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New Public Management : Contemporary Westerntrend of thene

wpublic administration

Fromthe start ofthe1970s,the Westhasdominated the fieldof public administrationnearly a century. andwas regardedtobe effective, eventhe besttraditional ormainstream publicadministration, subjected to a newexternal environment increasingly toughchallenges, and the almostroutine, rigid—tier system can not meet the increasinglyrapid ch anges in information andknowledge-intensive society and econom ic life,build on itstwo major theoreticalbasis—— GoodnowWilson and thepolitical—administrativetheory an dthe two-layer management Huibaike no theory Lawansweredand solvedthegovernment faces an increasingly serious problems anddifficulties :the financialcrisis,the social welfare policyunsustainable,government agencies increasin gly bloated, inefficient, the public lost confidencein the government'sability,"governmentfailure"theoryhas begunto dominate.

Itis inthis historical backdrop, anew public administra tion theory,Management --New Public Management (NewP ublicManagement)inthe1980s, theAnglo—American

two crops,and therapid expansion oftheWesterncountries.

And the number of traditionalpublicadministration wi thin the framework of the changes,Public management is not newtothe existing administrativestructure andways of somed egree ofpartial adjustment orsimply tolower administrative costs and reduceadministrativeexpenses,but moreimporta ntly, itis the traditional model of public administration of a comprehensivesettlementand denied.

1.The new public management theory

If the traditional public administration to Wilson。Goodnow p olitical—administrative theoryand the two-Weber—tier systemonthe support of their theory,new public whilemanagement of modern economicsand private enterprise management theory andmethods asits theoretical basis。

First,the newpublic managementfrom modern economicshasmany theoreticalbasis, From the”rational"(the ratio nalis for their own interests.wanttopaythe smallest gain maximum benefits)of thepremise is the basis for performance management;from the public choice theory and transaction cost which the government should bemarket—orientedor customers,improvethe efficiency of services, the quality and eff

ectiveness of thebasis;from the cost—effectiveness anal ysis was to define the performance goals, Measurement and evaluation,and soon the basis.

Secondly,the newpublic management from theprivatemanagement methodsto absorb nutrients. The new public administration that many private sectormanagement methods andmeans availableto the publicsectorborrowing.Suchas th eprivate sector,theorganizational form of flexibility inadapting tothe environment,and not Weber saidthe rigid hierarchy;outputs and outcomes of thehigh degree of importance (for the privatesector,outputmeansprofitsin a highlycompetitive market environment, we must make pro fitsto provide customers withhigh-quality service,Meanwhile, asfar as possible to reducecosts),rather than just input andoutput weight; personnel management to achieve a flexible system of employmentcontracts and performance pay system,rather than by hiring apermanent office,andso on。

Inshort,the new publicmanagement,and is already by the private sector to successfully used managementmethods, If performancemanagement,goal management,organizationaldevelopment,human resourcesdevelopment is not unique tothe p
