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Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
4. 应试策略 无论哪种类型的文章都包括三个段落:主题段、 扩展段落和总结段。 (1) 观点型(又称为My View 型):要求作者 评论某件事物,综合其他观点,然后再发表自己 的观点,或从某一现象引申出作者对它的看法。 (2) 两面型(AB):对某一事件的优缺点或利 弊进行正反两个方面的剖析,最后得出自己的结 论。 (3) 问题型:按过程顺序或因果顺序阐述某一 问题或现象的解决对策,如: How to Make Good Use of Leisure Time;How to Solve Housing Problems in Big Cites?
3)匹配比较性 匹配比较性思维模式用于对比语段,常常与一般特殊性一 起组成复杂的思维模式。对比包括两种类型,或立足两种 事物之间的相似之处进行比较(compare),或立足两者 间的不同之处进行对照(contrast)。 Despite their astonishing differences in size, our solar system is quite similar to an atom structurally. First, at the center of our solar system is the sun. And at the center of an atom is the nucleus. Next, nine planets, including Mars, Venus, Jupiter and our earth travel around the sun. Similarly, there are also electrons whirling around the nucleus of the atom. Finally, there exists vast space between the celestial bodies in our solar system. An atom, too, consists mainly of emptiness. Although the solar system is extremely enormous while an atom is too small to see with the human eye, they are comparable in structure. 这段文字的比较特点非常明显。 Class practice: home education VS school education
2)过渡词的使用 --- 语篇的外在连贯手段 借助过渡词取得语篇的连贯是英语最突出的特点 之一。诸如however, similarly, on the other hand, therefore等过渡词比比皆是。 3. 语言比较规范(Accuracy) 许多考生失败的原因在于他们尚未掌握最基本的 遣词造句技能,甚至不能保证单词拼写正确、句 子无重大语法错误。学生常常原创一些chinglish expressions,或胡乱搭配。如: Learn knowledge? → obtain/get/gain/acquire knowledge Teach knowledge? → help somebody gain a lot of knowledge/ help me enrich/improve my knowledge/ somebody taught me a lot.
(二)、同等学力英语写作命题趋势 1. 题材为议论文 近年来,同等学力英语作文一直都以议论文 为主要命题题材,题目主题广泛,主要是社 会热点问题,如材料性读后感(2010),博 客(2009),信心 (2008),养老(2007), 职业发 展(2006), 旅游黄金周(2000), 人生励志与职 业追求(2001),财富观(2002)等。 2. 图表、看图作文是另一种主要形式图表作 文要求对图表进行分析,总结图表数据所反 映的现象,分析形成这一现象的原因,并做 趋势的预测。
III.东、西方思维差异对写作的影响 1.英语语篇线性修辞模式 英语语篇思维有三种模式: 一般特殊性(Generalization-Particular Pattern); 问题解决性(Problem-Solution Pattern); 匹配比较性(Matching Pattern) 根据历年考试写作试题分析,作文框架基 本都能在这三种中找到各自定位。其中尤 以第一种最为常见。
1)一般特殊性 又称作“直线型”(linearity),其特点是,开篇第一句话 往往是概括主题思想,然后引出具体事例或细节对其进行发 展。如: Everyone agrees that water pollution is a serious problem today. Oceans, lakes, and rivers all over the world are becoming polluted with garbage and dangerous chemicals. Factories contribute to the problem because they rely on the rivers for disposing of wastes. Oil and other chemicals can kill fish and people make water bad for drinking. Polluted water is a hazard to everyone. Since people are dependent on water, they should be involved in finding a solution to this problem. 显而易见,本段文字首句即为主题句,概括出轮廓,然后提 出若干细节,包括江、河、湖、海以及工厂垃圾和有害化学 物质,从而把水污染状况交代清楚。 这种模式的文字在英语语篇中非常常见。阅读理解中常常要 求学生找主题句,主题段的练习,实际上也就是不断重复并 熟悉这种思维模式的过程。 Class practice: traffic jam
同等学力英语作文大纲概述 根据《大纲》要求,考生应具备一般性英语书面表 达能力,能够根据所给的提纲、情景或图表等按要 求写出相应的短文。所写短文要求主题明确、条理 清楚、语言比较规范。本部分采用提纲、情景或图 表作文等考试形式。考生应按要求写出一篇不少于 150 单词的英语短文。本部分满分15 分,考试时间 30分钟。 根据上述引证的《大纲》中对写作考试的要求,可 以进一步明确,本考试的短文写作题材一般都与日 常生活、科普或政经常识有关,所给的写作题目都 具有较强的可写性;考生应能够根据所给的提纲、 情景或图表等写出适当的议论文、说明文、文字或 图表描述文。
2. 汉语螺旋型语篇修辞模式 中国人的思维模式属于典型的“螺旋型”(spirality)。中国学生进 行英语写作时,往往按照这种模式组织语句,很少写出“一般特殊 性”,如主题句、段落等。 比如下面一个场景。一篇描写作者在公共汽车上看见一个小姑娘为老 人让座后的感想。原文开篇是这样的: In this world, we should think more of other people than of ourselves. By so doing, our world will be full of happiness. This, of course, is my personal view. But it is a lesson I have drawn from one of my own experience. So now, I would like to share that experience with you, my dear reader. 从语法的角度来看,这段文字不错。从汉语的写作评价标准来看,这 样的开头也很自然。但是,若按英语写作标准来看,评价只能是: This is essentially a solid essay. The writer uses an anecdote to make a point. But a better way is to provide the writer with a good, strong topic sentence using his own ideas to form it. 改写后的文字如下: A little girl taught me, and a busful of people, an important lesson about the importance of thinking more of other people than of ourselves. One day I took a very crowded bus to school…
(4)综合运用型(What,Why 型):首先说明客观事物 的构造、性质与功能;其次阐述其存在的利弊,以及人们 如何趋利避害、最大限度发挥新事物的作用。如以远程教 育命题的作文,首先要明确远程教育指的是什么,它的特 点是什么;其次阐述它对教育普及所起的作用,以及产生 的问题;最后提出发挥远程教育优势的建议。 考生在完成短文写作时,应从以下几个方面把握: 1. 统一性(Unity) 统一性即短文必须围绕着主题展开,不能有多个中心。统 一性主要表现在句子、段落和篇章三个层面上。 2. 连贯性(Coherence) 连贯性指句子与句子之间、段落与段落之间的衔接要自然 通畅,主要体现在短文的逻辑发展顺序和过渡词语的运用 上。
2)问题解决性 这种语篇模式首先说明情况,然后出现问题,接着做出评价,解 决问题。即: Situations provided → problems emerge → evaluation provided → solution provided 再如: 1. (a). Helicopters are very convenient for dropping freight by parachute, (b) but this system has its problems. 2. Somehow the landing impact has to be cushioned to give a soft landing. 3. The movement to be absorbed depends on the weight and the speed at which the charge falls. 4. Unfortunately most normal spring systems bounce the load as it lands, sometimes turning it over. 5. (a). To avoid this, Bertin, developer of the aero train, has come up with an air-cushion system (b). which assures a safe and soft landing. 1. (a) ---- 情况 1. (b) ~ 4. ---- 问题 5. (a) ---- 反应 5. (b) ---- 评价 Class practice: Maglev
1)逻辑顺序 逻辑顺序包括时间顺序、空间顺序和高潮。叙述问题多用时间 顺序,描写问题多用空间顺序。高潮形成是指按照其重要性或 严重性安排各个发展点出现的顺序。英语语篇的逻辑安排一般 先谈最次要的内容,继而较为重要的内容,最后才是最重要的 内容,从而形成高潮。 如: Cigarette smoking may cause a lot of harm to man’s health. By and large, smokers are more likely to catch lung cancer than non-smokers whose health is similarly damaged. Also, they increase their chances of having a heart attack. According to official reports, one person dies from smoking every ten seconds. 本段中心是“a lot of harm to man’s health”。第一二个发展点 为lung cancer和heart attack。两种疾病的严重程度实际不相上 下。但显然lung cancer更为人普遍接受,因而把间接后果heart attack放在直接后果lung cancer之后,更能突出其危害,最后 引用权威数字,强化说服力,最终形成高潮。 Class practice: drunken driving