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[摘要]目的探讨经皮肾镜下碎石取石术(PCNL)后双J管的最佳留置时间和拔管方法。方法94例行MPCNL治疗的上尿路结石患者完全随机分为3组,长期留苣组(n二28),术后留置输尿管双J管4-6周,经膀胱镜下拔管;短期留垃组(n二28),术后留宜输尿管双J管8-12天,经膀胱镜下拔管;短期留置改良组(n二28),术后留巻输尿管双J管8-12天,经肾穿刺通道用改良方法拔管。三组患者于拔管后和岀院后分别填写问卷调查表,手术1月后复查肾功能和利尿肾图。结果患者在出院后发生肉眼血尿、腰胀、膀胱刺激征、泌尿系感染、发热、双J管移位、尿液反流等症状的发生率,长期留置组与短期留苣改良组、长期留置组与短期留巻组间均存在显著差异(P〈0.05),短期留苣组与短期留置改良组间无明显差异(P>0. 05)。患者在拔管后发生尿道疼痛、肉眼血尿、尿道损伤、膀胱刺激征、泌尿系感染、发热等症状的发生率,短期留置改良组与长期留置组、短期留置改良组与短期留置组间均存在显著差异(P〈0.05),长期留置组与短期留置组间无明显差异(P>0. 05) o手术1月后复查肾功能、利尿肾图,三组间差异均无统让学意义(P>0. 05)。结论经皮肾镜下碎石术后8-12 天采用改良方法拔管,可避免因带管岀院及置管时间过长所引起的并发症,减少患者的费用和痛苦,值得推广使用。


Investigation on the different time and remove methods for double-pigtail stent after MPCNL

ZHOU HOU-yong. DENG JIAN-ping, ZHANG Heng. WANG YONG-quan. LI LONG-kun

(Urological institution of PLA, first affiliated hospital to third military colledge, Chongqing, 400038)

[Abstract]Objective To investigate the effect of different remain time and remove techniques for double-pigtail stent after the minimally invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL). Method 94 paitients with upper urinary tract lithiasis were randomized into three groups: long-time group with 28 cases (double-pigtail stent for 4 to 6 weeks and removed with traditional technique under cystoscope); short-time group with 28 cases (double-pigtail stent for 8 to 12 days and removed with traditional technique under cystoscope); improved short-time group (double-pigtail stent for 8 to 12 days and removed with improved technique). All of the three

groups needed to fulfill the answer sheet of complication and recheck the renal function and the diuresis renogram 1 month later after the operation・Results The incidence rate of the complications including gross hematuria, lumbus gas pains, irritarive symptoms of bladder, urinary infection, febrile, double-pigtail stent migration, vesicoureteric reflux were evaluated・ There is statistically different between the long-time and the improved short-time groups(P<0.05 ), the long-time and the short-time groups (P<0.05) , but not the improved short-time and the short-time groups (P>0.05). There was almost no significanct differences in the complications among the three groups 1 month later after the operation・Conclusion No effect occurred when remove the double-pigtail stent shorter after the MPCNL・ The improved technique should be recommended with its easy learning and performing, high achievement ratio, low cost price and no more complications.

[Key words] percutaneous nephrolithotomy; double-pigtail stent; remain time; remove method



1.1 一般资料此临床研究资料,取自2010年8月至2011年4月因上尿路结石接受PCNL 治疗的患者,共计94例,其中男50例,女44例,年龄5-70岁,平均39. 6岁。其中肾结石并输尿管上段结石29例,单纯性肾结石53例,单纯性输尿管上段结石12例。其中残留结石7例,行二期淸石。术后常规于输尿管内留置输尿管双J管。




1.4统计学方法采用SPSS17. 0软件进行分析,组间比较采用卡方检验,以P<0. 05
