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(Biological and Genetic Roots of Personality)
Inhibited (10%)
Uninhibited (25%)
抑制型儿童的特点: 自我控制的 温和有礼的 陌生焦虑的 “粘人”的 更有可能是“blue eyes” 非抑制型儿童的特点: 自发的 主动的 精力充沛的 适应陌生环境迅速的 不太“粘人”的

精神质得分高的人:自我中心的,攻击性的,缺乏人 性的(impersonal),冷酷的,缺乏同情心的,冲动的, 不考虑他人的,对他人的权利和幸福漠不关心的

左前额叶激活水平 vs 右前额叶激活水平 左半球活动:接近情绪源;右半球活动:远离情 绪源 抑郁的人大脑右半球活动水平高 如果右利手的人思考时眼睛转向左边,右半球活 动水平高(Davidson, 1991)
(Eysenk’s Theory on Personality)
不稳定(神经质) 急躁 冲动
严肃 抑郁质 安静 内向 被动 粘液质 多血质 胆汁质
积极 外向 好交际
冷静 稳定
Eysenk, 1968

稳定-不稳定(神经质、情绪的稳定性) 内向-外向(皮层唤起水平的差异) 精神质
Jeffrey Gray’s RST Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory of personality
Behavioral inhibition system This system underpins responses to any form of conflict. That is, the system facilitates the detection and resolution of conflict. In particular, in response to conflict, ongoing behaviors, underpinned by the behavioral activation or fight-flight-freezing systems, are inhibited. Instead, attention and effort is directed towards the source of this conflict. Behavior is vigilant, cautious, and careful--rather than impulsive. The behavioral inhibition system corresponds to anxiety--an emotion that is evoked by uncertainty and evaluation from other individuals, representing the anticipation of potential disaster (see White & Depue, 1999, for a distinction between anxiety and fear). In contrast, the fightflight-freezing systems correspond to fear, which represent concerns about specific aversive stimuli or events. (In the original model of RST, avoidance was primarily underpinned by the behavioral inhibition system. In the revised version, avoidance is primarily mediated by the fight-flight-freezing system (Jackson, 2009)).
Jeffrey Gray’s RST Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory of personality 1.Flight-Fight-Freeze system (FFFS) which is characterised by: Sensitivity to aversive stimuli with associated defensive avoidance (fear) and escape(panic)
Kagan & Snidman, 1991
(Biological and Genetic Roots of Personality)

四个月时被鉴定为抑制型的婴儿,其中有40%在14个月和 21个月时表现出较多的恐惧;但没有一个非抑制型的婴儿 有同样的感受。(Kagan & Snidman, 1991) 21个月时的抑制性得分与儿童4岁时的抑制性得分相关 (Reznick et al., 1986) 8~12岁儿童的抑制性与成年后(18~22岁)的抑制性有中 等程度的相关(r = .57)(Gest, 1997) 许多领导人、社会工作者和演义界人士都曾是抑制型儿童, 但通过克服自己的羞怯而获得成功。
Fra Baidu bibliotek
Jeffrey Gray’s RST Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory of personality Behavioral activation system:
The behavioral activation system represents more functional attempts to seek rewards, such as a predilection towards novel experiences, spontaneous behavior, and exciting activities. Similarly, this is related to extraversion and functional, but not rash, impulsivity.
2. Behavioral approach system(BAS) characterised by: Sensitivity to appetitive stimuli Associated approach and anticipatory pleasure (hope)
3. Behavioural Inhibition System (BIS)characterized by: Sensitivity to goal conflict (eg approach-avoidance Linked with rumination, anxiety)