



翻译“读者接受理论”之我见作者:姚旭李传静任蕊来源:《读与写·下旬刊》2010年第07期中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1672-1578(2010)07-0048-01摘要:根据接受美学和阐释学理论,译文读者在整个翻译过程中具有特殊的地位和作用。






(谢满兰,2007)读者对文本的接受过程就是对文本的再创造过程, 读者不只是鉴赏家、批评家,也是作家,因为鉴赏和批评的本身就是对文学作品的创作,也是文学作品得以真正实现的过程,所以,文学作品不是由作者自己创造出来的,而是在作者和读者的共同作用写产生的。










1.从读者接受理论看英汉文学翻译中四字格的使用r——以隗静秋译《动物庄园》为例 [J], 焦飏
2.从读者接受理论看政府工作报告翻译中的r读者关照 [J], 谭淑芳
3.从接受理论看十九大报告英文译本中的读者关照 [J], 韩静
4.论情报编写中读者的角色地位:以接受理论为视角 [J], 彭知辉
5.从接受理论看十九大报告英文译本中的读者关照 [J], 韩静

接受理论视阈下标语翻译中的形式与功能——以“Better City

接受理论视阈下标语翻译中的形式与功能——以“Better City

接 受 理 论视 阈 下标 语 t rCi y,Be t r l e 为 例 te i ” r
孙 志 祥 , 佑 嘉 王
( 苏 大学 外 国语 学 院 , 苏 镇 江 江 江 221) 1 0 3
[ 要] 摘 当今 越 来 越 多 的标 语 呈 现 出独 特 的 文体 特 征 , 能 主 义 翻 译 观 指 导 下 重功 能轻 形 式 这 种 一 刀 切 的翻 译 方 法 不 功 能 指 导 所 有 标 语 的翻 译 。标 语 翻 译 要 求 在 有 限 的 字数 限制 下 最 有 效 地 提 供 相 关 性 最 强 的信 息 , 此 , 者 的接 受 性 因 读
和 传 播 的有 效 性 是 决 定翻 译 策 略 的 关键 因素 。 不 同 类 型 的 标语 需要 用 不 同的 翻 译 策 略 来 处理 , 实现 标 语 语 言 的 召 以
唤 功 能 和 美 学功 能 。
[ 键 词 ] 受理 论 ; 语 翻 译 ; 能 ; 式 关 接 标 功 形 [ 图分 类 号 ] 1 . 中 H3 5 9 [ 文献 标 识 码 ] A [ 文章 编 号] 62 9 X【0 1O 一O 0 4 1 7 一。 2 1 )5 儿 —0
SUN Z ixin h — a g,WA NG uja Yo - i
( h o f Foeg n u g s i n s iest Sc o l ri nLa g a e ,J a g uUn v riy,J a gs o i n u,Zh in 1 0 3,Ch n ) e a g2 2 1 ia
第 2 第 5期 6卷
长沙理工大学学报 ( 会科 学版) 社
V 12 . o. 6 No 5
2011年 9月 J UR A FC N S N V R I YO CE C O N LO HA G HAU I E ST FS IN E& T c NO 0 Y(0 ILS IN E Sp .2011 E H L G s cA CE C ) e
















读者接受理论读者接受理论又称“接受美学”,是20世纪60年代,文学史学家姚斯(Hans Robert Jauss)在1967年提出的以现象学和阐释学为理论基础的一种文学批评理论。








代 表 。 理 论 共 同 之 处 在于 要 求 确 立 “ 者 其 读 中心 论 ” 改 变 过 去 文 学 理 论 中 的 “ 者 中 , 作
心 论 ”。 文 从 读 者 接 受 理 论 出发 , 用 多 本 运 个 例 子 来 分 析 古诗 中 数 字 翻 译 的 得 失 。
译 文 :ta y,mata d srn alwi 味 。 Se d s r n to g,l t h
A. ls Chn s er n E gih Ves Gi 的 e iee Poty i n l r s e
意 义 和 感 情 色 彩 对 西方 人 来 说 易 理 解 , 但 实 友 人 的 路 途 未 必 万 里 那 么 远 , 于 夸 张 善
另一 方 面 失去 了 “ 韵 ”。 面 的 例 子 就 说 神 下 明 了这 一 点 :
2读者接受 理论在古诗 中数字英译 的
应 用
【】伍 铁 平 . 糊 语 言 学 【 ] 上 海 : 海 外 4 模 M . 上
语教 育 出版 社 , 9 9: 5. l9 9
5 中 为 了形 容 战火 的 漫长 诗 人 把 “ 火 ” 烽 说 【】高 民 . 国 古 代 诗 歌 概 论 与 名 篇 欣 赏 2 1 古诗 中的数 字 的特点 . 【 】 北 京 : 华 大 学 出版 社 , 京 交 通 M . 清 北 古 诗 词 中 常 会 出 现 数 字 , 数 字 的 运 成 是 接 连烧 了三 个 月 , 中 有夸 张 的 意 味 。 而 其 大学 出版 社 , 0 4 l . 20 :1 用 对 于 刻 画 古诗 词 意 境 起 着 非 常 重 要 的 作 但 为 了加 强 说 明 这种 战 争 不 断 地 情 形 下 家 诗 万 来 家 6 翻 M . 中 用 。 糊 性 是 自然 语 言 的基 本特 征 之 一 , 模 模 信 的 珍 贵 , 人 又 用 “ 金 ” 形容 “ 书 ” 【】许 渊 冲 . 译 的 艺 术 【 】北 京 : 国 对 译者 许 渊 冲 从 读 者 的 认 知 角 度 和 外 翻 译 出版 公 司 , 9 4: 0. 18 1 糊 现 象 既 是 一 种 广 泛 的 语 言 现 象 , 有 语 的 昂贵 。 具 7 汉 言 间性 。 字 是 一 种 特 殊 的 文化 语 言 , 承 接 受 角 度入 手 , 数 它 意译 了“ 月 ” “ 金” 使 【】许 渊 冲 . 英 对 照 中 国古 诗 精 品 三百 首 三 和 万 。 【 . M】 北京 : 北京 大 学 出版 社 , 0 4: 2 0 7. 载 了 一 定 的文 化 背 景 , 利 于 感 情 充分 的 得 西 方 读 者 更 好 的 理 解 原 诗 的 意 思 , 是 有 但



第28卷第2期2021年4月兰州工业学院学报Journal of Lanzhou Institute of TechnologyVol.28No.2Apr.2021文章编号:1009-2269(2021)02-0128-05接受理论视角下看《尤利西斯》中文化“他者”的注释性翻译策略王艳霞(兰州工业学院外国语学院,甘肃兰州730050)摘要:从接受理论视角下看意识流小说《尤利西斯》译文中对于文化“他者”的翻译策略,译文以萧乾、文洁若夫妇所译版本为例。










从读者接受理论看英汉文学翻译中四字焦飏接受美学视角的翻译理论把研宄视野从文本本身扩大到译者、读者、文化对翻译 活动的影响,提出了 “读者中心论”。

四字词语是汉语所独有的,具有音美、形 美、简炼的特点。

在英汉文学翻译的过程当中恰当使用汉语四字格,在“忠实” 传达原文意义的基础上,还切合了屮国读者的审美,给读者以美的享受。



从此,翻 译研宂不再仅仅局限于对源语文本、译语文本的研宂,而是把视野扩大到译者、 读者、文化对翻译活动的影响,提出了 “读者中心论”。

四字词语是汉语所独有 的,具有音美、形美、简炼的特点。

在英汉文学翻译的过程当中恰当使用汉语四 字格,在“忠实”传达原文意义的基础上,还切合了中国读者的审美,给读者 以美的享受。

一、读者接受理论与英汉文学翻译读者接受理论,又称接受美学,是1960年代5位德W 学者在德W 南部新建的康 斯坦茨大学提出来的丙方文学研究中一种新兴的方法论。

代表人物有汉斯罗伯特 姚斯(Hans Robert Jauss)和沃尔夫冈伊瑟尔(Wolfgang Iser)。

它的核心是 从受众出发,从接受出发,强调读者或者阅读行为在阐释文本问题上的作用, 认为在文学阐释中,最重要的因素不是文本,而是读者。

这种理论注意到了过去 文学理论所忽视的一个基本事实,那就是文学作品是为读者阅读所创作的,它 的社会意义和美学价值只有在阅读中才能表现出来。

而读者在文木的接受过程当 中并不是被动的反映,而是主动的,具有推动文学创作的功能。

因此,文学过程 并不能简单地被设想为作家为读者创作作品,读者对文学作品的接受收到个人 的各种因素的影响。


翻译研宄不再仅仅局限于对源语文木、译语文木的研宄,而是把视野扩大到译 者、读者、文化对翻译活动的影响,提出了格的使用为例以隗静秋译《动物庄园》 川大学锦城学院接受美学视角的翻译理论。



广西师范大学硕士研究生学位论文 A Reader Reference Insight Into Idioms TranslationFrom Chinese to English读者参照与汉英习语翻译  院 系2000级  专 业翻译理论与实践  导 师任 蓉  完成时间1 2ContentsAcknowledgments ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................33.2.1 Idioms reflect psychology, convention and custom of a nation (21)3.2.2 Idioms reflect people’s wisdom and laboring experience (22)3.2.3 Idioms derived from religious scriptures (22)3.2.4 Idioms derived from history and literary works (22)3.2.5 Idioms derived from fables, legends and myths (23)3.3 Characteristics of Idioms in Form (24)3.4 Difficulties of Idioms Translation (26)Chapter Four Reader Reference Insight into the Strategies in Idioms Translation4.1 Literal Translation (29)4.1.1 Literal translation to retain images (31)4.1.2 Literal translation plus gloss to retain images (31)4.1.3 Literal plus free translation to compensate images (32)4.2 Substitution (32)4.3 Free translation (33)Conclusion (35)Bibliography (36)4AcknowledgementsI am greatly indebted to all those people who, directly and indirectly, have contributed to the genesis of this thesis.First of all, thanks are due to my supervisor, Prof. Zhou Liangren, for his careful reading and faithful comments on the paper. Without his keen insights and constant affirmation, this paper would not have been finished.I am particularly grateful to the superb advice and constant encouragement from Prof. Wang Dongfeng, who continues to inspire me to explore my expository ideas in my writing. His academic insight and thoughtful guidance are of great benefit for me.Last but not least, I also express my appreciation to all the teachers who have lectures for me during my postgraduate study.5读者参照与汉英习语翻译 2000级英语语言文学专业研究生周良仁 教授 内容提要 奈达的动态对等原则或称读者反应论把翻译理论研究的视点从原文本引到接受者一方主张用归化的翻译策略这些引起了很多争论甚至否定读者因素如何影响翻译策略的选择呢认为接受者因素应从读者群的能动作用和接受文化语境的制约作用来考虑读者因素在译者翻译策略的选择中起到参照和制约作用选择归化或异化的翻译策略是译者为读者考虑的表现文章从英汉习语的翻译来加以论证处理的方法有直译从读者接受和文化交流的角度考察首先姚斯认为读者在阅读过程中具有积极的能动作用文本的意义只有在读者的积极参与下才能实现对于译者来说他必须考虑到实际读者的期待视野和接受能力原文和译文的对等的翻译标准只能是相对的其次免不了受译语文化这一客观的接受环境制约兼容性考虑到译文读者的接受能力及文化情境6从中国历史上的翻译理论和实践中可以看到读者参照影响着翻译策略的选择严复和林纾从目标文化出发采取归化策略并分出翻译的读者层妥协性和进取性表现为适应读者的固有语言和文化习惯另一方面具有向译语文化积极进取的特点以便达到给译语读者群原有的文化结构带来异质因素达到文化交流的目的这两对翻译策略和方法引起了持续的争论受到很多学者的批驳读者参照并不能单一的强调归化策略两种策略或方法是辨证统一的本文以汉英习语的翻译为例进行了进一步论证在翻译时传达习语形象非常重要无对应习语形式相似而意义不同从读者参照角度来处理汉英习语的翻译大致有三个方法即借用其中一般在不引起文化冲突的情况下使用直译加注补充形象能保存形象和促进理解直译加意译在文内解释补充形象能保证可理解性但常受文内解释的空间限制易于读者理解以免造成读者的文化误解有利于处理文化障碍总的来说译者应充分考虑读者的接受由于读者在阅读过程中的积极能动作用采取异化策略和直译的方法常常是可行的7读者是一个变量社会的发展不是一成不变的需要进行系统和辨证的研究读者参照翻译策略习语翻译8A Reader Reference Insight Into Idioms TranslationFrom Chinese to EnglishAbstractNida’s Reader-response theory is considered to shift the focus from the comparison of a pair of texts, the source-language texts and the target-language texts, to a comparison of receptors’ perception of the message carried by the text. It emphasizes a naturalness of translation, and judges a translation by whether it makes a similar response between source readers and target readers. This advocating draws heavy criticism and even denunciation. Then, why and how does this factor impact the selection of translating strategy?As to receptor, this paper affirms its subjective role in reception. In translation, the reception factor should be viewed from two aspects: the subjective but active readership and the objective receiving culture. A translator has to consider the reader whom he or she is translating for, so the factor of target readership and receiving culture does as not only reference but constraint for translator’s selection of strategy. It is viewed as reader reference, or consideration for readers. In some sense, taking strategy, either domestication or foreignization, is the reveal of a certain translator’s consideration for his intended readers and his attitude towards culture. For further argument, the paper analyzes the strategies employed in idiom translation, including literal translation, substitution, and free translation, from reader reference insights, and concludes that foreignization and literal translation are often feasible.The theory of Reception Aesthetics expounds that the reader plays an active role in the interpretation of a text. Jauss says that readers from any historical period establish different horizons of expectation. And Iser differentiates them to the actual reader and the implied9reader. For a certain translator, he should bear in mind his actual reader’s horizon of expectation and reception, since he serves those who pick up his works to read. Translation activity experiences two processes of reception, first between the translator and the source text, then between the translator and the final target reader. Accordingly, the translation criterion of equivalence is just appropriately achieved. The operation of translating can not be escaped from the influence of receiving culture, which has features of infiltration, compatibility, nationality and interference. To fuse the text with target reader’s horizon of expectation, the translator has to take readers into consideration, such as their acceptability, aesthetic interest and cultural context. Hence, translating strategies often have to be altered.A survey shows that consideration for the receptors in translating operations is a phenomenon common to all historical periods in China. There were debates over literal and free translation in Buddhist scripture translation, domestication strategy that Yan Fu and Lin Shu inclined to adapt, and Lu Xun’s advocating of foreignization and his division of intended readers. Consideration for readers shows dual characteristics of taking translation strategies, namely, compromise and aggression. On one hand, compromising to the influence of target culture for making the target text easily accepted by the readers, the translator usually inclines to make the target text language perform conventionally in the target language system and pays attention to the comprehensibility and acceptability of the translated text. On the other hand, aggressing to influence the target culture by introducing the foreignness into target text for bringing foreign elements to target language and culture in spite of non-fluent and new expressions. Hence, it results in dichotomy of domestication and foreignization, and that of literal and free translation. Never-stopped disputes over them give strong criticism to Nida’s strategy of naturalization, which is considered as a representative of domestication. This paper analyzes that Nida’s receptor-oriented translation strategy neglects receptor’s cultural expectation though laying stress on the operation on linguistic structure. Taking receptor’s into consideration doesn’t merely mean a strategy of domestication. In view of10culture exchange, foreignization is getting prevailing. But from the perspective of reader reference, we find that these two strategies or approaches are dialectical. Applying either one reveals a translator’s consideration for readers and his attitude towards culture.Idioms translation provides a stage for further discussion. Chinese and English idioms both posses with distinctive features on linguistic and cultural level. It is essential to convey the images and connotations. The difficulties of idioms translation lie in four: no equivalent idioms; having similar expressions in form but with different connotations; embedding with both literal and idiomatic sense at the same time but different in form; different application in stylistic context. Generally, there are three solutions: literal translation, substitution, and free translation. First, literal translation retaining idiomatic images conveys linguistic and cultural features, which can be applied unless there are no cultural conflicts. Literal plus gloss translation helps the reader to learn culture but sometimes interrupt the coherence in context and reading. Literal plus explanation within context could retain images and ensure intelligibility, however, it takes up rooms within context and has to make some implied meaning transparent. Second, substitution can be applied when there are equivalent idioms. It ensures intelligibility, but over-domestication shall be avoided. Thirdly, free translation is also a common way to overcome cultural hindrance that would not cause misunderstanding by the sacrifice of images’ metaphorical and cultural meaning.In short, these solutions are all applicable and flexible in use with strong points or weak ones. Receptors, with cultural expectation to the exotic, demand for the exotic. Foreignization and literal translation are often feasible ways in idioms translation.The process of translation is just the interaction of the translator’s initiative and factors constraining it. Reader reference is one of the dynamic parameters in the selection of translation strategies that need further study in dialectical perspective. The recognition of the influence of receptor provides a way for translation criticism to evaluate the strategy of a translator.11Key words: reader reference; translating strategy; idioms translation12IntroductionNida’s concepts of formal and dynamic equivalence are considered as crucial in introducing a receptor-based orientation to contemporary translation studies.Formal equivalence refers to a faithful reproduction of source-text (ST) form elements. It ‘focuses attention on the message itself, in both form and content…One is concerned that the message in the receptor language should match as closely as possible the different elements in the source language (SL).’ (Nida, 1964:159)This concept is thus keenly oriented towards the ST structure, which exerts strong influence in determining accuracy and correctness.Dynamic equivalence denotes equivalence of extralinguistic communicative effect. It ‘aims at complete naturalness of expression, and tries to relate the receptor to modes of behavior relevant within the context of his own culture; it does not insist that he understand the cultural patterns of the source-language context in order to comprehend the message’. (Nida, 1964:159)Dynamic equivalence, as a receptor-oriented approach, considers adaptations of grammar, of lexicon and of cultural reference to be essential in order to achieve naturalness. Interference from the source language should not be showed in the target text (TT) language, and the foreignness of the ST is minimized. Nida holds that the success of the translation depends above all on achieving equivalent response. According to him, it is one of the ‘four basic requirements of a translation’. The four basic requirements are:1. making sense2. conveying the spirit and manner of the original3. having a natural and easy form of expression.4. producing a similar responseObviously, Nida’s receptor-based approach emphasis a translation strategy of1‘naturalization’.However, both the principles of formal and dynamic equivalence have been heavily criticized. A fundamental charge made against dynamic equivalence is its essential implausibility. How is the ‘effect’ to be measured and on whom? How can a text possibly have the same effect and elicit the same response in two different cultures and different times? Indeed, these questions can not be convincingly answered and judged. Chinese scholar Qian Hu writes against the implausibility of achieving equivalent effect when meaning is bound up in form, especially in literary works (Munday, 2001:43). Also, as to the cultural reference, the closest natural equivalence may stand in a contradictory relation with dynamic equivalence. The most notorious example is Nida’s brief mention of the rendering of give one another a hearty handshake all around are considered to ‘quite naturally translate’ Biblical greet one another with a holy kiss.Nida’s work in the area of Bible translation may be a source of controversy that scholars doubt on the feasibility of them. Edwin Genztler, in his Contemporary Translation Theories (1993), is against the concept of dynamic equivalence since it serves the purpose of converting the receptors, no matter what their culture, to the dominant discourse and ideas of Protestant Christianity.Another charge against Nida’s naturalness strategy is from those culturally oriented translation theorists. They argue that it will mean suppressing the foreignness and is a form of colonialism or ‘ethnocentric reduction of the foreign text to target-language cultural values’, as Venuti comments (Munday, 2001:43).These disputes lead to the necessary discussion of the role that the receptor plays in translation activity. Undoubtedly, the receptor in translation studies does not simply refer to any individual target reader but a target readership that is involved in a culture system. A translator has to consider the reader whom he is translating for, which implies the basic consideration for the readers. He Wenzhao (2002) first looks2into the consideration for the readers of the target language in the study of Chinese translation history. He mainly reviews this phenomenon from the history of translation in Buddhism and the history of western political thoughts and western literature. It is discovered that consideration for readers has alternative characteristics of being either compromise or aggression to the influence of the culture of target language in the translation. Consideration means to meet certain need of the readers, to adapt to the traditional culture of the target language or to consider the future of the readers. His research is of significance to look into the characteristics that the reader factor impacts the selection of translating strategy.Why and how does this factor influence the selection of translating strategies3Finally, in chapter four, the discussion is about the translation strategies in idiom translation from the reception insights.4Chapter5the text. For him, the central task of reception theory should unite the textual reception history with text reader’s present aesthetics experience. Although the text itself remains important in the interpretive process, the reader, he declares, plays an essential role. Expounding Hermenutics theory, Jauss puts forward concepts of reception theory such as ‘horizon of expectation’, ‘history of effect’, ect.Using the term horizon of expectation to include all of a historical period’s critical vocabulary and assessment of a text, Jauss points how any text is evaluated from one historical period to another, necessarily changes.Accordingly, Jauss argues that because each historical period establishes its own horizon of expectation, the overall value and meaning of any text can never become fixed or universal, for readers from any historical period establish for themselves what they value in a text. A text, then, does not have one and only one correct interpretation, for its supposed meaning changes from one historical period to another.Wolfgang Iser maintains that ‘any description of the interaction between the two (text or the reader), must therefore incorporate both the structure of effects (the text) and that of response (the reader). Thus, there are two ‘texts’ now— one is the author’s and another, the reader’s. ‘Text’ is not what the author thought it to be b ut what the reader sees in it.’ (Pattanaik, 1997:9)Iser borrows and amends Jauss’ s ideas. Iser believes that any object—a stone, a house, or a poem differentiates between two kinds of readers. He makes a division of the implied reader and the actual readers (Bressler, 1999:72-73):The implied readers ‘embodies all those predisposition necessary for a literary work to exercise its effect—predisposition laid down, not by an empirical outside reality, but by the text itself. Consequently, the implied reader has his or her roots firmly planted in the structure of the text’.The actual readers refer to the person who physically picks up the text and reads6it. It is this reader who comes to the text shaped by cultural and personal norms and prejudices. For Iser, the reader automatically views the text from his or her personal worldview. However, because texts do not tell the reader everything that needs to be known about a character, a situation, a relationship, and other such elements, readers must auto matically fill in these gaps, using their knowledge grounded in their worldview. In addition, each reader creates his or her horizon of expectation—that is, a reader’s expectation about what will or may happen next. These horizons of expectation change frequently often results in sudden loss, pain, unexpected joy or fear, and at times great fulfillment. Such changes cause a reader to modify his or her horizon of expectation to fit a text’s particular situation.Lun Xun, a famous Chinese writer and translator in 1930’s, coincidentally differentiated a division of three kinds of readers for translation similar with that of Iser’s. Lun Xun’s concept will be further discussed in chapter two.Reception aesthetics stresses on the text’s openness and the importance of the role of the reader’s participation in reading, directing the attention from the author and the text to the relationship between the text and the reader. Jauss and Iser both affirm the active and creative status the readers take in reading. They even regard the reader as an innate driving force to promote the text meaning.Hence, the reader is the co-author and criticism is not an interpretation of the text but an extension of it. In such a case, what is the role of translator and what will happen to translation?Their theories have great influence in the field of literary criticism. It is worth pointing out that many scholars, narrowly speaking, in China, have been applying this approach to translation for its plausible interpretation to translation studies.1.1.2 Features of Reception Aesthetics as Aids in Translation Studies7In view of communication, translation is a process in which information is transmitted from the SL text to the TL reader by the translator. The translator, as a medium of the information transmission, does two things through translation process: first receiving information from SL text, and then releasing his interpreted text to the TL reader.Most scholars ( He Wei, 1999; Ma Xiao, 2000) define this process of reception first as a dialogue between SL text and the translator, in which the translator actively produces his own interpretation of the text according to his own horizon of expectation; and then another dialogue between the translator and the final receiver who also possesses the horizon of expectation to decode the translated text. Text translator Version reader  What the translator transfers to the reader in the process is ‘text1 of the original’ that comes from his first interpretation of the original text. He must take his target reader into consideration when he translates, otherwise this activity will not be finished. The reader’s interpretation to the version will be the effect of this version. The translator has to make adjustment in translating operation to meet or to orient their horizon of expectation. Therefore, the active involvement of the translator and the TL reader shakes the deep-rooted principle to make exact equivalence between the SL text and the translated version. I uphold this viewpoint and point out that, more importantly, translation is an interlingual communication which involves the understanding of two languages. The reader translates, or decodes the text according to a different set of language and culture system. Ma Xiao (2000) claims that one-sided emphasis on the creation of text originated from traditional theories leads a dream of exact equivalence by neglecting the participation of translators and target readers. Liu Zheng (1991) also points out that the criterion of translation should be8multidimensional rather than simply to be loyal to the ST.The translator first reads and translates in SL, and therefore needs to be bilingual and bicultural. The interlingual translation is bound to reflect the translator’s own creative interpretation of the SL text. For him, the SL text is being approached through more than one set of language and cultural system. Moreover, the degree to which the translator reproduces the form, rhythm, tone, register, ect. of the SL text will be as much determined by the TL system as by the SL system and will also depend on the function of the translation.The reader, the final receiver of information, belongs to target language and culture system, from which he cannot be insulated in understanding the translated text. As Iser’s statement mentioned above that those implied readers ‘embodies all those predisposition necessary for a literary work to exercise its effect’ (Bressler, 1999:72). The translated text reader, thus, decodes the transmitted information from his angle of language and cultural system. Only after completing this procedure of fusing the reader’s horizon of expectation and the translated text does an activity of translation end. Therefore, the translator, consciously or not, has to take his intended readers into account. Dialogue between the translator and his intended reader begins with his selection of translation strategies.It is worthy of mentioned that the comparison between the effect of the TL reader’s interpretation and reception of TL text and that of the SL reader’s interpretation and reception of SL text, in some degree accordingly, is beyond controlled. Because a reader and his expectation is a hypothetical construct of norms, and the expectations of both groups of readers will not overlapped sufficiently. Hence, Nida’s Dynamic Equivalence principle, or termed as Reader-response theory, postulating to judge a translation according to reader’s response between SL reader and TL reader, has been evoked criticized. This problem will be further discussed9later.Lv Jun (1998) criticizes that Nida’s Equivalence Effect theory lays too much emphasis on reader’s function and devaluates the ontological position of the original text. Chen Zhijie (2001) discusses some misleading about the theory of reader-response, and accordingly rethinks over the statues of the translator, the text, and the proportion of domestication and foreignization.Based on Reception Aesthetics, Dong Hongchuan (2001) analyzes the phenomenon of cultural misinterpretation in literary translation. With the purpose of meeting the assumed horizon of expectation of intended reader, the translator often has to change strategies to formulate TT, but sometimes, because of cultural constraints, the translator misinterprets the cultural elements in the ST causes deviation in the TT.To sum up, these researches based on Reception Aesthetics expound the following features aiding translation studies.1) The equivalence criterion in translation is just an ideal and can only beappropriately achieved, since translation activity experiences two processes of reception. The fact that the translator is the first receptor of the ST, coupled with final reader’s reception of the TT, makes it impractical to reach the same effect between ST reader and TT reader. The criterion of translation should be multidimensional.2) Focus on the translation should be part from the text to the reader. A certaintranslator always has his or her implied readers and actual readers in mind that would have an impact on his selection of translating strategies. The affirmation to the readers is their active and creative status in translation process. Accordingly, domestication is not a single solution to help readers to comprehend the TT. Because of their active and creative status and their10cognitive abilities, foreignization is also feasible.3) The role of translator accordingly is a subjective and creative one intranslating process.4) Concepts of ‘horizon of expectation’ and ‘history effect’ both can be legitimatethat demand something new in reader’s reading. The reader’s horizon of expectation varies in different periods of time. Hence, different translating strategies function in history to meet the reader’s changing horizon of expectation.1.2 Culture System Constraints as an Objective Reception FactorReader’s reception can not be insulated from the receiving culture. Language is part of culture and plays a very important role in it. It is influenced and shaped by culture; it reflects culture. Culture has been developing over history. It is ubiquitous, multidimensional, complex, and all-pervasive. Many definitions have been suggested for culture. As early as 1952, Kroeber and Kluckhohn listed 164 definitions of culture that they found in the anthropology literature. What has been termed the classic and mostly referred-by was provided by Edward. B. Tylor, a famous British anthropologist, in his book Primitive Culture (Tylor, 1871):‘Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, morals, law, customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society’. (Liu Miqing, 1999:27)Also, we will see the role of communication in this definition proposed by Bates and Plog (Samovar, 2000:36):‘Culture is a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that the members of a society use to cope with their world and with one another, and that are transmitted from generation through learning.’11In a broad sense, culture refers to the whole material and spiritual wealth human beings have created and accumulated in the course of social development. In a narrow sense, culture refers to social ideology, and its correspondent institute and organizing structures.In view of the relationship of culture and language, culture, according to Liu Miqing has four basic general features(1999:72-74):1) Infiltration. The media of cultural infiltration are various, one of which is by theway of language. Saussure believed that language is a system of sign. Each linguistic unit塑料你好拷贝功夫Usually, literal translation is also a way to enrich language. For example, with respect to computer science terminology, Chinese people are getting more familiar with ‘menu’ (菜单), ‘Net Ants’ (网络蚂蚁) and ‘firewall’ (防火墙) ect. The conciseness and figurativeness of the original English expressions are literally translated into Chinese with roughly the same syllables with English one. They are memorable and favorably accepted by Chinese computer users.2) Compatibility. An important characteristic of culture is that it is shared andmutually developing, which makes interlingual transfer possible. People with the same culture share ideas, ways of behaving, and a way of life. Diffusion of culture is borrowing one culture from another. Historically, diffusion has been12part of cultural contact for as long as cultures have existed. Chinese society was forced to deal with the spread of Buddhism at the first. Taoist concepts were used in translations to acculturate Buddhist concepts. Later on, different religions developed in China. Buddhism has been exerting great impact on Chinese society and culture, which is reflected in many Chinese words and phrases such asÔ©¼Ò天诛地灭洞房花烛双喜临门’a shrug’, ‘play knife and fork’ are respectively national culture-loaded social symbols in Chinese and English society. Thirdly is bestowed with geographical symbols, and are distinctive with Chinese geographical features; whereas ‘when Dover and Calais meet’with English geographical features, which implies that something absolutely impossible because Dover is a harbor in UK while Calais locates oppositely over the sea in France. And finally it is bestowed with material symbols,and are unique in Chinese culture, whereas ‘hot dog’ and ‘motel’ are with cultural flavor of English-speaking countries.4) Interference. Conflicts between cultures are sources of trouble in translation.A very typical contrast, for instance, of animal metaphor preference between13。



第33卷第2期湖北广播电视大学学报V ol.33, No.2 2013年2月 Journal of HuBei TV University February. 2013, 085~086 翻译伦理视角下《西游记》人物名字及称谓的翻译——以詹纳尔译本为例简 芳,张 健,杨晓珍(湖南农业大学 外国语学院,湖南 长沙 410128)[内容提要]《西游记》是中国的四大经典名著之一,它是我国古代长篇浪漫主义小说的高峰。




[关键词] 翻译伦理;西游记;人物名称[中图分类号] H059 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1008-7427(2013)02-0085-02《西游记》是一部中国古典神魔小说,讲述了唐朝玄奘法师及其徒弟一行四人西天取经的故事,表现了惩恶扬善的古老主体。

















标签:关联理论;字幕翻译;最佳关联一、理论基础1.1 关联理论关联理论是1980年代Sperber和Wilson提出的一种语言和交际的解释理论,其核心问题是交际和认知。










1.2 关联理论的翻译观1991年,古特(Gutt)出版了《翻译与关联:认知与语境》一书,在翻译领域产生了巨大的影响。



























目的论关照下书名的翻译1.引i=r随着跨文化交流与市场经济的不断深入和发展, 我国翻译事业逐渐繁荣,文学作品,戏剧,典籍等书名被广泛地译为不同版本。

作为书籍的核心, 书名需内容概括、主旨突出, 简洁凝练。

国内外对书名的翻译研究由来已久, 许多学者译书名时遵循尤金?奈达的“对等理论”。

然而因文化差异, 对等是相对的而不是绝对的。

卢志君从社会符号学的角度出发, 认为翻译的标准可分为意义相符,功能相似, “译名既要给译文读者传达原名所含信息,又要尽可能地再现原文作者的立题意图及其对读者所产生的效果。

” (2006: 17) 陈兵指出“翻译书名时既需传达原作的基本内容和作者的创作意图, 更应顾及目的语的表达习惯和读者的欣赏心理。

” (1999: 58) 笔者以为,这些观点不能灵活指导书名翻译, 在书名翻译实践中也客观存在着一些违背忠实标准的现象。

而“目的论”认为翻译是一种有明确目的性的交际行为, 将译文的预期目的置于翻译的首要地位, 可为探讨书名的翻译提供一个全新视角。

2.目的论概述目的论(Skopostheorie), 最初由德国学者弗密尔(HansVemeer)于1978年在《普通翻译理论框架》中提出一种较新的翻译理论模式。

上世纪60 年代人们认为译文与原文应在语言形式上对等, 而Vemeer 打破其局限性, 在行为理论的基础上置翻译于跨文化交际的范畴来研究,指出翻译应遵循三条法则:目的法则,翻译行为所要达到的目的决定整个翻译的过程。

连贯法则, 译文必须能让译语读者理解并在其文化和交际语境中有意义, 与其交际情景连贯一致, 因此译者要考虑读者的文化与接受能力。


(张美芳&王克非2005:41)目的论认为, 翻译的目的由翻译活动的发起者向译者提出翻译要求并协商决定。

一般有三种解释:译者的目的(如谋生), 译文在译语文化中的交际目的(如启迪读者), 以及使用特定翻译手段所要达到的目的(如体现原语言结构)。



读者接受理论与影视字幕中的隐喻翻译谢满兰(广东教育学院外语系,广东广州510303) 摘要:由于大众文化的蓬勃发展,影视字幕翻译在翻译理论和实践中占有越来越重要的地位。



关键词:影视字幕;隐喻翻译;读者接受理论中图分类号:A 315.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-8754(2007)02-0103-06收稿日期:2006-11-25作者简介:谢满兰(1977-),女,湖南耒阳人,广东教育学院外语系讲师,英语语言文学硕士。







莱可夫等人(G .Lakoff )在其专著Met a p hors W e L i ve B y 通过语言和认知的关系研究证实了隐喻与思维密切相关。






英国翻译理论家纽马克(P.Newmark )提出了5种翻译隐喻的方法:1.直译。


读者反应批评(Reader-Response Criticism)(课堂PPT)

读者反应批评(Reader-Response Criticism)(课堂PPT)
Both the reader and the text share a transactional (相互作用的)experience. The text acts as a stimulus for eliciting various past experiences, thoughts and ideas from the reader. At the same time, the text SHAPES the reader's experiences, selecting, limiting, and ordering the ideas that best conform to the text.
4. Louise Rosenblatt (Literature as Exploration, 1937). One of the first theoretical works outlining a reader-oriented approach to the study and analysis of literature.
2. Romanticism (Wordsworth)-- Emphasis on the Author. The author is the locus of meaning and interpretation. The text is an extension or expression of the author's thoughts and feelings.
Historical Development
RRC emerges as a form of literary analysis in the 1970s, and remains a powerful force in the academy. However, critics have long been interested in the relationship between readers and literary texts.













四、《活着》文化负载词翻译的策略与方法针对《活着》文化负载词的翻译难点,我们可以采取以下策略与方法:1. 直译与意译相结合。


例如,“福气”可以译为“good fortune”,并附加解释“在中国文化中具有重要地位”。

2. 意译为主,直译为辅。



3. 结合文化背景进行翻译。




VO .3 . 1 1 N0 5
Se p.2 0 09
接 受 理论视 角 下 的亲属 称谓翻 译
何 佩 兰
( 沙理工大学外国 院, 长 语学 湖南长沙4 0 ) 10 04

要: 亲属称谓是文化 的一个 重要方面 , 它是指反映人们 的血缘关系或婚姻关系的称谓。因 中西文化差异 大导致其
影 响却依然存在 。比起汉语 亲属 称谓语 的文 化背景 , 英语
亲属称谓则完全不 同。
英语国家的家族观念 比中国的观念要淡 薄 , 因此其 亲
二 中西 亲属称谓 的差异
每个 国家 、 民族的亲属关 系完全一样 , 因语言 、 但 文化
收稿 日期 :0 9—0 20 5—1 9
属关系也 比中国的家庭关 系要 松散。西方 人的传 统观 念
第3 1卷 第 5期
20 09年 9月
湘潭师 范学 院学报 ( 会 科学版 ) 社 J un l f in tnN r l n esy S ca S ine E i n o ra o a ga oma U i ri ( o i ce c d i ) X v t l t o
接 受理论
当一位译者在 下 笔进行 翻译 时 ,也 她必 须考 虑译 文 f/ 读者 的“ 接受 ” 状况。提及“ 接受”, 翻译界或文学界人 士必
先生所言 :传统 的理 想化 的中 国家 庭是几 代 同堂的大家 “
庭 。 社会的基本单元是家族而非个人 , ” 同时个人反过来 也会受到家庭 权利 的支 配 , 因此汉 民族 非常 重 视血 缘关 系 。那么所有这 些也在纷 繁复 杂的 亲属称谓 语烙 下 了不 可磨灭的印记。所 以, 亲属 称谓里 , 在 亲属关 系规 定得 十 分清楚和严格 , 不容许丝毫的含混和马虎 " 。 J 如今的汉语 亲属称谓 系统 当然是 对古代 汉语 亲属 称 谓 系统 的继承和发展 , 虽然 宗法观念 和纲常伦理在人 们头



接受理论视阈下儿童文学的翻译潘晓莹(武汉晴川学院,湖北武汉430000)摘㊀要:儿童文学是基于儿童读者创作的文学作品,考虑到儿童的实际特点,通常会运用儿童比较熟悉的社会生活题材,而且创作的内容也迎合儿童的接受心理以及欣赏趣味.随着我国儿童文学的迅速发展,有关于儿童文学翻译的研究工作也得到了高度重视,获得了突出进展.在选取儿童文学翻译角度的过程当中,接受理论为相关研究的开展拓展了思路.接受理论把读者放在中心地位,关注读者的期待视野,并力求实现视野融合,让读者可以真正接纳文学作品.接受理论符合儿童文学翻译要求,也能够迎合儿童的接受心理,值得在儿童文学翻译当中推广应用.关键词:接受理论视阈;儿童文学;翻译㊀㊀文学翻译是翻译体系当中比较特殊的形式,儿童文学翻译的独特性更为鲜明.儿童文学翻译要求用生动有趣的笔调和带有浓郁儿童特色的语言,对儿童生活进行描绘和再现,凸显出儿童的心理特点,让儿童读者生成亲切感和强烈共鸣.接受理论这一种将读者放在核心地位的文学观,给儿童文学翻译工作的开展提供了重要的理论支持,最终目的是促进读者的有效接受.将接受理论作为研究视角,对儿童文学翻译工作进行发展更有助于保持原有作品的风格,凸显出浓郁的儿童情趣,将原有作品的思想主旨进行淋漓尽致地展现.1㊀基于接受理论研究儿童文学翻译儿童文学指的是为儿童读者创作的文学作品,这类作品除了要求主题鲜明和形象突出之外,还要保证语言浅显易懂,情节生动有趣,最大化迎合儿童的身心特征,满足儿童的阅读与欣赏需要.儿童文学作品所面对的读者是儿童,而儿童的年龄㊁心理㊁个性㊁阅读水平都比较特殊,存在着特殊要求,所以在对儿童文学作品进行翻译的过程当中,必须最大化考量儿童的实际特征,到最终得到的翻译文本得到儿童真正意义上的接受.因为儿童在对儿童文学译本进行阅读和理解的过程当中存在诸多障碍,所以翻译人员除了要重视儿童普通特点之外,还必须充分考量儿童对于原文语言与文化的接受力.这也正好为接受理论的导入与应用提供了重要契机.接受理论就特别讲求儿童在阅读时的积极参与,同时要求将儿童读者放在中心地位,由此可见,接受理论给儿童文学作品翻译提供了全新角度.在接受理论的指导之下,翻译人员始终将儿童放在心中,在翻译时运用儿童能够接受的方法与策略.基于接受理论对儿童文学翻译的指导,在具体翻译环节翻译人员要遵循以下原则:第一,教育性原则.儿童年龄小,常常会受周围环境影响,于是必须在翻译过程当中增加教育性内容,对儿童进行正面熏陶和正面指导.第二,形象性原则.抽象说教会降低儿童的接受度,于是要在翻译当中运用生动形象的多元方法来增加儿童的接受能力.第三,趣味性原则.儿童会对自己感兴趣的事物投入更多的关注度,所以必须保证作品翻译生动有趣,并在潜移默化当中讲述深刻道理或做人启发.第四,知识性.在翻译儿童文学作品时可以在其中灵活穿插知识性内容,给作品增加艺术魅力和感染力.2㊀接受理论在儿童文学翻译当中的应用2.1㊀运用儿童接受性强的翻译方法接受理论指出儿童文学作品的翻译必须以儿童能够有效接受为根本准则,所以在选择翻译方法时也必须把儿童容易接受作为指导.第一,恰当运用儿童能够接受的词汇.对儿童文学作品进行阅读的基础与前提条件是保证可以理解,所以在翻译过程当中要关注词汇的合理选择.一般而言,一个英文单词会对应很多个的汉语解释,不过在翻译过程当中不能过于随意,而是充分考虑儿童的年龄特征以及理解能力,兼顾儿童的生活经验,选择浅显易懂和具有趣味性的词汇,以儿童能够充分理解和接受为词汇选择原则.第二,保证修辞方法的应用生动有趣.儿童语言讲求生动有趣,所以在实际翻译当中,要善于灵活运用比喻夸张拟人等修辞方法,让翻译出来的文本因为多元修辞的应用而充满趣味.第三,确保句法跳跃活泼.英语汉语在句法结构上差异显著,在实际翻译过程当中需要根据儿童接受能力把长句子变成短句子,也要保证短句活泼跳跃,最大化吸引儿童注意力,促进儿童阅读理解水平的全面提升.2.2㊀原文文本作为根本依据出发点在儿童文学的翻译环节,翻译人员必须把原文文本作为根本依据以及根本出发点,这是所有翻译策略当中最为基础和重要的一点,也是由翻译人员本身承担的任务所决定的,那就是确定文本意义并选取恰当形式进行表达.翻译策略强调把意译作为主要方式,确保译作语言既合理规范,又能够迎合儿童的实际特征.在具体的翻译过程当中要力求准确,特别是注意结合上下文确定词句含义;对于难度过大或者是过长的语句,首先要梳理句子当中的层次,了解各个层次之间的关联,选用恰当的连接词,并尽可能用短句进行解释,让翻译出来的作品更加简洁.翻译人员往往会在翻译时遇到文化差异处理方面的难题,在解决这一问题时,尽量运用归化为主和异化为辅的方法.归化指的是将目的语文化作为中心,将与目的语读者口味不符的异国文化转变成目的语表达方法.异化则强调的是把源语言文化作为中心,尽可能保留异国情调,确保读者了解更多源语言与文化的特征,不断开拓眼界和扩大知识面.儿童文学是一种比较特殊的文学形式,因为儿童文学作品所面向的是儿童这一比较特殊的读者群体,最终目的是促进儿童阅读和有效接受.基于这样的要求,在对儿童文学作品进行翻译的过程当中必须以贴近儿童心灵和积极唤起儿童思想共鸣作为主旨.接受理论迎合了儿童文学的翻译要求,指出要基于儿童读者的视角充分照顾到儿童的审美情趣和接受心理.将接受理论作为有效指导的儿童文学翻译质量能够得到显著提升,促进儿童和文学作品无障碍的沟通与对话,在线原有作品的风格与美学价值.参考文献[1]张鲁艳.接受美学与儿童文学翻译[J].长春理工大学学报,2018, (4):92G96.[2]关昕.接受理论视角下的儿童文学翻译[J].重庆科技学院学报,2018,(12):55G56.锋绘2019年第5期251㊀。



关键词:英语名言翻译;朱纯深;《自深深处》;王尔德;接受理论;文化 传播;读者反应
Abstract:Translation is a communicative activity that crosses cultures and languages. It is not just a conversion of words, but also the dissemination of culture and the exchange of ideas. In the p
接受理论视角下的英语名言翻 译探析以朱纯深译著《自深深
01 一、引言
02 深处》中的王尔德名 言翻译
三、接受理论与英语 名言翻译
04 四、结论
05 参考内容
从接受理论视角下看英语名言翻译探析——以朱纯深译著《自深深处》中王 尔德名言翻译为例
摘要:翻译是一种跨文化、跨语言的交流活动,不仅仅是文字的转换,更是 文化的传播和思想的交流。在翻译过程中,原文作者和译者是两个重要的主体, 而读者则是决定翻译质量的重要因素之一。本次演示将从接受理论的视角出发, 以朱纯深译著《自深深处》中王尔德名言翻译为例,探讨如何更好地实现英语名 言的翻译,以及如何更好地传播原作者的思想和文化。
接受理论强调读者在翻译过程中的作用,认为读者对于原文的理解和接受程 度是决定翻译质量的重要因素之一。从接受理论的视角出发,我们可以从以下几 个方面探讨英语名言翻译的最佳方式:
英语名言中蕴含着丰富的文化内涵和历史背景,这些文化元素是原文的重要 组成部分。因此,在翻译过程中,应该尽可能保留原文的文化内涵和历史背景, 以便读者更好地理解和接受原文的思想和文化。



【作者单位】北京航空航天大学外国语学院,北京 100083
1.功能翻译理论关照下的旅游文本翻译策略新探——以《滕王阁简介》英译为例[J], 章莹
2.读者接受与文学翻译的再创造——以《哈利·波特》系列小说翻译为例 [J], 赵娟

3.图式理论观照下的异化翻译倾向——以《红楼梦》“警幻仙姑赋”中涉及的文化现象翻译为例 [J], 田筱倩
4.接受美学关照下的旅游翻译——以宁波旅游文本英译为例 [J], 朱晓菲;翁敏雅;郝雅文
5.以《喜福会》汉译为例来试析华裔美国文学汉译杂合翻译 [J], 范茗

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读者接受理论又称“接受美学”,是20世纪60年代,文学史学家姚斯(Hans Robert Jauss)在1967年提出的以现象学和阐释学为理论基础的一种文学批评理论。





































