plating) (panel plating) f-2 锡铅电镀( tin-lead plating ) (pattern plating)f-3 低于1 mil ( less than 1 mil thickness )f-4 高于1 mil ( more than 1 mil thickness)f-5 砂带研磨(belt sanding)f-6 剥锡铅( tin-lead stripping)f-7 微切片( microsection)g. 塞孔(plug hole)g-1 印刷( ink print )g-2 预烤(precure)g-3 表面刷磨(scrub)g-4 后烘烤(postcure)h. 防焊(绿漆/绿油): (solder mask)h-1 c面印刷(printing top side)h-2 s面印刷(printing bottom side)h-3 静电喷涂(spray coating)h-4 前处理(pretreatment)h-5 预烤(precure)h-6 曝光(exposure)h-7 显影(develop)h-8 后烘烤(postcure)h-9 uv烘烤(uv cure)h-10 文字印刷( printing of legend )h-11 喷砂( pumice)(wet blasting)h-12 印可剥离防焊(peelable solder mask)i . 镀金gold platingi-1 金手指镀镍金( gold finger )i-2 电镀软金(soft ni/au plating)i-3 浸镍金( immersion ni/au) (electroless ni/au)j. 喷锡(hot air solder leveling)j-1 水平喷锡(horizontal hot air solder leveling)j-2 垂直喷锡( vertical hot air solder leveling)j-3 超级焊锡(super solder )j-4. 印焊锡突点(solder bump)k. 成型(profile)(form)k-1 捞型(n/c routing ) (milling)k-2 模具冲(punch)k-3 板面清洗烘烤(cleaning & backing)k-4 v型槽( v-cut)(v-scoring)k-5 金手指斜边( beveling of g/f)l. 开短路测试(electrical testing) (continuity & insulation testing) l-1 aoi 光学检查( aoi inspection)l-2 vrs 目检(verified & repaired)l-3 泛用型治具测试(universal tester)l-4 专用治具测试(dedicated tester)l-5 飞针测试(flying probe)m. 终检( final visual inspection)m-1 压板翘( warpage remove)m-2 x-out 印刷(x-out marking)m-3 包装及出货(packing & shipping)m-4 目检( visual inspection)m-5 清洗及烘烤( final clean & baking)m-6 护铜剂(entek cu-106a)(osp)m-7 离子残余量测试(ionic contamination test )(cleanliness test) m-8 冷热冲击试验(thermal cycling testing)m-9 焊锡性试验( solderability testing )n. 雷射钻孔(laser ablation)n-1 雷射钻tooling孔(laser ablation tooling hole)n-2 雷射曝光对位孔(laser ablation registration hole)n-3 雷射mask制作(laser mask)n-4 雷射钻孔(laser ablation)n-5 aoi 检查及vrs ( aoi inspection & verified & repaired)n-6 blaser aoi (after desmear and microetching)n-7 除胶渣(desmear)n-8 微蚀(microetching )pcb综合词汇中英文对照:1、印制电路:printed circuit2、印制线路:printed wiring3、印制板:printed board4、印制板电路:printed circuit board (pcb)5、印制线路板:printed wiring board(pwb)6、印制元件:printed component7、印制接点:printed contact8、印制板装配:printed board assembly9、板:board10、单面印制板:single-sided printed board(ssb)11、双面印制板:double-sided printed board(dsb)12、多层印制板:mulitlayer printed board(mlb)13、多层印制电路板:mulitlayer printed circuit board14、多层印制线路板:mulitlayer prited wiring board15、刚性印制板:rigid printed board16、刚性单面印制板:rigid single-sided printed borad17、刚性双面印制板:rigid double-sided printed borad18、刚性多层印制板:rigid multilayer printed board19、挠性多层印制板:flexible multilayer printed board20、挠性印制板:flexible printed board21、挠性单面印制板:flexible single-sided printed board22、挠性双面印制板:flexible double-sided printed board23、挠性印制电路:flexible printed circuit (fpc)24、挠性印制线路:flexible printed wiring25、刚性印制板:flex-rigid printed board, rigid-flex printed board26、刚性双面印制板:flex-rigid double-sided printed board, rigid-flex double-sided printed27、刚性多层印制板:flex-rigid multilayer printed board, rigid-flex multilayer printed board28、齐平印制板:flush printed board29、金属芯印制板:metal core printed board30、金属基印制板:metal base printed board31、多重布线印制板:mulit-wiring printed board32、陶瓷印制板:ceramic substrate printed board33、导电胶印制板:electroconductive paste printed board34、模塑电路板:molded circuit board35、模压印制板:stamped printed wiring board36、顺序层压多层印制板:sequentially-laminated mulitlayer37、散线印制板:discrete wiring board38、微线印制板:micro wire board39、积层印制板:buile-up printed board40、积层多层印制板:build-up mulitlayer printed board (bum)41、积层挠印制板:build-up flexible printed board42、表面层合电路板:surface laminar circuit (slc)43、埋入凸块连印制板:b2it printed board44、多层膜基板:multi-layered film substrate(mfs)45、层间全内导通多层印制板:alivh multilayer printed board46、载芯片板:chip on board (cob)47、埋电阻板:buried resistance board48、母板:mother board49、子板:daughter board50、背板:backplane51、裸板:bare board52、键盘板夹心板:copper-invar-copper board53、动态挠性板:dynamic flex board54、静态挠性板:static flex board55、可断拼板:break-away planel56、电缆:cable57、挠性扁平电缆:flexible flat cable (ffc)58、薄膜开关:membrane switch59、混合电路:hybrid circuit60、厚膜:thick film61、厚膜电路:thick film circuit62、薄膜:thin film63、薄膜混合电路:thin film hybrid circuit64、互连:interconnection65、导线:conductor trace line66、齐平导线:flush conductor67、传输线:transmission line68、跨交:crossover69、板边插头:edge-board contact70、增强板:stiffener71、基底:substrate72、基板面:real estate73、导线面:conductor side74、元件面:component side75、焊接面:solder side76、印制:printing77、网格:grid78、图形:pattern79、导电图形:conductive pattern80、非导电图形:non-conductive pattern81、字符:legend82、标志:mark1、基材:base material2、层压板:laminate3、覆金属箔基材:metal-clad bade material4、覆铜箔层压板:copper-clad laminate (ccl)5、单面覆铜箔层压板:single-sided copper-clad laminate6、双面覆铜箔层压板:double-sided copper-clad laminate7、复合层压板:composite laminate8、薄层压板:thin laminate9、金属芯覆铜箔层压板:metal core copper-clad laminate10、金属基覆铜层压板:metal base copper-clad laminate11、挠性覆铜箔绝缘薄膜:flexible copper-clad dielectric film12、基体材料:basis material13、预浸材料:prepreg14、粘结片:bonding sheet15、预浸粘结片:preimpregnated bonding sheer16、环氧玻璃基板:epoxy glass substrate17、加成法用层压板:laminate for additive process18、预制内层覆箔板:mass lamination panel19、内层芯板:core material20、催化板材:catalyzed board ,coated catalyzed laminate21、涂胶催化层压板:adhesive-coated catalyzed laminate22、涂胶无催层压板:adhesive-coated uncatalyzed laminate23、粘结层:bonding layer24、粘结膜:film adhesive25、涂胶粘剂绝缘薄膜:adhesive coated dielectric film26、无支撑胶粘剂膜:unsupported adhesive film27、覆盖层:cover layer (cover lay)28、增强板材:stiffener material29、铜箔面:copper-clad surface30、去铜箔面:foil removal surface31、层压板面:unclad laminate surface32、基膜面:base film surface33、胶粘剂面:adhesive faec34、原始光洁面:plate finish35、粗面:matt finish36、纵向:length wise direction38、剪切板:cut to size panel39、酚醛纸质覆铜箔板:phenolic cellulose paper copper-clad laminates(phenolic/paper ccl)40、环氧纸质覆铜箔板:epoxide cellulose paper copper-clad laminates (epoxy/paper ccl)41、环氧玻璃布基覆铜箔板:epoxide woven glass fabric copper-clad laminates42、环氧玻璃布纸复合覆铜箔板:epoxide cellulose paper core, glass cloth surfaces copper-clad laminates43、环氧玻璃布玻璃纤维复合覆铜箔板:epoxide non woven/woven glass reinforced copper-clad laminates44、聚酯玻璃布覆铜箔板:ployester woven glass fabric copper-clad laminates45、聚酰亚胺玻璃布覆铜箔板:polyimide woven glass fabric copper-clad laminates46、双马来酰亚胺三嗪环氧玻璃布覆铜箔板:bismaleimide/triazine/epoxide woven glass fabric copper-clad lamimates47、环氧合成纤维布覆铜箔板:epoxide synthetic fiber fabric copper-clad laminates48、聚四乙烯玻璃纤维覆铜箔板:teflon/fiber glass copper-clad laminates49、超薄型层压板:ultra thin laminate50、陶瓷基覆铜箔板:ceramics base copper-clad laminates51、紫外pcb原材料化学用语中英文对照:1、a阶树脂:a-stage resin2、b阶树脂:b-stage resin3、c阶树脂:c-stage resin4、环氧树脂:epoxy resin5、酚醛树脂:phenolic resin6、聚酯树脂:polyester resin7、聚酰亚胺树脂:polyimide resin8、双马来酰亚胺三嗪树脂:bismaleimide-triazine resin9、丙烯酸树脂:acrylic resin10、三聚氰胺甲醛树脂:melamine formaldehyde resin11、多官能环氧树脂:polyfunctional epoxy resin12、溴化环氧树脂:brominated epoxy resin13、环氧酚醛:epoxy novolac14、氟树脂:fluroresin16、硅烷:silane17、聚合物:polymer18、无定形聚合物:amorphous polymer19、结晶现象:crystalline polamer20、双晶现象:dimorphism21、共聚物:copolymer22、合成树脂:synthetic23、热固性树脂:thermosetting resin24、热塑性树脂:thermoplastic resin25、感光性树脂:photosensitive resin26、环氧当量:weight per epoxy equivalent (wpe)27、环氧值:epoxy value28、双氰胺:dicyandiamide29、粘结剂:binder30、胶粘剂:adesive31、固化剂:curing agent32、阻燃剂:flame retardant33、遮光剂:opaquer34、增塑剂:plasticizers35、不饱和聚酯:unsatuiated polyester36、聚酯薄膜:polyester37、聚酰亚胺薄膜:polyimide film (pi)38、聚四氟乙烯:polytetrafluoetylene (ptfe)39、聚全氟乙烯丙烯薄膜:perfluorinated ethylene-propylene copolymer film (fep)40、增强材料:reinforcing material41、玻璃纤维:glass fiber42、e玻璃纤维:e-glass fibre43、d玻璃纤维:d-glass fibre44、s玻璃纤维:s-glass fibre45、玻璃布:glass fabric46、非织布:non-woven fabric47、玻璃纤维垫:glass mats48、纱线:yarn49、单丝:filament50、绞股:strand51、纬纱:weft yarn52、经纱:warp yarn53、但尼尔:denier54、经向:warp-wise55、纬向:weft-wise, filling-wise56、织物经纬密度:thread count57、织物组织:weave structure58、平纹组织:plain structure59、坏布:grey fabric60、稀松织物:woven scrim61、弓纬:bow of weave62、断经:end missing63、缺纬:mis-picks64、纬斜:bias65、折痕:crease66、云织:waviness67、鱼眼:fish eye68、毛圈长:feather length69、厚薄段:mark70、裂缝:split71、捻度:twist of yarn72、浸润剂含量:size content73、浸润剂残留量:size residue74、处理剂含量:finish level75、浸润剂:size76、偶联剂:couplint agent77、处理织物:finished fabric78、聚酰胺纤维:polyarmide fiber79、聚酯纤维非织布:non-woven polyester fabric80、浸渍绝缘纵纸:impregnating insulation paper81、聚芳酰胺纤维纸:aromatic polyamide paper82、断裂长:breaking length83、吸水高度:height of capillary rise84、湿强度保留率:wet strength retention85、白度:whitenness86、陶瓷:ceramics87、导电箔:conductive foil88、铜箔:copper foil89、电解铜箔:electrodeposited copper foil (ed copper foil)90、压延铜箔:rolled copper foil91、退火铜箔:annealed copper foil92、压延退火铜箔:rolled annealed copper foil (ra copper foil)93、薄铜箔:thin copper foil94、涂胶铜箔:adhesive coated foil95、涂胶脂铜箔:resin coated copper foil (rcc)96、复合金属箔:composite metallic material97、载体箔:carrier foil98、殷瓦:invar99、箔(剖面)轮廓:foil profile100、光面:shiny side101、粗糙面:matte side102、处理面:treated side103、防锈处理:stain proofing104、双面处理铜箔:double treated foilpcb线路设计词汇中英文对照:1、原理图:shematic diagram2、逻辑图:logic diagram3、印制线路布设:printed wire layout4、布设总图:master drawing5、可制造性设计:design-for-manufacturability6、计算机辅助设计:computer-aided design.(cad)7、计算机辅助制造:computer-aided manufacturing.(cam)8、计算机集成制造:computer integrat manufacturing.(cim)9、计算机辅助工程:computer-aided engineering.(cae)10、计算机辅助测试:computer-aided test.(cat)11、电子设计自动化:electric design automation .(eda)12、工程设计自动化:engineering design automaton .(eda2)13、组装设计自动化:assembly aided architectural design. (aaad)14、计算机辅助制图:computer aided drawing15、计算机控制显示:computer controlled display .(ccd)16、布局:placement17、布线:routing18、布图设计:layout19、重布:rerouting20、模拟:simulation21、逻辑模拟:logic simulation22、电路模拟:circit simulation23、时序模拟:timing simulation24、模块化:modularization25、布线完成率:layout effeciency26、机器描述格式:machine descriptionm format .(mdf)27、机器描述格式数据库:mdf databse28、设计数据库:design database29、设计原点:design origin30、优化(设计):optimization (design)31、供设计优化坐标轴:predominant axis32、表格原点:table origin33、镜像:mirroring34、驱动文件:drive file35、中间文件:intermediate file36、制造文件:manufacturing documentation37、队列支撑数据库:queue support database38、元件安置:component positioning39、图形显示:graphics dispaly40、比例因子:scaling factor41、扫描填充:scan filling42、矩形填充:rectangle filling43、填充域:region filling44、实体设计:physical design45、逻辑设计:logic design46、逻辑电路:logic circuit47、层次设计:hierarchical design48、自顶向下设计:top-down design49、自底向上设计:bottom-up design50、线网:net51、数字化:digitzing52、设计规则检查:design rule checking53、走(布)线器:router (cad)54、网络表:net list55、计算机辅助电路分析:computer-aided circuit analysis56、子线网:subnet57、目标函数:objective function58、设计后处理:post design processing (pdp)59、交互式制图设计:interactive drawing design60、费用矩阵:cost metrix61、工程图:engineering drawing62、方块框图:block diagram63、迷宫:moze64、元件密度:component density65、巡回售货员问题:traveling salesman problem66、自由度:degrees freedom67、入度:out going degree68、出度:incoming degree69、曼哈顿距离:manhatton distance70、欧几里德距离:euclidean distance71、网络:network72、阵列:array73、段:segment74、逻辑:logic75、逻辑设计自动化:logic design automation76、分线:separated time77、分层:separated layer78、定顺序:definite sequencepcb线路板其他相关中英文对照:1、主面:primary side2、辅面:secondary side3、支撑面:supporting plane4、信号:signal5、信号导线:signal conductor6、信号地线:signal ground7、信号速率:signal rate8、信号标准化:signal standardization9、信号层:signal layer10、寄生信号:spurious signal11、串扰:crosstalk12、电容:capacitance13、电容耦合:capacitive coupling14、电磁干扰:electromagnetic interference15、电磁屏蔽:electromangetic shielding16、噪音:noise17、电磁兼容性:electromagnetic compatbility18、特性阻抗:impedance19、阻抗匹配:impedance match20、电感:inductance21、延迟:delay22、微带线:microstrip23、带状线:stripline24、探测点:probe point25、开窗口:cross hatching26、跨距:span27、共面性(度):coplanarity28、埋入电阻:buried resistance29、黄金板:golden board30、芯板:core board31、薄基芯:thin core32、非均衡传输线:unbalanced transmission line33、阀值:threshold34、极限值:threshold limit value(tlv)35、散热层:heat sink plane36、热隔离:heat sink plane37、导通孔堵塞:via filiing38、波动:surge39、卡板:card40、卡板盒/卡板柜:card cages/card racks41、薄型多层板:thin type multilayer board42、埋/盲孔多层板:43、模块:module44、单芯片模块:single chip module (scm)45、多芯片模块:multichip module (mcm)46、多芯片模块层压基板:laminate substrate version of multichip module (mcm-l)47、多芯片模块陶瓷基数板:ceramic substrate version o fmultichip module (mcm-c)48、多芯片模块薄膜基板:deposition thin film substrate version of multilayer module (mcm-d)49、嵌入凸块互连技术:buried bump interconnection technology (b2 it)50、自动测试技术:automatic test equipment (ate)51、芯板导通孔堵塞:core board viafilling52、对准标记:alignment mark53、基准标记:fiducial mark54、拐角标记:corner mark55、剪切标记:crop mark56、铣切标记:routing mark57、对位标记:registration mark58、缩减标记:reduvtion mark59、层间重合度:layer to layer registration60、狗骨结构:dog hone61、热设计:thermal design62、热阻:thermal resistance线路板(pcb)常用度量衡单位术语换算1英尺=12英寸1英寸inch=1000密尔mil1mil=25.4um1mil=1000uin mil密耳有时也成英丝1um=40uin(有些公司称微英寸为麦,其实是微英寸)1oz=28.35克/平方英尺=35微米h=18微米4mil/4mil=0.1mm/0.1mm线宽线距1asd=1安培/平方分米=10.76安培/平方英尺1am=1安培分钟=60库仑主要用于贵金属电镀如镀金1平方分米=10.76平方英尺1盎司=28.35克,此为英制单位1加仑(英制)=4.5升1加仑美制=3.785升1kha=1000安小时1安培小时=3600库仑比重波美度=145-145/比重sg.sg.比重(克/立方厘米)=145/(145-波美度)pcb外观及功能性测试相关术语1.综合词汇1.1 as received 验收态提交验收的产品尚未经受任何条件处理,在正常大气条件下机械试验时阿状态1.2 production board 成品板符合设计图纸,有关规范和采购要求的,并按一个生产批生产出来的任何一块印制板1.3 test board 测试板用相同工艺生产的,用来确定一批印制板可接受性的一种印制板.它能代表该批印制板的质量。
pcb插件工艺流程 英文

pcb插件工艺流程英文English Answer:PCB Assembly Process.The PCB assembly process is a complex and multi-step one that involves a number of different steps, including:1. Design and layout: The first step in the PCB assembly process is to design and layout the board. This involves creating a schematic diagram of the circuit, as well as a layout for the board itself. The layout of the board will determine the placement of the components on the board, as well as the routing of the traces.2. Fabrication: Once the design and layout of the board have been finalized, the board is fabricated. This involves creating the physical board itself, as well as the traces and other features on the board. The fabrication process typically involves a number of steps, including:Laminating: The first step in the fabrication process is to laminate the board. This involves bonding together multiple layers of material to create the board itself. The layers of material typically include a copper layer, a core layer, and a solder mask layer.Drilling: Once the board has been laminated, the next step is to drill the holes for the components. The holes are typically drilled using a CNC (computer numerical control) machine.Plating: After the holes have been drilled, the board is plated. This involves coating the board with athin layer of metal, such as copper or gold. The plating process helps to protect the board from corrosion and wear.Soldering: The final step in the fabrication process is to solder the components to the board. This involves melting solder and applying it to the joints between the components and the board. The soldering process is typically done using a wave soldering machine.3. Testing: Once the board has been assembled, it is tested to ensure that it is functioning properly. This involves testing the board for a variety of parameters,such as electrical continuity, shorts, and opens. Thetesting process typically involves using a variety of test equipment, such as a multimeter and an oscilloscope.4. Inspection: After the board has been tested, it is inspected to ensure that it meets all of the specifications. This involves visually inspecting the board for any defects, as well as measuring the board to ensure that it is within the specified tolerances.5. Packaging and shipping: Once the board has been inspected and approved, it is packaged and shipped to the customer. The packaging process typically involves placing the board in a protective box or container, as well as labeling the board with the necessary information, such as the part number and the serial number.Chinese Answer:PCB插件工艺流程。

pcba英文生产流程English:PCBA (Printed Circuit Board Assembly) production process typically involves several stages. Firstly, it begins with the procurement of electronic components from suppliers. These components undergo thorough inspection and testing to ensure quality and functionality. Following this, the PCB fabrication process takes place, where the circuit layout is transferred onto the board, and layers are laminated together. Once the PCBs are fabricated, the assembly process commences. This involves soldering electronic components onto the board according to the circuit layout. Automated assembly machines are often employed for efficiency and accuracy. After assembly, the PCBs undergo inspection to detect any defects or faults. Quality control measures are implemented to rectify any issues found. Finally, the finished PCBAs undergo functional testing to ensure they meet performance specifications. This comprehensive process ensures the production of high-quality PCBA products that meet industry standards and customer requirements.中文翻译:PCBA(印刷电路板组装)的生产过程通常涉及几个阶段。

线路板流程术语中英文对照丝印、碳墨、银胶、可剥胶与铜膏制程1、Angle of Attack 攻角指在网版印刷时,行进中的刮刀面与网版平面所构成前倾之平面夹角而言。
2、Bias 斜张网布,斜织法指网版印刷法的一种特殊张网法,即坚持掉网布经纬方向与外框平行的正统张法,故意令网布经向与两侧网框的纵向构成22°之组合。
3、Bleach 漂洗指网版印刷预备工程中,为使再生网版上的网布,与版膜(Stencil)或感光乳胶之间有更好的附着力起见,须将用过的网布以漂白水或细金钢砂为助洗剂,予以刷磨洗净及粗化,以便再生运用,谓之Bleach 。
4、Bleeding 溢流在电路板制程中常指完成通孔铜壁后,能够尚有破洞存在,致使常有残液流出。
5、Blockout 封网直接性网版完成版膜(stencil)贴合后,其中心的空网处须以水溶胶加以涂满封锁,以免在实印时形成边缘的漏墨。
6、Blotting 干印"网版"经数次刮印后,朝下的印面上常有多余的残墨存在,须以白报纸替代电路板,在不覆墨下以刮刀(大陆业界称为刮板)干印一次,以吸掉图形边缘的残墨,称为Blotting。
7、Blotting Paper 吸水纸用以吸收掉多余液体的纸张。
8、Calendered Fabric轧平式网布是针对传统PET网布(商名特多龙),耐龙网布及不锈网布等,将其刮刀面特别予以单面轧平,使容易刮墨并令"印墨"减薄,而让UV油墨的曝光更容易及透彻。

A. 开料( Cut Lamination)a-1 裁板( Sheets Cutting)a-2 原物料发料(Panel)(Shear material to Size)B. 钻孔(Drilling)b-1 内钻(Inner Layer Drilling )b-2 一次孔(Outer Layer Drilling )b-3 二次孔(2nd Drilling)b-4 雷射钻孔(Laser Drilling )(Laser Ablation )b-5 盲(埋)孔钻孔(Blind & Buried Hole Drilling)C. 干膜制程( Photo Process(D/F))c-1 前处理(Pretreatment)c-2 压膜(Dry Film Lamination)c-3 曝光(Exposure)c-4 显影(Developing)c-5 蚀铜(Etching)c-6 去膜(Stripping)c-7 初检( Touch-up)c-8 化学前处理,化学研磨( Chemical Milling )c-9 选择性浸金压膜(Selective Gold Dry Film Lamination) c-10 显影(Developing )c-11 去膜(Stripping )Developing , Etching & Stripping ( DES )D. 压合Laminationd-1 黑化(Black Oxide Treatment)d-2 微蚀(Microetching)d-3 铆钉组合(eyelet )d-4 叠板(Lay up)d-5 压合(Lamination)d-6 后处理(Post Treatment)d-7 黑氧化( Black Oxide Removal )d-8 铣靶(spot face)d-9 去溢胶(resin flush removal)E. 减铜(Copper Reduction)e-1 薄化铜(Copper Reduction)F. 电镀(Horizontal Electrolytic Plating)f-1 水平电镀(Horizontal Electro-Plating) (Panel Plating) f-2 锡铅电镀( Tin-Lead Plating ) (Pattern Plating)f-3 低于1 mil ( Less than 1 mil Thickness )f-4 高于1 mil ( More than 1 mil Thickness)f-5 砂带研磨(Belt Sanding)f-6 剥锡铅( Tin-Lead Stripping)f-7 微切片( Microsection)G. 塞孔(Plug Hole)g-1 印刷( Ink Print )g-2 预烤(Precure)g-3 表面刷磨(Scrub)g-4 后烘烤(Postcure)H. 防焊(绿漆/绿油): (Solder Mask)h-1 C面印刷(Printing Top Side)h-2 S面印刷(Printing Bottom Side)h-3 静电喷涂(Spray Coating)h-4 前处理(Pretreatment)h-5 预烤(Precure)h-6 曝光(Exposure)h-7 显影(Develop)h-8 后烘烤(Postcure)h-9 UV烘烤(UV Cure)h-10 文字印刷( Printing of Legend )h-11 喷砂( Pumice)(Wet Blasting)h-12 印可剥离防焊(Peelable Solder Mask)I . 镀金Gold platingi-1 金手指镀镍金( Gold Finger )i-2 电镀软金(Soft Ni/Au Plating)i-3 浸镍金( Immersion Ni/Au) (Electroless Ni/Au)J. 喷锡(Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-1 水平喷锡(Horizontal Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-2 垂直喷锡( Vertical Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-3 超级焊锡(Super Solder )j-4. 印焊锡突点(Solder Bump)K. 成型(Profile)(Form)k-1 捞型(N/C Routing ) (Milling)k-2 模具冲(Punch)k-3 板面清洗烘烤(Cleaning & Backing)k-4 V型槽( V-Cut)(V-Scoring)k-5 金手指斜边( Beveling of G/F)L. 开短路测试(Electrical Testing) (Continuity & Insulation Testing) l-1 AOI 光学检查( AOI Inspection)l-2 VRS 目检(Verified & Repaired)l-3 泛用型治具测试(Universal Tester)l-4 专用治具测试(Dedicated Tester)l-5 飞针测试(Flying Probe)M. 终检( Final Visual Inspection)m-1 压板翘( Warpage Remove)m-2 X-OUT 印刷(X-Out Marking)m-3 包装及出货(Packing & shipping)m-4 目检( Visual Inspection)m-5 清洗及烘烤( Final Clean & Baking)m-6 护铜剂(ENTEK Cu-106A)(OSP)m-7 离子残余量测试(Ionic Contamination Test )(Cleanliness Test)m-8 冷热冲击试验(Thermal cycling Testing)m-9 焊锡性试验( Solderability Testing )N. 雷射钻孔(Laser Ablation)N-1 雷射钻Tooling孔(Laser ablation Tooling Hole)N-2 雷射曝光对位孔(Laser Ablation Registration Hole)N-3 雷射Mask制作(Laser Mask)N-4 雷射钻孔(Laser Ablation)N-5 AOI 检查及VRS ( AOI Inspection & Verified & Repaired)N-6 Blaser AOI (after Desmear and Microetching)N-7 除胶渣(Desmear)N-8 微蚀(Microetching )流程简介:开料Cut Lamination--钻孔Drilling--干膜制程Photo Process(D/F)--压合Lamination--减铜Copper Reduction--电镀Horizontal Electrolytic Plating--塞孔Plug Hole--防焊(绿漆/绿油)SolderMask--镀金Gold plating--喷锡Hot Air Solder Leveling--成型Profile--开短路测试ElectricalTesting--终检Final Visual Inspectionpcb电路板又称印制电路板、印刷线路板,简称印制板,英文简称PCB(printed circuit board )或PWB(printed wiring board),以绝缘板为基材,切成一定尺寸,其上至少附有一个导电图形,并布有孔(如元件孔、紧固孔、金属化孔等),用来代替以往装置电子元器件的底盘,并实现电子元器件之间的相互连接。

PCB电路板步骤流程外贸英文翻译PCB Circuit Board Production ProcessPCB (Printed Circuit Board) is an integral part of almostall electronic devices. The production of PCBs involves a series of steps to ensure the final product meets the required specifications and quality standards. In this article, we will walk you through the PCB production process, from design tofinal inspection.Material Selection - After the prototype is approved, the next step is material selection. PCBs are made using various materials, including copper, fiberglass, and solder mask. The selection of materials is based on factors such as the intended application and the desired performance of the PCB.Preparation - After selecting the materials, the next step is to prepare them for production. This involves cutting the base material, such as fiberglass, into the desired size and shape. The copper foil is then laminated onto the base material.Printing - In the printing process, the PCB design is transferred onto the board using a photosensitive film or photoresist. This process involves exposing the film or resist to UV light through a stencil or mask. After exposure, the unexposed areas are removed, leaving behind the desired pattern.Etching - Etching is a crucial step in PCB production. In this process, the PCB is immersed in an etchant solution, typically an acid, to remove the unwanted copper. The etching solution dissolves the exposed copper, leaving behind the copper traces and pads as per the design.Plating - Plating is done to protect the exposed copper surfaces and improve solderability. The PCB is plated with athin layer of solder or a metallic substance, such as gold or tin, to prevent oxidation and enhance conductivity.。

A. 开料( Cut Lamination)a-1 裁板( Sheets Cutting)a-2 原物料发料(Panel)(Shear material to Size)B. 钻孔(Drilling)b-1 内钻(Inner Layer Drilling )b-2 一次孔(Outer Layer Drilling )b-3 二次孔(2nd Drilling)b-4 雷射钻孔(Laser Drilling )(Laser Ablation )b-5 盲(埋)孔钻孔(Blind & Buried Hole Drilling)C. 干膜制程( Photo Process(D/F))c-1 前处理(Pretreatment)c-2 压膜(Dry Film Lamination)c-3 曝光(Exposure)c-4 显影(Developing)c-5 蚀铜(Etching)c-6 去膜(Stripping)c-7 初检( Touch-up)c-8 化学前处理,化学研磨( Chemical Milling )c-9 选择性浸金压膜(Selective Gold Dry Film Lamination) c-10 显影(Developing )c-11 去膜(Stripping )Developing , Etching & Stripping ( DES )D. 压合Laminationd-1 黑化(Black Oxide Treatment)d-2 微蚀(Microetching)d-3 铆钉组合(eyelet )d-4 叠板(Lay up)d-5 压合(Lamination)d-6 后处理(Post Treatment)d-7 黑氧化( Black Oxide Removal )d-8 铣靶(spot face)d-9 去溢胶(resin flush removal)E. 减铜(Copper Reduction)e-1 薄化铜(Copper Reduction)F. 电镀(Horizontal Electrolytic Plating)f-1 水平电镀(Horizontal Electro-Plating) (Panel Plating) f-2 锡铅电镀( Tin-Lead Plating ) (Pattern Plating)f-3 低于1 mil ( Less than 1 mil Thickness )f-4 高于1 mil ( More than 1 mil Thickness)f-5 砂带研磨(Belt Sanding)f-6 剥锡铅( Tin-Lead Stripping)f-7 微切片( Microsection)G. 塞孔(Plug Hole)g-1 印刷( Ink Print )g-2 预烤(Precure)g-3 表面刷磨(Scrub)g-4 后烘烤(Postcure)H. 防焊(绿漆/绿油): (Solder Mask)h-1 C面印刷(Printing Top Side)h-2 S面印刷(Printing Bottom Side)h-3 静电喷涂(Spray Coating)h-4 前处理(Pretreatment)h-5 预烤(Precure)h-6 曝光(Exposure)h-7 显影(Develop)h-8 后烘烤(Postcure)h-9 UV烘烤(UV Cure)h-10 文字印刷( Printing of Legend )h-11 喷砂( Pumice)(Wet Blasting)h-12 印可剥离防焊(Peelable Solder Mask)I . 镀金Gold platingi-1 金手指镀镍金( Gold Finger )i-2 电镀软金(Soft Ni/Au Plating)i-3 浸镍金( Immersion Ni/Au) (Electroless Ni/Au)J. 喷锡(Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-1 水平喷锡(Horizontal Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-2 垂直喷锡( Vertical Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-3 超级焊锡(Super Solder )j-4. 印焊锡突点(Solder Bump)K. 成型(Profile)(Form)k-1 捞型(N/C Routing ) (Milling)k-2 模具冲(Punch)k-3 板面清洗烘烤(Cleaning & Backing)k-4 V型槽( V-Cut)(V-Scoring)k-5 金手指斜边( Beveling of G/F)L. 开短路测试(Electrical Testing) (Continuity & Insulation Testing) l-1 AOI 光学检查( AOI Inspection)l-2 VRS 目检(Verified & Repaired)l-3 泛用型治具测试(Universal Tester)l-4 专用治具测试(Dedicated Tester)l-5 飞针测试(Flying Probe)M. 终检( Final Visual Inspection)m-1 压板翘( Warpage Remove)m-2 X-OUT 印刷(X-Out Marking)m-3 包装及出货(Packing & shipping)m-4 目检( Visual Inspection)m-5 清洗及烘烤( Final Clean & Baking)m-6 护铜剂(ENTEK Cu-106A)(OSP)m-7 离子残余量测试(Ionic Contamination Test )(Cleanliness Test)m-8 冷热冲击试验(Thermal cycling Testing)m-9 焊锡性试验( Solderability Testing )N. 雷射钻孔(Laser Ablation)N-1 雷射钻Tooling孔(Laser ablation Tooling Hole)N-2 雷射曝光对位孔(Laser Ablation Registration Hole)N-3 雷射Mask制作(Laser Mask)N-4 雷射钻孔(Laser Ablation)N-5 AOI 检查及VRS ( AOI Inspection & Verified & Repaired)N-6 Blaser AOI (after Desmear and Microetching)N-7 除胶渣(Desmear)N-8 微蚀(Microetching )流程简介:开料Cut Lamination--钻孔Drilling--干膜制程Photo Process(D/F)--压合Lamination--减铜Copper Reduction--电镀Horizontal Electrolytic Plating--塞孔Plug Hole--防焊(绿漆/绿油)SolderMask--镀金Gold plating--喷锡Hot Air Solder Leveling--成型Profile--开短路测试ElectricalTesting--终检Final Visual Inspectionpcb电路板又称印制电路板、印刷线路板,简称印制板,英文简称PCB(printed circuit board )或PWB(printed wiring board),以绝缘板为基材,切成一定尺寸,其上至少附有一个导电图形,并布有孔(如元件孔、紧固孔、金属化孔等),用来代替以往装置电子元器件的底盘,并实现电子元器件之间的相互连接。

线路板流程术语中英文对照流程简介:开料--钻孔--干膜制程--压合--减铜--电镀--塞孔--防焊(绿漆/绿油) --镀金--喷锡--成型--开短路测试--终检--雷射钻孔A. 开料( Cut Lamination)a-1 裁板( Sheets Cutting)a-2 原物料发料(Panel)(Shear material to Size)B. 钻孔(Drilling)b-1 钻(Inner Layer Drilling )b-2 一次孔(Outer Layer Drilling )b-3 二次孔(2nd Drilling)b-4 雷射钻孔(Laser Drilling )(Laser Ablation )b-5 盲(埋)孔钻孔(Blind & Buried Hole Drilling)C. 干膜制程( Photo Process(D/F))c-1 前处理(Pretreatment)c-2 压膜(Dry Film Lamination)c-3 曝光(Exposure)c-4 显影(Developing)c-5 蚀铜(Etching)c-6 去膜(Stripping)c-7 初检( Touch-up)c-8 化学前处理,化学研磨( Chemical Milling )c-9 选择性浸金压膜(Selective Gold Dry Film Lamination)c-10 显影(Developing )c-11 去膜(Stripping )Developing , Etching & Stripping ( DES )D. 压合Laminationd-1 黑化(Black Oxide Treatment)d-2 微蚀(Microetching)d-3 铆钉组合(eyelet )d-4 叠板(Lay up)d-5 压合(Lamination)d-6 后处理(Post Treatment)d-7 黑氧化( Black Oxide Removal )d-8 铣靶(spot face)d-9 去溢胶(resin flush removal)E. 减铜(Copper Reduction)e-1 薄化铜(Copper Reduction)F. 电镀(Horizontal Electrolytic Plating)f-1 水平电镀(Horizontal Electro-Plating) (Panel Plating) f-2 锡铅电镀( Tin-Lead Plating ) (Pattern Plating)f-3 低于1 mil ( Less than 1 mil Thickness )f-4 高于1 mil ( More than 1 mil Thickness)f-5 砂带研磨(Belt Sanding)f-6 剥锡铅( Tin-Lead Stripping)f-7 微切片( Microsection)G. 塞孔(Plug Hole)g-1 印刷( Ink Print )g-2 预烤(Precure)g-3 表面刷磨(Scrub)g-4 后烘烤(Postcure)H. 防焊(绿漆/绿油): (Solder Mask)h-1 C面印刷(Printing Top Side)h-2 S面印刷(Printing Bottom Side)h-3 静电喷涂(Spray Coating)h-4 前处理(Pretreatment)h-5 预烤(Precure)h-6 曝光(Exposure)h-7 显影(Develop)h-8 后烘烤(Postcure)h-9 UV烘烤(UV Cure)h-10 文字印刷( Printing of Legend )h-11 喷砂( Pumice)(Wet Blasting)h-12 印可剥离防焊(Peelable Solder Mask) I . 镀金Gold platingi-1 金手指镀镍金( Gold Finger )i-2 电镀软金(Soft Ni/Au Plating)i-3 浸镍金( Immersion Ni/Au) (Electroless Ni/Au)J. 喷锡(Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-1 水平喷锡(Horizontal Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-2 垂直喷锡( Vertical Hot Air Solder Leveling)j-3 超级焊锡(Super Solder )j-4. 印焊锡突点(Solder Bump)K. 成型(Profile)(Form)k-1 捞型(N/C Routing ) (Milling)k-2 模具冲(Punch)k-3 板面清洗烘烤(Cleaning & Backing)k-4 V型槽( V-Cut)(V-Scoring)k-5 金手指斜边( Beveling of G/F)L. 开短路测试(Electrical Testing) (Continuity & Insulation Testing) l-1 AOI 光学检查( AOI Inspection)l-2 VRS 目检(Verified & Repaired)l-3 泛用型治具测试(Universal Tester)l-4 专用治具测试(Dedicated Tester)l-5 飞针测试(Flying Probe)M. 终检( Final Visual Inspection)m-1 压板翘( Warpage Remove)m-2 X-OUT 印刷(X-Out Marking)m-3 包装及出货(Packing & shipping)m-4 目检( Visual Inspection)m-5 清洗及烘烤( Final Clean & Baking)m-6 护铜剂(ENTEK Cu-106A)(OSP)m-7 离子残余量测试(Ionic Contamination Test )(Cleanliness Test)m-8 冷热冲击试验(Thermal cycling Testing)m-9 焊锡性试验( Solderability Testing )N. 雷射钻孔(Laser Ablation)N-1 雷射钻Tooling孔(Laser ablation Tooling Hole)N-2 雷射曝光对位孔(Laser Ablation Registration Hole)N-3 雷射Mask制作(Laser Mask)N-4 雷射钻孔(Laser Ablation)N-5 AOI 检查及VRS ( AOI Inspection & Verified & Repaired)N-6 Blaser AOI (after Desmear and Microetching)N-7 除胶渣(Desmear)N-8 微蚀(Microetching )喷锡、熔锡、滚锡、沉锡、银及化学镍金制程1、Blue Plaque 蓝纹熔锡或喷锡的光亮表面,在高温湿气中一段时间后,常会形成一薄层淡蓝色的钝化层,这是一种锡的氧化物层,称为Blue Plaque。

Pattern imaging Etching
Process Flow Chart (3) Desmear
Cu plating Hole plugging
Belt Sanding
Cu plating
Process Flow Chart (4) Pattern imaging
Equipment Photo
Exposure AOI
Equipment Photo
Laser Drilling M/Drilling
Equipment Photo
X-Ray Drilling Cu Platting
Equipment Photo
8Ls MLB with Laser Blind Via Process
L4-L5 L6-L7
L7-L8 L3-L4 L5-L6
8Ls MLB with Blind Via Process
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也就是说,PCB是为完成第一层次的元件和其它电子电路零件接合提供的一个 组装基地,组装成一个具特定功能的模块或产品。
PCB 印制电路板
PCB 的用途(application of PCB)
有特定功能的电子产品都需要电路板才能实现如电视机,电子玩具,收音机, 电脑, 手机,仪表器 或者一些军用的设施等 (Most electronic products requires PCB to rechieve some paticular fuctions, like televisions, electronic toys, radios,Computers, mobile phones, meters oand som military facilities)
PCB印制电路板工序中 英文结合
—— Bella
Three Products Parts in SOGRACE
1、PCB products 印制电路板 2、PCBA 贴片
About PCB
Definition and application of PCB 定义和用途
Classifation of PCB 分类
PCB Production Process 工序
PCB products印制电路板
什么是PCB(what is PCB) Printed circuit board; 简写:PCB 中文为:印制线路板或者电路板 在绝缘基板上,有选择地加工安装孔、连接导线和装配焊接电子元器件的焊盘, 以实现元器件间的电气连接的组装板。POC is an assembly plate which in the aim of achieving electrical connection between some components through some paticular working process like processing the mounting hole,connecting the wires pad assembly and welding different electronic components on an insulating substrate.
2、PCB 的分类 classification of PCB
A. 以材料分 sort by raw materials
a.有机材料organic materials 纸基板 Paper board(FR-1,FR-2,FR-3) 环氧玻纤布基板 Epoxy fiberglass cloth board(FR-4,FR-5) 复合基板Complex board(CEM-1,CEM-3) HDI board(RCC) 特殊基材 some special board (金属类基材 Metal board、陶瓷类基材 Ceramics board、热塑性基材 Thermoplastic board etc.)
01内层线路(Inner layer)
开料 ( board cut)
目的: 把基板材料裁剪成不同工作所需尺寸 Aim: cut the lamilates into different size for down stream process
B. 以成品软硬区分 sort by flex degree a. 硬板 Rigid PCB b. 软板 Flexible PCB c. 软硬结合板 Rigid-Flexiable PCB
C. 以结构分sort by structure a. 单面板 Single-PCB
07 表面工艺 Surface crafts
08 后工序Final checking
01、内层线路流程介绍 Inner layer process
主要生产物料:覆铜板 main tool: CCL
PCB Production Process 工序
01 内层线路 Inner layer
03孔金属化 PTH
06 丝印 silkscreen
05 外层线路 outer layer
04 外层干膜 Outer dry film
b. 双面板 Double-PCB c. 多层板 Multi-PCB
2、PCB 的分类 classification of PCB
PCB with 4 boards
PCB with 16 boards
b.无机材料Inorganic materials 铝基板、铜基板、陶瓷基板等皆属之,主要取其散熱功能。 aluminum(Tn), copper(Cu) and cermaics board, the major fuction is heat rejection.
2、PCB 的分类 classification of PCB