高中英语说题,完型 PPT

prideful“有自尊心的,自豪的”,符合题意。与下文中的 “I was filled with pride” 相吻合。 选项C的干扰性很大, respectful意思为 “尊敬的, ( 向别人)表示尊敬的 在倒数第二段出现I was filled with pride. James Williams’s son
• The farmer nodded in a neighborly_47_. I was filled with pride. James Williams’s son. Those three words had opened a door to an adult’s respect and trust.
子 ;7) 逻辑主语(主要是非谓语动词的逻辑主语),在
《高中英语课程标准和考试说明》 对高考完形填空的规定
• 完形填空是NMET试题中的一个重要部分。 “完形填空共20题(从第31~50题),考试时 间为15分钟,分值为30分,占总分的20%。 在一篇题材熟悉、难度适中的短文内留20 个空格,每个空格为一题,每题有四个选 择项,要求考生在全面理解内容的基础上 选择一个最佳答案,使短文的意思和结构 恢复完整。填空的词项包括结构词和实义 词。”“完形填空部分的目的是测试学生 综合运用语言的能力”。
• 39. A. blame
B. excuse C. charge D. trust
• The farmer nodded in a neighborly_47_. I was filled with pride. James Williams’s son. Those three words had opened a door to an adult’s respect and trust.
子 ;7) 逻辑主语(主要是非谓语动词的逻辑主语),在
《高中英语课程标准和考试说明》 对高考完形填空的规定
• 完形填空是NMET试题中的一个重要部分。 “完形填空共20题(从第31~50题),考试时 间为15分钟,分值为30分,占总分的20%。 在一篇题材熟悉、难度适中的短文内留20 个空格,每个空格为一题,每题有四个选 择项,要求考生在全面理解内容的基础上 选择一个最佳答案,使短文的意思和结构 恢复完整。填空的词项包括结构词和实义 词。”“完形填空部分的目的是测试学生 综合运用语言的能力”。
• 39. A. blame
B. excuse C. charge D. trust

Narration( 记 叙 文 ) Exposition( 说 明 文 ) Argumentation( 议论文 ) Practical writing( 应用文 ) News Report( 新闻报道 ) ………
本文属于研究一种社会现象, 进行研究成果展示的说明文。
读 理
填 空
A. Art Gallery of New South Wales. B. The Australian Museum.
C. Taronga Park Zoo.
D. Centennial Park
Admission charged
细节理解 题
Cost: Free, except for special exhibits
the Interhome project? A. Doubtful (怀疑的) B. Com prom ising (妥协的) C. Tolerant (容忍的) D. Favorable (赞成的)
To develop thinking quality
4 . 回归原文,锁定答案
“We are working on a smart home project in Watford wit companies at the moment,” says the project leader, “We looking at how a smarter home can provide even more ser This could help millions of old people around the world hav
33.What does the underlined word “the picture” in paragraph 2
本文属于研究一种社会现象, 进行研究成果展示的说明文。
读 理
填 空
A. Art Gallery of New South Wales. B. The Australian Museum.
C. Taronga Park Zoo.
D. Centennial Park
Admission charged
细节理解 题
Cost: Free, except for special exhibits
the Interhome project? A. Doubtful (怀疑的) B. Com prom ising (妥协的) C. Tolerant (容忍的) D. Favorable (赞成的)
To develop thinking quality
4 . 回归原文,锁定答案
“We are working on a smart home project in Watford wit companies at the moment,” says the project leader, “We looking at how a smarter home can provide even more ser This could help millions of old people around the world hav
33.What does the underlined word “the picture” in paragraph 2

One day, a little girl whom he had never seen before walked2into his shop and demanded twenty cigarettes. She had the3amount of money in her hand and seemed very4of herself. Mr. Johnson was so5by her confident manner that he6to ask his usual question.7, he asked her what kind of cigarettes she wanted. The girl replied8and handed him the money. While he was giving her the9, Mr. Johnson said laughingly that10she was so young she should11the packet in her pocket in12a policeman saw it.13, the little girl did not seem to find this very funny. Without14smiling she took the15and walked towards the door. Suddenly she stopped, turned16, and looked steadily at Mr. Johnson. There was a moment of silence and the tobacco-seller17what she was going to say.18at once, in a clear,19voice, the girl declared,“My dad is a policeman,”and with20she walked quickly out of the shop.

介词分类:简单介词、合成介词和成语介词 连词分类:并列连词和从属连词 常用介词和连词举例 介词和连词在填空题中的重要性
句子结构:简单 句、并列句、复 合句
主语、谓语、宾 语、定语、状语、 补语等句子成分
语序:正常语序、 倒装语序
考点详解:词性 辨析、时态语态、 非谓语动词等
句子结构:分析句 子结构,特别是谓 语动词和主语的关 系
词性判断:根据上 下文判断缺失单词 的词性
语境理解:理解上 下文语境,判断缺 失单词的含义
语法知识:运用语 法知识,分析句子 中的时态、语态、 虚拟语气等
纯空格题 给定词的变形 固定短语和句型 语境分析
定义:根据短文内容,在空格处填入正确的单词或词组 目的:检测学生对语法和词汇的掌握程度 常见题型:完型填空、短文填空、语法单选等 解题技巧:先通读全文,理解大意,再逐句攻克,最后复读全文,验证答案
语法填空在英语考试中的分值和地 位
冠词的分类:不定冠词和定 冠词
名词的分类:可数名词和不 可数名词
冠词的用法:在句子中表示 名词的特指或泛指
代词的种类:人 称代词、物主代 词、反身代词等
代词的用法:替 代名词、作主语、 宾语等
数词的种类:基 数词、序数词等
数词的用法:表 示数量、顺序等
形容词修饰名词,副词修饰动词 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级 修饰名词的常用形容词:如beautiful、interesting等 修饰动词的常用副词:如quickly、slowly等

sometimes just the way as other friends do. We kept our ordinary friendship for
quite a long time until that day when I broke my leg while playing basketball. He
① 命题特点 •说明文往往利用首句提出或解释说明某事物 •单纯说明文。文章围绕一个话题展开,通过不同的例子、从不同的侧面 加以说明。 •科普文。科普文是对事物的理等进行介绍、解释的一种文体。
② 解题技巧 •注意文章的说明顺序,常见的说明顺序有时间、空间、逻辑(指先因后果 或先果后因、先主后次的顺序)和认识顺序(指由此及彼,由浅入深,由局 部到整体,由现象到本质,由具体到抽象的顺序)。 •注意段落之间的逻辑关系,说明文的首段往往是文章的主题段,每段的首 句也是主题句,一定要把握好主题段和主题句,这是做好完形填空题的前提。 •注意文章结尾,文章结尾的段落往往对说明的问题进行总的概括,有时就 是文章的点睛之处。
called the teacher in no time and even gave up his lessons and accompanied
me to hospital. He didn’t stop helping me until I fully recovered. At that time, I
① 命题特点
叙事方式有所不同。 记叙文往往有较强的故事趣味性,有情节跌宕起伏和情感细腻变化等 特点,信息量很大。 以一般过去时为主,其他时态为辅
② 解题技巧
了解文章的结构形式。 明确作者的写作目的。 明确作者的写作目的。 知晓文章所记叙的几大要素。 弄清文章是以第几人称的视角展开记叙的。

•1.be used to doing习惯于做某
事,此结构从形态上看,used是 个分词型形容词,to是prep,词性 决定用法,因为是prep,所以后 面必须跟n/pron/v-ing,前面be 也可以用become或get.
•例如: 1)They got used to living in the
•例如: A metal bar was used to force
the door open. •用金属棒把门撬开。 •The threshing ground was used to hold a mass meeting. •打谷场曾用于举行群众大会。 •Wood can be used to make paper. •木头可以用来造纸。
• ed to do过去常常做某事,暗含现在不做某事,所
以常常与but now连用,当然,but now可以分开,并 且but now的句子和习惯于连用,另一句用过去常常。 • He used to go to the library in summer holidays. • 在暑假他过去常常去图书馆。 • I used to go to work by bus,but now I am used to going by car. • I used to go to work by bus,but I am used to going by car now. • 我过去常乘公共汽车上班,但现在我习惯开车去上 班。
countryside.他们已习惯于住在农村。 • 2)I've got used to being a vegetarian.我已经习惯吃素食。 •3)He is used to hard work. •他习惯于艰苦工作。 •4)My grandpa is used to going for a walk after dinner. •我爷爷习惯于晚饭之后散步。 •5) He is used to getting up late. •他习惯早上起得很晚。

something that happened during that visit.
( ) A. and B. for C. but D. as
第6页/共20页5、固定搭源自法多倾向考查动词、名词、形容词与介词的搭配 及典型句子结构的搭配 Here’s a fellow who just walked into a bank and helped himself__so much money. ( ) A. for B. by C. to D. of
The gentleman said no and told me that he 42 to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his 43 . He told me that she had been 44 for a while and that she had a special disease.I asked if she would be 45 if he was a bit late. He replied that she 46 knew who he was,and that she had not been able to 47 him for five years now. I was 48 , and asked him,“And you 49 go every morning,even though she doesn’t know who you are?”
( )36. A. reached B. arrived
C. got
D. led
something that happened during that visit.
( ) A. and B. for C. but D. as
第6页/共20页5、固定搭源自法多倾向考查动词、名词、形容词与介词的搭配 及典型句子结构的搭配 Here’s a fellow who just walked into a bank and helped himself__so much money. ( ) A. for B. by C. to D. of
The gentleman said no and told me that he 42 to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his 43 . He told me that she had been 44 for a while and that she had a special disease.I asked if she would be 45 if he was a bit late. He replied that she 46 knew who he was,and that she had not been able to 47 him for five years now. I was 48 , and asked him,“And you 49 go every morning,even though she doesn’t know who you are?”
( )36. A. reached B. arrived
C. got
D. led
高中英语完形填空公开课 (共30张PPT)

help and talked
true triumph
1. 梳理人物关系; 2. 理清文章人物关系之间 发生的故事; 3. 特别注意不同情况下的 心理变化。
1. 先易后难
先易: 选出自己确定的答案 对不确定的答案后做 后难:
2. 瞻前顾后 3. 感受 “真、善、美”(尾段ed precious even
mountain of gold that is seven hundred years old
41 ask the goverment for...;but they refused
The known information
49 50
overtheseven-foot wall hide the books the war broke out; the war was not over a new library war; the bombing stopped move the book; again
52 53
1.The journey my daughter Cathy has had with her swimming is as long as it is beautiful. (2016天津) 记叙文:Cathy不适合游泳,但仍坚持不懈,最后被授予最高荣誉。 2. Lainey finished third grade. She had good grades and could read above grade level. But... (2016四川) 记叙文:Lainey不喜欢看书,阿姨用读的方式激发她的兴趣。 3. When I was 13 my only purpose was to become the star on our football team. (2016新课标III) 记叙文:我的偶像Miller失去胳膊,但他的行为让我受益颇深。

Cloze Test
完形填空题是一种集知识和能力为一体,立意新、要求高的 综合性语言测试题。它是一种高难度的障碍性阅读题,此题旨在 测试学生的综合应用语言能力,同时又检测他们的分析判断能力 和连贯性思维能力。 (一)完形填空题的题型特点 1. 首句完整 “完形填空” 所选短文一般无标题,但首句通常不设空,目 的是让考生迅速进入主题,熟悉语言环境,建立正确的思维导向。 2. 语境选择 近几年的高考完形填空题主要考查考生对上下文的理解,要 求考生通过语境来作出选择。 “语境能力型” 试题具有相当难 度,因为完形填空所给的四个选项往往在语法方面都能成立,错 误选项多半可以和空前、空后文字形成某种搭配,极具干扰和迷 惑作用。做完形填空题,需要我们立足语篇环境,树立全局观念, 瞻前顾后,连贯思维,从语境角度来选择答案。
【分析和说明】本题较难。误选A的学生较多,很多学生认为他在国外 旅游,因此认为他是玩得很愉快。选错的主要原因是没认真审题,只 注重单句的意思,而没注意前句给出的提示。 【解答】事实上在此句中,前面提到过on business,而不是指他是 纯粹的旅游,因此应该与work有关。正确答案为D。只有D项可以同时 与traveling作enjoyed的宾语。
【分析和说明】第1题:此句中说明了这个街跟许多其他的街道一样,这说明 了街道的共同特征,不很“宽”当然也不是“很干净”。而不是A“清晰”或 是C“远”,这两个不能说明大多街道的共性。第2题:根据上句中的“not very wide”及下句中的提示“wide enough for two buses to pass”,说明 街道较狭窄,“仅能让两辆车通过”。第3题:此空前的 But表转折,虽说街 道不宽,但…。它是一个“繁忙”的街道,且与下文的during the rush hour相对应。 【解答】根据文意,此3题答案分别为B,D,C。
Cloze Test
完形填空题是一种集知识和能力为一体,立意新、要求高的 综合性语言测试题。它是一种高难度的障碍性阅读题,此题旨在 测试学生的综合应用语言能力,同时又检测他们的分析判断能力 和连贯性思维能力。 (一)完形填空题的题型特点 1. 首句完整 “完形填空” 所选短文一般无标题,但首句通常不设空,目 的是让考生迅速进入主题,熟悉语言环境,建立正确的思维导向。 2. 语境选择 近几年的高考完形填空题主要考查考生对上下文的理解,要 求考生通过语境来作出选择。 “语境能力型” 试题具有相当难 度,因为完形填空所给的四个选项往往在语法方面都能成立,错 误选项多半可以和空前、空后文字形成某种搭配,极具干扰和迷 惑作用。做完形填空题,需要我们立足语篇环境,树立全局观念, 瞻前顾后,连贯思维,从语境角度来选择答案。
【分析和说明】本题较难。误选A的学生较多,很多学生认为他在国外 旅游,因此认为他是玩得很愉快。选错的主要原因是没认真审题,只 注重单句的意思,而没注意前句给出的提示。 【解答】事实上在此句中,前面提到过on business,而不是指他是 纯粹的旅游,因此应该与work有关。正确答案为D。只有D项可以同时 与traveling作enjoyed的宾语。
【分析和说明】第1题:此句中说明了这个街跟许多其他的街道一样,这说明 了街道的共同特征,不很“宽”当然也不是“很干净”。而不是A“清晰”或 是C“远”,这两个不能说明大多街道的共性。第2题:根据上句中的“not very wide”及下句中的提示“wide enough for two buses to pass”,说明 街道较狭窄,“仅能让两辆车通过”。第3题:此空前的 But表转折,虽说街 道不宽,但…。它是一个“繁忙”的街道,且与下文的during the rush hour相对应。 【解答】根据文意,此3题答案分别为B,D,C。
高中英语完形填空课件 (共23张PPT)

50 A.then C.finally
B.again D.even
10.(2016全国卷) They told her to stay still until the emergency personnel arrived, _5_3__ she thought the car was going to explode.
7. (2018全国卷) My 10-year-old noticed him and make a comment on how bad it must be to have to stand 44 in the cold wind.
44. A. outside C. by
B. proudly D. angrily
on them except the address of their relative. 语境—词汇
2…. That was a place called “Field of Dreams”. So it sounded like ah_e_a_v_e_n_ to a family struggling to live in Sweden.
文章原句: 1.He accompanied by his wife and five children boarded a boat and floated for days and days before arriving in New York. 非谓语动词
I w__a_s_a_c_c_o_m__p_a_n_i_ed(accompany) by my parents to the hospital last night. 谓语动词
根据本节课所学习的方法,从文章中找出 相应的句子。

As she came nearer to the end of her prison sentence, a well-known columnist wrote that she was “ paying off her crime” and that “ there is simply no reason for anyone to attempt to deny her right to start a new life”.
阅读理解 题型&解题技巧
题型 归纳
1.主旨大意题 2.推理判断题
3.猜测词义题 4.细节理解题
问题——短文——问题 做题 步骤 (有利于解决细节性问题) 短文——问题——短文
(有利于解决主题概括、推理判断和 词义猜测等深层次问题)
找主题句。注意短文的首尾段,以及 主旨大意题 每段的第一句话和最后一句话。 细节理解题 快速捕捉信息,划出相关句子,进行对照。
平均分 优秀率 (8分以上) 及格率 (6分以上)
最高分 8分以上人数
错题点: 不定代词 others'(错题人数:27) 连接副词(However(错题人数:12) 介词(去掉from)(错题人数:10) 名词性从句(that)(错题人数:6) 错误原因:基础知识掌握不牢.
The bullet train,which brings much convenience to people’s travel,has been developing rapidly in recent years. More and more people choose bullet trains as the first alternative to travel. Therefore,it is everyone’s duty to obey the rules on the train,such as not being noisy during the journey,or keeping quiet on the train. A clean and pleasant carriage promises a happy traffic journey. Students in our class raised their public awareness and social manners through this class meeting. Each of us is determined to apply these rules to our daily life in the future.

等; 4)话题关系:“by the way”等; 5)转折关系:“but、however、nevertheless、on the
6)递进关系:“in addition、besides、then、what’s more、 further”等
7)并列关系:“and 、and also、or、neither…nor……、 either……or……、not only……but also……、as well、 similarly、in the same way、that is to say”等
We will look out for each other and that's how we will ____ this difficulty.
A. get away B. get off C.get out D. get through
我们一起来看上述这道题,分别来分析一下四个选项。 get away表示离开;逃脱 get off 脱下;动身去某地 get out 离开;出去 get through 度过,熬过(困难时期等)
Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were the first people to climb the West Face of the Siula Grande in the Andes mountains .They reached the top 41____ ,but on their way back conditions were very 42___ .(2014课标II)
It runs in the 53_____.Michael’s father always helped the poor as he believed it made everyone happier. Michael Greenberg feels the54 (same).A pair of gloves may be a 55 (small) thing, but it can make a big difference in winter.(2013 课标II)
6)递进关系:“in addition、besides、then、what’s more、 further”等
7)并列关系:“and 、and also、or、neither…nor……、 either……or……、not only……but also……、as well、 similarly、in the same way、that is to say”等
We will look out for each other and that's how we will ____ this difficulty.
A. get away B. get off C.get out D. get through
我们一起来看上述这道题,分别来分析一下四个选项。 get away表示离开;逃脱 get off 脱下;动身去某地 get out 离开;出去 get through 度过,熬过(困难时期等)
Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were the first people to climb the West Face of the Siula Grande in the Andes mountains .They reached the top 41____ ,but on their way back conditions were very 42___ .(2014课标II)
It runs in the 53_____.Michael’s father always helped the poor as he believed it made everyone happier. Michael Greenberg feels the54 (same).A pair of gloves may be a 55 (small) thing, but it can make a big difference in winter.(2013 课标II)

D. He was good at reading and writing assignment.
2. What impressed the author to Mrs. Smith most? A. Smartly-dressed. B. Easy writing assignment. C. Encouraging speech. D. Her confidence.
解题策略: 主旨大意题:做主旨大意题的关键是对文章的整体 理解。要求考生要理解作者通过文中的事实和细节 想传达给读者的思想,要注意文中的细节和事实只 是对作者要传达的主旨起说明和支撑作用。
解题策略: 如第4主旨大意题。作者再次回到大学以后发现大 学代数太难了,而且阅读和写作的作业任务很重, 作者又有了退学的想法。听了Mrs Smith鼓舞人心 的演讲后,作者放弃退学的念头,努力学习并且毕 业后后成为了一名大学教师。故选D项。
3. What can we infer from the text? A. Mrs. Smith was the best teacher. B. Mrs. Smith was familiar with all of her students. C. Mrs. Smith was very famous. D. Mrs. Smith deeply affected the authors.
1.先看试题,后读文章。 2.细读文章,结合问题,确定答案。 3.再读全文,立足于文章整体,反复检查。
第二节 完型填空
Mickey was a nice, cheerful, optimistic boy. No one could 5 ever having seen him angry; it seemed he didn’t mind 6 people said to him. Even his teachers 7 his good character . It was so unusual that a story was 8 around that Mickey’s goodness must be due to some special 9 . They asked Mickey so much that he invited his favorite teacher, Mr. Anthony, to tea one afternoon. When they had finished, Mickey 10 Mr. Anthony around the house. When Mickey opened his bedroom 11 , the teacher froze . The huge wall was a unique collage (拼贴画) of thousands of colors and shapes! It was the loveliest 12 Mr. Anthony had ever seen .
2. What impressed the author to Mrs. Smith most? A. Smartly-dressed. B. Easy writing assignment. C. Encouraging speech. D. Her confidence.
解题策略: 主旨大意题:做主旨大意题的关键是对文章的整体 理解。要求考生要理解作者通过文中的事实和细节 想传达给读者的思想,要注意文中的细节和事实只 是对作者要传达的主旨起说明和支撑作用。
解题策略: 如第4主旨大意题。作者再次回到大学以后发现大 学代数太难了,而且阅读和写作的作业任务很重, 作者又有了退学的想法。听了Mrs Smith鼓舞人心 的演讲后,作者放弃退学的念头,努力学习并且毕 业后后成为了一名大学教师。故选D项。
3. What can we infer from the text? A. Mrs. Smith was the best teacher. B. Mrs. Smith was familiar with all of her students. C. Mrs. Smith was very famous. D. Mrs. Smith deeply affected the authors.
1.先看试题,后读文章。 2.细读文章,结合问题,确定答案。 3.再读全文,立足于文章整体,反复检查。
第二节 完型填空
Mickey was a nice, cheerful, optimistic boy. No one could 5 ever having seen him angry; it seemed he didn’t mind 6 people said to him. Even his teachers 7 his good character . It was so unusual that a story was 8 around that Mickey’s goodness must be due to some special 9 . They asked Mickey so much that he invited his favorite teacher, Mr. Anthony, to tea one afternoon. When they had finished, Mickey 10 Mr. Anthony around the house. When Mickey opened his bedroom 11 , the teacher froze . The huge wall was a unique collage (拼贴画) of thousands of colors and shapes! It was the loveliest 12 Mr. Anthony had ever seen .
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• 将完型的整张蜘蛛网呈现给学生
•学生错误率也比较高。43线 索在上文,46同义词复现,50需要分析清楚句子 成分,同时利用while表示转折和前文dull的反 义词,53上文同义词复现,
• 57根据后面句子解释关系。通过这几道出错题强 调做题方法 ,每道题目必有线索,利用文章的 蛛丝马迹,顺藤摸瓜,找到线索,线索有可能在 空的上文,也有可能在空的下文,找不到线索, 决不罢休。文章的一举一动都应该倍加留意,把 自己训练成福尔摩斯。训练思维的缜密。
• 括号法
三 指导学生解答
一 完型界的“福尔摩斯”
四 指导学生解答
一 完型界的“福尔摩斯”
• 在夯实的基础知识的前提下,考察逻辑推理 能力,命题规律,每道题目必有线索。利用 文章的蛛丝马迹,顺藤摸瓜,找到线索,线 索有可能在空的上文,也有可能在空的下文, 找不到线索,决不罢休,不要凭借感觉。文 章的一举一动都应该倍加留意,把自己训练 成福尔摩斯。训练思维的缜密。
二 知识点说明
• 3. dull: not interesting or exciting枯燥的 无聊的
• 4. updates:最新消息
二 知识点说明
• I had advised the kids 【that( while verbs may seem dull) ,most of the fun things (they do)( throughout their lives) will be verbs.】
activity组织 安排 实施 conduct an experiment
• 2. conduct a survey • 3.指挥 conduct a concert
引导The guide conducted us around the ruins of the ancient city.
二 知识点说明
•2017高考英语全 国卷2完型
一 试题立意
• 其一:在理解文章主旨大意和句与句,段 与段间内在联系的基础上,准确判断和选 择符合特定上下文语义和用法的动词,名 词,形容词和其他词汇的能力。
一 试题立意
• 其二:不仅考查考生的英语知识,同时考 察逻辑推理能力.
一 试题立意
•形同陌路 •似曾相识 •一见如故 •刻骨铭心
五 扩展习题价值
• 1.词汇扩展:利用背单词四个境界:形同陌 路,似曾相识,一见如故,刻骨铭心.教师 讲解完试卷,无死角查出每个不熟悉的单 词,大部分教师已经讲解完毕,尤其错误 率比较高,或熟词生义,比较地道的用法。 第二天课前教师安排小组同学把前一天的 单词写在黑板上,全班同学一起大声朗读, 然后抽签以组为单位,小组比赛的形式当 场考察。第三天教师听写。
• 其三:能够体现人文关怀,传播正能量,弘 扬人与人之间的爱心帮助,具有积极向上的 意义。
二 知识点说明
• 2017年全国新课标2卷完形填空考查动词9 个(41,45,47,54,55,56,57,58,60);考查名 词8个(42,44,46,48,49,51,52,59);考查形
• 按照逻辑关系,把整张卷子变成一张蜘蛛网, 寻找蛛丝马迹,常见的逻辑关系如下:
• 并列关系:and/or • 转折关系:
• 解释关系:下文总在解释上文47.51.57.59 • 复现关系:空格前后往往出现正确答案的同
• 错误率最高的为43. 因此 对应的知识点重点讲解.conduct,workshop,
• dull, updates, while,
二 知识点说明
• conduct: • 1.to organize or do a particular
workshop • 1. a room or building in which things
are made or required using tools作坊, 车间 • 2.a period of discussion and practical work on a particular subjects, in which a group of people share their knowledge and experience. 研讨会,讲习班
• I had advised the kids 【that( while verbs may seem dull) ,most of the fun things (they do)( throughout their lives) will be verbs.】
• 利用主旨句,了解文章大意
三 如何讲解
• 展开讨论自己身边的Freddy,或给 自己印象深刻的同学
• 就Thinking Laboratory和conduct a workshop小组合作,浅谈中美课 堂的不同,哪些值得借鉴,给自己 的班级起个名字,鼓励学生多做 presentation。
• 学生总结完型解题方法
五 扩展习题价值: 1.词汇扩展:
• 勇敢的心:敢于放弃。拿不准的先空着, 勇敢的继续往下做。
• 耐心和细心:不要凭感觉,四个选项都要 看,如果没有明确的线索,不许排除任何 一个选项,继续查找
• 当四个选项感觉哪个都行, 或者理解不透彻,可以考虑
查字典,了解该词的英文 解释。
四 如何讲解
• 认读选项80个词
• 插入图片
• 1.根据数据首先讲解学生错误率比较高的 51.56,根据这两道题目介绍方法,如56有 些词汇需要用英文解释理解更透彻,比如 conduct:to organize or do a particular activity.51题词义需要在熟 能生巧的情况下,根据语境延伸。