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At Freiburg (a German city 278 km west of Munich), we found the local hotel rooms were all booked for a festival. So we journeyed merrily down the road to find rooms. To our surprise, all the hotels we contacted were booked up. There was no room for us in Germany. So we went across the border into Switzerland to Basel. A large city in another country would provide two rooms for us, we thought.
● Being a marvelous learner, Tom, an intelligent teenager, works
Quickly it was clear that we were no longer on a road, but train tracks. “Calm down,” I instructed my wife and son. “I’ll simply drive a bit until I can get off the tracks and back on a road.” This calm was short-lived as our teenage son, Mitch, noted, “Dad, there' s a train behind us!” While we were processing this dilemma, another tram appeared in the distance.
Writing Practice
阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇 完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。
Our unplanned travels were pure joy until this day. It was day eight of a family trip to Germany for Oktoberfest, a two-week festival held in Munich, Germany, and Switzerland for Alps hiking. We wanted to book two rooms in Munich. Knowing none were available, we chose to try our luck and find a hotel along the freeway.
dis- 不;非;相反
dishonest (不诚实的), disappear (消失)
re- 又;再;重新
reapply (再申请), reassuring (令人放心的)
anti- 反对
antifreeze (防冻剂), anticlimax (扫兴的结局)
auto- 自己(的),无人操作(的)autobiography (自传), automatic (自动的)
We were freed from our painful experience, but still had no place to sleep for the night! _______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________
Basel (Switzerland ) who : I /my wife/my son, Mitch/ an elderly gentleman
2. 文章脉络
●We want to book two rooms in Munich but none were available.
●At Freiburg, all the hotels were booked up and there was no room for us so we decided to head for Switzerland to Basel, hoping to find two rooms.
make up one’s mind
3)词的派生 前缀 un- 不;非
示例 unconsciously (无意识地), untruth (谬误)
in- 不;非
illogical (不合逻辑的), irrelevance (不相关)
non- 无;没有
nonsense (废话), non-stop (直达的;不停的)
happy. 合并
● Being a student, Tom, a boy, works hard, making his parents happy.
பைடு நூலகம்
● Being a good student, Tom, a clever boy, works especially hard,
making his beloved parents extremely happy. 美化丰满
3. 写作思路
两段首句定一框 根据续写的第一段首句与第二段
二框二首正能量 第二段的框架,由第二段首句与正 能量结尾来确定。
4. 高分精炼
词 2)单词变短语
1 ) 笼统词变具体词
beautiful handsome (英俊的), attractive (吸引人的), graceful (优雅的), fine (精美的)
Tips for writing: 1. Thorough reading 2. Creative plotting(构思) 3. Swift drafting 4. Careful polishing 5. Neat copying
单词 like look begin stand raise desire use decide
短语 have a passion for
stare at/glare at get down to
Struggle/spring to one’s feet put forward long for make use of
excited (兴奋的), pleasant (愉快的), joyful (欢喜的)
vital (至关重要的), critical (决定性的), significant (意义重大的), primary (首要的), important profound (深刻的)
mean (卑鄙的), evil (邪恶的), selfish (自私的), disgusting (令人厌恶的)
good excellent (优秀的), awesome (令人惊叹的), outstanding (杰出的)
Poorly-dressed(穿着破烂), be in rags(衣衫褴褛), needy (贫困的)
terribly (极度地), extremely (极其), highly (非常), greatly (大大地)
Writing Process
1. 解题思路
体裁:记叙文 时态:一般过去时 原文核心内容解读:一家人外出旅行去参加慕尼黑 啤酒节,路途困难重重,很难预定到房间的故事。
2. 文章脉络
When:It was day eight of a family trip to Germany for Oktoberfest. Where:Munich(Germany) Freiburg(Germany)
4. 高分精炼 句 For example:
● Tom is a boy. He is a student. He works hard. That makes his
parents happy.
● Tom, a boy, who is a student, works hard, which makes his parents
weekend outdoors. We were safe, but obviously not
where cars were allowed. The best plan I could think of was to (丢弃) the rental car. What a stupid idea!
It was in Basel that our bad luck began. I drove while my wife and son burned up their phones in broken selftaught German looking for two rooms. I rolled up to a stop sign and the GPS said, "Turn left." Looking at the road signs, I scratched my head (挠头) because something didn't seem right. But, of course, I followed the command of my GPS pilot.
●It was in Basel that our bad luck began. Following the command of my GPS pilot, we were no longer on a road but train tracks. ●Eventually, I drove my car off the tram tracks onto a crowded square where cars were not allowed.
Paragraph 1: About that time an elderly gentleman approached and knocked on the window of our car with his stick. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2:
Our car was not pressed flat like a soda can. I eased it off the tram tracks onto a crowded pedestrian- only(行人 专用的) square. Hundreds of people were enjoying their