Unit 1A Greener World绿色世界 英语课件

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Book 3
大学英语新理念综合教程 电子教案(3)
New Concept English Comprehensive Course 新理念大学英语综合教程
Unit One Human and Nature
New Concept English Comprehensive Course Book 3
The outline of Text A
1. The three keys to power the … 2. The first key… 3. The second key … 4. The final key … 5. Conclusion …
Detailed Study of Text A
1.这些天我们常常听到这样的新闻:“回收报纸,挽救 一棵树木,收集瓶罐,再生利用。“ 在世界上许多地 区,保护我们脆弱的环境,保护自然,似乎成为政府官 员和市民的热门话题。在过去十年中,绿色消费的观 念得到越来越多的关注,公众也投身相助。然而,要 使这场运动发展下去,三个关键条件非常重要:务实 的大众,科技的发展,和人们对回收物需求的增加。
Text A A Greener World
Detailed Study of Text A
1. We hear it a lot in the news these days: “Recycle newspapers and save a tree. Collect bottles and cans so they can be reused in the manufacturing of new products.” Protecting our delicate( 易 碎 的 , 脆 弱 的 ) environment seems to be on the agenda of politicians, government leaders, and citizens in many parts of the world to show support for Mother Nature. The concept of green consumerism has gained momentum more and more over the last decade(十年), and the public feels moved to pitch in and help. However, three essential keys needed to power this movement include a more informed public, the development of improved technology, and a greater demand for recycled materials.
Translation of Para.2
2.以纸为例。第一步是增加公众对回收过程的了解,向他们介绍 哪些材料可以被回收利用,并且说明该怎么妥善处理这些东西。当地 政府应该教育大众怎样把可以重新利用的物质与不容易重新利用的物 质分开,比如蜡纸,复写纸,像快餐盒这样的塑料制品。然后,需要 建立一个收集这些可重新利用物品的体系。公众开始可能有兴趣,但 如 果 没 有 健 全 的 回 收 系 统 ,他们的兴趣就会很快暗淡下来。有时当我 们谈起回收利用时,我们会为此感到高兴,但是如果在谈论时我们能 举出一些大家都能理解的可行事实和数据,那么公众对回收利用这个 问题就会更多一些感性的认识。我记得读过一篇报告说回收利用一个 易拉罐而节约的能源可以提供一台电视机三个小时的电能。提供给公 众一些他们能够真正理解的信息,那么就会有更多人加入回收利用的 运动中。
Detailed Study of Text A
4. The final key is to increase demand for the growing surplus of resources waiting to be recycled. This problem has appeared in various regions of the world where the technology to process the used materials lags far behind the amount being collected for recycling. There may be a great outpouring of support; yet the great stumbling block to implementing the second stage of this plan could be impeded by the corporate sector's inability to find commercial enterprises interested in using recycled goods especially when the cost exceeds those of virgin materials.
Translation of Para.2
2.以纸为例。第一步是增加公众对回收过程的了解,向他们介绍 哪些材料可以被回收利用,并且说明该怎么妥善处理这些东西。当地 政府应该教育大众怎样把可以重新利用的物质与不容易重新利用的物 质分开,比如蜡纸,复写纸,像快餐盒这样的塑料制品。然后,需要 建立一个收集这些可重新利用物品的体系。公众开始可能有兴趣,但 如 果 没 有 健 全 的 回 收 系 统 ,他们的兴趣就会很快暗淡下来。有时当我 们谈起回收利用时,我们会为此感到高兴,但是如果在谈论时我们能 举出一些大家都能理解的可行事实和数据,那么公众对回收利用这个 问题就会更多一些感性的认识。我记得读过一篇报告说回收利用一个 易拉罐而节约的能源可以提供一台电视机三个小时的电能。提供给公 众一些他们能够真正理解的信息,那么就会有更多人加入回收利用的 运动中。
Tra源自文库slation of Text A
1.这些天我们常常听到这样的新闻:“回收报纸,挽救 一棵树木,收集瓶罐,再生利用。“ 在世界上许多地 区,保护我们脆弱的环境,保护自然,似乎成为政府官 员和市民的热门话题。在过去十年中,绿色消费的观 念得到越来越多的关注,公众也投身相助。然而,要 使这场运动发展下去,三个关键条件非常重要:务实 的大众,科技的发展,和人们对回收物需求的增加。
Detailed Study of Text A
complacent when it comes to recycling, but when you speak in terms of actually facts and figures that everyone can understand, people become more cognizant of the problem. I remember reading one time that the energy saved from one recycled can can provide enough power to operate a television for three hours. Give the public information they can grasp, and then you will increase your chances of gaining followers.
Detailed Study of Text A
3. Second, technological progress has been made on many fronts, but governmental agencies need to step up their support for companies involved in recycling by providing tax incentives, low-cost loans, or even grants to upgrade equipment and to encourage further research. One breakthrough has been the development of a new manufacturing process that uses enzymes to help remove ink from paper in more energy efficient and environmentally safe methods. Recycling paper materials can be expensive in both monetary and environmental terms. The difficulty in removing print from paper, the amount of energy expended during the process, and caustic waste that is sometimes produced are costs that companies incur and then are passed on to the consumer.
Detailed Study of Text A
2. Let's use paper as an example. The first step is to raise public awareness about the recycling process, to explain the kinds of materials that can be recycled, and provide ways on how to properly dispose of them. Local governments should educate the public on how to properly sort reusable materials from those, like waxed paper, carbon paper, plastic laminated material such as fast food wrappers, that can't be recycled very easily. Then, a system of collecting these sorted materials needs to be established. The public interest might be there, but soon may wane if there isn't a system where they can take these materials to be recycled. Sometimes we become
Detailed Study of Text A
5. Recycling is a crucial link protecting our planet. The three keys mentioned are important ways to achieve this end.
Translation of Text A
Unit 1 Text A A Greener World
Learning Focus
Grasp the reading skill for main ideas and topic sentences;
Study the detail of the text;
Do some exercises on the textbook;
Translation of Text A
3.第二步,在很多方面科技都取得了很大进步,而 政府机构需要建立相关体系对那些从事回收利用的公 司给予支持,向他们提供优惠税收,低息贷款,甚至 政府直接拨款以改进设备和鼓励科学研究。在科技方 面我们已经取得了一个进展性的突破,我们能够以一 种更加节约能源和环保的生产程序,利用酶去除纸上 的墨汁。回收废纸可能会花费更多的资金,对环境造 成污染。回收利用过程中的各种费用,如将墨迹从纸 上去掉,生产过程中的能源消耗和腐蚀性物质的清理 ,这些费用自然地由废物回收公司转嫁给了消费者。