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In this beautiful golden fall, I am very happy to welcome the distinguished guests to China West Forum 2001 in the ancient capital Xi’an, an age-old and mysterious city full of dynamism of the modern era.
APEC will have to be nondiscriminatory to any country.
不要回头重说(backtrack)。 译者在阅读视译材料时应留出一定的视觉距
离(perceptual span),比如阅读的视觉进度 要领先于口头的翻译进度(read ahead),加 强信息的处理,避免重新组织整个句子的各个 要素。 若是有遗漏重要的信息,可另起一句话补足意 思。
He spoke hopefully of the success of the negotiation.
The product is more expensive than it was last time but not as good.
LesBaidu Nhomakorabeaon 1
Sight Interpretation
It’s a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in need of a wife.
Every State is the best judge of what is required to safeguard its national security.
每个国家自己才能最好地判断需要什么来保 卫其国家安全。
I hope my presence here tonight is further proof of the importance we in Britain attach to relations with your great country.
世界各国的青少年在沪逗留时间虽然短暂,但上 海的风貌和中国的传统文化仍然给他们留下了深 刻的印象。
I hope that the meeting will not be too long, for it will only waste time.
我希望这次会议不要开得太久,太久了只会 浪费时间。
Virtually all governments have taken significant steps to widen the role of private enterprise in economic activity.
各国政府大都采取了重大步骤来扩大私人企业 的作用,在经济活动方面的作用。
在决定取舍时要学会迅速分辨主要意思和次 要细节。
◆联合国大会,联合国秘书长 ◆金秋时节 ◆各位来宾 ◆论坛 ◆一座充满活力的城市 ◆成员国 ◆改革开放政策/计划生育政策的
◆ General Assembly
Secretary General
Differences between C & E
1. tree VS bamboo 2. peacock tail VS lion head 3. form of verbs 4. passive voice
1. 顺译法
顾名思义,这种方法是指按所听到的原句的 顺序,把整个句子分割成若干个意义单位或 信息单位逐一译出,再用增补,删减等手段 把这些单位自然衔接,形成完整的意思。顺 译法能够减轻记忆负担,便于及时处理信息, 因而是口译者及考生的首选良策。
*感谢 gratitude grateful appreciation/appreciate
*亲眼目睹 witness
*深感荣幸 it’s my honor I feel honored
*我谨代表 on behalf of
*热情好客 hospitality courtesy
*开幕 opening commencement
◆ beautiful golden fall ◆ distinguished guests ◆ Forum ◆ a city full of dynamism ◆ Member states ◆ The implementation of
Reform and Opening up policy/family planning
的确非常愉快,能够借此大会之机,向阁下 先生转达,以我国家的名义转达,我最真诚 的祝贺,祝贺您当选本届联合国大会的主席。
What do you say?
如果两种语言的表达模式不一致,运用顺译法 便会显得牵强别扭,这时则宜采用重组法。具 体说来,就是抓住原语中的信息点,根据目标 语的思维方式和表达习惯重新组织和安排信息, 译出原语真正要体现的内容和情感。
◆面对面的会谈 ◆是…的重要议程 ◆缓解中东紧张局势 ◆物美价廉 ◆国企/私企 ◆国防 ◆重视
◆ hold face-to-face talks ◆ at the top agenda of…
◆ ease tension in the Middle East
◆ good in quality and low in price
在美丽的金秋时节,我很高兴,能在古老又 充满现代活力的古都西安,迎来参加“2001 中国西部论坛”的各位嘉宾。
Although these young people from various parts of the World spent a short time in Shanghai, they were still deeply impressed by the outlook of Shanghai and by the traditional Chinese culture.
作为亚太地区最强大的经济体之一, 中国神奇般的崛起,已经吸引,并将 继续吸引我国越来越多的商业,制造 业,及金融业巨头来华投资,特别是 在上海及其周边地区的长期项目投资。
Theoretical guidelines:
Translation skills: 顺译/倒译,词性转换,增词法,省略法, 重复法,正反译
举世公认,一个饶有家资的单身 汉必定需要一个妻子。
单身汉有了钱,一定想娶个媳妇, 这是举世公认的真理。
China’s miraculous rise as one of the strongest economic powers in the Asian-Pacific region has attracted, and will continue to attract, a growing number of business, manufacturing and financial giants in our country to invest in China, particularly to invest in a number of long-term projects in Shanghai and its surrounding areas.
我希望我今晚的出席可以进一步证明,我们 英国重视与贵国的关系。
We are exporters of the above goods, having a background of over 30 years
He made no mention of your suggestions at the meeting.
I come to China// at an important time.
It is indeed a pleasure to stand before the Assembly and extend to you, Sir, in the name of my country, my most sincere congratulations on your election as president of the present session of the General Assembly.
Both sides are willing to hold face-toface talks in order to ease tension in the Middle East.
America and Russia have undergone a series of secret consultations.
There shall be no development in the region without peace and stability.
For many years there was no closeness between the two countries.
Will all those who are in favor of this draft resolution, please signify by raising their hands?
The products produced by this factory are good in quality and low in price.
成员国已确定人权为本组织未来议程中的一 个中心问题,一个国际社会未来议程中的中 心问题。
Implementation of international human rights standards must be pursued with vigor.
◆ state-owned/private/nongovernmental enterprise
◆ national security/national defense
◆ attach great importance to
Ceremonial speeches
Words preparation:
人们曾经希望这种微型轿车能够研制成功, 而且更希望其成本足够合理,能够上市销售。
Member states identified human rights as a central issue for the future agenda of the Organization and of the world community in general.
It was once hoped that such minicars could be successfully developed, and what’s more, that their cost would be reasonable enough to make them commercially available.
*开幕式,闭幕式 opening/closing ceremony
*代表团,代表 delegation/delegate/representative