



第一季101The next day my friends came together to pack away my clothes, my personal belongings and what was left of my life. Not quite Gabrielle, not quite. How ironic. To have something I tried so desperately to keep secret treat ed so causally. I'm so sorry, girls. I never wanted you to burden with this.第二天我的朋友们都来帮我收拾衣服,私人物品还有――我剩下的那些东西。





102.An odd thing happens when we die. Our senses vanish. Taste, touch, smell, and sound become a distant memory, but our sight --ah, our sight expands, and we can suddenly see the world we've left behind so clearly. Of course, most of what's visible to the dead could also be seen by the living, if they only take the time to look.我们死去以后就会有奇怪的事情发生,我们的感觉消失了,味觉、触觉和听觉都成为遥远的回忆,但是我们的视觉,它变得开阔了。



100:00:01,000 --> 00:00:03,000YYeTs人人影视字幕组出品200:00:01,000 --> 00:00:05,000翻译:VK 小坏蛀虫小门柴柠檬meg VERO NANA 红豆包 nilo 憶300:00:01,000 --> 00:00:05,000校对:蛀虫小门柴 VERO 时间轴:GGYY 蛀虫小门柴后期:冰河监制:桃金娘银400:00:00,030 --> 00:00:02,750《绝望主妇》前情提要Previously on "Desperate Housewives,"500:00:02,780 --> 00:00:06,15010年前卡洛斯的母亲因车祸而死Ten years ago, Carlos' mother died after being hit by a car600:00:06,180 --> 00:00:07,720肇事者正是安德鲁that Andrew was driving.700:00:07,750 --> 00:00:09,120奥森收拾行囊准备离去Orson packed his bags...800:00:09,150 --> 00:00:11,390你已不是我心目中的那个布里You are not the woman I thought you were.900:00:11,420 --> 00:00:13,990他是我儿子我没得选择He's my son. I had no choice.1000:00:14,030 --> 00:00:16,290那我选择不再做你丈夫And I no longer choose to be your husband.1100:00:16,330 --> 00:00:18,330布里决定公布真相And Bree decided to come clean.1200:00:18,360 --> 00:00:20,000有件事我得告诉你There's something I need to tell you--1300:00:20,030 --> 00:00:22,330这事儿可能会终结我们的友谊It's the kind of thing that could end our friendship.1400:00:22,370 --> 00:00:25,540一位奄奄一息的护士作出了忏悔A dying nurse made a confession...1500:00:25,570 --> 00:00:28,570得让这家医院的老板知道我做的事情The people who run this hospital need to know what I did.1600:00:28,610 --> 00:00:31,340你将如何对孩子的父母说他们抚养的孩子How do you tell parents the child they've been raising1700:00:31,380 --> 00:00:33,180不是他们亲生的isn't really theirs?1800:00:33,210 --> 00:00:36,710财务危机使苏珊做出了一个重大决定Financial worries drove Susan to a big decision...1900:00:36,750 --> 00:00:37,830你不能把房子卖了You can't sell your house.2000:00:37,830 --> 00:00:39,320不是卖只是出租We're not selling. We're renting.2100:00:39,350 --> 00:00:42,040这致使一位久违的邻居重回故里Which led to the return of a long-lost neighbor.2200:00:42,070 --> 00:00:44,160事实上我过去就住在这里The truth is, I used to live here.2300:00:44,190 --> 00:00:47,560我猜大家看到你一定会感到惊喜的Oh, I guess everyone will be surprised to see you again.2400:00:47,590 --> 00:00:49,090绝对会They absolutely will.2500:00:53,770 --> 00:00:59,400我和我丈夫曾经非常幸福快乐There was a time when my husband and I were very happy.2600:00:59,440 --> 00:01:02,670我还记得那些和煦的夏日午后I remember warm summer afternoons2700:01:02,710 --> 00:01:05,010我们在后院里烤肉and backyard barbecues00:01:05,040 --> 00:01:07,810和朋友们说笑and laughter with friends.2900:01:07,850 --> 00:01:12,400我们的生活就像田园梦境Our life was like some kind of suburban dream.3000:01:12,430 --> 00:01:16,890不过终有一天人们会醒来But the day comes when we all must wake up.3100:01:20,730 --> 00:01:22,520对我来说For me,3200:01:22,520 --> 00:01:27,300一封信打破了美梦that day came when a letter arrived.3300:01:27,330 --> 00:01:29,230这是封恐吓信As threats go,3400:01:29,250 --> 00:01:33,370信的内容简明扼要It was concise and to the point.3500:01:33,410 --> 00:01:39,540为了保护家人我无从选择I did what I had to to protect my family.3600:01:39,580 --> 00:01:44,980我丈夫后来找到了写信的人My husband found out who wrote the letter.3700:01:45,020 --> 00:01:50,250他让她知道这事儿使他有多恼火He let her know how much this upset him.3800:01:50,290 --> 00:01:55,960而她妹妹猜到了我丈夫的所作所为Her sister figured out what my husband had done.3900:01:55,990 --> 00:02:01,830于是她决定诬陷我丈夫谋杀So she decided to frame him for murder...4000:02:01,870 --> 00:02:06,970确切地说是苦肉计Her murder, to be more specific.4100:02:07,010 --> 00:02:11,040这一切使保罗·杨的生活And that's when the dream that was Paul Young's life4200:02:11,080 --> 00:02:13,880变成一场噩梦became a nightmare.4300:02:16,880 --> 00:02:18,830多年以后Years later,4400:02:18,880 --> 00:02:21,340有个女人因超速而被查照A woman was pulled over for speeding.4500:02:24,310 --> 00:02:28,460这个女人没有任何身份证明This woman had no identification,4600:02:28,490 --> 00:02:29,930于是她被逮捕了So she was arrested.4700:02:31,680 --> 00:02:35,530人们这才发现菲丽莎·蒂尔曼And that is how people learned that Felicia Tillman4800:02:35,570 --> 00:02:38,150活得好好的was very much alive.4900:02:39,990 --> 00:02:43,570我看你穿上了我送来的西装喜欢吗I see you got the suit I sent over. You like it?5000:02:43,610 --> 00:02:45,810只要不是橙色的我都喜欢I like anything that's not orange.5100:02:45,860 --> 00:02:48,650你可得准备好去添置家当了Well, get ready to do all sorts of shopping.5200:02:48,660 --> 00:02:50,610你的结算支票给你拿来了Your settlement check came in.5300:02:50,650 --> 00:02:52,820你等会儿要先去哪儿So where you going first?5400:02:52,850 --> 00:02:54,180经过这么多年的铁窗生活After all these years in prison,5500:02:54,180 --> 00:02:55,520你一定准备好去狂欢了吧I bet you're ready to party.5600:02:55,550 --> 00:02:57,890我只想回家All I want is to go home.5700:02:57,920 --> 00:03:00,170什么去见你的那些老邻居What? To your old neighborhood?5800:03:00,210 --> 00:03:02,090你很惊讶吧You sound surprised.5900:03:02,130 --> 00:03:04,960你受审的时候可没有一个邻居来帮你None of your neighbors supported you during the trial.6000:03:05,000 --> 00:03:07,230你坐牢的时候他们也没来看过你They didn't visit while you were here.6100:03:07,270 --> 00:03:10,300你即使恨他们也无可厚非No one would blame you if you hated them a little.6200:03:10,340 --> 00:03:13,670我可不是恨他们Oh, I don't hate them...6300:03:13,690 --> 00:03:15,340这么简单A little.6400:03:17,360 --> 00:03:21,550于是我的丈夫回到了紫藤郡And so my husband returned to Wisteria Lane.6500:03:25,420 --> 00:03:28,450邻居们看到他非常惊讶The neighbors were surprised to see him.6600:03:28,490 --> 00:03:32,890多年来他们早已淡忘保罗·杨这个人They hadn't thought about Paul Young in years.6700:03:32,920 --> 00:03:36,040但他对大家念念不忘But he had thought about them.6800:03:38,130 --> 00:03:40,100而且他要让大家And he was going to make sure6900:03:40,130 --> 00:03:44,140对他永远无法忘怀they'd never forget him again.7000:03:55,550 --> 00:03:59,350电话在半夜响起The phone call that comes in the middle of the night...7100:03:59,380 --> 00:04:03,740信是由特快专递寄送The letter that arrives by special courier...00:04:03,770 --> 00:04:08,080电子邮件标题将会注明紧急The e-mail marked "Urgent!"...7300:04:08,110 --> 00:04:11,830是的坏消息传来的方式Yes, there are all sorts of ways7400:04:11,860 --> 00:04:14,670多种多样bad news can be delivered.7500:04:14,700 --> 00:04:18,370然而有的坏消息这般重大But some news is so bad...7600:04:18,400 --> 00:04:20,870必须亲自当面告知It must be delivered in person.7700:04:20,910 --> 00:04:22,870为什么得由我去告诉他们Why do I have to tell them?7800:04:22,940 --> 00:04:26,040你说过这对夫妇是你的邻居You said this couple lives in your neighborhood.7900:04:26,080 --> 00:04:27,550医院理事认为Trustees of the hospital feel8000:04:27,610 --> 00:04:29,780由你来说最合适不过that makes you uniquely qualified.8100:04:29,820 --> 00:04:31,780我怎么开口呢And just what am I supposed to say?8200:04:31,820 --> 00:04:33,320"派对暂停有重大消息****"Great block party.8300:04:33,350 --> 00:04:35,320"顺便一提我们有个护士"by the way, one of our nurses8400:04:35,350 --> 00:04:37,960可能在你们孩子出生时把孩子弄混了试试看may have switched your baby at birth. Try the dip."8500:04:37,990 --> 00:04:39,460我们越拖延Every minute we wait,8600:04:39,490 --> 00:04:41,460医院的责任就越大this hospital takes on more liability.8700:04:41,490 --> 00:04:43,690现在就动身去紫藤郡吧Now get on over to...Wisteria lane8800:04:43,730 --> 00:04:45,960告诉他们发生了什么and tell those people what's going on.8900:04:46,000 --> 00:04:48,150我真不知道该怎么办I don't know how I'm gonna do this.9000:04:48,200 --> 00:04:50,900说这种事只有一个方式There's only one way to deliver news like this:9100:04:50,940 --> 00:04:53,620尽量冷静Remain as calm as possible.9200:04:55,070 --> 00:04:58,130布里出来啊Bree! Get out here!9300:04:58,160 --> 00:05:00,580该死怎么没人在家Damn it! Why is nobody home?9400:05:00,610 --> 00:05:03,830-朗拉格温 -谢天谢地- Lorna, Gwen... - Oh, thank God.9500:05:03,880 --> 00:05:06,120怎么啦凯伦出什么事啦Why, Karen. What's wrong?9600:05:06,130 --> 00:05:08,450保罗·杨回来了Paul Young--he's back.9700:05:08,470 --> 00:05:10,250什么What?9800:05:10,290 --> 00:05:12,510都听到了吧别傻站在这儿You heard me. Now don't just stand there.9900:05:12,560 --> 00:05:15,510我们得提醒大家去走吧We gotta warn people. Come on.10000:05:16,560 --> 00:05:18,830布里我从没见过你这个样子Bree, I've never seen you like this.10100:05:18,860 --> 00:05:20,330你还好吧Are you all right?10200:05:20,370 --> 00:05:22,330我要告诉你一件很可怕的事I have something horrible to tell you,10300:05:22,370 --> 00:05:24,370我不知道怎么开口And I don't know how to say it.10400:05:24,400 --> 00:05:26,370最好别是什么事吧Well, you better think of somethin'.10500:05:26,400 --> 00:05:28,710你有点吓到我了哦You're starting to freak me out.10600:05:28,740 --> 00:05:29,710还记得那天晚上Remember that night10700:05:29,740 --> 00:05:34,140卡洛斯母亲被车撞倒吗when Carlos' mother was run over by a car?10800:05:34,180 --> 00:05:36,450我知道是谁干的Well, I know who did it.10900:05:36,480 --> 00:05:38,880你什么You what?11000:05:38,920 --> 00:05:40,650是安德鲁It was andrew.11100:05:43,220 --> 00:05:45,720天哪Oh, God!11200:05:45,790 --> 00:05:49,010他才16岁我怕他会坐牢He was only 16. I was afraid he was gonna go to jail...11300:05:49,040 --> 00:05:52,030所以雷克斯和我就决定把事情瞒下来so Rex and I just decided to cover it up.11400:05:52,060 --> 00:05:56,630真够糟的太糟糕了Oh, this is--this is bad. This is really bad.11500:05:56,670 --> 00:05:59,300我要吐了I need to go throw up a little.11600:05:59,340 --> 00:06:03,200真抱歉我应该早点告诉你I am so sorry. And I realize I should've told you sooner.11700:06:03,220 --> 00:06:05,820不不不你压根就不该告诉我No! No, no, no, you shouldn't have told me at all!11800:06:05,900 --> 00:06:08,740-什么 -现在我得告诉卡洛斯- What? - Now I have to tell Carlos,11900:06:08,740 --> 00:06:10,030接着他会去要安德鲁的命and he's going to kill Andrew,12000:06:10,030 --> 00:06:11,520结果他会落得进监狱and then he's going to have to go to prison,12100:06:11,520 --> 00:06:13,670所以多亏了你把我老公送进监狱So thank you for sending my husband to prison, Bree.12200:06:13,670 --> 00:06:14,590干得不错啊Nice work!12300:06:14,590 --> 00:06:16,410我再也不能瞒下去了I just couldn't live with the secret any longer,12400:06:16,410 --> 00:06:17,810奥森知道的时候and when Orson found out,12500:06:17,810 --> 00:06:19,310他说我这人真可怕he told me I was a horrible person.12600:06:19,310 --> 00:06:21,310所以你才告诉我That's why you told me?12700:06:21,640 --> 00:06:23,710算了吧我们都不是什么好鸟Oh, please, we're all horrible people!12800:06:24,370 --> 00:06:25,950看到这个没这是你的You see this? It's yours.12900:06:25,950 --> 00:06:28,000邮差送到这儿来我给扣下了我也很可怕They delivered it here. I kept it. Horrible!13000:06:28,380 --> 00:06:30,550你知道吗奥森为此有多讨厌我Just so you know, Orson was so disgusted,13100:06:30,550 --> 00:06:31,790他要跟我离婚he's divorcing me.13200:06:31,990 --> 00:06:33,420正常情况下我该拥抱拥抱你Normally, I'd give you a hug,13300:06:33,420 --> 00:06:35,250不过这会儿我真做不到but right now I sorta don't give a crap!13400:06:35,280 --> 00:06:37,370再说一遍非常抱歉Again, very sorry.13500:06:37,710 --> 00:06:40,430天哪我怎么对卡洛斯说呢God! How am I gonna tell Carlos?13600:06:40,430 --> 00:06:42,410他一定会大发雷霆He is gonna be so angry!13700:06:42,440 --> 00:06:45,660没准还要迁怒于我And he'll probably find a way to blame me!13800:06:51,380 --> 00:06:53,320你绝对想不到是谁回来了You'll never guess who's back!13900:06:56,540 --> 00:06:58,660妈妈没有干净盘子了Mom, we don't have any clean plates.14000:06:58,660 --> 00:07:00,020你没洗碗么Didn't you run the dishwasher?14100:07:00,280 --> 00:07:03,170牛奶也喝完了你该去店里买了We're also out of milk. You gotta go to the store.14200:07:03,200 --> 00:07:05,670顺便去趟干洗店And the dry cleaners while you're at it.14300:07:05,700 --> 00:07:08,470行了各位看看你们的双手Okay, everybody. Look at your hands.14400:07:08,510 --> 00:07:10,710来吧Come on. Mm-hmm.14500:07:10,740 --> 00:07:13,210怀里没抱孩子的就自力更生吧Anyone not holding a baby, you're on your own.14600:07:13,240 --> 00:07:14,710你们可以自己洗碗自己去买东西You can wash and shop14700:07:14,710 --> 00:07:15,550自己送衣服干洗and clean for yourselves.14800:07:15,580 --> 00:07:17,550我当完美妈妈的日子到此为止了My days of being the perfect mom are over.14900:07:17,580 --> 00:07:19,750你什么时候当过完美妈妈When were those days, exactly?15000:07:19,770 --> 00:07:22,250我的子宫虽然老了我的听觉还没老呢It's my uterus that's worn out, not my hearing. 15100:07:22,290 --> 00:07:24,270这么说你不打算帮忙So you're not gonna help with anything?15200:07:24,310 --> 00:07:25,940这地方真没法待下去了'Cause this place is really starting to go to hell.15300:07:25,940 --> 00:07:27,940第5个婴儿Baby number five.15400:07:27,980 --> 00:07:30,430我生了一整个篮球队出来An entire basketball team has come out of me,15500:07:30,460 --> 00:07:32,930真是累得实在没力气带了so I'm officially too exhausted to care.15600:07:35,430 --> 00:07:39,200好妈妈甘心情愿为家庭奉献The good moms enjoy doing stuff for their families.15700:07:39,240 --> 00:07:40,540你好Hello?15800:07:40,570 --> 00:07:43,070是你哥哥普雷斯顿他正要挨揍That's your brother Preston. He's about to be beaten.15900:07:43,110 --> 00:07:45,080是的该揍是的该揍Yes, he is. Yes, he is.16000:07:45,110 --> 00:07:47,540妈妈雷尼·派瑞的电话Mom, it's Renee Perry.16100:07:50,480 --> 00:07:51,780谁是雷尼·派瑞Who's Renee Perry?16200:07:51,790 --> 00:07:52,920你妈妈大学里的朋友Oh, she's your mom's friend from college.16300:07:52,950 --> 00:07:56,120她嫁给了杨基队的道格·派瑞She's married to Doug Perry, who plays for the Yankees.16400:07:56,150 --> 00:07:58,590-变得可有钱了 -有多有钱- And she's really rich. - How rich?16500:07:58,620 --> 00:08:00,970每隔几年雷尼就请妈妈飞去纽约Every few years, Renee flies mom to New York16600:08:01,010 --> 00:08:02,360过个盛大的周末for a big, fancy weekend.16700:08:02,360 --> 00:08:05,360妈妈回来时心情好极了And mom always comes back in a great mood.16800:08:05,400 --> 00:08:07,480看来她挑的这个时间点不错So this might be perfect timing.16900:08:07,520 --> 00:08:09,800该死的她要来这里Damn it to hell. She's coming here.17000:08:09,830 --> 00:08:10,800什么时候Wh-when?17100:08:10,840 --> 00:08:11,870明天Tomorrow.17200:08:11,900 --> 00:08:12,870为什么Why?17300:08:12,900 --> 00:08:14,370我不知道I don't know,17400:08:14,370 --> 00:08:16,800等我们先把家but that is something we can talk about17500:08:16,800 --> 00:08:18,800收拾出个样子再说when we turn this damn place into an actual home.17600:08:18,800 --> 00:08:20,780现在大家伙行动起来行动起来开始Okay, people, move, move, move. Let's go!17700:08:21,180 --> 00:08:23,730起来你也行动起来汤姆Come on. Hey, you, too, Tom.17800:08:23,910 --> 00:08:25,290我抱着孩子呢I'm holding the baby.17900:08:25,480 --> 00:08:28,060用洗玻璃器喷一下她Well, spray her with some glass cleaner18000:08:28,060 --> 00:08:29,060再放在窗户上擦擦and rub her on the windows.18100:08:29,060 --> 00:08:31,340我不想让雷尼知道我过的是这种日子I don't want Renee to know I live like this.18200:08:31,340 --> 00:08:32,460不过妈妈她要真是你朋友的话But, mom, if she's your friend,18300:08:32,460 --> 00:08:34,170你过得怎么样又有什么关系Won't she like you no matter how you live?18400:08:34,330 --> 00:08:35,560她不是那种朋友She's not that kind of friend.18500:08:39,700 --> 00:08:41,850你绝对想不到是谁回来了You're never gonna believe who's back.18600:08:44,260 --> 00:08:45,210我们到了Here we are.18700:08:45,320 --> 00:08:46,630到家了宝贝Home sweet...18800:08:47,940 --> 00:08:49,030到家Home.18900:08:49,830 --> 00:08:52,150你有什么想法吗宝贝So... What do you think, buddy?19000:08:54,580 --> 00:08:56,680我们就要住在这吗This is where we're gonna live?19100:08:56,910 --> 00:08:57,850是的Yeah.19200:09:01,190 --> 00:09:02,880我们变穷了吗So are we poor?19300:09:04,450 --> 00:09:05,780你要是搞砸了If you field this one,19400:09:05,860 --> 00:09:07,330我就跟他讲婴儿是怎么来的I'll tell him where babies come from. 19500:09:10,760 --> 00:09:13,220不亲爱的我们没有穷No, honey, we're not poor.19600:09:13,510 --> 00:09:14,560我们只是We're just...19700:09:15,600 --> 00:09:17,270底层中产阶级lower middle class.19800:09:17,480 --> 00:09:19,860穷人能住这个就不错了Poor people wish they could live like this.19900:09:20,290 --> 00:09:21,720他们不该住They shouldn't.20000:09:22,240 --> 00:09:24,020宝贝Oh, sweetie.20100:09:24,140 --> 00:09:26,280我知道你不习惯I know this isn't what we're used to.20200:09:26,460 --> 00:09:28,270不过我们不打算骗你Buddy, we're not gonna lie to you.20300:09:28,360 --> 00:09:31,080现在钱是有点紧张Money is a little tighter than before,20400:09:31,080 --> 00:09:31,980所以我们要搬到这里but that's why we're here--20500:09:32,010 --> 00:09:34,630好把钱存下来搬回自己的房子so we can save up and get back to our house.20600:09:34,640 --> 00:09:36,230要不了多久And it's not gonna take that long.20700:09:36,230 --> 00:09:37,930你爸爸会加班干活Your daddy's taking on extra jobs,20800:09:37,930 --> 00:09:40,950我还在教书而且我打算卖and I'm still teaching, and I'm gonna start selling20900:09:40,950 --> 00:09:42,930我做的那些漂亮首饰that really cool jewelry I've been making.21000:09:46,880 --> 00:09:49,250宝贝一切都会好起来的Sweetie, it's gonna be okay.21100:09:49,580 --> 00:09:53,600只要我们在一起一定能度过难关And as long as we're together, we can survive this.21200:09:56,000 --> 00:09:57,540-你好 -苏珊- Hello? - Susan!21300:09:57,580 --> 00:09:59,240你好麦克卢斯基太太有什么事吗Hi, Mrs. Mccluskey. What's up?21400:09:59,300 --> 00:10:02,630-你一定不敢相信保罗·杨回来了 -什么- You'll never believe this. Paul Young is back. - What?!21500:10:04,950 --> 00:10:06,220他在哪Where is he?21600:10:07,290 --> 00:10:10,410你说呢他在你租给他的房子里Where do you think? He's in the house you rented to him.21700:10:10,440 --> 00:10:13,220我不知道李只告诉我是个男的租的I didn't know. Lee just told me it was a guy.21800:10:13,220 --> 00:10:15,000你连名字都不问问You didn't even ask for his name?21900:10:15,000 --> 00:10:17,780他提前付了钱也没养宠物其他我就没管He paid in advance, and he didn't have pets. I didn't care.22000:10:17,820 --> 00:10:19,780保罗怎么从监狱出来了呢How is Paul even out of jail?22100:10:19,800 --> 00:10:22,200他不是被判了终身监禁吗That maniac was serving a life sentence.22200:10:22,240 --> 00:10:23,460你们好各位淑女Hello, ladies.22300:10:25,480 --> 00:10:27,130你们要是愿意过来If you'd like to come in for a while,22400:10:27,130 --> 00:10:28,240我会告诉你们来龙去脉I'll tell you the story.22500:10:30,810 --> 00:10:31,850来吧Come on now.22600:10:32,590 --> 00:10:33,650故事很精彩呢It's a good one.22700:10:36,290 --> 00:10:38,800菲丽莎·蒂尔曼还活着Felicia Tillman's alive?22800:10:39,180 --> 00:10:40,290你们这么惊讶做什么Why are you so surprised?22900:10:40,350 --> 00:10:42,700我在法庭上已经说了好多遍了I said that over and over again in my trial.23000:10:43,580 --> 00:10:45,240等等对了Oh, wait. That's right.23100:10:45,400 --> 00:10:47,370你们谁都没空去法院None of you could make it to the courthouse.23200:10:48,390 --> 00:10:49,810瞧保罗Look, paul--23300:10:49,810 --> 00:10:52,640没关系你们都很忙我知道It's okay. You were busy. I get it.23400:10:52,990 --> 00:10:55,360我一直在等你们来监狱看我I told myself I'd explain how I was framed23500:10:55,360 --> 00:10:58,060然后告诉你们我是如何被陷害的等等When you came to visit me in prison. Oh, wait.23600:10:59,440 --> 00:11:01,070我们很抱歉We're so sorry.23700:11:02,890 --> 00:11:05,590解释一下我们当时以为你是冷血杀手In our defense, we thought you were a cold-blooded killer.23800:11:09,430 --> 00:11:12,740过去10年你是如何度过的What you endured over the last ten years--23900:11:12,740 --> 00:11:14,050我想都不敢想I can't even imagine it.24000:11:14,710 --> 00:11:16,670是的你无法想像No, you can't.24100:11:18,250 --> 00:11:20,570但好消息是我回来了But the good news is, I'm back.24200:11:22,240 --> 00:11:26,390说到此事为何你要回来Yeah, about that, um, why did you wanna come back here?24300:11:26,820 --> 00:11:28,020你觉得是为什么Well, why do you think?24400:11:28,750 --> 00:11:30,030我想念我的朋友I missed my friends.24500:11:33,060 --> 00:11:35,510管他是不是无辜的我总觉得他不怀好意Innocent or not, that guy still gives me the creeps.24600:11:35,510 --> 00:11:37,960我无法想像保罗·杨回到紫藤郡了I can't believe paul young is back on Wisteria Lane.24700:11:38,260 --> 00:11:40,000而且他在用我的浴室And he's using my shower.24800:11:56,950 --> 00:11:57,760杰克Jack!24900:11:59,470 --> 00:12:02,420你来拿你的9号杆吗我还以为我剃了胡子You here for your 9 iron? Damn, I thought if I shaved,25000:12:02,420 --> 00:12:03,960你就认不出我我能霸占你的杆了You'd wouldn't recognize me and I could keep it.25100:12:04,830 --> 00:12:09,220其实我有事找你们夫妇谈Actually, I need to talk to you and your wife.25200:12:10,030 --> 00:12:10,910加布Hey, gaby!25300:12:11,590 --> 00:12:12,640等一下In a minute!25400:12:13,790 --> 00:12:16,430你看起来很焦虑兄弟怎么了You look a little pa, buddy. Something wrong?25500:12:17,120 --> 00:12:18,680我觉得还是等加布在场比较好I think we should wait for gaby.25600:12:19,720 --> 00:12:21,440杰克出什么事了兄弟Jack, what's going on here, man?25700:12:21,960 --> 00:12:23,140你让我紧张起来了You're making me nervous.25800:12:23,800 --> 00:12:25,160进去说Let's just go inside, hmm?25900:12:27,230 --> 00:12:29,000不这不可能No! This is impossible.26000:12:29,070 --> 00:12:31,230胡安妮塔在出生时的脚牌We still have the bracelet they put around juanita's ankle26100:12:31,230 --> 00:12:32,120我们还保留着In the hospital.26200:12:32,220 --> 00:12:35,860特丽莎·普鲁特是当时负责脚牌的护士Theresa pruitt was the nurse in charge of those bracelets,26300:12:35,860 --> 00:12:38,410尽管当时医院并不知道这个情况And although the hospital did not know this at the time,26400:12:38,850 --> 00:12:40,530她以前常酗酒She had a drinking problem.26500:12:40,620 --> 00:12:42,620已经8年了你来告诉我这些And eight years later, you're telling me this.26600:12:42,620 --> 00:12:45,530我花了8年的时间深爱着别人的女儿I've spent eight years loving someone else's daughter!26700:12:45,650 --> 00:12:49,310我想再次强调Again, I wanna stress that the hospital26800:12:49,310 --> 00:12:50,720医院只是最近...Only be latedly became--26900:12:50,720 --> 00:12:52,810杰克我对天发誓如果你去找律师辩护Jack, I swear to god, if you go lawyer on me,27000:12:52,810 --> 00:12:54,450我就把你的头拧下来I will put your head through a wall!27100:13:01,370 --> 00:13:02,680那我们的...So where is our...27200:13:05,340 --> 00:13:08,380亲生的天哪我都不知道该怎么称呼Biologi--god, I don't even know what to call her.27300:13:08,820 --> 00:13:11,020我们还没有找到对方家庭We haven't been able to track the family down yet.27400:13:11,100 --> 00:13:12,660那在你找到女孩儿之前Then we're not telling gaby,27500:13:13,430 --> 00:13:14,970那我们不能告诉加布Not till you find this other girl.27600:13:15,060 --> 00:13:18,270卡洛斯我有法律职责Carlos, I have a legal responsibility here.27700:13:18,270 --> 00:13:19,630她必须知情She has to be told.27800:13:19,630 --> 00:13:21,310知道了我来Fine! I'll do it.27900:13:27,080 --> 00:13:28,340但我不知如何启齿but I don't know how.28000:13:29,540 --> 00:13:31,830这会毁了她的This is going to destroy her.28100:13:40,100 --> 00:13:41,800不我搞错了普雷斯顿Nope. I was wrong. Preston,28200:13:41,800 --> 00:13:42,820和帕克对调一下位置switch back with parker.28300:13:42,900 --> 00:13:44,090我们为何要这样Why are we doing this?28400:13:44,090 --> 00:13:46,090当雷尼驾到时When renee pulls up to this house,28500:13:46,090 --> 00:13:48,900我必须让她看到She is gonna see the one thing I can show off--28600:13:48,900 --> 00:13:52,120我的幸福美满的家庭My beautiful, beautiful family.28700:13:53,430 --> 00:13:55,790这是啥粉刺吗站后面去What is that, a pimple? Get in the back!28800:13:55,870 --> 00:13:59,380宝贝你不觉得你有点焦虑过头了吗Honey, don't you think you're getting a little carried away?28900:13:59,490 --> 00:14:02,040汤姆那个女人住在豪华天台屋上Tom, that woman lives in a penthouse.29000:14:02,120 --> 00:14:04,460我们必须不吃肉才能买台笔记本We had to give up meat so we could buy a laptop.29100:14:04,540 --> 00:14:06,830- 让我这么做吧 - 是她吗-Let me have this. -Is that her?29200:14:09,980 --> 00:14:12,830当然是Of course it is.29300:14:14,240 --> 00:14:16,600好了各就各位为了妈妈Okay, everybody, smile for mom29400:14:16,600 --> 00:14:18,980和她的变态朋友大家笑一个吧And her strange and twisted friendship.29500:14:28,150 --> 00:14:29,620我回来了鲁道夫I'm back, rudolfo.29600:14:29,720 --> 00:14:32,320告诉西诺·西比奥尼我在威尼斯期间Please tell signor cipriani I always stay in that suite29700:14:32,320 --> 00:14:34,680一直住那家酒店要是订不到的话When I visit venice, and if it's not available,29800:14:34,680 --> 00:14:36,190我会很生气I'll be very unhappy.29900:14:36,380 --> 00:14:39,290容我挂断我现在要和一个更重要的人Now if you'll excuse me, there's someone more important30000:14:39,290 --> 00:14:40,360说上几句I need to speak with.。

绝望主妇 第一季第一集 字幕

绝望主妇 第一季第一集 字幕

My name is Mary Alice Young.我是Mary Alice Young.When you read this morning's paper, you may comeacross an article 当你浏览今天的晨报,可能会读到一篇文章about the unusual day I had last week.关于上个星期我所渡过的不平常的一天.Normally, there's never anything newsworthy about my life, 通常,我的生活里是没有什么有新闻报道价值的,but that all changed last thursday. 但是上个星期四一切都了.Of course, everything seemed quite normal at first.当然,起初,一切看起来都很平常.I made breakfast for my family. 我给一家人做好早餐.I performed my chores. 做家务.I completed my projects. 完成我的手工作品.I ran my errands. 完成我的使命.In truth, I spent the day as I spent every other day事实上, 和平时没什么不同--quietly polishing the routine of my life until it gleamed with perfection.一切都和往常一样,直到一件不寻常的事情的发生.That's why it was so astonishing when I decided to go to my hallway closet这就是为什么一切令人震惊,当我决定走向走廊的壁橱,and retrieve a revolver that had never been used. 拿起一把从没用过的左轮手枪.My body was discovered by my neighbor mrs. Martha Huber,我的尸体是被我的邻居Martha Huber发现的,who had been startled by a strange popping sound.她被一声奇怪的声音吓了一跳.Her curiosity aroused, 她觉得很好奇,mrs. Huber tried to think of a reason for dropping in on me unannounced. Huber太太想了一个来不请自来的理由.After some initial hesitation, 在犹豫了一会之后,she decided to return the blender she had borrowed from me six months before. 她决定来归还她6个月前从我这里借去搅拌器.It's my neighbor. I think she's been shot. 我的邻居,我觉得她被枪击了.There's blood everywhere. 到处都是血.Yes. You've got to send an ambulance. You've gotto send one right now.是的,赶紧派救护车,叫救护车.And for a moment, 过了一会之后,mrs. Huber stood motionless in her kitchen, Huber太太呆呆地站在厨房里,grief-stricken by this senseless tragedy...因为这件事情而感动极度悲伤...But only for a moment. 但是只有那么一会.If there was one thing mrs. Huber was known for, 如果说Huber最大的特点,it was her ability to look on the bright side. 就是她总能把事情往好的方面想.I was laid to rest on a monday. 星期一人们把我安葬了.After the funeral, all the residents of wisteria lane came to pay their respects.葬礼之后,所有住在wisteria lane人都来表示他们对我的怀念和尊敬.And, as people do in these situations, they brought food.就像人们在这种情况下通常会做的,他们送来点吃的.Lynette Scavo brought fried chicken. Lynette Scavo带了炸鸡.Lynette had a great family recipe for fried chicken.Lynette有一个大家庭,大家都喜欢炸鸡.Of course, she didn't cook much while she was moving up the corporate ladder. 当然,当她还是个职业女性的时候,她很少做饭.She didn't have the time.她没有时间.But when her doctor announced Lynette was pregnant,但是当她的医生告诉她怀孕了的时候,her husband Tom had an idea. 他的丈夫Tom想了个办法.Why not quit your job?为什么不辞职呢?Kids do better with stay-at-home moms. It would be so much less stressful." 妈妈待在家里带出来的孩子会比较好,而且这样压力也比较小.But this was not the case. 但是事实并非如此.In fact, Lynette's life had become so hectic,事实上,Lynette的生活变得如此兴奋,she was now forced to get her fried chicken froma fast-food restaurant.她不得不去快餐店买一只炸鸡.Lynette would have appreciated the irony if she stopped to think about it, Lynette 如果仔细想想,可能会明白这是反话,but she couldn't. She didn't have the time. 但是她不能,她没有时间.- Stop it ! - 住手! - But, mom! - 但是,妈妈! No, 不,you are going to behave today.你们今天乖一点.I am not going to be humiliated in front of the entire neighborhood.我不想在大家面前丢脸.And just so you know how serious I am...我是认真的...what's that? 这是什么?Santa's cell phone number. Santa的电话号码r.How'd you get that?你怎么知道的?I know someone who knows someone who knows an elf,我认识个朋友,她的朋友里有人认识一个小魔,and if any of you acts up, so help me, I will call Santa,所以,今天如果你们谁捣蛋,我马上打电话给Santa,and I will tell him you want socks for Christmas.我会告诉他,你们圣诞节只要短袜就可以了.You willing to risk that? 想试试么?Okay. Let's get this over with. 好,那么我们把这个收起来.Gabrielle Solis, who lives down the block, Gabrielle Solis,住在街区的后面,brought a spicy paella. 带了辣肉菜饭.Since her modeling days in New York, 自从她开始在纽约当模特以来,Gabrielle had developed a taste for rich food... 她对食物的品味渐渐提高... and rich men. 还有那些有钱的男人.Carlos, who worked in mergersnd acquisitions, proposed on their third date. 在他们第三次约会的时候跟她求婚.Gabrielle was touched when tears welled up in his eyes,当Gabrielle看见他眼眶中的泪水时,被感动了,but she soon discovered this happened 但是她很快发现every time Carlos closed the big deal.每当Carlos成功靠近一些大人物时都会这样.Gabrielle liked her paella piping hot.Gabrielle喜欢她那些新鲜的肉菜饭.However, her relationship with her husband was considerably cooler.但是她和她丈夫的关系很冷淡.If you talk to Al Mason at this thing,如果今天早上你跟Al Mason交谈,I want you to casually mention how much I paid for your necklace.我希望你能装着很随意的提起我花了多少钱给你买这条项链.He let me know how much he paid for his wife's new convertible.他上次告诉我他为他妻子的新造型花了多少. Why don't I just pin the receipt to my chest?我干脆在胸前贴一个价目条好了?Look, just work it into the conversation.看,只要在聊天的时候插入就可以了.There's no way I can just work that in, Carlos. 我怎么插得进去嘛,Carlos. Why not? 为什么?At the Donoghue party, everyone was talking mutual funds, Donoghue聚会上,每个人都在谈论那些什么共有基金,and you found a way to mention you slept with half the Yankee outfield.你却说什么你和那些农场里一半以上的美国佬睡过.I'm telling you, it came up in the context of the conversation.我告诉过你了,当时他们在说这些.Hey, people are starting to stare. Can you keep 喂,大家都在看,轻点,好么?your voice down, please?Absolutely. We wouldn't want them to think we're not happy.当然,我可不希望他们认为我们不和.Bree van de Kamp, who lives next door, Bree van de Kamp,住在隔壁,brought baskets of muffins she baked from scratch. 带了两篮她烤的松饼.Bree was known for her cooking, Bree擅长做饭,and for making her own clothes, 会自己做服,and for doing her own gardening, 会园艺,and for reupholstering her own furniture. 甚至会给她的沙发装椅面.Yes, Bree's many talents were known throughout the neighborhood,是的, Bree的很多才能大家都知道,and everyone on Wisteria lane thought of Bree as the perfect wife and mother. 所有住在Wisteria lane的人都认为Bree是个完美的妻子和母亲.Everyone, that is, except her own family.每个人,事实上,除了她的家人. Paul. Zachary.Paul. Zachary. Hello, mrs. Van De Kamp.你好,Van De Kamp太太.Bree, you shouldn't have gone to all this trouble. Bree,不好意思这么麻烦你.It was no trouble at all. 一点也不麻烦.Now, the basket with the red ribbon is filled with desserts for your guests,这个扎红带子的篮子里装了一些甜点,餐后你可以拿给客人们享用,but the one with the blue ribbon is just for you and Zachary.但是这个扎蓝色带子的篮子里装的东西是给你和Zachary.It's got rolls, muffins, breakfast-type things.有松饼,各种各样的可以装在篮子里的吃的.Thank you. 谢谢.Well, the least I could do is 嗯,至少这是我能做的,make sure you boys had a decent meal to look forwardto in the morning. 这样孩子们明天早上至少能吃顿好的.I know you're out of your minds with grief.我知道你已经悲痛欲绝了. Yes, we are.是的.Of course, I will need the baskets back once you're done.当然,吃完东西记得把篮子还给我. Of course. 当然.Susan Mayer, who lives across the street,Susan Mayer,住在街对面, brought macaroni and cheese.带来了通心粉和奶酪.Her husband Carl always teased her about her macaroni,她的丈夫Carl总是笑她做的通心粉,saying it was the only thing she knew how to cook, 说这是她唯一会做的东西,and she rarely made it well.而且她还做不好.It was too salty the night she and Carl moved into their house. 她和Carl搬来那天晚上做的,太咸.It was too watery the night she found lipstick on Carl's shirt.当她发现Carl的衬衫上有唇印的那天晚上做的通心粉又太松软. She burned it the night carl told her he was leaving her for his secretary.carl告诉她要离开她去他的秘书那里的那天晚上,她把通心粉倒了.A year had passed since the divorce. 她已经离婚一年了.Susan had started to think how nice it would be to have a man in her life, Susan开始觉得生活中有个男人是件美好的事情,even one who would make fun of her cooking. 就算是一个只会嘲弄她的厨艺的男人. Mom... why would someone kill themselves? 妈妈... 为什么有人要自杀? Well... sometimes people are so unhappy,嗯...因为他们太不快乐了,they think that's the only way they can solve theirproblems.他们觉得这是他们解决问题的唯一方法.But mrs. Young always seemed happy.但是,Young太太看起来一直很开心啊. Yeah, sometimes people pretend to be one way on the outside when they're tot ally different on the inside.嗯,是的,有时候有些人在外人面前的表现和实际上是完全不一样的.Oh, you mean like how dad's girlfriend always smiling and says nice things,哦,你是说爸爸的女朋友总是表面上看起来很好,but deep down, you just know she's a bitch? 但是实际上,她只是个婊子? I don't like that word, Julie. 我不喜欢这个字眼, Julie. But, yeah, that's a great example. 但是,是的,这个例子棒极了. Hey, what's going on? Sorry I'm late. 嗨,怎么了,抱歉我来迟了. Hi, susan. 嗨, susan.Hey. So, what did Carl say when you confronted him? 嗨,那么,当你反对的时候, Carl 怎么说?You'll love this. He said... 你会喜欢这个的,他说... it doesn't mean anything. It was just sex. 这不代表什么,只是性.Ah, yes, page one of the philanderer's handbook.哦是的,这是那些花花公子手册上第一页所写的.Yeah, and then he got this zen look on his face, and he said, "you know, Susan, 是的,然后他摆出一脸无辜的表情,说, "你知道的, Susan,most men live lives of quiet desperation."大部分男人都在平静的绝望中过着他们的生活."Please tell me you punched him.请告诉我说你踹了他.6序号英文字幕中文字幕No, I said, "really? And what do most women lead 没有,我说, "是么,那么大部分女人 lives of noisy fulfillment?" 每天所过的吵吵闹闹的日子有是什么呢?" Hmm. Good for you.嗯,说得好.I mean, of all people, did he have to bang his secretary? I had that woman over for brunch.我不明白,那么多人,干嘛和他的秘书搞在一起? 大概她的早餐做得比我好.It's like my grandmother always said --an erect penis doesn't have a conscience. 就像我祖母说的 -- 男人勃起的时候毫无道德可言. Even the limp ones aren't that ethical. 就算没勃起的时候也是没什么道德的.This is half the reason I joined the NRA. 这是半个我加入NRA的原因. Well, when Rex started going to those medicalconferences,嗯,当Rex开始参加这些医学会议时, I wanted it in the back of his mind that he had a loving wife at home我希望他记得还有个爱他的妻子在家里等他. with a loaded Smith & Wesson. 还有一群孩子. Lynnie, Tom's always away on business. Do you ever worry he might? Lynnie, Tom总是在外面公干,难道你不担心么?Oh, please, the man's gotten me pregnant three times in four years. 哦,拜托,这个男人让我在4年内怀了3次孕. I wish he was having sex with someone else.我希望他去和别人做爱.So, Susan, is he going to stop seeing that woman? 那么, Susan,他决定不再见那个女人了么?I don't know.我不知道.I'm sorry, you guys. I just... 我很抱歉,我只是...I just don't know how I'm going to survive this. 我只是不知道该如何渡过这一切.Listen to me.听我说.We all have moments of desperation.我们都有过绝望的时候.But if we can face them head-on, that's when we find out just how strong we really are. 但是当我们勇于面对这些并继续前进,我们就会发现自己是多么坚强. Susan. I was just saying Paul wants us to go overon friday.Susan.我刚说Paul让我们周五过去. He needs us to go through Mary Alice's closetand help pack up her things. 他想让我们帮忙收拾Mary Alice的衣橱和其他的东西.He said he can't face doing it by himself.他说他一个人无法面对这一切. Sure. That's fine. 好的,没有问题. Are you okay? 你还好吧? Yeah.当然.I'm just so angry.我只是有点生气.If Mary Alice was having problems,she should havecome to us.如果Mary Alice有什么困难,应该来找我们.She should have let us help her. 她应该找我们帮忙. What kind of problems could she have had?她到底有什么问题?She was healthy, had a great home, a nice family. 她很健康,有个温暖的家.#NAME? #NAME? #NAME?#NAME?No, if Mary Alice was having some sort of crisis, we'd have known. 不, 如果Mary Alice 遇到什么危机,我们应该知道.She lives 50 feet away, for god's sakes.她就住在50英尺外. Gabby, the woman killed herself. Gabby,她自杀了. Something must have been going on. 一定发生了什么.I wouldn't eat that if I were you. 如果我是你,我一定不会吃. Why?为什么?I made it. Trust me. 这是我做的,相信我.Hey, hey, do you -- do you have a death wish? 嗨,嗨,你有什么遗愿么?No, I just refuse to believe that anybody cans crew up macaroni and cheese.不,我只是不相信有人会做不好通心粉和奶酪. Oh, my god.哦,上帝.How did you -- it tastes like it's burned and undercooked.你怎么----感觉像烧焦了,又像没煮熟. Yeah, I get that a lot. Here you go. 嗯,我说过了. Ha ha. Thanks.哈哈,谢谢.I'm Mike Delfino. I just started renting the simms house next door.我是Mike Delfino.我刚开始租SIMM的房子,就在隔壁.Susan Mayer. I live across the street. Susan Mayer. 我住在对街.Oh, yeah, mrs. Huber told me about you.哦,是的,Huber太太跟我提起过你. Said you illustrate children's books. 说你给孩子们的书画插图.Yeah, I'm very big with the under-5 set.是啊,那些给5岁以下孩子们看的. #NAME? #NAME? #NAME?#NAME?So if you ever have a clog... 如果你的水管被堵了... or something.或是其他什么.Now that everybody's seen that I brought something,现在,大家都看到我带来什么了, I should probably just throw this out. 我最好还是扔了它们. Ease up, you little vampire. 放轻松.Lynette, I've been looking all over for you.Lynette,我正到处找你. Are you aware of what your sons are doing?你知道你的儿子们在干嘛么? What are you doing? We are at a wake. 你们在干嘛?我们是来守夜的.When we got here, you said we could go in the pool. 我们来的时候,你说过我们可以在水池里玩的.I said you could go by the pool. 我说你们可以在水池边玩. Do you have your swimsuits on? 你们穿游泳裤了?Yeah, we put them under our clothes before we left. 是的,我们来的时候就穿好了. You three planned this? All right. That's it. Getout! 你们早就计划好了,我明白了,出来!- No! - 不! #NAME?#NAME?I am your mother. You have to do what I say. Come on. 我是你们老妈,要听我的话,快点.We want to swim, and you can't stop us!我们想游泳,你不可以阻止我们! Get out, or I will get in this pool and just grab you. Get out! 出来,否则我就进去抓你们了,出来! Get over here. 过来. Get -- get over here!过来!All right, give me your arm. Get back -- 好,把你的胳膊给我,回去 --Move it! That's right! Get over here! 很好,过来! Paul, we have to leave now. Paul,我们得走了.Once again, I am so sorry for your loss.我很遗憾.Go. 走.Lynette shouldn't have been so concerned about myhusband.Lynette没必要这么在意我的丈夫.He had other things on his mind -- 他脑袋里在想别的事情 --things below the surface.一些被掩盖的事情. The morning after my funeral, 我葬礼的第二天早上, my friends and neighbors quietly went back to their busy, busy lives.我的朋友和邻居们又回到了他们从前忙碌的生活.While some did their cooking... 有些人在做饭... and some did their cleaning... 有的人在打扫... and some did their yoga... 有的做瑜珈... others did their homework. 有人在做家庭作业. Hi.嗨.I'm Julie. I kicked my soccer ball into your backyard.我是Julie.我的球不小心踢进你的后院了.Oh, okay. Well, let's go around and get it. 哦,没关系,我们去拿回来. Stay.待在这儿.His wife died a year ago. 他妻子一年前死了.He wanted to stay in L.A., but there were too manymemories.他想待在 L.A.,但是那有太多的回忆.He's renting for tax purposes, but he hopes to buya place real soon.他租了那里,但是想尽快买个房子.I can't believe you went over there. 真不敢相信你跑去那里了.Hey, I saw you both flirting at the wake.嗨,那天我看见你们在互相调情. You're obviously into each other. 你们互相吸引. Now that you know he's single, you can ask him out. 现在你知道他是单身,就可以约他出来.Julie, I like mr. Delfino, I do. Julie, 我的确喜欢Delfino先生.I just, uh, I don't even know if I'm ready to start dating yet.我只是,我还不知道自己是否准备好要开始约会了.Oh, you need to get back out there. 哦,你需要从这里走出去.Come on. How long has it been since you've had sex? 去吧,你有多久没做爱了?Are you mad that I asked you that? 我问这个会不会让你生气? No, I'm just trying to remember.不,我只是在想.I don't want to talk to you about my love life anymore. It weirds me out. 我不想和你谈我的感情生活,这很奇怪.I wouldn't have said anything. It's just...我不会说什么了,只是...What? 什么? I heard dad's girlfriend ask if you'd dated anyone since the divorce, 我听说老爸的女朋友问你离婚后有没有什么约会,and dad said he doubted it. 老爸说他很怀疑. And then they both laughed. 然后他们都笑了. #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME?I brought you a little housewarming gift.我带了点小礼物,欢迎你来这里住. I probably should have brought something by earlier, but...我应该早点来的,但是...actually, you're the first in the neighborhood tostop by. 事实上,你是第一个来拜访我的人.Really?真的么?Susan knews he was lucky. Susan知道她很幸运.An eligible bachelor had moved onto wisteria lane, 一个条件不错的单身汉搬来wisteria lane住,and she was the first to find out, 她是第一个发现的人, but she also knew that good news... 但是她也知道好消息...Travels quickly.传得很快.Edie Britt was the most predatory divorc閑 in a5-block radius.Edie Britt是附近最风骚的离婚女人.10序号英文字幕中文字幕Her conquests were numerous...她的群下之臣无数...varied... 各种各样... and legendary. 简直就像小说.Hi, Susan. I hope I'm not interrupting. 嗨, Susan.希望没有打扰到你们.You must be Mike Delfino. Hi, I'm Edie. Britt.你一定就是Mike Delfino.嗨,我是Edie. Britt.I live over there.我住那边.Welcome to Wisteria lane. 欢迎你来Wisteria lane.Susan had met the enemy, and she was a slut.Susan遇到了敌人,而且还是个荡妇. Thank you. Ha ha. What's this?谢谢,哈哈,这是什么?Sausage putanesca. It's just something I threw together. 一些腊肠之类的东西.我把他们混合了一下.Well, thanks, Edie. Ha ha. That's great. 哦,谢谢, Edie.哈哈,很棒.I'd invite you both in, but I was sort of in the middle of something.我应该邀请你们进来,但是屋子很乱. And just like that, the race for Mike Delfino had begun.就这样,对于Mike Delfino的竞争开始了.For a moment, Susan wondered if her rivalry with Edie would remain friendly. 有那么一会儿, Susan 很怀疑她和Edie能否友好竞争.Oh, Mike. I heard you're a plumber? 哦, Mike.听说你是个水管工?But she was reminded that when it came to men... 但是她想起,当男人... do you think you could stop by later tonight andtake a look at my pipes? 今天晚上有没有空帮我看看我家的水管? -Women don't fight fair. #NAME? #NAME? - 当然. Thanks. 谢谢. Bye, Susan. 再见, Susan.You can't order me around like I'm a child.你不要老是把我当成小孩子来命令我. #NAME?#NAME? - No. No, no, no. I'm not going.#NAME?It's business. Tanaka expects everyone to bringtheir wives.这是工作. Tanaka希望每个人都待妻子来.Every time I'm around that man, he tries to grabmy ass.每次在他旁边的时候,他总想摸我的屁股.Ha ha. I made over $200,000 doing business with him last year. 哈哈. 去年,我跟他做了一宗 $200,000的生意.If he wants to grab your ass, you let him.如果她想摸的屁股,那就让她摸吧. Mr. Solis. You scared me.Mr. Solis.你吓到我了.Why is that bush still there? You were supposed to dig it up last week. 这个矮树丛怎么还在这里,上个星期你就应该把他们弄掉了. I didn't have time last week.上个星期我没空.I don't want to hear your excuses. Just take careof it.我不要听你的解释,你只要给我做好就可以了.I really hate the way you talk to me. 我实在很讨厌你跟我说话的态度. And I really hate that I spend $15,000我也很讨厌我花了$15,000on your diamond necklace that you couldn't livewithout,给你买了那条你没有就不能活的钻石项链,but I'm learning to deal with it. 但是我试着搞定了.So can I tell Tanaka we'll be there tomorrow night? 那么我可以告诉Tanaka明晚我们都会去?John. We have bandage stop shelf in the kitchen. John. 厨房的架子上有创口贴.Thanks, mrs. Solis. 谢谢,Solis太太.Fine. I'll go.很好,我走了.But I'm keeping my back pressed against the wallthe entire time.但是我会一整晚都靠在墙上的.See? Now this is what a marriage is all about -- compromise.看到了吧?这就是婚姻---妥协. Is your finger okay?你的手指还好么? Yeah, yeah, it's just a small cut. 哦,是的,只是个小伤口. Let me see.让我看看.Hmm. You know, mrs. Solis,嗯,你知道的,Solis太太,Um, I really like it when we hook up,嗯,当我们交缠的时候会很棒的,but, um, well, you know, I-I got to get my workdone,但是,嗯,我得干活,and I can't afford to lose this job. 我不能失去这份工作. This table is hand-carved. 这张桌子是手工刻的. Carlos had it imported from Italy. Carlos从意大利买回来的. It cost him $23,000.花了他$23,000.You want to do it on the table this time? 你想在这张桌子上做? Absolutely.当然.Why can't we ever have normal soup?我们为什么不能喝普通一点的汤?Danielle, there is nothing abnormal about basilpuree.Danielle,罗勒汤没什么不正常的啊.Just once, couldn't we have a soup that people have heard of? 只要一次就好,难到我们不能喝点大家都知道的汤? Like french onion or navy bean. 就像法国洋葱或者是菜豆. First of all, your father can't eat onions. He's deathly allergic. 首先,你们的父亲不能吃洋葱,他对这个极度过敏.And I won't even dignify your navy bean suggestion. 还有,你那个关于菜豆的建议我是不会考虑的.So... how's the osso buco?那么...炖小牛胫怎么样?12序号英文字幕中文字幕It's okay. 可以. It's okay? 可以?Andrew, I spent three hours cooking this meal. Andrew,我花了3个小时准备晚餐. How do you think it makes me feel when you say "it's okay" in that sullen tone? 你觉得如果我听到有人用那种闷闷的口气跟我说"可以"我是什么感觉?Who asked you to spend three hours on dinner?没人让你花3个小时做晚餐? Excuse me?什么?Tim Harper's mom gets home from work, Tim Harper的妈妈下班后才回家, pops open a can of pork and beans, 开一罐猪肉大豆罐头,and boom, they're eating. Everyone's happy.他们就这么吃. 每个人都吃得很开心. You'd rather I serve pork and beans? 你情愿我给你们做大豆或是猪肉? Apologize now. I am begging. 现在给我道歉.I'm saying, do you always have to serve cuisine? 我是说,你干嘛总要弄这些来显示你的厨艺呢?Can't we ever just have food? 难道我们不能就是吃饭而已? Are you doing drugs? 你磕药了么? What? 什么?Change in behavior is one of the warning signs, 怪异的行为是一种信号, and you have been as fresh as paint for the lastsix months.之前半年都很正常.That certainly would explain why you're always locked in the bathroom. 这个就是你总是把自己关在浴室里的原因么. #NAME? #NAME? #NAME?#NAME?Mom, I'm not the one with the problem here, allright?妈妈,这儿有问题的人不是我,明白么?You're the one always acting like she's running for mayor of Stepford. 你总是搞得好像你要去竞选Stepford市市长一样. Rex.Rex.Seeing that you're the head of this household, Iwould really appreciate you saying something.你是一家之主,你不应该说点什么么.Pass the salt?把盐给我?Three days after my funeral, 葬礼后的3天,Lynette replaced her grief with a much more usefulemotion -- Lynette调试了自己的心情,不再悲痛 --indignation.而是愤怒.Tom, this is my fifth message, and you still haven't called me back.Tom, 这是我的第五通留言了, 你还不给我回话.Well, you must be having a lot of fun on yourbusiness trip. I can only imagine.我相信你在外面一定玩得很开心吧. 我可以想象.Well, guess what -- the kids and I want to have somefun, too,嗯,猜猜看---我和孩子们也要出去玩玩, so unless you call me back by noon, 除非你中午之前给我回电话,we are getting on a plane and joining you.我们正在飞机上,马上就加入你们. Mom! 妈妈!Not now, honey. Mommy's threatening daddy.等等,宝贝,我正在威胁你爸爸. Mom. No, I -- where are your brothers? 妈妈,不, 我----你兄弟呢? #NAME?#NAME?#NAME?#NAME?Lynette Scavo? Lynette Scavo? Crap.废话.Natalie Klein. I don't believe it. Natalie Klein. 真不敢相信. Lynette. How long has it been? Lynette. 我们多久没见了? Years.几年了.Uh, how are you? How's the firm? 呃,你现在怎样? 公司怎样? Good. Everyone misses you.很好,大家都很想念你.Yeah. We all say if you hadn't quit, 是的,我们总说如果你没有辞职, you'd be running the place by now. 现在一定是你管理大家. Yeah, well...是啊,呃...So... how's domestic life? 那么...家居生活如何呢? Don't you just love being a mom?是不是很爱做妈妈的感觉? And there it was --the question that Lynette always dreaded. 这就是 Lynette最害怕的问题. Well, to be honest...呃,老实说...for those who asked it, only one answer was acceptable, 对于这些提问的人,只有一个答案是令人满意的,so Lynette responded as she always did.所以Lynette就像往常一样回答了这个问题. She lied.她撒了个谎.It's the best job I've ever had. 这是我做过的最棒的工作.You know what I don't get? 你知道什么是我没有得到的么? What?什么?Why you married mr. Solis.你为什么会嫁给 Solis先生. Well... he promised to give me everything I've ever wanted. 呃... 他承诺说给我所有想要的东西. And did he?他做到了么?Yes.是啊.Then why aren't you happy? 那么你为什么不开心?Turns out I wanted all the wrong things.看起来我似乎要错了.So do you love him?那么你爱他么? I do. 当然.Well, then, why are we here? Why are we doing this? 那么,我们在这里干嘛? 为什么我们要这么做? Because I don't want to wake up one morning 因为我不想某天早上醒来的时候with a sudden urge to blow my brains out.会突然想要捶打自己的头. Hey, can I have a drag? 我能要一根么? Absolutely not. 当然不.You are much too young to smoke.你太年轻了,不适合抽烟. Ah. How would you feel about me using your child-support payments 我用给你留的钱来做整形手术 for plastic surgery?你会怎么想?Stop being so nervous. You're just asking him out to dinner. It's no big deal. 别这么紧张. 你不过请他吃晚餐. 这不是什么大事.You're right.说得对.So is that your project for school?这是你学校的作业?You know, when I was in fifth grade, I made the white house out of sugar cubes. 你知道的,我5年纪的时候,用方糖做了一个白房子.Stop stalling and go 别拖拖拉拉的,走吧before mike figures out he can do better. 在mike发现他能找到更好的之前. Tell me again why I fought for custody of you.再说一次我为什么要这么做. You were using me to hurt dad. 打击爸爸. Oh, that's right. 没错. Oh, god. 哦.上帝.0 0 #NAME? #NAME? #NAME?#NAME? - No, not at all. What's up? #NAME?Well, I -- I just, uh, was wondering if, um... 呃,我 -- 我只是,想知道,呃...if there was any chance that you, uh...有没有机会你, 呃... I-I just wanted to ask if... 我-我只想问问你是否... #NAME? #NAME? #NAME?What are you -- 你怎么 --I was making ambrosia, and I made too much, 我做些可口的食物,做了很多, so I thought I'd bring some over to mike.所以拿点过来给 mike.What's going on? 怎么了?Uh, Susan was just going to ask me something. 呃, Susan 说有点事情要问我. I have a clog. 我的水管堵了. 0- 什么? - And you're a plumber, right? #NAME? Yeah.是啊.The clog's in the pipe.我家的水管堵了. Yeah, that's usually where they are. 是啊,总是这样. Well, I've got one. 呃,没错.Oh, okay. Well, uh let me get my tools.等等,我拿点工具. Now? You want to come over now? 现在?你现在过来么? You have company.你有客人. I don't mind.我不介意. Yeah, just give me two minutes.等我两分钟.。



100:00:01,000 --> 00:00:03,000YYeTs人人影视字幕组出品200:00:01,000 --> 00:00:05,000翻译:VK 小坏蛀虫小门柴柠檬meg VERO NANA 红豆包 nilo 憶300:00:01,000 --> 00:00:05,000校对:蛀虫小门柴 VERO 时间轴:GGYY 蛀虫小门柴后期:冰河监制:桃金娘银400:00:00,030 --> 00:00:02,750《绝望主妇》前情提要Previously on "Desperate Housewives,"500:00:02,780 --> 00:00:06,15010年前卡洛斯的母亲因车祸而死Ten years ago, Carlos' mother died after being hit by a car600:00:06,180 --> 00:00:07,720肇事者正是安德鲁that Andrew was driving.700:00:07,750 --> 00:00:09,120奥森收拾行囊准备离去Orson packed his bags...800:00:09,150 --> 00:00:11,390你已不是我心目中的那个布里You are not the woman I thought you were.900:00:11,420 --> 00:00:13,990他是我儿子我没得选择He's my son. I had no choice.1000:00:14,030 --> 00:00:16,290那我选择不再做你丈夫And I no longer choose to be your husband.1100:00:16,330 --> 00:00:18,330布里决定公布真相And Bree decided to come clean.1200:00:18,360 --> 00:00:20,000有件事我得告诉你There's something I need to tell you--1300:00:20,030 --> 00:00:22,330这事儿可能会终结我们的友谊It's the kind of thing that could end our friendship.1400:00:22,370 --> 00:00:25,540一位奄奄一息的护士作出了忏悔A dying nurse made a confession...1500:00:25,570 --> 00:00:28,570得让这家医院的老板知道我做的事情The people who run this hospital need to know what I did.1600:00:28,610 --> 00:00:31,340你将如何对孩子的父母说他们抚养的孩子How do you tell parents the child they've been raising1700:00:31,380 --> 00:00:33,180不是他们亲生的isn't really theirs?1800:00:33,210 --> 00:00:36,710财务危机使苏珊做出了一个重大决定Financial worries drove Susan to a big decision...1900:00:36,750 --> 00:00:37,830你不能把房子卖了You can't sell your house.2000:00:37,830 --> 00:00:39,320不是卖只是出租We're not selling. We're renting.2100:00:39,350 --> 00:00:42,040这致使一位久违的邻居重回故里Which led to the return of a long-lost neighbor.2200:00:42,070 --> 00:00:44,160事实上我过去就住在这里The truth is, I used to live here.2300:00:44,190 --> 00:00:47,560我猜大家看到你一定会感到惊喜的Oh, I guess everyone will be surprised to see you again.2400:00:47,590 --> 00:00:49,090绝对会They absolutely will.2500:00:53,770 --> 00:00:59,400我和我丈夫曾经非常幸福快乐There was a time when my husband and I were very happy.2600:00:59,440 --> 00:01:02,670我还记得那些和煦的夏日午后I remember warm summer afternoons2700:01:02,710 --> 00:01:05,010我们在后院里烤肉and backyard barbecues00:01:05,040 --> 00:01:07,810和朋友们说笑and laughter with friends.2900:01:07,850 --> 00:01:12,400我们的生活就像田园梦境Our life was like some kind of suburban dream.3000:01:12,430 --> 00:01:16,890不过终有一天人们会醒来But the day comes when we all must wake up.3100:01:20,730 --> 00:01:22,520对我来说For me,3200:01:22,520 --> 00:01:27,300一封信打破了美梦that day came when a letter arrived.3300:01:27,330 --> 00:01:29,230这是封恐吓信As threats go,3400:01:29,250 --> 00:01:33,370信的内容简明扼要It was concise and to the point.3500:01:33,410 --> 00:01:39,540为了保护家人我无从选择I did what I had to to protect my family.3600:01:39,580 --> 00:01:44,980我丈夫后来找到了写信的人My husband found out who wrote the letter.3700:01:45,020 --> 00:01:50,250他让她知道这事儿使他有多恼火He let her know how much this upset him.3800:01:50,290 --> 00:01:55,960而她妹妹猜到了我丈夫的所作所为Her sister figured out what my husband had done.3900:01:55,990 --> 00:02:01,830于是她决定诬陷我丈夫谋杀So she decided to frame him for murder...4000:02:01,870 --> 00:02:06,970确切地说是苦肉计Her murder, to be more specific.4100:02:07,010 --> 00:02:11,040这一切使保罗·杨的生活And that's when the dream that was Paul Young's life4200:02:11,080 --> 00:02:13,880变成一场噩梦became a nightmare.4300:02:16,880 --> 00:02:18,830多年以后Years later,4400:02:18,880 --> 00:02:21,340有个女人因超速而被查照A woman was pulled over for speeding.4500:02:24,310 --> 00:02:28,460这个女人没有任何身份证明This woman had no identification,4600:02:28,490 --> 00:02:29,930于是她被逮捕了So she was arrested.4700:02:31,680 --> 00:02:35,530人们这才发现菲丽莎·蒂尔曼And that is how people learned that Felicia Tillman4800:02:35,570 --> 00:02:38,150活得好好的was very much alive.4900:02:39,990 --> 00:02:43,570我看你穿上了我送来的西装喜欢吗I see you got the suit I sent over. You like it?5000:02:43,610 --> 00:02:45,810只要不是橙色的我都喜欢I like anything that's not orange.5100:02:45,860 --> 00:02:48,650你可得准备好去添置家当了Well, get ready to do all sorts of shopping.5200:02:48,660 --> 00:02:50,610你的结算支票给你拿来了Your settlement check came in.5300:02:50,650 --> 00:02:52,820你等会儿要先去哪儿So where you going first?5400:02:52,850 --> 00:02:54,180经过这么多年的铁窗生活After all these years in prison,5500:02:54,180 --> 00:02:55,520你一定准备好去狂欢了吧I bet you're ready to party.5600:02:55,550 --> 00:02:57,890我只想回家All I want is to go home.5700:02:57,920 --> 00:03:00,170什么去见你的那些老邻居What? To your old neighborhood?5800:03:00,210 --> 00:03:02,090你很惊讶吧You sound surprised.5900:03:02,130 --> 00:03:04,960你受审的时候可没有一个邻居来帮你None of your neighbors supported you during the trial.6000:03:05,000 --> 00:03:07,230你坐牢的时候他们也没来看过你They didn't visit while you were here.6100:03:07,270 --> 00:03:10,300你即使恨他们也无可厚非No one would blame you if you hated them a little.6200:03:10,340 --> 00:03:13,670我可不是恨他们Oh, I don't hate them...6300:03:13,690 --> 00:03:15,340这么简单A little.6400:03:17,360 --> 00:03:21,550于是我的丈夫回到了紫藤郡And so my husband returned to Wisteria Lane.6500:03:25,420 --> 00:03:28,450邻居们看到他非常惊讶The neighbors were surprised to see him.6600:03:28,490 --> 00:03:32,890多年来他们早已淡忘保罗·杨这个人They hadn't thought about Paul Young in years.6700:03:32,920 --> 00:03:36,040但他对大家念念不忘But he had thought about them.6800:03:38,130 --> 00:03:40,100而且他要让大家And he was going to make sure6900:03:40,130 --> 00:03:44,140对他永远无法忘怀they'd never forget him again.7000:03:55,550 --> 00:03:59,350电话在半夜响起The phone call that comes in the middle of the night...7100:03:59,380 --> 00:04:03,740信是由特快专递寄送The letter that arrives by special courier...00:04:03,770 --> 00:04:08,080电子邮件标题将会注明紧急The e-mail marked "Urgent!"...7300:04:08,110 --> 00:04:11,830是的坏消息传来的方式Yes, there are all sorts of ways7400:04:11,860 --> 00:04:14,670多种多样bad news can be delivered.7500:04:14,700 --> 00:04:18,370然而有的坏消息这般重大But some news is so bad...7600:04:18,400 --> 00:04:20,870必须亲自当面告知It must be delivered in person.7700:04:20,910 --> 00:04:22,870为什么得由我去告诉他们Why do I have to tell them?7800:04:22,940 --> 00:04:26,040你说过这对夫妇是你的邻居You said this couple lives in your neighborhood.7900:04:26,080 --> 00:04:27,550医院理事认为Trustees of the hospital feel8000:04:27,610 --> 00:04:29,780由你来说最合适不过that makes you uniquely qualified.8100:04:29,820 --> 00:04:31,780我怎么开口呢And just what am I supposed to say?8200:04:31,820 --> 00:04:33,320"派对暂停有重大消息****"Great block party.8300:04:33,350 --> 00:04:35,320"顺便一提我们有个护士"by the way, one of our nurses8400:04:35,350 --> 00:04:37,960可能在你们孩子出生时把孩子弄混了试试看may have switched your baby at birth. Try the dip."8500:04:37,990 --> 00:04:39,460我们越拖延Every minute we wait,8600:04:39,490 --> 00:04:41,460医院的责任就越大this hospital takes on more liability.8700:04:41,490 --> 00:04:43,690现在就动身去紫藤郡吧Now get on over to...Wisteria lane8800:04:43,730 --> 00:04:45,960告诉他们发生了什么and tell those people what's going on.8900:04:46,000 --> 00:04:48,150我真不知道该怎么办I don't know how I'm gonna do this.9000:04:48,200 --> 00:04:50,900说这种事只有一个方式There's only one way to deliver news like this:9100:04:50,940 --> 00:04:53,620尽量冷静Remain as calm as possible.9200:04:55,070 --> 00:04:58,130布里出来啊Bree! Get out here!9300:04:58,160 --> 00:05:00,580该死怎么没人在家Damn it! Why is nobody home?9400:05:00,610 --> 00:05:03,830-朗拉格温 -谢天谢地- Lorna, Gwen... - Oh, thank God.9500:05:03,880 --> 00:05:06,120怎么啦凯伦出什么事啦Why, Karen. What's wrong?9600:05:06,130 --> 00:05:08,450保罗·杨回来了Paul Young--he's back.9700:05:08,470 --> 00:05:10,250什么What?9800:05:10,290 --> 00:05:12,510都听到了吧别傻站在这儿You heard me. Now don't just stand there.9900:05:12,560 --> 00:05:15,510我们得提醒大家去走吧We gotta warn people. Come on.10000:05:16,560 --> 00:05:18,830布里我从没见过你这个样子Bree, I've never seen you like this.10100:05:18,860 --> 00:05:20,330你还好吧Are you all right?10200:05:20,370 --> 00:05:22,330我要告诉你一件很可怕的事I have something horrible to tell you,10300:05:22,370 --> 00:05:24,370我不知道怎么开口And I don't know how to say it.10400:05:24,400 --> 00:05:26,370最好别是什么事吧Well, you better think of somethin'.10500:05:26,400 --> 00:05:28,710你有点吓到我了哦You're starting to freak me out.10600:05:28,740 --> 00:05:29,710还记得那天晚上Remember that night10700:05:29,740 --> 00:05:34,140卡洛斯母亲被车撞倒吗when Carlos' mother was run over by a car?10800:05:34,180 --> 00:05:36,450我知道是谁干的Well, I know who did it.10900:05:36,480 --> 00:05:38,880你什么You what?11000:05:38,920 --> 00:05:40,650是安德鲁It was andrew.11100:05:43,220 --> 00:05:45,720天哪Oh, God!11200:05:45,790 --> 00:05:49,010他才16岁我怕他会坐牢He was only 16. I was afraid he was gonna go to jail...11300:05:49,040 --> 00:05:52,030所以雷克斯和我就决定把事情瞒下来so Rex and I just decided to cover it up.11400:05:52,060 --> 00:05:56,630真够糟的太糟糕了Oh, this is--this is bad. This is really bad.11500:05:56,670 --> 00:05:59,300我要吐了I need to go throw up a little.11600:05:59,340 --> 00:06:03,200真抱歉我应该早点告诉你I am so sorry. And I realize I should've told you sooner.11700:06:03,220 --> 00:06:05,820不不不你压根就不该告诉我No! No, no, no, you shouldn't have told me at all!11800:06:05,900 --> 00:06:08,740-什么 -现在我得告诉卡洛斯- What? - Now I have to tell Carlos,11900:06:08,740 --> 00:06:10,030接着他会去要安德鲁的命and he's going to kill Andrew,12000:06:10,030 --> 00:06:11,520结果他会落得进监狱and then he's going to have to go to prison,12100:06:11,520 --> 00:06:13,670所以多亏了你把我老公送进监狱So thank you for sending my husband to prison, Bree.12200:06:13,670 --> 00:06:14,590干得不错啊Nice work!12300:06:14,590 --> 00:06:16,410我再也不能瞒下去了I just couldn't live with the secret any longer,12400:06:16,410 --> 00:06:17,810奥森知道的时候and when Orson found out,12500:06:17,810 --> 00:06:19,310他说我这人真可怕he told me I was a horrible person.12600:06:19,310 --> 00:06:21,310所以你才告诉我That's why you told me?12700:06:21,640 --> 00:06:23,710算了吧我们都不是什么好鸟Oh, please, we're all horrible people!12800:06:24,370 --> 00:06:25,950看到这个没这是你的You see this? It's yours.12900:06:25,950 --> 00:06:28,000邮差送到这儿来我给扣下了我也很可怕They delivered it here. I kept it. Horrible!13000:06:28,380 --> 00:06:30,550你知道吗奥森为此有多讨厌我Just so you know, Orson was so disgusted,13100:06:30,550 --> 00:06:31,790他要跟我离婚he's divorcing me.13200:06:31,990 --> 00:06:33,420正常情况下我该拥抱拥抱你Normally, I'd give you a hug,13300:06:33,420 --> 00:06:35,250不过这会儿我真做不到but right now I sorta don't give a crap!13400:06:35,280 --> 00:06:37,370再说一遍非常抱歉Again, very sorry.13500:06:37,710 --> 00:06:40,430天哪我怎么对卡洛斯说呢God! How am I gonna tell Carlos?13600:06:40,430 --> 00:06:42,410他一定会大发雷霆He is gonna be so angry!13700:06:42,440 --> 00:06:45,660没准还要迁怒于我And he'll probably find a way to blame me!13800:06:51,380 --> 00:06:53,320你绝对想不到是谁回来了You'll never guess who's back!13900:06:56,540 --> 00:06:58,660妈妈没有干净盘子了Mom, we don't have any clean plates.14000:06:58,660 --> 00:07:00,020你没洗碗么Didn't you run the dishwasher?14100:07:00,280 --> 00:07:03,170牛奶也喝完了你该去店里买了We're also out of milk. You gotta go to the store.14200:07:03,200 --> 00:07:05,670顺便去趟干洗店And the dry cleaners while you're at it.14300:07:05,700 --> 00:07:08,470行了各位看看你们的双手Okay, everybody. Look at your hands.14400:07:08,510 --> 00:07:10,710来吧Come on. Mm-hmm.14500:07:10,740 --> 00:07:13,210怀里没抱孩子的就自力更生吧Anyone not holding a baby, you're on your own.14600:07:13,240 --> 00:07:14,710你们可以自己洗碗自己去买东西You can wash and shop14700:07:14,710 --> 00:07:15,550自己送衣服干洗and clean for yourselves.14800:07:15,580 --> 00:07:17,550我当完美妈妈的日子到此为止了My days of being the perfect mom are over.14900:07:17,580 --> 00:07:19,750你什么时候当过完美妈妈When were those days, exactly?15000:07:19,770 --> 00:07:22,250我的子宫虽然老了我的听觉还没老呢It's my uterus that's worn out, not my hearing. 15100:07:22,290 --> 00:07:24,270这么说你不打算帮忙So you're not gonna help with anything?15200:07:24,310 --> 00:07:25,940这地方真没法待下去了'Cause this place is really starting to go to hell.15300:07:25,940 --> 00:07:27,940第5个婴儿Baby number five.15400:07:27,980 --> 00:07:30,430我生了一整个篮球队出来An entire basketball team has come out of me,15500:07:30,460 --> 00:07:32,930真是累得实在没力气带了so I'm officially too exhausted to care.15600:07:35,430 --> 00:07:39,200好妈妈甘心情愿为家庭奉献The good moms enjoy doing stuff for their families.15700:07:39,240 --> 00:07:40,540你好Hello?15800:07:40,570 --> 00:07:43,070是你哥哥普雷斯顿他正要挨揍That's your brother Preston. He's about to be beaten.15900:07:43,110 --> 00:07:45,080是的该揍是的该揍Yes, he is. Yes, he is.16000:07:45,110 --> 00:07:47,540妈妈雷尼·派瑞的电话Mom, it's Renee Perry.16100:07:50,480 --> 00:07:51,780谁是雷尼·派瑞Who's Renee Perry?16200:07:51,790 --> 00:07:52,920你妈妈大学里的朋友Oh, she's your mom's friend from college.16300:07:52,950 --> 00:07:56,120她嫁给了杨基队的道格·派瑞She's married to Doug Perry, who plays for the Yankees.16400:07:56,150 --> 00:07:58,590-变得可有钱了 -有多有钱- And she's really rich. - How rich?16500:07:58,620 --> 00:08:00,970每隔几年雷尼就请妈妈飞去纽约Every few years, Renee flies mom to New York16600:08:01,010 --> 00:08:02,360过个盛大的周末for a big, fancy weekend.16700:08:02,360 --> 00:08:05,360妈妈回来时心情好极了And mom always comes back in a great mood.16800:08:05,400 --> 00:08:07,480看来她挑的这个时间点不错So this might be perfect timing.16900:08:07,520 --> 00:08:09,800该死的她要来这里Damn it to hell. She's coming here.17000:08:09,830 --> 00:08:10,800什么时候Wh-when?17100:08:10,840 --> 00:08:11,870明天Tomorrow.17200:08:11,900 --> 00:08:12,870为什么Why?17300:08:12,900 --> 00:08:14,370我不知道I don't know,17400:08:14,370 --> 00:08:16,800等我们先把家but that is something we can talk about17500:08:16,800 --> 00:08:18,800收拾出个样子再说when we turn this damn place into an actual home.17600:08:18,800 --> 00:08:20,780现在大家伙行动起来行动起来开始Okay, people, move, move, move. Let's go!17700:08:21,180 --> 00:08:23,730起来你也行动起来汤姆Come on. Hey, you, too, Tom.17800:08:23,910 --> 00:08:25,290我抱着孩子呢I'm holding the baby.17900:08:25,480 --> 00:08:28,060用洗玻璃器喷一下她Well, spray her with some glass cleaner18000:08:28,060 --> 00:08:29,060再放在窗户上擦擦and rub her on the windows.18100:08:29,060 --> 00:08:31,340我不想让雷尼知道我过的是这种日子I don't want Renee to know I live like this.18200:08:31,340 --> 00:08:32,460不过妈妈她要真是你朋友的话But, mom, if she's your friend,18300:08:32,460 --> 00:08:34,170你过得怎么样又有什么关系Won't she like you no matter how you live?18400:08:34,330 --> 00:08:35,560她不是那种朋友She's not that kind of friend.18500:08:39,700 --> 00:08:41,850你绝对想不到是谁回来了You're never gonna believe who's back.18600:08:44,260 --> 00:08:45,210我们到了Here we are.18700:08:45,320 --> 00:08:46,630到家了宝贝Home sweet...18800:08:47,940 --> 00:08:49,030到家Home.18900:08:49,830 --> 00:08:52,150你有什么想法吗宝贝So... What do you think, buddy?19000:08:54,580 --> 00:08:56,680我们就要住在这吗This is where we're gonna live?19100:08:56,910 --> 00:08:57,850是的Yeah.19200:09:01,190 --> 00:09:02,880我们变穷了吗So are we poor?19300:09:04,450 --> 00:09:05,780你要是搞砸了If you field this one,19400:09:05,860 --> 00:09:07,330我就跟他讲婴儿是怎么来的I'll tell him where babies come from. 19500:09:10,760 --> 00:09:13,220不亲爱的我们没有穷No, honey, we're not poor.19600:09:13,510 --> 00:09:14,560我们只是We're just...19700:09:15,600 --> 00:09:17,270底层中产阶级lower middle class.19800:09:17,480 --> 00:09:19,860穷人能住这个就不错了Poor people wish they could live like this.19900:09:20,290 --> 00:09:21,720他们不该住They shouldn't.20000:09:22,240 --> 00:09:24,020宝贝Oh, sweetie.20100:09:24,140 --> 00:09:26,280我知道你不习惯I know this isn't what we're used to.20200:09:26,460 --> 00:09:28,270不过我们不打算骗你Buddy, we're not gonna lie to you.20300:09:28,360 --> 00:09:31,080现在钱是有点紧张Money is a little tighter than before,20400:09:31,080 --> 00:09:31,980所以我们要搬到这里but that's why we're here--20500:09:32,010 --> 00:09:34,630好把钱存下来搬回自己的房子so we can save up and get back to our house.20600:09:34,640 --> 00:09:36,230要不了多久And it's not gonna take that long.20700:09:36,230 --> 00:09:37,930你爸爸会加班干活Your daddy's taking on extra jobs,20800:09:37,930 --> 00:09:40,950我还在教书而且我打算卖and I'm still teaching, and I'm gonna start selling20900:09:40,950 --> 00:09:42,930我做的那些漂亮首饰that really cool jewelry I've been making.21000:09:46,880 --> 00:09:49,250宝贝一切都会好起来的Sweetie, it's gonna be okay.21100:09:49,580 --> 00:09:53,600只要我们在一起一定能度过难关And as long as we're together, we can survive this.21200:09:56,000 --> 00:09:57,540-你好 -苏珊- Hello? - Susan!21300:09:57,580 --> 00:09:59,240你好麦克卢斯基太太有什么事吗Hi, Mrs. Mccluskey. What's up?21400:09:59,300 --> 00:10:02,630-你一定不敢相信保罗·杨回来了 -什么- You'll never believe this. Paul Young is back. - What?!21500:10:04,950 --> 00:10:06,220他在哪Where is he?21600:10:07,290 --> 00:10:10,410你说呢他在你租给他的房子里Where do you think? He's in the house you rented to him.21700:10:10,440 --> 00:10:13,220我不知道李只告诉我是个男的租的I didn't know. Lee just told me it was a guy.21800:10:13,220 --> 00:10:15,000你连名字都不问问You didn't even ask for his name?21900:10:15,000 --> 00:10:17,780他提前付了钱也没养宠物其他我就没管He paid in advance, and he didn't have pets. I didn't care.22000:10:17,820 --> 00:10:19,780保罗怎么从监狱出来了呢How is Paul even out of jail?22100:10:19,800 --> 00:10:22,200他不是被判了终身监禁吗That maniac was serving a life sentence.22200:10:22,240 --> 00:10:23,460你们好各位淑女Hello, ladies.22300:10:25,480 --> 00:10:27,130你们要是愿意过来If you'd like to come in for a while,22400:10:27,130 --> 00:10:28,240我会告诉你们来龙去脉I'll tell you the story.22500:10:30,810 --> 00:10:31,850来吧Come on now.22600:10:32,590 --> 00:10:33,650故事很精彩呢It's a good one.22700:10:36,290 --> 00:10:38,800菲丽莎·蒂尔曼还活着Felicia Tillman's alive?22800:10:39,180 --> 00:10:40,290你们这么惊讶做什么Why are you so surprised?22900:10:40,350 --> 00:10:42,700我在法庭上已经说了好多遍了I said that over and over again in my trial.23000:10:43,580 --> 00:10:45,240等等对了Oh, wait. That's right.23100:10:45,400 --> 00:10:47,370你们谁都没空去法院None of you could make it to the courthouse.23200:10:48,390 --> 00:10:49,810瞧保罗Look, paul--23300:10:49,810 --> 00:10:52,640没关系你们都很忙我知道It's okay. You were busy. I get it.23400:10:52,990 --> 00:10:55,360我一直在等你们来监狱看我I told myself I'd explain how I was framed23500:10:55,360 --> 00:10:58,060然后告诉你们我是如何被陷害的等等When you came to visit me in prison. Oh, wait.23600:10:59,440 --> 00:11:01,070我们很抱歉We're so sorry.23700:11:02,890 --> 00:11:05,590解释一下我们当时以为你是冷血杀手In our defense, we thought you were a cold-blooded killer.23800:11:09,430 --> 00:11:12,740过去10年你是如何度过的What you endured over the last ten years--23900:11:12,740 --> 00:11:14,050我想都不敢想I can't even imagine it.24000:11:14,710 --> 00:11:16,670是的你无法想像No, you can't.24100:11:18,250 --> 00:11:20,570但好消息是我回来了But the good news is, I'm back.24200:11:22,240 --> 00:11:26,390说到此事为何你要回来Yeah, about that, um, why did you wanna come back here?24300:11:26,820 --> 00:11:28,020你觉得是为什么Well, why do you think?24400:11:28,750 --> 00:11:30,030我想念我的朋友I missed my friends.24500:11:33,060 --> 00:11:35,510管他是不是无辜的我总觉得他不怀好意Innocent or not, that guy still gives me the creeps.24600:11:35,510 --> 00:11:37,960我无法想像保罗·杨回到紫藤郡了I can't believe paul young is back on Wisteria Lane.24700:11:38,260 --> 00:11:40,000而且他在用我的浴室And he's using my shower.24800:11:56,950 --> 00:11:57,760杰克Jack!24900:11:59,470 --> 00:12:02,420你来拿你的9号杆吗我还以为我剃了胡子You here for your 9 iron? Damn, I thought if I shaved,25000:12:02,420 --> 00:12:03,960你就认不出我我能霸占你的杆了You'd wouldn't recognize me and I could keep it.25100:12:04,830 --> 00:12:09,220其实我有事找你们夫妇谈Actually, I need to talk to you and your wife.25200:12:10,030 --> 00:12:10,910加布Hey, gaby!25300:12:11,590 --> 00:12:12,640等一下In a minute!25400:12:13,790 --> 00:12:16,430你看起来很焦虑兄弟怎么了You look a little pa, buddy. Something wrong?25500:12:17,120 --> 00:12:18,680我觉得还是等加布在场比较好I think we should wait for gaby.25600:12:19,720 --> 00:12:21,440杰克出什么事了兄弟Jack, what's going on here, man?25700:12:21,960 --> 00:12:23,140你让我紧张起来了You're making me nervous.25800:12:23,800 --> 00:12:25,160进去说Let's just go inside, hmm?25900:12:27,230 --> 00:12:29,000不这不可能No! This is impossible.26000:12:29,070 --> 00:12:31,230胡安妮塔在出生时的脚牌We still have the bracelet they put around juanita's ankle26100:12:31,230 --> 00:12:32,120我们还保留着In the hospital.26200:12:32,220 --> 00:12:35,860特丽莎·普鲁特是当时负责脚牌的护士Theresa pruitt was the nurse in charge of those bracelets,26300:12:35,860 --> 00:12:38,410尽管当时医院并不知道这个情况And although the hospital did not know this at the time,26400:12:38,850 --> 00:12:40,530她以前常酗酒She had a drinking problem.26500:12:40,620 --> 00:12:42,620已经8年了你来告诉我这些And eight years later, you're telling me this.26600:12:42,620 --> 00:12:45,530我花了8年的时间深爱着别人的女儿I've spent eight years loving someone else's daughter!26700:12:45,650 --> 00:12:49,310我想再次强调Again, I wanna stress that the hospital26800:12:49,310 --> 00:12:50,720医院只是最近...Only be latedly became--26900:12:50,720 --> 00:12:52,810杰克我对天发誓如果你去找律师辩护Jack, I swear to god, if you go lawyer on me,27000:12:52,810 --> 00:12:54,450我就把你的头拧下来I will put your head through a wall!27100:13:01,370 --> 00:13:02,680那我们的...So where is our...27200:13:05,340 --> 00:13:08,380亲生的天哪我都不知道该怎么称呼Biologi--god, I don't even know what to call her.27300:13:08,820 --> 00:13:11,020我们还没有找到对方家庭We haven't been able to track the family down yet.27400:13:11,100 --> 00:13:12,660那在你找到女孩儿之前Then we're not telling gaby,27500:13:13,430 --> 00:13:14,970那我们不能告诉加布Not till you find this other girl.27600:13:15,060 --> 00:13:18,270卡洛斯我有法律职责Carlos, I have a legal responsibility here.27700:13:18,270 --> 00:13:19,630她必须知情She has to be told.27800:13:19,630 --> 00:13:21,310知道了我来Fine! I'll do it.27900:13:27,080 --> 00:13:28,340但我不知如何启齿but I don't know how.28000:13:29,540 --> 00:13:31,830这会毁了她的This is going to destroy her.28100:13:40,100 --> 00:13:41,800不我搞错了普雷斯顿Nope. I was wrong. Preston,28200:13:41,800 --> 00:13:42,820和帕克对调一下位置switch back with parker.28300:13:42,900 --> 00:13:44,090我们为何要这样Why are we doing this?28400:13:44,090 --> 00:13:46,090当雷尼驾到时When renee pulls up to this house,28500:13:46,090 --> 00:13:48,900我必须让她看到She is gonna see the one thing I can show off--28600:13:48,900 --> 00:13:52,120我的幸福美满的家庭My beautiful, beautiful family.28700:13:53,430 --> 00:13:55,790这是啥粉刺吗站后面去What is that, a pimple? Get in the back!28800:13:55,870 --> 00:13:59,380宝贝你不觉得你有点焦虑过头了吗Honey, don't you think you're getting a little carried away?28900:13:59,490 --> 00:14:02,040汤姆那个女人住在豪华天台屋上Tom, that woman lives in a penthouse.29000:14:02,120 --> 00:14:04,460我们必须不吃肉才能买台笔记本We had to give up meat so we could buy a laptop.29100:14:04,540 --> 00:14:06,830- 让我这么做吧 - 是她吗-Let me have this. -Is that her?29200:14:09,980 --> 00:14:12,830当然是Of course it is.29300:14:14,240 --> 00:14:16,600好了各就各位为了妈妈Okay, everybody, smile for mom29400:14:16,600 --> 00:14:18,980和她的变态朋友大家笑一个吧And her strange and twisted friendship.29500:14:28,150 --> 00:14:29,620我回来了鲁道夫I'm back, rudolfo.29600:14:29,720 --> 00:14:32,320告诉西诺·西比奥尼我在威尼斯期间Please tell signor cipriani I always stay in that suite29700:14:32,320 --> 00:14:34,680一直住那家酒店要是订不到的话When I visit venice, and if it's not available,29800:14:34,680 --> 00:14:36,190我会很生气I'll be very unhappy.29900:14:36,380 --> 00:14:39,290容我挂断我现在要和一个更重要的人Now if you'll excuse me, there's someone more important30000:14:39,290 --> 00:14:40,360说上几句I need to speak with.。



101 The next day my friends came together to pack away my clothes, my personal belongings and what was left of my life. Not quite Gabrielle, not quite. How ironic. To have something I tried so desperately to keep secret treated so causally. I'm so sorry, girls. I never wanted you to burden with this. 第二天我的朋友们都来帮我收拾衣服,私人物品还有――我剩下的那些东西。





102 Yes, as I look back at the world I left behind, it's all so clear to me--the beauty that waits to be unveiled, the mysteries that long to be uncovered. But, people so rarely stop to take a look. They just keep moving. It's a shame, really. There's so much to see. 是的,当我回头看我身后的世界,它变得如此清晰。




103Yes I remember the world, every detail. And what I remember most is how afraid I was, what a waste. You see, to live in fear is not to live at all. I wish I could tell this to those I left behind, but would it do any good? Probably not. I understand now, there will always be those who face their fears, and there will always be those who run away. 是的,我记得这个世界的每一个细节。



第一季101The next day my friends came together to pack away my clothes, my personal belongings and what was left of my life. Not quite Gabrielle, not quite. How ironic. To have something I tried so desperately to keep secret treat ed so causally. I'm so sorry, girls. I never wanted you to burden with this.第二天我的朋友们都来帮我收拾衣服,私人物品还有――我剩下的那些东西。





102.An odd thing happens when we die. Our senses vanish. Taste, touch, smell, and sound become a distant memory, but our sight --ah, our sight expands, and we can suddenly see the world we've left behind so clearly. Of course, most of what's visible to the dead could also be seen by the living, if they only take the time to look.我们死去以后就会有奇怪的事情发生,我们的感觉消失了,味觉、触觉和听觉都成为遥远的回忆,但是我们的视觉,它变得开阔了。



Season 1, Episode 9: Suspicious MindsWRITTEN BY JENNA BANSDIRECTED BY LARRY SHAW-Narrator: one was careless…careless: 粗心的,疏忽的一个是无心-Bree:You put a woman into a coma. Surely that arouses some kind of emotion! put: 使处于(某种状态) coma: 昏迷 surely: 确实,一定 arouse: 引起,导致some: 某个,某种 emotion: 情感你使这个女人处于昏迷状态,当然会引起情感波动-Andrew: well, it doesn't.这不会-John:You and I are finished.finish: 结束你我之间没有关系了-Narrator: One said goodbye一个说了再见-Lynette: I'm so tired of feeling like a failure.be tired of: 对…厌倦,厌烦 feel like: 感觉像 failure: 失败我受够了这种失败的生活-Narrator: one almost lost italmost: 几乎,差不多 lose: 失去【这里it指his mind,也就是失去理智的意思】一个差点失去理智-Mrs. Huber: Your wife didn't kill herself because I wrote a note. She killed herself because of what she did to that poor baby!kill oneself: 自杀 note:纸条 because of: 因为 poor: 可怜的你的妻子不会因为我写的这张便条而自杀,而是因为她那样对待可怜的宝宝-Narrator: and one got exactly what she deserved.exactly: 确切地,当然 deserve: 应得当然还有一个…罪有应得Gabrielle was waiting for her next great idea.wait for: 等待,等候 next: 下一个 great: 伟大的Gabrielle准备她下一个的伟大计划。



《Desperate Housewives》第1季1-01The next day my friends came together to pack away my clothes, my personal belongings and what was left of my life. Not quite Gabrielle, not quite. How ironic. To have something I tried so desperately to keep secret treated so causally. I'm so sorry, girls. I never wanted you to burden with this.第二天我的朋友们都来帮我收拾衣服,私人物品还有――我剩下的那些东西。





1-02Yes, as I look back at the world I left behind, it's all so clear to me. The beauty that waits to be unveiled, the mysteries that long to be uncovered. But, people so rarely stop to take a look. They just keep moving. It's a shame, really. There's so much to see.是的,当我回头看我身后的世界,它变得如此清晰。




1-03Yes I remember the world. Every detail. And what I remember most is how afraid I was, what a waste. You see, to live in fear is not to live at all. I wish I could tell this to those I left behind, but would it do any good? Probably not. I understand now, there will always be those who face their fears, and there will always be those who run away.是的,我记得这个世界的每一个细节。



第一季101The next day my friends came together to pack away my clothes, my personal belongings and what was left of my life. Not quite Gabrielle, not quite. How ironic. To have something I tried so desperately to keep secret treat ed so causally. I'm so sorry, girls. I never wanted you to burden with this.第二天我的朋友们都来帮我收拾衣服,私人物品还有――我剩下的那些东西。





102.An odd thing happens when we die. Our senses vanish. Taste, touch, smell, and sound become a distant memory, but our sight --ah, our sight expands, and we can suddenly see the world we've left behind so clearly. Of course, most of what's visible to the dead could also be seen by the living, if they only take the time to look.我们死去以后就会有奇怪的事情发生,我们的感觉消失了,味觉、触觉和听觉都成为遥远的回忆,但是我们的视觉,它变得开阔了。



《绝望的主妇》第一季第三集Desperate Housewives S01E03《绝望主妇》前情提要Previously on desperate housewives她是他妻子She was his wife.他有权知道事情的真相He deserves to have all the facts.但她就这样抛弃了她的丈夫和孩子She abandoned her husband and her我永远不会原谅她son and I'll never forgive her.又回到老问题上了It's the age-old question,我们到底有多想知道邻居的秘密how much do we want to know about our neighbors? 请你取消和离婚律师的见面You gonna cancel the meeting with the divorce lawyer. 我们去找个婚姻顾问We'll find a marriage councilor.我是麦克·德尔非诺I'm Mike Deifino.我是苏珊·梅尔我住对面Susan Mayer. I live across the street.想跟他约会If you wanna dating him,得主动约他you're gonna have to ask him out.我一直希望他能来约我I keep hoping he'll ask me out.我讨厌你跟我说话的语气I really hate the way you talk to me.我讨厌花一万五千块买条钻石项链I hate that I spent $15,000 on your diamond necklace, 但是我学着接受了but I'm learning to deal with it.-你爱他吗-当然- Do you love him? - I do.那我们为什么还在这偷情So then why are we here? Why are we doing this?因为我可不想某天醒来Because I don't want to wake up one morning,想把自己的脑袋打爆With a sudden urge to blow my brains out.我死了以后After I died,我开始放弃那些I began to surrender the parts of对我来说已经不再重要的东西myself that were no longer necessary.欲望信念抱负猜疑My desires, beliefs, ambitions, doubts --我的七情六欲都已不复存在every trace of my humanity was discarded.当我迈入永生的瞬间I discovered when moving through eternity,我发现我变得轻松多了it helps to travel lightly.但是我依然保有一样东西In fact, I held on to only one thing那就是我的记忆my memory.当我回头看身后的世界It's astonishing to look back on the world I left behind 真是令人吃惊I remember it all --每个细节都历历在目every single detail.比如我的朋友布里·范德坎普Like my friend Bree Van de Kamp.我还记得她自信的微笑I remember the easy confidence of her smile,优雅的手势the gentle elegance of her hands,亲和的语气the refined warmth of her voice.但最难忘的But what I remember most about Bree雷克斯晚餐很棒吧Rex, wasn't that lovely --是她眼神中的恐惧Was the look of fear in her eyes.布里发现她的世界正在分崩离析Bree had started to realize her world was unraveling, 对于凡事求完美的她来说and for a woman who despised loose ends,这是不可接受的that was unacceptable.雷克斯起来了Rex. Rex. You need to get up.天还没亮呢It's not even light out.快起床Please hurry.如果孩子们看到你睡在这儿If the kids see you sleeping down here,他们会问东问西的they're going to start asking questions.让他们问好了我不在乎Let 'em ask. I don't care anymore.可我在乎Well, I care.没必要让他们察觉出我们之间出问题了They don't need to be burden with our marital problems 我们尽快把关系修缮好While we're working things out, the least现在至少需要做些表面功夫we can do is try to keep up appearances.是啊表面功夫Oh, yeah. Appearances.我都忘了得做做表面功夫I keep forgetting about appearances.雷克斯你看起很疲惫Oh, Rex, you look so tired.我根本睡不着I didn't sleep.这东西睡起来真不舒服This damn thing is so uncomfortable.何不搬回楼上睡我们的床Well, why don't you move back upstairs and sleep inour bed?我们现在在接受婚姻咨询We're in marriage counseling, Bree.我们需要搞清楚这点I think that would confuse things.可是It's just--我想你I miss you.我知道I know you do.当然如果我还是无法入睡Of course, if I don't find out start我迟早会因为疲劳过度getting some sleep, pretty soon被迫搬回楼上去睡I'll be forced to move back upstairs out of sureexhaustion.没错布里害怕很多事Yes, Bree was afraid of many things,但是有一样她从不害怕but if there was one thing she wasn't afraid of...就是挑战it was a challenge.紫藤郡的早晨平静如往昔The day on Wisteria Lane began like any other.咖啡和早报一天的生活便开始了With a cup of coffee and the moring paper.让我安静一会儿Just give me a second....勒奈特开始了经济版的阅读And while Lynette read the business section.加布丽尔在研究秋季时装And Gabrielle studied the fall collections布里在报上寻找装饰的小贴士And Bree searched for decorating ideas苏珊在浏览头版时报纸的日期Susan scanned the front page and saw something引起了她的注意that caught her eye都几点了What's about time.别这样我带了零食哦Be nice. I come bearing snacks.勒奈特这些扑克很黏Lynette, these cards are sticky我知道普雷斯顿用了三张方块I know. Preston used the three of diamonds去挖罐子里的果酱to took scoop jam out of the jar.真好我们还有49张牌能玩Gorgeous, thankful we have 49 cards to play with.大家好对不起我来晚了Hello. Sorry I'm late.苏珊我刚才正跟大家说So, Susan and I was just telling the girls,我想办一个晚宴I want to throw a dinner party-真的吗-是的- Really? - Yes.我们大家都住这儿很久了Well how long have we all lived on this street一直没有机会聚聚we've never done a big group thing这主意不错I think it's a great idea保罗从来不欢迎大家过去Paul never likes to have people over管他呢反正我要办一场but the heck with him I'm doing it.晚宴什么时候举行呢So when is this shindig?下个月的今天怎么样How about a month from tonight?16号大家都有空吗That would be the 16th. Good for everyone?我没问题我们都做点什么呢Works for me. Should we all make something?不必了交给我就行Oh, no. This is my party.我一直期盼能邀请大家来我家I've been wanting to have everyone over for years.我很高兴这个想法终于快实现了I'm so happy we're finally doing this.肯定会很有趣It's gonna be so much fun.我知道她的晚宴I know. Her dinner.我们怎么把这事儿都给忘了How could we have all forgotten about this?我们其实没忘只是通常We didn't exactly forget, it's just usually如果女主人死了宴会就自动取消了when the hostess dies the party's off.勒奈特Lynette不是我无礼我只是说事实I'm not being flip. I'm just pointing out a reality.玛丽·艾莉丝很期待这次聚会Mary Alice was so excited about it.真是不幸It's so sad.我们来帮她办吧I think we should go through with it.你确定这样未免不太合适吧Really? Wouldn't that be in poor taste?这也是一个纪念玛丽·艾莉丝的方式No. It's sort of a way to honor Mary Alice.这个宴会对她来说很重要It was so important to her我们也可以放松下We could all use a fun night.那正好我购买了新面粉Well, good, because I have some new flour早就迫不及待想让你们尝尝了that I have been just dying to show off.勒奈特Lynette?-我同意-我要做炖羊腿- I'm in. - I'll make braised lamb shanks.我还是同意I'm still in.我得准备几人份的晚餐呢So how many I will be cooking for?7份三对夫妻外加苏珊对吧Seven. Three couples and Susan. Does that sound right? 不大错特错No, it sounds very, very wrong.你想邀请谁Is there somebody you'd like to invite?我有个想法I have an idea.一个晚宴 A dinner party.宝贝儿我可能会工作到很晚Honey, I may be working late.德尔曼的建议真是一团糟The Dillman proposal's a complete mess.不行你答应这几晚都会在家陪我的No, no, you promised to be home every night this week. 我只能尽量但我没法保证I'll try but I can't guarantee anything.做生意就是这样This is business.王子也是这样说的Says the prince然后他就骑着马消失于夕阳中as he rides off into the sunset.看来电影说的没错Boy the movies ever get that wrong.你知道你的问题出在哪儿吗You know what your problem is?你太紧张了You're very tense.做水疗也好购物也好You should go to a spa or go shopping.总之放松放松Find a way to relax.喂Hello?你在哪Where are you?上代数课Algebra.你四点能来吗You free at 4:00?不确定下课后我要参加田径赛I'm not sure. I got track after school.那尽快过来Well, get here as fast as you can.我老公说我应该放松一下My husband says I need to relax.你想让我像上次一样穿着运动服去吗You, uh, want me to keep my gym clothes on like lasttime?如果你不介意当然可以If you would, please.晚宴 A dinner party?肯定会很有趣Yeah, it'll be fun.布里做饭每个人都去Bree's cooking, everyone's coming.我都来不及You know what? I haven't even had打开行李亲爱的 a chance to unpack yet, honey.我只是想清静几天I just, uh, I just need to chill out for the next few days. 汤姆Oh, Tom.宴会上有酒开胃小菜There'll be liquor and hors d'oeuvres and都是大人没有孩子还有银制餐具grownups without children and -- and silverware.知道吗是银制餐具Remember silverware?亲爱的帮我把这个收起来好吗Honey, can you take this in for me?你有没有在听我说Have you heard anything I just said?对不起我只是太累了Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm just -- I'm wiped out.六天去了三个城市我的头都快炸了Three cities in six days -- my head is just pounding.我没有精力再去晚宴了I'm not ready for a dinner party.我已经找好保姆了I already got a sitter.不能辞退吗Can you cancel her?求你了你看我们明晚就待在家Please? Look, let's just stay in tomorrow night.开瓶酒租个碟We can get a bottle of wine and rent a video,我只想跟我最爱的女人待在一起and-I just want to hang out with my best gal.就是这样That's all.我每天都期盼着晚上可以出去I was looking so forward to a night out.我知道亲爱的我很抱歉但是I know, sweetie, I'm sorry, but...我也很无奈I'm beat.还记得I mean, do you remember what it一周工作60小时的时候吗was like to work a 60-hour week?晚宴 A dinner party?我必须去吗Do I have to go?鉴于由我承办我不得不说是的Well, given that we're hosting it, I'd say so.补充一下你在晚宴上不能喝酒By the way, you won't be drinking at this party.为什么Why is that?因为你一喝酒话就多Because when you drink, you get chatty.我们的婚姻咨询没必要让别人知道No one needs to know that we're seeing Dr. Goldfine.You know, if you spent half as much time working你知道吗如果你能把用一半掩盖问题的时间来解决问题那... on our problems as you do covering them --不可能Not a drop.这太可笑了You know, this -- this is ridiculous.说我们是去上网球课And this whole thing about us taking tennis lessons?你诊所的护士已经开始好奇Well, the nurses at your office may start wondering为什么你一周内失踪了三回why you're disappearing three times a week.上网球课是个可信的托辞Tennis lessons are a plausible alibi.那么我们的网球课All right so, these tennis lessons we're taking --进展如何how are we doing?我的反手有明显进步My backhand's improving immensely,但你的发球还存在很大问题but you're still having problems with your serve.好吧Of course.晚宴 A dinner party?明天晚上举行所以你能否It's tomorrow night, so if you could帮忙照看朱莉一天just keep Julie an extra day.行不过我和布兰迪周末Fine, but that's all. Brandi and I leave要去小木屋住一周sunday for a week up at the cabin.什么小木屋What cabin?布兰迪希望我们能出去走走Brandi wanted some place where we could get away. 昨天刚完成一单契约Escrow just closed yesterday.你有钱去住小木屋You can afford a cabin,却凑不齐孩子的赡养费but you can't scrape up child support?支票我已经寄了The check is in the mail.没收到啊Oh. No, it's not.护齿套找到了可以走了I found my dental guard. I'm ready.别吵了Stop fighting.我们已经尽可能友好相处了We are being as nice as we possibly can to one another. 听我说别再吵了Like I said, stop fighting.不好意思布兰迪Excuse me, Brandi.麻烦你捡起来好吗Do you mind?好的Oh, okay.等等苏珊就在你边上捡一下不就得了Wait. Susan, you're right there. You can pick it up.我可以捡但这是她扔的I could, but she's the one who threw it.拜托别无理取闹了Come on. Don't be petulant.你就捡一下那该死的罐头吧Just pick up the stupid can.我偏不No.我来捡吧I can pick it up.宝贝你别管Honey, stay out of this.很好Fine.你总是这样This is so typical.真抱歉我又无理取闹了Oh, I'm sorry. Was that petulant, too?听着你自己去捡这该死的罐头吧You know what? You can pick up the damn canyourself.去死吧你Yeah, well, you just go to hell.需要我帮忙捡吗You want me to pick it up?沃明顿太太说她Mrs. Warmington said she looked for没找到妈妈的讣告mom's obituary and couldn't find it.你发了吗Did you put one in?扎克我有很多事要忙I've had other things on my mind, Zack.你怎么能连讣告都不发But how could you not do that?别人会以为我们不在乎她People are going to think we didn't care about her.我不觉得别人会太在意这事I doubt people will give it much thought.别担心Don't worry about it.你都没谈起过她You never talk about her.她去世不到一个月She hasn't even been dead a month,你就好像已经把她忘得一干二净and it's like you've totally forgotten she ever existed.我们不该在这时候谈这个It's a little early for this kind of talk.或许哪天你死了Maybe when you die,我也不会登讣告I won't put in an obituary.你自己决定That will be your choice to make.前提是你得活得比我久Assuming you outlive me.妈没什么大不了的Mom, it's no big deal.我和卡洛斯会赶去洗礼的Carlos and I are driving in for the baptism.那就搞定啦Problem solved.嗯好的Okay, fine.你和玛利亚姨妈先去You go with aunt Maria,随后我会带祖母去教堂的and I will take Nana to church.快脱衣服吧Take your clothes off.好的妈我还有事Okay. I got to go, mom.对就现在Yes, right now.那你晚点告诉我怎么走再见Okay, you can give me directions later. Bye.在学校表现如何啊Hi. How was school?生物考试得了A- Got an a-minus on my biology exam.很好You did?那就来看看你都学到点什么Well, let's see what you've learned.那是谁Who's that?我不认识I don't know.你站住Hey, you!麦克没说什么吗So did Mike say anything?没但你真应该看看他当时的表情No, but, god, you should have seen the look on his face. 没那么糟吧I'm sure it's not that bad.他会来参加晚宴吧I mean, he's coming to the party, right?我留了三条言I left three messages.他绝不会来的毫无悬念Oh, he's not going to come. Big surprise.我差点就口沫横飞了I did everything but foam at the mouth.天哪我恨死那样的自己了God, I hate when I get that way.好像每次只要我和卡尔距离不到10英尺It's like every time I get within 10 feet我就表现得像个怪物of Carl, I just become this monster.要知道只有彻底解决和他的问题You know what? It's not going to change until才能改变现状you resolve your issues with that man.什么你要我原谅他What, you mean forgive him?我在怨念中活得太久了You know, I've lived with this bitterness没了它反而会让我觉得空虚so long, I think I'd be lonely without it.亲爱的养个宠物吧Honey, get a pet.再见See ya.-哇靠-这是个商务会议- Son of a - It's a business meeting.明显是狐朋狗友大碰头It's a frat party.地区经理公司经理销售主管Regional manager, corporate manager, head of sales. 美酒雪茄宽边帽Margarita, cigar, sombrero.亲爱的那你想我怎么样Honey, what do you want me to do, sit around整天呆坐在酒店里看电视the hotel the whole time watching cable?不但当我说No. But when I say,我们去晚宴吧"we've been invited to a party,"别老拿你一周工作60小时敷衍我Don't whine about your exhausting 60-hour week. 穿好你的舞鞋Put on your dancin' shoes and take the带着我一起共度美好时光mother of your children out for a good time.好吧你说的没错Fine. You know what? You're right.我们去参加晚宴吧Let's go to that party.不行啊我都让保姆别来了I can't. I already canceled the sitter.那就我们来办下一次聚会Okay, well, we'll throw the next one.办一次晚宴Throw a dinner party?我都没时间洗脸I don't even have time to wash my face.这样吧No, you know what?这次我会去I'm going to go to this one.你待在家带孩子You can stay home and babysit the kids.好吧Fine.我应付得来I can handle that.谢谢Thank you.加布丽尔整个早上都在找Gabrielle spent her morning searching那个神秘的小女孩for the mysterious little girl.悲剧的是Sadly for her,女孩找到了但没想到如此戏剧性the mystery was solved a bit too quickly.怎么了呀What's going on?你认识阿什莉吗Have you met Ashley?找到了Found it!宝贝这是我们的新邻居希拉·布考斯基Babe, this is Sheila Bukowski, our new neighbor.他们刚搬进米勒的老房子They just moved into the miller's old house.很抱歉我女儿把球丢在你们院子里了My daughter left her ball in your yard. I'm so sorry. 没关系Oh, oh, no -- no problem.很高兴见到你阿什莉Nice to meet you, Ashley.她很腼腆话不多She's shy. She doesn't say much.但我看得出她的小脑瓜精灵得很Yeah, but I can see her little mind working away.很高兴认识你们Nice meeting you.走吧阿什莉Come on, Ashley.单独交流Private sessions?我不懂我们为什么要单独交流I don't understand. Why do we need private sessions? 单独交流有利于我们Private sessions allow us to work on解决各自的私人问题the personal issues of both partners.我没什么私人问题Oh, well, I don't have any personal issues.我唯一的问题就是我丈夫想离开我My only issue is that my husband wants to leave me,要是没有他我的问题怎么解决and how can I work on that if he's not in the room?是我想和高德芬博士单独谈谈There are things I need to discuss with希望你能回避下Dr. Goldfine, and I can't have you there.为什么Why?我是你老婆有什么我不能知道的I'm your wife. You can say anything in front of me.只要多交流下我们肯定能All we need is a few more sessions, and I'm sure we can--闭嘴布里Damn it, Bree,谈几次话根本是徒劳 a few more sessions isn't going to fix us.我们的问题很严重This is bigger than that.要不我们试试这样Why don't we do it this way?雷克斯前半个小时你先来Rex, you can take the first half-hour.布里你后半小时再来Bree, you can take the second.好吧Fine.博士Oh, and, doctor,要是他的讲话内容涉及if what he's about to discuss has anything to do with通奸卖淫或是网络色情adultery, prostitution, or internet pornography,我希望您能坚守道德底线I would really appreciate you taking a moral hard line. 嗨阿什莉Hi, Ashley.还记得我吗我们之前见过Remember me? We -- we met earlier.你真是个小画家啊Aren't you the little artist?那些是什么火烈鸟What are those -- flamingos?不是No.画得很漂亮Well, they're very pretty.它们仿佛在接吻It almost looks like they're kissing.其实接吻这件事Funny thing about kissing --并不是夫妻间才能做的哦It's not just for husbands and wives.我们有时会亲亲妈妈或者爷爷Sometimes we kiss our mom or our grandpa.有时会亲亲小狗Sometimes we even kiss our dog. Ha ha.有时还会亲吻我们的朋友Sometimes we even kiss people who are just ourfriends,像是在用嘴唇来击掌对吗kind of like a high-five on the lips. Right?阿什啊Hey, Ash,我刚在商场看到这个I was at the mall, and I saw this.我猜你会喜欢I thought you might like it.她来自夏威夷She's Hawaiian.是卡哈鲁瓦公主Her name is princess Kahalua,涵义大概是"小瀑布" and I think it means "little waterfall,"或者"大海"之类的or "big pond" or something.那我们没问题了是吧So we're good, right?你和你的新朋友玩Well, you enjoy your new little friend,还需要什么就告诉我and if there's anything else you need, you just let meknow.我想要的What I'd really like其实是自行车is a bike.你在哪儿找到的Where did you find that?她就是用这自杀的She used this to kill herself.你为什么还留着Why would you keep it?为什么Why?因为我觉得有天会用上Because I thought we might need it someday.用在哪里For what?自卫Protection.我们得谈谈妈妈I want to talk about mom.你该吃药了You need to take your medication.我们必须得谈We are going to talk about mom.嗨扎克Hello, Zack.希望没打扰到你I hope this isn't a bad time.范德坎普太太你来有什么事吗What can I do for you, Mrs. Van de Kamp?我想请你和你爸爸Well, I wanted to invite you and your明晚来参加晚宴father to a dinner party tomorrow night.我不知道他现在在哪儿I'm not sure where he is right now.我很抱歉这么迟才告诉你们Oh. Well, I'm sorry it's such late notice, but, well,我们不确定你们父子俩we weren't sure that you and your father were是否调整好情绪参加社交ready for any kind of social engagement yet,这次是我们为纪念你母亲而办的but, we're sort of throwing it in your mother's honor.真的吗Really?没错就是大家聚一聚Yes, it's just going to be a casual night with the gang.边吃饭边讲些关于你妈妈的趣事We're going to eat and tell fun stories about your mom. 扎克你还好吗Zack... Are you okay?你好布里Hello, Bree.你好保罗我就是想Oh, hi, Paul. I was just --我都听到了I heard.谢谢但我们明天有事Thank you, but we already have plans for tomorrow.那太遗憾了Oh. That's too bad.我该走了Well, I should go.谢谢您范德坎普太太Thank you, Mrs. Van de Kamp.谢我什么扎克For what, Zack?谢谢您还惦记着我妈妈Remembering my mom.那晚保罗给他儿子一些东西That night, Paul gave his son something来抚慰他的紧张to calm his nerves,第二天加布丽尔给新朋友送个礼物And the next day, Gabrielle calmed her own nerves来抚慰自己的紧张by giving something to her new best friend.给你的Here you go.最新款三倍变速铝制车身Top of the line, 3-speed, aluminum frame,把手缠绕着丝带还有个铃handlebar ribbons, and a bell,而且还是宝蓝色的and you'll notice it's royal blue和你漂亮的眼睛一样to match your pretty little eyes.我的眼睛是绿色的My eyes are green.好吧你戴上这个Yeah, well, you'll be cruising so fast飞驰而过没有人会注意的on this, no one will even notice.这些都是你的It's all yours, hon.玩得开心Have fun.怎么了有什么不好吗What? What's wrong?我不会骑车I don't know how to ride a bike.什么What?那你为什么向我要一辆Well, then, why did you ask for one?为什么你不能教教我Why can't you show me?行改天吧Sure, one of these days.为什么不能现在教What's wrong with now?在她和勒奈特谈过之后After her talk with Lynette,苏珊决定看看她以前的相册Susan decided to take a look at her old photo album, 她开始重新审视自己and she began to see herself in a whole new light, 但那些照片依然不能让她开心起来and the picture wasn't flattering.你好我是卡尔请留言Yeah, you got Karl. Leave a message.卡尔是我Hey, Karl, it's me.我很希望你在I was hoping you'd be there.听着我们得谈谈Um, listen, we need to talk,明天你送朱莉回来的时候so maybe when you drop Julie off tomorrow,或许我们能谈谈we could have a moment.这很重要It's important.代我向Give my best to...布兰迪问好Brandi.回我电话Call me.苏珊为自己感到骄傲Susan was proud of herself.她最终打算不生气了She was finally ready to let go of her anger.她差点就成功了Almost.孩子们五点半就饿了The boys will be hungry at 5:30,所以五点就要把鱼肉条放进烤箱so put the fish sticks in the toaster oven at 5:00.烤半小时亲爱的我知道For half an hour. Honey, I know.你已经说了三遍了This is the third time you've told me.好吧如果孩子们没及时吃到饭你可就惨了Well, if the food's late, god help you.知道了我不需要一本小册子Beautiful, I don't need a pamphlet.这又不是什么脑部手术It's not brain surgery.拜托他们只是些孩子They're just kids, for god sake.普雷斯顿过来一下Preston, would you come here?宝贝儿Sweetie,你知道我们吃小饼干的规矩you know our rule about eating cookies, right?是的我们五点后不能吃Yeah, we can't have them after 5:00,因为糖会引起多动症cause sugar makes us hyper.但是今晚什么都可以吃Yeah, but tonight, anything goes.和你的兄弟一起吃Make sure you share with your brothers.谢谢妈妈Thanks, mom.不要向下看别向下看Don't look at your feet. Don't look at your feet.看路看前面的路不错Look at the road. Look at the road. Good.找到平衡点Find your balance. Find your balance.就这样你骑得好极了Okay, it's all you. It's all you! you're doing great!往右骑小心车Okay, stay to the right. Watch the car.小心那辆车Watch the car! Watch the car!你没有受伤吧Oh! Are you okay?我很好我们再来一遍Yeah. Let's go again.亲爱的我穿着这鞋可不行Oh, honey, these heels don't have another block inthem.明天怎么样What about tomorrow?明天你就不能在这玩了因为你要去学校Well, you won't be around tomorrow, 'cause you haveschool.我是在家学习的I'm homeschooled.我可以经常出来玩I'm always around.那一瞬间加布丽尔It was in that moment that Gabrielle意识到这只是个开始realized this ride was far from over.我来了I'm coming!卡尔怎么是你我让你明天来Karl, what are you doing here? I asked you to cometomorrow.你说想要谈谈听起来很重要You said you wanted to talk. It sounded important.明天吧我只披了一条浴巾Tomorrow. I'm in a towel.我们结婚十四年了We were married 14 years.拜托我有什么没见过I know what's under there. Come on.我还没有准备好I'm not really ready for this.我打算为这次谈话好好准备一下的I was going to have a whole speech prepared.布兰迪和我明天有其他计划Brandi and I have plans tomorrow.我建议你现在就说I suggest you wing it.好吧Um, okay.是这样的卡尔Here's the thing, Karl --我一直在想发生过什么I was thinking about what happened在昨天回家的路上in the driveway yesterday,我并不想and I-I just don't want to --要那样的生活I don't want to live like that.我不想变成那种人I don't want to be that kind of person,我只是想如果我们两个and I just thought if the two of us,能够温和的平静的you know, if we had a nice, calm --我需要一个道歉卡尔I need an apology, Karl.一个什么 A what?一个道歉你就那样结束了我们的婚姻An apology for the way you ended our marriage.你从来不为你的行为负责You never took any responsibility for your behavior.我不知道该说什么苏珊I don't know what to say, Susan.我想得到自己想要的东西The heart wants what it wants.那是什么意思What does that mean?我恋爱了I fell in love.当你有家室的时候While you were married to someone else.我的身心不受控制The heart wants what it wants.我很想伤害你Yeah, well, my heart wants to hurt you,但是我能控制我自己But I can control myself.我不想无休止地争论这个问题I-I don't want to go back to that ugly place, really,如果你还想我建议你去寻求帮助and if you do, I suggest that you get some help.你知道吗You know what?我不需要道歉I don't need an apology.我不需要你的任何东西I don't need anything from you.你在自取其辱You're humiliating yourself.你才是那个自取其辱的人卡尔No, you're the one who's been humiliated, Karl.你为什么就视而不见呢Why don't you see that?你抛弃了你的家庭You walked out on your family.大家都觉得你是人渣而不是我People think you're scum, not me,我没问题我担心的是你so worry about yourself. I'm okay with me.我可以挺胸抬头地走在大街上I can walk down the street and hold my head high.紫藤郡的太阳慢慢下山了As the sun slowly settled on Wisteria Lane,还没有着落的苏珊想尽了办法an unsettled Susan racked her brain如何进家门to find a way into her own house.赤裸着躺在了她家的灌木丛中Lying naked in her shrubs,对于苏珊来说这可能是it occurred to Susan this could be the一生中最丢脸的事most humiliating moment of her life.苏珊Susan?她错了She was wrong.你在干什么Uh, whatcha doing?把自己反锁在外面Locked myself out...还赤裸着naked.然后我就摔倒了And then I fell.你呢So how are you?我刚刚回来I just got back.我出去了一整天I've been gone all day,收到你的邀请留言and I got your messages about dinner,我很高兴参加只要你还愿意的话and, um, I would love to come if that invite still stands. 就这么定了It's a date.好的All right. I, um...穿休闲装行吗assume the dress is casual.好的就休闲装Yeah. It's -- it's casual.谢谢你帮我破门而入Thanks for helping me break in.你觉得把还能把那个纱窗还能还原吗Do you think it'll be hard to replace that screen?看情况It depends.如果你要自己钉你需要一副手套If you nail it in yourself, you might want to weargloves...还有裤子穿裤子不会受伤Or pants. Pants wouldn't hurt.事实上我知道刚才的事很可笑Okay, I know what just happened is funny in theory,但是我还没有准备好把这当笑话来说but I'm nowhere near ready to laugh about it,所以拜托不要开玩笑so please, no jokes.你们两个去哪里了Hey, where have you two been?苏珊找不到衣服穿Uh, Susan had a problem finding something to wear.你说的是这意思吧Oh, is that the kind of thing you meant?差不多Pretty much.孩子们不停地在墙上弹来弹去吗The kids are bouncing off the walls? Huh.汤姆我想你有办法让他们去睡觉的Well, I'm sure you can figure a way to put them to bed,Tom.拜托汤姆他们只是些孩子I mean, for god sakes, Tom, they're just kids.你还好吗Hey. Are you okay?是的今天我去慢跑了Yes, I-I went jogging today,我觉得我太急于求成了and I think I just pushed myself too hard.你也许是没有穿对鞋Oh, you're probably not wearing the right shoes.是的我也是这么想的Yea, that thought did cross my mind.加布丽尔说你和布里So Gabrielle says that you and Bree are一周上三次课taking lessons three times a week.我也想有空重新开始练习I'm actually thinking about playing again.网球真的有益身体健康I mean, it's such great exercise.是的Mm. That it is.我的扣球技术需要好好调整一下And my drop shot could use a serious tune-up.你可以把你教练的电话给我吗Think you can give me the number of your pro?可以我一会给你Yeah. I'll, uh, I'll give it to you later.他在哪个俱乐部工作Well, what club does he work out of?我们并不是真的上网球课卡洛斯W-We're not really taking tennis lessons, Carlos.不是吗You're not?那只是编的故事That's a story布里编造出来掩盖事实Bree concocted to cover the fact that我们在看婚姻咨询we're seeing a marriage counselor.布里Bree -- Bree...他不停地打听网球教练He wouldn't stop asking about the tennis pro.布里和我在做婚姻咨询Bree and I are in marriage counseling.所有人都知道这个秘密了Everyone knows our secret now.天塌下来了吗Did the sky fall?你的生活被毁了吗Has your life come crashing down?请大家入座If everybody would please take your seats,晚餐马上就好dinner is served.伴随着每小时四英里的风速With the winds from the northwest at 4 miles per hour, 现在的气温是摄氏五十五度it's currently 55 degrees.我们正在维斯布鲁克进行现场报道Now we go to rich... live on the scene in Westbrook.今天此地有个可怕的发现 A grisly discovery was made today in Westbrook有人在岩水湖找到一个木箱when a chest was found in Rockwater Lake,。

绝望的主妇 中英文字幕+学习笔记 S01E22

绝望的主妇 中英文字幕+学习笔记 S01E22
finished: 结束了的、完结了的 murderer: 谋杀犯
-Susan: And that was your cue to come over and flirt?
cue: 提示,开端 come over: 过来 flirt: 调情
appear: 出现 doorway: 门口
-Edie: Susan!
-Susan: Hey there Edie.
-Edie: What are you...
-SБайду номын сангаасsan: Mike and I got back together.
(A construction worker walks over to Edie.)
construction worker: 建筑工人
-Cyrus: Ms. Britt, you look extra beautiful today.
-Susan: Well, I can’t have doughnuts and juice. It’s unnatural.
Sadly for Edie, the one man she wanted most to notice her...paid her no attention at all.
sadly: 伤心地、悲伤地 notice: 注意到 pay attention: 注意



如果Mary alice有什么不对劲,我们应该会知道的。

for God’s sakes: 【天晓得】看在上帝的面上天晓得,她住的离我们不过50英尺。

go on: 发生Gabby,她结束了自己的生命,肯定有事情发生。

around: 在……周围try to: 设法grab: 抓握ass: 屁股我每次遇见他,他都想摸我的屁股。

business:生意do business with: 与某人做生意去年我和他做了超过20万美元的生意。


这是什么?address: 写信给一封写给Mary Alice的信。

odd: 奇怪sense: 感觉vanish: 消失我们死去以后就会有奇怪的事情发生,我们没有感觉。

distant: 遥远的memory: 记忆味觉、触觉、嗅觉和听觉成为遥远的回忆。

sight: 视野expand: 扩展suddenly: 突然leave behind: 丢在后面但是我们的视觉,啊,我们的视野开阔了。


visible: 能看见的the living: 活人,活着的人们,生者take the time to: 花时间去做当然,死人能看见的世界活人也能看清楚,他们只是不愿意花时间去看而已。

unhappy: 不高兴就像我的朋友Gabrielle。



gardener: 园丁infuse with: 注入excitement: 兴奋,激动当然,Gabrielle只是找到了她年轻的园丁给她的生活中注入新鲜血液,be about to: 将要,正打算discover: 发现get: 变得但是现在她想尝试一下究竟她的生活可以有多精彩。



100:00:01,000 --> 00:00:03,000YYeTs人人影视字幕组出品200:00:01,000 --> 00:00:05,000翻译:VK 小坏蛀虫小门柴柠檬meg VERO NANA 红豆包 nilo 憶300:00:01,000 --> 00:00:05,000校对:蛀虫小门柴 VERO 时间轴:GGYY 蛀虫小门柴后期:冰河监制:桃金娘银400:00:00,030 --> 00:00:02,750《绝望主妇》前情提要Previously on "Desperate Housewives,"500:00:02,780 --> 00:00:06,15010年前卡洛斯的母亲因车祸而死Ten years ago, Carlos' mother died after being hit by a car600:00:06,180 --> 00:00:07,720肇事者正是安德鲁that Andrew was driving.700:00:07,750 --> 00:00:09,120奥森收拾行囊准备离去Orson packed his bags...800:00:09,150 --> 00:00:11,390你已不是我心目中的那个布里You are not the woman I thought you were.900:00:11,420 --> 00:00:13,990他是我儿子我没得选择He's my son. I had no choice.1000:00:14,030 --> 00:00:16,290那我选择不再做你丈夫And I no longer choose to be your husband.1100:00:16,330 --> 00:00:18,330布里决定公布真相And Bree decided to come clean.1200:00:18,360 --> 00:00:20,000有件事我得告诉你There's something I need to tell you--1300:00:20,030 --> 00:00:22,330这事儿可能会终结我们的友谊It's the kind of thing that could end our friendship.1400:00:22,370 --> 00:00:25,540一位奄奄一息的护士作出了忏悔A dying nurse made a confession...1500:00:25,570 --> 00:00:28,570得让这家医院的老板知道我做的事情The people who run this hospital need to know what I did.1600:00:28,610 --> 00:00:31,340你将如何对孩子的父母说他们抚养的孩子How do you tell parents the child they've been raising1700:00:31,380 --> 00:00:33,180不是他们亲生的isn't really theirs?1800:00:33,210 --> 00:00:36,710财务危机使苏珊做出了一个重大决定Financial worries drove Susan to a big decision...1900:00:36,750 --> 00:00:37,830你不能把房子卖了You can't sell your house.2000:00:37,830 --> 00:00:39,320不是卖只是出租We're not selling. We're renting.2100:00:39,350 --> 00:00:42,040这致使一位久违的邻居重回故里Which led to the return of a long-lost neighbor.2200:00:42,070 --> 00:00:44,160事实上我过去就住在这里The truth is, I used to live here.2300:00:44,190 --> 00:00:47,560我猜大家看到你一定会感到惊喜的Oh, I guess everyone will be surprised to see you again.2400:00:47,590 --> 00:00:49,090绝对会They absolutely will.2500:00:53,770 --> 00:00:59,400我和我丈夫曾经非常幸福快乐There was a time when my husband and I were very happy.2600:00:59,440 --> 00:01:02,670我还记得那些和煦的夏日午后I remember warm summer afternoons2700:01:02,710 --> 00:01:05,010我们在后院里烤肉and backyard barbecues00:01:05,040 --> 00:01:07,810和朋友们说笑and laughter with friends.2900:01:07,850 --> 00:01:12,400我们的生活就像田园梦境Our life was like some kind of suburban dream.3000:01:12,430 --> 00:01:16,890不过终有一天人们会醒来But the day comes when we all must wake up.3100:01:20,730 --> 00:01:22,520对我来说For me,3200:01:22,520 --> 00:01:27,300一封信打破了美梦that day came when a letter arrived.3300:01:27,330 --> 00:01:29,230这是封恐吓信As threats go,3400:01:29,250 --> 00:01:33,370信的内容简明扼要It was concise and to the point.3500:01:33,410 --> 00:01:39,540为了保护家人我无从选择I did what I had to to protect my family.3600:01:39,580 --> 00:01:44,980我丈夫后来找到了写信的人My husband found out who wrote the letter.3700:01:45,020 --> 00:01:50,250他让她知道这事儿使他有多恼火He let her know how much this upset him.3800:01:50,290 --> 00:01:55,960而她妹妹猜到了我丈夫的所作所为Her sister figured out what my husband had done.3900:01:55,990 --> 00:02:01,830于是她决定诬陷我丈夫谋杀So she decided to frame him for murder...4000:02:01,870 --> 00:02:06,970确切地说是苦肉计Her murder, to be more specific.4100:02:07,010 --> 00:02:11,040这一切使保罗·杨的生活And that's when the dream that was Paul Young's life4200:02:11,080 --> 00:02:13,880变成一场噩梦became a nightmare.4300:02:16,880 --> 00:02:18,830多年以后Years later,4400:02:18,880 --> 00:02:21,340有个女人因超速而被查照A woman was pulled over for speeding.4500:02:24,310 --> 00:02:28,460这个女人没有任何身份证明This woman had no identification,4600:02:28,490 --> 00:02:29,930于是她被逮捕了So she was arrested.4700:02:31,680 --> 00:02:35,530人们这才发现菲丽莎·蒂尔曼And that is how people learned that Felicia Tillman4800:02:35,570 --> 00:02:38,150活得好好的was very much alive.4900:02:39,990 --> 00:02:43,570我看你穿上了我送来的西装喜欢吗I see you got the suit I sent over. You like it?5000:02:43,610 --> 00:02:45,810只要不是橙色的我都喜欢I like anything that's not orange.5100:02:45,860 --> 00:02:48,650你可得准备好去添置家当了Well, get ready to do all sorts of shopping.5200:02:48,660 --> 00:02:50,610你的结算支票给你拿来了Your settlement check came in.5300:02:50,650 --> 00:02:52,820你等会儿要先去哪儿So where you going first?5400:02:52,850 --> 00:02:54,180经过这么多年的铁窗生活After all these years in prison,5500:02:54,180 --> 00:02:55,520你一定准备好去狂欢了吧I bet you're ready to party.5600:02:55,550 --> 00:02:57,890我只想回家All I want is to go home.5700:02:57,920 --> 00:03:00,170什么去见你的那些老邻居What? To your old neighborhood?5800:03:00,210 --> 00:03:02,090你很惊讶吧You sound surprised.5900:03:02,130 --> 00:03:04,960你受审的时候可没有一个邻居来帮你None of your neighbors supported you during the trial.6000:03:05,000 --> 00:03:07,230你坐牢的时候他们也没来看过你They didn't visit while you were here.6100:03:07,270 --> 00:03:10,300你即使恨他们也无可厚非No one would blame you if you hated them a little.6200:03:10,340 --> 00:03:13,670我可不是恨他们Oh, I don't hate them...6300:03:13,690 --> 00:03:15,340这么简单A little.6400:03:17,360 --> 00:03:21,550于是我的丈夫回到了紫藤郡And so my husband returned to Wisteria Lane.6500:03:25,420 --> 00:03:28,450邻居们看到他非常惊讶The neighbors were surprised to see him.6600:03:28,490 --> 00:03:32,890多年来他们早已淡忘保罗·杨这个人They hadn't thought about Paul Young in years.6700:03:32,920 --> 00:03:36,040但他对大家念念不忘But he had thought about them.6800:03:38,130 --> 00:03:40,100而且他要让大家And he was going to make sure6900:03:40,130 --> 00:03:44,140对他永远无法忘怀they'd never forget him again.7000:03:55,550 --> 00:03:59,350电话在半夜响起The phone call that comes in the middle of the night...7100:03:59,380 --> 00:04:03,740信是由特快专递寄送The letter that arrives by special courier...00:04:03,770 --> 00:04:08,080电子邮件标题将会注明紧急The e-mail marked "Urgent!"...7300:04:08,110 --> 00:04:11,830是的坏消息传来的方式Yes, there are all sorts of ways7400:04:11,860 --> 00:04:14,670多种多样bad news can be delivered.7500:04:14,700 --> 00:04:18,370然而有的坏消息这般重大But some news is so bad...7600:04:18,400 --> 00:04:20,870必须亲自当面告知It must be delivered in person.7700:04:20,910 --> 00:04:22,870为什么得由我去告诉他们Why do I have to tell them?7800:04:22,940 --> 00:04:26,040你说过这对夫妇是你的邻居You said this couple lives in your neighborhood.7900:04:26,080 --> 00:04:27,550医院理事认为Trustees of the hospital feel8000:04:27,610 --> 00:04:29,780由你来说最合适不过that makes you uniquely qualified.8100:04:29,820 --> 00:04:31,780我怎么开口呢And just what am I supposed to say?8200:04:31,820 --> 00:04:33,320"派对暂停有重大消息****"Great block party.8300:04:33,350 --> 00:04:35,320"顺便一提我们有个护士"by the way, one of our nurses8400:04:35,350 --> 00:04:37,960可能在你们孩子出生时把孩子弄混了试试看may have switched your baby at birth. Try the dip."8500:04:37,990 --> 00:04:39,460我们越拖延Every minute we wait,8600:04:39,490 --> 00:04:41,460医院的责任就越大this hospital takes on more liability.8700:04:41,490 --> 00:04:43,690现在就动身去紫藤郡吧Now get on over to...Wisteria lane8800:04:43,730 --> 00:04:45,960告诉他们发生了什么and tell those people what's going on.8900:04:46,000 --> 00:04:48,150我真不知道该怎么办I don't know how I'm gonna do this.9000:04:48,200 --> 00:04:50,900说这种事只有一个方式There's only one way to deliver news like this:9100:04:50,940 --> 00:04:53,620尽量冷静Remain as calm as possible.9200:04:55,070 --> 00:04:58,130布里出来啊Bree! Get out here!9300:04:58,160 --> 00:05:00,580该死怎么没人在家Damn it! Why is nobody home?9400:05:00,610 --> 00:05:03,830-朗拉格温 -谢天谢地- Lorna, Gwen... - Oh, thank God.9500:05:03,880 --> 00:05:06,120怎么啦凯伦出什么事啦Why, Karen. What's wrong?9600:05:06,130 --> 00:05:08,450保罗·杨回来了Paul Young--he's back.9700:05:08,470 --> 00:05:10,250什么What?9800:05:10,290 --> 00:05:12,510都听到了吧别傻站在这儿You heard me. Now don't just stand there.9900:05:12,560 --> 00:05:15,510我们得提醒大家去走吧We gotta warn people. Come on.10000:05:16,560 --> 00:05:18,830布里我从没见过你这个样子Bree, I've never seen you like this.10100:05:18,860 --> 00:05:20,330你还好吧Are you all right?10200:05:20,370 --> 00:05:22,330我要告诉你一件很可怕的事I have something horrible to tell you,10300:05:22,370 --> 00:05:24,370我不知道怎么开口And I don't know how to say it.10400:05:24,400 --> 00:05:26,370最好别是什么事吧Well, you better think of somethin'.10500:05:26,400 --> 00:05:28,710你有点吓到我了哦You're starting to freak me out.10600:05:28,740 --> 00:05:29,710还记得那天晚上Remember that night10700:05:29,740 --> 00:05:34,140卡洛斯母亲被车撞倒吗when Carlos' mother was run over by a car?10800:05:34,180 --> 00:05:36,450我知道是谁干的Well, I know who did it.10900:05:36,480 --> 00:05:38,880你什么You what?11000:05:38,920 --> 00:05:40,650是安德鲁It was andrew.11100:05:43,220 --> 00:05:45,720天哪Oh, God!11200:05:45,790 --> 00:05:49,010他才16岁我怕他会坐牢He was only 16. I was afraid he was gonna go to jail...11300:05:49,040 --> 00:05:52,030所以雷克斯和我就决定把事情瞒下来so Rex and I just decided to cover it up.11400:05:52,060 --> 00:05:56,630真够糟的太糟糕了Oh, this is--this is bad. This is really bad.11500:05:56,670 --> 00:05:59,300我要吐了I need to go throw up a little.11600:05:59,340 --> 00:06:03,200真抱歉我应该早点告诉你I am so sorry. And I realize I should've told you sooner.11700:06:03,220 --> 00:06:05,820不不不你压根就不该告诉我No! No, no, no, you shouldn't have told me at all!11800:06:05,900 --> 00:06:08,740-什么 -现在我得告诉卡洛斯- What? - Now I have to tell Carlos,11900:06:08,740 --> 00:06:10,030接着他会去要安德鲁的命and he's going to kill Andrew,12000:06:10,030 --> 00:06:11,520结果他会落得进监狱and then he's going to have to go to prison,12100:06:11,520 --> 00:06:13,670所以多亏了你把我老公送进监狱So thank you for sending my husband to prison, Bree.12200:06:13,670 --> 00:06:14,590干得不错啊Nice work!12300:06:14,590 --> 00:06:16,410我再也不能瞒下去了I just couldn't live with the secret any longer,12400:06:16,410 --> 00:06:17,810奥森知道的时候and when Orson found out,12500:06:17,810 --> 00:06:19,310他说我这人真可怕he told me I was a horrible person.12600:06:19,310 --> 00:06:21,310所以你才告诉我That's why you told me?12700:06:21,640 --> 00:06:23,710算了吧我们都不是什么好鸟Oh, please, we're all horrible people!12800:06:24,370 --> 00:06:25,950看到这个没这是你的You see this? It's yours.12900:06:25,950 --> 00:06:28,000邮差送到这儿来我给扣下了我也很可怕They delivered it here. I kept it. Horrible!13000:06:28,380 --> 00:06:30,550你知道吗奥森为此有多讨厌我Just so you know, Orson was so disgusted,13100:06:30,550 --> 00:06:31,790他要跟我离婚he's divorcing me.13200:06:31,990 --> 00:06:33,420正常情况下我该拥抱拥抱你Normally, I'd give you a hug,13300:06:33,420 --> 00:06:35,250不过这会儿我真做不到but right now I sorta don't give a crap!13400:06:35,280 --> 00:06:37,370再说一遍非常抱歉Again, very sorry.13500:06:37,710 --> 00:06:40,430天哪我怎么对卡洛斯说呢God! How am I gonna tell Carlos?13600:06:40,430 --> 00:06:42,410他一定会大发雷霆He is gonna be so angry!13700:06:42,440 --> 00:06:45,660没准还要迁怒于我And he'll probably find a way to blame me!13800:06:51,380 --> 00:06:53,320你绝对想不到是谁回来了You'll never guess who's back!13900:06:56,540 --> 00:06:58,660妈妈没有干净盘子了Mom, we don't have any clean plates.14000:06:58,660 --> 00:07:00,020你没洗碗么Didn't you run the dishwasher?14100:07:00,280 --> 00:07:03,170牛奶也喝完了你该去店里买了We're also out of milk. You gotta go to the store.14200:07:03,200 --> 00:07:05,670顺便去趟干洗店And the dry cleaners while you're at it.14300:07:05,700 --> 00:07:08,470行了各位看看你们的双手Okay, everybody. Look at your hands.14400:07:08,510 --> 00:07:10,710来吧Come on. Mm-hmm.14500:07:10,740 --> 00:07:13,210怀里没抱孩子的就自力更生吧Anyone not holding a baby, you're on your own.14600:07:13,240 --> 00:07:14,710你们可以自己洗碗自己去买东西You can wash and shop14700:07:14,710 --> 00:07:15,550自己送衣服干洗and clean for yourselves.14800:07:15,580 --> 00:07:17,550我当完美妈妈的日子到此为止了My days of being the perfect mom are over.14900:07:17,580 --> 00:07:19,750你什么时候当过完美妈妈When were those days, exactly?15000:07:19,770 --> 00:07:22,250我的子宫虽然老了我的听觉还没老呢It's my uterus that's worn out, not my hearing. 15100:07:22,290 --> 00:07:24,270这么说你不打算帮忙So you're not gonna help with anything?15200:07:24,310 --> 00:07:25,940这地方真没法待下去了'Cause this place is really starting to go to hell.15300:07:25,940 --> 00:07:27,940第5个婴儿Baby number five.15400:07:27,980 --> 00:07:30,430我生了一整个篮球队出来An entire basketball team has come out of me,15500:07:30,460 --> 00:07:32,930真是累得实在没力气带了so I'm officially too exhausted to care.15600:07:35,430 --> 00:07:39,200好妈妈甘心情愿为家庭奉献The good moms enjoy doing stuff for their families.15700:07:39,240 --> 00:07:40,540你好Hello?15800:07:40,570 --> 00:07:43,070是你哥哥普雷斯顿他正要挨揍That's your brother Preston. He's about to be beaten.15900:07:43,110 --> 00:07:45,080是的该揍是的该揍Yes, he is. Yes, he is.16000:07:45,110 --> 00:07:47,540妈妈雷尼·派瑞的电话Mom, it's Renee Perry.16100:07:50,480 --> 00:07:51,780谁是雷尼·派瑞Who's Renee Perry?16200:07:51,790 --> 00:07:52,920你妈妈大学里的朋友Oh, she's your mom's friend from college.16300:07:52,950 --> 00:07:56,120她嫁给了杨基队的道格·派瑞She's married to Doug Perry, who plays for the Yankees.16400:07:56,150 --> 00:07:58,590-变得可有钱了 -有多有钱- And she's really rich. - How rich?16500:07:58,620 --> 00:08:00,970每隔几年雷尼就请妈妈飞去纽约Every few years, Renee flies mom to New York16600:08:01,010 --> 00:08:02,360过个盛大的周末for a big, fancy weekend.16700:08:02,360 --> 00:08:05,360妈妈回来时心情好极了And mom always comes back in a great mood.16800:08:05,400 --> 00:08:07,480看来她挑的这个时间点不错So this might be perfect timing.16900:08:07,520 --> 00:08:09,800该死的她要来这里Damn it to hell. She's coming here.17000:08:09,830 --> 00:08:10,800什么时候Wh-when?17100:08:10,840 --> 00:08:11,870明天Tomorrow.17200:08:11,900 --> 00:08:12,870为什么Why?17300:08:12,900 --> 00:08:14,370我不知道I don't know,17400:08:14,370 --> 00:08:16,800等我们先把家but that is something we can talk about17500:08:16,800 --> 00:08:18,800收拾出个样子再说when we turn this damn place into an actual home.17600:08:18,800 --> 00:08:20,780现在大家伙行动起来行动起来开始Okay, people, move, move, move. Let's go!17700:08:21,180 --> 00:08:23,730起来你也行动起来汤姆Come on. Hey, you, too, Tom.17800:08:23,910 --> 00:08:25,290我抱着孩子呢I'm holding the baby.17900:08:25,480 --> 00:08:28,060用洗玻璃器喷一下她Well, spray her with some glass cleaner18000:08:28,060 --> 00:08:29,060再放在窗户上擦擦and rub her on the windows.18100:08:29,060 --> 00:08:31,340我不想让雷尼知道我过的是这种日子I don't want Renee to know I live like this.18200:08:31,340 --> 00:08:32,460不过妈妈她要真是你朋友的话But, mom, if she's your friend,18300:08:32,460 --> 00:08:34,170你过得怎么样又有什么关系Won't she like you no matter how you live?18400:08:34,330 --> 00:08:35,560她不是那种朋友She's not that kind of friend.18500:08:39,700 --> 00:08:41,850你绝对想不到是谁回来了You're never gonna believe who's back.18600:08:44,260 --> 00:08:45,210我们到了Here we are.18700:08:45,320 --> 00:08:46,630到家了宝贝Home sweet...18800:08:47,940 --> 00:08:49,030到家Home.18900:08:49,830 --> 00:08:52,150你有什么想法吗宝贝So... What do you think, buddy?19000:08:54,580 --> 00:08:56,680我们就要住在这吗This is where we're gonna live?19100:08:56,910 --> 00:08:57,850是的Yeah.19200:09:01,190 --> 00:09:02,880我们变穷了吗So are we poor?19300:09:04,450 --> 00:09:05,780你要是搞砸了If you field this one,19400:09:05,860 --> 00:09:07,330我就跟他讲婴儿是怎么来的I'll tell him where babies come from. 19500:09:10,760 --> 00:09:13,220不亲爱的我们没有穷No, honey, we're not poor.19600:09:13,510 --> 00:09:14,560我们只是We're just...19700:09:15,600 --> 00:09:17,270底层中产阶级lower middle class.19800:09:17,480 --> 00:09:19,860穷人能住这个就不错了Poor people wish they could live like this.19900:09:20,290 --> 00:09:21,720他们不该住They shouldn't.20000:09:22,240 --> 00:09:24,020宝贝Oh, sweetie.20100:09:24,140 --> 00:09:26,280我知道你不习惯I know this isn't what we're used to.20200:09:26,460 --> 00:09:28,270不过我们不打算骗你Buddy, we're not gonna lie to you.20300:09:28,360 --> 00:09:31,080现在钱是有点紧张Money is a little tighter than before,20400:09:31,080 --> 00:09:31,980所以我们要搬到这里but that's why we're here--20500:09:32,010 --> 00:09:34,630好把钱存下来搬回自己的房子so we can save up and get back to our house.20600:09:34,640 --> 00:09:36,230要不了多久And it's not gonna take that long.20700:09:36,230 --> 00:09:37,930你爸爸会加班干活Your daddy's taking on extra jobs,20800:09:37,930 --> 00:09:40,950我还在教书而且我打算卖and I'm still teaching, and I'm gonna start selling20900:09:40,950 --> 00:09:42,930我做的那些漂亮首饰that really cool jewelry I've been making.21000:09:46,880 --> 00:09:49,250宝贝一切都会好起来的Sweetie, it's gonna be okay.21100:09:49,580 --> 00:09:53,600只要我们在一起一定能度过难关And as long as we're together, we can survive this.21200:09:56,000 --> 00:09:57,540-你好 -苏珊- Hello? - Susan!21300:09:57,580 --> 00:09:59,240你好麦克卢斯基太太有什么事吗Hi, Mrs. Mccluskey. What's up?21400:09:59,300 --> 00:10:02,630-你一定不敢相信保罗·杨回来了 -什么- You'll never believe this. Paul Young is back. - What?!21500:10:04,950 --> 00:10:06,220他在哪Where is he?21600:10:07,290 --> 00:10:10,410你说呢他在你租给他的房子里Where do you think? He's in the house you rented to him.21700:10:10,440 --> 00:10:13,220我不知道李只告诉我是个男的租的I didn't know. Lee just told me it was a guy.21800:10:13,220 --> 00:10:15,000你连名字都不问问You didn't even ask for his name?21900:10:15,000 --> 00:10:17,780他提前付了钱也没养宠物其他我就没管He paid in advance, and he didn't have pets. I didn't care.22000:10:17,820 --> 00:10:19,780保罗怎么从监狱出来了呢How is Paul even out of jail?22100:10:19,800 --> 00:10:22,200他不是被判了终身监禁吗That maniac was serving a life sentence.22200:10:22,240 --> 00:10:23,460你们好各位淑女Hello, ladies.22300:10:25,480 --> 00:10:27,130你们要是愿意过来If you'd like to come in for a while,22400:10:27,130 --> 00:10:28,240我会告诉你们来龙去脉I'll tell you the story.22500:10:30,810 --> 00:10:31,850来吧Come on now.22600:10:32,590 --> 00:10:33,650故事很精彩呢It's a good one.22700:10:36,290 --> 00:10:38,800菲丽莎·蒂尔曼还活着Felicia Tillman's alive?22800:10:39,180 --> 00:10:40,290你们这么惊讶做什么Why are you so surprised?22900:10:40,350 --> 00:10:42,700我在法庭上已经说了好多遍了I said that over and over again in my trial.23000:10:43,580 --> 00:10:45,240等等对了Oh, wait. That's right.23100:10:45,400 --> 00:10:47,370你们谁都没空去法院None of you could make it to the courthouse.23200:10:48,390 --> 00:10:49,810瞧保罗Look, paul--23300:10:49,810 --> 00:10:52,640没关系你们都很忙我知道It's okay. You were busy. I get it.23400:10:52,990 --> 00:10:55,360我一直在等你们来监狱看我I told myself I'd explain how I was framed23500:10:55,360 --> 00:10:58,060然后告诉你们我是如何被陷害的等等When you came to visit me in prison. Oh, wait.23600:10:59,440 --> 00:11:01,070我们很抱歉We're so sorry.23700:11:02,890 --> 00:11:05,590解释一下我们当时以为你是冷血杀手In our defense, we thought you were a cold-blooded killer.23800:11:09,430 --> 00:11:12,740过去10年你是如何度过的What you endured over the last ten years--23900:11:12,740 --> 00:11:14,050我想都不敢想I can't even imagine it.24000:11:14,710 --> 00:11:16,670是的你无法想像No, you can't.24100:11:18,250 --> 00:11:20,570但好消息是我回来了But the good news is, I'm back.24200:11:22,240 --> 00:11:26,390说到此事为何你要回来Yeah, about that, um, why did you wanna come back here?24300:11:26,820 --> 00:11:28,020你觉得是为什么Well, why do you think?24400:11:28,750 --> 00:11:30,030我想念我的朋友I missed my friends.24500:11:33,060 --> 00:11:35,510管他是不是无辜的我总觉得他不怀好意Innocent or not, that guy still gives me the creeps.24600:11:35,510 --> 00:11:37,960我无法想像保罗·杨回到紫藤郡了I can't believe paul young is back on Wisteria Lane.24700:11:38,260 --> 00:11:40,000而且他在用我的浴室And he's using my shower.24800:11:56,950 --> 00:11:57,760杰克Jack!24900:11:59,470 --> 00:12:02,420你来拿你的9号杆吗我还以为我剃了胡子You here for your 9 iron? Damn, I thought if I shaved,25000:12:02,420 --> 00:12:03,960你就认不出我我能霸占你的杆了You'd wouldn't recognize me and I could keep it.25100:12:04,830 --> 00:12:09,220其实我有事找你们夫妇谈Actually, I need to talk to you and your wife.25200:12:10,030 --> 00:12:10,910加布Hey, gaby!25300:12:11,590 --> 00:12:12,640等一下In a minute!25400:12:13,790 --> 00:12:16,430你看起来很焦虑兄弟怎么了You look a little pa, buddy. Something wrong?25500:12:17,120 --> 00:12:18,680我觉得还是等加布在场比较好I think we should wait for gaby.25600:12:19,720 --> 00:12:21,440杰克出什么事了兄弟Jack, what's going on here, man?25700:12:21,960 --> 00:12:23,140你让我紧张起来了You're making me nervous.25800:12:23,800 --> 00:12:25,160进去说Let's just go inside, hmm?25900:12:27,230 --> 00:12:29,000不这不可能No! This is impossible.26000:12:29,070 --> 00:12:31,230胡安妮塔在出生时的脚牌We still have the bracelet they put around juanita's ankle26100:12:31,230 --> 00:12:32,120我们还保留着In the hospital.26200:12:32,220 --> 00:12:35,860特丽莎·普鲁特是当时负责脚牌的护士Theresa pruitt was the nurse in charge of those bracelets,26300:12:35,860 --> 00:12:38,410尽管当时医院并不知道这个情况And although the hospital did not know this at the time,26400:12:38,850 --> 00:12:40,530她以前常酗酒She had a drinking problem.26500:12:40,620 --> 00:12:42,620已经8年了你来告诉我这些And eight years later, you're telling me this.26600:12:42,620 --> 00:12:45,530我花了8年的时间深爱着别人的女儿I've spent eight years loving someone else's daughter!26700:12:45,650 --> 00:12:49,310我想再次强调Again, I wanna stress that the hospital26800:12:49,310 --> 00:12:50,720医院只是最近...Only be latedly became--26900:12:50,720 --> 00:12:52,810杰克我对天发誓如果你去找律师辩护Jack, I swear to god, if you go lawyer on me,27000:12:52,810 --> 00:12:54,450我就把你的头拧下来I will put your head through a wall!27100:13:01,370 --> 00:13:02,680那我们的...So where is our...27200:13:05,340 --> 00:13:08,380亲生的天哪我都不知道该怎么称呼Biologi--god, I don't even know what to call her.27300:13:08,820 --> 00:13:11,020我们还没有找到对方家庭We haven't been able to track the family down yet.27400:13:11,100 --> 00:13:12,660那在你找到女孩儿之前Then we're not telling gaby,27500:13:13,430 --> 00:13:14,970那我们不能告诉加布Not till you find this other girl.27600:13:15,060 --> 00:13:18,270卡洛斯我有法律职责Carlos, I have a legal responsibility here.27700:13:18,270 --> 00:13:19,630她必须知情She has to be told.27800:13:19,630 --> 00:13:21,310知道了我来Fine! I'll do it.27900:13:27,080 --> 00:13:28,340但我不知如何启齿but I don't know how.28000:13:29,540 --> 00:13:31,830这会毁了她的This is going to destroy her.28100:13:40,100 --> 00:13:41,800不我搞错了普雷斯顿Nope. I was wrong. Preston,28200:13:41,800 --> 00:13:42,820和帕克对调一下位置switch back with parker.28300:13:42,900 --> 00:13:44,090我们为何要这样Why are we doing this?28400:13:44,090 --> 00:13:46,090当雷尼驾到时When renee pulls up to this house,28500:13:46,090 --> 00:13:48,900我必须让她看到She is gonna see the one thing I can show off--28600:13:48,900 --> 00:13:52,120我的幸福美满的家庭My beautiful, beautiful family.28700:13:53,430 --> 00:13:55,790这是啥粉刺吗站后面去What is that, a pimple? Get in the back!28800:13:55,870 --> 00:13:59,380宝贝你不觉得你有点焦虑过头了吗Honey, don't you think you're getting a little carried away?28900:13:59,490 --> 00:14:02,040汤姆那个女人住在豪华天台屋上Tom, that woman lives in a penthouse.29000:14:02,120 --> 00:14:04,460我们必须不吃肉才能买台笔记本We had to give up meat so we could buy a laptop.29100:14:04,540 --> 00:14:06,830- 让我这么做吧 - 是她吗-Let me have this. -Is that her?29200:14:09,980 --> 00:14:12,830当然是Of course it is.29300:14:14,240 --> 00:14:16,600好了各就各位为了妈妈Okay, everybody, smile for mom29400:14:16,600 --> 00:14:18,980和她的变态朋友大家笑一个吧And her strange and twisted friendship.29500:14:28,150 --> 00:14:29,620我回来了鲁道夫I'm back, rudolfo.29600:14:29,720 --> 00:14:32,320告诉西诺·西比奥尼我在威尼斯期间Please tell signor cipriani I always stay in that suite29700:14:32,320 --> 00:14:34,680一直住那家酒店要是订不到的话When I visit venice, and if it's not available,29800:14:34,680 --> 00:14:36,190我会很生气I'll be very unhappy.29900:14:36,380 --> 00:14:39,290容我挂断我现在要和一个更重要的人Now if you'll excuse me, there's someone more important30000:14:39,290 --> 00:14:40,360说上几句I need to speak with.。



E Noun Explanation 16memoirsprecautionlouse pl. Lice 虱子ridicule mock, scornsewage sewersuspense feeling of tenseness, worry, etc about what may happenout-take segment of film or tape, etc edited out before it is released because it contains a mistake 删减的片段grand sl 1000 dollars 1000美元dirt malicious gossip 流言蜚语fling short period of enjoyment in some, often irresponsible, activity check-up thorough examination, esp a medical one 全身检查anecdote ['?nik,d?ut]bug any small insect 小虫子measles infectious disease, esp of children, with a fever and small red pots that cover the whole body 麻疹camp-out live in a tent 露营John a prostitute’s customer嫖客DA District Attorneyupshot outcome; result 最终结果apricot 杏hose 軟管llama['lɑ:m?] 美洲驼,无峰驼standalleypeach thing that is exceptionally good or attractive of its kind; excellent, usu a personfriendthing that is very helpful or familiar Persistence has always been my friend.port-a-pottytilelimestone 石灰岩Jacuzzi bath-tub with underwater jets of water that massage the bodybongo 用手指敲打的小鼓exclusivity 独特性17ward patient roomcustodian person who take care of or look after sthperimeter boundary of an area 边界barrack any large ugly buildingrecidivism persistent offending 屡犯heart-to-heart frank conversation about personal matters 谈心belfry part of a church tower in which bells hang 钟楼archplea statement made by or for a person charged with an offence in courtbargain agreementdrape curtain 窗帘veneer [v?'ni?] n. 1. 2. ;外饰veneer(,)roots ; 祖籍blueprint detailed plan or scheme , 具体规划contractor person or firm that does jobs, esp construction, under contract sucker gadget; thing 玩意儿burrito [b?:'rit?u] () allowanceklutziness foolishness; stupidness 愚蠢 klutzy foolish; stupidbuggy 轻便马车padre ['pɑ:dri] priestcryptElectrolyte [i'lektr?u,lait] 电解质saint unselfish or patient persondeodorant odor smellmoron very stupid person 大傻瓜nacho n. ()jalapeno [,hɑ:l?'peinj?u] 墨西哥辣椒foremanhottie a sexually attractive personlasik LASIK Laser in Situ Keratomileusisstench very unpleasant smell 臭味con convictcompulsionlitigation lawsuitscratch-off 刮彩票的动作18drink alcoholic liquor 酒pantyhose (pantyhose = panty + hose)manslaughter crime of killing a person unlawfully but not intentionally 过失杀人term 条款savingsweed cigarettes 烟hysterectomypaperbackgut abdomen; stomach 腹部shack roughly-built house19etiquette ['eti'ket] formal rules of correct and polite behavior in society or among members of a profession 礼节;礼仪freezer 冰柜rosary string of beads for keeping count of prayers used in religion 念珠tombstone ['tu:mst?un] 墓碑counseling advice, esp from a professional person 咨询salsa kind of Latin American style of music and dance SALSAATM automatic teller machine 自动提款机guacamole[gwɑk?'mol?] 鳄梨色拉酱() batchwhispermandarin official standard spoken language of Chinachest large strong box for storing or shipping things in 大皮箱bratwurst['br?tw?st]refreshments snacksflat A term for wine lacking a refreshing, tart or sour taste, or sparkling wines that have lost their bubbles. Flat: Wine lacking a refreshing slightly sour taste and sparkling wines that have lost most of their carbon dioxide.bubbly champagne 香槟ministry 全体牧师sodomy anal sexual intercourse between a man and esp another man sodomite person practicing sodomybunion painful swelling 胀痛basementcouponcapper ['k?p?] the climax or clincher of sthWhen the butler tripped and served Mr. Wilson the entire dessert, in his lap, that was the capper to an exciting evening.casepink-eye 红眼病pharmacy drug storepiccolo['pik?l?u] 短笛outpouring uncontrollable expression of strong feelingscomplication new illness, or new development of an illness, that makes treatment more difficult 并发症heterosexual[,het?r?'sek?u?l] 异性恋的service20gravel small stones, as used to make the surface of road, etc 小石子pebblecornea['k?:ni?] 角膜cocoon [k?'ku:n] 茧nectar花蜜cardiologistdosage amount of medicine to be taken at a time or over a period 剂量sabbatical[s?'b?t?k!] 休假;公休calf小牛皮革boob woman’s breastpaperworksludge sewage 污水trench战壕sentiment attitude or opinion, usu influenced by emotionfalling-outall-nighter a person who often stays up all nightE Adjetive Explanation16sordid (of people, behavior, etc) dirty, displaying selfishness, meanness, etc down sad; depressedborderline between two different groups or categories 边缘性的sluggish slow-moving; not alert or livelyjuicy interesting, esp because scandaloushigh-profile keep a low-profilecrappy sl bad; worthless; unpleasantmaterialistic excessively interested in material possessions, bodily comforts, etc while neglecting spiritual valuesiffy doubtful; uncertainbouncydiscreet careful or showing good judgment in what one says or does; not too obvious 谨慎的everyused with abstract nouns all possible I have every intention of sleeping with him.I have every chance of success.I have every reason to punch him.skanky ugly; repellent, usually said of a woman 丑陋的cocky conceited, arrogant 自大的mortifyingdistasteful unpleasantcreepy causing or having an unpleasant feeling of fear or horror cold-blooded without pity; cruel 冷血的speedyhypocritical17thankless (of an action) not likely to win thanks, appreciation, or reward for the person performing itbleak bare; exposed 光秃秃的hand-engraved hand-carved hand-painted far-fetched (of a story, an account, etc) exaggerated; unbelievable orderly well-behaved; peacefulfaux (French) imitation; not genuinewacky loony; silly and giddy loony sl crazy or eccentric giddy having the feeling that everything is turning around and that one is going to fallphony false, faked, faux 虚假的perfect total, absolute 完全的hideous very ugly; frightfulpossessive treating sb as if one owns him, demanding total attention or love sketchy incomplete; roughhypothetical 假设的18dead no longer effective; no longer of any consequence That guy is dead—out of power.common (of people, their behavior and belongings) typical of the lower classes of society, showing a lack of taste; vulgar Don’t be common.unsubstantiated not provedblessed fortunateimpeccable free from mistakes; excellent or faultless 完美无暇的hollow empty; not solid 空洞的heated angry; excitedvibrant full of life and energy 活力四射的19god-awful extremely bad; terriblestunning impressive; splendidleastsmallest in size, amount, extent, etc That ‘s the least of my anxieties.Arthritis is the least of my problems.limber supple; flexible 灵敏的blue sad; depressedungrateful not recognizing a kindness, service, etc; not grateful ,gray 灰白的righteous morally justifiableproactive taking charge of a situation and causing things to happen by intervention, rather than reacting after the event /提前行动的ticklish(of a person) sensitive to tickling 痒的crabby bad-tempered; irritable20platonic [plei't?nik] of love or a friendship between two people close and deep but not sexualtender painful when touched; sensitiveachey painful continuously 持续疼痛的roomy having plenty of space to contain things or people 宽敞的torrid passionate; eroticembittered filled with bitter feelings 痛苦的dumb stupiddense stupidrock-solid immovable; dependableparanoidinviting tempting; attractive 吸引人的hazy not clear; vague so you'll forgive me if I'm hazy on the details. extensive large in amount; wide-rangingpreoccupiedinattentive because one is thinking of or worrying about sth else。



100:00:01,000 --> 00:00:03,000YYeTs人人影视字幕组出品200:00:01,000 --> 00:00:05,000翻译:VK 小坏蛀虫小门柴柠檬meg VERO NANA 红豆包 nilo 憶300:00:01,000 --> 00:00:05,000校对:蛀虫小门柴 VERO 时间轴:GGYY 蛀虫小门柴后期:冰河监制:桃金娘银400:00:00,030 --> 00:00:02,750《绝望主妇》前情提要Previously on "Desperate Housewives,"500:00:02,780 --> 00:00:06,15010年前卡洛斯的母亲因车祸而死Ten years ago, Carlos' mother died after being hit by a car600:00:06,180 --> 00:00:07,720肇事者正是安德鲁that Andrew was driving.700:00:07,750 --> 00:00:09,120奥森收拾行囊准备离去Orson packed his bags...800:00:09,150 --> 00:00:11,390你已不是我心目中的那个布里You are not the woman I thought you were.900:00:11,420 --> 00:00:13,990他是我儿子我没得选择He's my son. I had no choice.1000:00:14,030 --> 00:00:16,290那我选择不再做你丈夫And I no longer choose to be your husband.1100:00:16,330 --> 00:00:18,330布里决定公布真相And Bree decided to come clean.1200:00:18,360 --> 00:00:20,000有件事我得告诉你There's something I need to tell you--1300:00:20,030 --> 00:00:22,330这事儿可能会终结我们的友谊It's the kind of thing that could end our friendship.1400:00:22,370 --> 00:00:25,540一位奄奄一息的护士作出了忏悔A dying nurse made a confession...1500:00:25,570 --> 00:00:28,570得让这家医院的老板知道我做的事情The people who run this hospital need to know what I did.1600:00:28,610 --> 00:00:31,340你将如何对孩子的父母说他们抚养的孩子How do you tell parents the child they've been raising1700:00:31,380 --> 00:00:33,180不是他们亲生的isn't really theirs?1800:00:33,210 --> 00:00:36,710财务危机使苏珊做出了一个重大决定Financial worries drove Susan to a big decision...1900:00:36,750 --> 00:00:37,830你不能把房子卖了You can't sell your house.2000:00:37,830 --> 00:00:39,320不是卖只是出租We're not selling. We're renting.2100:00:39,350 --> 00:00:42,040这致使一位久违的邻居重回故里Which led to the return of a long-lost neighbor.2200:00:42,070 --> 00:00:44,160事实上我过去就住在这里The truth is, I used to live here.2300:00:44,190 --> 00:00:47,560我猜大家看到你一定会感到惊喜的Oh, I guess everyone will be surprised to see you again.2400:00:47,590 --> 00:00:49,090绝对会They absolutely will.2500:00:53,770 --> 00:00:59,400我和我丈夫曾经非常幸福快乐There was a time when my husband and I were very happy.2600:00:59,440 --> 00:01:02,670我还记得那些和煦的夏日午后I remember warm summer afternoons2700:01:02,710 --> 00:01:05,010我们在后院里烤肉and backyard barbecues00:01:05,040 --> 00:01:07,810和朋友们说笑and laughter with friends.2900:01:07,850 --> 00:01:12,400我们的生活就像田园梦境Our life was like some kind of suburban dream.3000:01:12,430 --> 00:01:16,890不过终有一天人们会醒来But the day comes when we all must wake up.3100:01:20,730 --> 00:01:22,520对我来说For me,3200:01:22,520 --> 00:01:27,300一封信打破了美梦that day came when a letter arrived.3300:01:27,330 --> 00:01:29,230这是封恐吓信As threats go,3400:01:29,250 --> 00:01:33,370信的内容简明扼要It was concise and to the point.3500:01:33,410 --> 00:01:39,540为了保护家人我无从选择I did what I had to to protect my family.3600:01:39,580 --> 00:01:44,980我丈夫后来找到了写信的人My husband found out who wrote the letter.3700:01:45,020 --> 00:01:50,250他让她知道这事儿使他有多恼火He let her know how much this upset him.3800:01:50,290 --> 00:01:55,960而她妹妹猜到了我丈夫的所作所为Her sister figured out what my husband had done.3900:01:55,990 --> 00:02:01,830于是她决定诬陷我丈夫谋杀So she decided to frame him for murder...4000:02:01,870 --> 00:02:06,970确切地说是苦肉计Her murder, to be more specific.4100:02:07,010 --> 00:02:11,040这一切使保罗·杨的生活And that's when the dream that was Paul Young's life4200:02:11,080 --> 00:02:13,880变成一场噩梦became a nightmare.4300:02:16,880 --> 00:02:18,830多年以后Years later,4400:02:18,880 --> 00:02:21,340有个女人因超速而被查照A woman was pulled over for speeding.4500:02:24,310 --> 00:02:28,460这个女人没有任何身份证明This woman had no identification,4600:02:28,490 --> 00:02:29,930于是她被逮捕了So she was arrested.4700:02:31,680 --> 00:02:35,530人们这才发现菲丽莎·蒂尔曼And that is how people learned that Felicia Tillman4800:02:35,570 --> 00:02:38,150活得好好的was very much alive.4900:02:39,990 --> 00:02:43,570我看你穿上了我送来的西装喜欢吗I see you got the suit I sent over. You like it?5000:02:43,610 --> 00:02:45,810只要不是橙色的我都喜欢I like anything that's not orange.5100:02:45,860 --> 00:02:48,650你可得准备好去添置家当了Well, get ready to do all sorts of shopping.5200:02:48,660 --> 00:02:50,610你的结算支票给你拿来了Your settlement check came in.5300:02:50,650 --> 00:02:52,820你等会儿要先去哪儿So where you going first?5400:02:52,850 --> 00:02:54,180经过这么多年的铁窗生活After all these years in prison,5500:02:54,180 --> 00:02:55,520你一定准备好去狂欢了吧I bet you're ready to party.5600:02:55,550 --> 00:02:57,890我只想回家All I want is to go home.5700:02:57,920 --> 00:03:00,170什么去见你的那些老邻居What? To your old neighborhood?5800:03:00,210 --> 00:03:02,090你很惊讶吧You sound surprised.5900:03:02,130 --> 00:03:04,960你受审的时候可没有一个邻居来帮你None of your neighbors supported you during the trial.6000:03:05,000 --> 00:03:07,230你坐牢的时候他们也没来看过你They didn't visit while you were here.6100:03:07,270 --> 00:03:10,300你即使恨他们也无可厚非No one would blame you if you hated them a little.6200:03:10,340 --> 00:03:13,670我可不是恨他们Oh, I don't hate them...6300:03:13,690 --> 00:03:15,340这么简单A little.6400:03:17,360 --> 00:03:21,550于是我的丈夫回到了紫藤郡And so my husband returned to Wisteria Lane.6500:03:25,420 --> 00:03:28,450邻居们看到他非常惊讶The neighbors were surprised to see him.6600:03:28,490 --> 00:03:32,890多年来他们早已淡忘保罗·杨这个人They hadn't thought about Paul Young in years.6700:03:32,920 --> 00:03:36,040但他对大家念念不忘But he had thought about them.6800:03:38,130 --> 00:03:40,100而且他要让大家And he was going to make sure6900:03:40,130 --> 00:03:44,140对他永远无法忘怀they'd never forget him again.7000:03:55,550 --> 00:03:59,350电话在半夜响起The phone call that comes in the middle of the night...7100:03:59,380 --> 00:04:03,740信是由特快专递寄送The letter that arrives by special courier...00:04:03,770 --> 00:04:08,080电子邮件标题将会注明紧急The e-mail marked "Urgent!"...7300:04:08,110 --> 00:04:11,830是的坏消息传来的方式Yes, there are all sorts of ways7400:04:11,860 --> 00:04:14,670多种多样bad news can be delivered.7500:04:14,700 --> 00:04:18,370然而有的坏消息这般重大But some news is so bad...7600:04:18,400 --> 00:04:20,870必须亲自当面告知It must be delivered in person.7700:04:20,910 --> 00:04:22,870为什么得由我去告诉他们Why do I have to tell them?7800:04:22,940 --> 00:04:26,040你说过这对夫妇是你的邻居You said this couple lives in your neighborhood.7900:04:26,080 --> 00:04:27,550医院理事认为Trustees of the hospital feel8000:04:27,610 --> 00:04:29,780由你来说最合适不过that makes you uniquely qualified.8100:04:29,820 --> 00:04:31,780我怎么开口呢And just what am I supposed to say?8200:04:31,820 --> 00:04:33,320"派对暂停有重大消息****"Great block party.8300:04:33,350 --> 00:04:35,320"顺便一提我们有个护士"by the way, one of our nurses8400:04:35,350 --> 00:04:37,960可能在你们孩子出生时把孩子弄混了试试看may have switched your baby at birth. Try the dip."8500:04:37,990 --> 00:04:39,460我们越拖延Every minute we wait,8600:04:39,490 --> 00:04:41,460医院的责任就越大this hospital takes on more liability.8700:04:41,490 --> 00:04:43,690现在就动身去紫藤郡吧Now get on over to...Wisteria lane8800:04:43,730 --> 00:04:45,960告诉他们发生了什么and tell those people what's going on.8900:04:46,000 --> 00:04:48,150我真不知道该怎么办I don't know how I'm gonna do this.9000:04:48,200 --> 00:04:50,900说这种事只有一个方式There's only one way to deliver news like this:9100:04:50,940 --> 00:04:53,620尽量冷静Remain as calm as possible.9200:04:55,070 --> 00:04:58,130布里出来啊Bree! Get out here!9300:04:58,160 --> 00:05:00,580该死怎么没人在家Damn it! Why is nobody home?9400:05:00,610 --> 00:05:03,830-朗拉格温 -谢天谢地- Lorna, Gwen... - Oh, thank God.9500:05:03,880 --> 00:05:06,120怎么啦凯伦出什么事啦Why, Karen. What's wrong?9600:05:06,130 --> 00:05:08,450保罗·杨回来了Paul Young--he's back.9700:05:08,470 --> 00:05:10,250什么What?9800:05:10,290 --> 00:05:12,510都听到了吧别傻站在这儿You heard me. Now don't just stand there.9900:05:12,560 --> 00:05:15,510我们得提醒大家去走吧We gotta warn people. Come on.10000:05:16,560 --> 00:05:18,830布里我从没见过你这个样子Bree, I've never seen you like this.10100:05:18,860 --> 00:05:20,330你还好吧Are you all right?10200:05:20,370 --> 00:05:22,330我要告诉你一件很可怕的事I have something horrible to tell you,10300:05:22,370 --> 00:05:24,370我不知道怎么开口And I don't know how to say it.10400:05:24,400 --> 00:05:26,370最好别是什么事吧Well, you better think of somethin'.10500:05:26,400 --> 00:05:28,710你有点吓到我了哦You're starting to freak me out.10600:05:28,740 --> 00:05:29,710还记得那天晚上Remember that night10700:05:29,740 --> 00:05:34,140卡洛斯母亲被车撞倒吗when Carlos' mother was run over by a car?10800:05:34,180 --> 00:05:36,450我知道是谁干的Well, I know who did it.10900:05:36,480 --> 00:05:38,880你什么You what?11000:05:38,920 --> 00:05:40,650是安德鲁It was andrew.11100:05:43,220 --> 00:05:45,720天哪Oh, God!11200:05:45,790 --> 00:05:49,010他才16岁我怕他会坐牢He was only 16. I was afraid he was gonna go to jail...11300:05:49,040 --> 00:05:52,030所以雷克斯和我就决定把事情瞒下来so Rex and I just decided to cover it up.11400:05:52,060 --> 00:05:56,630真够糟的太糟糕了Oh, this is--this is bad. This is really bad.11500:05:56,670 --> 00:05:59,300我要吐了I need to go throw up a little.11600:05:59,340 --> 00:06:03,200真抱歉我应该早点告诉你I am so sorry. And I realize I should've told you sooner.11700:06:03,220 --> 00:06:05,820不不不你压根就不该告诉我No! No, no, no, you shouldn't have told me at all!11800:06:05,900 --> 00:06:08,740-什么 -现在我得告诉卡洛斯- What? - Now I have to tell Carlos,11900:06:08,740 --> 00:06:10,030接着他会去要安德鲁的命and he's going to kill Andrew,12000:06:10,030 --> 00:06:11,520结果他会落得进监狱and then he's going to have to go to prison,12100:06:11,520 --> 00:06:13,670所以多亏了你把我老公送进监狱So thank you for sending my husband to prison, Bree.12200:06:13,670 --> 00:06:14,590干得不错啊Nice work!12300:06:14,590 --> 00:06:16,410我再也不能瞒下去了I just couldn't live with the secret any longer,12400:06:16,410 --> 00:06:17,810奥森知道的时候and when Orson found out,12500:06:17,810 --> 00:06:19,310他说我这人真可怕he told me I was a horrible person.12600:06:19,310 --> 00:06:21,310所以你才告诉我That's why you told me?12700:06:21,640 --> 00:06:23,710算了吧我们都不是什么好鸟Oh, please, we're all horrible people!12800:06:24,370 --> 00:06:25,950看到这个没这是你的You see this? It's yours.12900:06:25,950 --> 00:06:28,000邮差送到这儿来我给扣下了我也很可怕They delivered it here. I kept it. Horrible!13000:06:28,380 --> 00:06:30,550你知道吗奥森为此有多讨厌我Just so you know, Orson was so disgusted,13100:06:30,550 --> 00:06:31,790他要跟我离婚he's divorcing me.13200:06:31,990 --> 00:06:33,420正常情况下我该拥抱拥抱你Normally, I'd give you a hug,13300:06:33,420 --> 00:06:35,250不过这会儿我真做不到but right now I sorta don't give a crap!13400:06:35,280 --> 00:06:37,370再说一遍非常抱歉Again, very sorry.13500:06:37,710 --> 00:06:40,430天哪我怎么对卡洛斯说呢God! How am I gonna tell Carlos?13600:06:40,430 --> 00:06:42,410他一定会大发雷霆He is gonna be so angry!13700:06:42,440 --> 00:06:45,660没准还要迁怒于我And he'll probably find a way to blame me!13800:06:51,380 --> 00:06:53,320你绝对想不到是谁回来了You'll never guess who's back!13900:06:56,540 --> 00:06:58,660妈妈没有干净盘子了Mom, we don't have any clean plates.14000:06:58,660 --> 00:07:00,020你没洗碗么Didn't you run the dishwasher?14100:07:00,280 --> 00:07:03,170牛奶也喝完了你该去店里买了We're also out of milk. You gotta go to the store.14200:07:03,200 --> 00:07:05,670顺便去趟干洗店And the dry cleaners while you're at it.14300:07:05,700 --> 00:07:08,470行了各位看看你们的双手Okay, everybody. Look at your hands.14400:07:08,510 --> 00:07:10,710来吧Come on. Mm-hmm.14500:07:10,740 --> 00:07:13,210怀里没抱孩子的就自力更生吧Anyone not holding a baby, you're on your own.14600:07:13,240 --> 00:07:14,710你们可以自己洗碗自己去买东西You can wash and shop14700:07:14,710 --> 00:07:15,550自己送衣服干洗and clean for yourselves.14800:07:15,580 --> 00:07:17,550我当完美妈妈的日子到此为止了My days of being the perfect mom are over.14900:07:17,580 --> 00:07:19,750你什么时候当过完美妈妈When were those days, exactly?15000:07:19,770 --> 00:07:22,250我的子宫虽然老了我的听觉还没老呢It's my uterus that's worn out, not my hearing. 15100:07:22,290 --> 00:07:24,270这么说你不打算帮忙So you're not gonna help with anything?15200:07:24,310 --> 00:07:25,940这地方真没法待下去了'Cause this place is really starting to go to hell.15300:07:25,940 --> 00:07:27,940第5个婴儿Baby number five.15400:07:27,980 --> 00:07:30,430我生了一整个篮球队出来An entire basketball team has come out of me,15500:07:30,460 --> 00:07:32,930真是累得实在没力气带了so I'm officially too exhausted to care.15600:07:35,430 --> 00:07:39,200好妈妈甘心情愿为家庭奉献The good moms enjoy doing stuff for their families.15700:07:39,240 --> 00:07:40,540你好Hello?15800:07:40,570 --> 00:07:43,070是你哥哥普雷斯顿他正要挨揍That's your brother Preston. He's about to be beaten.15900:07:43,110 --> 00:07:45,080是的该揍是的该揍Yes, he is. Yes, he is.16000:07:45,110 --> 00:07:47,540妈妈雷尼·派瑞的电话Mom, it's Renee Perry.16100:07:50,480 --> 00:07:51,780谁是雷尼·派瑞Who's Renee Perry?16200:07:51,790 --> 00:07:52,920你妈妈大学里的朋友Oh, she's your mom's friend from college.16300:07:52,950 --> 00:07:56,120她嫁给了杨基队的道格·派瑞She's married to Doug Perry, who plays for the Yankees.16400:07:56,150 --> 00:07:58,590-变得可有钱了 -有多有钱- And she's really rich. - How rich?16500:07:58,620 --> 00:08:00,970每隔几年雷尼就请妈妈飞去纽约Every few years, Renee flies mom to New York16600:08:01,010 --> 00:08:02,360过个盛大的周末for a big, fancy weekend.16700:08:02,360 --> 00:08:05,360妈妈回来时心情好极了And mom always comes back in a great mood.16800:08:05,400 --> 00:08:07,480看来她挑的这个时间点不错So this might be perfect timing.16900:08:07,520 --> 00:08:09,800该死的她要来这里Damn it to hell. She's coming here.17000:08:09,830 --> 00:08:10,800什么时候Wh-when?17100:08:10,840 --> 00:08:11,870明天Tomorrow.17200:08:11,900 --> 00:08:12,870为什么Why?17300:08:12,900 --> 00:08:14,370我不知道I don't know,17400:08:14,370 --> 00:08:16,800等我们先把家but that is something we can talk about17500:08:16,800 --> 00:08:18,800收拾出个样子再说when we turn this damn place into an actual home.17600:08:18,800 --> 00:08:20,780现在大家伙行动起来行动起来开始Okay, people, move, move, move. Let's go!17700:08:21,180 --> 00:08:23,730起来你也行动起来汤姆Come on. Hey, you, too, Tom.17800:08:23,910 --> 00:08:25,290我抱着孩子呢I'm holding the baby.17900:08:25,480 --> 00:08:28,060用洗玻璃器喷一下她Well, spray her with some glass cleaner18000:08:28,060 --> 00:08:29,060再放在窗户上擦擦and rub her on the windows.18100:08:29,060 --> 00:08:31,340我不想让雷尼知道我过的是这种日子I don't want Renee to know I live like this.18200:08:31,340 --> 00:08:32,460不过妈妈她要真是你朋友的话But, mom, if she's your friend,18300:08:32,460 --> 00:08:34,170你过得怎么样又有什么关系Won't she like you no matter how you live?18400:08:34,330 --> 00:08:35,560她不是那种朋友She's not that kind of friend.18500:08:39,700 --> 00:08:41,850你绝对想不到是谁回来了You're never gonna believe who's back.18600:08:44,260 --> 00:08:45,210我们到了Here we are.18700:08:45,320 --> 00:08:46,630到家了宝贝Home sweet...18800:08:47,940 --> 00:08:49,030到家Home.18900:08:49,830 --> 00:08:52,150你有什么想法吗宝贝So... What do you think, buddy?19000:08:54,580 --> 00:08:56,680我们就要住在这吗This is where we're gonna live?19100:08:56,910 --> 00:08:57,850是的Yeah.19200:09:01,190 --> 00:09:02,880我们变穷了吗So are we poor?19300:09:04,450 --> 00:09:05,780你要是搞砸了If you field this one,19400:09:05,860 --> 00:09:07,330我就跟他讲婴儿是怎么来的I'll tell him where babies come from. 19500:09:10,760 --> 00:09:13,220不亲爱的我们没有穷No, honey, we're not poor.19600:09:13,510 --> 00:09:14,560我们只是We're just...19700:09:15,600 --> 00:09:17,270底层中产阶级lower middle class.19800:09:17,480 --> 00:09:19,860穷人能住这个就不错了Poor people wish they could live like this.19900:09:20,290 --> 00:09:21,720他们不该住They shouldn't.20000:09:22,240 --> 00:09:24,020宝贝Oh, sweetie.20100:09:24,140 --> 00:09:26,280我知道你不习惯I know this isn't what we're used to.20200:09:26,460 --> 00:09:28,270不过我们不打算骗你Buddy, we're not gonna lie to you.20300:09:28,360 --> 00:09:31,080现在钱是有点紧张Money is a little tighter than before,20400:09:31,080 --> 00:09:31,980所以我们要搬到这里but that's why we're here--20500:09:32,010 --> 00:09:34,630好把钱存下来搬回自己的房子so we can save up and get back to our house.20600:09:34,640 --> 00:09:36,230要不了多久And it's not gonna take that long.20700:09:36,230 --> 00:09:37,930你爸爸会加班干活Your daddy's taking on extra jobs,20800:09:37,930 --> 00:09:40,950我还在教书而且我打算卖and I'm still teaching, and I'm gonna start selling20900:09:40,950 --> 00:09:42,930我做的那些漂亮首饰that really cool jewelry I've been making.21000:09:46,880 --> 00:09:49,250宝贝一切都会好起来的Sweetie, it's gonna be okay.21100:09:49,580 --> 00:09:53,600只要我们在一起一定能度过难关And as long as we're together, we can survive this.21200:09:56,000 --> 00:09:57,540-你好 -苏珊- Hello? - Susan!21300:09:57,580 --> 00:09:59,240你好麦克卢斯基太太有什么事吗Hi, Mrs. Mccluskey. What's up?21400:09:59,300 --> 00:10:02,630-你一定不敢相信保罗·杨回来了 -什么- You'll never believe this. Paul Young is back. - What?!21500:10:04,950 --> 00:10:06,220他在哪Where is he?21600:10:07,290 --> 00:10:10,410你说呢他在你租给他的房子里Where do you think? He's in the house you rented to him.21700:10:10,440 --> 00:10:13,220我不知道李只告诉我是个男的租的I didn't know. Lee just told me it was a guy.21800:10:13,220 --> 00:10:15,000你连名字都不问问You didn't even ask for his name?21900:10:15,000 --> 00:10:17,780他提前付了钱也没养宠物其他我就没管He paid in advance, and he didn't have pets. I didn't care.22000:10:17,820 --> 00:10:19,780保罗怎么从监狱出来了呢How is Paul even out of jail?22100:10:19,800 --> 00:10:22,200他不是被判了终身监禁吗That maniac was serving a life sentence.22200:10:22,240 --> 00:10:23,460你们好各位淑女Hello, ladies.22300:10:25,480 --> 00:10:27,130你们要是愿意过来If you'd like to come in for a while,22400:10:27,130 --> 00:10:28,240我会告诉你们来龙去脉I'll tell you the story.22500:10:30,810 --> 00:10:31,850来吧Come on now.22600:10:32,590 --> 00:10:33,650故事很精彩呢It's a good one.22700:10:36,290 --> 00:10:38,800菲丽莎·蒂尔曼还活着Felicia Tillman's alive?22800:10:39,180 --> 00:10:40,290你们这么惊讶做什么Why are you so surprised?22900:10:40,350 --> 00:10:42,700我在法庭上已经说了好多遍了I said that over and over again in my trial.23000:10:43,580 --> 00:10:45,240等等对了Oh, wait. That's right.23100:10:45,400 --> 00:10:47,370你们谁都没空去法院None of you could make it to the courthouse.23200:10:48,390 --> 00:10:49,810瞧保罗Look, paul--23300:10:49,810 --> 00:10:52,640没关系你们都很忙我知道It's okay. You were busy. I get it.23400:10:52,990 --> 00:10:55,360我一直在等你们来监狱看我I told myself I'd explain how I was framed23500:10:55,360 --> 00:10:58,060然后告诉你们我是如何被陷害的等等When you came to visit me in prison. Oh, wait.23600:10:59,440 --> 00:11:01,070我们很抱歉We're so sorry.23700:11:02,890 --> 00:11:05,590解释一下我们当时以为你是冷血杀手In our defense, we thought you were a cold-blooded killer.23800:11:09,430 --> 00:11:12,740过去10年你是如何度过的What you endured over the last ten years--23900:11:12,740 --> 00:11:14,050我想都不敢想I can't even imagine it.24000:11:14,710 --> 00:11:16,670是的你无法想像No, you can't.24100:11:18,250 --> 00:11:20,570但好消息是我回来了But the good news is, I'm back.24200:11:22,240 --> 00:11:26,390说到此事为何你要回来Yeah, about that, um, why did you wanna come back here?24300:11:26,820 --> 00:11:28,020你觉得是为什么Well, why do you think?24400:11:28,750 --> 00:11:30,030我想念我的朋友I missed my friends.24500:11:33,060 --> 00:11:35,510管他是不是无辜的我总觉得他不怀好意Innocent or not, that guy still gives me the creeps.24600:11:35,510 --> 00:11:37,960我无法想像保罗·杨回到紫藤郡了I can't believe paul young is back on Wisteria Lane.24700:11:38,260 --> 00:11:40,000而且他在用我的浴室And he's using my shower.24800:11:56,950 --> 00:11:57,760杰克Jack!24900:11:59,470 --> 00:12:02,420你来拿你的9号杆吗我还以为我剃了胡子You here for your 9 iron? Damn, I thought if I shaved,25000:12:02,420 --> 00:12:03,960你就认不出我我能霸占你的杆了You'd wouldn't recognize me and I could keep it.25100:12:04,830 --> 00:12:09,220其实我有事找你们夫妇谈Actually, I need to talk to you and your wife.25200:12:10,030 --> 00:12:10,910加布Hey, gaby!25300:12:11,590 --> 00:12:12,640等一下In a minute!25400:12:13,790 --> 00:12:16,430你看起来很焦虑兄弟怎么了You look a little pa, buddy. Something wrong?25500:12:17,120 --> 00:12:18,680我觉得还是等加布在场比较好I think we should wait for gaby.25600:12:19,720 --> 00:12:21,440杰克出什么事了兄弟Jack, what's going on here, man?25700:12:21,960 --> 00:12:23,140你让我紧张起来了You're making me nervous.25800:12:23,800 --> 00:12:25,160进去说Let's just go inside, hmm?25900:12:27,230 --> 00:12:29,000不这不可能No! This is impossible.26000:12:29,070 --> 00:12:31,230胡安妮塔在出生时的脚牌We still have the bracelet they put around juanita's ankle26100:12:31,230 --> 00:12:32,120我们还保留着In the hospital.26200:12:32,220 --> 00:12:35,860特丽莎·普鲁特是当时负责脚牌的护士Theresa pruitt was the nurse in charge of those bracelets,26300:12:35,860 --> 00:12:38,410尽管当时医院并不知道这个情况And although the hospital did not know this at the time,26400:12:38,850 --> 00:12:40,530她以前常酗酒She had a drinking problem.26500:12:40,620 --> 00:12:42,620已经8年了你来告诉我这些And eight years later, you're telling me this.26600:12:42,620 --> 00:12:45,530我花了8年的时间深爱着别人的女儿I've spent eight years loving someone else's daughter!26700:12:45,650 --> 00:12:49,310我想再次强调Again, I wanna stress that the hospital26800:12:49,310 --> 00:12:50,720医院只是最近...Only be latedly became--26900:12:50,720 --> 00:12:52,810杰克我对天发誓如果你去找律师辩护Jack, I swear to god, if you go lawyer on me,27000:12:52,810 --> 00:12:54,450我就把你的头拧下来I will put your head through a wall!27100:13:01,370 --> 00:13:02,680那我们的...So where is our...27200:13:05,340 --> 00:13:08,380亲生的天哪我都不知道该怎么称呼Biologi--god, I don't even know what to call her.27300:13:08,820 --> 00:13:11,020我们还没有找到对方家庭We haven't been able to track the family down yet.27400:13:11,100 --> 00:13:12,660那在你找到女孩儿之前Then we're not telling gaby,27500:13:13,430 --> 00:13:14,970那我们不能告诉加布Not till you find this other girl.27600:13:15,060 --> 00:13:18,270卡洛斯我有法律职责Carlos, I have a legal responsibility here.27700:13:18,270 --> 00:13:19,630她必须知情She has to be told.27800:13:19,630 --> 00:13:21,310知道了我来Fine! I'll do it.27900:13:27,080 --> 00:13:28,340但我不知如何启齿but I don't know how.28000:13:29,540 --> 00:13:31,830这会毁了她的This is going to destroy her.28100:13:40,100 --> 00:13:41,800不我搞错了普雷斯顿Nope. I was wrong. Preston,28200:13:41,800 --> 00:13:42,820和帕克对调一下位置switch back with parker.28300:13:42,900 --> 00:13:44,090我们为何要这样Why are we doing this?28400:13:44,090 --> 00:13:46,090当雷尼驾到时When renee pulls up to this house,28500:13:46,090 --> 00:13:48,900我必须让她看到She is gonna see the one thing I can show off--28600:13:48,900 --> 00:13:52,120我的幸福美满的家庭My beautiful, beautiful family.28700:13:53,430 --> 00:13:55,790这是啥粉刺吗站后面去What is that, a pimple? Get in the back!28800:13:55,870 --> 00:13:59,380宝贝你不觉得你有点焦虑过头了吗Honey, don't you think you're getting a little carried away?28900:13:59,490 --> 00:14:02,040汤姆那个女人住在豪华天台屋上Tom, that woman lives in a penthouse.29000:14:02,120 --> 00:14:04,460我们必须不吃肉才能买台笔记本We had to give up meat so we could buy a laptop.29100:14:04,540 --> 00:14:06,830- 让我这么做吧 - 是她吗-Let me have this. -Is that her?29200:14:09,980 --> 00:14:12,830当然是Of course it is.29300:14:14,240 --> 00:14:16,600好了各就各位为了妈妈Okay, everybody, smile for mom29400:14:16,600 --> 00:14:18,980和她的变态朋友大家笑一个吧And her strange and twisted friendship.29500:14:28,150 --> 00:14:29,620我回来了鲁道夫I'm back, rudolfo.29600:14:29,720 --> 00:14:32,320告诉西诺·西比奥尼我在威尼斯期间Please tell signor cipriani I always stay in that suite29700:14:32,320 --> 00:14:34,680一直住那家酒店要是订不到的话When I visit venice, and if it's not available,29800:14:34,680 --> 00:14:36,190我会很生气I'll be very unhappy.29900:14:36,380 --> 00:14:39,290容我挂断我现在要和一个更重要的人Now if you'll excuse me, there's someone more important30000:14:39,290 --> 00:14:40,360说上几句I need to speak with.。

绝望的主妇 中英文字幕+学习笔记 S01E20

绝望的主妇 中英文字幕+学习笔记 S01E20
看绝望的主妇学英语 Desperate Housewives 第一季 20集:Fear No More
Previously on Desperate Housewives
previously: 以前的 Desperate Housewives: 绝望的主妇
-Carlos: I want a child.
-Julie: Thank you so much.
I've been trying to break up with him for weeks. You finally gave mean excuse.
break up with: 和...分手 finally: 最后,最终 excuse: 借口
cool: 冷静 for a while: 暂时,一会儿
-Zach: Why?
-Susan: You threw rocks in her mother's face. How's that for a start?
threw: 【throw 的过去式】扔 rock: 岩石
-Mary Alice: So she took her victories where she found them.
victory: 胜利 find: 找到
-Susan: You're welcome.
return: 回答 call: 电话



My name is Mary Alice Young.In this morning's paper,you may come across an articleabout the unusual day I had last week。

Normally,there’s never anythingnews worthy about my life,but that all changed last Thursday。

Of course, everything seemedquite normal at first.I made Breakfast for my family。

I performed my chores.I completed my projects.I ran my errands.In truth, I spent the dayas I spent every other day,quietly polishing the routine of my life until it gleamed with perfection.That’s why it was so astonishing whenI decided to go to my hallway closetand retrieve a revolverthat had never been used。

My body was discoveredby my neighbor,Mrs. Martha Huber,who’d b een startledby a strange popping sound.Her curiosity aroused,Mrs. Huber tried to think of a reasonfor dropping in on me unannounced.After some initial hesitation,she decided to return the blender shehad borrowed from me six months before。

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My name is Mary Alice Young.In this morning's paper,you may come across an articleabout the unusual day I had last week. Normally, there's never anythingnews worthy about my life,but that all changed last Thursday.Of course, everything seemedquite normal at first.I made Breakfast for my family.I performed my chores.I completed my projects.I ran my errands.In truth, I spent the dayas I spent every other day,quietly polishing the routine of my life until it gleamed with perfection.That's why it was so astonishing whenI decided to go to my hallway closetand retrieve a revolverthat had never been used.My body was discoveredby my neighbor, Mrs. Martha Huber,who'd been startledby a strange popping sound.Her curiosity aroused,Mrs. Huber tried to think of a reasonfor dropping in on me unannounced. After some initial hesitation,she decided to return the blender she had borrowed from me six months before. [Screams]It's my neighbor. I think she's been shot. There's blood everywhere.Yes, you've got to send an ambulance. You've got to send one right now.And, for a moment, Mrs. Huberstood motionless in her kitchen,grief-strickenby this senseless tragedy.But only for a moment.If there was one thingMrs. Huber was known for,it was her ability to look on the bright side.I was laid to rest on a Monday.After the funeral,all the residents of Wisteria Lanecame to pay their respects.And, as people do in these situations, they brought food.Lynette Scavo brought fried chicken. Lynette had a great family recipefor fried chicken.She didn't cook muchwhile moving up the corporate ladder. She didn't have the time.But when her doctor announced she was pregnant, her husband Tom had an idea. "Why not quit yourjob?""Kids do better with stay-at-home moms. It would be so much less stressful."But this was not the case.In fact, Lynette's lifehad become so hecticshe was now forced to get her chicken from the fast-food restaurant.Lynette would've appreciated the irony if she'd thought about it.But she didn't have the time.- Stop it, stop it, stop it.- But, Mom.No. You are going to behave today.I am not going to be humiliatedin front of the entire neighborhood. And, just so you knowhow serious I am...- What's that?- Santa's cell-phone number.How did you get that?I know someonewho knows someone who knows an elf. And if any of you acts up,so help me, I will call Santaand I will tell himyou want socks for Christmas.Are you willing to risk that?OK. Let's get this over with.Gabrielle Solis who lives down the block brought a spicy paella.Since her modeling days in New York, Gabrielle had developed a tastefor rich food......and rich men.Carlos, who worked in mergersand acquisitions,proposed on their third date. Gabrielle was touchedwhen tears welled up in his eyes.But she soon discovered this happened every time Carlos closed a big deal. Gabrielle liked her paella piping hot. However, her relationship withher husband was considerably cooler. If you talk to Al Mason at this thing, mention how muchI paid for your necklace.Why not pin the receipt to my chest? He let me know what he paidfor his wife's convertible.- Just work it in.- There's no way I can.Why not? At the Donahue party everyone was talking mutual funds. You mentionedyou slept with half the Yankee outfield. It came upin the context of the conversation. People are staring.Keep your voice down.Absolutely. We wouldn't want themto think we're not happy.Bree Van De Kamp, who lives next door, brought baskets of muffinsshe baked from scratch.Bree was known for her cooking.And for making her own clothes.And for doing her own gardening.And for re-upholsteringher own furniture.Yes, Bree's many talents were known Through out the neighborhood. Everyone on Wisteria Lane thoughtof Bree as the perfect wife and mother. Everyone, that is,except her own family.Paul. Zachary.- Hello, Mrs. Van De Kamp.- You shouldn't have.It was no trouble. The basketwith the red ribbon is for your guests. The one with the blue ribbonis just for you and Zachary.It's got rolls, muffins,Breeakfast type things.Thank you.The least I could dowas give you a decent mealto look forward to in the morning.I know you'reout of your minds with grief.Yes, we are.I will needthe baskets back once you're done.Of course.Susan Mayer,who lives across the street,brought macaroni and cheese.Her husband, Karl,always teased her about her macaroni, saying it was the only thing she knew how to cook and she rarely made it well. It was too salty the nightshe and Karl moved into their house.It was too watery the nightshe found lipstick on Karl's shirt.She burned it the night Karl told herhe was leaving her for his secretary.A year had passed since the divorce. Susan had started to think how nice it would be to have a man in her life. Even one who wouldmake fun of her cooking.Mom, why wouldsomeone kill themselves?Well, sometimes people are so unhappy,they think that's the only wayto solve their problems.- Mrs. Young always seemed happy.- Yeah.Sometimes people pretend to be one way, when they're totally different inside. Like how Dad's girlfriend always says nice things, but we know she's a bitch.I don't like that word, Julie.But, yeah, that's a great example. [Man] You're welcome.[Julie] What's going on?Sorry I'm late.- Hi, Susan.- Hey.So what did Karl saywhen you confronted him?You'll love this, he said, "It doesn'tmean anything. It was just sex."Ah, yes, page oneof the philanderer's handbook.Then he got this Zen look on his faceand said, "You know,most men live livesof quiet desperation."- Tell me you punched him.- No. I said,"What do most women lead?Lives of noisy fulfillment?"- Good for you.- Did he have to bang his secretary?I had that woman to brunch.An erect penisdoesn't have a conscience.Even the limp ones aren't that ethical. This is why I joined the NRA.When Rex started going to those conferences,I wanted it in the back of his mindthat he had a wifewith a loaded Smith & Wesson. Lynnie, Tom's always away.Do you ever worry he might...?He's gotten me pregnant three times in four years.I wish he was having sexwith someone else.So, Susan,is he gonna stop seeing that woman?I don't know.I'm sorry, you guys, I just...I just don't knowhow I'm gonna survive this.Listen to me.We all have moments of desperation.If we can face them head-on, that's when we find out how strong we really are. [Far off] Susan.Susan.I was just sayingPaul wants us to go over on Friday.He needs us to helppack up Mary Alice's things.He can't face doing it by himself.- Sure. That's fine.- Are you OK?Yeah. I'm just so angry.If Mary Alice was having problems,she should've let us help her.What problems could she have had? She was healthy,had a great home, a nice family.Her life was...Our life.No. If Mary Alice was having a crisis,we'd have known.She lives 50 feet away,for God sakes.Gabby, the woman killed herself. Something must've been going on.- I wouldn't eat that if I were you.- Why?I made it. Trust me.Hey, hey, do you have a death wish? No, I just don't believe that anybody can screw up macaroni and cheese. Oh, my God.How did you...? It tastes likeit's burnt and undercooked.Yeah, I get that a lot. Here you go. Thanks. I'm Mike Delfino. I just started renting the Sims' house next door. Susan Mayer. I live across the street. Mrs. Huber told me about you.Said you illustrate children's books. Yeah, I'm very bigwith the under-five set.- [He laughs]- What do you do?Plumber. So if you ever have a clog... ...or something.Now that everybody's seenthat I brought something,I should probably just throw this out. - [Baby squeals]- Ow.Ease up, you little vampire. Lynette, I've been lookingall over for you.Are you awareof what your sons are doing? Cannonball!- [Boy] Stop!- [Boys cheer]What are you doing? We are at a wake. - You said we could go in the pool.- I said you could go by the pool. Yeah, we put 'em on ourselvesbefore we left.You three planned this? All right.That's it. Get out.- No.- No?I am your mother.You have to do what I say. Come on. We want to swim and you can't stop us! [Chatter][She groans]Here.- No!- Get out. Think I won't get in this pooland just grab you? Get out!Oh!Get over here.All right, give me your arm.You...Yah!That's right. Get over here.Go, go, go, go, go. Move it.Out. Get out.Paul, we have to leave now.Once again, I am so sorry for your loss. Go.Lynette shouldn't have beenso concerned about my husband.He had other things on his mind. Things below the surface.The morning after my funeral, my friends and neighbors quietly went backto their busy, busy lives.While some did their cooking......and some did their cleaning......and some did their yoga......others......did their homework.- Hi...- [dog barks]I'm Julie. I kicked my ballinto your backyard.Oh, OK. Well, let's go round and get it. - Stay.- [Dog growls]His wife died a year ago.In LA there were too many memories. He's renting for tax purposes,but hopes to buy soon.- I can't believe you went over there.- I saw you flirting.Now you know he's single,you can ask him out.Julie, I like Mr. Delfino, I do.I just... I don't knowif I'm ready to date yet.You need to get back out there. Howlong has it been since you've had sex? - Are you mad I asked you that?- No, I'm trying to remember.I don't want to talk to youabout my love life.I wouldn't have said anything. Just... What?I heard Dad's girlfriend askif you'd dated anyone since the divorce. And Dad said he doubted it.And then they both laughed.[Dog barks]Hey, Susan.Hi, Mike. I brought youa house-warming gift.I should've broughtsomething by earlier.- Actually, you're the first to stop by.- Really?- Susan knew she was lucky.- Well...An eligible bachelorhad moved on to Wisteria Laneand she was the first to find out.She also knew that good news...- Hello there....travels quickly.Edie Britt was the most predatory divorce in a five-block radius.Her conquests were numerous. Varied.And legendary.[Priest] Wh... Ah!Hi, Susan. I hope I'm not interrupting. You must be Mike Delfino.Hi, I'm Edie... Britt.I live over there.Welcome to Wisteria Lane.Susan had met the enemy.And she was a slut.Thank you. What's this?Sausage puttanesca.It's just something I threw together. Well, thanks, Edie. That's... great. I'd invite you in,but I was in the middle of something. - I'm late for an appointment.- I just wanted to say hi.And just like that,the race for Mike Delfino had begun. For a moment, Susanwondered if her rivalry with Edie would remain friendly.Oh, Mike, I heard you're a plumber. But she was reminded thatwhen it came to men...Could you stop by laterand take a look at my pipes?...women don't fight fair.- Sure.Thanks.Bye, Susan.- You can't order me around.- Gabrielle.No, no. I'm not going.Tanaka expectseveryone to bring their wives.Every time I'm around that man,he tries to grab my ass.I made over 200,000doing business with him last year.If he wants to grab your ass, let him. [Wind chimes]- John.- Ow!Mr. Solis, you scared me.Why is that bush there?You were supposed to dig it up.- I didn't have time.- I don't want excuses.Just take care of it.I really hate the way you talk to me. And I hate that I spent $15,000on your diamond necklaceyou couldn't live without.But I'm learning to deal with it. So can I tell Tanaka we'll be there tomorrow? John, we have bandagestop shelf in the kitchen.Thanks, Mrs. Solis.Fine, I'll go.But I'm keeping my back pressed against the wall the entire time.See, now this is whata marriage is all about. Compromise.- Is your finger OK?- Yeah, it's just a small cut.Let me see. Mmm.You know, Mrs. Solis,I really like it when we hook up,but, um, you know,I got to get my work done and......I can't afford to lose this job.This table was hand-carved.Carlos had it imported from Italy.It cost him $2,000.You want to do iton the table this time?Absolutely.[Gentle classical music]Why can't we ever have normal soup? Danielle, there is nothing abnormal about basil purse.Once, can we have a souppeople have heard of?- Like French onion or navy bean?- Your father can't eat onions.He's deathly allergic. And I won't even dignify your navy bean suggestion. So, how's the osso buco?- It's OK.- It's OK?I spent three hours cooking this meal. How do you think it feels when you say, "It's OK" in that sullen tone?Who asked you to spend three hourson dinner?Excuse me?Tim Harper's mom gets home from work, pops open a can of pork and beans,and they're eating, everyone's happy.- You'd rather I served pork and beans? - Apologize now, I beg.I'm saying do you always have to serve cuisine? Can't we just have food?- Are you doing drugs?- What?Change in behavioris a warning signand you have been as fresh as paintfor the last six months.It explains why you're alwaysin the bathroom.- That is not what he's doing.- Shut up.Mom, I'm not the onewith the problem here.You're the one acting likeshe's running for Mayor of Stepford. Rex... seeing thatyou're the head of this household,I'd appreciate you saying something. Pass the salt?Three days after my funeral,Lynette replaced her griefwith a much more useful emotion. Indignation.Tom, this is my fifth messageand you still haven't called me back. You must be having a lot of fun onyour business trip. I can only imagine. Guess what, the kids and Iwant to have some fun too,so unless you call me back by noon,we're getting a plane and joining you. - Mom.- Not now. Mommy's threatening Daddy. - Mom.- No, I...- Where are your brothers?- Noodles, my favorite.- Lynette Scavo?- [Under her Breeath] Crap.Natalie Klein. I don't believe it.- Lynette. How long has it been?- Years. How are you? How's the firm? - Good. Everyone misses you.- Yeah.We all say, if you hadn't quityou'd be running the place by now. Yeah, well.So how's domestic life?Don't you just love being a mom?And there it was. The questionthat Lynette always dreaded.Well, to be honest...For those who asked it,only one answer was acceptable.So Lynette respondedas she always did. She lied.It's the best job I've ever had. [Gasps]- You know what I don't get?- What?Why you married Mr. Solis.Well, he promised to give me everything I've ever wanted.- And did he?- Yes.Then why aren't you happy?Turns out I wanted all the wrong things. So do you love him?I do.So then why are we here?Why are we doing this?Because I don't wantto wake up one morningwith a sudden urgeto blow my brains out.- Hey, can I have a drag?- Absolutely not.You are much too young to smoke. How would you feel if I used your child support payments for plastic surgery? Stop being nervous. You're just asking him to dinner. No big deal.You're right.So is that your project for school? In fifth grade I madethe White House out of sugar cubes. Stop stalling and go. BeforeMike figures out he can do better. Tell me againwhy I fought for custody of you.- You were using me to hurt Dad.- Oh, that's right.Oh, God.- Hi.- Hey, Susan.- Are you busy?- No, not at all. What's up?Well, I... I just, uh,was wondering if......if there was any chancethat you, uh......I just wanted to ask if...- Edie.- Hey, there, Susan.- What are you...?- I was making ambrosia.And I made too much so I thoughtI'd bring some over to Mike.- What's going on?- Susan was gonna ask me something. Uh...- I have a clog.- Excuse me?- And you're a plumber, right?- Yeah.- The clog's in the pipe.- Yeah, that's usually where they are. - Well, I've got one.- OK. Let me get my tools.Now? You want to come over now? You have company.I don't mind.Just give me two minutes.I'll be right over.[Squeals quietly][Breeathes heavily]That's it.- Stuff the hair down.- I stuffed it.- It's not enough to clog it.- Here. Here. Look.Put in this peanut butter.And this cooking oil.- Mom...- And these olives.- It's not working.- [Doorbell]Oh, God. That's him.How am I gonna stop up the sink? Well, here's your problem.Somebody stuffeda bunch of Popsicle sticks down here.I've told Julie a million times not toplay in the kitchen. Kids, you know.I'll go put in your orders and I'll beback with your plates for the salad bar. Thank you.Andrew, Danielle, napkins. Thank you. They have video games. Can we go play until our food gets here?- This is family time. I think...- Go ahead and play.I know you think I'm angryabout coming here, but I'm not.The kids wanted a change of pace, something fun.I get it. They'll want something healthier tomorrow, though.- I'm thinking chicken saltimbocca.- I want a divorce.I just can't live in this......this detergent commercial anymore. The salad bar's there.Help yourself.Thank you.Um, I think I'll go getyour salad for you.- Bree Van De Kamp.- Oh, hello, Mrs. Huber.We didn't get a chance to talkat Mary Alice's wake. How are you doing? Bree longed to share the truth about her husband's painful betrayal. But sadly for Bree,admitting defeat was not an option. Great. Everything is just great.I got you the honey mustard dressing. The ranch looked a little bit suspect. Are we gonna talk about what I said?If you think I'll discussmy marriage in a placewith rest-rooms labeled "Chicks"and "Dudes", you're out of your mind. - What's in this?- What do you mean? It's salad.- With... with onions.- What?- You put onions in my salad.- No I didn't.Oh, wait.[Digging]The sound that awakened my son was something he'd heard only once before. Many years agowhen he was quite young.But he recognized it instantly. [Grunts]It was the sound of a family secret. [Grunts]Seven days after my funeral,life on Wisteria Lanefinally returned to normal.Which, for some of my friends,was unfortunate.- Mommy, Mommy!- Now what?- Daddy's home!- [Boys cheer]Come on! Hey, is anybody home?- Hey!- Hey!I wasn't expecting you for a week.I have to go back to 'Friscoin the morning.But I got your call.You sounded frazzled.Yeah.- It's been a little rough.- Hi. Yeah. Peaches.Did you buy us any presents?Oh, God, presents.Wait up. Let me see.- Ohhh!- Yeah!But I'm not giving it to you unless you promise to go outside right nowand practise throwing for 20 minutes. - Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!- Punks. Get out!Who's open? Go out.Deeper. Deeper. Touchdown!Oh, my God.Oh, no.You got to be kidding. I'm exhausted.I look terrible. I'm covered in peaches. - I'm sorry, baby. I got to have you.- Well, is it OK if I just lie here?- Absolutely.- [She laughs]- I love you.- I love you more... Oh, baby.Wait.I was having trouble with swelling. The doctor took me off the pill.Put on a condom.- A condom?- Yeah.What's the big deal? Let's risk it.- Let's risk it?- Yeah.- I can't believe you tried to kill me. - Yes, well, I feel badly about that. Mrs. Huber came over and I got distracted. It was a mistake.- Since when do you make mistakes? - What does that mean?It means I'm sick of youbeing so damn perfect all the time. I'm sick of the bizarre wayyour hair doesn't move.I'm sick of you making our bed in the morning before I've used the bathroom. You're this plastic suburban housewife, with her pearls and spatula,who says things like"We owe the Hendersons a dinner." Where's the woman I fell in love with... ...who used to burn the toastand drink milk out of the carton?And laugh.I need her. Not this cold,perfect thing you've become.These need water.Bree sobbed quietlyin the restroom for five minutes,but her husband never knew. Because when Bree finally emerged... ...she was perfect.- I found my earrings. We can go now. - Was John here today?Well, yeah.The lawn hasn't been mowed. I'vehad it. We're getting a real gardener.- Why?- Are you deaf?I just said he's not doing his job.It's dark. You just can't seethe lawn has been mowed.- It hasn't. Feel this grass.- I'm not feeling the grass.Let's just get going.Come on, we're late.- Take care of it.- Yes, sir.There's Tanaka.Time for me to go and do my dance. Good luck, sweetheart.You see that man just walked away? Can you make sure he has a drinkin his hand all night long?Yes, ma'am.[Squeals]Mm.- Susan? Susan!- Mrs. Huber, how are you doing?Not too well, I'm afraid. I'm trying to find something to soothe my stomach. - It's upset?- Yeah.I had the worst macaroni and cheese at the wake. It's been running through me. And I need to be at my best. EdieBritt's son is spending the night.He's spending the night?Edie is having a gentleman friendover for dinner,and I think she plans onentertaining into the wee hours,if you know what I mean.Oh, here's some antacid.Have you ever tried this?I can't believe it.This can't be happening.Mike can't like Ediebetter than me.You don't know what's going on. Maybe they're just having dinner.You're right. They're doing it.Edie?Edie?Hello? Anybody home?I need to borrow sugar.[# Marvin Gaye: Let's Get It Onplays on stereo][Edie] Oh, my God!Oh, yes! Give it to me!And just like that,the possibility Susan had clung to,the maybe of Mike Delfino,was gone forever.[Sighs]00:7:54,205 --> 00:7:56,867And despite the precariousnessof her situation,Susan took a moment to mourn her loss. [Gasps] Oh. [blows]Oh! Oh![Squeals]It didn't take Susan long to realize, this was just not her night.[Edie] Is somebody out there?- [Smoke alarm]- Oh, my God! That's smoke! [Sirens][Two-way radio]Oh, my God.She left candles unattended in the den. Paramedic said she was lucky.She could've been killed. [Lynette] She ran out with nothing on. - She was having sex with some guy.- What happened to him?He got smoke inhalation.He's at the hospital.Oh.Susan, are you all right?You look awful.I'm fine. I'm fine.I just, uh, feel really bad for Edie. Oh, honey, don't worry about Edie. She's a strong lady.Absolutely. She'll get through this. She'll find a way to survive.We all do.Come on.- Wow! What happened?- Mike!And suddenly there he was.Like a phoenix rising from the ashes. I... I thought you were... uh...Where were you?I just got back from the movies.Edie had a fire, huh?Yeah. Yeah, but she's fine now. Everything's fine now.And just like that, Susan was happy. Life was suddenly full of... possibilities.Not to mentionWORD格式-专业学习资料-可编辑a few unexpected surprises.- Hello.- It's me.- Have anything yet?- No, nothing yet.But don't worry.I'm definitely getting closer.I brought some champagne.I thought we should have a toast.The next day my friends came togetherto pack away my clothes,my personal belongingsand what was left of my life.All right, ladies, lift 'em up.To Mary Alice,a good friend and neighbor.Wherever you are,we hope you've found peace.- To Mary Alice.- To Mary Alice.Let's get this show on the road.You guys,check out Mary Alice's clothes.Size eight? Ha!She always told me she was a size six.- We found the skeleton in her closet.- Not quite, Gabrielle, not quite.- What's that?- A letter addressed to Mary Alice.How ironic.To have something I tried so desperatelyto kep secret, treated so casually.- What are you doing? That's private.- It's open. What's the big deal?- What does this mean?- Don't know. Check out the postmark.Oh, my God. She got it the day she died.Do you think this is why she...?I'm so sorry, girls. I never wanted youto be burdened with this.Oh, Mary Alice, what did you do?学习资料分享。
