
创新教育科技创新导报 Science and Technology Innovation Herald231DOI:10.16660/ki.1674-098X.2010-5640-6395MATLAB仪器控制工具箱在天线实验教学中的应用①林铭团* 毋召锋(国防科技大学电子科学学院 湖南长沙 410073)摘 要:本文根据天线理论课程与实验课程的自身特点,利用MATLAB的仪器控制工具箱,设计了一种简单的微波天线测量系统,将仪器控制工具箱应用到天线的实验教学中。
关键词:天线技术 MATLAB 实验教学 天线测量中图分类号:TN820;G642.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-098X(2020)10(b)-0231-03Application of MATLAB Instrument Control Toolbox in AntennaExperiment TeachingLIN Mingtuan * WU Zhaofeng(College of Electronic Science, National University of Defense and Technology, Changsha, Hunan Province,410073 China)Abstract: According to the characteristics of antenna theory and experiment course, a simple microwave antenna measurement system is designed by using the instrument control toolbox of MATLAB. The instrument control toolbox is applied to the antenna experiment teaching. Through guiding students to design microwave antenna measurement system and complete the measurement of antenna pattern and ref lection coefficient, students' interest in learning and understanding of radiation pattern can be enhanced and deepened. And their ability to design and test antenna independently is cultivated, which lays a good foundation for subsequent courses or work in antenna technology field.Key Words: Antenna technology; MATLAB; Experimental teaching; Antenna measurement①通信作者:林铭团(1989—),男,汉族,福建南安人,博士,讲师,研究方向为电磁场与微波技术。

天线的远区场分布是一组复杂的函数,分析不同天线的辐射场可从 中得到该天线的 各种重要性能参数。方向性函数F(θ,Φ)是表 征辐射场在不同方向辐射特性的重要关系式,对它的分析和认识如 果仅仅停留在方向性函数以及公式中各参数的讨论上,很难理解天 线辐射场的空间分布以及定向天线集中辐射的概念。表征天线辐射 场空间分布的方向性函数通过二维、三维图形显示,可直观描述、 形象化展示及揭示各参量之间的内在关系,借助matlab的绘图功能 可以加深对天线辐射场空间分布理论的理解和认识,并可得到更有 效更直观的分析结果。我分别用matlab画了六元端和十四元端的方 向图,因为他们的最大辐2*pi); %生成一个等差数列 b=linspace(0,pi); f=sin((cos(a).*sin(b)-1)*(14/2)*pi)./(sin((cos(a).*sin(b)-1)*pi/2)*14); subplot(221); polar(a,f.*sin(b)); %极坐标 title('14元端射式H面,d=波长/2,相位=滞后'); y1=(f.*sin(a))'*cos(b); z1=(f.*sin(a))'*sin(b); x1=(f.*cos(a))'*ones(size(b)); subplot(223); surf(x1,y1,z1);特征匹配算法 axis equal %纵、横坐标采用等长刻度 title('14元端射式三维图'); a=linspace(0,2*pi); b=linspace(0,pi); f=sin((cos(a).*sin(b)+1)*(6/2)*pi)./(sin((cos(a).*sin(b)+1)*pi/2)*6); subplot(222); polar(a,f.*sin(b)); title('6元端射式H面,d=波长/2,相位=超前'); y1=(f.*sin(a))'*cos(b); z1=(f.*sin(a))'*sin(b); x1=(f.*cos(a))'*ones(size(b)); subplot(224); surf(x1,y1,z1); axis equal title('6元端射式三维图');

阵列方向图与MATLAB 仿真1、线阵的方向图2()22cos(cos )R φψπφ=+-MATLAB 程序如下〔2元〕:clear;a=0:0.1:2*pi;y=sqrt(2+2*cos(pi-pi*cos(a)));polar(a,y); 图形如下:若阵元间距为半波长的M 个阵元的输出用方向向量权重11(,,)M j j M g eg e φφ⋅⋅⋅加以组合的话,阵列的方向图为 [(1)cos()]1()m Mj m m m R g e ψπφφ--==∑MATLAB 程序如下〔10个阵元〕:clear;f=3e10;lamda=(3e8)/f;beta=2.*pi/lamda;n=10;t=0:0.01:2*pi;d=lamda/4;W=beta.*d.*cos(t);z1=((n/2).*W)-n/2*beta* d;z2=((1/2).*W)-1/2*beta* d;F1=sin(z1)./(n.*sin(z2));iK1=abs(F1) ;polar(t,K1);方向图如下:2、圆阵方向图程序如下:clc;clear all;close all;M = 16; % 行阵元数k = 0.8090; % k = r/lambdaDOA_theta = 90; % 方位角DOA_fi = 0; % 俯仰角% 形成方位角为theta,俯仰角位fi的波束的权值m = [0 : M-1];w = exp(-j*2*pi*k*cos(2*pi*m'/M-DOA_theta*pi/180)*cos(DOA_fi*pi/180));% w = exp(-j*2*pi*k*(cos(2*pi*m'/M)*cos(DOA_theta*pi/180)*cos(DOA_fi*pi/180)+sin(2*pi*m'/M)*si n(DOA_fi*pi/180))); % 竖直放置% w = chebwin(M, 20) .* w; % 行加切比雪夫权% 绘制水平面放置的均匀圆阵的方向图theta = linspace(0,180,360);fi = linspace(0,90,180);for i_theta = 1 : length(theta)for i_fi = 1 : length(fi)a = exp(-j*2*pi*k*cos(2*pi*m'/M-theta(i_theta)*pi/180)*cos(fi(i_fi)*pi/180));%a=exp(-j*2*pi*k*(cos(2*pi*m'/M)*cos(theta(i_theta)*pi/180)*cos(fi(i_fi)*pi/180)+sin(2*pi*m'/ M)*sin(fi(i_fi)*pi/180))); % 竖直放置Y(i_theta,i_fi) = w'*a;endendY= abs(Y); Y = Y/max(max(Y));Y = 20*log10(Y);% Y = (Y+20) .* ((Y+20)>0) - 20; % 切图Z = Y + 20;Z = Z .* (Z > 0);Y = Z - 20;figure; mesh(fi, theta, Y); view([66, 33]);title('水平放置时的均匀圆阵方向图');% title('竖面放置时的均匀圆阵方向图'); % 竖直放置axis([0 90 0 180 -20 0]);xlabel('俯仰角/(\circ)'); ylabel('方位角/(\circ)'); zlabel('P/dB');figure; contour(fi, theta, Y);方向图如下:3、平面阵方向图:clc;clear all;close all;Row_N = 16; % 行阵元数Col_N = 16; % 列阵元数k = 0.5; % k = d/lambdaDOA_theta = 90; % 方位角DOA_fi = 0; % 俯仰角% 形成方位角为theta,俯仰角位fi的波束的权值Row_n = [0 : Row_N-1]; Col_n = [0 : Col_N-1];W_Row = exp(-j*2*pi*k*Row_n'*cos(DOA_theta*pi/180)*cos(DOA_fi*pi/180)); W_Col = exp(-j*2*pi*k*Col_n'*sin(DOA_theta*pi/180)*cos(DOA_fi*pi/180)); % W_Col = exp(-j*2*pi*k*Col_n'*sin(DOA_fi*pi/180)); % 竖直放置W_Row = chebwin(Row_N, 20) .* W_Row; % 行加切比雪夫权W_Col = chebwin(Col_N, 30) .* W_Col; % 列加切比雪夫权W = kron(W_Row, W_Col); % 合成的权值N*N x 1% 绘制水平面放置的平面阵的方向图theta = linspace(0,180,180);fi = linspace(0,90,90);for i_theta = 1 : length(theta)for i_fi = 1 : length(fi)row_temp = exp(-j*2*pi*k*Row_n'*cos(theta(i_theta)*pi/180)*cos(fi(i_fi)*pi/180)); % 行导向矢量N x 1col_temp = exp(-j*2*pi*k*Col_n'*sin(theta(i_theta)*pi/180)*cos(fi(i_fi)*pi/180)); % 列导向矢量N x 1% col_temp = exp(-j*2*pi*k*Col_n'*sin(fi(i_fi)*pi/180)); % 竖直放置Y(i_theta,i_fi) = W'*kron(row_temp, col_temp); % 合成的导向矢量N*N x 1 endendY= abs(Y); Y = Y/max(max(Y));Y = 20*log10(Y);Y = (Y+60) .* ((Y+60)>0) - 60; % 切图% Z = Y + 60;% Z = Z .* (Z > 0);% Y = Z - 60;figure; mesh(fi, theta, Y); view([66, 33]);title('水平面放置时的面阵方向图');axis([0 90 0 180 -60 0]);xlabel('俯仰角/(\circ)'); ylabel('方位角(\circ)'); zlabel('P/dB');figure; contour(fi, theta, Y);方向图如下:4、CAPON方法波束形成MATLAB程序如下〔阵元16,信号源3,快拍数1024〕:clear alli=sqrt(-1);j=i;M=16;%均匀线阵列数目P=3;%信号源数目f0=10;f1=50;f2=100;%信号频率nn=1024;%快拍数angle1=-15;angle2=15;angle3=30;%the signal angleth=[angle1;angle2;angle3]';SN1=10;SN2=10;SN3=10;%信噪比sn=[SN1;SN2;SN3];degrad=pi/180;tt=0:.001:1024;x0=exp(-j*2*pi*f0*tt);%3个信号x0、x1、x2x1=exp(-j*2*pi*f1*tt); %x2=exp(-j*2*pi*f2*tt); %t=1:nn;S=[x0(t);x1(t);x2(t)];nr=randn(M,nn);ni=randn(M,nn);u=nr+j*ni;%复高斯白噪声Ps=S*S'./nn;%信号能量ps=diag(Ps);refp=2*10.^(sn/10);tmp=sqrt(refp./ps);S2=diag(tmp)*S;%加入噪声tmp=-j*pi*sin(th*degrad);tmp2=[0:M-1]';a2=tmp2*tmp;A=exp(a2);X=A*S2+.1*u;%接收到的信号Rxx=X*X'./nn;%相关矩阵invRxx=inv(Rxx);%搜寻信号th2=[-90:90]';tmp=-j*pi*sin(th2'*degrad);tmp2=[0:M-1]';a2=tmp2*tmp;A2=exp(a2);den=A2'*invRxx*A2;doa=1./den;semilogy(th2,doa,'r');title('spectrum'); xlabel('angle'); ylabel('spectrum'); axis([-90 90 1e1 1e5]); grid;。

MATLAB在天线方向图中的应用与研究王曼珠1,张民1,崔红跃2(1.北京电子科技学院 通信工程系,北京100070;2.中国民用航空大学,天津300300)ª摘 要:以天线方向图函数为例,分析了对称阵子天线、阵列天线方向图函数F(H,U)随各参量变化的规律以及二维图形的特点,并讨论了直线天线阵(单向端射阵)的最大辐射方向和主瓣宽度随各参量变化的二维、三维图形特点。
借助M AT LAB的绘图功能,对各种天线的方向图函数的二维、三维图形进行研究,可以观察到天线辐射场在不同方向的辐射能量分布,直观清楚地表现出辐射方向图的特点。
关键词:天线;M AT LAB;辐射方向图中图分类号:TN820.1+2;TP391.77 文献标识码:A文章编号:1008-0686(2004)04-0024-04The Application and Study of Antenna Radiation Pattern Based on MATLABWANG Man-zhu1,ZHANG Zhe-min1,C UI Hong-yue2(1.Dep t.of Communication Eng ineer ing B eij ing E le ctronic S cience&T echnology I nstitute,B eij ing100070,China;2.Civ il A viation Unive rsity of China,T ianj ing300300,China)Abstract:This paper takes the antenna radiation pattern as an exam ple,and analy zes the rules of the function F(H,U)varg ing w ith the par am eters for the dipole and antenna ar rays r adiation pattern,as w ell as the characteristic of the tw o-dimensio nal fig ure.In addition,w e discuss the characteristics of the two and thr ee-dimensional fig ure when the max imum radiation and the width o f m ajo r lobe vary s w ith the param eters in the end-fire array.It introduces the w ay of plo tting co mplicated antenna directional r adiation pattern of two and three-dim ensional figure w ith the help of plo tting functions of MAT LAB,the radiating energy distribution of the antenna radiation field in different directions can be observed from r adiation pattern of the antenna,and the characteristic of the radiation pattern can be sho w n clearly.Keywords:antenna;M AT LA B;radiation pattern 天线的远区场分布是一组复杂的函数,分析不同天线的辐射场可从中得到该天线的各种重要性能参数。

阵列天线方向图的MATLAB 实现课程名称:MATLAB程序设计与应用任课教师:周金柱班级:04091202姓名:黄文平学号:04091158成绩:阵列天线方向图的MATLAB 实现摘要:天线的方向性是指电磁场辐射在空间的分布规律,文章以阵列天线的方向性因子F(θ,φ)为主要研究对象来分析均匀和非均匀直线阵天线的方向性。
讨论了阵列天线方向图中主射方向和主瓣宽度随各参数变化的特点,借助M ATLAB绘制出天线方向性因子的二维和三维方向图,展示天线辐射场在空间的分布规律,表现辐射方向图的特点。
阵列天线方向性主要由方向性因子F(θ,φ)表征,但F(θ,φ)在远区场是一组复杂的函数,如果对它的认识和分析仅停留在公式中各参数的讨论上,很难理解阵列天线辐射场的空间分布规律[ 1 ]。
1 均匀直线阵方向图分析若天线阵中各个单元天线的类型和取向均相同,且以相等的间隔d 排列在一条直线上。
且各单元天线的电流振幅均为I,相位依次滞后同一数值琢,那么,这种天线阵称为均匀直线式天线阵,如图1 所示[ 2 ]:均匀直线阵归一化阵因子为[ 3 ]:Fn(θ,φ)是一个周期函数,所以除§= 0 时是阵因子的主瓣最大值外,§= ±2 mπ(m=1,2,...)都是主瓣最大值,这些重复的主瓣称为栅瓣,在实际应用中,通常希望出现一个主瓣,为避免出现栅瓣,必须把g限制在- 2π<§<2π范围内[ 4 ],其中k=λ/2π,即波数,n 表示阵元数目。

(一)主程序变量说明:输入变量:zo 传输线特性阻抗zl 传输线终端负载阻抗Er 传输线介电常数f 传输电磁波的频率由输入变量计算得出的变量:w 传输电磁波的数字角频率len 传输电磁波的相波长beita 相移常数gama 传输线个点反射系数复值gamal 传输线终端反射系数的模rou 驻波系数k 行波系数Zi 传输线各点输入阻抗的复值Ui 传输线各点输入电压的复值Uo 传输线各点输出电压的复值Uit 传输线各点输入电压的瞬时值Uot 传输线各点输出电压的瞬时值Ii 传输线各点输入电流的复值Io 传输线各点输出电流的复值Is 传输线各点合成电流的复值Us 传输线各点合成电压的复值Ist 传输线各点合成电流的瞬时值Ust 传输线各点合成电压的瞬时值ph 传输线各点合成电压的相位(二)主程序流程说明:本程序的界面中共有三个输入编辑框,三个输出编辑框和五个波形显示窗口,分别用来输入:传输线特性阻抗Z0、传输线终端负载阻抗Z L、传输的电磁波的频率f、传输线传输介质的相对介电常数εr;输出:传输线的终端反射系数ΓL、行波系数ρ、驻波系数K;具体的程序思路如下:1.由输入编辑框获得用户输入的Z0、Z L、f和εr;2.在“开始”按钮的callback函数中进行运算,并控制各个axis的显示;3.图形的动态显示由一个while循环实现,并由全局标记变量flag控制;4.在“停止”按钮的callback函数中令flag = 1,while循环跳出。
(三)程序运行效果1.行波演示中端接匹配负载zo = zl = 50Ω2.驻波演示1)终端短路zo = 50Ωzl = 02)终端开路zo = 50Ωzl = inf3)终端接纯电抗负载zo = 50Ωzl = X * j3.行驻波演示(四)主程序代码function varargout = StatusAnaly(varargin)%********************************************************%% Copyright (C), 2009-2012,Lyric %% FileName: StatusAnaly.m %% Author: Lyric %% Version: 1.0 %% Date: 2010-05-11 %%********************************************************%% STATUSANALY M-file for StatusAnaly.fig% STATUSANALY, by itself, creates a new STATUSANALY or raises the existing% singleton*.%% H = STATUSANALY returns the handle to a new STATUSANALY or the handle to % the existing singleton*.%% STATUSANALY('CALLBACK',hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the local% function named CALLBACK in STATUSANALY.M with the given input arguments. %% STATUSANALY('Property','Value',...) creates a new STATUSANALY or raises the % existing singleton*. Starting from the left, property value pairs are% applied to the GUI before StatusAnaly_OpeningFcn gets called. An% unrecognized property name or invalid value makes property application% stop. All inputs are passed to StatusAnaly_OpeningFcn via varargin.%% *See GUI Options on GUIDE's Tools menu. Choose "GUI allows only one% instance to run (singleton)".%% See also: GUIDE, GUIDATA, GUIHANDLES% Edit the above text to modify the response to help StatusAnaly% Last Modified by GUIDE v2.5 11-May-2010 14:30:20% Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDITgui_Singleton = 1;gui_State = struct('gui_Name', mfilename, ...'gui_Singleton', gui_Singleton, ...'gui_OpeningFcn', @StatusAnaly_OpeningFcn, ...'gui_OutputFcn', @StatusAnaly_OutputFcn, ...'gui_LayoutFcn', [] , ...'gui_Callback', []);if nargin && ischar(varargin{1})gui_State.gui_Callback = str2func(varargin{1});endif nargout[varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});elsegui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});end% End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT% --- Executes just before StatusAnaly is made visible.function StatusAnaly_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) % This function has no output args, see OutputFcn.% hObject handle to figure% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)% varargin command line arguments to StatusAnaly (see VARARGIN)% Choose default command line output for StatusAnalyhandles.output = hObject;% Update handles structureguidata(hObject, handles);% UIWAIT makes StatusAnaly wait for user response (see UIRESUME)% uiwait(handles.figure1);% --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line.function varargout = StatusAnaly_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)% varargout cell array for returning output args (see VARARGOUT);% hObject handle to figure% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)% Get default command line output from handles structurevarargout{1} = handles.output;function edit_zo_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)% hObject handle to edit_zo (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit_zo as text% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit_zo as a double% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties.function edit_zo_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)% hObject handle to edit_zo (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows.% See ISPC and COMPUTER.if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white');endfunction edit_zl_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)% hObject handle to edit_zl (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit_zl as text% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit_zl as a double% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties.function edit_zl_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)% hObject handle to edit_zl (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows.% See ISPC and COMPUTER.if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white');end% --- Executes on button press in btn_begin.function btn_begin_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)% hObject handle to btn_begin (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)%获得传输线特性阻抗temp = get(handles.edit_zo, 'string');zo = str2num(temp);%获得传输线负载阻抗temp = get(handles.edit_zl, 'string');zl = str2num(temp);%获得传输介质相对介电常数temp = get(handles.edit_Er, 'string');Er = str2num(temp);%获得传输线上传播的电磁波频率temp = get(handles.edit_f, 'string');f = str2num(temp) * 1000000;w = 2 * pi * f;%获得相波长、相位常数len = GetLen(f, Er);L = 2 * len; %横坐标范围L为两倍的相波长beita = GetBeita(f, Er);z = linspace(0, L, 200);zn = z ./ len; %zn为相对于相波长len归一化的横坐标%获得反射系数[gamal, gama] = GetGama(zo, zl, beita, z);set(handles.edit_gama, 'string', num2str(abs(gamal)));%获得驻波系数rou = GetRou(gamal);set(handles.edit_rou, 'string', num2str(rou));%获得行波系数k = 1 / rou;set(handles.edit_k, 'string', num2str(k));t = 0;Ts = 0.06;fs = 4 * f;%标记变量,当flag = 1 时图像停止,当flag = 0 时图像继续运动global flagflag = 0;while flag == 0%获得传输线输入阻抗Zi = GetZi(zo, gama);%绘制传输线输入阻抗plot(handles.axes_zi, zn, abs(Zi));if max(abs(Zi)) > 500limzL = 0;limzH = 500;elseif (max(abs(Zi)) - min(abs(Zi))) < 1limzL = min(abs(Zi)) - 1;limzH = max(abs(Zi)) + 1;elselimzL = min(abs(Zi));limzH = max(abs(Zi));endaxis(handles.axes_zi, [0, max(zn), limzL, limzH]);title(handles.axes_zi, '输入电阻波形');xlabel(handles.axes_zi, 'z(lamda)');ylabel(handles.axes_zi, 'Zin(ohmic)');%获得传输线输入输出电压[Ui, Uo] = GetUio(beita, gama, z);[Uit, Uot] = GetUiot(Ui, Uo, f, t);%绘制传输线输入输出电压plot(handles.axes_u, zn, Uit, 'b', zn, Uot, 'r');axis(handles.axes_u, [0, max(zn), -1, 1]);title(handles.axes_u, '入射和反射电压波形');xlabel(handles.axes_u, 'z(lamda)');ylabel(handles.axes_u, 'Ui/Uo(V)');legend(handles.axes_u, 'Ui', 'Uo', 2);%获得传输线入射和反射电流[Ii, Io] = GetIio(Ui, zo, gama);%获得传输线合成电压、电流[Is, Us] = GetIUs(Ui, Uo, Ii, Io);[Ist, Ust] = GetIUst(Is, Us, f, t);%绘制传输线合成电压、电流plot(handles.axes_us, zn, Ust);limu = 1 + abs(gamal);axis(handles.axes_us, [0, max(zn), -limu, limu]);title(handles.axes_us, '合成电压波形');xlabel(handles.axes_us, 'z(lamda)');ylabel(handles.axes_us, 'Us(V)');plot(handles.axes_is, zn, Ist);limi = (1 + abs(gamal)) / zo;axis(handles.axes_is, [0, max(zn), -limi, limi]);title(handles.axes_is, '合成电流波形');xlabel(handles.axes_is, 'z(lamda)');ylabel(handles.axes_is, 'Is(A)');%获得并绘制电压相位ph = angle(Us .* exp(1i * 2 * pi * f /fs * t));plot(handles.axes_ph, zn, ph / pi);axis(handles.axes_ph, [0, max(zn), -1.1, 1.1]);title(handles.axes_ph, '合成电压相位波形');xlabel(handles.axes_ph, 'z(lamda)');ylabel(handles.axes_ph, 'thita(pi)');t = t + Ts;pause(Ts);end% --- Executes on button press in btn_stop.function btn_stop_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)% hObject handle to btn_stop (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)global flagflag = 1;function edit_gama_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)% hObject handle to edit_gama (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit_gama as text% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit_gama as a double% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties.function edit_gama_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)% hObject handle to edit_gama (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows.% See ISPC and COMPUTER.if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white');endfunction edit_rou_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)% hObject handle to edit_rou (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit_rou as text% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit_rou as a double% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties.function edit_rou_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)% hObject handle to edit_rou (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows.% See ISPC and COMPUTER.if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white');endfunction edit_k_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)% hObject handle to edit_k (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit_k as text% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit_k as a double% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties.function edit_k_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)% hObject handle to edit_k (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows.% See ISPC and COMPUTER.if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white');endfunction edit_f_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)% hObject handle to edit_f (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit_f as text% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit_f as a double% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties.function edit_f_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)% hObject handle to edit_f (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows.% See ISPC and COMPUTER.if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white');endfunction edit_Er_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)% hObject handle to edit_Er (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)% Hints: get(hObject,'String') returns contents of edit_Er as text% str2double(get(hObject,'String')) returns contents of edit_Er as a double% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties.function edit_Er_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)% hObject handle to edit_Er (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called% Hint: edit controls usually have a white background on Windows.% See ISPC and COMPUTER.if ispc && isequal(get(hObject,'BackgroundColor'), get(0,'defaultUicontrolBackgroundColor'))set(hObject,'BackgroundColor','white');end% --- Executes during object creation, after setting all properties.function axes_u_CreateFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles)% hObject handle to axes_u (see GCBO)% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles empty - handles not created until after all CreateFcns called % Hint: place code in OpeningFcn to populate axes_u(五)子程序代码(按照在主程序中出现的顺序排列)function Len = GetLen(f, Er)%********************************************************%% Copyright (C), 2009-2012,Lyric %% FileName: GetLen.m %% Author: Lyric %% Version: 1.0 %% Date: 2010-05-11 %%********************************************************%% Function: GetLen% Description: 获得传输线上所传输的电磁波的相波长% Called By: StatusAnaly.m% Input: f 传输线中所传输电磁波的频率% Er 传输线中传输介质的相对介电常数% Return: Len 传输线中所传电磁波的相波长C = 300000000;Len = C / f / sqrt(Er);function Beita = GetBeita(f, Er)%********************************************************% % Copyright (C), 2009-2012,Lyric %% FileName: GetBeita.m %% Author: Lyric %% Version: 1.0 %% Date: 2010-05-11 %%********************************************************%% Function: GetBeita% Description: get the phase-shift constant 获得相移常数% Called By: StatusAnaly.m% Input: f the freqency of the wave propagated in the medium % Er the relative permittivity of the medium% Return: Beita the phase-shift constant of the wavepi = 3.1415926;%真空中的电磁波速度,单位:m/sC=300000000;%数字角频率W = 2 * pi * f;Beita = W * sqrt(Er) / C;function [GamaL, Gama] = GetGama(zo, zl, beita, z)%********************************************************% % Copyright (C), 2009-2012,Lyric %% FileName: GetGama.m % % Author: Lyric %% Version: 1.0 %% Date: 2010-05-11 %%********************************************************%% Function: GetGama% Description: get the reflection coefficient 获得反射系数% Called By: StatusAnaly.m% Input: zo the characteristic impedance of the transmission line % zl the load impedance of the transmission line% beita the phase-shift constant of the transmission line% z 相对于相波长归一化的横坐标% Return: GamaL 反射系数的模值% Gama 反射系数的复值if zl == infGamaL = 1;elseGamaL = (zl - zo) / (zl + zo);endGama = abs(GamaL) .* exp(-1i * 2 .* beita .* z);function Rou = GetRou(gamal)%********************************************************% % Copyright (C), 2009-2012,Lyric %% FileName: GetRou.m % % Author: Lyric %% Version: 1.0 %% Date: 2010-05-11 % %********************************************************%% Function: GetRou% Description: 获得传输线上的驻波系数% Called By: StatusAnaly.m% Input: gamal 传输线上的反射系数% Return: Rou 传输线上的驻波系数Gamal = abs(gamal);Rou = (1 + Gamal) / (1 - Gamal);function Zi = GetZi(zo, gama)%********************************************************% % Copyright (C), 2009-2012,Lyric %% FileName: GetZi.m % % Author: Lyric % % Version: 1.0 %% Date: 2010-05-11 %%********************************************************%% Function: GetZi% Description: 获得传输线上各点输入阻抗的复值% Called By: StatusAnaly.m% Input: zo 传输线的特性阻抗% gama 传输线上反射系数的复值% Return: Zi 传输线上各点输入阻抗的复值Zi = zo .* ((1 + gama) ./ (1 - gama));function [Ui, Uo] = GetUio(beita, gama, z)%********************************************************% % Copyright (C), 2009-2012,Lyric %% FileName: GetUio.m % % Author: Lyric % % Version: 1.0 %% Date: 2010-05-11 % %********************************************************%% Function: GetUio% Description: 获得输入输出电压的复值% Called By: StatusAnaly.m% Input: beita 传输线上电磁波的相移常数% gama 传输线上电磁波的反射系数% z 相对于相波长归一化的横坐标% Return: Ui 输入电压复值% Uo 输出电压复值% 假定输入电压模值为1U = 1;Ui = U * exp(1i * beita * z);Uo = Ui .* gama;function [Uit, Uot] = GetUiot(Ui, Uo, f, t)%********************************************************% % Copyright (C), 2009-2012,Lyric %% FileName: GetUiot.m % % Author: Lyric %% Version: 1.0 %% Date: 2010-05-11 % %********************************************************%% Function: GetUiot% Description: 获得输入输出电压瞬时值% Called By: StatusAnaly.m% Input: Ui 输入电压复值% Uo 输出电压复值% f 传输线上所传的电磁波的频率% t 当前时刻% Return: Uit 输入电压瞬时值% Uot 输出电压瞬时值%获得输入输出电压瞬时值fs = 4 * f;Uit = real(Ui .* exp(1i * 2 * pi * f / fs * t));Uot = real(Uo .* exp(1i * 2 * pi * f / fs * t));function [Ii, Io] = GetIio(Ui, zo, gama)%********************************************************% % Copyright (C), 2009-2012,Lyric %% FileName: GetIio.m %% Author: Lyric % % Version: 1.0 %% Date: 2010-05-11 % %********************************************************%% Function: GetIio% Description: 获得输入和输出电流的复值% Called By: StatusAnaly.m% Input: Ui 输入电压的复值% zo 传输线特征阻抗% gama 反射系数复值% Return: Ii 输入电流复值% Io 输出电流复值%获得输入输出电流复值Ii = Ui / zo;Io = - Ii .* gama;function [Is, Us] = GetIUs(Ui, Uo, Ii, Io)%********************************************************% % Copyright (C), 2009-2012,Lyric %% FileName: GetIUs.m % % Author: Lyric %% Version: 1.0 %% Date: 2010-05-11 % %********************************************************%% Function: GetIUs% Description: 获得合成电压电流复值% Called By: StatusAnaly.m% Input: Ui 输入电压复值% Uo 输出电压复值% Ii 输入电流复值% Io 输出电流复值% Return: Is 合成电流复值% Us 合成电压复值%获得合成电压电流复值%I2 = 1;%U2 = Zl * I2;%Us = U2 * cos(beita .* z) + 1i * Zo * I2 * sin(beita .* z);%Is = 1i * U2 /Zo * sin(beita .* z) + I2 * cos(beita .* z);Us = Ui + Uo;Is = Ii + Io;function [Ist, Ust] = GetIUst(Is, Us, f, t)%********************************************************%% Copyright (C), 2009-2012,Lyric %% FileName: GetIUst.m %% Author: Lyric %% Version: 1.0 %% Date: 2010-05-11 %%********************************************************%% Function: GetIUst% Description: 获得合成电压电流瞬时值% Called By: StatusAnaly.m% Input: Is 合成电流复值% Us 合成电压复值% f 电磁波频率% t 当前时间% Return: Ist 合成电流瞬时值% Ust 合成电压瞬时值%获得合成电压电流瞬时值fs = 4 * f;Ust = real(Us .* exp(1i * 2 * pi * f / fs * t));Ist = real(Is .* exp(1i * 2 * pi * f / fs * t));这是在下的大作业,新手编程,颇为拙劣,还望海涵。

3、半波振子天线方向图归一化方程:Matlab程序:clear alllam=1000;%波长k=2*pi./lam;L=lam/4;%天线臂长theta=0:pi/100:2*pi;f1=1./(1-cos(k*L));f2=(cos(k*L*cos(theta))-cos(k*L))./sin(theta);rho=f1*f2;polar(theta,abs(rho),'b');%极坐标系画图2、线性阵列天线2.1方向图乘积定理阵中第i 个天线单元在远区产生的电场强度为:2(,)ij i i i i ie E K If r πλθϕ-=式中,i K 为第i 个天线单元辐射场强的比例常数,i r 为第i 个天线单元至观察点的距离,(,)i f θϕ为第i 个天线单元的方向图函数,i I 为第i 个天线单元的激励电流,可以表示成为:Bji i i I a e φ-∆=式中,i a 为幅度加权系数,B φ∆为等间距线阵中,相邻单元之间的馈电相位差,亦称阵内相移值。
基于C++ Builder和Matlab实现天线方向图可视化软件的设计

: 兰: : : : : : ! 【
图 2 4元 端 射 阵 的 二 维 、三 维方 向 图 ( 8滞 后 时)
( 三)c十B id r M ta 混合编程方法 + u Ie 与 a Ib
C + u ie +B i d r与 M t a a lb实现混合编程 的方法有 四种 : 调用 M t a n ie a I bE g n ,调用 M t a / + 数学 函数 库,使用 M to alb C + C acm
L: .2 2 为半波振子,最一化方 向性 函数 /
f c 1 o s
, = _ ( — I )
L: 为全波 振子 ,量一化方 向性 函数
【 收稿 日期 】2 1— 3 2 01 0— 3
工具 ,使用动态链接 库。本文使用 的是最后一种方法 。 通过 M t a a Ib自带 的 m c命令 ( 的 C m i e c 或 o p lr编译器 ) , 可 以把 由 M t a 编 写 的 m 函 数 文件 编 译 成 动 态 链接 库 a 1b
『 『一 / r
多个 控件 ,使用 它们来组建 应用程序非 常简单 。借助 于 c + +
B id r程序开发上 的强大优势 ,再携第 3方组件 资源的支 u e l 持 ,使 用 C +B id r开发应用程序变得轻松快 速而且功能 + ule
强大 。
图1 1 4元 端射 阵 的
(l) d 1 。在 c +B i dr程序 中调用封装 的函数,实现 数值算 + u le
法 的运用。这种方法 只需在开发和发布 中包含其生成 的动态
库就可 以使程序脱 离 M t a a l b环境 。 本 文 程 序 的 使 用 环 境 为 M c o o t i d w X ir s f W n o s P P o e s o a P r f s i n l S 3系统 ,c + u le 编译器版 本为 6 0 + B id r ., Mta a lb版 本为 70 . 。在使用 中通过一个具体 的例 子来 说明程

随着现代通信技术的迅猛发展,无线通讯越来越广泛,越来越多的应 用于国防建设,经济建设以及人民的生活等领域。在无线通信系统中,需 要将来自发射机的导波能量转变为无线电波,用来辐射或接受无线电波的 装置称为天线。在通信过程中,特别是点对点的通信,要求天线具有相当 强的方向性,即希望天线能将绝大部分的能量集中向某一预定方向辐射。 阵列天线就是近代天线研究的一种方向,其研究催生了包括相控阵天线, 均匀直线列天线,智能天线等在无线通信,雷达,导航领域中广泛应用的 新型天线。而天线阵列辐射场的研究是其中很重要的一部分。 本文首先介绍天线是如何产生电磁波的,并介绍辐射场的几种情况。 接下来介绍单个天线的基本参数包括主瓣宽度,增益系数,极化特性,方 向性等。然后介绍和分析了边射阵,端射阵和均匀线性阵。阵列天线的方 向相乘性原理,随后使用了 MATLAB 仿真软件分别对二项阵,三角阵和 道尔夫切比雪夫阵模型进行了仿真。在综合对比了阵元的数量,间距,排 列方式后得出天线阵列辐射场的特性。 关键词 元天线;阵列天线;MATLAB 仿真;辐射方向图
- -
Research on Radiation Field of Antenna Array Abstract
With the rapid development of modern communication technology, wireless communication is more and more widely, more and more applications on the national defense construction, economic construction and people’s life and other fields. In the wireless communication system, it needs guiding wave energy which will come from the transmitter to the radio .The device which is used to radiation or receiving is known as the Antenna of radio waves. Antenna is an essential part of the wireless communications system. It requests the antenna to have the quite strong directive in the communication, especially in the point-to-point communications. It hopes that the antenna is able to radios in the direction with mainly energy. Single symmetrical antenna cannot satisfy this kind of request forever. Therefore, the array antenna is an important method to realizes this request. This paper first introduces the antenna is how to generate electromagnetic wave, and introduces several cases of radiation field. The basic parameters of next introduces the single antenna comprises a main lobe width, gain, polarization, direction. Then, it introduces and analyzes the direction of multiplicative principle and mathematical model of antenna array of antenna array, then using MATLAB simulation software on simulation Binomial array, Triangular array and Dolph-Tschebyscheff array for a sidelobe through comparison and reasoning factors control antenna array performance method of control parameter, finally embarks from the reality, put forward its own on array antenna and improve some of the views of its radiation performance Keywords - element antenna;array antenna;MATLAB;antenna pattern

天线跟踪matlab算法(原创版)目录1.天线跟踪概述2.MATLAB 算法概述3.天线跟踪 MATLAB 算法的实现4.天线跟踪 MATLAB 算法的优缺点5.结论正文一、天线跟踪概述天线跟踪是一种技术,用于跟踪移动无线电通信系统中的信号源。
二、MATLAB 算法概述MATLAB(Matrix Laboratory)是一种商业数学软件,用于科学计算、数据分析和可视化。
MATLAB 提供了丰富的工具箱和函数,可以进行各种数学运算、数据处理和可视化。
三、天线跟踪 MATLAB 算法的实现在天线跟踪系统中,MATLAB 算法主要用于信号处理、数据分析和定位计算。
2.信号处理:使用 MATLAB 的信号处理工具箱,对采集到的信号进行预处理,如滤波、放大和相干处理等。
3.参数估计:根据处理后的信号,使用 MATLAB 算法估计信号源的方位角和距离等参数。
四、天线跟踪 MATLAB 算法的优缺点MATLAB 算法在天线跟踪系统中有很多优点,如计算速度快、精度高、易于实现和维护等。
五、结论天线跟踪 MATLAB 算法是一种重要的技术,可以实现对移动无线电通信系统中的信号源的精确定位。

三.源程序及相应的仿真图1.方向图随n变化的源程序clear;sita=-pi/2::pi/2;lamda=;]d=lamda/4;n1=20;beta=2*pi*d*sin(sita)/lamda;z11=(n1/2)*beta;z21=(1/2)*beta;f1=sin(z11)./(n1*sin(z21));F1=abs(f1);figure(1);plot(sita,F1,'b');hold on;n2=25;:beta=2*pi*d*sin(sita)/lamda;z12=(n2/2)*beta;z22=(1/2)*beta;f2=sin(z12)./(n2*sin(z22));F2=abs(f2);plot(sita,F2,'r');hold on;n3=30;beta=2*pi*d*sin(sita)/lamda;z13=(n3/2)*beta;z23=(1/2)*beta;>f3=sin(z13)./(n3*sin(z23));F3=abs(f3);plot(sita,F3,'k')hold off;grid on;xlabel('theta/radian');ylabel('amplitude');title('方向图与阵列个数的关系'); legend('n=20','n=25','n=30');·结果分析:随着阵列个数n的增加,方向图衰减越快,效果越好;2.方向图随lamda变化的源程序clear;sita=-pi/2::pi/2;n=20;d=;lamda1=;beta=2*pi*d*sin(sita)/lamda1;z11=(n/2)*beta;z21=(1/2)*beta;f1=sin(z11)./(n*sin(z21));~F1=abs(f1);%·½ÏòͼÇúÏßfigure(1);lamda2=;beta=2*pi*d*sin(sita)/lamda2;z12=(n/2)*beta;z22=(1/2)*beta;f2=sin(z12)./(n*sin(z22));F2=abs(f2);lamda3=;beta=2*pi*d*sin(sita)/lamda3;z13=(n/2)*beta;,z23=(1/2)*beta;f3=sin(z13)./(n*sin(z23));F3=abs(f3)plot(sita,F1,'b',sita,F2,'r',sita,F3,'k');grid on;xlabel('theta/radian');ylabel('amplitude');title('方向图与波长的关系');legend('lamda=','lamda=','lamda=');四.,随着波长lamda的增大,方向图衰减越慢,收敛性越五.结果分析:不是很好;3.方向图随d变化的源程序clear;sita=-pi/2::pi/2;n=20;lamda=;d1=;beta=2*pi*d1*sin(sita)/lamda;z11=(n/2)*beta;z21=(1/2)*beta;【f1=sin(z11)./(n*sin(z21));F1=abs(f1);%·½ÏòͼÇúÏßfigure(1);plot(sita,F1,'b');hold on;d2=;beta=2*pi*d2*sin(sita)/lamda;z12=(n/2)*beta;z22=(1/2)*beta;f2=sin(z12)./(n*sin(z22));F2=abs(f2);-plot(sita,F2,'r');hold on;d3=;beta=2*pi*d3*sin(sita)/lamda;z13=(n/2)*beta;z23=(1/2)*beta;f3=sin(z13)./(n*sin(z23));F3=abs(f3)plot(sita,F3,'k')hold off;grid on;xlabel('theta/radian');ylabel('amplitude');title('·½ÏòͼÓëÌìÏßÕóÁмä¸ôdµÄ¹Øϵ'); legend('d1=','d=','d=');结果分析;随着阵元之间间隔的增加,方向图衰减越快,主次瓣的差距越大,次瓣衰减越快,效果越好。

着重探讨了基于MATLAB的智能天线的波达方向以及波束形成,阐述了music和capon两种求来波方向估计的方法,并对这两种算法进行了计算机仿真和算法性能分析;关键字:智能天线;移动通信;自适应算法;来波方向; MUSIC算法AbstractWith development of mobile communication technology,mobile users and communication,increment service are increasing,this make wireless services increase so that bandwidth of wireless wave is unfit for development of communication,On the other hand,much serious Co-Channel Interruption and the Multiple Address interruption effect utilize rate of wireless wave’s bandwidth,so the transported signals are declined and wear down,All this has strong bad effect on the capacity and performance of question and be fit for the development of communication,so smart antenna arise Smart Antenna,which is considered to be a solution to the problem of lacking frequency, becomes a hotspot in the Mobile Communication area.With this technology, Capacity of Mobile Communication system can be increased effectively and the quality of service can be improved at the same time. To study Smart Antenna and its key technologies is important both in theory and in practice。

天线仿真软件介绍天线与微波仿真软件介绍一、 Mmanagal天线分析系统mmana-gal具有以下功能:1.用于线路设计和设置的表格编辑器2.图形天线查看器3.水平和垂直波形查看器4.三维波形显示5.两种或两种以上计算结果的比较6.天线单元编辑器7.天线导线编辑器8.不同直径管道的安装工具9.以电抗,驻波比,增益,前后比,仰角,电流为参数的自动优化处理10.表单化手工调整的优化结果11.频率特性图表生成12.数据库文件生成器13.用户语言设定二、 Zelandie3d主要功能天线分析与设计阵列天线分析与微波器件分析单片微波集成电路mmic射频集成电路rfic低温陶瓷共烧ltcc信号完整性sipbg结构分析封装package(sopsip)高温超导htsic互联emc/emi三、天线设计专业仿真软件grass9grass9介绍:1、分析方法:物理光学法physicaloptics(po),物理绕射理论physicaltheoryofdiffraction(ptd),几何光学法geometricaloptics(go),几何绕射理论uniformgeometricaltheoryofdiffraction(gtd)。

首先,Matlab提供了丰富的天线设计工具箱,如Antenna Toolbox,其中包含了各种天线元件的建模和分析工具。
通过Antenna Toolbox,用户可以方便地创建各种类型的天线结构,如偶极子天线、小型化天线、阵列天线等,并进行参数化建模和分析。
其次,Matlab提供了强大的电磁仿真工具,如在RF Toolbox 和EM Toolbox中,用户可以利用有限元分析(FEA)和时域有限差分(FDTD)等技术,对天线的辐射特性、阻抗匹配和辐射效率等进行精确的仿真和分析。
最后,Matlab还具有强大的编程能力,用户可以利用Matlab 脚本语言编写自定义的天线设计和分析程序,实现个性化的天线设计需求。
利用matlab绘制电基本振子E面方向图和空间立体方向图 2

二、实验原理电基本振子(Electric Short Dipole)又称电流元,它是指一段理想的高频电流直导线,其长度l远小于波长λ,其半径a远小于l,同时振子沿线的电流I 处处等幅同相。
源程序如下:sita=meshgrid(eps:pi/180:pi);fai=meshgrid(eps:2*pi/180:2*pi)';f=abs(sin(sita));fmax=max(max(f));a=linspace(0,2*pi);f=sin(a);subplot(1,1,1),polar(a,abs(f)); title('电基本振子E平面');运行结果如图1(电基本振子E方向图)。
代码如下:sita=meshgrid(eps:pi/180:pi);fai=meshgrid(eps:2*pi/180:2*pi)';f=abs(sin(sita));2 2fmax=max(max(f));[x,y,z]=sph2cart(fai,pi/2-sita,f/fmax);subplot(1,1,1),mesh(x,y,z);axis([-1 1 -1 1 -1 1]);title('电基本振子空间立体方向图');运行结果如图2(电基本振子空间立体方向图)。

阵列天线方向图及其MATLAB 仿真1设计目的1.了解阵列天线的波束形成原理写出方向图函数2.运用MATLAB 仿真阵列天线的方向图曲线3.变换各参量观察曲线变化并分析参量间的关系2设计原理阵列天线:阵列天线是一类由不少于两个天线单元规则或随机排列并通过适当激励获得预定辐射特性的特殊天线。
二元阵辐射场:式中: 类似二元阵的分析,可以得到N 元均匀直线振的辐射场:令 ,可得到H 平面的归一化方向图函数,即阵因子的方向函数:式中:ζφθψ+=cos sin kd均匀直线阵最大值发生在0=ψ 处。
由此可以得出])[,(212121ζθθθϕθj jkr jkr m e r e r e F E E E E --+=+=12cos ),(21jkrm e F r E E -=ψϕθθζφθψ+=cos sin kd ∑-=+-=1)cos sin (),(N i kd ji jkrme erF E E ζϕθθϕθ2πθ=)2/sin()2/sin(1)(ψψψN N A =kdm ζϕ-=cos这里有两种情况最为重要。
1.边射阵,即最大辐射方向垂直于阵轴方向,此时 ,在垂直于阵轴的方向上,各元观察点没有波程差,所以各元电流不需要有相位差。
2.端射振,计最大辐射方向在阵轴方向上,此时0=mϕ或π,也就是说阵的各元电流沿阵轴方向依次超前或滞后kd 。
基于MATLAB 可实现天线阵二维方向图和三维方向图的图形分析。