第十五章 商业会展翻译分析

会展英语中英对照集锦行业展中英文对照:中文名英文名车展Auto Show玩具展Toy Fair机械展Machinery Exhibition美食展Food Exhibition旅游展Tourism Exhibition植物标本展Plant Specimens Exhibition医药展Medicine Show饰品展Jewelry Exhibition箱包展Bags Exhibition书画展Painting And Calligraphy Exhibition昆虫标本展Insect Specimens Exhibition鞋展Exhibition Of Shoes日常用品展Daily Supplies Exhibition丝巾展Silk Show电子商品展Electronic Products Exhibition动漫展Comic Con图书展Book Fair年货展New Year Exhibition工艺品展Crafts Exhibition摩托车展Motorcycle Show婴童用品展Baby supplies exhibition船舶工业展Shipbuilding Industry Exhibition农产品展Agricultural Exhibition陶瓷展Ceramics Exhibition五金展Hardware Show茶业展Tea Exhibition清洁设备用品展Cleaning Equipment Supplies Exhibition 医疗器械展Medical Exhibition乐器展Musical Instruments Exhibition机械工业展engineering industry exhibition数码产品展digital product exhibition自行车展bicycle show美容美发化妆用品博览beauty salons cosmetics exposition会磨料磨具展览会grinding abrasives exhibition商铺地产房展会commercial real estate exhibitions手机博览会mobile phone exposition伞业展览会umbrella industry exhibition家居用品展览会home furnishing supplies exhibition服装展vocabulary for garment show酒店设备及用品展览会hotel equipment and supplies exhibition珠宝首饰展览会jewelry exhibition国际金融博览会international finance exposition宠物展览会pet fair酒会cocktail party五金建材展hardware and building materials exhibition 灯饰展lighting Fair艺术品展art exhibition时装展fashion show茶艺会Tea ceremony show婚庆展wedding show月饼展Moon-cake show环保展environmental protection exhibition电子展electronic products fair门业展door industry exhibition渔业展fishing show素食养生展览会vegetarian food fair建筑装饰及材料博览会building and decoration materials exhibition 高科技展hi-tech exhibition香水展perfume show学生用品展students supplies exhibition航模展览会Model aircraft exhibition摄影展photography exhibition纺织面料及辅料展apparel fabrics and accessories fair制药原料展览会Pharmaceutical raw materials exhibition进出口贸易展the trade exhibition of import and export水上运动用品展water sports products exhibition石油化工展petrochemical industry exhibition/show户外用品展Outdoor products exhibition通信商品展communication products show亚洲博鳌论坛Boao Forum for Asia火把节the Torch Festival各类展会名称中英文对照:1、国际科技产业博览会 International exposition of industry of science and technology2、国际体育用品博览会 International Sporting Goods Fair3、国际环保技术与装备及绿色建材展览会 International environmental protection technology and equipment and building materials exhibition4、南美地区中美高科技与经济发展研讨会 South America Sino-US high-tech and Economic Development Symposium5.、英国伯明翰春季国际贸易博览会 Bermingham Spring International Trade Fair6、美国中国贸易展览会 The United States of America China Trade Exhibition7、澳大利亚奥兰治皇家国际农业展 Australia orange Royal International Agriculture Exhibition8、河北省第十九届对外经贸洽谈会展览 The nineteenth Hebei Province Foreign Trade Fair Exhibition9、第七届河北省国际医疗器械展 The seventh Hebei International Medical Equipment Fair10、日本东京国际礼品博览会 Tokyo International Gift Fair11、德国法兰克福秋季消费品展览 Germany Frankfurt autumn exhibition of consumer goods12、中东(迪拜)国际秋季商品交易会 The Middle East ( Dubai) International Autumn Trade Fair13、美国无线通讯展 The United States of America Wireless Communications Exhibition14、德国科隆线缆、宽带及卫星技术博览会 Germany Cologne cable, broadband and Satellite Technology Fair15、阿尔及利亚国际工程机械展览会 Algeria International Construction Machinery Exhibition16、德国科隆五金展 International Hardware Fair Cologne17、英国伯明翰春季消费品博览会 Spring fair Birmingham18、中国国际钓鱼用品贸易展览会 CHINAFISH19、国际汽车展览会 Auto China20、中国国际摄艺术影展 China International photographic Art21、米兰家具展 Italy Milan Furniture Exhibition22、米兰国际玻璃展览会 Milan International Glass Exhibition23、米兰国际医药化工展览会 Milan International Pharmaceutical Industry Exhibition24、米兰国际照明、新能源、电气及楼宇自动化展览会 Milan international lighting, new energy, electrical and Building Automation Exhibition25、米兰国际光学、眼光和眼镜展览会 Milan International Exhibition glasses, vision and optical26 、米兰博览会 The Milan Exposition27、米兰舒适家居展 Milan comfortable home furnishing Fair28、米兰国际厨具展 Milan International Kitchen show29、米兰服装展会 Milan fashion show30、米兰国际太阳能及光伏展 Milan international solar energy and Photovoltaic Exhibition31、米兰国际皮具及箱包展览会 Milan international leather goods and luggage.32、米兰灯饰展 Milan Lighting Fair33、米兰国际太阳能展 Milan International Solar Energy Exhibition34、米兰国际摩托车及滑板车博览会 Milan International Trade Fair for motorcycles and scooters35、米兰双轮车展 Milan International Trade Fair for motorcycles and scooters36、德国柏林水果蔬菜展览会 FRUIT LOGISTICA37、慕尼黑国际晚礼服、婚礼服与宴会礼服博览会 ABC SALON38、国际化工、环保和生化技术展览会 ACHEMA39、国际通用航空贸易博览会 AERO40、业余无线电设备展览会 INTERRADIO41、荷兰鹿特丹国际性艺术展览会 Art Rotterdam42、荷兰哈登堡技术工业部门展览会 TIV Hardenberg43、芬兰乌得勒房地产展览会 SECOND HOME INTERNATIONAL44、荷兰阿培尔顿石材展 NATUURSTEEN45、荷兰乌得勒支浴室设计展览会 National Bathroom Design Show / Baden in Holland46、荷兰摩托车用品及配件展览会 MOTORbeurs Utrecht47、荷兰阿姆斯特丹高尔夫展览会 (AG) 。
商务会展英汉互译实训unit 4 Organizations and Company Introduction

More Practice
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Project One 机构名称
(1) MOTA ______________摩_托__罗__拉__公__司_(_美__)___________________
(2) SANYO(TSAJ)___三__洋_公__司__(_日_)_________________________
企业名称及其翻译 在翻译“南风化工集团”时,将专名南风用谐音法
译为Nafine。在汉语中南风总是和温暖联系在 一起,而如果采用意译法译为South Wind却没 有此含义。因此南风就不能简单译为South Wind。考虑到南风化工集团生产日常洗涤用品, 而fine不仅和“风”发音比较接近,而且具有细 致、精巧之意。因此把南风译为Nafine比较合 适。
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Project One 机构名称
在能找到合适的英文单词简明地反映出中文含义时,可以 使用意译法,通常可使企业的经营特点一目了然。例如:
American Telephone & Telegraph (New York) 美国电话 电报公司(纽约)
(9) IBM
国际商务机器 ______________________________________________
(10) GE
通用汽车公司 ______________________________________________
Company Logo
Project One 机构名称
会展术语中英对照 会展词汇翻译术语库

国际会展中心International Convention and Exhibition Center 馆booth展区Pavilion主办方host/hosted by承办方organizer/organized by组织机构Organizations展会布局图Exhibition layout宣传片Promotion video会议指南Conference Guide议程单Agenda代表团Delegate推介活动Investment Promotion Activity大宗商品Bulk commodities附属产品Auxilary product衍生品类derivative categories木制站台wooden-structured booth型材展台modular booth报馆费registration fee升级标展updated standard booth规格specification光地raw space墙体广告wall advertising号架广告advertising tower吊旗广告hanging banner通廊广告hallway advertising灯杆广告lamp-post advertising展览会Exposition / Exhibition/Fair同期举办Co-Locate参展商Exhibitor参展人员Attendee听会代表delegatevisitor观众;参观展会的人(不包括参展商)专业观众professional visitor宣传材料Brochure展会供应商Contractor展位一揽子收费标准Package光地Raw Space / Space Only服务供应处Service desk室内展厅The exhibition halls场馆方Fairground owners布展与撤展时间Move-in and move-out times多媒体展示Multimedia presentation特色产业展区Specialty industry pavilion能源板块Energy Section装备制造板块Equipment Manufacturing Section纺织服装板块Textile and Clothing Section数字技术板块Digital Technology Section农产品及食品板块Digital Technology Section文化旅游板块Culture and Tourism Section专业观众预报名Pre-registration for professional visitors 参观意向Visit intention能源、装备制造及生物医药展区Energy, Equipment Manufacturing and Biomedical Pavilion数字技术展区Digital Technology Pavilion文化旅游展区Culture and Tourism Pavilion投资合作展区Investment and Cooperation Pavilion国际特色商品展区International Specialty Commodity Pavilion粮油、绿色有机果蔬优质畜产品展区Grains, Edible Oils, Green Organic Fruits and Vegetables, High-quality Livestock Products Pavilions棉花和纺织展区Cotton and Textile Pavilion粤港澳地区企业展区Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao enterprisePavilion专精特新企业展区Enterprises that Use Special and SophisticatedTechnologies to Produce Novel and UniqueProducts Pavilion中央企业展区Central Government Enterprise Pavilion新疆“八大产业集群”产业链企业展区Xinjiang's "Eight Major Industrial Clusters" Main Enterprise Pavilion交通物流装备/应急装备/农业机械展区Transportation and logisticsequipment/emergency equipment/agricultural machinery Pavilion新能源车辆/工程机械/专用车辆/采棉机展区New Energy Vehicles/Construction Machinery/Special Purpose Vehicles/Cotton Picker Pavilion综合服务台Comprehensive Service Counter大会咨询Conference Consultation法律咨询Legal Consultation知识产权维权咨询Intellectual Property Rights ProtectionConsultation税务咨询Tax Consultation海关咨询Customs Consultation证件办理Certificate Handling嘉宾证Guest certificate代表证Representative certificate工作证Work certificate参展商证Exhibitor certificate境外采购商证Overseas purchaser certificate布/撤展证Move-in/move-out certificate车辆证件Vehicle certificate服务保障车证Service assurance vehicle certificate特装垃圾清运Special booth waste removal室外展场大型设备吊装服务Lifting services for large-scale equipment in theoutdoor exhibition hall展品仓储费Storage charges展品出仓手续费Service charge for exhibit outbound人工搬运费Charges for manual handling批量仓储Bulk storage包装空箱仓储Empty packing case storage叉车装/卸Forklift loading/unloading抛货Bulky cargo整车装卸Vehicle handling吊车费Crane charge珠宝柜(高/低)Jewelry showcase (high/low)展示货架Display shelf阶梯展台Terrace booth咨询台Information Desk玻璃圆台Glass terrace洽谈桌Negotiation table折椅Folding chair隔板货架Partition shelf隔板、羊角架Partition, claw frame资料架Information shelf平板手推车Platform lorry金丝绒布Golden velvet连杆Connecting rod立柱Column展板Display board安全帽Helmet布基胶带Cloth adhesive tape无痕胶带Traceless tape双面胶带Double-sided Tape四角伞Exhibition tent饮水机Water dispenser桶装水Barreled water电瓶车Battery cart万向车底检测仪Universal car bottom detector组展机构/交易团Exhibition organizer/trading groups申报展区Application of exhibition area楣板名称(中英)Lintel board name (Chinese and English)温馨提示Warm tips开幕式Opening ceremony闭幕式Closing ceremony开场致辞Opening Remarks嘉宾发言Guest speeches合影留念Taking group photos欢迎您Welcome卫生间Toilet客房Guest Room餐厅Dinning Hall。

单是展位类型,就有多个名词:按照布展类型可将展位划分为:标准展位standard booth及特装展位special booth;按照展位位置可将展位划分为:道边展位linear booth/line booth,角落展位corner booth,三面开口型展位end-cap booth,半岛型展位peninsula booth及岛型展位island booth,等[1]。

商业会展策略的英语作文The essence of business exhibition strategies lies in the art of attracting customers, building brand awareness, and fostering relationships with industry peers. These strategies are pivotal in ensuring the success of exhibitions, which serve as platforms for companies to showcase their products, services, and capabilities. In today's globalized business environment, exhibitions have become an integral part of marketing and branding efforts, as they provide a unique opportunity for face-to-face interactions and networking.The first step in developing an effective exhibition strategy is to identify the target audience. Understanding the needs, preferences, and pain points of the target audience helps companies craft messages and exhibits that resonate with their prospects. For instance, if the target audience is made up of technology enthusiasts, the exhibit should highlight innovative features and the latest technological advancements.Location is another crucial factor in exhibition strategy. Choosing a venue that is centrally located andeasily accessible to the target audience is essential. Additionally, the venue should offer sufficient space for exhibits, as well as amenities such as parking, Wi-Fi, and catering services.Once the location is selected, it's time to focus on the exhibit itself. The design of the exhibit shouldreflect the brand identity and messaging. Companies should invest in creating eye-catching displays that are both informative and engaging. Interactive exhibits that allow visitors to experience the product or service hands-on are particularly effective in captivating the attention of prospects.During the exhibition, it's important to engage with visitors actively. Staff members should be well-trained and equipped with the necessary knowledge to answer questions and address concerns. They should also be encouraged to initiate conversations and build relationships with potential customers.Follow-up is equally important after the exhibition. Companies should capture the contact information of interested parties and stay in touch through emailmarketing, social media, or phone calls. This not only maintains the momentum generated during the exhibition but also builds trust and loyalty among customers.In summary, effective exhibition strategies require a careful blend of market research, exhibit design, personnel training, and post-event follow-up. By investing in these areas, companies can ensure that their exhibitions are not just successful but also contribute significantly to their overall marketing and branding efforts.**商业会展策略的重要性与实施**商业会展策略的核心在于吸引客户、树立品牌知名度和与业界同行建立关系的艺术。

会展英语对话Mr. Li is expressing his appreciation to the Manger of the Exhibition hall at the end of the exhibition.L: Are there any handcarts, sir? The display items are heavy.M: Here is a handcart, sir. Let me help you.L: Thank you. Without your help, I could hardly have met so many clients in this exhibition.M: You are welcome.L: I like this booth very much, and I plan to take part in the exhibition next year, too.M: We will inform you of next year’s exhibition in advance and reserve this booth for you.L: That’s very kind of you.参考译文:李先生在展览结束时向展厅经理表达自己的谢意。
Notes:1. handcart: n. 手推车2. client: n. 顾客.客户,委托人3. inform …of…: 向…..通知…..eg: Please inform me of the appointed time.请告知我约定的时间.4. in advance :提前5. reserve: v. 储备,保留,预订eg: I have reserved a room for you at the hotel.我已在旅馆为你预订了一个房间。
International Exhibition

International Exhibition1.Classification of Exhibition. 会展的分类(1)Non-profit Exhibition非商业性展会:It is usually held by the government such as Middle East Food Exhibition(中东国际食品展) to demonstrate the newly achievements in certain area.(2)Commercial Exhibition: 商业性展会a.Trade Show: China International Fair for Investment and Trade.中国国际投资贸易洽谈会b.Consumer Show: China International Consumer Goods Fair.中国国际日用品消费品博览会c.Consolidation Exhibition: China Import and Export Fair. 中国进出口商品交易会2.Process of International Exhibition 国际展会流程(1)Introduction to Exhibition.展馆介绍The total area of that the exhibition center is….I t covers … acres of ground.T he buildings alone occupy … to … Acres.(2)Exhibition Schedule.展览安排Here is our complete schedule of exhibition.Please be sure to contact us directly to confirm relevant exhibitioninformation.Our exhibition features the latest technology produced by our designers.During the two days of exhibition, we will conduct a comprehensive exhibition program.(3)Getting Information.寻找商机The scope of our business ranges from…..I am the sales manager of …..I am… doing sales for …..I would like to introduce our products to you.Excuse me, I am attracted by your products. I am….We put his product onto the market, and we find it well-received by our customers.(4)Exhibition Profile.展商介绍…is one of pioneers having access to the mainland exhibition market… is one of the few overseas companies in...We focus on …. sectors while taking part in the organization and orchestration of several state-level exhibitions of …Over … exhibitors from more than .. countries participated in our exhibitions.O ver … professional visitors to our booth were recorded.(5)Sales presentation.产品演示I would like to show you our new products for this yearFor …., we have four sizes:This model really presents what high-tech can bring us.Our product is always of first-grade quality.Please let us know whether the quality represented by the sample proves to your satisfaction.(6)Follow-up contact.展后联络I am calling to thank you for your interest and suggestions at the trade show.I have been trying contact you since the trade show.In order to promote our friendship as well as business, we hope…It’s a good beginning for our further cooperation.3.Canton Fair. 广交会The Canton Fair (Chinese: 广交会) is a trade fair held in the spring and autumn seasons each year since the spring of 1957 in Canton Guangzhou, China.The Fair is co-hosted by the Ministry of Commerce of China and People's Government of Guangdong Province, and organized by China Foreign Trade Centre.It was renamed as China Import and Export Fair (中国进出口商品交易会) in 2007. The Fair is the largest trade fair in China . Among China's largest trade fairs, it has the largest assortment of products, the largest attendance, and the largest number of business deals made at the fair. Fifty trading delegations, being composed of thousands of China's best foreign trade corporations, take part in the Fair. These include private enterprises, factories, scientific research institutions, wholly foreign-owned enterprises, and foreign trade companies.Basic Facts.First held: April 1957.Interval: Three phases per session; two sessions per year.Spring session: April 15-19 (Phase 1); April 23-27 (Phase 2); May 1-5 (Phase 3). (111st Session)Autumn session:October 15-19 (Phase 1); October 23-27 (Phase 2); October 31- November 4 (Phase 3).Gross exhibition space: 1,125,000 m².Number of booths: Over 55,800 standard stands (105th Session). Business turnover: 262.3 Million USD (105th Session).Number of trading countries and regions: 203 (103rd Session). Exhibitors:Over 22,000 (with 21,709 Chinese exhibitors, 395international exhibitors, 105th Session)./wiki/Canton_Fair/cn/。

展会概况 展馆简介 组织机构背景 ......
告知 指引读者
主办 方
民间机 构行业
Organizer or producer
Sponsors or Supporters
主办方 协办方
指指导导 单单 位位
政府机 构
Organizer Supporter
展会规模 Scale
国际标准展位 专业观众 境外贸易商 境外贸易团队 Exhibition Booths of International Standard Professional Visitors(Attendee ) Overseas Traders Overseas Trade Delegation
7 Hardware 8. Electromechanical Facilities 9. Electronic & Electrical Appliances
掌握专有名词,解决好语言层面的难题 注重日常的积累,实现量变到质变的突破
展会规模 Scale
中国服装贸易进出口总额逐年攀升。 2020年进出口成交总额达45643亿人 民币。
The total import and export volume of China’s trade in
services has increased steadily.
It’s accumulated export
volume has amounted to

A:您好,志展环球。请问有什 么可以帮您?
B:我们想了解一下 10月份有哪 些展会可以参加。我们是提供食 品原料的。
A:好的,请稍等。这边10月6 日有一个国际食品原料博览会, 10月30日有一个有机食品原料 展。这两个展会时间比较接近, 您可以详细了解一下。
B:Yes, what’s the difference between these two exhibitions? A:Well, by and large, those two exhibitions are both for the raw material, but comparatively the International Food Raw Material Exhibition is better than the other one. B:But our product is more professional with less clients, it’s not very common for demos. A:Oh, are your products organic food? B:Not so much.
不同的展会有不同的侧重点,参展商要根据自己的参展目的和产品 特性选择最适合自己的展会。展会人员也要根据潜在客户的特点, 介绍最适合他的展会。
A:Hello, Zhizhan Global. Is there anything I can help you? B:Yes, we’d like to know which kind of exhibitions we could participate in October. We can supply raw material of food. A:OK. One second, please. There is an International Food Raw Material Exhibition on October 6th and Organic Food Raw Material Exhibition on October 30th. They are very close and you can get more details about them.

Attendee brochure:发送给参观商或观众,吸引他们赴展览会参观的参观商手册。
Adjustable standard:是一种可以在其上随意安装展板的展架立杆。
Booth personnel:展台工作人员。
Booth sign:摊位楣板,用于标识参展商的公司名称、摊位号等。
Booth size:展位尺寸。
Bonded warehouse:保税仓库。
Bone yard:运输代理公司在展览现场所拥有或租用的、用于存放展品空箱的仓库。
Consumer show:面向公众开放的展览会,一般需要买票进入,这种展览会又称公共展。
Corner booth:位于两个或两个以上人行通道交汇处的展位,一些展览会组织对这样的展位收取额外费用。
Certificate of inspection:发运前对易变质物品等货物进行全面检查并证明其完好无损的证明文件。
Certificate of origin:原产地证明。
Cash in advance(CIA):预付,指购买商在卖方把货物交付发运前先支付货款。
Cash with order(CWO):预订金。
Certificate of insurance:保险凭证(许多展览会组织者向参展商以及展览馆向展览会组织者索要的一种投保证明),它是一种简化保险合同,没有保险单(insurance policy)正规。
Display rules & regulations:展览会规则。

【译文】The biannual Guangzhou Fair is attended by almost all foreign trade companies in China and presents a great number of export commodities to buyers from abroad.Many business transactions are concluded at the fair.As sellers and buyers can all gather in one place to conduct trade talks,the fair apparently saves them a great deal of time and money.This explains why the Guangzhou Fair has long been popular among overseas traders.【赏析】汉语的行文方式同英语的行文方式有很大差异,这种差异在商务英语语篇中体现得也很充分。
接下来在谓语部分“is attended by almost all foreign trade companies in China”中传达出了“把全国几乎所有的外贸公司和出口商品集中起来,统一到广州展出、成交”这一信息,从形式上看似乎不对应,但却取得了“神似”的效果。

会展英语翻译(合集)第一篇:会展英语翻译Chapter1 Dialogue 1inviting a regular customer M: Good morning, this is ABC Company, Martin speaking.May I help you? M:早上好,ABC公司的马丁在接电话,我能为您效劳吗?L: Good morning, Mr.Martin.This is Li Fang from the Guangzhou Trade Fair.I haven’t seen you for ages!How has your company been going?L:早上好,马丁先生。
我好久没见你了!你的公司如何?M: Pretty well.We’re planning to expand our business.M:很好。
L: Fine.I’m calling to invite you to attend the 103rd China Import & Export Commodities Fair on April 15th, 2008.L:好。
M: We accept with pleasure.We would like to present our new products there.M:我们很乐意接受。
L: You are warmly welcome.I’m going to send you the schedule, application form.Charges and details of certain other services provided during the period of the trade fair.L:热烈欢迎您。

task 2: group presentation
task 3 : listening and interpreting A5 00’30
Listen to the promotional presentation for 108th session of the Canton Fair. Take notes and then share with your partner your answers to the following questions.
vintage fair
Canton Fair/ China Import and Export Fair 广交会/中国进出口商品交易会
International Furniture Exhibition 国际家居展览会
Personal Property Exhibition 个人购房房展会
be dedicated to adj. mission n. productivity n. vane n. elite n. legendary adj. boast v. biannually adv. accommodate v. electrical appliance n. textiles n. garment n. exceed v.
1.What functions performed?
The Canton Fair not only demonstrated the excellence of products made in China and the strength of China’s powerful productivity, but also functions as the vane of China’s economic development.
商务会展英汉互译实训Unit 2 Exhibition Brochure

Project One展会名称的翻译
CALLIGRAPHY BIENNALE “双年展”一词译为“biennial”,十分妥贴。
Conference 例(1)中的“媒体预告会“并没有,也不便硬译成带有
“advance notice”或“advancement”一类的表述,而 以“Announcement Press Conference”对应。 (2) 第四届中国上海国际青年钢琴比赛 The 4th China Shanghai International Piano Competition 例(2)中的英文对应并没有出现原文中“青年”二字,这可能 是因为这个比赛的参加者均为青年选手,已是约定俗成的事情, 因而英文行文就不必刻意强调“青年”一词
Company Logo
Project One展会名称的翻译
会展活动名称中的数字处理 (1)年份 表现年份的数字一般是采取后置的排列方式 : 博鳌亚洲论坛2019年年会 Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2019 2019亚洲大学校长论坛 Asian University Presidents Forum 2019 个别会展、赛事、节庆活动名称的汉英翻译为了突出年份概念将体
现年份的数字前置处理: 2019年世界杯特殊奥林匹克运动会签约仪式 2019 Special Olympics World Games Agreement
Signing Ceremony 2019 年世界杯足球赛 2019 FIFA World Cup
会展业 外文翻译

中文5575字本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文学院经济管理学院专业工商管理年级班别学号学生姓名指导教师年月日目录1 介绍 (1)2 第1部分:虚拟的展览将会替换真正的展览吗? (2)3 第2部分:展览工业将会如何应用电子商务? (4)3.1 展览协会 (4)3.2 展览组织者 (5)3.3 参展商 (6)4结论 (8)外文文献原文 (9)1介绍改革开放的政策在被采用和顺利实施以后,我们的展览业每一年以平20%的速度在发展,到现在,它已经发展成为一种朝阳产业。
它分为二个部份: 部分1是分析虚拟的展览为什么不能够替换真正的传统展览。
而部分2是描述展览业能从三个方面综合地而且有效地应用电子商务: 展览协会会、展览组织者和参展商。
2 第1部分:虚拟的展览将会替换真正的展览吗?随着网络经济的发展,电子商务已经成为新的经济舞台上的一个不可缺少的角色,逐渐成为如网络经济的主要组成部份。
但是他们展览收益能力是比较高的,因为它有是较低的成本,较高的效率,展览时间也不受限制,这样就会增加了在线展览的商务机会, 并且为客户提供广阔的展览品, 还有它还具有听众的普遍性,及时的回应性, 自动的统计和评估性的特点。

第一个是欧派,这一流派一般将会展称为C&E(convention&exposition)或是M&E(meeting&exposition),也就是会议和展览,即会展;第二个是美派,在北美地区中,美国是会展的理论主要集中地,而他们将会展总结为MICE,其中M是公司会议(meeting)的意思,I是奖励旅游(incentive tourism)的意思,C是协会和社团组织所组织的会议(convention),而E则表示的是展览会(exhibition or exposition)的意思;第三个是综合派,随着近年来全球经济的不断发展以及贸易越来越自由化,因此这个派别对于会展美派的概念进行了一定的补充,将MICE转变成为了MICEE,其中多出来的一个E表示的是节事活动(e―vent)的意思,因为随着节事活动在会展中的作用越来越大,因此在会展英语中的地位也逐渐提高。
商务翻译实务_第十五单元 商务报告翻译

从上述商务报告可以看出,商务报告包括呈送对象、 标题、正文和结尾等部分。通常情况下,一份完整、 正式的商务报告包括题目(Title)、呈送对象 (Transmittal)、目录(Table of Contents)、摘要/ 提要(Abstract)、前言/引言/导言/序言 (Introduction)、正文(Body)、结论 (Conclusion)、建议(Recommendations)、参考 文献/参考资料(Bibliography/References)、附录/ 附件(Appendices)等。其中,题目、前言、正文 和结论是商务报告中必不可少的重要组成部分。
According to the National Bureau of Statistics of China, most of the fruit juice manufacturers are located in East and South China. In detail, the South China area produces about 359,799 tons, taking up 22% of the total, while the East China area produces 476,562 tons, occupying 29%.
பைடு நூலகம்
中国国家统计局数据显示,多数果汁生产企业位于华南和 华东地区。具体而言,华南地区产量为 359,799吨,占 全国产量的 22% ;而华东地区产量达 476,562 吨,占全 国产量的29%。
Task II 请将下列商务报告的摘要翻译成汉语。 This report ranks 50 appliance manufacturers selected according to their volume of sales. The total turnover of the analyzed companies is worth around EUR 587 billion, including EUR 125 billion of the major appliances considered in this report: refrigerators and freezers, washers and driers, dishwashers, hoods, cooking appliances, microwave ovens, air conditioners, vacuum cleaners. 本报告根据家电制造企业的销售量对前50名进行排名。 报告中所分析的公司,其总营业额大约为5 870亿欧元, 包括本报告中涉及价值1 250亿欧元的常用电器:冰箱、 冷柜、洗衣机、烘干机、洗碗机、抽油烟机、烹饪器具、 微波炉、空调和吸尘器。
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术 语
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • 招展工作exhibitor recruitment 招展代理协议Agency Agreement 跨国公司采购服务Multinationals Sourcing Service 零售商retailers 合作协议cooperative agreements 合作备忘录M.O.U. 海外商会overseas chambers of commerce 工商机构business organizations 宣传brand promotion 互访, visit exchanges 展览exhibitions 商旅business travel 咨询consultation 投诉Complaint
术 语
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • 展览总面积exhibition space 参展商exhibitor 展位stand 采购商buyer 工业类Industrial Products 医药保健类Medicines & Health Care 纺织服装类Textiles & Garments 日用消费品类Consumer Goods 礼品类Gifts 展区pavilion 专业展区industry specification 光地展位raw space 标准展位standard stand 标准展具配置standard facilities
• 1、涉及面广
• 每年在全国举行的会展不计其数,涉及各个行业, 包括轻工、化工、机械、纺织、食品、科技等诸 多领域,从展位介绍、产品运输、展台接待、展 后联络到商务洽谈、签订合同、投诉处理以及商 务信函等等,英语作为一门通用语言,在商家之 间架起沟通的桥梁。
• A:Miss Martin,could you explain the insurance in greater detail?this is the first time that our company will be taking part in an international exhibition. • B: Ok. Generally speaking, according to China Insurance Company, transport insurance includes basic risks and additional risks. Basic risks consist of F.P.A., W.P.A. and all risks. The additional risks refer to other particular risks. • 译文: • A:Martin小姐,你能详细介绍一下保险吗?这是本公司 第一次参加国际会展。 • B:可以,一般来说,根据中国保险公司的规定,运输险 包括基本险和附加险、基本险主要有平安险和战争险;而 附加险指其它特殊险种。
Passage Two
• 词汇提示
• • • • • • • • • • • 广交会Canton Fair 先进水平advanced level 资信良好credible 平台platform 同时地simutanneously 第一期phrase I 信誉好ound credibility 有实力competitive 单向unilateral 双向bilateral 市场化market-oriented practice
• • • • • • • • • • • • 委托代理agents entrusted 报名apply 定点fixed procurement 服务营销marketing service 职责分明labor division 分工落实clear duties and responsibilities 责任制responsibility system 环保标准environmental protection 依法纳税 taxation 知识产权intellectual property rights 产品质量product quality 信用情况company credit
第十五章 商业会展翻译
Passage One
• 词汇提示
• • • • • • • • • • Electronics 电子技术 Guidance 特邀指导单位 Municipal 市的 Co-invested 共同投资的 Large-scale 大型的 Expositions 展览 Indispensable 必不可少的 Forge 打造 Strategic战略性 Construction area 建筑面积
• • • • • • • • • • • Architectural 建筑的,设计的 Interrelation 相互关系 Integration整体 整合 Platform平台 Manufactuers生产商 Component零部件 eco-friendly环保 surpass超过 implement实施 statistics 数据统计 technical thesis专业文章
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Summit峰会 Theme主题 Venue场馆 Semiconductor 半导体 Supporter 支持单位 Organizer 展览主办单位 Exhibition hall展馆 Convention会议 Standard Booth标准展位 business meeting商务会议, enterprise annual meeting企业年会 new product release conference新品发布会 sales target销售指标 output 产量 market capacity 市场容量 professional visitor专业观展者 conference delegate 会议代表