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斯蒂芬·茨威格 1942.2.22


Before parting from life of my free will and in my right mind, Iam impelled to fulfill a last obligation: to give heartfelt thanksto this wonderful land of Brazil which afforded me and my work suchkind and hospitable repose. My love fro the country increased fromday to day, and nowhere else would I have preferred to build up anew existence, the world of my own language having disappeared frome and my spiritual home, Europe, having destroyed itself.

But after one's sixtieth year unusual powers are needed in order tomake another wholly new beginning. Those that I possess have beenexhausted by long years of homeless wandering. So I think it betterto conclude in good time and in erect bearing a life in whichintellectual labor meant the purest joy and personal freedom thehighest good on earth.

I salute all my friends! May it be granted them yet to see the dawnafter the long night! I, all too impatient, go on before.

Stefan Zweig, Petropolis, Feb. 22, 1942
