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协作collaboration 协作 责任responsibility 责任responsibility 技能skills 技能skills 结果results 结果results 中性/有时消极 Neutral/sometimes negative 个人责任制Personal 个人责任制 responsibility system 随机的或不同的Random or 随机的或不同的 different 个人产品Personal products 个人产品
School of Economics and Management
Management Principles
西游记团队成员角色分析“ 西游记团队成员角色分析“Journey to the West ” Team members role analysis
• 唐 僧Xuanzang :最高领导 最高领导tallest leader • 孙悟空 孙悟空Wukong :职业经理人 professional manager • 八 戒Pigsy :组织润滑剂 组织润滑剂Organization lubricant ( 带来快乐Bring happiness ) 带来快乐 • 沙 僧Saseng :广大劳动者 广大劳动者common laborers • 白龙马 白龙马White dragon horse :默默无闻的劳动者 laborers unknown to public
School of Economics and Management
Management Principles
团队成员构成的原则The 团队成员构成的原则The principle of team members composition
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根据需要according to the need 根据需要 优势互补complement each other's advantages 优势互补 专长互补feat complementary 专长互补 技术互补Technology complementary 技术互补 年龄互补Age complementary 年龄互补 气质、性格互补Temperament, character complementary 气质、性格互补
group 明确的领导人Clear leader 与组织一致consistent with
team 分担领导权Sharing leadership 分担领导权 可自己产生can 可自己产生can generate by themselves 积极 active 个人+相互责任 个人+相互责任Personal + mutual responsibility 相互互补的Mutual 相互互补的 complementary 集体产品Collective product 集体产品
School of Economics and Management
Management Principles
Learning Objectives
School of Economics and Management
Management Principles
一、团队的含义(Team's definition) 团队的含义( definition)
互补技能Complementary 互补技能Complementary skills
对一个共同的目的和绩效目标 做出承诺making a commitment 做出承诺 for a common purpose and performance target
共同的方法Common methods 共同的方法
What is team?团队的含义? 5Ps of team团队构成的5p要素? The importance of team building团队建设的意义? Smart rule of team goals团队目标的smart法则 Four stages of team development团队发展的四个阶段 (Team conflict and team culture construction)团队冲突及团队文化建设 (How to improve the team cohesiveness)如何提高团队凝聚力?
School of Economics and Management
Management Principles
团队组织的模型Team organization model 团队组织的模型
School of Economics and Management
School of Economics and Management
Management Principles
团队的5P要素 团队的5P要素Team’s 5Ps elements 要素Team’s

Baidu Nhomakorabea
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目标( ):把工作上相互联系 目标(purpose):把工作上相互联系、相互依存的人们组成一个群体,使之能以更 ):把工作上相互联系、相互依存的人们组成一个群体, 有效的合作方式达成个人的、部门的和组织的目标(form a group with people who are 有效的合作方式达成个人的、部门的和组织的目标 interdependent and in relation in work. Enable them with more effective ways of cooperation with personal, department and organizational goals.) 定位(place):团队如何与现有的组织结构相结合(how does the team combine with the 定位 :团队如何与现有的组织结构相结合 existing organization structure) 职权(power):团队的职责和权限。(responsibility and power of team) 职权 :团队的职责和权限。 计划(plan): 如何分配职责和权限 计划 : 如何分配职责和权限(How to allocate responsibility and power) 人员(people) :是产生协同作用的人员的合理组合。(reasonable combination of staff 是产生协同作用的人员的合理组合。 人员 of generating synergy )
由员工和管理层等少量的人组成的一个共同体, 由员工和管理层等少量的人组成的一个共同体,这些人具 有互补的技能,对一个共同目的、 有互补的技能,对一个共同目的、绩效目标及方法做出承诺并 彼此负责。 彼此负责。 (A community consisting of a few people of staff and managers. These people have complementary skills. They give commitment to each other and are responsible for each other for a common purpose, performance goals and methods.)
少量成员(a few members) 少量成员(a 2-25人(2-25 persons) 25人(212个为最佳(8个为最佳(8 8-12个为最佳(8-12 is the best) 技术和功能方面的特长( 技术和功能方面的特长(Technology and functional speciality) ) 解决问题和决策技能( 解决问题和决策技能(Problem solving and decision making skills) ) 人际技能Interpersonal skills 人际技能 绩效的分离单元( 绩效的分离单元(separation unit of performance) 管理层通过在公司绩效需求之内定义权限的界限和范围来指明方向。一个共同的目的使团队 管理层通过在公司绩效需求之内定义权限的界限和范围来指明方向。 揉成一个整体,总体力量大于单个个体力量之和the indicate the direction and scope 揉成一个整体,总体力量大于单个个体力量之和the managers i within the boundaries of defined permissions. A common purpose makes a team knead into one whole, and overall strength sum is greater than individual power 团队将各种指标转换为具体而可衡量的绩效目标The team converts all kinds of index to 团队将各种指标转换为具体而可衡量的绩效 concrete and measurable performance goals 具体的绩效目标有助于团队跟踪进步Specific performance goals help team track progress 成员间的社会契约与他们的目的相关联并指导他们如何一起工作The 成员间的社会契约与他们的目的相关联并指导他们如何一起工作The social contract between members of the associated with their purpose and teach them how to work together 参照目的与目标不断调整constantly adjust Refer to goals and objectives 参照目的与目标不断调整constantly 在实现团队目的、绩效目标和方法的过程中,团队成员逐步形成默契的配合in 在实现团队目的、绩效目标和方法的过程中,团队成员逐步形成默契的配合in the process of realizing team objective, performance goals and methods , team members gradually formed tacit cooperation 彼此承诺和信任Commitment and trust each other 彼此承诺和信任
Management Principles
管理学发展前沿之——团队管理 the frontier development of Management —— team management
April 24,2011
School of Economics and Management
Management Principles
彼此负责Responsible for each 彼此负责 other
School of Economics and Management
Management Principles
团队(team)与一般群体(group)的区别 团队(team)与一般群体(group)的区别
比较项 Comparison content 领导leader 领导leader 目标goal 目标goal
Management Principles
影响团队产生高绩效的因素Influence 影响团队产生高绩效的因素Influence factors of team producing high performance
School of Economics and Management
Management Principles
团队定义中的几个方面对我们理解一个团队是重要的 some aspects in team’s definition are important for us to understand a team.