A Survey of Corporate Governance 译文 (1)
7A Survey of Corporate Governance
B. management discretion 经理人的自由
The methods of managers can discretion the investors' funds
– – – –
a. expropriate directly 直接抽取法 b. transfer pricing-----low price sell to individual. 转移价格―控股公司中常用
解决的方式:从长远利益上协调投资者和 经理人的不一致
解决的方式: a. marginal value of control vs marginal value of benefit 控制权的边际价值vs 利益的边际价值 vs 代理收 益的边际价值 实践形式:绩效考核+股权,股票期权,收入损 失(dismissal of income)
b. some measures of performance vs share ownership, stock option
c. the optimal incentive system is determined by : manager's risk aversion, the importance of his decisions, his ability to pay for the cash flow ownership up front w=f(manager's risk aversion, importance of his decisions, ability to pay for the cash flow ownership)
C. inventive contracts 激励理论
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Brief CV of Zhenwei Su
• 2004-2009: Sichuan University, professor • 1997-2004: UK Universities visiting scholar,post-doc, research fellow • 1982-1997: Sichuan University, PhD, lecturer, associate professor • 1978-1982: Xian Jiaotong University, Mechanical Engineering Department • 1970-1978: Farmer or worker in Sichuan
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《金融学精选专题》教学大纲课程编号:151423B课程类型:□通识教育必修课□通识教育选修课□专业必修课☑专业选修课□学科基础课总学时:48 讲课学时:48 实验(上机)学时:0学分:3适用对象:金融学(数据与计量分析)专业本科生先修课程:无一、教学目标金融学精选专题是为金融学(数据与计量分析)专业本科生而开设的课程,没有先修课程要求。
公司治理岗 英文
1. Corporate Governance Position
2. Role in Corporate Governance
3. Job in Corporate Governance
4. Position in Corporate Governance Function
5. Corporate Governance Function Role
"Corporate Governance"指的是公司治理,涉及公司的组织架构、决策制定、监督机制、合规性等方面。
SYLLABUS OF THE INTERNAL AUDIT ACTIVITY′S ROLE IN GOVERNANCE,RISK AND CONTROL内部审计在治理、风险和控制中的作用考试大纲ply With the IIA′s Attribute Standards (15-25 percent) (Proficiency Level)遵守国际内部审计师协会的属性标准(15%~25%)(要求熟练掌握)1.Define purpose, authority, and responsibility of the internal audit activity.明确内部审计的宗旨、权力和职责。
a.Determine if purpose, authority, and responsibility of internal audit activity are clearly documented and approved.确定内部审计的宗旨、权力和职责是否清楚地以书面形式记录并获得批准。
b.Determine if purpose, authority, and responsibility of internal audit activity are communicated to the engagement clients.确定内部审计的宗旨、权力和职责是否通报审计业务客户。
c.Demonstrate an understanding of the purpose, authority, and responsibility of the internal audit activity.阐明内部审计的宗旨、权力和职责。
2.Maintain independence and objectivity.保持独立性和客观性。
a.Foster independence.加强独立性。
1)Understand organizational independence.理解内部审计部门在组织上的独立性。
杨清香(2010) `"利用马克思认识论,对如何构建内部控制的概念框架问题进行了探讨,认为内部控制的本质是构建内部控制概念框架或理论体系的逻辑起点,内部控制的其他概念或理沦要素都是根据内部控制的木质演绛推论出来的。
价值工程0引言ESG 是指经济主体从环境(Environment )、社会(Social )和治理(Governance )三个方面对企业进行综合评价的方法。
自此以后,国际上关于ESG 的关注持续升温,各类组织和机构提出一系列ESG 评价指标,逐渐形成完整的ESG 评价体系[2]。
由于国内ESG 投资还处于初期发展阶段,研究内容相对较少,但是ESG 责任中所包含的环境责任、社会责任和公司治理方面的研究如火如荼。
目前,投资者在投资决策时把公司ESG 表现作为一个重要的标准之一。
而公司对ESG 活动进行投入,会降低经营过程中的不确定性,缓解融资约束[3],提高风险抵御能力。
本文在回顾和借鉴国内外研究成果的前提下,试图找出ESG 表现是否会影响企业经营风险,以及如何影响企业经营风险?1文献综述近年来,ESG 表现得到了政府和相关投资者的重视,使得企业越来越重视社会责任的承担和履行,ESG 表现成为衡量企业绩效的重要标准之一。
目前,关于ESG 表现的经济后果主要体现在以下几个方面。
在企业绩效方面,袁业虎等(2021)[4]研究发现,媒体关注度高的企业,ESG 表现越好,其企业绩效水平越高。
但是,Ruan 等(2020)[5]研究发现,ESG 表现与公司绩效是负相关的。
根据Li 等(2018)[7]研究发现,上市公司ESG 披露水平越高,越有利于提升公司价值。
Internal auditing practices and internal control system
Internal auditing practices and internal control systemFaudziah Hanim Fadzil; Haron.Hasnah; Jantan.Muhamad.Internal auditing has undergone dramatic changes that have expanded its scope in a way that allows it to make greater contributions to the organization it serves. Internal auditing is also performed in diverse legal and cultural environments; within organizations that vary in purpose, size, and structure; and also by persons within or outside the organization. Furthermore, the internal auditing profession also walks a tightrope between serving as a management consultant and an independent professional. A survey done by the Malaysian Institute of Corporate Governance (MICG), The Institute of Internal Auditors Malaysia (Π AM) and Ernst and Young concluded that internal auditors are best placed to understand and appreciate the business processes of a company and they act as management consultant to reduce risks. Internal auditors also help run a company more efficiently and effectively to increase shareholders' value.As this is the case, internal auditors need to be out in front, leading the business units with regards to the internal control system and also focusing on strategic business objectives. The internal auditors also need to establish themselves as vital cogs in their organizations, rather than as observers who watch from the periphery and wait for events to impact them (Sawyer and Vinten, 1996).One issue that has emerged related to the internal auditing practices is; "what is a proper and sound measurement of the internal auditing practices?" Barrett (1986) notes, "effectiveness (of internal audit) can be described, but it is difficult to quantify and in the final analysis, effectiveness is determined by the perception of auditees". In the company environment, management is the most important auditee of the internal audit department since effectiveness of the internal auditing practices can be described through the expectations of management with regard to the internal auditing practices. The management will expect the internal auditors to perform their internal auditing practices to a certain level that is complying with the Standards for the Professional Practice ofInternal Auditors (SPPIA) (now known as the Professional Practice Framework (PPF)), since it can be easily described. Compliance with SPPIA is therefore an indication of the effectiveness of the Internal Audit Department.The auditing profession, both internal and external, has come under increasing scrutiny since the highly publicised collapse of energy trader, Enron (Vinten, 2003) in the USA last year. The uncovering of alleged irregularities at Technology Resources Industries Berhad (TRI) has highlighted the need for greater corporate governance in Malaysia.TRI had issued false invoices between 1998 and 1999, which amounts to MYR260 million (USD 68 million). According to Dato' Samad Alias, the President of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA), "This could be the largest accounting fraud in Malaysian history". The false invoices was discovered by Telekom Malaysia, who took control of the TRI in June 2002, after conducting several internal audits, when Arthur Andersen was TRI's auditor. "We had to rely on the information prepared by the company's accountants", said Dato' Abdul Samad, who was then head of the Andersen's Malaysian office. If TRI was to restate 1998 and 1999 accounts, its net book value will reduce as much as MYR 198 million (Financial Times, 2002). The case has certainly shed a light on the importance of the role of internal auditors, which was only recognised and emphasised after irregularities were discovered.Internal auditors are often described as both a business partner and a policeman because of his work as a business partner with client management and also because he acts as an independent reviewer of management. As a business partner, the internal auditor is expected to provide expertise to assist an organization in meeting its objectives while as a policeman; an internal auditor is often thought of as an adversary looking for flaws. As such, the extent of the internal auditing practices plays an important factor on these roles. This study will provide empirical evidence whether compliance with internal auditing practices will lead to a better internal control system.The development of SPPIASPPIA are the criteria by which the operations of an internal auditing department are evaluated and measured and intended to represent the internal auditing practices, as it should be. It is also meant to serve the entire profession of internal auditing, in all types of organisations where internal auditors are found. It was first developed in June 1978, at the Internal Auditors International Conference in San Francisco. The SPPIA comprise of five general standards of:(1) independence;(2) professional proficiency;(3) scope of work;(4) performance of audit work; and(5) management of the internal audit department.This framework allowed the future expansion of the internal auditing practices until the new framework was released in January 2002.A new framework, called PPF was released in January 2002[1] and it consisted of three sets of standards: attribute, performance, and implementation standards. The attribute standards address the attributes of organisations and individuals performing internal audit services while the performance standards describe the nature of internal audit services and provide quality criteria against which performance of these services can be measured. The implementation standards on the other hand provide guidance applicable in specific types of engagements. However, this new framework is not utilised in this study because of the timing of its release.Internal control system. The internal control system plays an important role in the internal auditing practices since the internal auditors might be considered as being specialists in management control (Chambers et al, 1987). Internal auditing practices appraise the effectiveness of internal control systems, which is a definition of internal auditing and which also includes an appraisal of the actions by management to correct situations, which are at variance with planned outcomes. The definition of internal control systems reveals that it is not fundamentally different from management control, which has an essential component of control such as planning, organising, staffing and directing (Chambers et al, 1987). Senior management and the audit committee normally expect that the CAE will perform sufficient audit work and gather other available information during the year so as to form a judgement about the adequacy and effectiveness of the control processes. The CAE should then communicate that overall judgement about the organisation's system of controls to the senior management and the audit committee. This is necessary since internal auditors play an intermediary role and assist in the discharge of the oversight function of audit committee. If the above internal audit function is not available, the management needs to apply other monitoring processes in order to assure itself and the board that the system of internal control system is functioning as intended. In thesecircumstances, the board of the company will need to assess whether such processes provide sufficient and objective assurance or regular review and appraisal of the adequacy and the integrity of the internal control systems in the company.Bursa Listing Requirements has established industry taskforce which formulated the "Statement on Internal Control: Guidance For Directors of Public Listed Companies" to fulfil the above circumstances. The aim of this guidance is to assist listed companies in making disclosures in their annual reports on the state of internal control, in compliance with the Listing Requirements of the KLSE. Pursuant to the requirements of the Code in relation to the Internal Audit Function, in May 2001, the securities Commission appointed the HAM to establish a separate industry taskforce to formulate these Guidelines to assist the board of public listed companies in effectively discharging their responsibilities in relation to establishing an Internal Audit Function. Risk assessment, control environment, control activities, information and communication and monitoring are five important characteristics in this guideline.The roles of internal auditors. In the revised statement of responsibilities of internal auditing issued by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) (2000) as part of the standards framework, the section on objectives states:The objective of internal auditing is to assist all members of management in the effective discharge of their responsibilities by furnishing them with analyses, appraisals, recommendations and pertinent comments concerning the activities reviewed. The internal auditor is concerned with any phase of business activity where he can be of service to management. This involves going beyond accounting and financial records to obtain a full understanding of the operations under review (p. 3).Sawyer and Vinten (1996) noted four benefits managers have gained from internal auditing assistance. These benefits were providing managers with the bases for judgement and action, helping managers by reporting weaknesses in control and performance and in recommending improvements, providing counsel to managers and boards of directors on the solutions of business problems, and supplying information that is timely, reliable and useful to all levels of management.Additionally, the statement sets forth the types of services that should be performed and the kinds of activities carried on by the internal audit function in attaining the overall objective. Internal auditors should first review and appraise the soundness and adequacy of the accounting, financial, and other operating controls, and promote effective controlsat reasonable cost. secondly, the internal auditors should ascertain the extent of compliance with established policies, plans, procedures, laws and regulations, which could have a significant impact on the company's operations. Then the internal auditors review the means of safeguarding assets and when appropriate, verify the existence of such assets and appraise the economy and efficiency with which resources are employed. Lastly, the internal auditors review operations or programs to ascertain whether results are consistent with established objectives and goals and whether the operations or programs are being carried out as planned.Reviewing and evaluating the adequacy and effectiveness of an organisation's internal control system and the quality of performance in carrying out assigned responsibilities is representative of several primary core activities of internal audit work. The purpose of the review of the adequacy of the internal auditing is to ascertain whether the established system provides reasonable assurance that the organisation's objectives and goals will be met efficiently and economically.Adequate control is considered to be present if administrative management has planned and organised in a manner, which provides reasonable assurance that the organisation's objectives and goals will be achieved efficiently and economically. Reasonable assurance is provided when cost-effective actions are taken to restrict deviations, such as improper or illegal acts, to a tolerable level.The role of internal auditing in the review of effectiveness of the system of internal control is to ascertain whether the system is functioning as intended. Effective control is present when the administrative management directs the system in such as way as to provide reasonable assurance that the organisation's objectives and goals will be achieved. The purpose of the review for quality of performance is to ascertain whether the organisation's objectives and goals have been achieved.The primary objectives of an organisation's system of internal control are to provide administrative management with reasonable assurance that financial information is accurate and reliable; the organisation complies with policies, plans, procedures, laws, regulations and contracts; assets are safeguarded against loss and theft; resources are used economically and efficiently; and established objectives and goals for operations or programs can be met. Internal auditing focuses on an evaluation of this system or framework of internal control.A second type of audit work that internal auditors are guided to perform is reviewing the accuracy and reliability of financial and operating information and the means used to identify, measure, classify and reportsuch information. Information systems provide data for decision-making, control, and compliance with external requirement. Therefore, internal auditors should examine information systems and determine whether financial and operating records and reports contain accurate, reliable, timely, complete and useful information, and controls over record keeping and reporting are adequate and effective.The performance of reviews of the systems established to ensure compliance with policies, plans, procedures, laws, regulations and contracts represents a third element of audit activity described by the standards. Administrative management is responsible for establishing the systems designed to ensure compliance with such requirements as laws, rules, regulations, policies and procedures. The internal auditors role is to determine whether the systems designed by management are adequate and effective and whether the activities audited are complying with the appropriate requirements.Further, as described by the standards, the internal auditor's role includes providing appraisals with recommendations regarding administration management established objectives and goals for operations and programs.。
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Lee& Zhong(2015)认为,商业银行可以利用新型衍生金融工具开展绿色信贷,通过发行混合债券等规避可再生能源产业存在的融资风险和信用风险。
金融学期刊(JF)创刊以来50篇最经典论文1) Portfolio Selection证券组合选择Harry Markowitz Volume 7, Issue 1March 19522) Capital Asset Prices: A Theory Of Market Equilibrium Under Conditions Of Risk资本资产价格:风险条件下的市场均衡理论William F. SharpeVolume 19, Issue 3September 19643) Efficient Capital Markets: Review Of Theory And Empirical Work有效市场:理论与经验研究的评论Eugene F. FamaVolume 25, Issue 2May 19704) The Cross-Section Of Expected Stock Returns股票预期收益的横截面(分析)Eugene F. Fama, Kenneth R. FrenchVolume 47, Issue 2June 19925) Counterspeculation, Auctions, And Competitive Sealed Tenders反投机、拍卖和竞争性密封投标William VickreyVolume 16, Issue 1March 19616) A Survey Of Corporate Governance关于公司治理的调查Andrei Shleifer, Robert W. VishnyVolume 52, Issue 2June 19977) Legal Determinants Of External Finance外部融资的法律层面决定因素Rafael La Porta, Florencio Lopez-De-Silanes, Andrei Shleifer, Robert W. VishnyVolume 52, Issue 3July 19978) Corporate Ownership Around The World世界各地的企业所有权Rafael La Porta, Florencio Lopez-De-Silanes, Andrei ShleiferVolume 54, Issue 2April 19999) On the Pricing Of Corporate Debt: The Risk Structure Of Interest Rates 企业债务的定价:利率的风险结构Robert C. MertonVolume 29, Issue 2May 197410) Financial Ratios, Discriminant Analysis And Prediction Of Corporate Bankruptcy财务比率,判别分析和企业破产预测Edward I. AltmanVolume 23, Issue 4September 196811) The Modern Industrial Revolution, Exit, And The Failure Of Internal Control-Systems近代工业革命,退出,和内部控制系统的失灵Michael C. JensenVolume 48, Issue 3July 199312) On Persistence In Mutual Fund Performance共同基金绩效的持久性Mark M. CarhartVolume 52, Issue 1March 199713) On The Relation Between The Expected Value And The Volatility Of The Nominal期望值和名义股票超额回报波动性的关系Lawrence R. Glosten, Ravi Jagannathan, David E. RunkleVolume 48, Issue 5December 199314) Returns To Buying Winners And Selling Losers: Implications For Stock Market Efficiency购买赢家和卖掉输家的回报:对股市效率的启示Narasimhan Jegadeesh, Sheridan TitmanVolume 48, Issue 1March 199315) Informational Asymmetries, Financial Structure, And Financial Intermediation信息不对称、金融结构和金融中介Hayne E. Leland, David H. PyleVolume 32, Issue 2May 197716) The Pricing Of Options On Assets With Stochastic Volatilities具有随机波动性资产期权定价John Hull, Alan WhiteVolume 42, Issue 2June 198717) Efficient Capital Markets: II有效资本市场IIEugene F. FamaVolume 46, Issue 5December 199118) Does The Stock Market Overreact?股市反应过度了吗?Werner F. M. De Bondt, Richard ThalerVolume 40, Issue 3July 198519) Multifactor Explanations Of Asset Pricing Anomalies对资产定价异常现象的多因素解释Eugene F. Fama, Kenneth R. FrenchVolume 51, Issue 1March 199620) The Capital Structure Puzzle资本结构之谜Stewart C. MyersVolume 39, Issue 3July 198421) The Performance Of Mutual Funds In Period 1945-1964共同基金在1945年-1964年的绩效Michael C. JensenVolume 23, Issue 2May 196822) Debt And Taxes负债和税收Merton H. MillerVolume 32, Issue 2May 197723) What Do We Know About Capital Structure? Some Evidence From International Data我们对资本结构了解多少呢?来自国际数据的一些证据Raghuram G. Rajan, Luigi ZingalesDecember 199524) The Benefits Of Lending Relationships: Evidence From Small Business Data借贷关系的好处:来自小企业数据的证据Mitchell A. Petersen, Raghuram G. RajanVolume 49, Issue 1March 199425) Measuring And Testing The Impact Of News On Volatility衡量和检验新闻对波动性的影响Robert F. Engle, Victor K. NgVolume 48, Issue 5December 199326) Investor Psychology And Security Market Under- And Overreactions投资者心理和证券市场的过度反应/反应迟钝Kent Daniel, David Hirshleifer, Avanidhar SubrahmanyamVolume 53, Issue 6December 199827) Contrarian Investment, Extrapolation, And Risk逆向投资、外推法和风险Josef Lakonishok, Andrei Shleifer, Robert W. VishnyVolume 49, Issue 5December 199428) A Simple Model Of Capital Market Equilibrium With Incomplete Information 一个简单的信息不完全的资本市场均衡模型Robert C. MertonVolume 42, Issue 3July 198729) Insiders And Outsiders: The Choice Between Informed And Arms-Length DebtRaghuram G. RajanSeptember 199230) Why Does Stock Market Volatility Change Over Time? 为什么随着时间推移股市波动性会发生变化?G. William SchwertVolume 44, Issue 5September 198931) The Determinants Of Capital Structure Choice资本结构决策的决定因素Sheridan Titman, Roberto WesselsVolume 43, Issue 1March 198832) Inferring Trade Direction From Intraday Data从当日数据推断交易方向Charles M.C. Lee, Mark J. ReadyVolume 46, Issue 2June 199133) The New Issues Puzzle新股发行之谜Tim Loughran, Jay R. RitterVolume 50, Issue 1March 199534) The Limits Of Arbitrage套利限制Andrei Shleifer, Robert W. VishnyVolume 52, Issue 1March 199735) Noise噪声Fischer BlackVolume 41, Issue 3July 198636) Investor Protection And Corporate Valuation投资者保护和公司估值Rafael La Porta, Florencio Lopez-De-Silanes, Andrei Shleifer, Robert Vishny Volume 57. Issue 3June 200237) The Theory Of Capital Structure资本结构理论Milton Harris, Artur RavivVolume 46, Issue 1March 199138) The Long-Run Performance Of Initial Public Offerings首次公开发行股票的长期绩效Jay R. RitterVolume 46, Issue 1March 199139) Initial Public Offerings And Underwriter Reputation首次公开发行和承销商商誉Richard Carter, Steven ManasterVolume 45, Issue 4September 199040) Dividend Policy Under Asymmetric Information信息不对称下的股利政策Merton H. Miller, Kevin RockVolume 40, Issue 4September 198541) A Simple Implicit Measure Of The Effective Bid-Ask Spread In An Efficient Market买卖价差(Bid-Ask Spread)有效市场下有效买卖差价的简单内隐测量Richard RollSeptember 198442) Empirical Performance Of Alternative Option Pricing Models备选的期权定价模型的实证绩效Gurdip Bakshi, Charles Cao, Zhiwu ChenVolume 52, Issue 5December 199743) Compensation And Incentives: Practice vs. Theory薪酬和激励:实践和理论George P. Baker, Michael C. Jensen, Kevin J. MurphyVolume 43, Issue 3July 198844) Are Investors Reluctant To Realize Their Losses?投资者不愿意意识到他们的损失?Terrance OdeanVolume 53, Issue 5October 199845) Size And Book-To-Market Factors In Earnings And Returns盈余和收益的规模和账面-市值因素Eugene F. Fama, Kenneth R. FrenchVolume 50, Issue 1March 199546) Security Prices, Risk, And Maximal Gains From Diversification证券价格、风险和来自多元化的最大收益John LintnerVolume 20, Issue 4December 196547) An Empirical Comparison Of Alternative Models Of The Short-Term Interest-Rate对短期利率备选模型的实证比较K. C. Chan, G. Andrew Karolyi, Francis A. Longstaff, Anthony B. SandersJuly 199248) Risk Management Coordinating Corporate Investment And Financing Policies风险管理协调企业投融资政策Kenneth A. Froot, David S. Scharfstein, Jeremy C. SteinVolume 48, Issue 5December 199349) Disentangling The Incentive And Entrenchment Effects Of Large Shareholdings解析大股东激励和壕沟防御效应Stijn Claessens, Simeon Djankov, Joseph P. H. Fan, Larry H. P. Lang Volume 57, Issue 6December 200250) Valuing Corporate Securities: Some Effects Of Bond Indenture Provisions 公司证券估值:债券契约条款的一些作用Fischer Black, John C. CoxVolume 31, Issue 2May 1976。
Bertrand and Mullainathan_2003
Sendhil Mullainathan
Baker et al (2008)中文英文论文翻译
• The first emphasizes that investors are less than fully rational. It views managerial financing and investment decisions as rational responses to securities market mispricing. 第一次强调投 资者是少于完全理性。它认为筹资和投资的管理决定是对证券市场错误定价的理性反应,。
[1]. Irrational investors approach非理 性投资者的方法
• Assuming that securities market arbitrage is imperfect, and thus that prices can be too high or too low.假设证券市场套利的就是不完美的并因而那价格可以太高或太低 • Two key building blocks: 构建基块的两个关键 1.Irrational investors must influence securities prices. This requires limits on arbitrage.非理性投 资者必须影响证券价格。这就要求对套利限制 2.Managers must be smart in the sense of being able to distinguish market prices and fundamental value.经理们必须能够区分市场价格和基本价值的意义上的智能。 • Why assume that managers are “smart” in the sense of being able to identify mispricing?为什 么假设管理者是"智能"意义上的能够识别错误定价吗? 1.Having superior information about their own firm or creating an information advantage by managing earnings.拥有自己的公司的高级信息或通过管理收入创造信息优势。 2.Having fewer constraints than equally “smart” money managers including short horizons and short-sales constraints.具有比同样"智能"钱经理包括短的视野和卖空约束较少约束。
2. 逐字翻译引起的表达繁冗、拖沓 例2 为了实现信息化数据化, ⋯ 原译: In order to achieve the goal of being fully equipped with information and data , ⋯ 改译: In order to achieve informationization and datumization , ⋯ 原译严格根据原文翻译,在表达上比较繁琐,而 informationization 和datumization 具有 modernization 类似的构词方法,在表意上更加简 洁。
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公司治理综述Andrei Shleifer; Robert W. VishnyThe Journal of Finance, Vol. 52, No. 2. (Jun., 1997), pp. 737-783.1.写作背景投资者将资金投入到公司,如何能保证收回收益?保证资金不被管理者非理性投资或占用?投资者将资金投入公司后,就与其资本分离。
例如,Easterbrook and Fischel (1991) and Romano (1993a)对美国公司治理体系进行了大量乐观评价,而Jensen (1989a, 1993)相信它是有严重缺陷的,Jensen认为一种主要的变革,即从现代的公司形式到更高得多的举债经营形式,例如LBOs, 是合乎程序的。
还有一些讨论,主张用德国和日本的公司组织形式来替代盎格鲁——撒克逊人的公司治理体制(例如,Roe (1993) and Charkham (1994))。
而根据Barca (1995) and Pagano, Panetta, and Zingales (1995)的研究,认为意大利公司治理机制是如此落后,以致于从根本上阻碍了外部资金流入公司。
(Boycko,Shleifer, and Vishny (1995))认为在俄罗斯,公司治理机制的缺陷导致许多私营企业的经理层把公司的资产大量转移,以及提供给公司的外部资金实际上并不存在。
2. 股东与债权人之间的代理问题除了股东与经理人之间的代理问题外,股东与债权人之间的代理问题也是公司治理中的一个重要议题。
二、文献综述1. 代理问题的理论研究代理问题的理论研究从经济学、金融学和管理学等不同角度展开。
2. 代理问题的实证研究除了理论研究外,代理问题的实证研究也是公司治理领域的重要内容。
Unit 11. The World Bank’s key role is to improve living standards and assist developing nations through making credit and other forms of assistance available to achieve a sustainable development.世界银行的关键作用是通过提供信贷和其他形式的援助来实现可持续开展来提高生活水平和协助开展中国家。
2. So in order to smooth out the international business cycle, and thus reduce the duration and damage of recessions, OPEC could temper oil prices and control booming or slumping economic growth.所以为了消除国际商业周期,从而减少经济衰退的时间和损失,石油输出国组织可以调低油价,控制经济增长或萧条。
3. Its members benefit from liberalized trade gaining access to a larger demand market, new technologies, managerial techniques, raises in living standards, and employment opportunities.其成员受益于自由贸易进入更大需求市场,新技术,管理技术,提高了生活水平和就业时机。
4. Under his influence, the organiza tion’s international secretariat was established in Paris and he was instrumental in creating the ICC International Court of Arbitration in 1923.在他的影响下,该组织的国际秘书处在巴黎成立,他在1923年创立了国际商会国际仲裁法庭。
corporate governance的定义
corporate governance的定义
公司治理(Corporate Governance)是指一套机制和制度安排,用以确保公司管理层的行为符合股东和其他利益相关者的利益,同时促进公司的长期稳定发展。
corporate governance的定义
corporate governance的定义
企业治理(corporate governance)是指确保企业有效运作、增加经营者责任和透明度、以及保护股东和利益相关者利益的制度和实践。