






例1 原文:Many lecturers find their jobs very rewarding.题干:All lecturers get something positive from their work.例2原文:Even in wet areas once teeming with frogs and toads, it is becoming less and less easy to find those slimy, hopping and sometimes poisonous members of the animal kingdom.另外,请参见《剑桥6》移民类第一套阅读第五题F2原则(一个萝卜一个坑):原文与题干考点词的类型相同,但是具体内容不同。


例如:原文说A and/or B ,题干说only A 。

A and B 相当于NOT only A ,所以存在矛盾,选FALSE 。


雅思阅读强化 做题技巧与注意事项全

雅思阅读强化 做题技巧与注意事项全

LIST OF HEADINGS段落标题解题步骤:1. 划掉EXAMPLE2. 划掉没有要求配对的段落3. 划出关键词4. 比对法解题:先做确信的题项5. 找出迷惑选项,双胞胎选项注意事项a.如果主题句比较复杂(如复合句),重点看主句部分Although…While…Despite…Despite the fact…In spite of ……B. 如果主题句中有show和suggest等词,应重点看其后的宾语从句C. 中心句在转折信号词后d 注意陷阱词重复的是主题(一)原词重复(二)指代重复(三)同类词重复主题句位置的确定1. 首句疑问,若段落首句为疑问句,则首句通常为该段落的主题句2. 首句转折,3. 尾句转折,4. 第二句转折5. 首尾综合正确选项特征:1.一般为主题句中主要成分的同义改写,或包括了主题句中重复出现的同义改写2.与原文含义最接近的选项为正确选项3. 主题句位置在题目中的使用频率为首尾综合-首句转折-尾句转折-首句疑问,偏爱考首尾综合配对题MATCHING三大题型1. 小标志和长句子配对B类(乱序)人名配观点时间配事件项目-性质属性剑6 TEST 12.长句子和长句子配对A类(正序)问题配答案原因配结果3.段落和长句的配对(段落细节信息题)B类(不按顺序)人物-观点题特征1.题目不按顺序2.题目原文往往和正确答案之间是一种理解关系3.有的人名可以是好几个题目的选项,有的选项可能完全用不上4.第一题往往对应文章靠后的观点解题步骤1. 识别配对的双方的类型以及各自的数量2. 决定先定位哪一方3. 通读配对另一方,划出全部定位词,逐段进行配对阅读所有题干句子-定位人物-阅读原文-引语观点句子-匹配解题- 时间配对题时间的计算Previous, next, later, during, before, after, onwards, simultaneously…注意:1.大多数情况下,每个题目只能选一个选项。



雅思阅读介绍与基本技巧一、雅思虑试基本状况介绍1.时长:入场8: 00-8: 30候考8: 30-9: 00听力9: 00-9: 30+10mins阅读 9: 50-10 : 50-5mins写作 11:00-12: 00口语 11-14mins考试以前,最好真题要做两遍,依据笔录上的技巧来做,假如来不及做,就调些文章来精读累积九分达人:雅思阅读真题复原2.阅读考试:a.文章难度分派与观察点Passage 1: 报纸,杂志,期刊,观察的是找寻定位的能力,观察考生的眼力,文章简单,题目简单, 17-18 分钟达成Passage 2:欧洲本科生硕士研究生的教材,观察的是总结粗心的能力,文章略难,题目是三篇中最难, 20 分钟达成Passage 3:科普文,观察的是对看法的理解能力,文章是三篇中最难的,题目略难, 18-19 分钟达成b. 题目: 40questions1.table completion / notes / diagram / flowchart ▲◆2.short-answer questions▲◆3.sentence completion ▲◆4.multiple choice▲◆:1.单项选择 ---细节,粗心,看法; 2.多项选择5.List of heading▽◇6.summary▲: 1. 填空型◆; 2. 选择型◇7.TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN or YES/ NO/ NOT GIVEN ▲◆8.Matching▽◆ 1. 句末般配▲;2.看法般配▽; 3.信息般配▽; Classification▽◆c.雅思阅读答题次序答题的篇章次序是1-3-2,可是若有同学是对题型不敏感而是对篇章话题敏感的话,请选择你最感兴趣的那篇先做(拿 C7 的 test1 和 test2 做实验,看自己属于那种种类)答题的篇内次序是:先有序▲,后无序▽,先细节◆,后粗心◇二、 IELTS 阅读评分标准Number ofIELTS bandcorrect Readingscoreanswers39-4035-3633-3430-3227-2923-2620-2216-19三、影响考成的因素1.Basic language skillsi)Word study --- stems , affixes, prefixes + context clues guessingii)Sentence study ----a. identify the S. + V. + O. of the sentence.b. What to read(目 ) + how to read(技巧 )填空或许是:什么就找什么的目的是 what/who: n/doing---主,,表的目的是 what do: v---的目的是 how: 介短,状,表的目的是 why: 原由,果,目的 ---状填空的目缺成分就找成分:For example, desert annuls germinate, flower and seed whenever suitable rainfall occurs, regardless of the day length. Regardless adj/adv 否认 Desert annuals respond to rainfall as a signal for reproduction.NA,B and/or C 必定是并列关系,性一致When(ever), what(ever), how(ever), where(ever), who(ever)/whom(ever), that, which, whose 以上些已出,个句子里必定包括一个主句一个从句,也就是必定会有两个或许是合存在。



新航道雅思阅读强化精讲(李楠老师)雅思阅读强化精讲——Short Answer Questions (简答题)----- Crystal Lee1.题型要求每个题目都是一个特殊问句,要求根据原文作出回答。

绝大部分的题目要求有字数限制,一般有如下几种表达方式:(1)NO MORE THAN TWO/THREE/FOUR WORDS (不超过2/3/4 个字);(1)ONE OR TWO WORDS (一个或两个字);(1)Use a maximum of TWO words (最多两个字)。






















特殊疑问词:what ,who ,when, where 答案词性:名词(时间,地点,人或单位等)答案例子:8:00am, classroom, calcium deposit, Australian taxpayer 注意事项:不需要时间名词前面的介词及冠词,钟点后面要有am 或pm 。













三、阅读技巧1. 预测题目:在阅读文章之前先浏览题目,尝试预测文章的主题和结构。


2. 找关键信息:在阅读过程中,要善于寻找关键信息,如人物、地点、时间、具体数据等。


3. 掌握选项技巧:在解答选择题时,可以先扫描文章,找到与选项相关的段落或句子,然后再仔细阅读,找到正确答案。
























此外,还要注意文章中的逻辑关系词,如 but、however、therefore 等,它们可以帮助我们更好地理解文章的逻辑结构和作者的观点。











雅思阅读强化讲义Table of ContentsReading Overview (1)1. Duration and Format (1)2. Ability tested (1)3. Question Types (1)Tough Nuts (2)1. Vocabulary (2)2. Complex Sentence (5)3. Reading Speed (6)Basic reading skills (briefly) (7)Solutions (9)1. List of Heading 标题对应 (9)2. Summary 总结归纳类 (14)3. TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN (YES/NO/NOT GIVEN)题型 (18)4. Matching 匹配题 (23)5. Multiple Choice 选择题 (24)6. Short Answer Questions 简答题 (28)7. Diagrams 图表题 (30)Appendix 1 Word Root (38)Chapter 1 Reading Overview1. Duration and Format3 passages 40 questions 60 minutes 2500 words 8000 vocabularyAcademic Reading 1000 words2. Ability testedRead effectively - Sort out a summaryStructure Skimming Scanning Complex sentence3. Question Types1 Matching题型从属关系搭配或对应2 Summary题型摘要填空3 Short answer questions题型简答题4 Ture/False/Not Given题型是非题6 Headings题型找小标题7 Multiple choice题型选择题8 Sentence completion题型完成句子9 Diagram/flowchart/table completion题型填表填图10 其他题型直接填空、多选多+排序、全文主旨Chapter 2 Tough Nuts1.Vocabulary► Word root:1.ab -,ac-,ad-,af-,ag-,an-,ap-,ar-,as-,at-等加在同辅音字母的词根前,表示"一再"等加强意2.ex - 向外、加强3.im / in - 不、向内4.per - 贯穿、每一个5.pur - 向前6.pos - 位置7.de - 否定、除掉8.inter - 相互9.don - 两个都 - 几个11.cede - 走12.audi - 听13.dict - 说14.pre - 提前15.fact - 手、制作16.gress - 行走17.cede/ cess - 走18.loq - 说19.mob/mot/mov - 动20.rect - 直21.stract - 拉22.spec / spic - 看23.volv - 旋转24.vid/vis - 看、视觉的25.suc - 下面26.sub - 下面27.re - 重复、反28.un - 反29.mis - 反30.under - 下31.anti - 反32.Contra / counter 反33.Dia - 穿过34.Trans - 穿过、转移、改变See appendix 1► Thesaurus1. 解决:Solve, deal with, cope with, handle, resolve, address, tackle2. 损害: Damage, hurt, injure, harm, impair, undermine, jeopardize3. 给与:Give, offer, render, impart, provide, supply, afford4. 培养:Develop, cultivate, foster5. 优势:Advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, upside, strength6. 缺陷:Disadvantage, demerit, drawback, downside, weakness7. 使迷惑:Puzzle, bewilder, perplex, baffle8. 重要的:Key, crucial, critical, important, significant, vital, substantial, indispensable, imperative9. 认为:Think, believe, insist, maintain, assert, conclude, deem, hold, argue, be convinced10.保护:Protect, conserve, preserve11.确保:Assure, ensure, guarantee, pledge12. 有害的:Bad, baneful evil, harmful, detrimental13. 要求:Request, demand, needs, requisition14. 消除:Eliminate, clear, remove, clear up, take away, smooth away15. 导致: Lead to, bring about, result in, cause, spark off, conduce to, procure, induce, generate16. 因此:So, therefore, thus, hence, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, as a result,17. 增长至:Grow to,rise to,increase to,go up to,climb to,ascend to,jump to,shoot to18.降低至:Dip to, fall to, decline to, decrease to, drop to, go down to, reduce to, slump to, descend to, sink to, slide to19.保持稳定:Level out, do not change, remain stable, remain still, remain steady, be stable,maintain the same level, remain unchanged, be still, remain the same level, stay constant, keep at the same level, level off, stabilize, keep its stability, even out20.急剧地:Dramatically, drastically, sharply, hugely, enormously, steeply, substantially, considerably,significantly ,markedly, surprisingly, strikingly, radically, remarkably, vastly, noticeably21. 平稳地:Steadily,smoothly,slightly,slowly,marginally,gradually,moderately,mildly22 . 宣称:Allege, assert, declare, claim23. 发生:Happen, occur, take place24. 原因:Reason, factor, cause25. 发展:Development, advance, progress26 . 有益的:Useful, helpful, beneficial, profitable, rewarding, advantageous27 . 影响:Influence, impact, effect28. 明显的:Clear, obvious, evident, self-evident, manifest, apparent, crystal-clear29. 占:Comprise, take up, account for, constitute, consist of, make up, occupy, hold, compose30. 与…相比:Compared with, compared to, in comparison with, in comparison to, by comparison with, by comparison to31. 对比而言:By contrast, in contrast, on the other hand, on the contrary=conversely32. 展示:Show, reveal, illustrate, demonstrate, depict, present, represent, describe33. 大约:Approximately, almost, about, around, nearly, roughly34. 波动:Fluctuate, go ups and downs, display a fluctuation, demonstrate a fluctuation35. 事实上:Practically, in practice, essentially, in essence, in reality, in effect, in fact, as a matter of fact, it is a fact that36. 换言之:Namely, that is to say, in other words, to put it like this, to put it differently, to put it from another way, to put it from another angleAcademic wordsplex Sentence例题1. The way people hold to the belief that a fun-filled, pain-free life equals happiness actually reduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness.1. This way actually reduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness.2. A fun-filled, pain-free life equals happiness.3. People hold to this belief.翻译:人们信奉的充实又无忧无虑的生活就等于幸福的信念实际上降低了他们获得真正的幸福的可能性。



雅考虑前强化练习题2023雅考虑前强化练习题2023reading passage 2questions 14-19reading passage 2 has 7 sections.choose the most suitable heading for each section from the list of headings (a-l) below. write the appropriate letter (a-l) in boxes 14-19 on your answer sheet.n.b. there are more headings than sections, so you will not use all of them.list of headingsa) rituals and beliefsb) topography of northern thailandc) the forests of northern thailandd) preserving the systeme) agricultural practicesf) village lifeg) water distribution principlesh) maintaining natural balancesi) structure of the irrigation systemj) user's rightsk) user's obligationsl) munity control14. section 115. section 216. section 317. section 4answerexle section 5 a18. section 619. section 7the muang faai irrigation system of northern thailandsection 1northern thailand consists mainly of long mountain chains interspersed with valley bottoms where streams and rice fields dominate the landscape. most of the remaining forests of the north are found at higher altitudes. the forests ensure regular seasonalrainfall for the whole area and at the same time moderate runoff, so that there is water throughout the year.section 2the lowland munities have developed anagricultural system adapted to, and partially determining, the distinctive ecosystems of their areas. practicing wet-rice agriculture in the valley-bottoms, the lowlanders also raise pigs, ducks and chickens and cultivate vegetable gardens in their villages further up the slopes. rice, beans, corn and native vegetables are planted in hill fields above the villages, andwild vegetables and herbal medicines are gathered and wild game hunted in the forests higher up the hillsides. the forests also serve as grazing groundsfor cows and buffalo, and are a source of wood for household utensils, cooking fuel, construction and farming tools. fish are to be found in the streams and in the irrigation system and wet-rice fields,providing both food and pest control.section 3in its essentials, a muang faai system consists of a small reservoir which feeds an intricate, branching work of small channels carrying water in carefully calibrated quantities through clusters of rice terraces in valley bottoms. the system taps into a stream above the highest rice field and, when there is sufficient water, discharges back into the same stream at a point below the bottom field. the water in the reservoir at the top, which is diverted into a main channel (iam muang) and from there into the different fields, is slowed or held back not by an impervious dam, but by a series of barriers constructed of bunches of bamboo or saplings which allow silt, soil and sand to pass through.section 4water from the iam muang is measured out among the farmers according to the extent of their rice fields and the amount of water available from the main channel. also considered are the height of the fields, their distance from the main channel and their soil type. the size and depth of side-channels are thenadjusted so that only the allocated amount of water flows into each farmer's field.section 5section 6keeping a muang faai system going demands cooperation and collective management, sometimeswithin a single village, sometimes across three or four different subdistricts including many villages. the rules or mon agreements arrived at during the yearly meeting amount to a social contract. they govern how water is to be distributed, how flow is to be controlled according to seasonal schedules, how barriers are to be maintained and channels dredged, how conflicts over water use are to be settled, and how the forest around the reservoir is to be preserved as a guarantee of a steady water supply and a source of materials to repair the system.section 7questions 20-23the chart below illustrates the agricultural system of the lowland munities.select words from reading passage 2 to fill the spaces in the chart. use up to three words for each space. write your answers in boxes 20-23 on your answer sheet.area activityexleforestsgrazing cows, buffaloforestshill fieldsvillagesvalley bottom gathering ...... (20) ......, hunting wild animalscultivating ...... (21) ......raising ...... (22) ...... cultivating vegetables growing ...... (23) ......question 24from the list below, select the three main structures which constitute the muang faai irrigation system. write the three appropriate letters, in any order, in box 24 on your answer sheet.a) channelsb) saplingsc) damd) barrierse) reservoirf) waterquestion 25from the list below, select two criteria for allocating water to farmers. write two appropriate letters, in any order, in box 25 on your answer sheet.a) field characteristicsb) social statusc) location of fieldd) height of barrierse) fees paidf) water available。



1 Headings形式:在文章开头给出若干小标题,需要对应原文的段落,或者是段落群进行配对特点:一一对应,考察文章段落的中心做题步骤A确定headings的出题段落B 划去已选标题C 划出核心词D 看一段,选一段核心词的作用区分:通过若干词(三个以内)区分各个小标题的内容预测:通过某些具有特征的词直接定位答案核心词:可选核心词:A只出现一次的名词B 对名词进行修饰限定的形容词,表示好坏的形容词C 表示上升下降变化成败否定的动词不能选择的词:A大标题中出现的词B 重复率超过三次的词(但是如果能够通过对其进行限定的词二次区分则可使用)C 抽象名词除reasons等特殊词之外文章结构(…….) but /however/while TS+SDSD+TSTSSDTS:人物观点;抽象概念SD:例子;数字;时间;并列结构2段落信息配对题形式:给出若干个statement,可能是TS也可能是SD。





2某些结构清晰的文章,比如实验类,或者是论证类,可以通过对原文整体篇章结构的把握来进行定位具体常用定位词•某些具有特殊性质的词•a时间early centuries first recent•b数字statistics figures data (纯数字经常在配对题中作为定位词使用)•c金钱financial economic cost•d否定动词avoid deny stop limit remain stay fail•e上升下降raise improved(improvement) increase grow•downward (trend)• f 比较级,最高级(特殊比如preference)••negative positive benefit advantage success efforts(努力,一般是好的正面的)failure flaw drawback threat harm danger problem difficulty alarm argument(s) •上意词和下意词•Military:weapons,battlefield,arms,war•Animal:bats,beast,dolphin,whale•Wildlife:dolphin,whale,polar bear•Environment:air water soil land•Food supplement••不作为核心词出现的词•instructions•抽象N concerns research analysis•an example an exercise段落信息配对题的内容可能考察TS,这个时候题目就等于小标题对应题的变形(给出确定的小标题,要求找到对应的段落)。



原文:The changes in awareness have been most marked in English-speaking countries, where the realization has gradually dawned that by no means everyone in the world knows
English well enough to negotiate in it. This is especially a problem when English is not an Q17 official language of public administration, as in most parts of the Far East, Russia, Eastern Europe, the Arab world, Latin America and French-speaking Africa. 题干:An example of a part of the world where people may have difficulty7)…
原文:The criticism and publicity given to this problem since the 1960s seems to have greatly improved the situation. Industrial training schemes have promoted an increase in linguistic and cultural awareness. Many firms now have their own translation services; to take just one example in Britain, Rowntree Mackintosh now publish their documents in six Q21-24 languages (English, French, German, Dutch, Italian and Xhosa). Some firms run part-time language courses in the languages of the countries with which they are most involved; some produce their own technical glossaries, to ensure consistency when material is being translated. 题干:List the FOUR main ways in which British companies have tried to solve the



雅思阅读强化1-5讲第一讲List of Headings题型介绍:●小标题为段落主题的中心思想,也是段落主题的改写●多数位于文章之前,标题彻底乱序●干扰选项众多,you may use any heading more than once 纯属误导●耗费时间、开头易错解题步骤:●划去例子答案●先段落后标题●一次性划取所有标题主题词和定位词,注意结构提示和单词提示:●首句+第二句/中间句+尾句原则=70%当首尾句指代不明确时,中间句的主题词为段落主旨。

总分、总分总、分总、分总分、并列、对比●注意段落内一切表示个人概念、调查结果、研究发现的词汇例如:The survey reveals/shows…Brown suggests that…●各个击破主题,去除选择选项关于找主题的其它方法:●注意段落开头部分but/however/though/while/despite/despite thefact that…●开头部分有show, suggest, indicate, manifest段落中有 A show that BA showing that BA suggest that B●Apart from…/ besides/ not only…but also/ regardless of/otherthan/rather than●段落第一句如果是问句,则第二句是主题句●如果段落中有举例子,例子前面是主题句●重点单词的提示:反复出现的单词(原词同义词重复、指代重复)、●或者提炼首尾中句核心词汇,与选项对应。

●与符号有关的单词(括号、引号)、黑体字、斜体字P 17,P 31, P61,P 93, P115, P128 , p135, p163, p170 陈述首句含主旨有实有虚需辨析含义不明确、疑问句尾句总结申大意中间行文露踪迹例子、转折词、高频词单词结构相呼应同义近义词、短语、介词结果发现笔莫停show/manifest/indicate/suggest 转折举例必划定however, while, yet/for example句群划割意分明总、分、总、并列、对比雅思阅读强化第二讲---重点题型复习T/F/NG Summary阅读题型之判断题True/False/Not GivenYes/No/Not Given●题型本身的不严密,导致很多同学无法区分错和未提及,但是要正确对待TURE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN 的定义。























Hackers target the home front1. One of the UK's leading banks has been forced to admit that organised hacking gangs have been targeting its executives. For the past year, Royal Bank of Scotland has been fighting systematic attempts to break into its computer systems from hackers who have sent personalised emails containing keyloggers to its senior management. This has included executives up to board level and is now the subject of a separate investigation by the Serious and Organised Crime Agency.2. The hackers are homing in on the trend for people to work from home. The hackers make the assumption that the computers being used outside the work environment are more vulnerable than those protectedby a corporate IT department.Growing threat3. For companies it is a growing threat as home working increases: a recent survey from the Equal Opportunities Commission found that more than 60% of the UK's population wants the option of flexible working.4. And the hackers are employing increasingly sophisticated techniques. Each email they send is meticulously built to make it attractive to its target, who the criminals have carefully researched by trawling the internet for information. Once the email is composed, the malware is just as carefully designed: it is often modified to avoid detection by security software.5. The keylogger contained in the email installs itself automatically and then collects details of logins and passwords from the unsuspectinguser. This means that hackers can, using the usernames and passwords stolen by the keyloggers, connect to VPNs, or Virtual Private Networks, which many companies use to create an encrypted pathway into their networks.6. Once inside a bank's network, the hackers can communicate directly with computers holding account information and manipulate funds.7. Has this actually happened? In some cases sources claim that the login details of VPNs have been obtained and used though there has been no confirmation that any losses have occurred as a result. The attacks are not believed to have focused on RBS but to have been across the whole of the banking industry.8. Royal Bank of Scotland said that the bank had suffered no losses as a result of the attacks and added: RBS has extremely robust processes in place in order to protect our systems from fraud. Trojan email attacks are an industry-wide issue and are not isolated to a particular area or aparticular bank.9. It is not just banks that have been targets. Last year attempts were made to steal information from the Houses of Parliament using malicious email. Messagelabs, the company responsible for monitoring much of the email traffic of the government and big business for suspect software, said at the beginning of the year that criminals have been evolving more sophisticated techniques to attack corporate networks.10. According to Mark Sunner, chief technology officer of Messagelabs, the number of malicious emails targeted at individuals has been increasing. Two years ago they were being seen once every two months, but now they are seeing one or two a day. This has been accompanied by an increase in quality in the creation of Trojans and spyware.11. The hackers are now aiming to take over computers, particularly those of home users. Some of the malicious software that we are routinely seeing for that purpose will have its own antivirus system built into it sothat they can kill off the programs of their competitors.Increased vigilance12. Tony Neate, the head of Get Safe Online, a government-funded organisation set up to raise awareness among UK businesses of computer criminals, says: There is now an attempt to target individuals within UK businesses - including the banking sector. What is happening is that crime is doing what it always does, which is look for the weakest link. Home working is where they perceive a weakness.13. This points to a need for increased vigilance and security by those working from home and by those responsible for letting them work from home. For home working to be effective, security needs to be as effective as if working in an office.(667 words)Questions 1-4 Answer the questions below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.1. What do the hackers use to attack the computer system of the Royal Bank of Scotland?2. Which word is most likely to be used by hackers to describe home computers?3. What do the majority of people in the UK prefer?4. How do hackers collect information so as to compose emails?5. What do hackers obtain illegally to gain access to banks’ computer network?Questions 5-12 Complete the sentences below with words from the passage.Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.6. The use of login details of VPNs by criminals does not necessarily result in any ______________.7. Royal Bank of Scotland claimed that they are not the only victim of ______________.8. Corporate networks will be another target of hackers with improved _______________.9. The attacks on individuals have been greatly increased within _______________.10. With ________________, software used by criminals can eliminate its competing programs.11. Home users are chosen as a target because they are considered asa __________ .12. Get Safe Online is calling for an increase in _____________ to ensure safe home working.。



1.可以利用选项定位 2.含有绝对词的往往不选 3.选项中有两个或三个意思相近的,全部排除。 4.选项中含有相同的词,但意思差异较大,其 4. 中一项是答案。 5.有两个选项意思相对,其中一个往往是答案。 6.没时间就猜最长的选项。(非主旨类题) 7.主旨类题排除含细节的选项。
Key Words 的变换形式
1.文章的取舍: 先快速浏览一下3篇文章,看哪篇比较 简单,先做比较简单的,不要把最简单 的留到最后没时间去蒙。
2.题型的取舍: 先做细节题和结构性题。如果时间紧张 的话,把选择题和判断题留在后面做, 因为这两类题型根据表面特征判断的正 确率较高,而且蒙对的几率要高与其他 题型。
Steps for Summary /completion
1. 预判词性 2.在空的前后找定位词 3.利用定位词到文中确认对应信息点 4.分析,比较,变化(词性/字数)
3. How to make judgment: 判断题
1) Pay ATTENTION to the direction: Ture/False/Not Given,Yes/No/Not Given or else 注意题目是要填T/F/NG,还是Y/N/NG.
5.Steps: 预判词性 空的前后找定位词 用定位词到文中定位 分析、比较、变化(词性&字数)--结合 词性预判
6.as___ 后一般要找某种职业的人,到文中找er, -or, -ist 7.带选项的summary, 选定之后划掉,缩小范 围。 8.遇到百分比,题目和文章的对应往往是: 100%--A%=B% 9.注意利用关联词为线索,特别是并列类关联 词。 10.分类看选项
What can be NG?



雅思阅读理解强化练习题(2)2017雅思阅读理解强化练习题Questions 6-13 Answer the following questions or complete the following sentences by choosing NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.6.What is ING Direct and Vanguard?7.What might online banking customers be cheated to give at a fraudulent Web site?8.What may stop online banking customers from using new verification methods?9.The key to online banking security is to verify the ______ of customers.10.Where is PassMark Security located?11.What is the reason why SiteKey is popular among online banking customers?12.What was used instead of images in the Harvard and M.I.T. study?13.How many security methods are mentioned in this passage?Answer keys1. 第一段"Now a study suggests that a popular secondary security measure provides little additional protection."似与问题文字很接近,但是原文中a popular secondary security measure是指特定的`一个措施,而非泛指所有secondary security measure。

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• Matching 根据某种关系将选项与题目进行配对。题目顺序与原文的顺序一般不 一致。 解题思路: 1.确定分类: 人名和理论、概念及所属表现与段落配对题 2.扫读做题 1)人名和理论 a.首次划出所有题目中的关键词,做短暂记忆 b.回原文按人名的出现顺序阅读(先找大写人名,再找人名附近的理论) c.将理论的关键词和题目的关键词进行对应
• List of Headings 解题思路: 1.将例子所对应的选项及段落标号划去 2.划出选项中的关键词及概念性名词 3.浏览文章,抓住各段的主题和核心词(尤其是反复出现的核心词), 重点关注段落首句,第二句和末句 4.与段落主题句同义包含段落核心词的选项为正确答案
• Multiple Choice 这类题目要求根据题目所对应的原文选出正确答案。一般为四选一,有 时为多选多,后者的几个答案常按照顺序出现于原文。 解题思路: 1.根据问题中的关键词定位原文 2.对原文对应句进行同义替换的为正确答案 对原文对应句进行同义替换的为正确答案 3.这一类题一般按照顺序对应原文 4.这类题除了考察细节以外,还考查主题(有的文章没有标题,最后一 道题常要求给文章一个标题)
• • • • 雅思阅读的形式 雅思阅读的特点 雅思阅读的对策 雅思阅读十大题型解题思路
• 1个小时 • 三篇文章 A类 G类 • 40道题
• 十大题型
• • • • • • • •
Diagram completing/flow chart table completion short answer question sentence completion multiple choice summary list of headings matching ture/false/not given
• 培养重要考核能力 把握长文章结构(understanding framework of a passage) 快速浏览长文章(skimming) 扫描特定信息(scanning) 理解复杂句子结构(understanding complex sentence structures) 通过上下文猜测词义(understanding meaning from context) 形成概念(forming a mental image)
• Ture/False/Not Given 基本原则: 1.按照文章先后顺序出题,如无顺序则有特殊定位词 2.考点唯一原则(题目针对原文一句具体的话) 3.不能加入个人看法(必须以原文为准) 4.不涉及复杂的逻辑推理,主要考察语言理解。 5.如果题目中有数字时间,只考精确程度,不考范围大小的判断。 6.不涉及文化差异
• Diagram/Flow Chart/Table Completion 这类题要求根据原文填充图表中所缺少的信息,一般较为简单,而且常 集中在对应原文中间的一个或几个段落。 解题思路: 1.弄清题目要求(如纵坐标) 2.注意数字要求 注意数字要求 3.根据图表中的已知信息进行定位,尤其是学科名词或较偏僻的词 4.注意答案的语法要求,根据给出的例子确定答案的正确形式,如大小 写等
• Ture/False/Not Given 如何判断是NOT GIVEN 题目与原文句子既不同义,也不矛盾或存在两种可能性时为NOT GIVEN: 1.题目中的某些内容(关系)原文没有提及(如题目中的比较在原文中 没有提到) 2.文中是虚拟,题目是事实 文中是虚拟,题目是事实 3.题目中的范围小于原文中的范围 4.原文是某人的主观思想(aim/goal/promise等),题目中变成了事实 5.原文是间接引语或直接引语,题目变成了事实 6.原文提到一个事物具有某个特征,题目说该事物只有这一个特征(only)
• A类 正确题数 16--19 20--22 23--25 26--28 29- -31 32--35 36--37 38--39 分数 5 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5
• 文章题材
A类涉及的话题题材十分广泛,包括经济、教育、科技、环 境、地质、动植物、语言等,主要选自一些著名期刊,不 过专业性都不太强:
• Matching 2)概念和所属表现 a.划出每道题目的关键词 b.回原文按照概念的出现顺序阅读 c.进行关键词对应 3)段落配对题 a.划出各个句子中的关键词,做短暂记忆 b.根据文章结构判断各个句子的大概位置 c.充分利用浏览技巧,略读无关内容 d.注意段落首末句
• • • • • • • • • • Diagram completing flow chart table completion short answer question sentence completion multiple choice summary list of headings matching ture/false/not given 完成图表题 流程图 填表题 简答题 完成句子题 多项选择题 摘要题 标题对应题 配对题 正误判断题
• Ture/False/Not Given 判断标准 如何判断是TURE 题目的陈述与原文句子意思一致时为TURE: 1.题目是原文的同义表达 2.题目是原文的归纳总结 如何判断是FALSE 题目的陈述与原文句子意思相反时为FALSE。一般地说,原文和题目中 使用了表示不同频率、程度和可能性的词。 1.考数字时间的精确性 2.肯定与否定(题目加以否定词、给反义词等方式否定原文意思) 3.未知与已知(原文表示未知,而题目表示已知)
• Ture/False/Not Given 4.多与少(原文表示多,而题目表示少或唯一) 表示多:various/variety/varied/different/many/a wild range 表示少:few 表示唯一:only/one/solely/merely/unique/exclusively 5.可能与绝对(原文表示可能,而题目表示绝对) 表可能:possible/can/may/be likely to/sometimes/occasionally 表绝对: almost/every/any/must/never/often/always/usually/invariably/definitel y/inevitably 6.特殊与绝对(原文有条件,题目无条件)
• Ture/False/Not Given 要求根据原文信息判断题目的各个句子的信息是对、错还是未提到。 解题思路: 1.仔细审题,看清题目要求 2.精读题目,确定考点词 a.形容词,副词或谓语动词 形容词,副词或谓语动词 b.比较关系,比较级,最高级 c.数字时间 d.题目中的绝对词:only,all,most等 3.根据题目中的定位词返回原文 定位词包括: 数字时间(百分比、温度)、专有名词(地点、人名)、金钱符号、特 殊印刷体,特殊标点符号......
• 文章体裁 • A类:说明文与议论文 • G类:说明文
• 词汇注释 • 对于较难的词汇或者专业性很强的词汇,有时有注释
• 阅读量大 • 三篇文章加起来总的阅读量有3000词左右,而且题目有40道,意味 着阅读要讲究策略才能做到高效快速。
• 语言能力
词汇 5500(六级)-------6分 7000-----6分以上 单词同义辨析 句子 对句子的考察是雅思阅读的核心 对长难句的分析和理解是消除阅读障碍的关键 对常见的句式要熟悉其套路模式 语法 对语法不直接考察,但是渗透在文章的理解中 语法是阅读的支撑基础
• 阅读策略 a.浏览文章的标题及文后的题型,掌握文章结构及段落大意 注意:各段的首末句、段落中的转折词(如but,however)与序数词 (如first、second等) b.找出题目的关键词,定位 c.根据关键词回原文查读,依次找出答案 根据关键词回原文查读,依次找出答案 • 阅读速度 速度是雅思阅读的生命 意群速读 略读无关,速读次要,详读重要
• Short Answer Question 这类题要求根据原文回答问题,每个问题都是一个特殊疑问句。 解题思路: 1.注意句中的特殊疑问词:what ,which,,符合要求时可以保留较多字数 3.答案一般为词或词组 4.问题一般按照顺序出现原文
• Summary 根据原文进行填空或选择。题目通常是对原文全文或部分段落进行的 摘要改写。 解题思路: 1.确定summary在原文的位置 1)阅读题目说明,注意特殊印刷体 )阅读题目说明,注意特殊印刷体 2)根据summary的首末句判断 2.分析空格的语法属性 3.根据空格前后的信息回原文寻找答案 4.填空后通读summary
• Sentence Completion 这类题与summary相似,可以说是一句话的summary,因此解题思路与 summary的相同,可以参考前面的相应部分。