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①The overall goal of a meta-analysis is to combine the results of previous studies to arrive at a summary conclusion about a body of research. It is most useful in summarizing prior research when individual studies are too small to yield a valid conclusion.

②In this study, we analyzed the associations between ×××and ×××using a meta-analysis to obtain a powerful conclusion. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first meta-analysis providing comprehensive insights into the effects of the ×××and risk associated with ×××.

③Meta-analysis has been recognized as an effective method to answer a wide variety of clinical questions by summarizing and reviewing previously published, quantitative research.

④Despite the fact that most of the trials had small sample sizes and poor methodological quality, analysis of the pooled data showed a consistently superior effect of ×××combined with ×××in terms of total effectiveness, when compared to the control groups.

⑤The pooled data of ×××(postoperative outcomes) suggest that ×××was associated with shorter time to ×××. Given that there were differences in ×××(postoperative patient) management preferences and hospital discharge criteria, whether these potential benefits can be proved in future well designed RCTs is not known.
