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Conversation 2 Yong Il: Hi. Let me introduce myself. I’m Yong Il. Ileana: Nice to meet you. My name is Ileana. Yong Il: It’s nice to meet you, too, Ileana. I’d like you to meet Tammy. Ileana: Nice to meet you, Tammy. Tammy: Nice to meet you, too, Ileana. Yong Il: We’re colleagues. We work in the same department.
Lesson A The people in my life
1. Nora Nelson
2. Wes and Lydia
3. Two boys
4. Mrs. Hanson
( ) They’re quiet. (√ ) They’re classmates. (√ ) She’s related to Nora. ( ) She’s nosy. (√ ) She lives in 3C. (√ ) She lives in 2A. (√ ) They live in 3B. ( ) They live in 2B.
Conversation 1 Maria: Hi, Junko. Junko: Hi, Maria. It’s good to see you again! How are you? Maria: I’m fine, thanks. How about you? Junko: I’m fine. Maria: Junko, this is Ricardo. We’re classmates. We’re both taking accounting this semester. Junko: Hi, Ricardo. Ricardo: Hi, Junko.
Formal introductions
I’d like you to meet Tarry. Let me introduce you to Tarry. Allow me to introduce … May I introduce myself? I have great pleasure in introducing …
Lesson A The people in my life
Lesson B Special people
Vocabulary Link Talking about relationships
Who would you talk to in the situations below? Choose from the words in the box or use your own ideas. Explain your answers to a partner.
Lesson A The people in my life
Lesson B Special people
Speaking I’d like you to meet …
Work in groups of three: Student A, Student B, and Student C. Step 1. Student A: Choose a famous person you would like to be. Write down the name of (1) person on a piece of paper and give it to Student B. this Step 2. Student B: Read the identity of Student A. Then introduce Student A to Student C. Use formal or informal style. Step 3. Switch roles and follow steps 1 and 2 again.
Lesson A The people in my life
Lesson B Special people
Vocabulary Link Talking about relationships
Read about these people in Mario’s life. Then match each of Mario’s statements (1-6) below with a person. Use each statement only once. 1. “He is the boss in my office.” 2. “He’s a great guy. We like doing things together.” 3. “She’s my girlfriend.” 4. “She’s my cousin.” 5. “We met once — at a party.” 6. “We work in the same office every day.” 1 5 6
1. Nora Nelson
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2. Wes and Lydia
3. Two boys
4. Mrs. Hanson
(√ ) They’re quiet. (√ ) They’re classmates. (√ ) She’s related to Nora. (√ ) She’s nosy. (√ ) She lives in 3C. (√ ) She lives in 2A. (√ ) They live in 3B. (√ ) They live in 2B.
Lydia Mrs. Hanson nosy
Lesson A The people in my life
Lesson B Special people
Listening Nosy Nora
Katherine is moving into an apartment. She is meeting Nora for the first time. Listen to the conversation. What do you think nosy means?
Lesson A The people in my life
Lesson B Special people
Speaking I’d like you to meet …
Here are some useful expressions for introducing people. Introducing people Useful Expressions Informal introductions Junko, this is Ricardo. Maria, meet Harry. I’m … (My name is …)
acquaintance colleague parent best friend girlfriend / boyfriend supervisor
1. You break up with your boyfriend / girlfriend. 2. You have problems with a colleague.
Lesson A The people in my life
Lesson B Special people
Listening Nosy Nora
Listen again. What do you know about the people in each apartment? Check √ ) all the ( answers that apply.
A. Who would you talk to if you had a secret to tell? B. I’d tell my parents, because they are the only people I completely trust.
Lesson A The people in my life
A: Ana, I’d like you to meet David Beckham, one of the greatest football players of our time. B: It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Beckham. A: Nice to meet you too, Ana.
Lesson B Special people
Listening Nosy Nora
Language Notes Proper names Myles Katherine Jones Parkside Apartments Other words van
Wes Nora Nelson move in
Lesson A The people in my life
Lesson B Special people
Listening Nosy Nora
Listen again. What do you know about the people in each apartment? Check √ ) all the ( answers that apply.
3. You have some exciting news. 4. You have a secret to tell.
A. Who would you talk to if you broke up with your boyfriend? B. I’d talk to my best friend. She always understands me and gives me support.
Lesson A The people in my life Lesson B Special people
Speaking I’d like you to meet …
Listen to the conversations. Who are meeting for the first time?
Lesson A The people in my life Lesson B Special people
Speaking I’d like you to meet …
Practice Conversation 1 with a partner. Then practice Conversation 2 with two partners. Conversation 1 Maria: Junko: Hi, Junko. Hi, Maria. It’s good to see you again! How are you? Maria: I’m fine, thanks. How about you? Junko: I’m fine. Maria: Junko, this is Ricardo. We’re classmates. We’re both taking accounting this semester. Junko: Hi, Ricardo. Ricardo: Hi, Junko. Conversation 2 Yong Il: Hi. Let me introduce myself. I’m Yong Il. Ileana: Nice to meet you. My name is Ileana. Yong Il: It’s nice to meet you, too, Ileana. I’d like you to meet Tammy. Ileana: Nice to meet you, Tammy. Tammy: Nice to meet you, too, Ileana. Yong Il: We’re colleagues. We work in the same department.