
英语口语文献综述范文模板大全1. IntroductionIn recent years, there has been a growing interest in the field of English oral communication skills among researchers and educators. The ability to effectively communicate in English is essential in today's globalized world, and oral communication is a key component of this skill. In this literature review, we will examine the current research on English oral communication skills and explore the various factors that influence the development of these skills.2. Importance of English Oral Communication SkillsEnglish oral communication skills are crucial for success in both academic and professional settings. Effective oral communication allows individuals to express their ideas, thoughts, and emotions clearly and accurately. It also enables individuals to engage in meaningful conversations, debates, and discussions with others. Additionally, good oral communication skills are essentialfor building relationships, collaborating with others, and resolving conflicts.3. Factors Influencing English Oral Communication SkillsThere are various factors that can influence the development of English oral communication skills. These factors include individual characteristics (such as motivation, self-confidence, and language proficiency), social factors (such as cultural norms and communication styles), and contextual factors (such as the learning environment and teaching methods). Researchers have found that a combination of these factors can significantly impact an individual's ability to communicate effectively in English.4. Strategies for Improving English Oral Communication SkillsThere are several strategies that can help individuals improve their English oral communication skills. These strategies include practicing speaking regularly, engaging in conversations with native speakers, listening to English audio materials, watching English videos, and participating in language exchange programs. Additionally, takinglanguage courses, attending workshops, and receiving feedback from peers and teachers can also be beneficial in enhancing oral communication skills.5. Challenges in Developing English Oral Communication SkillsDespite the importance of English oral communication skills, many individuals face challenges in developingthese skills. Some common challenges include fear of speaking in front of others, lack of vocabulary and grammar knowledge, difficulties in understanding accents and intonation, and cultural differences in communication styles. Overcoming these challenges requires patience, practice, and perseverance.6. ConclusionIn conclusion, English oral communication skills are essential for success in today's globalized world. By understanding the factors that influence the development of these skills, implementing effective strategies for improvement, and overcoming challenges, individuals can enhance their ability to communicate effectively in English. Continued research in this area is necessary to furtherexplore the complexities of oral communication and to develop innovative approaches for enhancing these skills.。

英语口语文献综述范文模板**Exploration and Application of English Speaking Literature Review Template****Abstract**In the academic realm, literature reviews serve as a crucial bridge between past research and current understanding. This article presents an exploration of the English speaking literature review template, its importance in the research process, and its application in various academic contexts. We delve into the structure, key elements, and best practices for crafting an effective literature review, focusing on the English language perspective.**Introduction**Conducting a literature review is an essential step in any research project, as it allows scholars to gain a comprehensive understanding of the existing knowledge in a particular field. In the field of English speaking,literature reviews are particularly crucial as they help researchers identify gaps in the literature, understand the evolution of ideas, and establish the context for their own work. The aim of this article is to provide a comprehensive template for conducting English speaking literature reviews, guiding researchers through the process and highlightingkey considerations.**The Importance of English Speaking LiteratureReviews**English speaking literature reviews play a pivotal role in the academic community. They not only summarize and synthesize existing research but also provide a critical analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of those studies. By conducting a literature review, researchers can ensure that their work is rooted in a solid foundation of knowledge, avoiding duplication and building upon the workof others. Furthermore, literature reviews help establish the research gap, identifying areas where further investigation is needed, thus guiding future research directions.**Structure of the English Speaking Literature Review Template**The English speaking literature review template follows a structured format, ensuring that all relevant information is included and organized in a logical manner. The template typically consists of the following sections:1. **Introduction**: This section briefly introduces the topic of the literature review, outlining the purpose, scope, and research questions. It also provides a background on the importance of the topic and its relevance to the field of English speaking.2. **Methodology**: Here, the researcher describes the methods used to collect and analyze the literature. This includes the search strategy, selection criteria, and any specific analytical tools or frameworks employed.3. **Literature Overview**: This section presents a comprehensive overview of the existing literature, summarizing the key findings and arguments made by previous studies. It aims to provide a broad understanding of the topic and its historical development.4. **Critical Analysis**: In this section, the researcher critically evaluates the literature, identifying strengthsand weaknesses, gaps in research, and areas of consensus or disagreement among scholars. This analysis helps to shape the research agenda and identify areas for further exploration. 5. **Conclusion**: The conclusion section summarizes the main findings of the literature review, highlights the research gap, and suggests directions for future research. It also reaffirms the significance of the topic and its potential to contribute to the field of English speaking.**Best Practices for Crafting an Effective English Speaking Literature Review**When crafting an effective English speaking literature review, it is important to follow certain best practices. These include:* **Clear and Concise Writing**: Literature reviews should be written in a clear, concise, and coherent manner, ensuring that the reader can easily follow the arguments and understand the key points. * **Critical Thinking and Analysis**: Literature reviews should involve critical thinking and analysis, going beyond a mere summary of existing studies. Researchers should evaluate the qualityof the literature, identify gaps in research, and make recommendations for future work. * **Use of Reliable Sources**: It is crucial to rely on reliable and peer-reviewed sources when conducting a literature review. This ensures that the information presented is accurate, credible, and relevant to the field of English speaking. ***Organized Structure**: A well-structured literaturereview helps the reader navigate through the content easily. Organizing the review by themes, subtopics, orchronological order can enhance readability and comprehension. * **Focus on the Topic**: While discussingthe literature, it is important to stay focused on thetopic of the review. Avoid straying into unrelated areas or tangents that do not contribute to the overall objective of the review.**Conclusion**The English speaking literature review template serves as a valuable tool for researchers seeking to synthesizeand analyze existing knowledge in the field. By followingthe structure and best practices outlined in this article, researchers can craft effective literature reviews thatcontribute to the advancement of knowledge and guide future research directions. The template not only facilitates the organization and presentation of information but also promotes critical thinking and analysis, essential skillsfor any researcher working in the field of English speaking. **中文内容****英语口语文献综述范文模板的探索与应用****摘要**在学术领域,文献综述是连接过去研究与当前理解的重要桥梁。

国内外关于小学英语口语教学的文献研究2020年4月国内外关于小学英语口语教学的文献研究本文关键词:英语口语,文献,国内外,小学,教学国内外关于小学英语口语教学的文献研究本文简介:本篇论文目录导航:【题目】小学生英语口语能力提升研究【第一章第二章】国内外关于小学英语口语教学的文献研究【第三章】小学英语口语教学的理论基础【第四章】小学英语口语教学现状调查研究【第五章】小学英语口语教学技巧及技巧采用所遵循的原则【结论/】小学英语口语训练方法探析结论与1引言国内外关于小学英语口语教学的文献研究本文内容:本篇论文目录导航:【题目】小学生英语口语能力提升研究【第一章第二章】国内外关于小学英语口语教学的文献研究【第三章】小学英语口语教学的理论基础【第四章】小学英语口语教学现状调查研究【第五章】小学英语口语教学技巧及技巧采用所遵循的原则【结论/】小学英语口语训练方法探析结论与 1 引言1.1 选题背景科学技术的突飞猛进,全球经济一体化的发展和信息时代的到来,英语作为国际通用语言的地位日渐突出。
由于我国国情的原因,绝大多数小学都是从小学三年级才开设英语课的,而且一周只有三节课,多数又是大班教学,很显然在每节课只有40 分钟的情况下就不能保证每个学生都有足够的口语操练时间,不利于新目标中提及的"面向全体学生" 的学生的口语发展,长期以往,降低了对口语练习的热情,兴趣和信心也渐渐消失。

三、研究现状通过对相关文献的梳理和分析,我们可以发现,提高中学英语口语教学的研究主要集中在以下几个方面:1. 教学方法与策略:许多研究者关注如何选择和运用有效的教学方法和策略,以提高学生的口语表达能力。
2. 教材与课程设计:针对口语教学的特点,一些研究者提出了具有针对性的教材和课程设计。
3. 教师专业发展:教师素质和专业水平对英语口语教学的质量有着重要影响。
4. 学生需求与动机:一些研究者关注学生的需求和动机,认为了解学生的需求和兴趣是提高口语教学有效性的关键。

英语语音学习策略研究文献综述一、引言语音是语言的物质外壳, 也是口语交际的载体。
顺利完成跨文化交流活动离不开语言的支撑, 要学会说任何一种语言, 首先要掌握这种语言的语音语调。
语音学习在整个英语学习中具有先导作用, 正确的语音对于听力理解至关重要, 还能帮助我们在学习词汇的过程中把单词的音, 形, 义联系起来, 甚至可以提高阅读和写作的水平。
交际能力有四个层次, 分别是语法能力, 社.会语言能力, 策略能力以及语篇能力(Canale &Swain, 1980)。
语音作为语言的必要组成部分, 也当属于语言能力的范畴(Scarcella &Oxford, 1994)。
音段即元音和辅音, 超音段是话语中大于单个音段的发声单位, 重音, 节奏和语调决定话语的可理解性, 是重要的超音段特征。
英语语音学习策略指学习者为提高英语学习成效而采取的技巧, 方法或者刻意的行为或行动。
詹金斯(Jenkins)在他的实证研究中发现, 在以英语作为国际语的人际交流中, 尽管不是所有的交际失败都由发音引起, 但目前发音是引起交际失败最经常, 最难解决的原因。
因此, 语音语调在完成交际任务时承载着不可替代的基本要素的作用。
同时, 研究表明, 学习者的语音水平和他们的听力, 口语甚至阅读水平密切相关。
因此, 语音及语音教学在国内外外语教育研究中占有重要地位。
尽管如此, 语音教学同其他相关教学领域(如词汇教学, 语法教学等)的研究相比, 没有得到应有的重视(Kelly, 1967)。
语音教学是外语教学的一个重要方面, 而从学习者角度出发关注学生语音学习策略和英语语音教学的研究在国内外都很少。
二、国外研究国外的早期文献中没有专门针对语音学习策略的研究, 例如有学者于1978年调查了34名优秀的语言学习者, 在要求被试者描述自己学习经验的过程中只是从一个侧面提及了语音学习策略。


国内研究概况国内的英语口语教学研究主要集中在以下几个方面:1. 教学方法:研究者通过比较不同的教学方法,如任务型教学、情景教学和沉浸式教学等,探索哪种方法对于提高学生口语能力更有效。
2. 语音教学:研究者关注英语语音的教学,包括音标的学习和发音技巧的训练,以帮助学生正确地发音和流利地交流。
3. 话题选择:研究者研究了不同话题对于口语教学的影响,通过选择与学生生活和兴趣相关的话题,提高学生的学习积极性和口语表达能力。
4. 评估方法:研究者提出了各种评估口语能力的方法,包括面试、演讲和对话等,以便更全面地了解学生的口语水平并指导教学。
国外研究概况国外的英语口语教学研究也取得了许多重要成果:1. 社交交际能力:研究者重视培养学生的社交交际能力,通过角色扮演、讨论和小组合作等活动,培养学生的口语表达和交际能力。
2. 技术辅助教学:研究者探索了利用技术辅助教学的方法,如使用电子设备、网络资源和语音识别软件等,提高学生的口语教学效果。
3. 文化意识培养:研究者关注培养学生的跨文化交际能力,通过介绍英语国家的文化背景和实际情境,提高学生的文化意识和口语表达能力。
4. 口语与听力结合:研究者强调口语教学与听力训练的结合,通过听力材料的选择和口语实践的训练,提高学生的听说能力和语音感知能力。

英语口语文献综述范文模板English:Literature Review on Oral EnglishIntroduction:Oral English proficiency is a crucial skill for individuals who want to communicate effectively in English-speaking environments. In this literature review, we will explore various studies and research articles that focus on the development of oral English skills.Current Trends in Oral English Instruction:Recent research has highlighted the importance of incorporating communicative language teaching methods in oral English instruction. These methods emphasize the use of authentic and meaningful communication tasks to help learners develop their speaking skills. Studies have shown that this approach can lead to significant improvements in students' oral proficiency.Factors Affecting Oral English Development:Several factors have been identified as influencing the development of oral English skills. These include individual differences in language aptitude, motivation, and anxietylevels. Research has also shown that the amount and quality of input, as well as opportunities for practice, play a crucial role in oral English development.Technology in Oral English Learning:The use of technology in language learning has become increasingly popular in recent years. Online platforms, mobile apps, and virtual reality tools can provide additional opportunities for students to practice their oral English skills outside of the classroom. Research has shown that these technological tools can be effective in enhancing students' speaking abilities.Assessment of Oral English Proficiency:Assessing oral English proficiency can be challenging, as it involves evaluating a range of skills such as fluency, accuracy, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Traditional assessment methods, such as interviews and oral exams, have limitations in terms of reliability and validity. Researchers have been exploring alternative assessment approaches, including performance-based tasks and self-assessment tools.Conclusion:In conclusion, developing oral English proficiency is essential for effective communication in English. Theliterature review has highlighted the importance of communicative language teaching methods, individual factors, technology, and assessment in oral English instruction. Future research should continue to explore innovative approaches to help learners improve their speaking skills.中文:口语英语文献综述介绍:口语英语能力对于希望在英语环境中有效交流的个人来说至关重要。

国内外英语口语教学研究综述1. 引言英语口语作为英语学习中至关重要的一个方面,在全球化的今天扮演着重要的角色。
2. 国内英语口语教学研究2.1 教学方法与策略国内英语口语教学研究主要关注教学方法和策略。
2.2 课程设置与教材关于课程设置,国内研究者认为,口语课程应注重实践性和实用性,以培养学生的交际能力为目标(刘芳,2011)。
2.3 教师素质与培训国内研究者还关注英语口语教师的素质和培训。
3. 国际英语口语教学研究3.1 教学理念与模式国际英语口语教学研究倾向于探讨教学理念和模式。
3.2 语言环境与跨文化交际国际研究者关注语言环境和跨文化交际在英语口语教学中的作用。
3.3 教学评价与测试在国际英语口语教学研究中,教学评价和测试也是一大热点。
(张克福,新乡教育学院学报【J】中学英语口语教学现状及对策研究,第18 卷第2 期,2005 年6 月)教学用书的制约也是一大因素。

A Study on Teaching Methods of English Speaking in Junior Middle School“初中英语口语教学方法探究”Literature ReviewⅠ. IntroductionSpoken language is defined as a kind of output capabilities. Stimulated by the external sound or other information, speakers produce an initial motivation and intention, form deep syntactic structure through internal language stage, and then expand into an external speech based on a surface structure. (Zhu Chun, 1993) Linguist French once said that speaking is a basis of other abilities (listening, reading and writing). N.chomsky believed that no one would be born to speak, and people can communicate with others only by much practice. The Father of Application linguistic in British thought that, to learn English, you need to open your mouth , to read, to say. Linguist Thomas (D. HYMES) said, language refers not only ability of whether one can make grammatical sentence, but also the ability of whether one can apply it properly. He said speech is an important form of language and a significant way in communication.With economic globalization, the deepening of China's reform and opening up, the current world is changing rapidly and international exchanges increase frequently. It has became a necessity of the society to learn English and use English in common communication. English is a language communication tool. Enhancing the teaching of spoken English and helping students improve overall level of oral English communication have been paid much attention. It is not only a real application of the knowledge on the books in daily life, but also a respond to face work, business, and other problems encountered in future. English speaking teaching is an important and integral part of English teaching in junior middle school.Junior middle school is a key stage of English study for all Chinese students.It is a period which transition from simple word recognition in primary school to proficiently expression in senior high school. Speaking learning of this stage will lay a solid foundation for deep English study in future, also help in all aspects of English learning capabilities.However, it has been reported that English teaching in our junior middle school still exists the following questions. Firstly, influenced by the examination-oriented education, most of the teaching methods can not achieve the outline of the standard released by the Ministry of Education. Secondly, insufficient emphasis is put on the teaching of pronunciation. Thirdly, the common level of teachers is not advanced. Fourthly, because of the over class size, fewer opportunities to practice is given the students. Fifthly, lack the necessary language environment.These problems encourage us to make further exploration on English teaching methods of the junior middle school,so as to improve the standard of teaching and to enhance students' speaking level.The following paper reviews researches on main teaching methods of English speaking in and abroad.Ⅱ. Research status in and abroadSpeaking is one of main language output skills. American linguist Krashen put forward the Second Language Acquisition Theory in the 1970s, which attracted much attention in both linguistics field and language teaching circle. On account of the defects of Krashen's Input Hypothesis, second language acquisition researcher Merrill Swain proposed the language output assumptions in 1985. He believes that language input is important for language acquisition, but it can not make people use language accurately and fluently. According to Swain, output plays a major role in the following three aspects: 1) Noting and triggering function 2) testing the hypothesis function 3) meta-language function.Swain pointed out that, although comprehensible language input played an important role in language acquisition, learners must rely on meaningful language output to achieve accuracy and fluency of applying target language.In recent years, the English teaching in junior middle school of China has gone through much reform and the importance of teaching has been widespreadly concerned. The new English teaching textbooks or materials focus on teaching the skills of speaking. To some extent, teacher have paid a lot of attention on students' ability of oral communication. However, the rate of progress is quite slow and the results are always not pleased. Junior students' abilities of using English to express their thoughts and feelings are very limited, most remaining the level of greeting.Effected by Krashen's input hypothesis, English teaching focused on the language input. Teachers stressed students' listening, reading, ignoring the language of the output for a long time. These years, many books and research papers on teaching methods of English speaking in junior middle school have been published. They made analysis of the current situation and reform suggestions on this topic, showing that we have recognized the importance of speaking ability.The textbook" A Course in English Language Teaching" ( Edited by Wang Qiang) summarized the principles for teaching speaking and designed some speaking tasks. In the paper “Researches on Teaching Methods of English Speaking in Junior Middle School”, the author Li Shenglian summarized the current existed problems and its reasons of English speaking teaching, designed different teaching methods and procedures according to students’ levels, and introduces the exact strategies in English speaking teaching.The paper "English Teaching Researches on Oral Fluency Theory in and abroad" lists the research fruits on oral fluency of second language in home and abroad. It is of great meaning to combine them with our English teaching.Zhu Mingju published a paper named "The input and output in English Speaking Teaching". It is proposed in the paper that the input which best encourages learners' thinking in English is most desirable, but input alone cannot lead to oral English competence, and output exercises should be devised in the way that they benefit thecultivation of learners' English abilities both in carrying out speech plan and in making speech plan.The paper "Language Output Theory and Oral English Teaching"(Zhao Na) aims at investigating and expounding the effects of oral output on second language acquisition and making attempts on finding out an effective way to facilitate oral output and improve the quality of foreign language teaching of the nation wide.Ⅲ. SummaryAfter referring large amount of books and materials in and abroad, combining with language output theory and second language acquisition theory, this paper makes deep investigation, research and analysis on the circumstances and improvement strategies of English Speaking Teaching in Junior middle school. Generally speaking, china has increasingly underlined the English speaking in recent years, with a lot of constructive teaching methods proposed. English teaching in junior middle school is stepping into a new level.Ⅳ.References(1).王蔷. 英语教学法教程. 高等教育出版社,2004.1.(2).卢仁顺.“输出假设”研究对我国英语英语教学研究的启示[J].外语教学与研究,2002.4.(3).戴炜栋.构建具有中国特色的英语教学“一条龙”体系[J].外语教学与研究,2001.5.(4).Swain, M.Three functions of output in second language learning[A]. In G. Cook&B.Seidlhofer(eds.),Principle and Practice in Applied Linguistics[C].Oxford: Oxford University Press,1995.(5).朱纯. 外语教学心理学[ M ] . 上海外语教育出版社,1994, 9( 1) .(6).英语课程标准(实验稿)[M].北京:北京师范大学出版社,2002,(8).(7) Hedge, T. Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom.上海外语教育出版社,2002.(8).黄嘉欣.初中英语口语教学探微[A].海外英语,2010.09.(9)李声莲.初中英语口语教学方法研究[J].知识经济,2010.10.(10).林铭芸.初中英语口语教学困难的成因及对策[J].广西教育,2010.23.(11).杭里.初中英语口语教学现状与策略研究[J].考试周刊,2009,40.(12).陈平文.基于国内外口语流利性理论的英语教学研究[A].外语界,2008.03.(13).卢颖.浅谈输出理论与英语口语教学[J].中国校外教育(理论),2007.04.(14).朱明炬.英语口语教学中的输入与输出[A].外语电化教学,2000.03.(15).赵娜.语言输出理论对英语口语教学的启示[A].牡丹江师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版),2009.04(16).魏军梅.输出理论和英语口语教学[A].甘肃政法成人教育学院学报,2007.06(17).胡壮麟.语言学教程.北京:北京大学出版社,2001欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。

英语口语文献综述范文模板English:A review of English oral communication literature reveals a wide range of topics and approaches. One common focus is on the development of oral communication skills in language learners, with a particular emphasis on the challenges faced by non-native speakers. Many studies have explored the impact of various factors, such as motivation, anxiety, and personality traits, on oral proficiency. In addition, researchers have investigated the efficacy of different teaching methods and technologies in improving speaking ability. Another important area of inquiry is the role of culture in oral communication, including the impact of cultural differences on conversational strategies and norms. Furthermore, the use of English in specific contexts, such as academic or professional settings, has been the subject of numerous investigations, with a focus on the specific language demands and communication skills required in these domains. Overall, the literature provides valuable insights into the complexities of English oral communication and offers practical implications for language teaching and learning.中文翻译:对英语口语交际文献的综述揭示了广泛的主题和方法。

关于提高中学生口语教学的文献综述(5篇范文)第一篇:关于提高中学生口语教学的文献综述关于提高中学生英语口语教学的文献综述在当代社会中,英语的口头交际能力变得越来越重要, 英语口语的学习越来越受到重视。
因此,在中学英语教学中必须为学生提供充分的运用英语口语进行交往实践的机会,使学生从中加深理解、牢固掌握, 达到学以致用的目的。
但长期以来中学英语的口语教学没有得到很好的重视, 我国中学英语口语教学现状不能令人满意。
由此可见, 在应试教育中, 笔试、口试严重失衡,教师大大忽略了中学生口语表达能力的培养与训练。




A Study on Teaching Methods of English Speaking in Junior Middle School“初中英语口语教学方法探究”Literature ReviewⅠ. IntroductionSpoken language is defined as a kind of output capabilities. Stimulated by the external sound or other information, speakers produce an initial motivation and intention, form deep syntactic structure through internal language stage, and then expand into an external speech based on a surface structure. (Zhu Chun, 1993) Linguist French once said that speaking is a basis of other abilities (listening, reading and writing). N.chomsky believed that no one would be born to speak, and people can communicate with others only by much practice. The Father of Application linguistic in British thought that, to learn English, you need to open your mouth , to read, to say. Linguist Thomas (D. HYMES) said, language refers not only ability of whether one can make grammatical sentence, but also the ability of whether one can apply it properly. He said speech is an important form of language and a significant way in communication.With economic globalization, the deepening of China's reform and opening up, the current world is changing rapidly and international exchanges increase frequently. It has became a necessity of the society to learn English and use English in common communication. English is a language communication tool. Enhancing the teaching of spoken English and helping students improve overall level of oral English communication have been paid much attention. It is not only a real application of the knowledge on the books in daily life, but also a respond to face work, business, and other problems encountered in future. English speaking teaching is an important and integral part of English teaching in junior middle school.Junior middle school is a key stage of English study for all Chinese students.It is a period which transition from simple word recognition in primary school to proficiently expression in senior high school. Speaking learning of this stage will lay a solid foundation for deep English study in future, also help in all aspects of English learning capabilities.However, it has been reported that English teaching in our junior middle school still exists the following questions. Firstly, influenced by the examination-oriented education, most of the teaching methods can not achieve the outline of the standard released by the Ministry of Education. Secondly, insufficient emphasis is put on the teaching of pronunciation. Thirdly, the common level of teachers is not advanced. Fourthly, because of the over class size, fewer opportunities to practice is given the students. Fifthly, lack the necessary language environment.These problems encourage us to make further exploration on English teaching methods of the junior middle school,so as to improve the standard of teaching and to enhance students' speaking level.The following paper reviews researches on main teaching methods of English speaking in and abroad.Ⅱ. Research status in and abroadSpeaking is one of main language output skills. American linguist Krashen put forward the Second Language Acquisition Theory in the 1970s, which attracted much attention in both linguistics fieldand language teaching circle. On account of the defects of Krashen's Input Hypothesis, second language acquisition researcher Merrill Swain proposed the language output assumptions in 1985. He believes that language input is important for language acquisition, but it can not make people use language accurately and fluently. According to Swain, output plays a major role in the following three aspects: 1) Noting and triggering function 2) testing the hypothesis function 3) meta-language function.Swain pointed out that, although comprehensible language input played an important role in language acquisition, learners must rely on meaningful language output to achieve accuracy and fluency of applying target language.In recent years, the English teaching in junior middle school of China has gone through much reform and the importance of teaching has been widespreadly concerned. The new English teaching textbooks or materials focus on teaching the skills of speaking. To some extent, teacher have paid a lot of attention on students' ability of oral communication. However, the rate of progress is quite slow and the results are always not pleased. Junior students' abilities of using English to express their thoughts and feelings are very limited, most remaining the level of greeting.Effected by Krashen's input hypothesis, English teaching focused on the language input. Teachers stressed students' listening, reading, ignoring the language of the output for a long time. These years, many books and research papers on teaching methods of English speaking in junior middle school have been published. They made analysis of the current situation and reform suggestions on this topic, showing that we have recognized the importance of speaking ability.The textbook" A Course in English Language Teaching" ( Edited by Wang Qiang) summarized the principles for teaching speaking and designed some speaking tasks.In the paper “Researches on Teaching Methods of English Speaking in Junior Middle School”, the author Li Shenglian summarized the current existed problems and its reasons of English speaking teaching, designed different teaching methods and procedures according to students’ levels, and introduces the exact strategies in English speaking teaching.The paper "English Teaching Researches on Oral Fluency Theory in and abroad" lists the research fruits on oral fluency of second language in home and abroad. It is of great meaning to combine them with our English teaching.Zhu Mingju published a paper named "The input and output in English Speaking Teaching". It is proposed in the paper that the input which best encourages learners' thinking in English is most desirable, but input alone cannot lead to oral English competence, and output exercises should be devised in the way that they benefit the cultivation of learners' English abilities both in carrying out speech plan and in making speech plan.The paper "Language Output Theory and Oral English Teaching"(Zhao Na) aims at investigating and expounding the effects of oral output on second language acquisition and making attempts on finding out an effective way to facilitate oral output and improve the quality of foreign language teaching of the nation wide.Ⅲ. SummaryAfter referring large amount of books and materials in and abroad, combining with language output theory and second language acquisition theory, this paper makes deep investigation,research and analysis on the circumstances and improvement strategies of English Speaking Teaching in Junior middle school. Generally speaking, china has increasingly underlined the English speaking in recent years, with a lot of constructive teaching methods proposed. English teaching in junior middle school is stepping into a new level.Ⅳ.References(1).王蔷. 英语教学法教程. 高等教育出版社,2004.1.(2).卢仁顺.“输出假设”研究对我国英语英语教学研究的启示[J].外语教学与研究,2002.4.(3).戴炜栋.构建具有中国特色的英语教学“一条龙”体系[J].外语教学与研究,2001.5.(4).Swain, M.Three functions of output in second language learning[A]. In G. Cook&B.Seidlhofer(eds.),Principle and Practice in Applied Linguistics[C].Oxford: Oxford University Press,1995.(5).朱纯. 外语教学心理学[ M ] . 上海外语教育出版社,1994, 9( 1) .(6).英语课程标准(实验稿)[M].北京:北京师范大学出版社,2002,(8).(7) Hedge, T. Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom.上海外语教育出版社,2002.(8).黄嘉欣.初中英语口语教学探微[A].海外英语,2010.09.(9)李声莲.初中英语口语教学方法研究[J].知识经济,2010.10.(10).林铭芸.初中英语口语教学困难的成因及对策[J].广西教育,2010.23.(11).杭里.初中英语口语教学现状与策略研究[J].考试周刊,2009,40.(12).陈平文.基于国内外口语流利性理论的英语教学研究[A].外语界,2008.03.(13).卢颖.浅谈输出理论与英语口语教学[J].中国校外教育(理论),2007.04.(14).朱明炬.英语口语教学中的输入与输出[A].外语电化教学,2000.03.(15).赵娜.语言输出理论对英语口语教学的启示[A].牡丹江师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版),2009.04(16).魏军梅.输出理论和英语口语教学[A].甘肃政法成人教育学院学报,2007.06(17).胡壮麟.语言学教程.北京:北京大学出版社,2001。

下面是一些有关对话教学的研究文献的综述:「A review of research on task-based language teaching」(《任务型语言教学研究综述》),这篇文章对任务型语言教学进行了系统的综述,探讨了任务型语言教学的理论基础、教学过程、教学效果以及在不同语言环境下的应用。
「The impact of pair work on L2 oral proficiency: A meta-analysis」(《成对工作对第二语言口语水平的影响:荟萃分析》),这篇文章通过荟萃分析的方法,对成对工作对学生的第二语言口语水平的影响进行了综述。
「The effects of dialogue journal writing on second language learning: A meta-analysis」(《对话日记写作对第二语言学习的影响:荟萃分析》),这篇文章通过荟萃分析的方法,对对话日记写作对学生的第二语言学习的影响进行了综述。
「The effects of collaborative dialogue on L2 vocabulary learning: A meta-analysis」(《协作对话对第二语言词汇学习的影响:荟萃分析》),这篇文章通过荟萃分析的方法,对协作对话对学生的第二语言词汇学习的影响进行了综述。
「The effectiveness of interaction in second language teaching: A meta-analysis」(《交互在第二语言教学中的有效性:荟萃分析》),这篇文章通过荟萃分析的方法,对交互在第二语言教学中的有效性进行了综述。
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A Study on Teaching Methods of English Speaking in Junior Middle School“初中英语口语教学方法探究”Literature ReviewⅠ. IntroductionSpoken language is defined as a kind of output capabilities. Stimulated by the external sound or other information, speakers produce an initial motivation and intention, form deep syntactic structure through internal language stage, and then expand into an external speech based on a surface structure. (Zhu Chun, 1993) Linguist French once said that speaking is a basis of other abilities (listening, reading and writing). N.chomsky believed that no one would be born to speak, and people can communicate with others only by much practice. The Father of Application linguistic in British thought that, to learn English, you need to open your mouth , to read, to say. Linguist Thomas (D. HYMES) said, language refers not only ability of whether one can make grammatical sentence, but also the ability of whether one can apply it properly. He said speech is an important form of language and a significant way in communication.With economic globalization, the deepening of China's reform and opening up, the current world is changing rapidly and international exchanges increase frequently. It has became a necessity of the society to learn English and use English in common communication. English is a language communication tool. Enhancing the teaching of spoken English and helping students improve overall level of oral English communication have been paid much attention. It is not only a real application of the knowledge on the books in daily life, but also a respond to face work, business, and other problems encountered in future. English speaking teaching is an important and integral part of English teaching in junior middle school.Junior middle school is a key stage of English study for all Chinese students.It is a period which transition from simple word recognition in primary school to proficiently expression in senior high school. Speaking learning of this stage will lay a solid foundation for deep English study in future, also help in all aspects of English learning capabilities.However, it has been reported that English teaching in our junior middle school still exists the following questions. Firstly, influenced by the examination-oriented education, most of the teaching methods can not achieve the outline of the standard released by the Ministry of Education. Secondly, insufficient emphasis is put on the teaching of pronunciation. Thirdly, the common level of teachers is not advanced. Fourthly, because of the over class size, fewer opportunities to practice is given the students. Fifthly, lack the necessary language environment.These problems encourage us to make further exploration on English teaching methods of the junior middle school,so as to improve the standard of teaching and to enhance students' speaking level.The following paper reviews researches on main teaching methods of English speaking in and abroad.Ⅱ. Research status in and abroadSpeaking is one of main language output skills. American linguist Krashen put forward the Second Language Acquisition Theory in the 1970s, which attracted much attention in both linguistics fieldand language teaching circle. On account of the defects of Krashen's Input Hypothesis, second language acquisition researcher Merrill Swain proposed the language output assumptions in 1985. He believes that language input is important for language acquisition, but it can not make people use language accurately and fluently. According to Swain, output plays a major role in the following three aspects: 1) Noting and triggering function 2) testing the hypothesis function 3) meta-language function.Swain pointed out that, although comprehensible language input played an important role in language acquisition, learners must rely on meaningful language output to achieve accuracy and fluency of applying target language.In recent years, the English teaching in junior middle school of China has gone through much reform and the importance of teaching has been widespreadly concerned. The new English teaching textbooks or materials focus on teaching the skills of speaking. To some extent, teacher have paid a lot of attention on students' ability of oral communication. However, the rate of progress is quite slow and the results are always not pleased. Junior students' abilities of using English to express their thoughts and feelings are very limited, most remaining the level of greeting.Effected by Krashen's input hypothesis, English teaching focused on the language input. Teachers stressed students' listening, reading, ignoring the language of the output for a long time. These years, many books and research papers on teaching methods of English speaking in junior middle school have been published. They made analysis of the current situation and reform suggestions on this topic, showing that we have recognized the importance of speaking ability.The textbook" A Course in English Language Teaching" ( Edited by Wang Qiang) summarized the principles for teaching speaking and designed some speaking tasks.In the paper “Researches on Teaching Methods of English Speaking in Junior Middle School”, the author Li Shenglian summarized the current existed problems and its reasons of English speaking teaching, designed different teaching methods and procedures according to students’ levels, and introduces the exact strategies in English speaking teaching.The paper "English Teaching Researches on Oral Fluency Theory in and abroad" lists the research fruits on oral fluency of second language in home and abroad. It is of great meaning to combine them with our English teaching.Zhu Mingju published a paper named "The input and output in English Speaking Teaching". It is proposed in the paper that the input which best encourages learners' thinking in English is most desirable, but input alone cannot lead to oral English competence, and output exercises should be devised in the way that they benefit the cultivation of learners' English abilities both in carrying out speech plan and in making speech plan.The paper "Language Output Theory and Oral English Teaching"(Zhao Na) aims at investigating and expounding the effects of oral output on second language acquisition and making attempts on finding out an effective way to facilitate oral output and improve the quality of foreign language teaching of the nation wide.Ⅲ. SummaryAfter referring large amount of books and materials in and abroad, combining with language output theory and second language acquisition theory, this paper makes deep investigation,research and analysis on the circumstances and improvement strategies of English Speaking Teaching in Junior middle school. Generally speaking, china has increasingly underlined the English speaking in recent years, with a lot of constructive teaching methods proposed. English teaching in junior middle school is stepping into a new level.Ⅳ.References(1).王蔷. 英语教学法教程. 高等教育出版社,2004.1.(2).卢仁顺.“输出假设”研究对我国英语英语教学研究的启示[J].外语教学与研究,2002.4.(3).戴炜栋.构建具有中国特色的英语教学“一条龙”体系[J].外语教学与研究,2001.5.(4).Swain, M.Three functions of output in second language learning[A]. In G. Cook&B.Seidlhofer(eds.),Principle and Practice in Applied Linguistics[C].Oxford: Oxford University Press,1995.(5).朱纯. 外语教学心理学[ M ] . 上海外语教育出版社,1994, 9( 1) .(6).英语课程标准(实验稿)[M].北京:北京师范大学出版社,2002,(8).(7) Hedge, T. Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom.上海外语教育出版社,2002.(8).黄嘉欣.初中英语口语教学探微[A].海外英语,2010.09.(9)李声莲.初中英语口语教学方法研究[J].知识经济,2010.10.(10).林铭芸.初中英语口语教学困难的成因及对策[J].广西教育,2010.23.(11).杭里.初中英语口语教学现状与策略研究[J].考试周刊,2009,40.(12).陈平文.基于国内外口语流利性理论的英语教学研究[A].外语界,2008.03.(13).卢颖.浅谈输出理论与英语口语教学[J].中国校外教育(理论),2007.04.(14).朱明炬.英语口语教学中的输入与输出[A].外语电化教学,2000.03.(15).赵娜.语言输出理论对英语口语教学的启示[A].牡丹江师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版),2009.04(16).魏军梅.输出理论和英语口语教学[A].甘肃政法成人教育学院学报,2007.06(17).胡壮麟.语言学教程.北京:北京大学出版社,2001。