制作一份英文校规海报列提纲加翻译摘要:1.标题和副标题2.校园着装规范3.校园行为规范4.课堂纪律规范5.宿舍管理规范6.校园安全规范7.奖励与惩罚措施8.总结与宣传口号正文:【标题】English School Rules Poster【副标题】A Comprehensive Guide to Our Campus Code of Conduct 【校园着装规范】1.学生需穿着整洁、得体的服装2.不得穿着暴露、低胸、短裤或短裙3.鞋子需整洁干净,不得穿着拖鞋或凉鞋4.校园内需穿着校服或指定服装【校园行为规范】1.遵守校园礼仪,尊重师长和同学2.爱护校园环境,不乱扔垃圾3.使用文明用语,不说脏话或恶俗语言4.严禁吸烟、喝酒和赌博【课堂纪律规范】1.按时上课,不迟到早退2.课堂上保持安静,认真听讲3.积极参与课堂讨论,举手发言4.不得使用手机或电子设备【宿舍管理规范】1.保持宿舍整洁,定期打扫卫生2.晚上按时就寝,禁止熬夜或大声喧哗3.尊重室友,共同维护良好的住宿环境4.不得在宿舍内举办派对或聚会【校园安全规范】1.遵守交通规则,不随意穿行校园2.注意人身安全,不在校园内追逐打闹3.禁止携带危险物品进入校园4.遇到紧急情况,立即向老师或保安报告【奖励与惩罚措施】1.对表现优秀的学生给予奖励和表彰2.对违反校规的学生给予相应的纪律处分3.鼓励学生互相监督,举报违规行为【总结与宣传口号】1.让我们一起遵守校规,共建美好校园2.良好的行为习惯,从你我做起3.校规校纪,人人有责4.遵守校规,成就更好的自己。
For 方便高效 convenient & efficient 即时反应 instant reaction Against 细腻情感 subtle feelings 美好回忆 happy memory
1. (Thesis statement:) Using tomorrow’s money today is better. 2. —①boost economy刺激经济 *Consumption, together with investment and export, contributes to economic growth. *Consumption can overcome economic recession. —②work hard努力赚钱 * Without debt, one would be satisfied with his current situation. *Repaying debt encourages one to work hard to make a fortune. 3. To put it in a nutshell概括地说, I’m a great believer that using money is better than saving money.
1. (Thesis statement:) Saving money is a good habit . 2. —①relieve burden减轻负担 *Economic burden can be relieved. *Constant financial pressure may trigger crisis. —②prepare for the future未雨绸缪 * Thrift prepares for the future. *Some expenditure can not be avoided in the future education, such as housing and wedding. * Some emergencies and risks should be expected 3. From the above paragraph, we can draw the conclusion that saving money ensures us a happy life in the future, so why not save money right now?
Topic Sentence #1
Topic Sentence #2
T Process
Topic Sentences
The topic sentence for each body paragraph should support the thesis statement. The topic sentences need to agree with the main idea or subpoints in the thesis statement; otherwise, the essay could be confusing.
Making an Outline
A Plan That Builds an Essay
What is an outline ?
Before you begin writing the first draft of your essay, it is best to make an outline. An outline is a general plan of what you are going to write. You can compare making an outline to drawing plans to build a house. Before one begins to build a house, it is best to draw up plans to make sure that a house is built in the way you want. The same is true with writing an essay and making an outline.
英文作文提纲怎么列提纲:I. Introduction。
Explanation of the topic。
Importance of using multiple languages in communication。
II. Advantages of using multiple languages in communication。
Better understanding of different cultures。
More opportunities for personal and professional growth。
Improved cognitive abilities and brain function。
英文:I. Introduction。
In today's globalized world, communication is key to success. As someone who speaks multiple languages, I can attest to the benefits of being able to communicate effectively in different languages. Using multiple languages in communication can help bridge cultural gaps and open doors to new opportunities.II. Advantages of using multiple languages in communication。
Firstly, speaking multiple languages can help us gain a better understanding of different cultures. When we are able to communicate with people in their native language, we can better appreciate their unique perspectives and ways of life. This can lead to more meaningful relationships and a greater sense of empathy.Secondly, speaking multiple languages can provide more opportunities for personal and professional growth. For example, being bilingual can make it easier to travel andwork in different countries. It can also make us more competitive in the job market, as many employers value employees who can speak multiple languages.Finally, speaking multiple languages can improve cognitive abilities and brain function. Studies have shown that bilingual individuals have better memory, problem-solving skills, and overall cognitive flexibility.中文:I. 介绍。
•Page 23 Outlines: Comparison and Contrast
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Exercise: Write an outline about comparison between basketball and football / dogs and cats / education in China and in western countries / ... /Batman and Spiderman / Zhenhuan and Gong / Naruto and One Piece...
your writing construct an ordered overview of your ideas
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before you write your outline
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Exercise: What do you think of mandatory uniform in schools?
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Writing an Outline
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Why do we use outlines?
Outlines are a fabulous way of creating a "skeleton" of your paper.
They can be used with any essay structure. They are very quick and easy to make. They are well suitied for any type of writing that
Body Paragraph #3- Topic Sentence: ____________ A. supporting idea B. supporting idea
ESSAY OUTLINE Thesis Statement
Topic Sentence #1
Topic Sentence #2
Topic Sentence #3
The Process
Topic Sentences
The topic sentence for each body paragraph should support the thesis statement. The topic sentences need to agree with the main idea or subpoints in the thesis statement; otherwise, the essay could be confusing.
The Benefits of an Outline
An outline of an essay can be very helpful for two reasons:
n An outline will help make your essay more organized. A careful plan will help your body paragraphs stay focused on the ideas in your thesis statement.
(3)注意段落的连贯和句子的衔接。要用 适当的转折词语贯通全文,切忌只简单地 写出一些互不相干的句子。
(4)尽可能用自己的话来写,但不排斥用 原文的某些词句。
果材料中描述某人或某事用了十个句子,那么 你只要把它们变成一两句即可。 4) 避免重复。在原文中,为了强调某个主题, 可能会重复论证说明。但是这在摘要中是不能 使用的。应该删除那些突出强调的重述句。
5) 压缩长的句子。如下列两例:
His courage in battle might without exaggeration be called lion-like.
可以概括为:He was very brave in battle.
He was hard up for money and was being pressed by his creditor.
可以概括为:He was in financial
从句。请看下面 的例子:
9) 文章中的第一人称说的话通常在摘要中转换成第三人称, 从而把大段的对白简化,比如:
Kate looked at Paul disapprovingly: You use too much salt on your food, Paul — it’s not good for you!” Paul put down his knife and frowned:“Why on earth not! If you didn’t have salt on your food it would taste awful… like eating cardboard or sand… just imagine bread without salt in it, or potatoes or pasta cooked without salt!” Kate was patient. She didn't want to quarrel with Paul. She wanted to persuade him. She said firmly:“But too much salt is bad for you. It causes high blood pressure and later on, heart-attacks. It also disguises the taste of food, the real tastes which are much more subtle than salt, and which we have lost the sensitivity to appreciate any more.
The n a formal outline, Roman numerals can be used to represent paragraphs. Capital letters can be used to represent supporting details for the paragraphs.
Essay Outline
I. Introduction
Thesis: ____________________
II. Body Paragraph #1- Topic Sentence: _________ A. supporting idea B. supporting idea
III. Body Paragraph #2- Topic Sentence: _________ A. supporting idea B. supporting idea
The Benefits of an Outline
An outline of an essay can be very helpful for two reasons:
An outline will help make your essay more organized. A careful plan will help your body paragraphs stay focused on the ideas in your thesis statement.