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秦 雄,徐志飞,赵学维,钟 镭,乌立晖,李建秋,孙耀昌

106cases of col on i c i n t er positi on for esophageal substit u ti on

Q I N Xi ong,X U Zhi-fei,ZHAO Xue-wei,ZHO N G Lei,WU L i-hui,L I J ian-qiu,S UN Yao-chang

D epa rt ment o f Thoracic Surgery,Cha ng Zheng H os pita l,2nd M ilit a ryM edica l U niv ersity,Shangha i200003,China.

【Abstra c t】 O bjec ti ve:To evaluate the r ole of col onic interpo siti on for the reconstruc tion of the esoghagus.M eth2 od s:F ro m1979t o2004,72pa tients with beni gn es oghgeal stenosis and34p atientswit h carc in oma of the es oghagus were rece i ved the col onic i n t e rpositi on for esoghagea l i nstituti on.In this group the re we re15pa tientsw ith t he ca rcino2 ma of the esoghagus after the subtot a l gastrac t o m y,12of15ca ses we re p erfor m ed the col onic interpositi on graft fro m the e s oghagea bed,afte r t he e s oghagus was pulled out without th o racot omy.Re s u lts:There wa s no perio p era tive dea th,72ca ses of the benign e s oghagea l st enosis all g ot long surviva l and nor m al life.T he1,3,5survi va l rate of t he postope ra tions i n the pa tients with the ca rc i no m a of the e s ghagus we re re s pectively85.7%,57.1%and28.6%.C on2

c l u si on:The col onic interposition graft is first choice f o r the patients with the benign cervical st ensis of t he e s ogha2

gus,e s pecia lly for the ca rcinoma of the esoghagus afte r the subt otal g a strac t o m y.U tilizing the l eft col oni c arte ry as the supporti ng vesse l and using the col on seg ment in an iso pe rist a ltic position is the first choice.I mp r oving the opera2 tive techn i ques and decrea sing the co mplica tions a re i m portant for the extensi on use.

【Key word s】col on;e s ophageal;reconstructi on

Modern Oncol og y2008,16(11):1918-1919

【摘要】 目的:评价结肠代食管术在食管重建外科的地位。方法:回顾分析1979年4月-2004年10月106例结肠代食管术的临床资料,随访治疗结果。结果:本组无住院死亡。72例良性狭窄者,术后长期生存,进食正常。食管癌34例,28例获得随访,术后1、3、5年生存率分别为85.7%、57.1%及28.6%。结论:结肠代食管术对颈段食管良性狭窄者,特别适合已行胃大部切除术后食管癌患者的食管重建;选用左结肠动脉为蒂部滋养血管,降结肠及部分横结肠经胸骨后顺蠕动移植至颈部吻合是最常用的术式;改进手术操作和减少并发症,对扩大此术式的应用范围尤为重要。


【中图分类号】R735 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-4992-(2008)11-1918-02


1 资料与方法

1.1 临床资料


1.2 术前检查 



【作者单位】 第二军医大学长征医院胸心外科,上海 3【作者简介】 秦雄(),男,浙江嘉兴人,博士,主治医师,主要从事普胸外科临床和基础研究工作。窄部位,范围和严重程度。食管癌患者食管镜下行活组织检查,确定病理类型。烧伤后狭窄者手术均在伤后6个月-24个月进行,食管镜检查必须仔细观察到咽部或狭窄上方食管黏膜疤痕是否稳定,有无水肿、糜烂等炎症性改变。

1.3 手术方法 


2 结果




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