

数字集成电路分析与设计 第二章答案

数字集成电路分析与设计 第二章答案

CHAPTER 2P2.1. a) The solution for the NMOS case is based on Example 2.4: The equation for V T0 is: 02BT FB F OXQ V V C φ=-- Calculate each individual component.1710()1362OX 077200611196310ln 0.026ln 0.44 V 1.4100.440.550.99 V 4 3.510 F/cm1.610 F/cm 310310/0.188 V 1.610610 1.6100.1.610i FpA GC Fp G gate OXB B OX OX OX n kT q NC Q Q C cmC Q C φφφφεε-------⨯==-=-⨯=-=--=-==⨯=⨯⨯=⨯==⨯⨯⨯⨯==⨯TO 06 V V 0.99(0.88)(0.188)0.0600.018 V=------=+ For the PMOS device:1710()77200611196TO 310ln 0.026ln 0.44 V 1.4100.440.550.99 V 310310/0.188 V1.610610 1.6100.06 V 1.610V 0.99(0.88)(0.188)0.0600.138 D Fn i GC Fn G gate B B OX OX OX N kT q n Q Q C cmC Q C φφφφ-----⨯===⨯=-=+=+⨯=⨯==⨯⨯⨯⨯==⨯=---=-Vb) The magnitude of V T0 would be higher. Since the device is PMOS this means that V T0 islowered. Since the only thing that’s been changed is the doping of the gate, only G φ changes. The new V T0 then becomes:00.110.880.1880.6 1.24V T V =----=-c) Since V T0 will be adjusted with implanted charge (Q I ):60.40.0180.382(1.610)(0.382)IOXIOXI Q C Q V C Q V -=-==⨯To calculate the threshold implant level N I :I I I I qN Q Q N q==For the NMOS device from part(a):6122190.610 3.8210/1.610I I Q N ions cm q --⨯=-=-=⨯⨯ (p-type) For the PMOS device from part(a):612219(1.610)(0.40.138)2.6210/1.610I I Q N ions cm q --⨯-=-=-=⨯⨯ (n-type) For the PMOS device from part(b):612219(1.610)(1.240.4)8.410/1.610I I Q N ions cm q --⨯-=-=-=⨯⨯ (p-type)d) The advantage of having the gate doping be n + for NMOS and p + for PMOS could be seen from analysis above. Doping the gates in such a way leads to devices with lower threshold voltages, but enables the implant adjustment with the same kind of impurities that used in the bulk (p-type for NMOS and n-type for PMOS). If we were to use the same kind of doping in gate as in the body (i.e. n + for PMOS and p + for NMOS) that would lead to higher un-implanted threshold voltages. Adjusting them to the required lower threshold voltage would necessitate implantation of the impurities of the opposite type near the oxide-Si interface. This is not desirable. Also, the doping of the poly gate can be carried out at the same time as the source and drain and therefore does not require an extra step.P2.2. First, convert ox t to units of cm:810100cm222210cm 10ox t -=⨯=ÅÅNow, using the mobility equation:()()20 1.8568130/V70cm0.8114102210pep nGS T ox cm V s V V t μμθ--==≈⎛⎫⎛⎫-+ ⎪⎪+ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭P2.3. a) For each transistor, derive the region of operation. In our case, for 0V,0.4V GS V =, thetransistor is in the cutoff region and there is no current. For 0.8V,1.2V GS V =, firstcalculate the saturation voltage Dsat V using:()GS T C DSAT GS T C V V E L V V V E L-=-+For our transistors, this would be:Next, we derive the IV characteristics using the linear and saturation current equations,we get the graphs shown below.IV Characteristic of NMOS01020304050607000. (V)C u r r e n t (u A )IV Characteristic of PMOSVolts (V)C u r r e n t (u A )To plot DS I vs. GS V , first identify the region of operation of the transistor. For GS T V V <, the transistor is in the cutoff region, and there is negligible current. For GS T V V > and GS DS V V ≤, the transistor is in the saturation region and saturation current expression should be used. The graphis shown below. Clearly, it is closer to the linear model.Ids vs. Vgs of NMOS010********607000. (V)I d s (V )P2.4. For each transistor, first determine if the transistor is in cutoff by checking to see if V GS isless than or greater than V T . V T may have to be recalculated if the source of the transistor isn’t grounded. If V GS is less than V T , then it is in cutoff, otherwise, it is in either triode or saturation.To determine if it is in the triode saturation region, check to see if V DS is less than or greater than V DSAT . If V DS is less than V DSAT , then it is in triode, otherwise, it is in saturation. a. Cutoff00.200.2V0.4V GS G S T T GS TV V V V V V V =-=-===∴<b. Cutoff01.2 1.20V0.4V GS G S T T GS TV V V V V V V =-=-===∴<c. Linear01.20 1.2V0.4V GS G S T T GS TV V V V V V V =-=-===∴>The transistor is not in the cutoff region.()()()()()()1.20.460.20.48V 1.20.460.20.2V GS T C DSATGS T C DS DS DSATV V E L V V V E L V V V --===-+-+=∴<d. Saturation: In this case, because D G V V > the transistor is in the saturation region. To see this, recognize that in a long-channel transistor if D G V V >, the transistor is in saturation. Since the saturation drain voltage Dsat V is smaller in a velocity-saturated transistor than in a long-channel transistor, if the long-channel saturation region equation produces a saturated transistor, than the velocity-saturated saturation region equation will also.P2.5. In both cases, the first step it to calculate the maximum value of X V given G V . If thevoltage at the drain is higher than this maximum value, then ,max X X V V =, otherwise,X D V V =. The maximum value of X V is G T V V - but 0T T V V ≠ because of body effect andwe consider its effect.(),max 0001.20.40.988X G T G T G T G T V V V V V V V V V γγγγ=-=-+=--=--+=--=-There are two ways to calculate this, either through iteration or through substitution. Iteration:For the iteration method, we need a starting value for V X,max . A good starting value would be 0 G T V V -=-=. We plug this value on the RHS of the equation, calculate a new V X,max and repeat until we reach a satisfactory converged value.Old Vx,max New Vx,max 0.800 0.728 0.728 0.734 0.734 0.734In this, only three iterations are needed to reach 0.734V. Substitution:The term makes things a bit tricky, we get around this by making the following substitution:2,max 2,max 0.880.88X X x V V x =+∴=-Therefore:,max 220.9880.880.98800.2 1.87X V x x x =--=-=+-2,max 1.27, 1.470.880.733,1.28X x V x ===-=-= We use the first value since second value is above V DD . a. Since ,max D X V V >, ,max 0.733V X X V V ==. b. Since ,max D X V V <, ,max 0.6V X X V V ==. P2.6.a. Initially, when 0V in V =, the transistor is in the cutoff region and 0V X V =. Thisvalue is constant until V in exceeds V t 0. From then, X in T V V V =- and body effect must be taken into account. This trend continues until 0.7V X D V V ==, and the value of V inat that point must be calculated. From then on, 0.7V X D V V ==. To plot V X in the second region, we first derive an expression for V X vs. V in.(),max 0000.40.212X G T G T in T in T in in V V V V V V V V V V V γγγγ=-=-+=---=--=--=--Substituting:2,max2,max 0.880.88X X x V V x =+∴=-Therefore:,max 220.2120.880.21200.20.66X in in in V V x V x x V =---=--=+--220.880.88XxV x====-=-⎝⎭Since this is a quadratic function, there will be two graphs of V X. Only one of thesegraphs intersects with V X in the first region. In this case, plug 0.4inV= and see which one gives 0V. In our case, it would be the ‘+’ version of the quadratic.To see where region 3 begins, we simply isolate V in:()()()22220.880.2 2.710.2 2.71440.2 2.711.16V4XinVV=-⎝⎭-+-==+-==The final graph is shown in Figure 错误!未找到引用源。



集成电路版图设计习题答案第2章 集成电路制造工艺【习题答案】1.硅片制备主要包括(直拉法)、(磁控直拉法)和(悬浮区熔法)等三种方法。



外延硅片可以用来制作双极型晶体管,衬底为重掺杂的硅单晶(n +),在衬底上外延十几个微米的低掺杂的外延层(n ),双极型晶体管(NPN )制作在外延层上,其中b 为基极,e 为发射极,c 为集电极。



图 外延硅片上的双极型晶体管集成电路制造中,各元件之间必须进行电学隔离。

利用外延技术的PN 结隔离是早期双极型集成电路常采用的电隔离方法。

利用外延硅片制备CMOS 集成电路芯片可以避免闩锁效应,避免硅表面氧化物的淀积,而且硅片表面更光滑,损伤小,芯片成品率高。

外延工艺已经成为超大规模CMOS 集成电路中的标准工艺。







因此湿氧氧化兼有干氧氧化和en +SiO 2n -Si 外延层 n +Si 衬底水汽氧化的作用,氧化速率和二氧化硅质量介于二者之间。




第1章 集成电路的基本制造工艺1.6 一般TTL 集成电路与集成运算放大器电路在选择外延层电阻率上有何区别?为什么? 答:集成运算放大器电路的外延层电阻率比一般TTL 集成电路的外延层电阻率高。

第2章 集成电路中的晶体管及其寄生效应复 习 思 考 题2.2 利用截锥体电阻公式,计算TTL “与非”门输出管的CS r ,其图形如图题2.2 所示。

提示:先求截锥体的高度up BL epi m c jc epi T x x T T -----=然后利用公式: b a a b WL T r c -∙=/ln 1ρ , 212∙∙=--BL C E BL S C W L R r ba ab WL Tr c -∙=/ln 3ρ 321C C C CS r r r r ++=注意:在计算W 、L 时, 应考虑横向扩散。

2.3 伴随一个横向PNP 器件产生两个寄生的PNP 晶体管,试问当横向PNP 器件在4种可能的偏置情况下,哪一种偏置会使得寄生晶体管的影响最大?答:当横向PNP 管处于饱和状态时,会使得寄生晶体管的影响最大。

2.8 试设计一个单基极、单发射极和单集电极的输出晶体管,要求其在20mA 的电流负载下 ,OL V ≤0.4V ,请在坐标纸上放大500倍画出其版图。

给出设计条件如下:答: 解题思路⑪由0I 、α求有效发射区周长Eeff L ;⑫由设计条件画图①先画发射区引线孔;②由孔四边各距A D 画出发射区扩散孔;③由A D 先画出基区扩散孔的三边;④由B E D -画出基区引线孔;⑤由A D 画出基区扩散孔的另一边;⑥由A D 先画出外延岛的三边;⑦由C B D -画出集电极接触孔;⑧由A D 画出外延岛的另一边;⑨由I d 画出隔离槽的四周;⑩验证所画晶体管的CS r 是否满足V V O L 4.0≤的条件,若不满足,则要对所作的图进行修正,直至满足V V O L 4.0≤的条件。

(CS C O L r I V V 00ES += 及己知V V C 05.00ES =)第3章 集成电路中的无源元件复 习 思 考 题3.3 设计一个4k Ω的基区扩散电阻及其版图。














3. 共质心MOS管设计时的注意事项是什么?答:低精度要求可采用一维共质心,高精度要求必须采用二维共质心。


4. 静电保护的种类以及版图设计注意事项。




数字集成电路分析与设计 第三章答案

数字集成电路分析与设计 第三章答案

CHAPTER 3P3.1. The general approach for the first two parameters is to figure out which variables shouldremain constant, so that when you have two currents, you can divide them, and every variable but the ones you want to calculate remain. In this case, since the long-channel transistor is in saturation for all values of V GS and V DS , only one equation needs to be considered:()()2112DS N OX GS T DS W I C V V V Lμλ=-+ For the last two parameters, now that you have enough values, you can just choose oneset of numbers to compute their final values.a. The threshold voltage, V T0, can be found by choosing two sets of numbers with the same V DS ’s but with different V GS ’s. In this case, the first two values in the table can be used.()()()()()()211122222201022001121121.2 1.210000.82800.8DS N OX GS T DS DS N OX GS T DS T DS T DS T T W I C V V V L W I C V V V LV I V I V V μλμλ=-+=-+-⎛⎫-===⎪--⎝⎭ 00.35V T V ∴=b. The channel modulation parameter, λ, can be found by choosing two sets of numberswith the same V GS ’s but with different V DS ’s. In this case, the second and third values in the table can be used.()()221 1.225010.8247DS DS I I λλ+==+ -10.04V λ∴=c. The electron mobility, µn , can now be calculated by looking at any of the first three sets of numbers, but first, let’s calculate C OX .631062-31m 10μm22?.210μm1m 10 0.0351 1.610/2.210OX OX t C F cm--=⨯⨯===⨯Now calculate the mobility by using the first set of numbers.()()()()()()()()()()()()22111021262101111 1.21 1.222210002cm 348V-s 1.610(4.75)1.20.3510.04 1.21DS N OX GS T DS N OX T DS N OX GS T DS W W I C V V V C V L LA I W C V V V L μλμλμμλ-=-+=-+===⨯-+-+d. The body effect coefficient gamma, γ, can be calculated by using the last set of numbers since it is the only one that has a V SB greater than 0V.()()()()244124414411221 1.20.468VDS N OX GS T DS DS GS T N OX DS GS T T GS W I C V V V LI V V W C V LV V V V μλμλ=-+-=+-==-==12000.6VT T T T V V V V γγγ=+-====P3.2. The key to this question is to identify the transistor’s region of operation so that gatecapacitance may be assigned appropriately, and the primary capacitor that will dischargedat a rate of V It C ∂∂= by the current source may be identified. Then, because the nodes arechanging, the next region of operation must be identified. This process continues until the transistor reaches steady state behavior. Region 1:Since 0V GS V = the transistor is in the cutoff region. The gate capacitance is allocated to GB C . Since no current will flow through the transistor, all current will come from the source capacitor and the drain node remains unchanged.68-151010V V 6.67100.6671510s nsSB V I I t C C -∆⨯====⨯=∆⨯ The source capacitor will discharge until 1.1V GS T V V == when the transistor enters thesaturation region. This would require that the source node would be at 3.3 1.1 2.2V S G GS V V V =-=-=.()15961510 3.3 2.2 1.6510s 1.65ns 1010C t V I ---⨯∆=∆=-=⨯=⨯ Region 2:The transistor turns on and is in saturation. The current is provided from the capacitor atthe drain node, while the source node remains fairly constant. The capacitance at the drain node is the same as the source node so the rate of change is given by:68-151010V V 6.67100.6671510s nsSB V I I t C C -∆⨯====⨯=∆⨯ Since the transistor is now in the saturation region, GS V can be computed based on thecurrent flowing through the device.()22 1.1 1.37V 3.3 1.37 1.93VGS T GST S G GS kW I V V LV V V V V =-==+==-=-=This is where the source node settles. This means that most of the current is discharged through the transistor until the drain voltage reaches a value that puts the transistor at the edge of saturation.3.3 1.1 2.2VDS GS TD G T V V V V V V =-=-=-=If we assume that all the current comes from the transistor, and the source node remains fixed, the drain node will then discharge at a rate equal to that of the source node in the first region. Region 3:The transistor is now in the linear region the gate capacitance is distributed equally to both GS C and GD C . and both capacitors will discharge at approximately the same rate.-151510V0.28621510510nsV I A t C μ-∆===∆⨯⨯+⨯The graph is shown below.00.511.522.533.5024681012Time (ns)V o l t a g e (V )P3.3. The gate and drain are connected together so that DS GS V V = which will cause thetransistor to remain in saturation. This is a dc measurement so capacitances are not required. Connect the bulk to ground and run SPICE. P3.4. Run SPICE. P3.5. Run SPICE. P3.6. Run SPICE. P3.7. Run SPICE.P3.8. First, let’s look at the various parameters and identify how they affect V T .∙ L – Shorter lengths result in a lower threshold voltage due to DIBL. ∙ W – Narrow width can increase the threshold voltage.∙ V SB – Larger source-bulk voltages (in magnitude) result in a higher threshold voltage. ∙ V DS –Larger drain-source voltages (in magnitude) result in a lower threshold voltage due to DIBL. The transistor with the lowest threshold voltage has the shortest channel, larger width, smallest source-bulk voltage and largest drain-source voltage. This would be the first transistor listed.The transistor with the highest threshold voltage has the longest channel, smallest width,largest source-bulk voltage and smallest drain-source voltage. This would be the last transistor listed. P3.9. Run SPICE.P3.10. Run SPICE. The mobility degradation at high temperatures reduces I on and the increasemobile carriers at high temperatures increase I off . P3.11. The issues that prompted the switch from Al to Cu are resistance and electromigration.Copper wires have lower resistances and are less susceptible to electromigration problems. Copper on the other hand, reacts with the oxygen in SiO 2 and requires cladding around the wires to prevent this reaction.For low-k dielectrics, the target value future technologies is 2.High-k dielectrics are being developed as the gate-insulator material of MOSFET’s. This is because the current insulator material, SiO 2, can not be scaled any longer due to tunneling effects.P3.12. Self-aligned poly gates are fabricated by depositing oxide and poly before the source anddrain regions are implanted. Self-aligned silicides (salicides) are deposited on top of the source and drain regions using the spacers on the sides of the poly gate. P3.13. To compute the length, simply use the wire resistance equation and solve for L .LR TWRTWL ρρ==First convert the units of ρ to terms of μm. Aluminum:2.7μΩρ=cm 6Ω10μΩ⨯610μm100cm ⨯()()()0.027Ωμm1000.812963μm 2.96mm0.027RTWL ρ=====Copper:1.7μΩρ=cm 6Ω10μΩ⨯610μm100cm ⨯()()()0.017Ωμm1000.814706μm 4.71mm0.017RTWL ρ=====P3.14. Generally, the capacitance equation in terms of permittivity constants and spacing is:k C WL tε=a. 4k = ()()()()230048.8510 3.541100SiO k k C WL TL t S S Sεε-====b. 2k = ()()()()30028.8510 1.771100k k C WL TL t S SSεε-====The plots are shown below.Capacitance vs. Spacing01234567800.511.522.533.544.555.5Spacing (um)C a p a c i t a n c e (f F)。



《超大规模集成电路设计》习题1.集成电路的发展过程经历了哪些发展阶段?划分集成电路的标准是什么?集成电路的发展过程:•小规模集成电路(Small Scale IC ,SSI)•中规模集成电路(Medium Scale IC ,MSI)•大规模集成电路(Large Scale IC ,LSI) •超大规模集成电路(Very Large Scale IC ,VLSI)•特大规模集成电路(Ultra Large Scale IC ,ULSI)•巨大规模集成电路(Gigantic Scale IC ,GSI )2.超大规模集成电路有哪些优点?1. 降低生产成本VLSI 减少了体积和重量等,可靠性成万倍提高,功耗成万倍减少.2.提高工作速度VLSI 内部连线很短,缩短了延迟时间.加工的技术越来越精细.电路工作速度的提高,主要是依靠减少尺寸获得. 3. 降低功耗芯片内部电路尺寸小,连线短,分布电容小,驱动电路所需的功率下降.4. 简化逻辑电路芯片内部电路受干扰小,电路可简化.5.优越的可靠性采用VLSI 后,元件数目和外部的接触点都大为减少,可靠性得到很大提高。

6.体积小重量轻7.缩短电子产品的设计和组装周期一片VLSI 组件可以代替大量的元器件,组装工作极大的节省,生产线被压缩,加快了生产速度.3.简述双阱CMOS 工艺制作CMOS 反相器的工艺流程过程。

4.在VLSI 设计中,对互连线的要求和可能的互连线材料是什么?5.在进行版图设计时为什么要制定版图设计规则?划分集成电路规模的标准数字集成电路类别MOS IC 双极IC 模拟集成电路SSI <102<100 <30 MSI 102~103100~500 30~100 LSI 103~105500~2000 100~300 VLSI 105~107>2000 >300 ULSI 107~109GSI >109在芯片尺寸尽可能小的前提下,使得即使存在工艺偏差也可以正确的制造出IC,尽可能地提高电路制备的成品率6.版图验证和检查主要包括哪些方面?u DRC(Design Rule Check):几何设计规则检查;对IC的版图做几何空间检查,保证能在特定的工艺条件下实现所设计的电路,并保证一定的成品率;u ERC(Electrical Rule Check):电学规则检查;检查电源(power)/地(ground)的短路,浮空的器件和浮空的连线等指定的电气特性;u LVS(Loyout versus Schematic):网表一致性检查;将版图提出的网表和原理图的网表进行比较,检查电路连接关系是否正确,MOS晶体管的长/宽尺寸是否匹配,电阻/电容值是否正确等;u LPE(Layout Parameter Extraction):版图寄生参数提取;从版图中提取晶体管的尺寸、结点的寄生电容、连线的寄生电阻等参数,并产生SPICE 格式的网表,用于后仿真验证;u POSTSIM:后仿真,检查版图寄生参数对设计的影响;提取实际版图参数、电阻、电容,生成带寄生量的器件级网表,进行开关级逻辑模拟或电路模拟,以验证设计出的电路功能的正确性和时序性能等,并产生测试向量。




2、集成电路:(Integrated Circuit,缩写为IC)是指通过⼀系列特定的加⼯⼯艺,将多个晶体管、⼆极管等有源器件和电阻、电容器等⽆源器件,按照⼀定的电路连接集成在⼀块半导体单晶⽚(如硅或GaAs等)或者说陶瓷等基⽚上,作为⼀个不可分割的整体执⾏某⼀特定功能的电路组件。


如果是靠⼈⼯完成,通常简单地称之为设计;⽽依靠EDA ⼯具⾃动⽣成,则称之为综合。















4.集成电路设计需要哪四个方面的知识?系统,电路,工具,工艺方面的知识CH21.为什么硅材料在集成电路技术中起着举足轻重的作用 ?原材料来源丰富,技术成熟,硅基产品价格低廉2.GaAs和InP材料各有哪些特点? P10,11 3.怎样的条件下金属与半导体形成欧姆接触?怎样的条件下金属与半导体形成肖特基接触?接触区半导体重掺杂可实现欧姆接触,金属与掺杂半导体接触形成肖特基接触4.说出多晶硅在CMOS工艺中的作用。

P13 5.列出你知道的异质半导体材料系统。

GaAs/AlGaAs, InP/ InGaAs, Si/SiGe, 6.SOI材料是怎样形成的,有什么特点?SOI绝缘体上硅,可以通过氧隔离或者晶片粘结技术完成。

特点:电极与衬底之间寄生电容大大减少,器件速度更快,功率更低7. 肖特基接触和欧姆型接触各有什么特点?肖特基接触:阻挡层具有类似PN结的伏安特性。


8. 简述双极型晶体管和MOS晶体管的工作原理。




数字集成电路分析与设计 第五章答案

数字集成电路分析与设计 第五章答案

CHAPTER 5P5.1. For each problem, restate each Boolean equation into a form such that it can be translatedinto the p and n-complex of a CMOS gate.a. ()()Out ABC BD ABC BD A B C B D =+=+=+++b. ()()()Out AB AC BC AB AC BC A B A C B C =++=++=+++c. ()()Out A B CD A AB C D A A B CD A A B CD A =+++=++=+++=++AbVddVddAb BbAAbVddP5.2.AP5.3. First, convert the equation into its p and n-complex.()()()()()()()()()()()Out A B C BC AB AB C BC AB AB C BC AB AB C BC AB AB C BC AB AB C B C =⊕+=++=++=+=++=+++VddP5.4. The truth table is given below in terms of voltages. The function is F A B =The worse case V OH is V DD and the worse case V OL is 0V.P5.5. The first circuit is a NOR gate while the second is a NAND gate. The V OL and V OHcalculated are for the worst-case scenario. To find this, assume only one transistor turns on, this just reduces to a pseudo-NMOS/PMOS inverter, so the other transistors are not important.a. The V OL for the pseudo-NMOS (in 0.18μm) is:()()()2,1N N OXNSAT OX P GSP TPP SATOL W C L N DD TN GSP TP CP PDD TN SAT P N OX v C W V V I V k V V V V E L V V v W L C μ-==--+-=()2DD TP N N OX V V W C μ-()()()()()20.1DD TP CP P DD TN SAT P N DD TPDDN N DD TP CP P DD TN V V E L V V v W L V V V W V V E L V V μ-+--==-+-()()()()()()()()()()()()226440.18100.2100.210μm= 1.80.5240.2 1.80.5SAT P N DD TPN DD N DD TP CP P DD TN v W L V V W V V V E L V V μλ---=-+-⨯⨯⨯-==-+-Since the minimum width is 2λ, we make that the width. The V OH for the pseudo-PMOS (in 0.18μm) is:()()()()()()2221SDPSDP CP PN P V P OX P SGP TP SDP SAT OX N GSN TN V GSN TN CN N N E L SAT OX I sat I lin C W V V V v C W V V V V E L L v C μ=---=-++()2P OX N DD TN DD TN CN NC W V V V V E L μ-=-+()()()()()()2201DD OH DD OH CP PV V P DD TPDDOH V V P E L W V V VV L ------+()()()()()()20.1824620.184.8(70) 1.21P P W L ---⨯-=-++4.2P W λ≈The pseudo-PMOS circuit will have bigger devices than the pseudo-NMOS.P5.6. The steps to solving this question are the same as the pseudo-NMOS question in Chapter4.a. For V OH , recognize that GS T V V >= for operation so the output can only be as high asDD T V V -. Since 0SB V ≠, body effect must be taken into account and the full equationis:()()() DD T DDT V V V V Vγγ=-+=-+=-+ Iteration produces V OH =0.73V.b. For V OL , we must first recognize that the worst-case V OL occurs when only one of the pull-down transistors is on. Next we identify the regions of operation of the transistors. In this case, the pull-up transistor is always in saturation and the pull-down is most likely in the linear region since it will have a high input (high V GS ) and a low output (low V DS ). Then, we equate the two currents together and solve for V OL :()()()()()()()()221222222211111224620.61(1)(270)1.20.4(0.13)(10)(810)1.20.42(1.20.42)0.61DS DS CN OL OLV N OX GS T DS sat OX GS T V GS T CN E LV OL OL V OL I sat I lin W C V V V W v C V V V V E LL V V V μ-=---=-++--⨯--=--++Using a programmable calculator or a spreadsheet program, V OL = 0.205V. The dc current with the output low is:()()()()2222222260.20520.2050.61(1)(270)(1.610)1.20.4(0.205)146.5DS DS CN V N OX GS T DS DS V ELW C V V V I L Aμμ---=+⨯--=+=The power with the output low is:(46.5)(1.2)55.8DS DD P I V A V W μμ===P5.7. See Example 5.2 which is based on the NAND gate. This question is the same except thatit addresses the NOR gate.With both inputs tied together, 88N P W W λλ==2χ=== ()()1.80.520.50.77V 112DD TP TNS V V V V χχ-+-+===++In the SPICE solution, the reason why the results vary for input A and B is due to body-effect.P5.8. The solution is shown below. Notice that there is no relevance with the lengths andwidths of the transistors when it comes to V OH , although they the do matter when calculating V OL. 2.51Vout GG T GG out T V V V V V V γ=-=++=++=P5.9. For t PLH , we need to size the pull-up PMOS appropriately.()()()()15120.70.720.70.73010010845010PLH eqp LOAD p SQLOAD PLHLt RC R C WL W R C k t λλ--====Ω⨯=⨯For V OL :()()()()()()()()()()()()()2246660.1220.10.63 4.210810 1.610 1.20.4 1.08mA1.20.4240.1(270)(1.610) CN P sat OX GS T P GS T CP V N N OX OL TN OLN P V N N E LNN NW v C V V I sat V V E LW C V V V W I sat L L W W W stack L μλλλ---⨯⨯⨯--===-+-+--⨯--==++===⨯=2)155(2)W stack λ=P5.10. The circuit is shown below:()()()()()()()()31512315120.720.70.7301075106350100.720.70.712.510751026.6275010PLH EQP LOAD PP EQPLOAD PLHPHL EQN LOAD NN EQNLOAD PHLLt RC R C W L W R C t Lt RC R C W L W R C t λλλλλ----====⨯⨯=⨯====⨯⨯=≈⨯Because the number of transistors in series is more than one, we must multiply the widths by the appropriate number. Here, all the NMOS transistors will have a width of 54λ. The PMOS transistors will have widths of 126λ and 190λ, respectively.P5.11. We estimate the dc power and dynamic switching power for this problem.a. The circuit’s dc power can be computed by computing the dc current when the output is low. This is given by I DS =550uA/um x 0.1um=55uA. Then P DC =66uW when the output is low.b. Its dynamic power can be calculated by simply using the equation 2dyn DD P CV f α=. Therefore, P dyn =(50fF)(V DD -V TN )(V DD )(100MHz)=4.4uW.P5.12. The pseudo-NMOS inverter has static current when the output is low. We can estimate itas:()()()()()()()()224660.110810 1.610 1.20.425.6A 1.20.4240.1P sat OX GS T P GS T CP W v C V V I sat V V E Lμ--⨯⨯⨯--===-+-+Then the average static power is P stat =(25.6uA)(1.2)/2 =15.4uW.The dynamic power is dyn DD swing avg P CV V f ==(50fF)(1.2)(1.1)f avg assuming that V OL is 0.1V.For the CMOS inverter, the static power is almost zero: P stat =I sub V DD . It is far less than the pseudo-NMOS case. The dynamic power dyn DD swing avg P CV V f ==(50fF)(1.2)2f avg is slightly larger than the pseudo-NMOS case.VVINCMOS InverterV V INPseudo-NMOSP5.13. Model development to compute αsc .P5.14. The energy delivered by the voltage source is:()()200202DDDDV C sourceDD DD L L DDCL DDV CDDcap C LC L C C LdvE i t V dt V C dt C V dvC V dt dv V E i t v dt C v dt C v dv C dt∞∞∞∞========⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰As can be seen, only half the energy is stored in the capacitor. The other half was dissipated as heat through the resistor.P5.15. The average dynamic power does not depend on temperature if the frequency stays thesame. However, the short-circuit current will increase as temperature increases. In addition, the subthreshold current increases as temperature increases. So the overall power dissipation will be higher. P5.16. The circuit is shown below. The delay should incorporate both Q and Qb settling in400ps. All NMOS and PMOS devices are the same size in both NAND gates.QQW()()()()()()()()15331220.μm N P P PHL PLH UP LOAD DOWN LOAD LOAD eqp eqn P N LOAD eqp eqn LOAD eqp eqn PL Lt t t R C R C C R R W W C R L R L WC R L R L W t --⎛⎫=+=+=+ ⎪⎝⎭+=++==≈P5.17. The small glitch in J propagates through the flop even though it is small. This is due tothe fact that the JK-flop of Figure 5.20 has the 1’s catching problem. P5.18. The small glitch in J does not propagate through the flop since the edge-triggeredconfiguration does not have a 1’s catching problem.P5.19. The positive-edge triggered FF is as follows:QQDS(a) With CK=D=0 and S=R=1, the outputs are(b) Now CK=0。






答案:输出摆幅4.题1-1-1 中国高端芯片联盟正式成立时间是:。

答案:2016年7月5.题1-1-2 如下不是集成电路产业特性的是:。

答案:低风险6.题1-1-3 摩尔定律是指集成电路上可容纳的晶体管数目,约每隔:个月便会增加一倍,性能也将提升一倍。








答案:沟长调制14.题1-1-4 摩尔定律之后,集成电路发展有三条主线,以下不是集成电路发展主线的是:。

答案:SoC15.题1-1-5 单个芯片上集成约50万个器件,按照规模划分,该芯片为:。

答案:VLSI16.题1-1-6 年发明了世界上第一个点接触型晶体管。

答案:194717.题1-1-7 年发明了世界上第一块集成电路。

答案:195818.题1-1-8 FinFET等多种新结构器件的发明人是:。

答案:胡正明19.题1-1-9 集成电路代工产业的缔造者:。

答案:张忠谋20.题1-1-10 世界第一块集成电路发明者:。






集成电路版图设计习题答案第8章 MOS场效应晶体管【习题答案】1.请画出MOS晶体管的结构示意图。














●P+注入层和N+注入层(P+implant和N+ implant):P+注入层定义注入P+杂质离子的区域,而N+注入层定义注入N+杂质离子的区域。






第四章功率变换电路题3.4.1一双电源互补对称电路如图题3.4.1所示,设已知V CC =12V ,R L =16Ω,v I 为正弦波。

求:(1)在三极管的饱和压降V CES 可以忽略不计的条件下,负载上可能得到的最大输出功率Pom=?;(2)每个管子允许的管耗P Cm 至少应为多少?(3)每个管子的耐压|V (BR)CEO |应大于多少?图题3.4.1解:(1)负载上可能得到的最大输出电压幅度V om =12V(W 5.416212222=⨯==L om omR V P ) (2)(W)9.02.0(max)==om CM p P ∴CM P ≥0.9W (3)CEO BR V )(≥24V题3.4.2在图题3.4.2所示的OTL 功放电路中,设R L =8Ω,管子的饱和压降|VCES |可以忽略不计。

若要求最大不失真输出功率(不考虑交越失真)为9W ,则电源电压V CC 至少应为多大?(已知v i 为正弦电压。

) 图题3.4.2解:W 982)21(2)21(22(max)=⨯==CC L CC om V R V PV CC =24(V)∴电源电压V CC 至少24V题3.4.3OTL 放大电路如图题3.4.3所示,设T 1、T 2特性完全对称,v i 为正弦电压,V CC =10V ,R L =16Ω。

试回答下列问题:(1)静态时,电容C 2两端的电压应是多少?调整哪个电阻能满足这一要求? (2)动态时,若输出电压波形出现交越失真,应调整哪个电阻?如何调整?(3)若R 1=R 3=1.2k Ω,T 1、T 2管的β=50,|V BE |=0.7V,Pcm=200mW,假设D 1、D 2、R 2中任意一个开路,将会产生什么后果?图题3.4.3解:(1)静态时,电容C 2两端的电压应为5V 。

调整R 1、R 3,可调整上、下两部分电路的对称性,从而使C 2两端电压为5V 。

(2)若出现交越失真,应调大R 2,使b 1b 2间电压增大,提供较大的静态电流。

拉扎维模拟CMOS集成电路设计第三章作业答案详解完整版教程解析 (2)

拉扎维模拟CMOS集成电路设计第三章作业答案详解完整版教程解析 (2)




















1. 简述VLSI 设计的一般流程和涉及的问题。 典型的设计流程被划分成三个综合阶段:高层综合、逻辑综合和物理综合。 高层综合也称行为级综合, 它是将系统的行为、 各个组成部分的功能及输入和输出, 用硬件描述语言HDL(如VHDL和Verilog)加以描述,然后进行行为级综合,同时通过高 层次硬件仿真进行验证。 逻辑综合将逻辑级行为描述转化成使用门级单元的结构描述(门级结构描述称为网 表描述),同时还要进行门级逻辑仿真和测试综合。 物理综合也称版图综合,它的任务是将门级网表自动转化成版图。这时对每个单元 确定其几何形状、大小及位置,确定单元间的连接关系。
特点: (1)RAM随机存储器又称为读写存储器,可以“随时”进行读、写操作。RAM必须保持供 电,否则其保存的信息将消失。 DRAM: DRAM单元数据必须周期性地进行读出和重写(刷新),即使存储阵列中没有存储 数据也要如此。由于DRAM 成本低、密度高,因此在PC、大型计算机和工作站中广泛用做主 存储器。 SRAM:SRAM只要不掉电,即使不刷新,数据也不会丢失。由于SARM存取速度高、功耗 低,因此主要作为微处理器、大型机、工作站以及许多便携设备的高速缓冲存储器。 (2) ROM只读存储器在正常运行中只能够对已存储的内容进行读取, 而不允许对存储 的数据进行修改。ROM存储器数据不易丢失,即使在掉电和不刷新的情况下,所存数据也会 保存完好。 掩膜ROM的数据在芯片生产时用光电掩膜写入,其电路简单,集成度高,大批量生产 时价格便宜。 在可编程ROM中, 熔丝型ROM中的数据是通过外加电流把所选熔丝烧断而写入的, 一旦写入后数据就不能再进行擦除和修改。 而EPROM、 EEPROM 中的数据分别可以通过紫外光 照射擦除和电擦除,然后重新写入。闪存(flash)与EEPROM 很相似,它所保存的数据也可通 过外加高电压来擦除,其写入速度比EEPROM更快。
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原材料来源丰富,技术成熟,硅基产品价格低廉2.GaAs和InP材料各有哪些特点? P10,11


GaAs/AlGaAs, InP/ InGaAs, Si/SiGe,

7. 肖特基接触和欧姆型接触各有什么特点?


8. 简述双极型晶体管和MOS晶体管的工作原理。






X 射线<X-ray)具有比可见













铝栅工艺缺点是,制造源漏极与制造栅极需要两次掩膜步骤<MASK STEP),不容易


NMOS管速度要高于PMOS 管?

7.常规N-Well CMOS工艺需要哪几层掩膜?每层掩膜分别有什么作用?P50表4.3



阈值电压就是将栅极下面的Si表面从P型Si变成N型Si 所必要的电压。

