
第一章 一般描述 ........................................................................... 1 1.1 特性 ..................................................................................... 1 1.2 描述 ..................................................................................... 1 1.3 关键术语 ............................................................................. 2 1.4 型号 ..................................................................................... 3 1.5 系统附件 ............................................................................. 4
所有电子设备应避免受潮,远离火源或强磁场。 擦拭设备表面时,请使用干燥、柔软的抹布。 请保持设备周围良好的通风环境。 设备长时间不用时,请断开电源。 请使用厂家建议的原配件。 电源及电线应安装在远离地面和入口处的地方。 设备的维护需由专业人员进行。 建议妥善保管包装箱,方便设备的转移或搬运。

Professional Matrix Switcher.在使用本系统前,请详细阅读本说明书,并请保管好该手册。
《专业级 VGA 矩阵切换器用户操作手册》以 VGA1209/1218 系列为例作为使用说明, 并可作为其它型号的 VGA 矩阵切换器用户手册。
其所述功能截止日期为 2013 年 5 月,该日期之后因 VGA 矩阵切换器版本不断更新,VGA 矩阵切换器 的实际使用可能会与本手册的内容有出入,这种情况将不属错漏,将根据实际情 况另作书面说明。
目 录一、前面板按键及遥控器说明及操作方法 (3)二、通讯协议及控制指令代码 (9)三、控制软件使用 (11)一、 前面板按键及遥控器说明及操作方法 前面板图示:按遥控器控制操作方法如下图:操作界面显示(前面板LCD屏):待机画面, 在任何状态下按“Cancel”返回此画面:菜单说明,按 S witch 键进入切换菜单,多次按此键,在以下功能间切换:Switch 各界面功能及操作:一对一单通道切换界面在箭头前输入想要切换通道的输入端口, 箭头后输入输出端口, 输入两位数会自动执行或按”OK”键执行.N 对N 多通道切换界面按”OK”键执行N 对N 多通道切换, 依次将输入通道1切换到输出通道1, 输入通道2切换到输出通道2,….输入通道N 切换到输出通道N. 如输入输出通道数目非一一对应, 则多余输入或输出通道关闭.一对N 多通道切换界面在箭头前输入想要切换的输入通道,将此通道输出到所有输出通道.巡检功能界面如图所示依次输入巡检功能各参数,通过巡检开关参数打开或关闭巡检功能,可通过上或下键在各参数编辑区域跳转,巡检功能在退出此界面后依然有效,如需改变巡检功能请再次进入此界面设置.菜单说明,按Fun 键进入功能菜单,多次按此键,在以下功能间切换:STATUS RECALLFun 各界面功能及操作状态保存界面输入要保存的组数,将当前通道对应关系保存到对应数据组里,可以保存从1到20共20组数据状态恢复界面输入要恢复的组数,将对应数据组的通道对应关系恢复到当前状态蜂鸣器开关界面按”OK”键打开或关闭蜂鸣器,蜂鸣器打开后按键或遥控器操作会有蜂鸣声.系统状态界面此界面无操作,仅供显示系统信息.二、通讯协议及控制指令代码本指令系统用于ASCII模式的串口通讯软件进行控制和操作。

数字矩阵/网络视频解码矩阵使用说明书 扫码查看数字矩阵简要操作说明 (IE 操作)系统连接示意图数字视频墙Digital V ideoWallIP C amera 网络摄像机I P Camer a 网络摄像机NE TWORKN e twork Vi de o R e cod e r 网络视频服务器D i gi ta l Vi de o R e cod e r 硬盘录像机N e t w o r k V id e o D e c o d e r M a t r ix 网络数字矩阵 Key board 控制键盘(V 20以上) P C 计算机NO TEB O OK 计算机设备连接:数字矩阵的网络口与交换机连接,注:后背板上所有“LAN ”的网络口都需要接上网线。
矩阵HDMI 输出口与大屏的HDMI 接口相连接。
操作步骤:1、设备出厂时,默认IP 地址为192.168.0.200,默认子网掩码:,默认用户名:admin ,默认密码:admin 。
2、需要将主控计算机IP 地址设置为和数字矩阵同一个网段,如192.168.0.XXX.3、直接打开浏览器,在地址栏输入192.168.0.200敲回车键,进入矩阵登陆界面,输入用户名密码登陆,建议使用谷歌浏览器。
4、初始化窗口:进入主界面点输出管理,点初始化窗口,可根据现场大屏布局排列来初始化窗口,如现场大屏是行3列4,则初始化时也选择行3列4,分辨率一般选择1080P ,制式可选P 制或N 制。
5、添加信号源:进入主界面点“输入源管理”来添加信号源,此时注意查看输入源IP 段是否与矩阵同一网段,如网段相同,直接点“搜索”,即可自动搜索出同网段所有信号源。
6、如网段不相同,则需要修改矩阵的IP 或添加网段,进入主界面点“系统管理”里的系统设置,在左侧点网络设置,弹出IP 地址窗口,点添加IP 地址,输入与信号源相同的网段地址后,点确定再点设置,然后重复第6步骤。

(2)、AND键:即与操作,在LCD上显示'&'字符,当一个输入 端口同时切换到 多个输出端口时,使用这个命令可以快速实现切换操作。 命令格式:输入端 口号 S WT 输出端口号 A ND 输出端口 号…AND 输出端 口 号 END 举例说明:第二路输入端口切换到第三路、第四路和第八路输出端口,应 执行以下按键操作:
图 3 搜索 2000 操作 如果此 时H D M 88 08主机已 接通电 源并且L A N网线已 连接好,将会搜索到当前局域 网内 所有的C2 0 0 0网络 设备,选 择一个 未被系统 使用的 串口,如 图4所 示:
T568B 接线顺序
引脚序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
网线颜色 橙白 橙 绿白 蓝 蓝白 绿 棕白 棕
6.2 L A N通信软件安装及使用
HDMI矩阵(HDM-8808)使用说明书 在使用L AN接口前,先安装C 2 0 0 0软件包(这个软件可 向我可以申请),安装过程采
用默 认方式即可。安 装完成后 ,在开 始菜单可 以找到如下安装 好的程序,如图2所示 。
( 5)、R C L键: 全称R ecal l即调用键,可以将保 存在F 0~F 9存储区中对应关系直接 调 用出来使用,省去重新设置的麻烦。 命令格式:RCL存储区(F0~F 9 ) 举例说明:调用存储 区F3的 路由 关系 ,应执行 以下按 键操作:
3.2 H D M I矩阵背面
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
SIGLENT SSM5000A系列集成开关矩阵操作指南说明书

QS10050_E01AQuickStartSIGLENT TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTDContents1.Copyright and statement (2)2.General safety summary (2)3.General inspection (3)4.Preparing for use (3)5.Front panel (5)6.Rear panel (7)er interface (8)8.Firmware operation (10)9.Help information (11)10.Remote control (11)11.Product certification (11)12.For more product information (11)1. Copyright and statement◆SIGLENT TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD All Rights Reserved.◆SIGLENT is the registered trademark of SIGLENT TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.◆SIGLENT products are protected by patent law worldwide.◆Information in this publication replaces all previously corresponding material.◆SIGLENT reserves the right to modify or change parts of or all the specifications or pricingpolicies at the company’s sole decision.◆Any method of copying, extracting or translating the contents of this manual is not allowedwithout the permission of SIGLENT.2. General safety summaryCarefully read the following safety precautions to avoid any personal injury or damage to the instrument and any products connected to it. To avoid potential hazards, please use the instrument as specified:◆Only qualified technicians can carry out maintenance of the product.◆Only the power cord designed for the instrument and authorized by the local country couldbe used.◆The instrument is grounded through the protective earth conductor of the power cord. Toavoid electric shock, please make sure the instrument is grounded correctly before connecting its input or output terminals.◆The potential of the signal wire ground is equal to the earth, so do not connect the signalwire to a high voltage.◆To avoid fire or electric shock, please look over all ratings and safety labels on theinstrument. Before connecting the instrument, please read the manual carefully to gain more information about the ratings.◆Do not touch exposed contacts or components when the power is on.◆To avoid short-circuiting to the interior of the device or electric shock, please do not operatethe instrument in a humid environment.◆To avoid damage to the device or personal injury, it is important to operate the device awayfrom an explosive atmosphere.◆To avoid the influence of dust and moisture in the air, please keep the surface of the deviceclean and dry.Safety terms and symbols:◆Terms on the product, these terms may appear on the product.DANGER:Indicates direct injuries or hazards that may happen.WARNING:Indicates potential injuries or hazards that may happen.CAUTION:Indicates potential damages to the instrument or other property that may happen.◆Symbols on the product, these symbols may appear on the product:Hazardous Voltage Warning Protective Ground Earth Chassis Ground3. General inspectionInspect the shipping container:◆Keep the shipping container or cushioning material until the contents of the shipmenthave been completely checked and the instrument has passed both electrical and mechanical tests. The consigner or carrier will be responsible for damages to the instrument resulting from shipment. SIGLENT will not provide free maintenance or replacementInspect the instrument:◆If the instrument is found to be damaged, defective, or fails in electrical or mechanicaltests, please contact SIGLENT.Check the accessories:◆Please check the accessories according to the packing list. If the accessories areincomplete or damaged, please contact your SIGLENT sales representative.4. Preparing for use◆Dimensions:Figure 4-1 Front View (unit: mm)Figure 4-2 Top View (unit: mm)Adjust the supporting legs:For benchtop operation, you may want to use the supporting legs. Adjust the supporting feet appropriately to tilt the equipment upwards.Figure 4-3 adjusting of supporting legsConnect to AC power supply:The equipment accepts 100-240 V, 50/60/400Hz AC power supply. Please use the power cord provided in the accessory to connect the instrument to the power source5. Front panelFigure 5-1 Front panelPower switch:◆Light-off indicates that the instrument is in the stand-by state. Pressing this button willcause the instrument to begin the start-up process and the power switch light will turn white.◆ A White light constantly on indicates the instrument is in the operating state. A short presswill cause the instrument to save the current settings and then return to the stand-by state and the light will turn Off.RF connectors:Figure 5-2 Front panel RF connectors◆There are two groups of RF connectors. A-D are the source group, 1-24 are the extendedgroup. A and B could be connected to one of 1-6 or 13-18 ports, but A and B can’t be connected to the same number port simultaneously. Such as C and D ports, the number of ports can be connected to are 7-12 and 19-24.◆When a couple of RF connector are linked together, the corresponding port lights abovethe RF connectors will be lit up with the same color.◆To avoid damage to the instrument, the RF connector input signal must meet the following:The DC voltage and the maximum continuous RF power cannot exceed 35V and 20 dBm respectively.6. Rear panelFigure 6-1 Rear panel7. User interfaceSet the link config of ports. Four steps to config:1. Rotatethe knob to select one of the four ports(A-D); 2. push theknobchange the number of linked port;4. push the knob to finishsetting and return.8. Firmware operationCheck system informationEnter the System sub-menu to check the system information, including:◆Startup times◆Vendor◆Product model◆Serial number◆Software version◆Mainboard temperatureFirmware upgradeFollow this procedure to update the instrument firmware1. Download the firmware package from official SIGLENT websites only.2. Extract and copy the .ADS file into the root directory of a USB stick.update the system software.4. The progress bar will appear on the screen while updating, the instrument will restartautomatically if updates succeed or display a pop-up prompt box if updates fail.Note: Please ensure that line power is constant during the upgrade by using an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), Failure to maintain line power may be cause upgrade failure or instrument damage.9. Help informationConnect our sales rep for more information and help.10. Remote controlThe switch matrix supports communication with compatible computers via USB and LAN interfaces. By using these interfaces, in combination with programming languages and/ or NI-VISA software, users can remotely control the switch matrix.11. Product certificationSIGLENT guarantees this product conforms to the national and industrial standards in China as well as the ISO9001: 2008 standard and the ISO14001: 2004 standard. Other international standard conformance certification is in progress.12. For more product informationYou can obtain the instrument information and installation status of all options through Utility menu, for more information of this product, please refer to the following manuals (you can also download them from the SIGLENT web site):◆SSM5000A Switch Matrix user manual:Provides detailed introductions of the functions of this instrument.◆SSM5000A Switch Matrix programming manual:Provides detailed introductions of the SCPI commands and programming of thisinstrument.◆SSM5000A Switch Matrix Data Sheet:Provides the main characteristics and specifications of this instrument.。

Professional Matrix
1.本产品所使用电源必须有电源保护地线,输入、输出设备的电源保护地 线要为同一保护地线。确保设备的输入电源为 AC 100~240V/50Hz。
2.使用计算机控制本产品时必须保证控制计算机与本产品的连接电源保护 地线是同一个地线。
Professional Matrix
前 言....................................................................................................................... 1 目 录....................................................................................................................... 2 一、清单、外形及安装说明 ................................................................................... 4

矩阵操作使用说明书矩阵控制操作使用说明书深圳达实智能股份有限公司2010-8目录一、键盘对视频的选择 (3)二、快球预置位的设置与调用 (3)1、快球预置位的设置: (3)2、快球预置位的调用: (3)三、矩阵的编程和调用 (3)1、系统巡视功能 (4)2、成组切换功能 (5)一、键盘对视频的选择键盘对矩阵控制必须基于监视器的调用,所有功能都必须由键盘先调用一个监视器进行控制,然后再把系统中的某个摄像机的信号切换到该监视器上。
当去控制某个快球时,监视器上出现IN USE并且键盘发出长鸣时说明有别的用户正在控制,当在控制的键盘停止对该快球的控制后,才能对快球进行控制。
系统巡视的使用:1. 选择想要设置为自由切换的监视器号;2. 输入想要每一摄像机停留的时间(2~240秒);3. 输入自由切换的起始摄像机号;4. 输入自由切换的结束摄像机号。
例如:在3号监视器上切换1-6号摄像机,画面停留2秒:1. 按【 3 】键,再按【MON】键(选择监视器);2. 按【 2 】键(输入自由切换停留时间);3. 稍长时间按住【RUN】键,直到显示屏显示“TIM”时松开键;4. 按【 1 】键,再按【ON】键(起始摄像机号);5. 按【 6 】键,再按【OFF】键(结束摄像机号)。

Atlona Manuals SwitchersA T -UHD-SW-510WSolution Setup and Configuration GuideFive-Input Universal Matrix Switcherwith Wireless Presentation Link4K/UHDVersion InformationTable of ContentsIntroduction 4 Solution Setup and Configuration Guide 5Input Auto Switching 5 Display Control 7 CEC Control 7RS-232 Control 11Configuring IP Control 17Scheduling Display Operation Times 19 Trigger Port 20 Wiring 20Configuration using the Web GUI 20 Relay Port 22 Wiring 22Operation 22Configuration using the Web GUI 23IntroductionWelcome to the AT-UHD-SW-510W Solution Setup and Configuration Guide. This document covers the following topics:• Input Auto SwitchingThis section explains how to configure the AT-UHD-SW-510W to automatically switch inputs, when sources are connected or disconnected.• Display ControlThe AT-UHD-SW-510W provides control of display (sink) devices through CEC, RS-232, or IP protocols.Step-by-step instructions are provided on how to setup each protocol and how to enter commands.In addition, the display can be automatically powered-on or powered-off based on the current time and date.The “Scheduling Display Times” section will cover this procedure.• Trigger Port and Relay PortEach of these sections explain how to connect devices such as occupancy sensors, screens, curtains, and how to configure the AT-UHD-SW-510W to work with these devices.Auto-switching is enabled (On), by default, and can be enabled or disabled through the web GUI.1. Launch a web browser.2. In the address bar, type the IP address of the AT-UHD-SW-510W.3. Enter the login credentials and click the Login button. The default credentials are listed below:Username: admin Password: Atlona 4. The Info page will be displayed, as shown on the next page.5. Click Display in the menu on the left side of the window.6. Locate the AutoSwitch check box, under the Control window group.7. Click this check box to enable auto-switching. When auto-switch is enabled, a check mark will appear in thisbox. To disable auto-switching, click the AutoSwitch check box again.Display ControlThe following section cover display control using the following methods:• CEC • RS-232•IPCEC ControlCEC Control over HDMIConsumer Electronics Control (CEC) is the simplest method when working with a consumer display. Note that the display must have CEC enabled to receive CEC messages. CEC can be transmitted over HDMI and/or HDBaseT. Note that if both connection methods are used, simultaneously, the same CEC messages will be transmitted over both HDMI OUT and HDBaseT OUT ports.a. Connect an HDMI cable from the HDMI OUT port on the AT-UHD-SW-510W to an HDMI input on the displaydevice.CEC Control over HDBaseT1. Enable CEC on the display device. Refer to the documentation for the display device. It should be noted thatdifferent manufacturers will identify CEC with their own brand name. Refer to the table below.a. Connect a category cable (CAT-5e or better) from the HDBaseT OUT port on the AT-UHD-SW-510W to acompatible receiver. The example below uses an AT-UHD-100CE-RX-PSE.b. Connect an HDMI cable from the HDMI OUT port on the receiver to the HDMI input on the display device.NOTE: If using AMS and the AT-UHD-SW-510W is running 2.4.0 or greater, click on the device withinAMS to access the web interface.4. The Login page will be displayed. Enter the required credentials. The default credentials are shown below:Username: adminPassword: Atlona5. Click the Submit button or press the ENTER key on the keyboard.6. Click Display in the menu on the left side of the window.7. Click the Control Type drop-down list and select CEC.8. Under the CEC section, next to HDMI, test the power-on and power-off commands by clicking the ON and OFFbuttons, respectively. The display should power-on and power-off when clicking these buttons.Solution Setup and Configuration Guide If the display does not respond, check the following:• Verify that CEC is enabled on the display device.• Verify the integrity of the HDMI cable. Try connecting a different HDMI cable between the AT-UHD-SW-510W and the display device.• Try connecting the HDMI cable to a different HDMI input on the display device.Consumer Electronics Control (CEC): Atlona has confirmed proper CEC functionality with several current models of Samsung, Panasonic, and Sony displays. However, it is not guaranteed that CEC will work with all displays. Many manufacturers do not support the CEC “off” command, and older displays use proprietary commands. Atlona only supports displays that use the CEC command structure defined in HDMI 1.2a. It is recommended that dealers re-quest an evaluation product from Atlona, before designing a system using the CEC protocol. If this is not possible, then other control methods will need to be considered, in order to control displays using Atlona products.AT-UHD-SW-510WRS-232 ControlD i sp l a yA T -U H D -S W -510WN D TR x DThe AT-UHD-SW-510W can be connected directly to the display, using these ports, or a receiver, such as the AT-UHD-100CE-RX-PSE can be used to extend these signals to a remote display, up to 330 feet (100 meters) away. No external control system is required. This allows for convenient control of the display device from the location of the source device.Two RS-232 connection methods will be covered in this section:• Controlling a Display from the AT-UHD-SW-510W •Controlling a Display over HDBaseT1. port on the AT-UHD-SW-510W to the RS-Controlling a Display from the AT-UHD-SW-510WHDBaseT (up to 330 feet / 100 meters)1.must be AT-UHD-100CE-RX-PSE2. Connect the included 3-pin captive screw connector from the RS-232 port on the AT-UHD-EX-100CE-RX-PSE toAT-UHD-EX-100CE-TX-PSED i sp l a yA T -U HD-E X -100CE -T X -PS EN D T R x DControlling a Display over HDBaseTUsername: admin Password: Atlona 4. Click the Submit button or press the ENTER key on the keyboard.5. Click Display in the menu on the left side of the window.6. Click the Control Type drop-down list and select RS-232.NOTE: If Local RS232 Only or Both is selected, then the AT-UHD-SW-510W cannot be controlled from a controlled system using RS-232.7. Scroll down and locate the RS-232 section.a. If the RS-232 cable is connected directly from the AT-UHD-SW-510W to the display, then click the RS232Mode drop-down list and select Local RS232 Only .b. If the RS-232 cable is connected to a remote extender, over HDBaseT, then click the RS232 Mode drop-down list and select HDBaseT RS232 Only .9. Scroll down to the RS-232/IP Commands section and click the Manufacturer drop-down list to select themanufacturer of the device that is being controlled.10. Continue fine-tuning the device selection by clicking the Products and Model drop-down lists. Once all fieldshave been set to the proper values, the AT-UHD-SW-510W will populate the ON , OFF , Volume+, Volume-, and Mute fields with the commands used by that device.Refer to the next page for example command strings.8. Click the Baud Rate , Data Bits , Parity , and Stop Bits drop-down list to set the values required by the controlsystem. If these values do not match the RS-232 settings of the control system, then RS-232 control will not function properly.NOTE: If the manufacturer/model is not listed in the drop-down lists, then commands for the ON , OFF , Volume+, Volume-, and Mute fields can be entered manually. Consult the User Manual for the sink device to obtain the correct command format.HEX Command StringsASCII Command Stringsa. An example hexadecimal power-on command for a display might be:\xBE\xEF\x03\x06\x00\xBA\xD2\x01\x00\x00\x60\x01\x00\x0DConsult the display documentation for the correct command strings.b. Make sure the command string is terminated correctly. In most cases, a CR (carriage return) should bespecified. In the example above, “\x0D” is the hexadecimal value for a carriage return. a. An example ASCII power-on command for a display might be:PWOFF\x0DNote the use of the “\x0D” delimter in the command string. This must be used to terminate the command string.11. Click the Send button to test each command.12. Click the Savebutton to commit changes.Configuring IP ControlAT-UHD-100CE-RX-PSEDisplay control can also be performed over IP . The steps are similar to the HDBaseT RS-232 setup, except that an Ethernet cable is connected between the LAN port on the extender and the display device.The following example shows how to extend IP control, using the AT-UHD-100CE-RX-PSE.1. HDBaseT IN port onmust be 2. Connect an Ethernet cable from the LAN port on the AT-UHD-EX-100CE-RX-PSE to the Ethernet port on thedisplay device.9. Locate the IP section and enter the IP address, of the device that is being controlled, in the IP address field.10. Enter the port number in the Port field. Valid port numbers can be from 0 to 65535.11. Refer to step 9, on page 13, to complete the configuration process.5. The Login page will be displayed. Enter the required credentials. The default credentials are shown below:Username: admin Password: Atlona 6. Click the Submit button or press the ENTER key on the keyboard.7. Click Display in the menu on the left side of the window.8. Click the Control Type drop-down list and select IP .5. Click drop-down lists, next to Start Time , to set the hour and minute when the display will be powered-on.Time is specified in 24-hour format.6. Click the End Time drop-down lists, for both hour and minute, to specify the display power-off time. Time isspecified in 24-hour format.7. Click the Timezone drop-down list to set the proper time zone.8. Click the desired checkbox(s) to specify which day(s) that the unit will power-on and power-off the connectedDisplay Auto PowerEnable Time Display Control3. Click the Display Auto Power check box. When enabled, a check mark will appear in this box.4. Click the Enable Time Display Control check box.The TRIGGER I/O port, on the rear panel, allows voltage-controlled devices, such as an occupancy sensor, to be connected to the AT-UHD-SW-510W. Use the included 4-pin captive screw connector to connect the device. The trigger voltage range is 3 V to 30 V DC.Configuration of the TRIGGER I/O port can be done through the web GUI or using API commands. Refer to the Application Programmers Interface, on the Atlona AT-UHD-SW-510W product web page, for more information.Passive sensorPowered sensorIMPORTANT: Some occupancy sensors require 24 V DC instead of 12 V DC. In these cases, an external power supply will be required in order to power the sensor.1. Launch a web browser.2. In the address bar, type the IP address of the AT-UHD-SW-510W.Trigger PortWiringConfiguration using the Web GUINOTE: If using AMS and the AT-UHD-SW-510W is running 2.4.0 or greater, click on the device within AMS to access the web interface.3. The Login page will be displayed. Enter the required credentials. The default credentials are shown below:Username: admin Password: Atlona4. Click the Submit button or press the ENTER key on the keyboard.5. Click Display in the menu on the left side of the window.6. Locate the Trigger I/O section.7. Click the desired checkboxes for the desired operation. By default, both Enable Power Off and Enable Power On are checked (enabled).22Relay PortThe AT-UHD-SW-510W provides a RELAY port, which provides a control interface for screens, curtains, and or other devices.The RELAY connector is wired to a pair of single-pole single-throw (SPST) relays, as shown below, providing two independent switches and a common (COM) connection. The relay is designed to work with devices that conform to standard Low Voltage Control (LVC). The AT-UHD-SW-510W software allows only a single relay switch to be enabled at any time.The AT-UHD-SW-510W can be programmed through the built-in web GUI to pulse the C2 contact when the AT-UHD-SW-510W is active and then pulse the C1 contact when the AT-UHD-SW-510W becomes inactive. Pulse length can also be configured using the web GUI. Refer to the next page for more information.IMPORTANT: The maximum voltage and current for the RELAY connector is 48 V / 1 A DC.IMPORTANT: When the AT-UHD-SW-510W is powered-on or rebooted, both C1 and C2 are will be in the Normally Open (NO) state.WiringOperationConfiguration of the RELAY port can be done through the web GUI or using API commands. Refer to the Application Programmers Interface, on the Atlona AT-UHD-SW-510W product web page, for more information.1. Launch a web browser.2. In the address bar, type the IP address of the AT-UHD-SW-510W.Configuration using the Web GUINOTE: If using AMS and the AT-UHD-SW-510W is running 2.4.0 or greater, click on the device withinAMS to access the web interface.3. The Login page will be displayed. Enter the required credentials. The default credentials are shown below:Username: adminPassword: Atlona4. Click the Submit button or press the ENTER key on the keyboard.5. Click Display in the menu on the left side of the window.6. Locate the Relay section.7. Click the Enable Momentary Relay check box to enable relay operation.8. Click the Relay Pulse Duration drop-down list and select the desired duration. Note that some external devicesmay not recognize pulse durations less than 1 second. In this case, it may be necessary to select a larger time interval.T oll free US International • 877.536.3976 • 41.43.508.4321© 2019 Atlona Inc. All rights reserved. “Atlona” and the Atlona logo are registered trademarks of Atlona Inc. All other brand names and trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Pricing, specifications and availability subject to change without notice. Actual products, product images, and online product images may vary from images shown here.。
丽晶小程序营销矩阵 操作手册说明书

加拿大xilica UNO系列数字媒体矩阵操作说明书

12. 连接错误原因及排除
在网络模式中,如果媒体矩阵左上方状态灯显示为黄色时, 意味着媒体矩阵已联机,但不可用。 此时,可移动鼠标至状态灯上方,即会弹出相应错误提示,原因归纳如下:
UNO 快速入门指南
Page | 1
1. 装箱清单
1 台 UNO U0808、0816、1608 或 1616 媒体矩阵 1 本快速入门指南 1 个存有软件、帮助文件、快速启动指南和规格表的 U 盘或光碟 1 条 IEC 规格电源线 相应数量 3.5mm 公头凤凰插
2. 系统需求
8. 机器初始化
Uno 系列数码音频媒体矩阵运行在基于以太网标准的网络架构中,并可通过 NeuConsole 软件与电 脑之间实现实时操控功能。 连机方式有 2 种: 级联,建议在服务器域网络结构内,或使用具有 DHCP(动态主机配置协议)和 POE(以太网
络供电)功能的路由器、交换机进行连接,一方面,可由其自动分配 IP 地址给媒体矩阵;另 一方面,就是在增加 NeuPanel Mini (简易控制面板)的同时,POE 功能可以减少对外接电源的依 赖。 直联,手动设置固定 IP 地址给媒体矩阵,默认为,如需设置其他地址,请参 阅下方 “网络模式及连接” 部分内容。
14. 查找电脑 IP 地址方法:
此部分主要介绍,当媒体矩阵需使用固址 IP 时,应如何在微软 Windows 内查找相应信息。
1. 首先,单击 “开始”菜单,选择“运行”,然后在弹出窗 口中输入“CMD”并回车进入命令行执行模式。

User’s manual专业矩阵切换器使用手册Professional Matrix SeriesRev.1.2注意:●《专业矩阵切换器用户手册》以其中一个矩阵型号为例作为使用说明,并可作为其它型号的矩阵用户手册。
目录一、产品简介 (5)1.关于DVI、HDMI、RGB、VGA、AV系列矩阵切换器 (5)2.矩阵的型号、规格 (8)3.信号输入,输出端口说明 (9)4.远端控制及通讯接口说明 (9)二、矩阵面板示意图及矩阵系统的安装 (9)1、矩阵前后面板示意图 (9)2、设备接线:a.RGBHV连接线 b.音频连接线 (14)3、VGA/RGB长线驱动器的连接 (15)4、矩阵与控制电脑的连接 (15)三、前面板功能键 (16)1、切换指令 (16)2、UP、Down状态查询指令 (16)3、SAVE存储指令 (16)4、RECALL调用指令 (16)5、CANCEL键 (16)四、《MATRIX2.01》矩阵控制软件 (19)五、RS232通讯协议 (23)六、产品技术参数 (25)七、AV+VGA混合矩阵操作说明 (28)一.产品简介1.1关于DVI系列矩阵切换器DVI矩阵切换器,是一款高性能的电脑信号专业切换设备,用于多个DVI电脑信号输入输出交叉切换,提供独立的DVI输入、输出端子,每路DVI分量信号单独传输、单独切换,使信号传输衰减降至最低,图像和声音信号能高保真输出。


Professional Matrix Switcher.在使用本系统前,请详细阅读本说明书,并请保管好该手册。
《专业级 VGA 矩阵切换器用户操作手册》以 VGA1209/1218 系列为例作为使用说明, 并可作为其它型号的 VGA 矩阵切换器用户手册。
其所述功能截止日期为 2013 年 5 月,该日期之后因 VGA 矩阵切换器版本不断更新,VGA 矩阵切换器 的实际使用可能会与本手册的内容有出入,这种情况将不属错漏,将根据实际情 况另作书面说明。
目 录一、前面板按键及遥控器说明及操作方法 (3)二、通讯协议及控制指令代码 (9)三、控制软件使用 (11)一、 前面板按键及遥控器说明及操作方法 前面板图示:按遥控器控制操作方法如下图:操作界面显示(前面板LCD屏):待机画面, 在任何状态下按“Cancel”返回此画面:菜单说明,按 S witch 键进入切换菜单,多次按此键,在以下功能间切换:Switch 各界面功能及操作:一对一单通道切换界面在箭头前输入想要切换通道的输入端口, 箭头后输入输出端口, 输入两位数会自动执行或按”OK”键执行.N 对N 多通道切换界面按”OK”键执行N 对N 多通道切换, 依次将输入通道1切换到输出通道1, 输入通道2切换到输出通道2,….输入通道N 切换到输出通道N. 如输入输出通道数目非一一对应, 则多余输入或输出通道关闭.一对N 多通道切换界面在箭头前输入想要切换的输入通道,将此通道输出到所有输出通道.巡检功能界面如图所示依次输入巡检功能各参数,通过巡检开关参数打开或关闭巡检功能,可通过上或下键在各参数编辑区域跳转,巡检功能在退出此界面后依然有效,如需改变巡检功能请再次进入此界面设置.菜单说明,按Fun 键进入功能菜单,多次按此键,在以下功能间切换:STATUS RECALLFun 各界面功能及操作状态保存界面输入要保存的组数,将当前通道对应关系保存到对应数据组里,可以保存从1到20共20组数据状态恢复界面输入要恢复的组数,将对应数据组的通道对应关系恢复到当前状态蜂鸣器开关界面按”OK”键打开或关闭蜂鸣器,蜂鸣器打开后按键或遥控器操作会有蜂鸣声.系统状态界面此界面无操作,仅供显示系统信息.二、通讯协议及控制指令代码本指令系统用于ASCII模式的串口通讯软件进行控制和操作。

安 装 目 录一、 概述 (1)二、 系统模块2.1 主控制模块 (1)2.2 视频输入模块 (1)2.3 视频输出模块 (1)2.4 音频输入模块 (1)2.5 音频输出模块 (1)2.6 视频环接模块 (1)2.7报警模块 (1)2.8 通讯接口 (1)三、 系统连接3.1 控制数据线连接 (2)3.2 RS-232控制口连接 (2)3.3 报警输入、输出连接 (2)四、 注意事项 (2)五、 机箱外观尺寸图5.1 2U机箱尺寸及后视图 (3)5.2 4U机箱尺寸及后视图 (3)5.3 8U机箱尺寸及后视图 (4)六、 系统典型连接图6.1 矩阵与键盘连接图 (5)6.2 矩阵与智能高速球连接图 (6)6.3 矩阵与多媒体、DVR连接图 (6)6.4 音视频矩阵连接图 (7)6.5 矩阵与报警主机连接图 (7)6.6 系统站点级联矩阵连接图 (8)一、概述矩阵切换控制主机隶属于安防监控系统,是系统中心控制设备,通过设置操作,可以实现在一定数量的输出终端,还原前端多路数的视频或音频信号,并可对当前选定的前端作相应控制。
单机最大容量(含配送键盘)时,重量及功耗如下:2U 4U 8U重量15 Kg 20Kg 23 Kg功耗16 W 32 W 50 W二、系统模块2.1主控制模块(MAIN)矩阵切换控制主机主控制模块通过系统控制键盘控制整个与之连接的设备,如摄像机的云台和镜头。

目录使用本说明书的注意事项 (3)第1章产品概况 (4)1.1产品特点 (4)1.2矩阵主机功能 (4)1.1.1键盘控制 (4)1.2.2手动切换 (4)1.2.3自动切换 (4)1.2.4通用切换 (5)1.2.1同步切换 (5)1.2.6群组切换 (5)1.2.7时间切换 (5)1.2.8报警响应 (5)1.2.9屏幕显示 (5)1.1.10控制端口 (5)1.2.11摄像机预置点 (5)1.2.12权限 (6)1.1.13编程方式 (6)第2章技术指标 (7)2.1面板介绍 (7)2.2技术指标 (10)2.2.1中型矩阵的技术指标 (10)2.2.2大型矩阵的技术指标 (11)第3章设备安装 (12)3.1安装 (12)3.2系统框图和典型连接图 (12)3.2.1视频连接 (18)3.2.2控制数据线连接 (18)3.2.3报警输入_输出的连接 (18)3.3通电 (19)3.3.1通电前 (19)3.3.2通电后 (19)第4章操作与编程 (20)4.1操作 (20)4.1.1密码登录 (20)4.1.2手动切换 (20)4.1.3控制前端设备 (21)4.1.4运行一个自动切换 (22)4.1.5运行一个通用切换 (22)4.1.6运行一个同步切换 (22)4.1.7运行一个群组切换 (22)4.1.8运行一个时间切换 (23)4.1.9停止一个已运行切换队列 (23)4.1.10改变切换队列的运行方向 (23)4.1.11控制多画面分割器 (23)4.2非菜单编程 (23)4.2.1字符显示位置调整 (24)4.2.2预置点设置 (24)4.2.3自动切换编程 (24)4.2.4报警编程 (25)4.2.5保存编程数据 (26)4.2.6键盘密码设置 (26)4.3菜单编程 (27)4.3.1菜单结构 (28)4.3.2系统 (28)4.3.3监视器 (32)4.3.2摄像机 (32)4.3.5键盘设置 (33)4.3.6报警 (33)4.3.7权限 (36)第5章附录 (40)5.1中英文对照表 (40)5.2名词解释 (41)5.3电视监控系统常见故障 (42)5.4区位码表 (42)使用本说明书的注意事项功能特点本说明书不适用章节产品名称/图片中型矩阵全功能无小型矩阵无字符叠加和屏幕菜单 4.2.1字符显示位置调整4.2.6中,“密码查询”部分4.3菜单编程大型矩阵主机无并行报警输入、输出需用报警接口箱来实现3.2中,典型连接图2“矩阵主机后面板并行报警输入、输出端口”部分4.2.4中“矩阵主机后面板并行报警输入、输出端口”部分第1章产品概况矩阵切换/控制(主机)系统采用了先进的大规模集成电路矩阵切换技术和计算机控制技术,可以为用户提供卓越的整体性能,它具有完备的视音频矩阵切换能力,可以在任意监视器上显示任意摄像机的图像和与之对应的声音。

lris Open op 光圈开lris Close op 光圈关Focus Far 聚焦远 Focus Near 聚焦近Zoom Tele 变倍大Zoom Wide 变倍小DVR 设备操作DVR功能键 Shift 用户登入Login 退出键Exit 输入数字77输入数字88报警点布防Enabl查询报警点 布/撤防 ACK报警记录查询List进入键盘主菜单MENU启动功能F1/ON 关闭功能F2/OFF操纵杆调预置点选择下一项菜单输入数字99 输入数字44清零输入内容Clear输入数字01.蜂鸣声提示说明2.1 “嘀”一声,表示有按键操作。
2.2 “嘀,嘀,嘀”三声,表示本次操作错误或无效。
2.3 “嘀嘀嘀…”连续发声,表示有报警发生。
2.报警显示提示当系统有报警时,液晶显示如下: ALARM=> No:addr areaNN= DDDD ZZZZ其中:NN 表示第几个报警序号,ZZZZ 表示报警区号,DDDD 表示报警地址。
当系统多点报警时,报警号NN ,报警区号ZZZZ,报警地址DDDD ,循环显示报警点号。
(注:最多可循环显示10个报警点) 3.常规显示键盘上电后的启动界面就是常规操作,在常规操作时,LCD 显示如下: 1.输出通道号: 输入1-99的数字,按MON 键选择监视器号。
2.视频切换: 输入视频输入编号(1-1024),按CAM 键切换矩阵。
3.组群切换: 输入群组编号(1-16),按GRP 键矩阵组群切换。
4.序切: 输入序切编号(1-99),按SEQ 键矩阵序切。
5.序切停: 输入序切编号(1-99),按Shift+SEQ 键矩阵序切。
6.切换下一路视频: 按NEXT 键矩阵切换下一路。
7.切换上一路视频: 按Shift+NEXT 键矩阵切换上一路。
1.设预置点:输入预置点号(1-128),按Shift+CALL 键设置球机预置点。
2.调预置点:输入预置点号(1-128),按CALL 键调球机预置点。

第四章·系统操作1系统自控●键盘用户功能:USER + n + ENTER用户+ n + 确认;n 为所选择的辅助开关和功能的编号按"USER"键 + 按"数字"键+ 按"ENTER"键,打开/关闭控制开关、辅助功能。
备注:◆按"USER +1+ ENTER"或"USER +2+ ENTER",即对SC600主控键盘内部的两个继电器控制,此时听到继电器发出的闭合/断开-‘叭’的一声响,。
◆按"USER"键 + 按"6"键 + 按"ENTER"键,系统主控键盘目前的操作员号,键盘显示窗显示:图示"108"表示键盘目前的操作员编号,按"ACK"退出当前状态,回到正常工作显示的状态。
◆按"USER"键 + 按"7"键 + 按"ENTER"键,进入屏幕全显状态,显示窗显示:注:此设备出厂前已老化,不推荐用户使用此命令。
●退出系统:OFF + PASS + ENTER关闭 + 注册 + 确定按“关闭(OFF)”键+ 按“注册(PASS)”键+ 按“确定(ENTER)”键,系统主控键盘重新上电,重新上电后显示状态、显示数值不变,当操作员离开操作键盘,应记得退出操作,以免其他人越权操作系统,干扰系统的正常工作。
●恢复出厂值OFF + PASS + 888 + ENTER关闭 + 注册 + 888 + 确定按“关闭(OFF)”键 + 按“注册(PASS)”键 + 按“8”键 + 按“8”键 + 按“8”键 + 按“确定(ENTER)”键,系统主控键盘清除所有设定的值和显示状态,恢复至出厂状态。

电视监控控制/矩阵主机使用说明书目录1.主控键盘的按键说明 (2)1.1.系统设置区 (2)1.2.输入区 (3)1.3.切换区 (4)1.4.云台镜头控制与辅助功能区 (5)1.5. 摇杆 (6)1.6.两个窗口 (7)1.7.键盘锁 (7)2.主控键盘的操作说明 (7)2.1.菜单打开之前的系统状态 (7)2.1.菜单的打开 (8)2.2.菜单说明 (9)2.3.辅助功能说明 (18)3.对外接口 (19)3.1.切换/控制主机的对外接口 (19)3.2控制键盘与切换/控制主机的连接 (19)3.3. 切换/控制主机与解码器的连接 (21)3.4.切换/控制主机与多媒体计算机的连接 (22)3.5.切换/控制主机的报警探测器及继电器接口 (22)3.6.切换/控制主机的视音频接口 (23)电视监控控制/矩阵主机使用说明书本系统主要由主控键盘与矩阵组成。
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矩阵的接口分为信号输入\输出接口,INPUT 部分为信号输入端,OUTPUT部分为信号输出端。
7、SWITCH切换键按Switch 键进入切换菜单,多次按此键,可以在VIDEO、AUDIO、AV模式切换。
7.1 AV SWITCH,音视频同时切换。
7.2 VIDEO SWITCH,只切换视频,而不切换音频
7.3 AUDIO SWITCH,只切换音频,而不切换视频
7.4 AV TO ALL,把某路输入音视频同时切换到所有输出
7.5 AV N TO N,进行一对一切换,1到1,2到2,3到3,······n 到n
1、通过VGA 接口,将笔记本(信号源)与一号桌插相连。